Jurassic World Evolution: ALL 62 DINO BATTLE ROYALE!!! - Jurassic World Evolution | HD

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hello everybody and welcome back to its big extravaganza the newest battle arena with the complimentary terrain mods as you can tell quite clearly by the well I would have sand however you can't have sand in sandbox is available but Oh welcome yes we have all of the dinosaurs in the game so for all 62 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 and 62 so I had to make another hatchery in order to accommodate for the newest tonsils I've changed this whole place I've spent a while on it while the video was editing in fact actually I am I thought you know I'd also read 60 up here so this so we have upgraded a hell of a lot all the dinosaurs are base level they've all got different skins um so you know though you could be able to see some new or variants of the skins the reason why they're all a base that's because last time we did modified and we all saw what i trolled on a bait like if they were all the same level is Opie proton will win so the same dinosaurs it just doesn't make sense to have them all leveled out even though it kind of does Oh God look at that patch oh no I need to fix it oh that's not it yes get rid of that grass icon remember who the winners over the last one well but we're about to have a battle royale and who will come out victorious are you ready three okay place your bets yes hypothetical better go oh yeah you know let's just release the t-rex shall we and the Velociraptor so all these dinosaurs are arranged now in a different order they are all alphabetical because usually I just put it in the way that the game gives me to them and I thought maybe if I'm doing that all the time we're gonna end up with the same results because the winners will probably come out of last possibly I'm not sure so what I thought I'd do is just change the the entire way the order the dinosaurs go so the newest times was added to this all the albertasaurus the you close setlist are you up Lucifer's really good good and the over Anna source euro plus Atlas may win it's very unlikely however but you never know the or honest or stands no chance because I think it's a Hydra so that you can easy to be one shot the big is changed with this update and concur faceted previous Belvoir ELLs is that Pachycephalosaurus and written track or X and all that just and can actually fight back against small car was making it a little bit harder firm possibly and there we go they're all come out o so who we got we got philosopher from running over here there look at them can you see any fights breaking out just oh there we go our first fight against Carnotaurus and it's a [ __ ] heart yeah it's Park Aradhana Soros Wow look we got it decide oh it don't respects to is take now hates those that could read the source of the burger they're beautiful whoa what we got here Oh Oh a Buddhist or seconds Giggy oh that's not gonna bode well this is already one of the one low health 67-66 oh they're evenly matched ah that's really interesting and easy look at albertasaurus and he's you know about half the size almost is that it over 34 and 66 that can't be AIDS surely now we've only got one dinosaur death so far any other ones oh we got blush up in a Troodon no not gonna face up against each other so I have tried to completely randomized the skin as well Oh what's this tourists are killed by a beautiful what's this Acrocanthosaurus I can't even I can't even tell anymore so these two are still fine interrupters facing up against oh look at it door after looks a little bit different there more purple you see this oh wow they yeah they've definitely changed it you see this is what they do the frontier they'll actually just change and improve schemes without saying anything but make the oh it's not that polar [ __ ] is gone okay Thomas or is gone yeah he's about to die no kick over in now - right - Triceratops looking oh the other swords the overpowered Allosaurus who takes down the Triceratops oh and giga spike essaouira killed great it's so bright at sports this is what I've also those feet is all around there are multiple am Oh always gorgeous it's just like oh hey guys are you doing so the Brachiosaurus as well will not be scared of the carnival's as much as they were a pre patch and their trains are spider up there going for an attack them you all this spinosaur looks awesome what is this is that the wetlands skin what even is that step permit is actually really nice skin and we've got the I've really liked this spinal raft oh my god 61 against what 44 he needs to go for warmer by Disney look at that mouth you can rip him apart you would have thought already scrunching what oh we got a bleeder right spinosaurus has won that one we got rodent to all the Troodons died to a velociraptor however the blonds burger may also fall victim to the poison so who knows that we so what else we got we got a dead and montsouris through the theater all right we've got a dead oh the Aramis or is killed by hunted down by pro pro serrata sores oh it's already so pro oh god is that him that's him Pro serratus was like I think I could the model office or Softline Horace or is facing up elf against it that's really interesting I'm assuming that Ferrara source with Brittany zymotic Oh endo Rutgers is indominus oh that's not a good matchup because I think this a croqueta there's an old car car now so yeah it's already been in a fight so it's probably gonna lose this one hey you'll stunning common and mementos Oris them Wow look at that right how we doing are we doing rhinosaurus or ankylosaur died to rule suka - I think it said I think it said super - what's this whoa it's a lovely sukemasa I think that's the jungle skin man majungasaurus has as a kill everything oh that's a nice common man jumpers are very underrated of all the dinosaurs I don't think many of you have mentioned majungasaurus this is a nice looking dinosaur though oh yeah there's indominus rex what skin is that I swear to Herod Pat I've never seen that one before it looks quite nice or at least like I said I swear they just change them all the time well we got all all-pro sorta sores did die to the Herrera sores now one thing I wanted to change about this is that the herbivores actually have a lot of chances to keep up their health by being able to eat and drink so I've placed a lot of water sources around them up as you can see there's not too many times so scared of Herrera sores actually here maybe they don't find it intimidating I mean it's not really that big but I just wanted it because that really sways the bottle you have all these carnivores that are fighting against other carnivores like this Oh particular service gets indoor after I don't oh we kept our necks against serratus oh sorry I'm the Econo tour is over there whoa Oh two bites is interrupt around it can't be it can't be interrupted sleep killer it's probably gonna get one more hit up for 27 days you're gonna get one more bite hmm depends what kind of state he's in and he's down in dough rafter kills them toes-to-bar on exploring off still over there I think toast is probably gonna die is toast gonna die yeah toast is out interrupted takes him out and toast oh not you we've missed it now oak toasters fly never mind Oh Giggy he's a [ __ ] Giga against chunking a source of course because chunking has source as the unfortunate Oh tell you what though that was a big hit does the unfortunate predisposition of being a bloody herbivore it sucks all of us a let me skip blessed Oh always actually called it off it's a go away leave me Lord yeah I'll get going lower health wow I wonder if that would affect actually Oh indominus rex killed the ankle of doukas that is a shame oh oh starik look at that man oh my god you've got some amazing skins in this game velociraptor seems to be dying he's on low food low water and his poisons have lost doctors out of there who will win the small pika cook who albertasaurus slowly getting its health up there we hope okay it's that it's doing a weave glitter oh just chomps all the time they seem to do that when they get stuck on their own carcasses or what session instead always like to see or what is that oh that's the pro artisodes nevermind Herrara sauce is still it's still admiring its victory own lovely colored Iguanodon running across there who can win ah look at my little foot that is beautiful Oh spina Raptor has killed a Parasaurolophus there yes yes you're very pretty teen spinosaurus recouping its help see this is what happens because all the carnivores fight at the same time they kind of then stopped for a while carcharodon saw something that was killed by what what is this oh I got a virus hundred by interrupting yes interrupter and indominus rex or one of the only dinosaurs to actually to keep on fighting until they die the other carnivores maybe not so Oh Allosaurus a victor in the past who gets indominus rex 98 and 9000 this be the end of the Allosaurus in this matchup I mean it should be look at the size of indominus rex its leg is longer than the whole damn thing right straight from indominus for those and I croak and asuras against Oh indominus rex a cone oh yeah we've already seen that one well what's this shraddha service again suka - or not looking too good for Allosaurus let's have a look at these guys oh that's it Acrocanthosaurus against Kentrosaurus I need to see a powerful winner I need to see her all the head but I think it's out is it out yeah it looks like it's out and Bob takes your town now how the balls going over here Sarada so it's not looking too good these boys and 32 and 32 that they're equally much you kidding me my god oh you Flo suckers get hit on in the wrapper look at them they're beautiful hold on what we're doing this whole time I could have been doing this and there we go oh I guess come on who's gonna win man look like I can't believe this boy he's a sick boy and he's also now a killer boy oh my god there you go but one of the newest titles actually makes a difference killing Indo Raptor Wow how is everything else looking Allosaurus take neuro-matrix at the source yes the pepper buoy how're things going over here it's gonna say the river carnival Harris or us against the commercials I don't think so this seems to be herbivore Sanctuary over here now oh wow it's very muddy I like the crest but it looks like it's covered in poo poo covered in doodoo Stegosaurus that looks like a completely basic skim did I not give him an it's a pattern wow it seems to be quite quiet over here oh the chunking resource did not survive the second match up with digger yeah we're starting to relax a little bit now unless indominus rex is killed these sauropods have won and because now they're not so skittish against the large carnivores I don't know why your cheeks could easy just go over and chomp on it and I can't do anything think about it really but there okay now these days things are a lot karma Oh don't strike skilled what was this memento source oh no I think it was all this thing looked gorgeous and our blood Oh bless it Oh Baryonyx against albertasaurus so we've already got a kill from one of the newest dinosaurs these two gonna win now Barrett's win its fight against Carnotaurus toast but I don't think I'd do this once it's not a fight in a long while meaning then I'll berta soler could it be a Vantage with hell that he's already killed oh he's gone a camper Albertosaurus blenny ago playing BM the long game they didn't ever fight for ages but picked up pirates once it was weak from its fight with psoriasis Arcana toast Sami Zayn's oh look at you little scab oh oh the lovers are squaring up against a cosmos oval we all know that they can't actually fight each other although it would be amazing to see a cosmos or boot hey you tell up asaurus to the sky that would be wonderful we've got metric on the Souris actually getting you stood in it's not a kicker spike a sword that one might be I don't know what did I just collapse there you go that's it that's all I get no flop over time right fine well I'm gonna be killed by something now hope you happy Oh da porra corex kill oh look at that first bird Oh beautiful yes you killed it are you happy now I were to kill more oh he's got a scent of something well you know you can't kill that even though you are a genetic genetically modified monster oh whoa Giga died whoa hold on hold on that's new Giga was killed by t-rex and t-rex didn't take a single hit what what a crazy boy what's this no-till if the swords against Iguanodon the slash Issaquah no I'm gonna win I could bite you run away it could chop your head off to do that Oh spine arrived is still alive after its fight with the Spinosaurus I wouldn't if they will have a rematch there are a Sora's picking off is a high younger sort ah that's what it was how younger social thought Giga Spiker died over there Oh Sarada Sora's killed but is that indominus oh I think that isn't Dominus so where's where is he at now how many kills these guys only got 33 percent health and he's made 5 kills already to stay by the fence she'll be fine although oh yeah yeah please turn away the good good good time wasn't right albertasaurus with 72 percent helper in pretty good stead super mamasan low health with 17% is it dying oh it's gone oh my god I don't know what in forward to put it killed it because it's still hungry and didn't eat anything before unfortunately doing that comfort with Styracosaurus lonely brokenhearted and very uncomfortable yet is still just in the middle having a little snooze you know our 62 has been rounded down to 28 within the first 10 minutes and this is how it goes we just end up now having a lot of dinosaurs or a few dinosaurs for a long time which just because it's really the carnivores that initiate the battles even though their setting is turned on for herbivores to do it but they really don't want to and the carnivores need to recuperate a little bit tempted to kind of heal supervirus but I'm not gonna interfere I haven't interfered in the past I'm not gonna start now unfortunately the Diplodocus managed to get away from the indominus rex and he's on 45% off get and then gain a little bit more but if the indominus rex starts a fight against anything but that african source it's gonna die whoa Stegosaurus oh no doesn't stand a chance it really doesn't stand a chance that is a bit of a shame Iguanodon and the love thesaurus isn't gonna go gonna win I'm really not sure you would have thought right it's huge and is that it oh that's it that's it the love the source is about to get the boot are you ready I'll know the tail go away of the dinosaur and the grind on a second herbivorous kill whoa whoa wait what did you get a buff 44% and his spine erupt on 28% what that's crazy he must have got a book what is your start I haven't boosted you at all sixty-seven attack in 60 defense not bad for an attack and really good for defense I mean if we look at Spina Raptor what does he have 85 and 35 so what we're talking about next to 25 defense on the Steger serotypes but another 25 attack oh so they're quite equally matched so it really depends about 'el I didn't say it who is fighting you're one of these I'm assuming one of these nope it's not one of those wasted trophies or the small card web they just died oh it's t-rex it's t-rex and display no oh my god hold on we need to get in the capture mode for this there you go ah look at that beautiful I think we found our nail [ __ ] event worse for wear really without looking at started you know what if they were good suppose affirm it looks like Spinosaurus is the one who's cowering in fear they're running with its tail between its legs but twixt its legs t-rex looking alright they're a little bit means a little bit of a boo-boo there that's alright bingo he'll do mummy kisses well look if he's going it look at them they're lined up over there ready from to kill and buddy Kearney with oh he's absolutely gianormous and he would starve to death before even attempting to kill any of the sauropods because that's how this game works oh look at all the people they've all vanished well we're actually getting a hundred nod frames per second you'll only see 60 though unfortunately in fact actually I think the human eye can only pick up 60 frames per second I think it is something like that oh I grind on looking glorious therefore it's kill with Dilophosaurus so who has one out of this I think I'll smoke ooh of all the small kind of those died I think there may still be a herrera Sora's hiding away somewhere I'm pretty sure there is yes that it oh he's dying the victor for the small cup who is Herrera sores unfortunately it was too scared from everything else so it's going to die because have the same fate as oh no I croak and the source as well food and water oh my god what's with the club they're all starving to death what is going on oh albertasaurus take it on him Dom it is no way of they stopped oh they've stopped that fight 23 against 22 no albertasaurus isn't gonna kill indominus is he might actually do it what the starts 95 40 an indominus 116 34 so against indominus rex is better and what the killer instinct is wearing down his health and really help actually plays a big role in whether a dinosaur wins or not oh I'm so starved to death what what is this is this something with the patch there's loads of dead carcasses I mean look at the map there's loads of him like the Laura or Lauren a hair a Lauren and I can't even say that name or Laura Titan let's go for over Anna Soros metric and asuras killed it oh these are the only person how are we gonna see a metric of the surahs wing that's a first usually it's a big carnival winning this and we should say really a Guan Don takes the victory for the little cub because he's one of the own actually Pachycephalosaurus or any other dinosaurs like small herbivores that can fight back because I remember same pachycephalosaurus over here but it looks like it's it's died and I don't know where it died or Camarasaurus no it died as well there's only I think three sauropods left Oh full Apatosaurus dregg noctus Brachiosaurus and I think the politicus is yes he's unfortunate in dangerous territory the indominus rex approaching of these wanna go run over Oh 33% depends on the regen albertasaurus dying no it's fine as well what is going on well there you go super viruses just pop now all of us unfortunate spine errata spine a raptor against t-rex oh this can't be good t-rex is barely recovered from his fight with Spinosaurus um the spine of Raptor had the fight with Steger sarah tops but oh I don't know look at the rocks in that background how cool does that look I think spider Upton might have this in the bug oh no it's looking pretty good though two hits from t-rex all value off York's making no noise and I think mayor called off the fight he's still I feel like t-rex needs to bite him at least once maybe that will seal the fate oh look at that oh wow has he killed him no he's still in it he's still in it I may call it off you see the animation on the jowls gorgeous well I don't know again jerks always stays and just watches however if that spinosaurus faces off against the t-rex one more time t-rex could be done it just depends that he started a few battles usually what would happen with this game is it - dinosaurs attack each other then they won't fight anything else until they resolve that fight and we release it seem to be with the first few battle Royales we've had 90% 30 or no spider update please don't have to fight now let's find a source on 72 indominus rex on 43 we've got a mixed bag here but if Thomas rocks dies sauropods survive so hopefully in dogs Rex dies because I want to see some herbivores actually survive this u + ur + herbivores looking really decent it for some one reason it's the carnivores that I have in the problem maybe it's because the herbivores aren't actually surviving so the hippos aren't dying maybe that's Oh Stegosaurus against Spinosaurus nice thinking so I probably don't have a % help he's already been bitten on 30% he's probably gonna die a hit off making a 27 percent lower than Stegosaurus tough no he's not gonna win oh they call it off ooh that's interesting so you've got such a small head Wow did not expect Spanish horse to start - thank you so I don't know what it is but his patches actually balanced out the playing field for whatever we all have t-rex they're eating Allosaurus aim former champion eating a former champion now what your ex needs to do now is actually eat if it doesn't eat here maybe there might be a glitch maybe the carnivores can't eat the carcasses is that what's happening I think that might be what's happening he says he's looking for food but he can't seem to do it oh oh oh that's interesting okay right that doesn't seem fair because the hippos actually do have feeders maybe this is what we need to do maybe we need to put the carnival feeders around in this place maybe this requires a rematch for whatever reason they just can't seem to eat I mean they're all doing this chomping animation next to the bodies but they just can't eat for whatever reason and that would explain why the dinosaurs all just the combos are dying the herbivores are dying because they're eating from the feeders and I don't expect isometric compass or is what that's it sauropods have one met wise metric Antho is it losing health because of food no it's foods actually really good what's going on this guy's killing everything what an underdog is one time so I would not have bet it on it is it is metric at the source that's sure maybe Converse can't eat other carnivore caucuses and as but there's definitely being a lot of dead animals anyway oh you post cyclists with its rigid tail there I don't know what's going on p'tee ryx may be running for some food Spinosaurus is dying spinal out of it and t-rex I don't know what it's doing it should be looking for food if it's healthy comes too low it will just lie down to die there's only a couple of carnivores left actually in fact there's not many her Rory sauce they go starve to death and Dom's Rex killed Spinosaurus starving to death a Buddhist or has starved to death all the Diplodocus didn't make it unfortunately meaning the onio t-rex and what why is he having a fight with Bo like oh no he's gonna lose we need to see this greenie diseases don't wanna cut this goes for the head but is that it t-rex t-rex is gone t-rex is gone is it gonna be out is it just gonna flop oh there he goes Wow King lizard of all of them taken out by Apophis now if the t-rex had eaten maybe maybe this would be different but for whatever reason they're just not doing it they're not doing I don't know whether it's a comfort thing or or what so in darkness Rex is dead Spinosaurus is stopping t-rex has died if there's no other like carnivals of this only metric on the source I think I don't even think this thing will attack the herbivores until it dies we will stay here I will stay on just to make sure whoa spider how did I miss this spy no Raptor or goes for the pounds now Stegosaurus has already been weakened with a fight I think it was with Spinosaurus so lost world he's got a very bloody head but spider Raptor as well and isn't looking too hot that both they've both taken hits and through that's it yep they're gonna run away now well this is t-rex died with its eyes open no pennies for the ferryman for that one I got what I want to see what's polar campuses battle rating and 260 first gone but him for me boys you put you blow surpluses yeah you what was yours what's yours 237 because he killed in the rock that's why my god but metric and the sources actually killed quite a few so its is 513 because he also did kill indominus rex what a champion water legend what a legend spinosaurus not looking too good they're going to starve to death now as far as I'm aware there should be no reason why the carnivores aren't eating that day are they drinking just looking for water I don't know how much harder it has to look it's right there there you go beautiful now it's just no no because we still have metric and the sores and Spiner after in the races we'll keep on going with these two oh but metric on the source is iron him up though look at that from over the rocks he smells an easy kill yeah she's definitely looking at him and he she is changing genders all the time just walking together side by side through the flowers top or stegasaurus is it's bloody dead but this is it this could be the the best battle arena I think I've ever made it's 75 it seems to be definitely balanced for the herbivores favor I don't know why whether the carnivores don't like the maybe maybe it's like oh here it is this is it the final countdown oh this is it and I think we if you've been paying attention and think we know who's gonna win BAM there it is I think that is not it oh no it's finally gonna get hit up always second fight from metric at the source spider up - no you can't take much more far the echo the glitchy animation and down he goes Oh metric and the surahs what an underdog water hero what is that so that's it all the carnivores killed that except for metric connoisseurs bringing its combat infamy is 655 it's made 5 kills its killed spider up it's killed in dominoes sorry indominus rex and plenty of others I can't I can't don't even know it's it's killed so many and we have our champion the sauropods metric a thesaurus and pretty much all the other herbivores because there is a freaking lot of I would say Grandin wins the little cup because it killed the lava source and Dilophosaurus has won about two or three times over Jerome was killed by Velociraptor Velociraptor was killed by Troodon and that pretty much wraps this up I mean magic and the source might start a fight with the herbivores or carnival well has it constant in their compost but other herbivores but because you got 77 attack oh I don't know actually if he was taught to fight with Tigers hour tops he would probably die so I've got to give this as a victory for the herbivores actually not just any in particular we've all worked hard polar caps has killed t-rex you Palouse you close your you clock cephalus killed Indo Raptor and the Stegosaurus took down the Spinosaurus who ended up starving to death over there he's still dying actually he's not there just yet so God ask to be a victory for those of us they rejoice video guys if you've got any other ideas that you want to see maybe any of the battles leave in the comments down below and until next time I'll see you later oh boy
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,131,600
Rating: 4.8671665 out of 5
Keywords: Jurassic World Evolution: ALL 62 DINO BATTLE ROYALE!!! - Jurassic World Evolution | HD, ALL 62 DINO BATTLE ROYALE, battle royale, jurassic world evolution, jurassic world, evolution, gameplay, all dinosaurs, jurassic world evolution play through, playthrough, walkthrough, gamingbeaver, complete, dinosaur game, dinosaurs, battle, dinosaur fights, death duels, jurassic world game, jurassic world fallen kingdom, jurassic, indominus rex, spinosaurus, t.rex, gigantosaurus, raptors
Id: Sbj8j6kfyU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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