OB & I Tested Cars Over ACID POTHOLES in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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oh yeah oh that's incredible and oh my goodness okay here I go I'm in the acid and I'm in I just fell apart we got to do this as a team are you really going to fail you really failed on this Obie you're not even my son anymore I don't I'm dis owning [Music] here so OB if you look ahead of us uh on this little bitty road we have a sarlac pit that we are about to have to jump and this is going to decide who gets to pick the vehicles for the cursed pothole hole challenge of potholes did you forget how to say pothole buddy you I don't know what I'm talking about half the time anyway po holes with water potholes with lava oh we got Pooles there's a shark pot hole back there too this one just space or something actually I think it's like Cur jump just get over here we got to do challenge all right ready 3 2 1 K did you just Kaka I kaka okay pit sple challenge one stay on the road idiot here wait what are we just trying to clear the the sarlac pit clear I'm going to go ahead and get myself one a lot of Point what do you mean one point we both made it yeah but I made it further see that we didn't specify that did we the point system was not specified onto the next pothole please onto the next pothole we have cleared the sarlac pit we now have the water pothole no no oh yeah we're going on this side Obie we we're going to do shark too we you going to be able to do all them what is this one what do you mean what is this one the one right behind the water pit no that one's pure pain and misery we're not doing that one there might be Lava well there is lava holes there okay we'll do that one after this one the the water one's going to be easy are you feeling confident in the Vos you know why I picked this no because it's your favorite car oh thanks man all right count us in Count Me In you count me in three you got to end it you got to end it on animal noise though 3 2 1 Kaka no it has to be a different animal every time C what do you mean you said in the animal noise that's all you said a different animal every time I'll do how do you even get how are you supposed to get over those hold on I actually have no idea you know they didn't say we had to be good at this challenge we just had to you know do the challenge the rules never specified that it did you know I wrote down rules earlier and I never did write that down so there you go I only have one rule I only have one rule for this video and that's to hit the like button okay do you want to go to the I'll let you choose the next one you want to go to the lava one no I want to go to the acid one all right we'll go to the acid one then we'll go to the lav one little this one looks a little little more razzled dazzled up in my eyes this one would be good for mini cars yeah but we're not doing that all right buddy you wanted to do the acid ones let's let's make this particular one a competition whoever makes it F this is a winner okay you say a 3 2 1 and then I'll do the animal Noise Okay 3 2 1 really yeah by the way this should be about speed right you just don't want to die I think you want to go around the potholes right yeah but can you go around oh that was a nice skip there oh my goodness am I doing it okay I'm just kind of going I guess wait are you really skipping oh no no freaking way no freaking way I hit one I hit one I hit one wait you want to try this one again cuz that was fun I you know what happened huh when you hit the acid it also destroys my vehicle we have to this is like that game where you know they're chained together like if you fil i f we have to coordinate this together are you sure let me try it let me try try let me let me dip the toes into the acid and see what happens cuz maybe you're just sing okay here I go I'm in the acid and I'm in I just fell apart we got to do this as a team all right let's do this buddy oh we're screwed all right I think the best solution is actually to back up a little bit and get full speed and just blast through it why would you think that's the best solution for this I feel like that's the best solution oh my goodness why do I let you do suggestions all right you I'm going to count 3 to one and then you make a different animal noise I'm not doing any animal noise you're going to do one ready three two one meow not really a barn animal but I'll allow with the time you didn't say you didn't specify Barn animal go buddy go oh wait this is actually working see I told you Obie has a stretch bro what the heck that was dude that was sweet what one that's Cactus and I made it further that that wasn't even a competition we just had to make sure nobody died wasn't specified in the rules you know the bad thing is the same rule applies for lava I think if one person touches lava we both die so if you want to do the lava one let's go why did I agree to do this today cuz you're having a good time with your good bud I mean I am kind of having fun we got to do this in a different car though I feel like we've we've used this car enough oh true all right OB if we fail this one you get thrown into the shark's mouth you ready ready by the way we in a sweet station wagon I'll do the animal noise come in come in 3 two one what was that was my interpretation of a very hyper cow what what do you mean hyper oh my goodness this is I got to make you slow you break check me bro yeah because I wanted to avoid dying oh I'm alive oh how are we supposed to do this at a station wagon oh no I think I'm dead commo are you I'm like I can't move very well well if you hav't hit the lava lava I would say you could reset it's when the lava hits that's when we die okay cuz I'm still alive right now all right all right oh boy this is too long of a car to do this jeez no no no it's fine it's fine what do you mean it's fine it's fine just take your time sweetie and no no one's going to hurry why do you keep calling me sweetie there's nothing what sh that oh there's one of the lava oh you got to keep you got to keep building up that speed cuz you can get stuck on these Hills yeah yeah you got to get some speed for the heels I dude I'm actually doing okay honestly I might be catching up pretty soon what do you mean catch it up well I I might make it at least no if do not land in lava I'm having a good run here I'm about to say that there a team effort here now do I want to sabotage You by going to Lava or not it's a team you just said team effort in followed up with the word sabotage where are you at oh there you are I'm getting scared I'm really a lot of pressure here there's a lot of pressure your friend will die if you please if you hit lava I die you don't want me to die right what kind of friend wants the other friend to die oh how I'm sorry I'm going to respawn before I hit the lava come on I love you I did it well that's not a part of the challenge but okay well I didn't want you to die well I mean if you fell into the lava that was only fair that I die by the way I think we're screwed put lava then wait what yeah cuz you got to follow the rules right wait what are you doing I'm going to the lava for the rules wait wait hold on hold on I'm I'm trying to still make it over here oh I'm might have heisten myself oh man I'm in lava I'm into lava come on oh I guess it doesn't work for lava I'm still alive so you tell me I went into the lava for nothing uh potentially yeah I didn't die actually wait you're dead oh son of a gun yeah I don't well if you look at where I'm at there is no way a station wagon makes it across that so I say that's a win right because it gets stuck there's no it's too big yes it say it was a team effort I that technically means I do get a point for this I didn't even know we were keeping points today we didn't we didn't even specify points but you know what there's a sharp jump yep was that was that your excited noise okay you can stop that it's weird no that's enough I don't want any more of these noises Ed you you can cut it now just cut his voice out thank you this one's not really Challen in I think the challenge would be to actually land on the return ramp and not die look inside your your dashboard or your window whatever what what is that giant stick shift thing what that knob that's a handbrake Obie why is it so high in the sky cuz it's like for all the sweet drifting that you're going to do don't you know cars I don't know they went that high okay ready freaking idiot all right three 2 1 wait I don't have an animal sound oh no what animal was that it a mix of a dolphin and a and a and a sheep wait how does that work I don't know go a shark and we'll figure it out the end okay here we go oh my goodness this so easy my luggage say's backpacks coming out the top my backpacks so did you die that's all the things I bought at too many games they all is that how you UPS is delivering them to your house never made it home yes I'm dead never made it you know I feel like we need to go half speed in order to hit the return ramp okay so we actually have to land this then yeah I think Landing it like you want a clean Landing so you need to probably let off some yeah look look at my look at my smooth 60 M power driveing here you like this that's good come on away oh you oh you what happened you tell me gosh darn you stupid did I get you butt face going in the shark's mouth now oh that's what you get now let's do this for real all right do it for real I won't run in the back it was just such a juicy opportunity I had to take it all right C in 3 2 1 bananas nay didn't wait have't you already used that animal noise I don't I don't think I went with nay that's a horse oh okay okay don't touch me don't touch me I'm kind of slowing down a little bit here okay I'm slowing down too I don't know the optimal speed but I think I'm doing okay oh my goodness I might I might nail this you might nail it what about me oh my goodness dude I know the speed hold on I know the speed it's 110 I think let me get on the let me get on the uh Road here yeah just watch this oh yeah I still got my rears hey watch this I think I have the speed okay hold on coming let a little bit more a little bit more a little B more little bit more little puff H wait why is it so up no you got to be kidding me yikes and my back reels still do spin and the line's right here so I'm just going to ah and cross this and he get that bad ain't that bad let's go to the next one copy that all right buddy we got a double jump here two lava jumps I don't think you're going to make this one let me let me look at it let me look at it here first one ain't that bad but you got to somehow keep that momentum and clear the massive one behind it have I done oink yet I don't think I've done oink yet I don't is that really what you you weren't thinking about the jumps you were thinking about what animal noise you were going to do I don't have to think about the jumps cuz I know I'm going to make the jumps Koto that's the least of my problems here okay can of 3 2 1 oink do you really just wanted to go oink didn't you I really just wanted to say oink but I said it with such a modone voice it wasn't a very excited thing yeah you didn't sound excited about that no I'll be excit my next door will be way more Oinky wait can you clear both of them if you had a fast enough vehicle I 100% think you can wait why don't we just back up more speed let's back up to the shark more speed wow I think we I I thought we were going to have to lay between and do another jump but I mean once you think about it if you have a fast enough vehicle you can clear both br don't even eat Vehicles all friendship it SES higher than the Eagles I don't I don't think a friendship would help us from falling into lava no cuz I if we're standing on the side of the volcano we're both dying no cuz I'm going to I'm going to catch the volcano in my hands and scoop it away from you so you don't die the way that works not about here okay go wait cop in 3 2 1 go what was that that was a very forced oink k please you're SW it was really really sideways get off the dirt OB I'm not trying to be on the dirt you kind of you booped me bro I did not we're going pretty fast though we're going to make it6 I hit this oh oh we cleared it baby oh boy over the light we made over to line that was good congratulations all right Obie we have the blue orbs uh Circles of death and I don't know what they look like black holes almost are wait are these ice these might be ice like a black ice texture yeah you you ready uh yes go ahead 3 2 1 go uhoh so do you I forgot the animal noise do i p wait oh we no oopsies oopsies oh dude they're totally ice oh are they oh okay the second one was already pretty wait why is my oh my traction controls on forget that I made I okay let me start this over and I'll try to do the Roundy rounds like you did yeah I think you got to kind of like is it's like you know like when you have a turd in the toilet bow and it goes in circles yeah actually it's not that bad if you just go slow oh oh I need to ask sper what was the point of these cuz I I don't know if I'm even doing these right oh wait I'm I'm in the sand now somehow yeah the Sand's a little bit sticky but like I feel like the Sand's worse than the ice hole Yeah like okay here we go big one okay okay I guess it's hard to see like where I am when I'm in here uhoh uhoh okay the last one's kind of tricky on okay but it ain't that bad I think it's cuz we're at electric these are electric cillas are they oh I didn't know yeah I feel like the the amount of grip these things have like it's almost impossible SL backwards I'm sliding backwards on the are you really going to fail you really failed on this Obie you're not even my son anymore Papa why I don't I'm disowning you why dad why why Dad older than a son you know what it's fine I think we got to move to the next one I think you failed that one Okie doie all right we have the Raging Rapids don't fall in the hole rapid rapid raging rapid R so cool so you just drive through these I don't know I you know out of how many times I've played this map I'm not sure I've ever been on those I don't know how this works I don't either you ready uh okay yeah sure I think so all right 3 two 1 go can we watch you go wait you're going to watch me do this I just don't know what's happening there are holes in this one so you got to watch those think want I gun it maybe I don't know what this is it's fun though oh I'm upside down it's a lot of fun the water carries you uh my car is doing some really strange well I mean technically I made it you made I think I did you well did I though am I alive is a thing I don't know I mean mine's debatable my hazard on oh let me let let me go into first oh yeah no I I totally made it out I think I can survive this I was trying to see if the the car will crank again I don't know which one the crank button is do you have your hazards on I have mine on yeah it sounds like they're on I think they're just blown out it's fine I can hear the clicking of them it's good it's good we we made it next one please all right OB I think we found the ultimate car for this so you said you wanted to go to the SpongeBob one which is it just looks like like a cheese gra yes I this doesn't look challenging I feel like we should be able to do this easy I feel like this is a two-parter cuz if you look on the left side is there's a bigger one over there yeah all right you know what gun it three two one animal noise I keep panic I forg get about the animal doors until the last second oh I just got it it's working gun is working wait you literally just gun it across this I'm just going straight across baby and I made it wait what wait did you make did you make it yeah I made it like that was it maybe the other SpongeBob ones would be harder you think maybe it is I think we got use you got to be consistent same vehicle if we make it across this like I mean there's only one really one that might be able to stop us and that's the one behind us you see those two gigantic holes uh I'll look later oh okay you a lot of work okay it's too much work okay all right could be I've run out of animals oh bye loser oh Shrek where's my milk that was Donkey wait what wait how did I not make it across do you have your traction control on I I didn't do anything I just go whatever it gave me and boom I made it did you make it yep all right here I come you want to try it again why do I keep dying how did you make this and I'm dying wait well hold let me see okay do it again let me let me look let me let me try to go around a couple of these maybe you just got to build that speed first you know yeah I think that's what it was I I was hit the first big hole and then I would die oh yeah oh that's incredible and oh my goodness dude we hit the same Cactus together we're Cactus Bros Cactus Bros for life all right you know what Obie this is the finale here you see those two giant holes behind this one uhhuh you ain't clearing that dude we got the perfect car for this though lots of speed yeah dud even you start back say like here you're not clearing it oh we have the same idea yeah you're not clearing it oh I will watch this okay count us in all right zip 3 two 1 howy you do that was a that was a normal human we've been doing human noises all along here we go fly oh no oh no I think you have to legit land the first one and then take off again that's going to be a very tedious task is this is this our fastest car I don't know wait I bet you there's something with the jet on it you think the jet will go faster oh I absolutely I do H we need light and Jet pigeon light and Jet pigeon pigeons yes it's got to be pigeon pigeons fly do they in real life yes I mean technically yes 3 2 1 go all right buddy I'll see you at the other end brother I'll see you I love you I don't really love you bye uhoh uhoh hold on no I is kind of close I'm going to hit the wall yeah yeah yep going again that's not good enough I they ain't going to make it the second time you try the same thing you're repeating the same thing it's not going to work woo okay I got mine I'm flying baby are you oh [Music] no what's going on I got mine what is that come on let's cheat bro ah what do you mean he cheating come on oh no that's cheating no no no oh you know what well hold on how do I how do I how do I drop hold slow down you want me to slow down so you can sabotage me no I'm inside your helicopter now we're doing this together look at this oh my goodness we're going to make it OB yeah we are boy we're doing this wa can I drive this too I mean you could spawn one in I don't think it's a good idea can I can I control can what happens if I hit you can't control the same thing it's me I'm I turn the Eng off did it work no oh I'm flying though look at this go over this one we haven't done this one yet let's see okay hold on well just oh man it's going to be so challenging OB you think we're going to make it over these oh absolutely I do not think that oh my goodness here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah can I get a yeah yeah [Music] yeah this was your fault sorry ain't that bad ain't that bad
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 87,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars hitting potholes, beamng drive mods, pothole, beamng potholes, cars vs potholes, beamng, beamng drive, testing, testing cars, testing expensive cars, beamng crashes, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive car crashes, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, police chase, camodo gaming, random parts, beamng drive random parts, police chases, beamng high speed, beamng dropping cars, beamng pothole, beamng pothole crashes, gta potholes
Id: ha6ASjaSkl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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