Dangerous Police Chases with Buses and Planes in BeamNG Drive Mods Multiplayer!

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oh you to be fair I just dog piled in with you guys all right pun oh my goodness so today we're back with some police chases here in beam multiplayer folks these are going to be the most chaotic chases we've ever done we've got buses planes and lots of death so stay tuned until the end to see who escapes and let's jump in dude you really think you're going to beat me in that car we have the exact same car bud I mean but mine looks cooler it's R oh the fuzz all right pull it over Neil wait I told you this was going to happen man I mean it's F this is too nice nice of a neighborhood you should have known there was going to be cops around wait why does he have a camera on top of his uh police vehicle are we about to be on Cops dude I can't dude my face can't be seen on TV we got a you got a safe house right got it yeah straight to the red house we know where it is there's more wait wait did they have cop buddies already ready to go it's a setup I could have swore that siren back there was screaming at me uh should we split should we split do you know how to get there not really I'm going to guess me either I'm just driving wait I thought it was your safe house roblock roblock uh go to the gas station I know of the safe house but I've never been to the safe house you know is it a bad idea to go off-roading here in this thing yeah definitely well I just did it I cut off at the gas station there's that dirt road behind it oh my goodness find out if you find the Red House tell me about it tell me how to get there yeah I'll tell you what it looks like I'll be like hey Neil it's red was this a mistake I feel like I'm going in the opposite direction of where I need to be going I didn't look to see where I was going before we actually started I hope this wait how's uhoh I got a car in front of me wait is it Ash I'm home free they didn't follow me at all wait they followed me during this whole thing you got to be kidding me oh I don't see anybody the car behind me oh it's Ash OH Shadow over oh my goodness G oh no it's Gaff is the big red house the one that's like a farmhouse uh it kind of I think it looks like a farmhous uh oh I have made a mistake I hear sirens can I get through this whoa oh my goodness I can't I got one on me now so I have found myself in probably the tightest uh like Little Rock area right now oh okay are you in a pickle uh a little bit I'm going to node a little bit over over a rock where am I even going I'm at the river how did I end up down here we should have set way points in our GPS that probably would have made more sense oh okay hold on I'm still going I don't think they can unless somebody's got an off-roading truck I'm going to see if I can pull over here maybe oh you going to try to find yeah yeah uh see if you can get there and try to guide me because oh no sooya I can't I got a copyright on me dude I can't believe I'm driving up the side of this freaking thing I'm I'm in like an off-road section like I don't even recall this part of the map no what happened I have a 80s Italian sports car police I must something they uh got from like a a dealer or something confiscate it wait I made it out how did I get out of that I mean to be fair I had a node grab for just a second the super car's beating me up I am on a road I don't do you have anybody around you can you set a waypoint wait oh Shadows is in front of me uh I don't know where the I don't do I have time to do this I think I have time hold on uh boom okay I'm going to look at the map looking at the map looking at the map oh my goodness the the thing is on the opposite end I can't believe how far off I am uhoh no camera car is here oh I'm out of fuel I punctured my fuel tank oh no Neil you're going to have to get there buddy how's it going I'm being chased by the Italian EXO okay uh I will guide you to the destination as long as one of us makes it here okay um if you go forward uh when you get over the bridge take a hard right I think I I think I see The Farmhouse we're trying to get to uh right's coming up right's coming up just don't let them know what you're doing there you go they crushed each other there you go take a right okay so I got an aerial view uh you're going to take a left Shadow is coming at you at high rate of speed okay uh keep going there's a right coming or left coming up here take a left here oh ow uhoh Neil this is basically the driveway go take a left got to get off up here take another left take a left here oh yeah there it is there it is yeah Budd get in there that's close enough oh my goodness get out the car get out the car run off running watch out the camera Cruise behind you no I don't want to be on Cops no I made it too late camera Cruise right there starts the 5 Hour standoff I somehow got like in a weird spot and I thought I was going to make it out I thought it was plenty fine but I busted my fuel tank down in the offroad section hey did you have your police scanner on that you can see the messages from the police on the bottom there yeah it looks like a one in custody and uh somebody's going on a lunch break you know what why don't we join the police for once I feel like we're never on the police you know yeah yeah all right Neil how does it feel to finally be on the force here oh it's amazing the power the power you already power hungry right now yeah man I want to I want to wreck somebody I got this all this car well you know funny thing is I heard that um we got a couple suspects potentially about to rob the gas station up here don't ask me how I know that inside information I mean considering what we were doing before we joined the force we're kind of in with that crowd you know yeah yeah it's like a little bit of undercover work noil I think we're getting the call I think they're robbing it lights and Sirens boys here we go all right slide in Block the X exit oh look there they are yep in progress oh buddy oh um they're taking off they're taking off oh we got some Racers here oh you got to be kidding me all right sliding around no I just hit with my car off down no oh nice drift H that was clean all right we got a air support you see Shadows up there oh yeah I mean he's not the same like he should be in the same voice chat as us yeah for real it's fine okay who I'm going to go after the old blue car blue car uh somebody's in front of you sving a little bit who is that that would be Oto I mean we got to punt Oto right yeah he's probably going to wreck himself honestly if we don't yeah this is true oh I got name tags where is he going does he even know where he's going wait you are they using the same safe houses that we were I think they are yeah oh you've got to be kidding me I'm catching him though should I punt him uh yeah he's going to have to slow down here a lot oh there we go oh jeez oh I am wrecked you are missing a tire on my screen you you did it oh you to be fair I just dog piled in with you guys all right pun oh my goodness he just hit a tree he just hit the light pole there all right that's one in custody probably Dead uh that yep going to have to call the Corner van out uh I did not mean to launch him up on the telephone pole there but we need to find everybody else now okay uh let's see gav's behind me I I think we got to go left here oh that is a pole uh where's the where's the safe house they split off wait spieler made it out already oh it's this turn right here okay coming up behind you uh got any visual not yet but I do see some T there some signatures up here heat well if they got separated it we're probably good or did they both get away up here oh look suspects are outside the house both of them are just spieler uh no I don't see I don't see the bide yeah where's the bide at we're missing a suspect here hold oh wait no he's right there oh is he he didn't make it I think he got out and ran really yeah so did he make it to the actual house though oh yeah there is the blline what the heck it looks like he crashed ditched the car got out and ran well we took out the uh we took out the Oto Oto is dead by the way he's not even going into custody going straight to the corner all right Neil so uh there's a suspicious looking box truck in front of us I heard that there was some uh they call it illegal candy in the back of it interesting yeah what you say we uh initiate a pull over here yeah I think we need a thorough search of that truck yeah yeah I we can take the dog out or something he'll stiff it I'm sure he'll smell it yeah go ahead and light him up all right here we go slide him up uh uhoh oh he's rolling okay let's see if he pulls over here pull it over pull it over he's pulling over okay uh you want to get out and wait hold on he's rolling again oh pull it over bud how he going to run in this this doesn't even make sense I have no idea what he's planed here uh um uhoh uh he's running he's taking off on us why do we have a piccolina police car in the force I don't know all right we got to find a way wait you better hope he don't have backup wait there's a truck behind us who's that oh God oh my goodness okay yep he's got back up uh-oh I underneath the truck uh-oh his backup might have slowed him down all right let's see if we can just pin him no he's going to get going again being bullied dude the backup's super aggressive come on man dude gab just flew it into piccolina and tried to take out the backup get out of the truck he's getting away all right we got to go the watch out his backup's coming up behind us we're behind you I'm behind the back Bally working against against us here uhoh watch out he's coming get Oto not me oh no oh that's a tire oh that's a tree oh that's another tree I wiped out I got to reset call it in back up I'm I'm going to go for the fuel tanks oh my goodness how do you even pull this over yeah you got you got to go for the fuel tanks for sure oh uh Mr backup's back over here get pulling out some blocks hey ding dong you got a block take him out yeah how do we take him out I I'll I'll go for a pit okay you go for a pit for him uh I'm going to go try to once you pit him I'm going to go launch for the truck again and uh I just watched the silhouette of a plane oh never mind it's crashed oh I flipped him go for it go for it okay here we go here we go you clear the way AR I got a clear shot here I'm going to go for fuel takes oh I got one I'm to go for the other one I don't know if it busted it though he's going off road dude he is reckless oh he might flip here what's in the back in that thing he doesn't want us to see that's for sure uh I'm pretty sure he doesn't we have informant to let us know that's uh it's a certain type of candy he's still moving he's running over the picolina I'm trying to block his way here all right here I'm going box him here we go oh well I hit the fuel tank again all right get out rip him out of the driver's seat all right here's box in are we getting out I'm getting out gun drawn guns drawn oh here comes everybody he's getting out out of the vehicle out of the vehicle where's his backup at do we loc him open the back I want to see what's back there yeah open up the back open up the back we'll pop it open here you see anything wait he just said look at the chat I'm out no the before that wait what did you say I missed it I'm smuggling drugs I'm smuggling drug hold on we're got to see this for myself it's empty back here I can't open it uh I just opened it on my screen it is definitely empty it's yeah there's nothing back why is he running then why are you running you don't like that was a diversion wait oh Ash is running oh wait wasn't Ash on the force must be a road cop now what is that all the dramaa I'm going to get back in my car all right I think we need to go uh track down the next person oh what a travesty all right Neil I would say that was successful even though we didn't get any of the evidence um I think we wrecked all of the Force's cars on that one well I mean if you look behind us I mean we got a couple spare ones there's a b there's a that was a Blues Brothers moment it's it's all good but I did hear there's a couple more people up here that are uh potentially smuggling some illegal things they're trying to get to the dock area you know what that means huh we're going to murder them yeah basically again we got an Italian exotic on the force yeah I don't know where we confiscated that from I don't know all right Neil I think our suspects are uhoh wait they're taking off oh already okay Straight Into the Fire jeez they didn't wait at all did they oh we got a police van uh is the police van fast it's pretty quick and we have a flying car please not going to lie we might be outmatched here as far as cars but we do have a shadow in a wion or figon is it a drone can he crash into them to slow them down uh I kind of wish he would crash into them because they are definitely fast they are pulling all of us oh yeah they're quick we got some string racing up in here uhoh I see smoke I see smoke you got to watch these Corners it's easy to wreck on Ash Ash slowed up here we're catching him a little bit I forget which which quarter you need to slow down in front of him oh my goodness he took out okay oh I'm slide oh this is going to suck Oh my he just absolutely murdered somebody I just murdered the guard rail I see fire watch out I'm going be sideways here I'll let you guys pass wait Ash just went opposite direction here let's we go after gav yeah I'm going after gav where's he going I think he's going down I I telling you I think they're trying to escape to the docks over here but where did he go is the docks down yeah he's he's down the hill here H coming down careful coming down it's pretty windy well I've already murdered one guard rail so Shadows is on it is he just take him out Shadows yeah at this point we also to just waste the Drone before he gets off to the uh dock we need to get Ash too I think he's coming from the opposite direction sh oh gav is in the ocean he crashed he bailed into the water so did I uh I'm going to go I'm going to go see if I can find Ash then I'm going to I'm going to pull out my drone see if he's over here yeah about say Ash is already there is Ash at the thing Ash is at the bottom of the water of the ocean at the pier oh how did he Shadows is attached to him did he crash him into the water I missed it wait Did he they were both in the water there for a second dud he bust the GU about pulling up the scene uh we going need to get the divers well yeah I guess just leave him there yeah we can leave him there I'm good either way uhoh going to initiate a pull over you were too close to the curve back there what do you mean come on that's the bike lane there's no bikers out here oh my what is all this uh we we have some backup on the wait are those your planes those aren't ours uh no I'm just okay you do not want to pull me over right now man well I mean I it's going to happen are you taking off on me oh see I saw this coming well we have a job bus so yeah good luck with that oh my goodness how did that work into the budget I just got hit by a plane yeah I I had some friends I warned you I said you don't want to pull me over you have friends in high places yeah very high places several of them actually ah so we got planes we have to take care of okay cool all right well we're going to probably have to use excessive force here I got a bus with me well I didn't do anything yet well technically you called in the plane so that's like assist you can't prove that in court oh all I see is smoke dude that bus there's your bus yeah it's right behind you buddy oh here we go here we go hey de I think I got got you in straight line speed yeah but you got to turn eventually right maybe oh buddy don't put me into a tree I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay oh here comes oh black we're okay we're okay by the way I heard somewhere that you uh you might get one reset if you need it yeah oh my goodness the bus just took me out you see they're doing my maybe I have him on my payroll as well is that a thing I just got launched to a tree check your own guys man about to get on the radio to spieler and uh ask him what's wrong that's going to be uh a week without pay yeah oh that's it yeah I mean that's it it wasn't that expensive hey guess what bud did you make it to the thing I did I did I made it to the extraction Point what are you going to do now well we still have the option to kill you so you might want to run no oh I think the bus I think the bus is officially no no no I'm okay I'm okay all he did was flip me I'm okay I'm running all right well I'm might be behind you now I got to watch too easy for me I got to make it a little difficult for you yet are you is your right front destroyed oh yeah I'm I'm beat up all right the bus did a number on me whoa oh that was an attempted a pit and a miss but we have a take that bumper off that would actually help me a lot did it that's it's hanging on by a thread oh buddy oh he give me a good bump here oh I'm going fast now 100 mph oh oh any any mistake here it's going to be deadly here comes the bridge got to slow down for this oh my goodness oh I saw fire behind me the bus crashed into the bridge I somehow landed going the right way okay go for the block here are you how are you still going I I don't know that was very lucky oh my goodness okay here we go police Jas still is going crazy right now oh my goodness there's a bus over here oh I'm stuck to him oh this is not good I'm going to run him off the road watch got it sper yeah no I'm on top of the bus Oh by my lid now please tell me you don't run still right hey watch out bud watch out oh a freaking plane just hit the back of the bus I'm running into the forest wait come on really oh no I it's a wall I can't oh no no can I steal the bus get in the back of the car in the back police car really all right we going to do this I'm going to get in the plane here we go come on Shadows uh seya is on your rear there get in the plane go what the heck you didn't expect this did you oh on we got a way to stop that we got going stop us we're in the air well uh just give me a second Neil give me a second okay where you guys I'm already halfway to Mexico by now yeah well about that um oh I need him to fly straight for like 2 seconds oh never mind I saw spieler spawn the place right in front or the bus in front of you the oh we're going down in a fireball we're dead does that count as escaping and I've used my one reset at the top of the map we're flying again boys oh you're flying again wait are you with Stefan this time or I'm in Shadows plane still okay I see you guys one reset though I mean technically you're right you do have one reset what happens if I push F right here uh you jump out I would say go for it I can't jump out I can't jump out W up wait I think he's heading for the uh the red house there oh a flatten Buzz just spotted front you oh we're trying to stop you here yeah we're going down unfortunately oh I think did he clip you oh oh let go for the ocean just do a soft Landing we can swim to safety is there such thing as a soft Landing we have no wings I don't know how we're flying right now that is a good question I we're trying to drop vehicles on you right now just to try to you know make this a little bit harder I'm not very good at this part hold on hold on hold on hold on you got to lead it that was close this looks insane there's got to be at the end of the map right uh where this is taking us to oh direct it there we go suspect down
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 175,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diesel trucks, beamng drive, beamng, monster truck, beamng monster truck, slides, giant slide, beamng drive crashes, cars vs potholes, testing, testing cars, testing expensive cars, beamng crashes, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, camodo gaming, random parts, police chases, beamng high speed, beamng police mods, beamng police chase camodo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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