Breaking All My Bones!!!

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hey guys it's going to back inside somewhere walks and today we are playing a game called broken bones I guessing the game the objective of the game is to break around and then you're looking really tall on the scene like everyone's looking super tall like our legs are super stressed out like stressed out look like some slime you're just stretching out all right so we got on this um mouth in here and I think we're just gonna jump down and break our bones this guy looks like he's broken his bones let's do that all right blue oh yes seven bones broken oh yes Oh okay I'm letting go but weird all right broke my feet that's it I wanna break it a lot more okay let's play again well it's fun I like breaking my bones what that no that's not right okay I think maybe we should climb people are coming up there maybe we should climb up the mountain before we fall yeah let's do that all right it looks like there's a tunnel here and maybe I think it maybe leads up all the way to the top so let's go service this is not a run button we shift there's no shift to run mm that's okay I guess we'll just climb all the way up matter burglary okay we'll go up here up we go up up we go alright no funny business alright up up and away you can just fall down here and we'll break some bones but now but it's a waste it's a waste we gotta get all the way tipped up all the way to the top alright whoa we're almost there almost there okay there's the tube there ya up ago up there yeah oh we were what happened what what happened oh I could I couldn't be like this it's so hard to control ourselves like that okay I'm gonna go on blance all right all right I'm gonna continue going up again because I don't know what happening there but like I don't know this girl pushed me and I went back to the bottom I hope it doesn't happen again but that's it's gonna be bad right so I'm gonna try to get myself all the way back up this top hopefully that's not gonna take too long I think we're almost there not really but like almost there sort of okay if we died and we're just gonna climb up in a different way and not this way because obviously we died somehow see y'all teleporting me back then obviously I can't go up that way I threw up this way all right this is the way I'm going up I'm going up this way if we can't go up that way then we're going up this way somehow we'll get to the top somehow all right come on up we go up up up we go all right okay gotta just make sure we don't fall cuz we fall down it's like game over I gotta climb up here mmm not never get a climbing am i oh come on monkey do this do this crime yes we're doing this we can do this that's why we're doing that we can do it so we're doing it here we can't really climb up here come on okay I'm on your head girl is that allowed oh gosh if I just let go I'm gonna slick slide right down so it's not too good my hat okay okay I think we just gotta kind of slide down a bit oh gosh but not too much just a bit so we could get around yeah what don't die don't die come on we can do this just gonna do some mountain climbing all right don't die if we died and I speed yeah gonna be a waste okay come on yes just climb around all right come on all right Mon team like live all right now we could go up up once again all right come on up we go up we get all right all right come on we go up can I just jump on your head okay I'm gonna hire that's good I'm gonna jump all I'm gonna climb all the way to the top over there that might take a while you know that's cool that's good things take what a while that's that's that's what initiation is inspirational good things take a while that's good you could live up to that that's good all right go climb up here again can I jump on your head there yes I did it what so it's a long fine we'll just jump this way go whatever I didn't want to jump down there again I get it was whatever I just latinus buts Oh rock my mind this leg and this arm and a little bit of this glove hand I mostly this leg alright that's good you lost how much money did I get from that I don't know well level my level one yeah my level one well I know wait where am I okay you know what whatever it says level one right there oh wow okay okay I'm just gonna keep on jumping this way broke a lot of bones already one ligament on one bone all right I bought this it broke my thigh and then a little bit of these ones all right but no I didn't mean to mess with money I must press play play all right it's gotta be a more efficient way to break your bones this way this is the way you gotta do whoo this is the way we got it do it you got to break my mom's oh nothing my Mary money I wanted to do all day down there but I didn't we didn't break anyone so we just broke with this one all about it okay let's see it again but this time we're gonna be better we could climb to that side and just jump from there gavel break a lot about laughing yeah okay let's do that but hopefully we're not gonna tell her away because that will be back very bad for any man indeed all right all right let's jump from here let's get it let's do this we're gonna go all the way down Yaser broke a lot of mountains all right let's see-oh 18 okay well good this nah and all those that's pretty good whoa I broke 18 bones that's that's good sprains four and forty ligaments okay new sprain record that's pretty good all right not many I did not mean to breath new yep main menu uh-oh I'm a little too I got lots of money what do you what do you do money get weaker bones what's our the alright let's jump up again we're gonna just do it this way it goes like whatever all right oh I must have hurt ah okay okay and it felt it wonderful live like sorry alright Oh new break record whoa twenty-one bones okay that was a lot changed map well like a change map well I could buy it oh I have to buy it I bought it I bought a new land wait wait not mine when you play [Music] yeah I'm here wait this is oh that's the difference while everyone's over there I'm here I could jump down that rabbit hole that's an option that's where we climbing where we climbing up okay I gotta break any bones oh yeah that broke bones okay oh oh I must have hurt all right only 13 rounds broken that wasn't a lot okay let's play again all right let's get more money to break our bones okay yes it's better one bone broken so far ooh war bonds yeah to owns one ligament but five bones going down this rabbit hole all right kind of sitting down I bro see broke my butt okay I broke 12 bones oh okay no it did not mean the rest that button okay let's continue breaking our bones all right let's stop all I jump more on this side all right jump here this way all right no go down go down yes whoo yes I'm gonna break a lot of rounds yes oh wow beautiful absolute gorgeous well a new break record Oh 49 pounds that's all I'm mostly broken loose but must be parents okay let's change map let's see what can we afford the next one Oh No okay we can't we definitely cannot can we buy money is that an option mm dude can we buy money um no is that not an option can't buy money just can't buy money oh we could do that I'll get never ride I would've been scared there okay this is money so cheap I could just buy this I gotta buy 1 million dollars twice oh wow money is so cheap in this game okay perfect let's go back to me money oh let's go just gonna clip play one more time we're gonna fall one more time here I guess because I don't know what else to do fall once more in this area and now we're gonna move up all of it today I guess whoo oh yeah who died mostly painful all right Broco 19 bones I don't know what's this purple thing doughnut sad about but I got it okay I mean men you want my change back no I pressed the wrong one press the wrong one mmm okay get it we gotta break her once again cuz I press the wrong button black because I'm so smart I just pressed the wrong button all right uber that butter hurts not better her that's gotta hurt and I like that sound effects are weird okay slidin down there oh yeah yep slam down I'm not breaking any bones you're just sliding yep all day on the mountain only 17 that's not my right okay change back okay finally press the right button okay we get a low of 7 all right let's go why let's play level seven who are all day here I thought we're gonna be up there will be there eventually can we just climb there well no I guess not all right let's jump well oh where are you falling [Music] I didn't do anything now seven miles already okay yes Oh thirteen bones ah I'm just doing cartwheels in here ah ah did I die not yet Oh 95 bones there huh oh this is brutal Oh oh wow okay I did that Wow okay I broke 100 in two any two bones Wow my legs are in pain oh no press my menu damn it one person the wrong buttons okay back up here [Music] all right don't fall early cuz I want to make a good jump no no don't don't you dare fall hmm okay just good I just want to run go down and just jump make a good jump no I don't want to fall early because then it's just not gonna be good [Applause] no I don't want to fall early you know it's fine I'll break a lot of bones anyways oh that's a lot already Oh fifty four bones not as much as before both cry it's acceptable 20 bones in that one acceptable oh no that wasn't that much just land in this little pocket okay all right let's give me a it's got to be a more efficient way to break our bones 106 that's a lot okay let's play again all right we've got to keep on breaking these balance that I keep on breaking them all right Oh maybe you could just jump up here I'm les fine I'll try only one why'd I die you know I look at it fine fine got a jump make a good job [Music] whoa yes oh yes we're slipping and we're doing this is gonna break a lot of bounds oh don't know why that's going got come from chestnut why country says what that didn't break a lot of bones I didn't make any but some on it what what is this purple thing what does it mean uh-oh this will Oh this locator I dislocated my arm I think this is good I just cool this located three joints okay that's nice purple dots okay dislocated my ankle my knee and my rice that's good I only broke 85 bones now but yeah but I got good money good money from that okay [Music] okay we're gonna wreck around some more I guess this is cellphone we're doing some cartwheels in the air this is fun Wow oh I got I got this light thing again oh gosh Oh finally gonna make it down to the pool oh not really well near it alright this is fun oh I broke from 94 pounds I dislocated three Joey that's good I sprained 37 ligaments that's good I don't know what a ligament is oh I broke my skull just a little bit a little bit painful my bad that's this is good alright let's go to the main menu get some monies cuz I want to buy me some more money cuz I wanna get some higher mountains to buy some mmm sorry some more bones okay did I break some more months and just one more just in cash you have to sell okay we're gonna play just once more okay all right let's jump shall we there was some morals in the airs our favorite thing ever doing just cartwheels in the air whoa-oh we're gonna make into the pool Wow first we gotta hit the palm tree of course Wow we felt that a lot okay we sprang both for our ankles and our wrists no sorry dislocated joints only works seventy miles okay we're done let's changed map we got to get higher down gotta get higher Oh ten million sorry mmm so we gotta go to the shop first Oh main menu okay we gotta get ten five million sorry so that means we gotta get this two more time you see we gotta get the last one the very last one all right there we go main menu let's play oh it music do one more jump whatever okay fine whatever we give me a speaker like a week jump super weak let you just be here what you don't slow down yeah this is fast just a really fast jump just slide down and trip over I don't know we break our leg okay let's change the maps okay the last level I don't words it's gonna take us but it's gonna take us somewhere let's play we're gonna go we're gonna go all T up here Wow I feel so special okay let's do this oh we're already going I didn't even jump we're just going we're just going for it wow that sounds like it got a jump on there yep yep only 50 pounds Matt isn't that very money not as many as I want oh that was only 60 months on that fault very fall but very far fall in one bow no we gotta break some more that's not acceptable where I live it the highest level and we broke only 82 iPhones come on okay we can do this okay we don't even get to jump we just fell okay all right this is how you gotta be better this is a better site I think Oh ooh that's a lot 44 bones go ahead that's like half of what we got before oh yes sound gets me going not really oh I'm gonna go down there oh that's alright yes all right I'm dead now alright I won't you break record Oh 131 bones that's pretty good everywhere it's been her at least a little but I dislocated two joints what am i uncle I want in my wrist I sprayed 43 ligaments I don't know exactly when sir but I sprained out so yes okay let's jump again this is fun just keep on jumping no can get higher yeah what's this a cave Lee - lava you know no not doing that love is lowered down into grounding we want to go higher that's that's our job we gotta get higher up so we get right even more bones that's our job so what we do if we go higher mm-hmm okay [Music] okay I think this is like the HAI scan get all right where I think I'm about to jump I don't that's about so I get different world I want to go there now okay okay let's jump down huh all right we gotta get down to the earth well jump we're gonna fall on this thing oh ah okay oh this is gonna hurt this is gonna hurt okay but be prepared jump and I knew it fifty two bones on that one we're not gonna make it to the pool that's alright we landed in the splits perfect beautiful Oh a lease will undisclosed can join that's alright we didn't really damage your skull at all alright can we change maps cool you'll even higher wear it what is about what's this place about know so whole new world and you even know about 15,000,000 you know what we'll we'll save that for another time will say that cuz that's a lot okay um main menu alright guys I hope you liked this video if you did smash it like button I'll see you guys next time good bye
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 13,400,174
Rating: 4.7249355 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, breaking bones, jumping from heights
Id: wQnhQSQUrss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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