May 26, 2013 "I Don't Have Time For That" Pastor Howard-John Wesley

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that's free more than a song it is a prayer that we desire to be close to you God should open our eyes to all the obstacles and diversions that keep us from drawing into your presence and give us a perseverance to push through and press our way till we stand in the center of your will for our lives your word is the tool you give us to help become what you have created us to be today O God I pray that you would speak through your holy word and your messenger you and I both know I'm not worthy to stand for you therefore I pray that you use my head in my heart my mind and my mouth to speak that which is edifying to the kingdom of our Christ speak O Lord for your servants are listening in the name of Jesus we do pray amen today I'll solicit your prayers I seek to venture out in a new direction and preach with some practicality that I pray will be a blessing to someone in this house today so matter of fact today's sermon is a little bit different and if it does touch you I just ask that on your way out just let me know pastor that was for me I'm going to invite you this morning to the Old Testament book of Nehemiah give you a moment those pages are probably stuck together in your Bible that is not a book or a story we go too often but you found you'll find some profound and pregnant prophetic words from the story the life Nehemiah in the Old Testament and if you navigate your way to the sixth chapter the book of Nehemiah let's hear our lesson of life beginning in verse number one Nehemiah chapter six beginning in verse number one if you've got Nehemiah you're in chapter six will you just say Amen if you're still look and say I need to read my Bible more Nehemiah chapter 6 beginning in verse number one now it happened when sanballat Tobiah Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies heard that I had rebuilt the wall and that there were no breaks left in it though at that time I had not hung the doors and the gates that sent Balon and Geshem sent to me saying come let us meet together among the villages and the plain of Oh No but they thought to do me harm so I said message to them saying I am doing a great work so that I cannot come down why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you but they sent me this message four times and I answered them in the same manner then Sanballat sent his servant to me as before the fifth time with an open letter in his hand and it was written it is reported among the nations and and Geshem says that you and the Jews plan to rebel therefore according to these rumors you are rebuilding the wall that you may be their king and you've also appointed prophets to proclaim concerning you at Jerusalem saying there is a king in Judah now these matters will be reported to the king so come together and let us consult together then I sent to him saying no such things as you say are being done but you invent them in your own heart for they are all trying to make us afraid saying their hands will be weakened in the work and it will not be done now therefore O God strengthen my hands look at verse number three why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you do me a favor give your neighbor today's servant I tell them neighbor I don't have time for that you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I don't have time for that about a year ago I was at a pastoral conference and gathered together with pastors who are busy and moving across the kingdom before we went to one of our breakout sessions Keith the workshop leader challenged us in our small groups to list out and identify the most prized possessions in our lives he wanted us to think about the things that we value most the things and we hold near and dear to our hearts the rationale and the reason for that exercise and that experience is that he believed that every now and then when life gets busy you got to remember the gifts that God has given you so he said gather together and think about the greatest gifts God has given you in our group we got together and we started listing out the things that we prize and hold near to our hearts our families our churches our health the calling on our lives the gifts God has given us our talents our abilities getting to list out all these things but in our group Deacon Brooks we landed on the reality that there are two gifts God has given that always rise to the top two things that you ought to always be thankful for because they truly are the greatest gifts God has given you very first thing on our list that we prized and held near and dear to our heart is our salvation in Jesus Christ thought that was a Baptist Amen right there that somebody would say Amen when you think about what salvation and costs the fact that Jesus Christ died in agony on the cross that we might live abundantly we think about all that salvation covers and all the sins that you have made and will make and the fact that none of them fall outside the saving blood and the redeeming death of Jesus Christ when you think about all you had to do was confess to receive it you didn't have to get perfect you didn't have to change overnight all you had to do was confess and believe that Jesus Christ was Lord and Savior and when you think about what costs what it covers and all you have to do is confess it ought to put some rejoicing in your heart it ought to put an amen on your lips it ought to put a hallelujah in your bosom it ought to put some clapping in your hands it ought to put some stand up in your legs it ought to put some running in your feet when you think about everything that Jesus did that you might be the redeemed of the Lord the Bible says the redeemed of the Lord ought to say so and when you know that you've been redeemed from the hands of the enemy should nobody have to make you stand up and say Amen when you think about all that God has done in Jesus it ought to make you rejoice when you touch your neighbor until I'm glad to be saved I'm I'm glad to be saved and understand that anytime you realize a gift God has given you you are under a call and a command to be a good steward of it and how it suggests to you that you've got to be a good steward of your salvation that's why the writer of Hebrews says in chapter 2 verse 3 let us not neglect the gift of salvation Paul tells us work out our salvation in fear and in trembling which means if I value my salvation that every day ought to find myself on my knees in my Bible and walking out the principles of my faith in love and forgiveness and serving humankind there's nothing like the gift of salvation digging frei we kept on going and another gift rose to the top of the list and this one may shock you the second most valuable gift that we identified other than the gift of salvation is the gift of time in the moving shaykh hustle and bustle grind and climb world that we live in time is a gift the too often we take for granted I want you for just a moment early on in this sermon to think about everything God has to do to grant you another day you just just pause for a minute and think about all your sins of yesterday that made today a gift you should not have but God is so merciful and God is so gracious that God looked over all of your sins of yesterday and as low as you fell God still woke you up this morning and you ought to appreciate what Jeremiah said morning by morning new mercies I see because I know that I know that I'm not worthy of this day but it is a gift from God think about if you will everything God had to keep from befooling you all the dangers that could have come your way all the tragedies that could have touched your life think for a minute of all the biological functions that God had to keep in proper order think for a minute of the universe that God kept the Sun from crashing into the earth and kept the Stars in their place think for a minute of everything God had to do to keep you in your right state of mind and you ought to wake up this morning declaring this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it can I just take a somatic survey is there anybody that's just glad to be alive today and you know that it is a gift from God that you woke up this morning that you got breath in your body that God checks you on your way today think about how fleeting time is once it's gone you can't get it back I don't care how powerful an affluent you are you can't make time that we live our lives learning to value the precious moments and even minutes that God has given us wide sage Benjamin Mays was correct I have only just a minute only 60 seconds in it forced upon me can't refuse it didn't seek it didn't choose it but it's up to me to use it I will suffer if I abuse it I have only just a minute but eternity is in it and when you come to value the gift of time I'll suggest you that the stewardship of your salvation also demands the stewardship of your time because there's no sadder scenario than for you to attach yourself to something that wastes the gift of the day God has given you can I tell you one of my pet peeves in life anything that wastes my time matter of fact ought to be an alpha street Amen right there that's why some of y'all come to church at Alfred Street because you don't have time for any worship experience that drags on for all eternity wasting your time just weekend man you know I'm on your street that's why y'all love our power can't wait for next month to get here if you are a steward of time daily you must make the decision of who and what is worthy of sharing the gift of time that God has given you because if you value the gift of this day and you know that tomorrow is not promised to you and you know how to become a steward of the moments and the minutes of life you have to come to the understanding that there are some things that are not worthy of the investment of your time there are some things you cannot connect yourself to there are some things you cannot give attention to can I pause and help somebody grow up this morning I want you to know that every thing and everybody are not worthy of the gift of time that God has given you Paul stop rewind press play everything and everybody are not worthy of the gift of the time God has given you Rasen that's one of the primary lessons that comes to us from the life of Nehemiah the story of Nehemiah begins long before his birth begins in 538 BC in 538 BC at that time the Persian Empire under the leadership of their Emperor Cyrus has conquered the Babylonians and according to Persian principles and protocol Cyrus issues and edict that after 70 years releases 50,000 Jews out of Babylonian exile to go back to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel go and preach past these 50,000 Jews after 70 years in exile returned to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel only to find out that the Jerusalem they left is not the Jerusalem they return to long gone is the opulence the splendor and the awe-inspiring majesty of the Royal City of David and they returned to find Jerusalem a city that lies in ruins the temple has been destroyed the gates have been burned the city lies in ruins and under the bow they commit themselves to the commencement of the rebuilding of the temple as a matter of fact Justin within 20 years the temple has been rebuilt fast forward a hundred years later hundred years later the Persian Empire still rules over the world and now they have a new emperor by the name of art to Xerces and our desert sees is sympathetic to the Jewish people he realizes that even though they have rebuilt the temple that their hearts are still not rekindled towards God let me pause in the onset of any building campaign and let you know that a building does not necessarily mean it's filled with the people who have a heart for the Lord going priests back and so art d'azyr sees sins a prophet by the name of Ezra back to Israel to lead a spiritual revival and rekindle the hearts of the people to worship their God 14 years after Ezra has been commissioned to go to Israel word gets back to our teaser sees and his kingdom that even though the temple has been rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem have not been rebuilt and it is then that we are introduced to a servant a Jewish servant of artaxerxes by the name of Nehemiah Nehemiah is not just any servant however he's one who has garnered the favor of the king why because Nehemiah is the cup bearer of artaxerxes now we don't have many of those around today so let me tell you what Nehemiah's job was any time they brought wine to artaxerxes Nehemiah had to drink it first to be certain it was not poisoned and so when they were having a party and they brought out the wine Nehemiah drank it and everybody stopped to see if he would drop dead before they drink it themselves not a job everybody wants so because of how close he was our desert sees loves Nehemiah and one day he sees that Nehemiah is walking around depressed and dejected and he asks Nehemiah what's wrong and Nehemiah's response is my heart is burdened because the walls of Jerusalem have not been rebuilt our desert sees is so attached to me amaya that he releases him to go to Jerusalem and he sends him with resources and soldiers and says go rebuilt the wall so that your heart will be encouraged and you can worship God sincerely and with a whole heart and so Nehemiah goes back to Jerusalem with the favor of the king need to make certain you put a note right there because it's going to be relevant later down the road nehemiah goes to jerusalem with the favor of the king when you go home and you reread the book of nehemiah it's only 13 chapters you can do it today you will find out that from the very minute nehemiah gets to jerusalem he's got issue and opposition that is led by three non-jewish people Sanballat toe buyer and guess him please make mental note of that that when you go home and you reread the book of nehemiah it's only 13 chapters you can do it today you will find out that nehemiah has some trouble with fellows by the name of sanballat Tobiah and Geshem please memorize those names you are a biblically literate congregation Sanballat toe by oh and guess him and deacon start for these three fellas calls nehemiah no small trouble they mock his intentions they de ride his efforts they malign his motive and they even threaten his life at one point these three fellows send by it sanballat Tobiah and Geshem even form an allegiance with the men of Ashdod to come in and to threaten nehemiah to scatter the workers and ultimately try to claim Nehemiah's life Sanballat toe by oh and guess him but the Bible says that Nehemiah prayed and persevered and he even reached a point where he and his workers as they were rebuilding the wall they had a hammer in one hand and a 9-millimeter in the other and they decided that we going to work and protect and pray and they pushed and prayed and persevered and the Bible says that in 52 days the walls were rebuilt in 52 days Nehemiah does what had not been done in a hundred years that's when the Sun rises in chapter 6 in Lewis and Chuck six the same fellas sanballat Tobiah and guess him get word that the walls have been rebuilt and all Nehemiah has left to do is hang the doors in the gates and they send word to Nehemiah not once not twice not three times not four times but five times they send word to Nehemiah saying come down let's talk we ain't got to be ugly doesn't have to go down like this Nehemiah come on down and let's reason together let's work this thing up let's kiss and make up let's be friends Nehemiah come on down so we can talk about this and Nehemiah repeated reply to the invitation to come and sit down is simply I don't have time for that y'all y'all don't miss it they say Nehemiah come on let's spend the day together and Nehemiah being a good steward of his time says I don't have time for that my fact I need you to practice saying that because that's going to be your homework when you leave out forestry today somebody say I don't have time for that why does Nehemiah not engage Sanballat Tobiah and guess him why does he not come I mean reducer it seems like a good idea we haven't gotten along we're not friends y'all don't like me I don't like you why don't we come and sit down together and try to work this thing out why does Nehemiah declare I don't have time for that that's a good lesson today because somebody I come to declare you're wasting the time of your life and the days that God has graced and granted you by allowing yourself to be connected with people and situations that are wasting the time and the gift of the day that God has given you oh you can't go no we're not got the dough lock come on let me talk to you and share with you why Nehemiah does not engage Sanballat to a buyer and guess him number one I would suggest to you that he does not come down off the wall to spend time with them because he looks at who is requesting his time go look it it's a matter of who is making the request and I'll suggest you that when you go home and you read the book of Nehemiah it's only 13 chapters you can do it today you will find out that by chapter 6 Nehemiah knows that sanballat Tobiah and Geshem are bona fide certified enemies of the work of God if there's one thing he's found out with crystal clarity is that these three brothers don't mean him any good read in Nehemiah only 13 chapters you can do it today you find out that whenever there's trouble with Nehemiah that the list of those causing the trouble changes since Cathy sometimes Tobias listed sometimes he's not sometimes Geshem is listed sometimes he's not but one name that is always listed whenever there's any trouble whenever there's any mess whenever there's any opposition is the name Sanballat as a matter of fact when you read whenever there's trouble Sam Ballard is not always on the list he's always the first name listed cuz Nehemiah has understood that if there's anybody who can't support me who can't believe in me who will not encourage me it is San Valley and so he says why would I waste my time talking with somebody who is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they cannot support the work God has called me to do oh come on let me ease on down the road and slide in your driveway this morning why would I waste my time with somebody who is proven they can't encourage me proven they don't believe in me proven they don't support me proven they can't speak nice to me proving that all they got is a negative spirit proving that all they can do is get ugly proving that they can't say anything nice out of their mouth why would I waste my time with somebody like that what nehemiah teaches us is what I want to pass on to you today that he says I don't have time trying to win the approval of somebody who ain't gonna like me anyway I don't have time trying to persuade somebody to like me I don't have time to care about what you think about me and what you're saying about me we ain't got to be friends we ain't got to go out to lunch we ain't got to hang out on Friday night you don't have to like me and I don't have to like you and it's all right can I help somebody grow up today you got to get out of high school and stop being concerned about whether people like you or not whether you're connected to them or not and whether you need them or not and acknowledge that there's some folk in life that will just never like you they will never believe in you they don't like they mama so they sure ain't go like you why would I waste my time with somebody who's not gonna believe in me anyway you're here here's why Nehemiah is fine with that because when you go home and you reread the book of Nehemiah it's only 13 chapters you can do it today you will find that before Nehemiah got to Jerusalem he started in chapter 1 with a prayer to the Lord and at the end of chapter 1 he had the favor of God with him and so Nehemiah rationalizes in his mind why would I stop doing what God has called me to do to try to hook up with sanballat when sanballat doesn't know I had God before I showed up here and because I had the Lord I really don't need you I don't know who this is for today but you need to understand that you don't need a committee you don't need a council you don't need a majority vote all you need is to know that the Lord is on your side and if God be for you he's more than the world against you god y'all scare me like I got to preach today Nehemiah says I know who it is and you're not worthy of my time that's a rough lesson for someone today so you able to identify some people in your world who are not worthy of the time God has given you but not only does he look at who but watch as this gets deep he looks at why they want him to come talk what is the motivation motivation resisted when you read the letter that sent ballots ins and Nehemiah that we read in chapter 6 here's what the letter says guess him told me that you are planning a rebellion against the king and we need to talk about the rumor I'm hearing soccer you want come on come on guess him told me that you're planning the rebel against king and we need to spend some time talking about the rumor I've heard not pause the problem is that I already talked show Nehemiah went to Jerusalem with the favor of artaxerxes that the king commissioned the work so here's what nehemiah tells them in his response in verse number eight he says listen your rebellion is a rumour that doesn't match my reality he says this is something you heard made up in your mind and are convinced and convicted it's the truth but I know it's not the truth and I don't have time watch this to reconcile my reality with your rumored imagination come on come on come on go and tweet that out correctly I don't have time to try to reconcile my reality with your rumored imagination I ain't got time to address what you heard I ain't got time to be caught up and what somebody else told you about me because life is filled with folk who turn rumour into reality life is filled with folk that think they know everything about you and are confused royally on many fronts light is filled with folk that take what they heard at the beauty salon what somebody dropped at the mall and try to turn it into a reality that you have to address and Nehemiah says it is a waste of my god-given time to address your rumors when I've got other work from God to do I don't know who I can't appreciate a but he is less than - it is a waste of the gift of time God is giving you for you to try to convince somebody inside Apple when they think the Lord told them it's orange confusion mister it is a waste of your time trying to get someone corrected in their thought and understanding the truth of the reality that you're walking in when they have convinced themselves that a rumor has become reality and I don't know who this is for this morning but I came by to drop this squarely on your lap that sometimes when you grow in God you got a recent point where you allow people to think what they want to think believe what they want to believe say what they want to say hold on to what they were to hold on to I don't care if you confuse I don't care if it's a lie I don't care if you believe it to be true all I can do is operate in the truth of the reality that I'm living in and not address your rumors can I give you a page from the PlayBook of HJ Wesley you can't correct rumors you don't know who started them you don't know how many folk got it on the Negro net and there no matter what you say someone gonna say you lying so let me give you a page from the PlayBook of Jesus Christ and understand how Jesus dealt with rumors you will find that at the end of his life there was some rumors spreading about Jesus the Jews it's rumored that he said he was the king and said he had come to overthrow the government and said that he shouldn't pay taxes and when Jesus is confronted with the rumors on him he responds in one of two ways can I teach him to you the first way is when he stands before the Jews the Bible says when they accuse him of the rumors they heard that Jesus never said a mumbling word when he's confronted with rumors Jesus and sometimes the best thing to do when you're living in a rumored imagination of someone is to simply but if that ain't good enough for you when Jesus stands before Pilate and Pilate says this is what I heard about you the Bible says Jesus looked at Pilate and said whatever you say can I give you a mighty good word today that when you hear rumors all you got to do is say whatever if that's what you heard whatever if that's what you believe well as my fact can you practice it today somebody holler whatever whatever here's the good news Saints God is the only judge of your life and why waste your time dealing with something that you will never be accountable for preaching you will never stand an account of people's opinion of you you will never have to give an account to the Lord of what folks said about you you will never be accountable for the rumors that were spread on you the Lord says when you stand before me the only thing that comes up on the plate is not what sister Sally said not what brother Billy put out on you but what you and I know was the truth of the reality of your life so stop wasting your time trying to answer stuff you will never be accountable for him go teach pastor so he looks at who it is and says it's a waste of time he looks at why they want him and it's a waste of time Harbor watch this third when white Nehemiah doesn't deal with them because of how they approached him he said listen this is a waste of time because I can see how you brought it to me and how you brought it is out of order okay come watch us teach Bible as you go home and you reread the book of Nehemiah only 13 chapters you can do it today you'll find a few things about this fellow Sanballat number one he never goes to Nehemiah directly he always sends word through somebody else so the very first thing you admire recognized by Sanballat is that you are a coward no no I'm preaching knock I feel that in all way in my soul down the bottom of my feet that if you got a problem with me and you don't have enough courage to come to me directly but you got to put it out there through somebody else let me just call it what it is that is being a coward because the Bible says if you got issue with somebody you go to your brother face-to-face and y'all talk about it and I'm tired of folk that have a cowardly spirit and can say it to somebody else but Kay say it to you you ain't got to say man a mayan pastor he's a coward num2 what about when he sends the letter to Nehemiah read your Bible you'll find the Bible makes mention of it being an open letter that's a specific phrase for something that should have been private but was made public for folk who didn't have no issue in it so the second problem that neomycin not only your coward but you handled this with an immaturity because you took what should have been a private matter between me and you and you made it a public issue for folk that didn't have an issue and now they're all in the business and they weren't even invited to the party you're coward you're mature and then read the letter the letter also contains a threat Sam Ballard says if you don't talk to me i'ma go tell the king so not only are you a coward not only are you immature but now you feel the only way to get my attention is to threaten me my brother my sisters all three of those are signs of situations and people who are not worthy of your time it cannot be real this morning life is too short for you to get hooked up with cowards life is too fragile for you to be connected to folk who handle things in maturely life is too fleeting for you to allow yourself to be fearful of someone that wants to threaten you and the best thing you can do is to pray God give me a discerning spirit so I can see cowardly spirits so I can see in maturity so I can see threats of violence and not allow myself to be connected in my time with those situations because watch what the devil will do I want you to catch this the devil will try to bring you down from the place of God to engage with stuff that wastes your time because of your ego stay with me the devil will try to bring you down off of the place you are with God to engage in something that is lower than you because of ego because ego says ain't nobody going to talk to me like that ego says oh you want to get ugly I can do ugly ego says do unto you as you've done under me ego says you will not get the best of me and what the devil will do is send cowardly immature threatening people into your life to try to pull you down from the high place where the Lord has called you that you might engage in some gutter stuff and I came by to tell you to stay on the high road and stay in the place of God why because the Lord is my light and my salvation why because the Lord knows how to handle folk who have their eyes set against me the Lord knows how to turn my enemies until my footstool touch somebody tell them stay on the wall I'm done I'm done says listen it's wasting my time because who you are because of why you want me to come down because of how you brought it to me but finally he says listen this a waste of my time because of what you want me to do stay with me Saints Sanballat gets word to me and my says come on let's talk and take note of where he wants to have the meeting baba says they want to go to the plains of Ono and Nehemiah says oh no now now oh no doesn't mean anything to you which is why you want your pastor to do homework before he comes Church oh no is 20 miles northwest outside of the gates of Jerusalem so let me get this right youyou want me to come down and walk with you twenty miles outside of the gates why can't we meet them office downtown why do we have to journey 20 miles outside the gates to Jerusalem why because the intention is to pull Nehemiah as far away as possible from the assignment that God has given him don't miss it here is what the Lord has called me to do and the invitation is to not only come down but to move as far away as possible from what God has called me to do so Nehemiah is put in a position where he's got two choices either I stand on the wall and do what God has called me to do or I leave the assignment of God to deal with something God ain't even in let me tell you why you ought to hang out right there because every day the devil brings a demonic distraction whose only intent is to pull you away from what the Lord has called you to do and what the Lord has called you to be every day the devil wants to add something to your agenda so that now you are distracted from the primary objectives of God on your life dealing with things God's not even in and have to folk on your pew fall for it let me tell you why and as this is specifically for alpha screen did this right here what I'm not saying is for y'all if I have a preacher serving somewhere else I'm gonna take this part out because we have convinced ourselves that being busy is being important and so the devil pulls us away from prioritizing the things of God because we feel the busier we are the more important we are just let somebody ask you for something you will run a list of everything you got to do because that makes you important now this is also for alpha street let me tell you what nehemiah doesn't do and i need you to make sure you pay note of this that he doesn't say to sanballat come on to the wall let me work and talk to you because sometimes multitasking is not attractive when you multitask by definition you're not giving your all to something and maybe they're places where multitasking is appropriate reading your emails returning phone calls on the job that's alright sitting in boring meetings text messaging guys that's alright but what you cannot do is multitask the priorities of God in your life here be if you are worshiping and texting at the same time you're not worshiping don't put your phone up there neighbor saw you your neighbor saw you if you're reading your Bible and reading emails you're not studying your word if you're praying and putting your makeup on one of them ain't being done well not just talking about the priorities of our devotional life but the priorities of family so dad if you're at the game but you're on a conference call you ain't really at the game the one the biggest challenges we have is what Nehemiah commit himself to understanding the priorities of God on your life and making a decision that there's some things I will inherently say no to so that I can give my all to what God has called me to be that if this is what God requires of me and this is what I'll be doing at this time then I will not sacrifice my all to God to try to balance out the things of God and things that have nothing to do with God at some moment you've got to realize eight but one of you and so often we sacrifice the things of God in order to be busy can I help you real quick I promise you this was for free you and you've got to pay for it when you die there will be work left on your desk I'm trying to help you've got to make a decision and and and this is what I closed on I tried to find a way to make the sermon end with folks standing and shouting but that's not how the Lord wanted it ends with just a question that I need you to take home so that after you reread the book of Nehemiah it's only 13 chapters you can do it today that you'll think about this what do you have time for what is really worthy of sharing in the gift God is giving you of this day this moment and this minute some things are not worthy of your time pray with me father in the name of Jesus Christ we gather before you in this moment as those who are appreciative of this day that you've given us of this moment this minute of life and we realize that it is a gift given unto us and that there's some things and some people that are unworthy of us sharing that gift with make us good stewards of our time to not allow us to be engaged and trying to win the approval of people we don't need make us a good steward of our time and not run around trying to persuade people to believe in reality when they live in rumor make us a good steward of our time to acknowledge that there's some cowardly immature and threatening things that we need not engage in because you are the light of our life and God teach me how to make those difficult decisions about giving my all to the priorities you put on my life and not other people's agenda for my life we seek to be stewards of our time this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 101,284
Rating: 4.6697249 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Wesley
Id: xjMz-FWjUes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2013
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