Can We Save This Rotted Out Leaf Sucker?

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guys how's it going on this tree on the side of the road it's old lawn back looks like I need some love I can help you with it there's you one clip of it real quick what's the story behind you sat behind your house for a long time and the motor was running uh just needs Hardware to throw it together gotcha Austin it's been a long time since it ran kind of thing yeah I'm sure it can be brought over I just have 18 trillion things I need to get done that's that's perfect thank you had a truckload of junk just got all the sheet metal out of it it's got two flat tires you're trying to get up on the trailer it is a heavy doesn't like it but it's heavy so I'm gonna try airing it up and probably backing it on backwards there's all the tins for it definitely not Cheapo that wasn't so bad yeah compressor blew up the tires and it lasted for about 30 seconds but 30 seconds was enough to get it up on the truck without too much difficulty let's go get this back to the shop see what we can do [Music] foreign foreign back into the operating room get a better look at it kind of looks like a early 80s it's my guess got a flathead on it kind of dates it a little bit maybe 70s I don't have any horse that is it say it says right there five it's definitely been left out in the weather for a day or two bottle still moves I don't know how complete it is the hoses are pretty Raw it's got an extra section that came with it here no rot holes in the trailer part of it just a lot of crud a lot of rust kind of building on it these don't get used very much anyway essentially you fire them up and you know in the fall you pick up your leaves and you use it for two days and then the thing gets put away for another year till next year tires aren't holding there they kind of look like a lawnmower front tires so maybe I'll have something to replace them if we don't use even if you don't use those but it's like somebody already did that doesn't look like it's factory does it a big ass washer behind it it's heavy got a BC frame and hopefully the blower part is okay uh engine I think they're tapered shaft when they have a blower on them a lot of times they have a tapered shaft set up on them so you got to use the same thing over again I think we should probably just make sure we have all our bits and pieces I laid out all the tins over here let me take a few minutes we'll kind of stack them together oh it's got a tag on it no date not just the whoever sold it we'll put all the tins on it and make sure we got all or most of the pieces looks like that's the part for the mower deck so it attaches to it I'm not sure what that would be kind of looks like a zero turn doesn't it all right I'll bring it back we need Hardware let's see what's in the stash we need something roughly three AC like that size to be good there you go take a box of those and you need some washers and some nuts is that where it's gonna fit yes they are I want those galvey ones that way they won't rust oh here you go that's what it looks like all put together I don't see anything that's missing only thing I'm trying to wonder is I'll show you a second on the back is you're pumping a lot of air and leaves in it Air's got to escape from it it's got a lid that goes across the back that one and that looks like it just slides in these grooves on the bottom and it's got latches that hold it I only got like a bolt in each piece then it has this air gap up here my guess where would do that but then there's a separate piece of metal I don't know if there was a piece of screen that went over this or does it just stay open you know what would the purpose of that be I figured that out yet it's a little bit of a crunch in the front corner there let's probably just clip the tree or something so when we take it back apart we just beat it back in the submission but look pretty complete a lot of them uh more modern ones I think with the name on them billy goat possibly the it's like a it's a trailer then it has like a tent that goes over the top of it with like a kind of like a convertible top with uh ribs going across probably those in in this area mice gets them and they eat them to death and they just kind of let air out through the fabric all the way around kind of like a like a bag around a lawnmower and I guess the idea is you're supposed to have this Chute go in you pop that out of there and then it's got a lever you could dump it after you take the back off and then hook her back up again let's um start looking into the engine let's see the biggest thing that I'm kind of looking for damage before we uh you know get carried away let's get that hose off of there that hose off of there we'll look at the impeller see with the condition of that is in I don't know if the idea that the Rope is for what you think that's for [Music] I wouldn't say you want to dump it from the it's got a handle on it too what does this do that's it for moving it around I don't know we'll get that out of our way and let's get those hoses off of there tell me you're not coming off I'm Gonna Knock It Off The Jacksons you know is that thing threaded on there might be foreign place that hose anyway so I still want to wreck it just in case it feels like there's a lip right here I think we have to go twist it see if that'll work there we go we're in someone's rattling around critter that's like a peek inside thick out blades huh I don't think anything thrashed let's get that top one off too [Music] what's been on there a bit down the hole I don't even see a bunch of a lot of times string and rope and stuff get caught up in them and they'll spin up behind and jam up snow blowers do the same thing too all right let's get the uh plug out of it and throw some oil down in there we'll give her like a little spin over just take a look at the impeller make sure she's not all wobbly whack my knee twice on that front tongue right tool for the right job right grab a socket hack yeah it's got some corrosion going on let's give her a little the piston pistolion is all right all right power if you can get the oil can over to that area or squirt let's see what she does she doesn't get in your eye The Poop Shoot there kind of kicked out some dust back you up a little yeah kind of what I was afraid of might get a bunch more thin oil in there let me try it again yeah we might be able to get a wrench on the front of it it did move so yeah let's go get a socket on there see if we can kind of you know rock the Piston back and forth to try to get the free up I think that's where it's jammed up judging by that plug we probably can't go much backwards because the full start will fight us I think if we get to rock a little there it goes definitely feel a bump that it's going over [Music] back down again there's a little bit I think there's a ridge on this top of the right there and it'll pushes through it it won't be a valve it won't be the Piston hitting about because the valves are not over the top of the Piston I think it's just crap on top of the cylinder let's go around one more time yeah see it won't let me go backwards because of the pull start right there let me give it a pull on pull start foreign get it to free up back you up a little I hope we get it to free up so we don't pull the head off but we do [Laughter] you sound a little knocky see you there got a bad motor [Music] you might have a bad rod it's just that hitting that Ridge not sure uh go through a plug-in see if we get any spark out of it I have a feeling this probably has points in it though like sorry put that in aftermarket huh all right see if you hand me you're looking right there don't see anything [Music] just in case yeah the office on honors off or did I have a six yep pop is on it's got spark when it's off go figure uh let's go check and see what it's got for oil if any tools anti-theft devices your neighbor can't borrow it I won't get it started I don't see let's get there's plenty in it and the question is is it blown up or not let's um I'm gonna pop the air cleaner off real quick just make sure it's not a nest in there and we'll baby feed it some fuel see if it'll fire and see if that Clank goes away if that Clank doesn't go away then we know the motor's junk before we do that let's just go give her a crank over take a look at that impeller looks pretty good so you make sure it doesn't fire up and come flinging out of there you know he's living in there foreign looks pretty good shot right in there got a bunch of oil in there too so that may cause they have an issue but I wanted to lube that you don't want to break a ring or something yeah that was the idea of the oil just to kind of help you know rub any of the rust that's on the side of the walls let's back you up and give her a couple like Yanks and see what it does what we got for a throttle position does it even move I don't think it does this one right here so that's an idle man now some air is coming in yeah see if she does guys okay compression it looks like it's blowing it's actually if you can take that I don't know if you guys can see that yeah you've got a stuck intake valve if that's the case that might be part of the clunking too let me put my finger over the plug hole turn that spark off get out of the way a little bit it totally fouled the plug I hope you can see it here it is again Focus looking right across the bridge right there it is bridged right across let me go clean that up go try it again that's just the oil I want to cross it kill spark no no spark will happen when that does that a lot of times it takes a little bit the the real hop like a bunch of rust and crud around the valves once it does fire though it gets a little bit of pressure Underneath It generally they'll clean themselves up not saying that this one will we'll see we get I haven't put any more fuel in it just clean the plug actually sounded pretty good I didn't hear much knocking crap's snowing down the crap that came out of it acorns let's go pull it now and give a good listen to it better Let's uh investigate what we got going on for fuel these carbs are um doesn't have a float Bowl the gas tank is actually the flow Bowl let me get that out of there Shine the Light down see what we got actually it doesn't look terrible see some Rust sitting on the very bottom right there I don't see a ton of rust in the tank that's a good sign over there here's the pickup right there actually prayer looks fairly decent again there's not much to these carbs let's um look at the oil out of it now that we chugged it over a little bit look at the bottom of the tins all rotted out on the air cleaner air cleaner clean shroud is rotted out I may have one of those here if not we're gonna go need one or fix that because that's the cooling for the air and it blew its guts out I'm gonna fire it over maybe that was the knock I don't think so though yeah so what that has a fan it draws air in through here blows it across the top of the cylinder to help cool it well it's all coming out the bottom that's not going to do much now is it so that's got to come off no matter what yeah sounds pretty good no clacky quacky went away that's where we drain it that doesn't fit [Music] it's now [Music] that bleed out oh well that's green let's get that the tin off it we know that's beat anyway plus we want to check for nest material up in here because again it'll make it overheat uh if I take that off later that ground wire going to the top I think that's what they made going to there so I should have a screw I think two on the bottom so I'm holding it that's been on every day Steel on aluminum will play well together we get straight on it with a ratchet she might break it's one of those ones you can't really get Lube in there because it's not gonna do anything it's in the threads work it back and forth sometimes you get the blowout what you need is like on this guy like a little breaker bar so you have to keep flipping the ratchet back and forth you can work the potential one way in the other and we'll see if I got one try that you try to get a little bit more each rotation sometimes like once you get it Loose a little bit then you can put penetrating oil on it because there's a capacity of getting in there every time I really find that doesn't do much and we get yelled at a lot for not doing that but after turning wrenches for 45 years or so you kind of get a feel for what works and doesn't work for you take an air gun and you can get an air gun in there you kind of blow the little bits of there's Gravelly dirt that's that's working its way out and that's what kind of clogs up the all the threads so you have to get that to move away you know again Lube doesn't hurt either I'm gonna hit that with a little bit of air gun and then we'll we'll shoot something in there see a little puffer rust that came out of there that's what I'm talking about I'm now sometimes it'll creep in there and help you a little bit okay foreign galling is the transfer of metal from one to the other and that's just pretty much screwed in especially with aluminum stainless does a lot too stainless bolts does not like to put the ratchet on it I smell victory foreign metal with it aluminum that's in there so what you could do is you I usually I'll take this I'll clean it up on a wire wheel if you can get that out of there that's what happened it transferred material of the aluminum to the bolt and then now that that's stuck on the thread you're still trying to back that whole thing out with that material stuck on the thread so there's some more right there to him that's coming off all right let's even get the other one out of there see that one came out decent it didn't do it that way you see the difference on them now I don't know where the camera wants to focus that throttle cable on the uh wire still connected let's see if we can get that Shredder out of there though a wire nut let's see that's my Factory looks just like a couple of sheetrock screws that they cut back let me uh buzz those two screws out of there we'll leave the throttle do the throttle behind I gotta get off that tin anyway mice eat the insulation off the the grounding wire but that's on the ground side it wouldn't matter anyway because that's just attached to the tin if it was on the other wire that fell off by the way to take it apart so let's um let me take a peek up on my stash here see if I have another one of these uh worst case we could fix that but yeah we have one why there's a pallet of stuff that needs to get put away is that our guy because the three and a half is a little smaller it might be it huh now the this the bolt holes are in That's the older one bolt holes are in a different spot it is a three and a half or two and a half three and a half I think these are not the same size let's keep looking looks like I have a whole engine up here I think that's it kind of look at it right what we'll do is I'll check my the stash at my house let's go see if this one's even very good right watch it be the same thing come on out yeah it looks all right it's already got one bolt out of it we'll keep that in mind if I don't have another one we'll steal it off of that all right well I'm not gonna run home and grab that now so I'm sure there might be even other things that we need to be on there let's see how the governor is hit it again the tire the cone there or something foreign Governor internal on this one yes it is sometimes it's on the fan it'll be a plate looks something like this that's internal I'm not gonna worry about that uh let's get that carb off we know we got to go clean that anyway so we gotta get that guy out and that out just take that Rod off and take the whole tank and everything over and uh start going through it [Applause] what is that the choke lever yeah make a fool out of me ten times will you so there this whole assembly can come out as one piece the carburetor taking two bolts out and it's got a bracket that is down below which is right there which has an issue of having a bolt right there now can I get a socket on do anything with so I think what we're gonna do drill a hole right there with a stepper bit and then in the future we can just get the whole assembly off the next time we need to go clean it you can again as a tapered shaft to get the engine off you know like we just pull out of the way you have to get the uh the flywheel I guess we're going to call it the fan off a bit off the tapered shaft and you know put up with that fight and I think we're just dig digging a bigger hole so instead we'll make a little hole foreign [Music] [Music] see it now see we get out of here okay fuel is going to dump out of it or whatever the is that's in it save the gasket oh yeah oh I'll tell you you'll never get used to that smell of rancid fuel which makes the guy a little bit of rust kind of came out of it let's um get that carb off the tank and probably rinse that tank out there's one maybe I'll get this one with water foreign I'll show you how this works in a second we just eyeball it does not look bad I think what saved it it didn't have much fuel or the last time it was used it just ran it ran itself out of fuel so the way these work if you were to look down inside the gas tank let me get let me go get the little flashlight so down in the tank you can see how one goes all the way down to the bottom one port and the other one goes down about minimum inch and a half maybe that's kind of like a float Bowl if you were to look inside there gas can fill up inside here and run back into the tank again so the idea so this is what's inside the car inside the tank so this one is picking fuel up this one is dumping is um try that again this one's picking fuel up then I believe it's that Port is filling that little cavity that's in here or something like that and it's just a constant loop it's constantly trying to fill that little cavity up and once it's filled up it just drains back into the tank so essentially it's like a float Bowl and then this one right here that you're seeing now this is the pickup that when you're running the engine air fuel mix right there um fuel um the intake charges drawing through the carburetor there's a vacuum so the vacuum is drawing fuel up through here it is metered by the air fuel mix right there and then just run in and then it just has a choke lever on this side to choke it and a throttle plate right there so what makes that work is it has a little fuel pump the fuel pump is a diaphragm that's underneath here and that has two check valves to it so let's go open that up and make more sense what's that once that's open just want to be gingerly with those I don't want to break them sometimes too what will happen is right at the base right where these two meet you'll get a vacuum leak and the Machine will run okay to get to about a half a tank what happens is it just starts sucking air the filters can get clogged also is another thing and um another way out of it too if you fill the tank all the way up of course we're upside down but Satan and you fill the tank up with gas if you fill the gas tank up to here you're already already filling that cavity up so it's able to draw fuel up no matter what doesn't even need the fuel pump right at that moment but if you uh fill it up and then it runs for you know 20 minutes before the fuel line goes down the fuel level goes below that and that's what the issue is and see if we can pry that off of it should be a spring with a diaphragm try not to damage anything I don't know who's sticking to who of course he wants to stick to both sides at the same time right I don't know if I have one so I'm trying to be gingerly there's the check valves here's the diaphragm she just feels terrible let's get that off of there then underneath there will be a spring that pushes it forward and back that's kind of cruddy really simple setup there's not much to these got a lot of crap in it okay remember that's open right to the chamber so as the end the engine doesn't have a an even vacuum pull to it as the Piston is going up and down it makes a pulse well that pulse is what moves that diaphragm yeah she's pretty stiff we will move that diaphragm back and forth and it causes fuel to get drawn in through one port and out through the other that's that's what those two little check valves do the Laos give me a pointer fuel gets drawn up through that check valve so the pulse would go in it would draw fuel up the pulse would go out and the door would close on that one and open on the other one to allow the fuel to continue back through its path and get deposited down in from there down in that chamber let's get the air fuel mix out of there you guys probably sick I'm hearing me saying this the ones that I've watched it before but if you knew first time watching it you'd yell at me and say why didn't you show us it's all part of it that's just a needle and inside here is a jet that um meters how much fuel goes into the engine and by running that needle in you make a restriction by adjusting that needle in and out is how much you do or do not block that Port I'm gonna hold that up to the light sure it's clear they look pretty good why did it actually ruin a little bit I don't know if it would Pump Fuel That diaphragm is kind of crunchy you hear it should be kind of softer I'm gonna go check my stash see what I got when I order one of something I try to order more than one so the next time we got it and let's go take a peek let's see if pan out for us oh it really needs that diaphragm a little baby carb kits check this one that one looks promising see the springs there's different sizes of them though sometimes it actually comes with both of them too see that looks like an old one that I took out which is what we need and hopefully I ordered more than one another one in there what's that it's three of them you notice yeah see how flimsy this one is compared to this can you see anybody out of the shot there you go all right we got what we need good take a quick peek see if I have any more that's a different style of carb actually this might be it that might be the base gasket too not the base there you go all right we got everything we need I'm gonna go take this stuff and put it in the ultrasonic cleaner we'll start getting her cleaned up if we take all the old gasket Material off of there you can take these off too I'm going to leave them on because again they are fragile so I don't want to damage them and let me get some of these kids put away yeah give the tank a couple of these I'll throw some parts washer fluid in it we need all this I don't think so let's put the cap on it and I'll hold my palm over the these ports put some fluid in it give it a shake I'm gonna do that for about 10 minutes and note to self it's full and then it's full it's what happens when you start yapping on the phone you put an oil in let's go see if dinner's done eating comes with a little handle sticking out there the paint's probably gonna blow off of it is it normal that's a Chad worm go rinse that off and bring it back over to the bench I think we're good medium well see they missed much let's do that card back together it's got a whopping like six parts in it so diaphragm with a spring in there new gasket underneath and that's really about it blew everything out washed it out with water tank it seems like it's fairly clean I think I'm a little concerned about is this gasket is about twice as thick as the new one that came with it so they have a tendency to leak where it meets the tank you know especially when they're probably 50 years old like this one is 40 50 years old so we'll see if we run it we start seeing gas sheep out around there I may try to hunt down another one and uh double stack it in the worst case we can uh you know possibly put that one back on there but we'll worry about that when the time comes all right we need a pull start and wheels go check and see what we got at the house and I'll take a picture of those see if we can find a tractor or something with those on the front and we're going wheel shopping this is that Honda Honda Craftsman that we stole the uh mower deck out from underneath it to fix the other Craftsman that we've put together I think it's cold out seeds Froze that looks to be about the right size hopefully we just use it with the rim got kind of blow them up too and hopefully they hold air again this has been sitting for a couple years as a parts machine to get that center cap out of there and just a clip that's inside there to hold them on let me go grab those we're in the backstash shed there's a little bit of everything in here see if we can find what we're looking for for air cleaner that actually might be it right there huh another complete engine well I guess what I'm gonna have to give it up right because he present is more like bastardized ones up here see what we got a mice running do not see yeah so we're gonna have to go pull it off of a motor so grab a set of front tires and brought them over that one's got a tube in it so I don't see much of an issue putting air in it that's holding and then I put air in the other one and a little bubble going there and a bunch of porosity through the sidewall is happening over here so that one's not going to hold so I went over to the trailer look at this I'm gonna need to go grab some more air and some more spray [Music] sounds like it's frying bacon it's got a slight leak to it anyway my thoughts were uh someone commented a long time ago about putting motor oil in a tire and what it does it kind of like rots the rubber or swells the rubber I should say on the inside and expands and takes care of the holes let's go give it a try we got nothing to lose it's already beat anyway so let's go throw some oil in it and see if it does anything this one's really bad it's really got to be corroded on the inside but we'll see foreign that up pretty good and put some air in it we'll keep spinning it around hopefully the oil will take care of the uh we'll make it to where the leaks are so I'm going to put about three ounces in maybe sound good I wouldn't do it on anything that goes fast because it would throw the wheel balance off but this putting around a yard shouldn't hurt it and a little more I'll put the valve stem back in I'm sure it's gonna take a little while too I don't think it's gonna be immediate we have to code everything so looks like it's all the way around if you think you start to see oil come out right I think that tire is just so bad I'm Gonna Leave it sit on those bad spots I'm gonna go do the same on the other one and see what we get on that one while this one's sitting yeah you think you'd see oil kind of coming out with that right foreign it's even worse I already got the oil in it I'm gonna go flip it back over on the other side gonna do one of these see if it does anything for us and choice number three this is an old welding car I have like a Lincoln welder on it and these are the wheels that kind of like wheelbarrow Wheels those axles look kind of big though let's go pop one of those off see what we got if there's any chance that this even fitting I think it might not even clear the uh the tin up on top if not we'll get one more Tire I pulled that off of there I was expecting to see like that plastic bushing in the center it's got roller bearings so I took the wheel off the other one I think that's going to have plastic bushings and that has a roll of bearings with a grease fitting on the outside problem is that's as far in as it can go I think we're shy about three quarters of an inch I think there's a spacer on there though that we could take off maybe I'll get rid of actually maybe all that is that a seal that I want to seal what was on the nothing just go get away with putting that on with a grease fitting I'll just Pump It what I'll do is I keep an eye out for a set of tires like I said these hole there is that gonna work out for us come on oh like right on the money and all that had was a bolt and a washer on it so we'll go with those I can't see anything can you we'll go with those look at that on well I'm gonna go take it apart again and clean it but that should work height looks decent I don't think you're having any issues with clearance no I'm gonna go clean them up and we'll go with those instead of those and I'll just keep an eye out said it because for a good set of front tires we'll probably put them back on those rims you know that'll never happen but as you get something to roll on for free [Music] all right foreign foreign [Applause] well the card's looking along the nerdy side now with those skinny tires but at least they hold air on the other hand the buggy looks awesome looks like it's ready for the beach go uh bring your stuff down across the sand go hang out Daytona for a little while um I'm gonna go and grab the fan shroud I'll chase a couple of things I don't know I may just kind of speed things up a little get some stuff assembled and uh try to get moving with this so let me knock some stuff out I'll bring it back well they look pretty much the same except for the pull starts are 180 out from each other the original one goes off that direction this one we can unbolt and clock let's just go see if that's even going to be an issue though let me just be able to pull start from the other side let's see so that'll make it from this side right yeah I don't think that'll be a problem is there anything over here the hose is on the other side that's probably even more out of your way yeah we'll leave it like that I think we got her all back together ran some new self-tappers for the throttle fast slow all right new brand wires new wires on the switch use the old one for coming up out of here I just left it the way it was and both the carb back on pull start is back on put a new screw with that one that was gold pulling the threads out just took the one that off the engine upstairs that we took put another one on there switch uh got rid of its off on and give it an on off hopefully it's the right direction I think it is let's go dump some fuel on it it's probably gonna take a few Yanks to get you know the uh float ball so to speak primed in it and get it to go but let's give her a shot see how she sounds you have to adjust the uh air fuel mix on the idle too also that coil wire was pretty beat up I ran some tape on I would have taken the coil off the other one from upstairs but the other one was set up for points this one is not so it's not quite the same thing foreign enough I don't want to fill it all the way up because I want to see if that priming part of it works too what'd you do with the gas cap where is it yeah I saw you all right let's go back up turn the choke on we'll give her a couple Yanks keep getting out of it the other thing I see good about having a pull start on the other side maybe you're able to run the gas and stuff a little bit better so choke I already forget I think that's on on we'll give her some throttle yeah that's what she does she purrs thank you let's try that joke what do you think is wrong all of it let's see if we got spark first spark I'm gonna dump a little bit of fuel in it see if you get it to go see if it stays going more than enough I don't remember which way I should have looked huh let's go see we're pretty chokers on I want the choke off right now foreign that should have went by then thank you [Laughter] I debated by putting oil on that little pull start that's what that was foreign it guys pop that air cleaner on it drag you'll get some drag from the air cleaner you can throw the Knicks off a little pretty good though pretty good whatever up yeah pull that pull start back off that'll wake you up huh it's actually the um on the shaft it's the the coupler on the shaft of it that's doing it this it's got some corrosion on it or a little bit of oil on it or grease causing drag and what happens is it tries to uh index the pull starter let me go take care of that should I have should have done it while I had it apart yeah so the problem is right in here this got too much drag on it so when the motor gets over a certain RPM it starts to try to turn it and then that's where you get that goosing from okay unfortunately just gotta take that apart it's got two screws and this is like a big nut this whole thing kind of comes off as a big nut and it's got ball bearings and stuff in it but mostly it's gonna be the shaft I'll show you in a second when I take that off I got split in half right now you can kind of see again this is still like one big nut that that will work off of here as it is right now I just took the two little screws out that hold the the fan uh dust cover off of it and if you could look it down inside let me get it to pointy mode look down inside of there see the rust that's on there that's what's doing it you don't want to put a heavy oil on there you really just kind of want to clean it in general you can see on there just a little bit of rust a little bit of rest on that shaft uh any kind of drag inside there will start to spin that it's supposed to spin free inside there has nothing to do with the pull start the pull start itself is not causing it it's just this location getting uh sat a little too long so I'll get a little bottle brush on a drill go clean that up and I'm probably gonna take the whole assembly off so I can get the balls back in and you kind of like set it on the side set them into place put the two pieces together and spin the whole thing on watch a warm balls go foreign [Music] that up foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] sideways and put it back together again drop all the balls in put this little cover on I'm going to leave this off you could screw this back on now kind of holds these two pieces together but as long as you're gingerly you twist this back on and then put that cover on you you're able to get a better bite on this to get it tightened down thank you [Music] all right but I was afraid you can see it dribbling a little bit of fuel around the outside perimeter there you see it it's all shiny yeah I knew that half thickness gasket wasn't going to be all that great I think we do have to pull it all apart to get that out of there those other thing on these things that kind of suck too there's the two screws on the back of the carb yeah I'll show you how fun do you think of those are look at that right there right there to get out I'm gonna try tightening up a little bit more to see if that helps but yeah foreign figures right now I tightened it up it's still leaking right there because here we go another one's gaskets I'm going to double sack them foreign jumping around and vibrating around nothing's even in its location so I'm gonna go uh put all that back together I think we can uh get the tube from there to there it came with another one that one against the wall right there I think it's a new one and I got something for that you thought I didn't huh yeah yeah I do [Music] foreign so normally we have that set up and the intake would go down and hook up to a mower deck mower deck will still happens to be on the left hand side which is more Uncommon but I got something else that I found yard Salem [Applause] that's for uh hand operation so that connects right to the hose and you can use that like in your garden and stuff and suck up all the leaves instead of your mower deck doing that I really don't need that set up I have a tractor that has a bagger a power bagger on it but I would like something that can go and do adjust that so this was we're going to pick about about a week ago and it was up in the attic it was new I think you could tell by the dust is still kind of on it these are stupid expensive so this is the reason why I started putting that together because this I found it's probably two or three months ago during the summer time that it was outside when you saw me picking it up and this was last week and I said hey I got the two pieces to put together so let's get that junk off of there and attach that is supposed to be for a different setup it would add a couple of latches which I may do later uh I don't know if it buys us anything so I'm just going to unstrap it and hopefully that boot snug snuggles up on there we can tighten it down the only thing is you just kind of want to make it so that when the hose is extended that that wants to face down you know it'd be nice if something had like a little bit of a rotation on it I don't know if it does no it doesn't [Music] work out good we don't want to be straight guys it's just going to suck to the floor you know the ground kind of working on an angle to suck up the lead piles good I see it's uh I don't know we got about 15 20 feet on it plenty of room to work well I figured out what that bar is for and why there's rope on it goes down hangs on the hose and helps support it and then it comes can swing kind of which way you're you're rocking the hose and you're not wanting to go tear it I guess out of there let me see we can come up with a ratchet strap material instead of rope something that won't cut into the hose I know something like that it still has a capacity like I said to swing a little bit I'm going to take this looks like it has a little Jack for the front it's already in the up position of course every time you go to set it down it's going to be you know the hitch is going to be in the ground so I'm going to go drop that plus you know we'll have to worry about trying to cut into the hose that's looking a little mushy I think it'll go pipe wrench she went almost over and back down yeah they might go set it on the ground and deal with that foreign foreign [Music] [Music] show how it works or try it out how it works but it's night that's not gonna happen so we're gonna go try just working with that little bit of leaves that are right there let's back it out see what it does kind of hooked up to the uh forklift the bowl just sticking in front of it normally you just throw that behind a garden tractor and that would be the whole assembly so my guess is we should probably have some screen behind that opening in the back I have a feeling he said it's going to blow out a bunch of stuff but let's just see what we get [Applause] all right thank you foreign thank you [Music] other than the stuff coming right up back out the other side it works awesome chops it up nice too uh I'm starting to get some chicken wire I think it's probably what my best bet is to be going across the back of that seems like it's working just fine this is all wet to it ring drill heavy so it's a little harder to pick up you can see by the water it's still left behind underneath it you think it's doing really good I don't I look nice no it's dark out here the giant vacuum that needs a bag yes uh I knew something I'd be done for that piece of metal you know why it was there so my guess is that you just pinch like a piece of like I said chicken wire probably a quarter inch wide would be a good uh Dimension to it and uh we'll just have that lay right across there so the air can come back out of it did it fill it I mean yeah go pop this lid off they put most of it in the towards the front it probably has like a circular pattern in it makes you know it's dark and I can't see and then it just has the dumper you would just back that up to wherever your compost pile is and there's a latch in the front and the whole trailer will just dump well it marked its territory that's for sure but came out pretty good I'm happy with it uh we're in it for I see I paid 20 bucks for the host setup which is you know they're like 400 bucks they're stupid expensive that that I kind of lucked out on and that's what move this forward I really wanted one of these I needed one for over at the property getting into like I've always got a lot of uh flower beds and Gardens and stuff that you can't really get into you get into it like a like a backpack leaf blower but this will make life a lot easier you just kind of reach over the top and just you know drop all the stuff that's in it I want to make a couple of brackets on it for the hose so the hose doesn't cut in to the Shell of it so I may make like a couple of hooks maybe maybe I can kind of wrap around the outside of it and let that hang right here and I'll just make like a couple of um like garden hose hangers or something for it that's not a different day a couple of the air cleaner back on it how about that tires I'll keep an eye out like I said I got the stock wheels over there I'll keep an eye out for some good lawnmower tires maybe I'll put them back on it if these work fine I'm not even going to worry about it we'll see anyway the other thing is just make sure that the dump lever works and all that stuff is uh freed up I don't want to do it right now and dump it in the garage that looks like it needs a bit get a little bit bent get bent look at that post where it's mounted in the in the fan shroud just needs to be twisted up just a little bit more straight up and down came out good though I'm happy with it Price is Right all right guys I think we've done enough yapping I want to thank y'all for hanging out with me I got some cool stuff coming up more like on the toys side of thing this is more of a necessity that I needed to get knocked out so the next one I'll see you go back oh in the oil yeah it don't work it didn't work on these anyway these and the other ones neither one uh seem to help it I'll see if it let it soak for a day or two if the rubber gets a little on the funky side and stops leaking I'll write it in the comments but I don't think it's gonna work
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 563,653
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Keywords: mustie1
Id: DpaGfh_Ex7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 43sec (4663 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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