June 26, 2016 "How to Worship While Wounded" Rev. Ezra L. Tillman, Jr.

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because you're unhappy with life because you're dealing with baby mama drumming because you got all of the stuff going in your life you can't see God right because your own personal issues but your own says God is still God can we put our hands together and give God a rousing praise amen amen if you really love him make some noise and essentially a man because he's worthy to be praised amen he paid the price to be praised and we give Him glory because he's worthy of his praise let's wave your hand if you can't do nothing else and say he's worthy to be praised what I mighty God we serve and I'm so humbled and thankful to be here today and I often have those reflections when you look back over your life and you say how did I get here amen I'm thankful today and I want to publicly share what privately I thank God for I want to say to you Alpha Street I am a fan of your pastor amen he is a brother beloved and since this water crisis he has proven himself to be a leader not only in this particular area of church but across this country because when the cameras leave that's when you need a friend amen so I salute you for the caliber and the stock you come from because it's evident that this have been invested in you and so to you Alpha Street I want to tell you I love you amen team one team two team 13 14 15 and team six holla back at me Amen we thank God for you these people have come on the streets of flint went door-to-door from hospital to nursing home to YMCA to share and to take the need to the people Amen so we're thankful because you don't see that caliber of Saint in these days Amen there wasn't a what people would take care of you and they look out for you y'all know about sugar and flour Daisy may you send some next-door amen that's not our experience in 2008 men so when you see people who still care about people and would give that time to help people that's worth celebrating because that makes Jesus look good amen I'm glad to have my chocolate baby with me today my wife is here hey that's what I call her a man Stan sister Katrina Tillman is my darling wife amen amen I want to say to you thank you for this invitation to come today and to share it is a blessing and we thank God for you I'm also glad to have my buddy from since childhood is here minister byron Sanders and his wife sister Sanders amen just wave and let me know y'all in the house they men they came to the vacation time to hang out with us we thank God for that if you don't mind please stand with me and turn your Bibles to the book of Job amen book of Job chapter 1 and I want to read the closing verses of that particular chapter amen I believe that would be helpful just this morning chapter 1 and we want to mention reading at verse 20 and following when you have it say Amen the Bible says then job arose and rent his mantle and shaved his head and fell down upon the ground and worship and said naked came out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither the Lord gave and the LORD hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord in all this job sand not nor charged God foolishly amen god bless you you may be seated three I keep all Lord I'm tolling through the storm and rain patiently watching watching and waiting for the Savior ah to come again I'm coming home every day I keep trusting in your Holy Word Oh keep me from the pathway of saying it's all over I want you to write my name above we the gates swing walk on in Oh teach me how to love my neighbor and lord I want you to teach me how to love my place I'm coming home along and we did Saul over write my name above the swing Oh walk in one more time Lord teach me how to love my neighbor and lord I want you to teach me how to love my friend Lord fill me fill me with the Holy Spirit you say yeah we come again Christie in his holy word competition I got we're the cakes Swingle simple town case swing formal concept we where Oh Oh preferably want to talk about how to worship while the wounded how to worship Wow wounded have you ever been mad with God I mean literally you are at church on Sunday morning in Sunday school in Bible class in worship in the choir serving on the door sitting in the pulpit collecting the offering in your mad with God Church is one of those places that you need to know is not exempt from getting your feelings hurt being called of God and serving in capacities to bless other people does not give you a shield from the issues of life in particularly it's one of those things that is willing to us that you can be in the right place at the right time and get hurt by friendly fire I want to set up with you because the sanctuary can be the place where you're assassinated this particular man by the name of Joan has a problem that stems from God but through the devil his life is affected why he is suffering for his namesake he's worshiping he's praising God and personal problems break out in his life maybe you have been that place something has happened it may have been a fellow servant leader who did it to you it may have been your brother your sister a friend who did something to hurt you and you know brothers and sisters hurt is something it takes a while to get over people can tell you be strong and to get over it but but it's one of those things when you have to suffer in silence because you and God alone knows how much it took out of you how much it drained you how much it troubles your mind how much it sorrows your spirit how much it makes your day sad only you and God knows what you're going through as you go in and out of life this is something that is special to me because this text teaches us that you can get hurt in church and many of you may not know but there's nothing like church heard there's nothing like there's nothing that there's nothing like church hurt because when you run to that fortress you run to that Tabernacle you run to that secret place you believe that when you get there then there is something that's going to soothe your sorrows and something that's going to help you but you can find even in the sanctuary tears in your napkin headache in your mind sorrow aching in your heart and I want to share it because many of us may have the wrong perception about God God is a just God and He allows the Rangers to rain on the just and the unjust that that means some people in life can go all through life and they'll be sick and so people come to church every Sunday and everything runs rapid in their life so I don't want you to seek just joining up in the building there is an answer we have to find our place is in God that's what job help us with it's not his environment that is said that helps him to make it it's about his relationship that he has with God for himself he has an encounter brothers and sisters with someone that many of us don't like talking about he has an encounter with the devil let the church say devil you know we live in days where people don't believe in the devil people don't believe that people have unclean spirits and people don't believe that they had the demonic forces in this world but you just keep watching the news he'll show you science he's everywhere and he's busy all the time the devil is real demons are real unclean spirits real this text shows us that it is through the devil the intervenes into this servant this Saints life and caused havoc but the issue is God allows it one day he's offering praise to God in the next day he has 500 donkeys 3000 combo that are stolen one day he's sending up offering because he wants to make sure he covers that which God has blessed him with in the next day 7,000 sheep I'm struck by lightning you talk about a freak accident one day he's given God all the glory all the praise in the next day he has Tim caskets laid across the front of the church and had to say goodbye to every seed God had given him things were wrong in one day Joe knew what had happened but he didn't know why like most of us in our life brothers or sisters things happen in our life and you really round so even if you're tell nobody God why me I mean out of everybody who's doing all type of ungodly stuff God why me I mean my brother ain't I can write my mama ain't right I mean but God why me Joe find itself in that place brothers our system this is the crust of this measure how do you serve when you're bitter how do you really rush your God and you wait holy hands in the sanctuary in your hurt how do you stand and smile and wave and folks when you come to church and you've been crying all night how do you make it through when you want to throw up your hands do the Marvin and Gaye and holler up in this house how do you make your brothers and sisters when everything is going wrong and even if you're serving in church you have a loss should show it how do you have peace and then your mind is messed up how do you bless the name of the Lord in and and you you haven't lost the the zeal to pray how how do you make it win when you know what the answers are and you know where to find help but yet you can't muster up the mindset to say lord help what job helps would understand God a little bit better and in doing so sometimes it's God's plan to place us in situations that will help us understand him I believe this illustration may help me I'm not good at these illustrations but I want to use one to help me get it right this illustration is about a young lady who who was our the neighbor of a gardener and why she's a neighbor to Ghana she always envied enlight and she was mesmerized by the beauty of how this gardener kept her garden and in doing so one day one of gardener wasn't looking this young girl ran over in the yard and she was just gone ting over this four hour it was so beautiful to her she just was mesmerized by but she noticed it was in some dirty muddy ugly stuff she's remained a mind of I'm going to save this flower and she took that flower out from its roots snatched it up took in the house rinsed every piece of sand off of that flower and immediately that flowers start to wither and that flower died then she had enough nerve to go back to the garden from which she stole it from and told the gardener what happened to this flying sheet she tried to explain to her what was going on with this flower she shared with her they listened that particular flower was survived only because I placed it where needed to get what it needed in that particular place yes you're looking you looking from a different perception but it was only at that particular angle at that side of the house that particular file would survive if I placed it there and that is one of the pictures I like to share with you about how ministry operates sometime church plays my life sometimes sometimes your place in some ugly places sometimes you're cut and you put into different situations that's not comfortable for you that's not likely to you but yet God place you there because he knew that was the place you need to be to get what you needed and somebody here needs to understand that so you don't give up on God getting that with God stop coming to church because mama died people always die cuz you lost your job people always lose their job you lost your buyo base he would wake up every day don't turn on God because you don't like what price life paste you a I didn't I didn't mean to take too long Church but I want to make sure we understand some time God is behind the plan some time it's the details in which he has assigned to your life to get the best out of you so now you wounded job shows us how to overcome wounds and worship the first thing he shares was in verse twenty years he's determined to worship wild morning look at verse 20 verse 20 says then little church say then you always ought to have a thin moment in your life because sooner or later the time or to catch up with your reality you can't always live in your sorrows you can always make your pain and make your bed and your mistakes always can you lie up and excuses and make all comes over in other people's life because you can't get over what happened tell your neighbor listen sooner or later you got to keep on living through later you got to go back to work soon later you need a date again soonerlater you need to get your mind together your motions together that comes a moment when you have to get it together then the text says he arose he arose from where because the Bible says he's on his way back down where he arises from - many of our issues we find our comfort and our places of solitude inside of other stuff but not in worship I'm gonna write about because the Bible says he has to arise in order to enter into worship you cannot come into worship when your mind is consumed by everything else going wrong in your life there's some stuff you can leave at the house and come in the sanctuary prepared to give him praise give him honor and give Him glory cr2 quiet up in here that means that me some people in this mine right now your mind is somewhere else help me old age help me old age nobody's here with me but your mind is on I got some bruises up in here on the other side of town you came to church to worship God but your mind isn't here the Bible says then he arose and ripped his mount - and shaved his head which states that he understands so he shares with us there is a period of mourning in all our life no one's trying to tell you don't cry God give you tears to cry cry about it but you got to keep on living mourn about it but you gotta keep hosts ready you put you put the step stilettos back on amen amen get that Beyonce get them dressed and get over and keep on with your life because listen that that's a tomorrow still waiting on you he can't find you if you leave a living and yesterday heroes heroes heroes he went through the state of the morning and then the Bible says he fell down upon the ground and he worshiped he's able to worship church because he understand even in his morning God is the giver help me say that God is the giver so receive this devastation he he received all of these reports from people who was telling him he was losing in life everything was going wrong his employers who was leaving him and dying and moving on with their life everything sergeant Robert his children had died everything went wrong but he was only until the moment he pulled himself together after losing children the Bible says it's time to worship you got to remember brothers and sisters whatever we have God gave it to us and if you lose it he can be the same one who can give it again you can change your view about God and you can change the nature in the character of God because you got dealt a bad deal listen after your bad deal there's also a possibility for a better deal you got to keep on honoring him and worship Him because he's bigger than your problem the Bible says show gotta tore his robe shave his hand then he fell to the ground in worship whatever you're doing whatever you're going through God is still calling you need to tell it to somebody next to you and your pew helped me preach if you and tell your neighbor right next to you God is still in still God tell somebody else on the other side and make sure they heard the word from the preacher god it's still it's still God that's why I like that big my religion because they understood whatever I'm going through with me and God we still can make it no matter how hard to get don't matter how things are unraveling in my life if I have God I still can't make it God is still God and I'm healthy if I'm sick if I'm broke if I'm rich God is still God circumstances in our life often time confuses our mindset and our psychology about God because we always told that we get the sweet by-and-by and things get better with Jesus they do but sometimes God have a different method in order to get you to it in the midst of this job's life was was was in a precarious place because even his friends report was that job was a good man but yet everything went wrong in his life and we can believe in the silence of Joel he could be questioning himself what did I do wrong the miss him going through his crises in life it did not suspend the place of worship and I hope I help somebody here today because you ain't said a man yet and how LuAnn came from the fruity Oh lips and you ain't gave God no glory in the sanctuary because you're unhappy with life because you're dealing with baby mama drumming because you got all of the stuff going in your life you can't see God right because your own personal issues but your own says God is still God John says wherever you go in through you don't change on God God can change your situation well he shares what God is the giver he's determined to to worship while he's mourning while he's in it he still worshiping God tell your neighbor don't quit on God number two number two churches I read this and I look at the sorrow in the position he's in in his life I don't know if I could take that I got boys I don't know if I could take that I mean all at one time ten funerals at one time Harless stop at one time service disappearing all at one time and in the midst of everything going wrong he bounds down and he worships yes God number two the Bible says not only does he show us that God's to give he also showed us God made you a gift God gave you what you have so you can give what you got I wish you would help me real quick God made you a gift he designed you help me real quick jeremiah says before before I knew before you knew me but in your mother's womb I Dane's you I made you what you're supposed to be a prophet to the nation God gave you and equip you before birth what you wants to contribute to life in the earth as itself and he understood this because he shares in the next verse 21 he says and he said naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked I shall return in other words I came here with something but I can't leave here for what I got whatever it is God wants me to do between the womb and the tomb should be accomplished in this life God won't show worship in between the womb in the tomb God won't show glory between the womb and the tomb God needs your hands your feet your mouth between the room and the tomb he made us a gift we can serve and worship when we consider and we can't Riaan God is the giver and God show favor to us by blessing us when people gives the report of Joel's life they must confess this man was blessed for the precursor to his story is that he began with worship and when everything went wrong Joe was found worshiping somebody hearing this through me to know that you got a gift you got that's a praise you need to give them that's a worship you need to give them that's some carpenter hands you need to give him this that's a waving a hand you need to give you need to let someone know I know the man and he's alright I didn't come here not to be a witness I came together because I am a witness we look at the life of Joe we can see the strength in this man's sorrow he does not do like many of us do and take sabbaticals on God he sits in the midst of all of his friends and others who were criticized us and had their own ideas that went wrong he kept his mouth but he kept his worship and somebody here in this room need to understand that your worship is one of the most important things in your life you are designed to be a worshiper I don't care what you say okay how you feel you tyonne take all that it take all that in some mode if the birds can treat the dog can bark help me somebody if the rooster could grow you all open your mouth I heard the Bible said let the redeemed of the Lord you got to say some you you got open your mouth up you got to give God glory his life gives us disap if aney that even when you're hurting it does not suspend worship I'm coming to find out that's when the worship is real I come to find out where no food in the cabinet you got a worshipper when you are waiting to make the payment but the pain made it yet before the payment was due it's a good time to worship when friends won't answer your phone call because they think you call it for money that's a good time to worship and somebody here in this room you understand that God won't show worship you all to give you all the gift you are the gift God gave it to me and it's my duty to give praise to him God is the one who's in the control so if God is using me if I am his vessel I need him to pour into me so I can pour it out that's why some people can't help nobody because God came depend on you that's why some folks look educated but can't use education to help nobody because they're not assigned to life as being a witness for Jesus they're concerned by consuming what they can while they hear but God made us to be worshipers God made us a gift verse seven says in the Bible but the Lord said unto Satan has thou considered my servant Joe that is for me to share with you you might be catching it because God knows you are handled the gift right oftentimes we find ourself in places we don't want to be oftentimes we are the one the family calls on but we wish they would call somebody else sometimes we are the one who always look for but never appreciated our value for what you bring to the team however they are always lean depending on you in the ninth hour but it may be because God understands that you can be trust with the gift everybody can do what you do everyone can give a little leadership like you do everyone can render but leavens benevolence like you do everyone can't handle money like you do everyone can't have a legacy of his state like you do but God trusted you with what he gave you to be a blessing to someone else well as we consider job's life he's wounded but he's determined to worship he understands God is the giver secondly he shows it why I wounded he cannot suspend his worship because he understand God made me to be a giver but also he want to share with us lastly brothers and sisters that we can't we can't take time off when God is the one who reward us for the work see many of us assume because we did something that was enough but God intends to use us when needed his life was in the place and time not only to show us but to show his friends and in house his wife how you handle hurt how you minister when you've lost how you suffer in silence how you keep it to yourself and talk to God about it he's a witness to outside the house and he's an example to inside his house of how you worship while wounded that's one the reason why I love the african-american Baptist Church because when we come to church we come to give them glory we don't come here just in a methodological way we just don't come here amen to learn from sinners to institutionalise now we come to do some hollering we come to do some release and we come to give God some glory come to sing ourself happy we come to turn over to him we come to cast our cares we come to give of ourselves as we look at who God is he's the one it begins with and he shows us he's the one it ends with he entered the world naked he's lost in life he's on his way out naked but it does not stop him from praising God brothers and sisters I'm here and I'm so happy because people ask just how did you do it I kept the principle in my life you have to worship Him because Kay no one fill the void in your life but God no one can fit that place in your life but God only God can mend the broken heart only God can fulfill purpose in your life only God could unleash anointing in your life only God belongs in that place well lastly Joe remained with his integrity shirts say integrity he was trusted by God in his worship I want to close by saying how do you do it you keep blessing the name of the Lord I tried I know you looking for some deep meaning and you looking for some some some Hebrew to come out of that is in English bless the name of the Lord that that's one of the miracles about the Bible is that as God had revealed himself to man he always revealed fresh revelation to who he is in each place each each matriarch and patriarch who came down through the faith had always experienced God and understood who he was in that moment and in that time and they learn to bless the Lord they name certain places a certain place because of what his name is they named him something because they described what God is in our life and I stopped by the shattered eight brothers and sisters we ought to get used to blessing his name that's somebody here ain't said a man yet because he was too quiet too reserved and too laid-back to open your mouth and bless His name blessing speaks about speaking away love you need to practice saying his name my ground was say called his name do you feel better when I come to find out that's power in the name of Jesus I know somebody here in this room when you act within yourself he sounded old-school I show them I believe in the power of the name of Jesus Jesus he is all in all Jesus is our battle s jesus is our ha sparring in the valley Jesus is the Rose of Sharon Jesus is I help her in the time of trouble Jesus is our king of King and Lord of lords is anybody here today to understand who I'm talking about that's something about the name of Jesus and every time I call on the name of Jesus I just can't hold my peace excuse me but that's a reason to bless His name someone here in the room today needs to give God glory for who he is and when you're in trouble you need to call his name and when things are going well you ought to call his name in the morning in the evening late in the midnight hour you need to call his name job showed up don't matter how much hell breaks out in your life his name is still sweet you oughta call the name of the launcher is anybody not to shame to call his name Jesus the one who died for me Jesus the one who paid a price I could not pay for myself Jesus the one save me secure and me it gave me a seat in heavenly places is anybody feel like boasting on the name of the Lord huh that's what helped him to make it through his storm and I believe that'll help you make it through your wounds that'll help you make it through your sorrows you need to call on the name of the Lord he died on a hill call Calvin he died for the sins of the world huh he died huh while we were yet sinners Jesus the Lexus Lamb of God Jesus shut up friend I help him huh do you love him the day do you love him today you must then help me bless His name say hallelujah glory to the lamb of God bless him he's wearing he's word and bless him he's food on my table can I go old school he's crawling on my back bless him he's my life sister Mina when I'm in the house and when I'm outta Jesus stuff he's a prima when you're getting all in Cheever do you know huh you'll wipe your tears in a midnight hour call his name jesus heals up all and all huh it all right in your say yes say yes say yes yeah he's alright yeah look at him out him he's alright huh help me back his folks huh one more time see ya you
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 27,208
Rating: 4.8499999 out of 5
Keywords: How to Worship While Wounded, Alfred Street Baptist Church, 2016, Rev. Ezra L. Tilman, Jr
Id: mrEnVy_O0k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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