We Raced the WEIRDEST Semi Trucks in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back here in be G drive with spy cakes and we're going to be checking out some of the weirdest trucks I've ever seen in this game and we're going to be crashing them big time and stay tuned until the end because we have the rocket truck okay Komodo we got our trucks yo I avoided a weit station back there you think I would have passed wait a second uh yeah you definitely would have passed I mean it is a little bit you know it ain't easy carrying Obie's mom in the back of this thing wait what oh she pretty heavy won let him hear don't let him hear you oh yeah yeah yeah he's not here to defend himself so it's not like it matters um but I did notice we have an extremely dangerous downhill Road here are we going to be able to get down this in one piece I think we could do this my long truck is made for this oh my gosh why wait why is yours backfiring and why is it so long I don't know but I just threw it in high gear are you ready all I am ready to go 3 2 1 go go ahe and get a head start start here because I feel like I'm I'm a little heavy um um my wait a second my fuel tanks are rubbing the ground is that is that a good thing or a bad thing don't worry mine is too oh no oh my oh no that's a jump mine are on fire right now oh my goodness they fire uh spy I might need a toe here we got to get this payload to the bottom of the hill I might need more than a toe well I mean do you have something that could maybe assist me I need a I need a slight push off here uh I don't oh you need like a tow truck or something or uh a tow truck or something that you could just maybe bump the back I I think I'm just wedged on this fence on the left side also I'm burning to death in here yeah just hold on hold on I got something oh do you oh sweet oh yeah I'm coming I'm going to help you I'm going to push you down the road okay yeah just just need just a little just a nudge a nudge would do a nudge a nudge okay yeah a nudge just get me off the fence here I can get the payload down to the bottom we're good I'm out of fuel by the way if you got some what is that here we go wait oh no oh a payload well can we get a f in the chat for Obie's mom please F in the chat I'm I'm sure she'll be fine she tough lady very tough lady yeah I'm On Fire by the way yeah uh maybe we should go up to the top of the hill maybe find something else to bring down yeah let's do this all right we uh installed some slight modifications to the uh the T Series here um what do you say we race to the bottom of this hill uh let's do it wait wait wait rev rev Che oh rev check oh it's a whistley boy so uh there is one stipulation here though we're not just racing down to the bottom you're going to need to slow down at the very end and take a right and the first person over the bridge is going to be the Victor are you sure we're going to make it down this this does not look good well just don't hit the jumps yeah I mean if you don't hit the jumps you got plenty of speed I mean you have a turbo like literally right in the face like there is exhaust coming into the cab here and I'm pretty sure this isn't safe I want to roll your window down at least okay I'm ready okay three two 1 turbo Turbo woo okay just let us fol up and then we're going to get some speed but I don't know if we want speed I mean you want speed for at least oh my goodness okay it's a little bumpy um you want speed for a little bit at least uhoh I have like no control you that was a nice recovery though I think I have no clue how I recover that remember SP you're going to have to slow down a little bit I'm not going fast what do you mean we're not going fast we're going pretty fast for a semi- truck going down massive oh my goodness I can flip it I can flip this hold on I just did a sick like I can flip this cork screw okay nope that was a no I'm going to I'm going to reset I'm going back up to the top I don't know if I need to reset you don't need to reset on my screen I saw your vehicle is like in a million pieces Landed It wait you landed are you being serious that you landed it or I did land it I got video proof now I just have the reverse oh no is your reverse now yeah think this is two damag but it's fine I got another I'm just I'm already on the brakes now I'm just I'm trying to actually make it down because I want to win the race wait what do we win you win a uh truck of your own a truck of my own oh my goodness I I wouldn't even go that fast hold on I might be able to land this one never mind I got an idea what if you go down at a moderate speed and then at the end you you boost it you know the bad thing was I was pretty much letting off the whole time okay you said moderate speed okay modate speed just like that 40 40 is pretty good I mean I don't know they might want to call the city or something about some of these potholes and bumps in the road because I feel like my tax dollars are not going to uh good things right now we're we're on an island I don't think there is tax dollars uh well some there's got to be some form of government here right I saw your engine explode on my side but you know uh yeah I did over rev it a little bit I think I accidentally switched to manual and I was just redlining that thing in a second gear but it's fine I'm not even going fast I can't not do this okay you know what cough cough right there right there yeah I just want to complete the course like how did you complete the course no yeah I completed it definitely hold on I'm going to come down here I see debris I totally completed the course here I thought you said you made it I thought you were going to drive off and and win the wait you're blocking the uhoh watch out take this oh yeah fire hold on and then I this you driving wait I reverse out spy then I reverse spy no no do what am I stuck to you okay I think you're no it's fine Los I technically cheated anyways oh well my turbo boy uh it did it it did the thing yeah turbo doesn't go good in Reverse I I imagine you know you're not supposed to do anything too fast in Reverse but you know you you it was it was beautiful though I I must say that was uh very very nice all right um we might have gotten downgrade it license wise but look these uh are beautiful I love them yeah yeah it's called the Carney it's uh four wheels um very very narrow like wheel base but uh you know what it's going to work because we're going to be going down this hill here and if you take a left uh you can make it all the way down safely if you take a right you die so take a left take a left go down the winding Hill and as soon as you make it out to uh the main road here you'll be the winner or I'll be the winner I think I think I follow you I I think I don't know how well it's going to go I mean these things should turn really well so we got that going yeah I also see a fifth wheel do you think these could pull a trailer I mean you could try pulling a trailer but you know maybe we'll try this this way first and then if you want to pull a trailer out you know you go for it all right you ready I'm ready yep all right 3 2 1 go oh yeah oh buddy so I think these might be a little un heavy so careful when you turn oh oh oh there's no there's no stopping them once they go I'm in The Brak SP you're supposed to take a left back there buddy I tried I tried why you got to be in the brakes oh my goodness I'm just sliding was I skitting backwards I think you were skidding okay I'm going to hug the left wall I kind of want to see if you make this corner okay I'm just going to the left wall hit the brakes every once make time oh what the heck I see his name tag coming is are you going to make it you going to make it nope that was a uh no might I might just be sitting here waiting for you cuz I just want to see if you actually made it yeah I made it I I am a professional uh short little bitty truck driver here I'm going to watch you this time come on buddy I'm going to hug the right side slide it slam the brakes slam the brakes slam the BR slam the brakes okay you slam a little too much there that's I think that's you know third time's a charm right or fourth time I'm going to I'm just going to back okay you could just do that all right I'm just going to take off now wait there's a fork in the road did we go I think we go right yeah cuz look like the left side goes up uh-oh I think it was right I was lost when you were telling me about the the area but you know there's a sweet jump to the right that you could always hit you know I wasn't being literal there right I saw it before you even mentioned it don't hit the brakes too hard on these uh they they want to tip forward it wasn't worth it did you make to the road no yeah it this this thing is not meant for this cuz I'm like sliding I cannot even go straight okay go go go back it up I'm a little ways behind you I mean it's it's a handful like it all it's going to take is me sliding off here and uhoh uhoh hit the brakes hit the braks oh what I figured it out and you wanted to do this with the trailer you know the trailer might give you some stability trailers and stability don't go hand in hand SP how how do you have you tested with a short wheeel based semi before well I don't know if I've ever seen a short wheeel based semi before like this this would honestly be scary to drive I don't think I'd like this at all oh no no okay we're good we're good catching up to you I'm catching up are you I think I am I think you are come on come on come on what wait why does it seem to stuck in gear okay oh this is sweet first person makes it look like you're an actual fulls size semi gives you the full experience uh I I would go in a first wait where are you at I'm right behind you wait what I was looking up the hill trying to see where you were uhoh go go okay mine doesn't have a lot of speed though yeah it took me a second to get some speed oh jeez um you know I think you're at the road don't hit the brakes too hard oh you know I feel like you gave that one a value now that was all due to circumstances uh with the first Hill and sliding off it many times I get cool jumping off a cliff Point did did you see what this thing does if you rock it you can like break and hit the gas and it it almost pops a wheel SI wheelie here we go okay my brakes aren't as cool as yours so obviously you do want to pull something with this right did you just K with me yes I did what the what even just happened there okay sure I might have you know uh C your truck yeah I I saw the cab detach itself slightly um okay real quick I'm going to spawn in a trailer I don't think this is going to work but I'm willing to give it a shot are we thinking big trailer or small trailer I would say maybe a small trailer I don't think this thing has a lot of engine power well I mean maybe you're just completely doubting it spy maybe it does have a lot of engine power you know I'm going to grab a big load full on tanker load are we doing tanker loads oh no we got to do um 11 ,000 L of milk 11,000 L of milk um sure the toe wait what's the difference between a tobble and a normal one I don't know I'm spawning one in we're going to hope that it works oh my goodness oh these have M monster truck tires it's fine wait what um I think we might have spawned in the wrong one spy there's a chance that this is not the intended is that working I'm trying to get it up oh it flipped over I'm going to I'm going to maybe grab a different one here I don't think I don't think we're using these in the intended way um they look like they have mini trailers wait a minute there's like some many cute trailers in here look at that this looks like the perfect size for it come on and what am I stuck on uh my vehicle might be broken okay here we go that's not that many still massive I mean it's many compared to the other things like yours has freaking monster truck tires on it so that's true okay hold on hold on is this going to work uh oh oh oh ah you need to pull forward a little bit here you go back up back up I'm touch I'm rubbing the I'm rubbing the two things together why are you not connecting oh that's why I'm offset hold on I got this i got this got to back it in back in back in uh oh okay I'm bad at backing stuff you know it's fine I got this okay angle this way why you oh there it goes I got it you got it I don't know if you can turn with that what are you talking about I know what I'm doing here look at this all right let me get one of those too I can't believe this is actually working this is nice all right spy so our little mini semis are all set up and ready to go here so we're going to race down these Bridges and there is a pretty sizable air strip over here uh so first person to get up on there wins there also is a tiny shortcut I don't know if it's going to be great to use but if you want to use that little bridge over the pond you can all right all right all right I'm ready all right here we go 3 2 1 and we're off awesome I got a little rolling start because my truck wants to do whatever but it's fine these what if I just ped you right off the bridge I could literally end this right here green race where just mini truck drivers having a grand old time oh oh no no I'm not having grind the mountain uh okay I got to reset oh jeez okay uh I'm a good sportman here I'm going to just wait for you okay I'm I'm coming back I didn't realize these were going to have like these have decent speed to them the Turning is really bad yeah I was just kind of slowly drifting I think the top of my trailer caught the cliff Edge and that wasn't great all right I'm I'm flying though I'm flying too I got to I'm going I mean maybe it's just cuz we're so small like 56 has never felt so fast oh my goodness oh my goodness just turn because we're miniature that everything including time goes quicker oh no is that the way that works no what happen SP oh it'd be a shame if I oh oh my goodness hold on is mine still drive that was totally worth it 100% mine still drive spy okay I might have lost my trailer I have no is the steering box oh I think it's oh my goodness it's broken oh that's what you get what do you mean that's what I get uhoh I just spawned back and I might be in the middle of the road here uh-oh okay I had to Reet my trailer hold on I'm trying to turn this thing well I tried to save you there I tried to I tried to get you back on you definitely tried to save me you tried to save me pain I mean did it hurt probably I mean you landed in the water water's soft right I did not land in water oh did you hit the Rocks down below I hit the Rocks down below all right uh-oh I'm going to be the good Sportsman like you were with me I'm just waiting up here by the pond I'm totally not going to get ready to take this bridge attach my trailer oh I just Jack knifed okay I'm good just give me a five SEC 5 50 seconds 5 50 seconds 550 wait I'm not going to be in the road here for you to run me over 550 yo you know I thought this bridge was going to be too small but we have manyi trucks so the bridge is actually kind of perfect oh What's happen I see your name tag coming I wasn't actually SP you're going a little fast there buddy okay you might be going up that but I'm going around I'm cutting right oh my goodness I just hit the ra okay mini truck you could do this yeah the steering's really weird it's almost like it's behind a little bit come on reverse how's it going up there buddy I hit a barricade that seems to be a a personal issue my tires are broken tell them to Unbreak wait why did the camera just switch to up the butt of the truck is is this the left here is this the left take the left take a left take a left I might have lost my load my trailer my livelihood it's gone no no the steering you can get so far behind on it wait why am I out of fuel oh that sucks I'm out of fuel what the I mean this kind of truck here probably doesn't have a big tank I think I actually ruptured the tank no no no no no no no lock it lock it SP it's fine why is this not moving go for am I is the engine off no it's not okay turn turn it just it won't it won't turn because the way the heing is okay turn this way okay here we go this is so painful I have to win one one chall it's left here right stop popping a Willie what what is your truck doing come on it's Road over to the left I can't turn no not the airort you went the wrong way I went the wrong way wait what 100% but this looks like an air strip it is an air strip oh I about I say is this a parking lot to Walmart you know what I challenge you to a semi- Tru drag race look at this perfect Road for it are we doing it in these no okay I was about to say I'm now sick and tired of driving this thing it was fun I'm sending this back to Amazon uh no I'm pretty sure this is something you get from wish or team okay check this out we got trucks with jets right uh-huh so we have a drag strip which is an airport and the first person to get to the end so quick question I've got my hand raised are we supposed to slow down and like Stop and Save ourselves or just go no first person to fly away like an airplane wins this whole video okay I'm ready you crash and die you reset at the beginning I'm pretty sure we're both going to crash and die but yeah we'll go with that okay 3 2 1 start your engines oh my goodness oh yeah oh this is epic oh yeah oh this is bad wait what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing you're going to set us both up what happened to your vehicle nothing I watched it disappear yeah I reset Oh I thought it just disappeared and exploded into like non-existence no that was called uh I might have ran into you on purpose I might be getting LIF whoa you got to survive spy wait what wait what that was your stipulation jump it oh yeah that's surviving hold on I'm I'm coming I'm going to survive too okay maybe one more attempt okay I got I got a plan here I got an actual plan like I got a legit Str I'm not going to run into you either I just need to swing hitting the brakes is a strat I don't think our brakes this ain't no brakes we don't need brakes where we're going spy where are we going uh there may or may not be a ramp on the left side if I can find there it is I think you missed the ramp miss it that's a concrete barrier hey there's ramps there is ramps on the actual Runway wait where so just stay on your lane uh-huh and maybe hug the left side of the road a bit like right about there and just go go straight I shouldn't be telling you this but is this a trick no it's not a trick they're there somewhere is this a trick it's not a trick I saw the ramp by just passed by no there's another one that's a okay so the ramps loaded in the last moment I think they lead into trees I not if you hit the big one what kind of positioning is like hey there's a sweet ramp here but we put a tree behind it that's true that's true okay so middle ramp is what we're aiming for I don't know where the middle ramp is we're going so fast it yeah it loads in so like late that there's a good chance I'm going to miss it okay I think I'm going to H I'm going to miss it I'm going to I hit it so hard it reset me hold on I'm going for one more attempt here there is a ramp on the left side like okay i' seen that ramp it's about 3/4 of way down all right I got this i got this I just got to spot it where is it at why does it not appear until like last moment I think guys see it I see it woo okay I'm going to hit it too here we go wow wow I I don't think I don't think I survived I hit a tree I don't think anyone won this I think we we broke the game and we lost you know it was pretty though the semi- trucks were cool at least I I have to agree
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 270,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive realistic crashes, beamng drive police chase, beamng crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng multiplayer mod, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, camodo gaming beamng, beamng drive mods, beamng lamborghini, expensive fails, expensive car, supercar, supercar crashes, car, car accident, beamng multiplayer, beamng high speed crashes, beamng high speed police chase, beamng semi truck, beamng weird truck
Id: Q83fWT4AKOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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