Jesus Responds To Job Pt. 1

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[Music] turn with me in your Bibles to the book of Job at chapter 9 and fresh Timothy chapter 2 verse 5 in verse 6 job at chapter number 9 first Timothy at chapter number 2 I want to talk this morning about Jesus responds to job Jesus responds to job job chapter 9 verse 32 and verse 33 for he is not a man as I am that I should answer him and we should come together in judgment neither is there any day's men betwixt us that might lay his hand upon us both for his Timothy at chapter 2 verse 5 in verse number 6 for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever Jesus responds to job joël in this passage of scripture is is in one of his many arguments with Elif as Bildad and Zophar his friends who ostensibly come to cheer him in his season of great distress but they end up blaming him and laying accusations against him saying to him rather frankly Joel you're not telling the truth because nobody would be suffering like you're suffering if there was no secret sin in your life there's something going on behind the scenes that you're not making us aware of God would not let this happen to you if you truly belong to God be railed against him they've livid one false charge after another they've gone after him for his integrity they've gone after him about his character they've seen Joel just tell us the truth just be honest with us this kind of suffering this kind of calamity does not happen without some great sin and in the midst of that Joel is doing all he can to maintain his integrity though he slay me yet will I put my trust in him all the days of my appointed time I'm gonna wait until my change come naked came out from my mother's womb naked I shall return the Lord gives the Lord takes away blessed be the name of the Lord in all of this jog never charged God falsely but he's growing weary of these accusations because in the midst of his suffering they are piling on with their advice don't you just despise people like that here you are sick and need telling you how sick there used to be someone help me preaching you drowning and they describing how wet the water is and the advice is unsolicited if you don't have anything good to say don't don't say anything at all if you can't if you can't be a help if you can't be comfort just shut up and I promise you nothing is wrong with just shutting up doesn't mean your unspiritual doesn't mean you're not saved it just means there's a time to speak and a time to be quiet somebody ought to help me preach it but then job leaves the sick bed and takes us to the courtroom he essentially puts God on trial and he says I'm not a man or he is not a man like I am I can't argue with him man-to-man because we are unequal in this relationship I can't go up there where he is and he won't come down here to explain himself me so I need a days Minh that where days Minh is an old English word that means umpire it's Latin for middleman I need an arbiter I need I need somebody who can take his hand and take my hand and help us to understand one another it's a forensic word that that means if he were here in person I could understand him and somehow he could understand me it's it's it's the reverse of what David said in Psalm number eight in Psalm number eight David says what is man that you're so mindful of him and the son of man that you would even visit him David is saying how is it that a God who is so great can communicate with a man who is so small but job reverses that and says how can a man who is so small get up to a God who is so great he's piling this on me and I don't understand it I'm trying to talk to him and he wants he's piling on and that is no relenting this stress is more than I can bear I wish my birthday would be wiped off the calendar read it it's right in the book of Joel and if I was going to be born I wish I was still born I should have died in my mother's womb if God knew that I was going to go through this calamity he should have let me be born dead oh that I knew where I could find I want to bring my case before him but he's so big and I'm so small I want to call him the court I want to put him on the witness stand and get some understanding of what I'm going through somebody has been through that I'm not talking to you who got all the answers I'm not talking to you spiritual folk who shout and holler for everything I'm talking to some of us who get mad with God and hear me spiritual people you think God don't know when you mad with him and more than that do you think God is intimidated because you mad with it I'm gonna shocks your Baptist sensibilities but God is not upset because you get angry with him because there's some things that happened in my life that God could have presented why is it that's good people get sick and suffer a long time and know that people who don't even go to church never get a headache [Applause] where's my momma going where's my child on drugs right of my house burning down why did I lose my job these are questions that cried in on us and God could answer if he felt like it but he chooses to leave us in the dark and when we are in the doubt when we're trying to figure it out on our own it makes us angry and job in chapter 9 is anything but patient and let me warn you hoop earring for the patient's of June you better walk softly right there you better tread lightly right there because if you're praying for jobs patience you have to incur jobs trials [Applause] because with great patience comes great tribulation I wish I had two or three witnesses in now if you've never been angry with God this sermon is not for you if you've never tried to trace and track what God was up to and didn't know this sermon is not for you but for those of us who've been in some tight places and God could have got us out but for some reason left us there he could have told us what he was up to and we would have been able to handle it better but he let us be squeezed in that corner and would not get us out job said I wish I had a an umpire I wish I had a referee I wish I had a day's men I wish I had somebody who could put in a hand on God and put his hand on me and make us understand each other it's a double consciousness it's a god I can't understand and a God who I don't think understands me and Jobe said if I had a referee if I had a a middle man if I had a mediator if I had a go-between if I had somebody who could go where he is and come talk to me about what he's saying and then take what I say and bring it back to him I could handle this situation [Applause] it's something like what Jacob saw in the book of Genesis when he was out there by himself and he started dreaming I need a Bible reader right here and in his dream he saw a ladder reaching up into heaven and touching down on earth angels were ascending and decently job said I wish I had something like that I need a lamb I need a I need a telescope I need a a window in the heaven I need a way to see what he's doing so I can understand I need an angel to go out there telling what I want and then come down and tell me what he said I need a referee I need an umpire I need a day's man I need a middle man I need a mediator now let's travel 1,600 years to fresh Timothy chapter 2 and verse 5 and it took 1600 6 to 8 years for the answer to get back to Joe here is what you've been looking for what you need is a meeting what you need is a go-between what you need is a communicator you need somebody who came from heaven to tell you what God said and somebody on earth who can tell god what you need you need a day's men you need a little man I got one for you there is one God here it is and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus let me see if I can make this mixing job said I need a day's money I need a mediator Paul says there is one God and one mediator the Lord the man Christ Jesus what what is a mediator a mediator is one who takes two warring fractions and coalesces in his person the answer to both parties so that both arguments can be satisfied and there are no longer enemies but Fred a mediator takes two warring factions and brings them together in community but how can a sinful man be brought into relationship with a holy God somebody got to become see and they have to become sin in the flesh [Applause] [Music] but at the same time they have to be sinless someone ought to help me shout him sinful man to communicate with a holy God needs a man in the flesh to become sin but still remain sinless [Applause] Abraham couldn't do it cuz he lied and said Sarah was his sister when she was really his wife Noah couldn't do it because on the eve of reconstruction he got drunk in front of his own children Jacob couldn't do it because he stole his brothers blessing and tricked him out of his birthright David couldn't do it because David took another man's wife to bed and had that same man killed Moses couldn't do it because instead of speaking to the rock he struck it and missed out on the promised land Aaron couldn't do it because he was too weak to hold up the banner in Moses stand there had to be a man in the flesh to bear sin but remains sinless so there's a need for redeemer for a mediator that meets the requirements of justification he is the intellect of deity and the element of incarnation residing in human flesh and the only way that we can understand God he had to come himself but now hear me God couldn't come in all of his glory because we'd never be able to get near him to really find out how much he loves us I wish I had somebody to help me preach God could not come in all of his resplendent power because we wouldn't even be able to get near him so God had to seize that power in skin in flesh in something that we could touch and handle and at the same time he could feel our infirmity no human personality could do it no divine personality could do it so the personality had to become human and divine not 50% men and 50% God but 100% man and 100% God that is the essence of Christianity that Jesus took upon him the form of a servant became obedient unto death died on the cross for my sin but remained sinless Jobe said I need a mediator I need a day's men I need somebody who can make God comprehend who can make God understandable it's like it's like me are you trying to communicate with an ant I'm talking about in a bound on the ground trying to communicate with an ant you will never be able to make the connection because you so big and he's so small the only way you can make an ant understand a man is the man has to become an ant because the ant can never become a man pastor that's impossible right with man it's impossible but with God all things because the only way God could save us was to become one of us [Applause] [Music] not a youth spiritual folk in here who think you don't need a Savior because you're so holy and you see no evil and hear no evil and speak no evil and we can't see your wings because you got your sunday clothes on let me speak for the rest of us in here who know that if God took his hand off us if God not you don't have to remove the hedge if he just lowered the hedge we'd be in jail this morning if everything that's true about us could be known we'd have to crawl out of here right now I wish I had somebody to help me preach it don't don't let these choir robes fool you that's some sinners underneath these quarreling don't let these nurses uniforms fool you don't let these suits and dresses fool you all have sinned and I've come short of the glory of God every one of us here this morning needs a redeemer I can't I can't let your determinations of me or your definition of me dictate how I go after what I need [Applause] you remember that surah Phoenician woman she came to Jesus and found him and she said my daughter is vexed with a death I wish I had a Bible reader and Jesus said is not meat to give the children's bread to the dog she said yes Lord you're right I'm not gonna argue with you about that because what I need is so desperate that I'm not going to argue with the one who has what I need somebody ought to help me here what I need is so severe and so urgent I don't have time for no theological debate yes Lord you are absolutely right you should not give the children's bread to the dole but at least at the table bowls get the crumb so if you please clicking let some crumbs fall from the master's table and brothers and sisters when you need Jesus bad you don't care what the answer here you might be you might be in the pew with some Holy Roller some ultra spiritual person who haven't smiled since they got here you've been in your seat since 7:30 this morning and you haven't opened your mouth one time choir saying you haven't been moved perhaps have been prayed and that hadn't touched you yet scriptures have been read you haven't even opened your Bible because you think that's for them people I'm not that bad at least I'm not on the streets at least I'm not on dope well that's what God kept you from you're not on the streets because you've been so righteous God's just full of mercy have I got a witness here you're not outdoors because you're so great and so powerful God just look beyond your folks he look beyond your foolishness and that ought to be reason enough for you to give God thanks that even if nobody else wants to praise Him I will say again I'm gonna say again you have my permission right in the middle of this worship if you're sitting by somebody who look like they dead and lifeless and mean and unspiritual you will not upset me at all if you get up and find you a spot find you a section of people who know that they know that they know that they know that if God took the cover off for you you'd be in Hell right now I need a mediator I need a redeemer I need a middleman I need a go-between I needed a schmuck [Applause] [Music] there's one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus but before I leave you there's something I want you to see in verse 6 chapter chapter 2 of first Timothy a verse verse 6 he gave himself a ransom for all I want you to get this this is the the first and only time that that word is used in the New Testament now in Matthew's Gospel Jesus said he gave his life as a ransom for many but that's not the same use of the word in first Timothy two and six because in first Timothy two and six when he uses the word ransom it has a double meaning it's the it's the Greek word and to Lutron you have to remember that you've got to remember what it means until Lutron is the greek word in the text that means not only does the sin have to be atoned for but somebody's got to take the sinners please I wish I had help to preach it the door has been shut so that I can't get to the Tree of Life that's one half of ransom but the full payment has got to be paid so that the shut door can be opened [Applause] because in the garden he shut the door and not only did he shut it but he put an angel there with a flaming soul so that anybody who tried to get in would get incinerated and so now I need somebody who not only can open the door but give me access somehow don't help me preach it it's a difference between opening the door and going in because you can't go in unless you got somebody to bring ya I've used this example with you and it fits perfectly right here when Victoria was a young girl she had a little gang of friends with her all the time Alex Dunaway and Ciara Mickey and the other little girls that were with her they will always get there was like four or five Musketeers together all the time and I kept and I still have this big candy jar on my desk on the floor in my office and Victoria would come every morning to fill her purse with peppermint to take them to eat in children's church and Sunday school and a little friends Alice and Sierra and the rest of them they were with her they would come with her but they stay at the door and Victoria would come in and just get all the candy she wanted they wanted some but I was not their father [Applause] they wanted some but I was not very daddy I was victorious daddy but they were her friend and so Victoria would come in and get all the peppermint she wanted they wanted some but they wouldn't come in until 1:00 Sunday Victoria said come on yo this my dad is office can I help somebody right here I want to be saved but I can't get in so Jesus comes as a come on boy this my dad is office in my father's back and through Jesus we have access [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 26,481
Rating: 4.7842698 out of 5
Id: PoqQ4OfmZgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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