July 8, 2018 - Pastor Carter Conlon - The Promise Of Power

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the promise of power father I thank you this day with all of my heart thank you Lord God for your presence thank you for the touch of your Holy Spirit the foretaste of heaven thank you Lord for the incredible inheritance of new life that you've given to us and a reason to live and a divine purpose on the earth thank you Lord that you don't leave us to work this whole salvation out in our own strength but O God you enable us with your own Holy Spirit the third person of the triune God alive moving living inside of our physical bodies Lord you enlighten our minds you quicken our flesh you give us the ability to become the people that you have determined we should be on the earth and so God I'm asking for that anointing to be here in this sanctuary in full measure today on my life as I speak these words on every heart Oh God as we open our hearts to truth that truth may transform us help us Lord Jesus Christ not to live beneath our inheritance that which you bought for us on the cross that which became ours when you were raised from the dead and sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost don't let us live in poverty when we have the treasure of Resurrection life available to us god help us to escape poor thinking in the Christian world and help us again to regain and reestablish our rightful place on the earth Oh Lord God we are to be a people empowered of the Holy Spirit a people who push back darkness a people whose God presence in our lives has to be reckoned with and so lord I pray God with all my heart that you would make us a people so utterly and holy discontent until we are filled with your Holy Spirit until you have full reign inside of our hearts our lives in our minds Oh Lord God give us the grace to push this flood of darkness in this present generation caused us as your people to stand up again Oh God send your Holy Spirit to us Lord send your Holy Spirit to this church send your Holy Spirit of God into each one of our lives and help us to reach the full measure Lord of what we are called to be in you we ask you to raise your church and bring deliverance to this nation bring deliverance throughout children my god bring deliverance Lord to our homes our families our cities or towns of schools push back this canopy of Hell that wants to spread itself over this nation father God it's all in the hands of your church it always has been so we ask o God that we would have the sense to press in until we know that you have gripped our hearts in our minds for your divine purpose and father we thank you for this with all of our heart and we praise you in Jesus name Amen Acts chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and sat upon each of them they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout men from every nation under heaven and when this sound occurred the multitude came together and were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language then they were all amazed and marvelled saying one to another look are not all these who speak galilaeans how is it that we hear each in our own language in which we were born parth ian's and Medes Elamites and those dwelling in Mesopotamia Judea Cappadocia Pontus and Asia Phrygia Pamphylia Egypt and parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes creats and Arabs we hear them speaking in our tongues the wonderful works of God so they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another whatever could this mean others Maki said they're full of new wine but Peter standing up with the eleven raised his voice and said to them men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem let this be known to you and hear my words for these are not drunk as you suppose seeing it's only the third hour of the day but this is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel and it shall come to pass in the last days it says God that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see visions your old men shall dream dreams and on my men servants and on my maid servants I will pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath blood and fire and vapor of smoke the Sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord and it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved verse 17 Peter says it shall come to pass in the last days saith God now these last days began with the outpouring of God's Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and will culminate with cosmic signs at the return of Jesus Christ so these are the two bookends of the last days the last days was biblically speaking a period of time it began on the day of Pentecost and will end when Jesus Christ's returns to take up lawful ruling and reigning on the earth forever now between those two points is a season of a redeemed spirit empowered people that's who you and I are we are left on the earth as a testimony of God's mercy of God's power of God's provision of the reality and the truth of what happened on the cross 2,000 years ago and we are called to be a people who push back the darkness that always wants to swallow all of humanity Satan himself he hates humankind created in the image of God and he will do everything to confound confuse darken and destroy men and women created in the image of God he will do everything to destroy the family created by God empowered by God we are called to push this darkness back and show everyone who can still hear that there is a way to forgiveness and there is a way to everlasting life through Jesus Christ the Son of God now this God initiated force on the earth is comprised of all people spirit empowered to present indisputable proof of the reality of God young and old I don't like the concept that people sometimes try to propagate that ours is a young church ours is an old church ours is a new church ours is an established church as your pastor I'm gonna tell you a Time Square Church we are just the church we are young and old rich and poor all walks of life it shall come to pass in the last days says God I'll pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions your old men will dream dreams on my men's servants and on my maid servants I will pour out my spirit in those days and they shall prophesy I think in part what Malachi saw in chapter four when he said in the last days God would turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the children to the father's in some measure at least it speaks to me of a spiritual awakening in the Church of Jesus Christ a spiritual awakening that helps us to understand that we are one body we are one search we are one people there's a place in the body of Christ for the young there's a for the old there's a place for the strong there's a place for the weak there's a place for those with reputation and there's a place for those with no reputation all people all people everybody is an integral part of what God is going to do and is doing in the last days I love the fact that he says I'll pour out my spirit your sons and daughters shall prophesy and that really just means they will have an understanding of the future they will see things that are not given to natural men to see they will have an ability that only comes from God he says your young men will see visions I love it when John the Beloved he writes this as I I write to you young men because you're strong and you've overcome the wicked but young men by nature want to get up and conquer they want to take up the sword of God they they have this inner drive that's placed there by God himself to accomplish something in the earth and so young men head out to do something for God but the old men don't forget us old men are still here me and rocky are still here is rocky up there me and rocky are still here and it's given to us to see something of your future is given to us to may be caution you but some things that we've learned along the way it's given to us to to dream dreams of what your life is going to be and how God's going to use you to continue this warfare and push back the darkness but but don't forget we're walking on this journey with you and don't think because you're older here today that you've got no place in the body of Christ don't don't buy the lie that somehow Time Square churches is moving to more of a youthful focus and that leaves you out no it doesn't you and I are called to give guidance we're called to encourage we're called to we do see what others can't see do you understand that's why the body is not just one part but many and no part of the body can say to any other part I have no need of you you've done your day your all done your over or I've no need of you you're too young and you you're too foolish you don't understand the ways of God we all work together just like the heart and lungs work together inside the human body we all worked together now in the Gospel of John chapter 16 and I'm not sharing with you anything today you haven't already heard or you don't already know but there comes a time in your life and in mind that we need to stop hearing and start entering into something it's you know you could you could study you could pick up a magazine on some particular country in the world and you could study everything from soil samples to weather patterns to you can even memorize the numbers of highways that this particular country has but if you don't go there isn't your experience just a little bit short we can study the Bible we can know the Greek and the Hebrew meanings of all of these things we can talk about church history we can study past revivals we can know more than most everybody in the church but if you and I never enter into this incredible place of God's power this incredible place of enablement by the Spirit of God where we're taken out of weakness and made into strength out of confusion and given wisdom out of naturalness and brought into the supernatural life of Christ aren't aren't we really just to be a people pitied if all we are is historians and students but we never participate in what we're studying we can tell everybody else about it but it's not really our reality John in chapter 16 verse 13 to 15 said in the recorded in the Gospel of John he said when the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth he will guide you you have the Holy Spirit inside of you now every man every woman here you have the Holy Spirit if you belong to Christ you have God's Holy Spirit he will guide you into what all truth not to some truth he will guy how does he guide you you begin to read this book you read it and he guides you into it he guides you into it not just studying it but into it becoming a reality in your life this is what the Holy Spirit will do not just give you knowledge doesn't the Apostle Paul write that in the last days there will be a people who are always learning but never coming into the never coming into the practical experience and I put it this way of what they're learning it's just all in the head nothing is in the life nothing has become part of their everyday living but when the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come he will tell you you know when on the day of Pentecost when those men and women stepped out of that Upper Room formerly week formerly failures every person wanting in a sense to glorify Christ on the earth but knowing that in themselves without the power of God is this not going to happen when the Holy Spirit came upon them they were immediately given the ability to speak the wonderful works of God in languages they had never learned but they were known languages the people who came were therefore that the feasts in Jerusalem at that time heard them speaking in their own languages the wonderful works of God and that that means the megaliths of God in the Greek which means the anticipated out working of the inward presence and power of God they were talking about things to come they were talking about who God is what God has done and what God is going to do in each of their lives he will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you he will take the victory that I won for you and he will show it to you because it's now yours it's not just words than on a page in a book it's now your victory all things that the father has are mine therefore I said he will take of mine and he will declare it to you he will show you the victory there is a victory for you do you know that there is something of God for you that God has for you that you could never hope to do for yourself there's something he wants to give you that you can't get in your own strength or places he wants to take you that you can't go with your own reasoning there's something that God all my T himself wants to do in and through your life and only he can do it you take this book you open it this is how my life has been if I was Joshua and I was leaving you now I'm not by the way but if I was I would save my whole life my whole Christian life has been oh I've opened this book the Holy Spirit has led me into it and I believed it and have been made into much more than I ever could hope to be in my own strength I've been taking all over the world I've stood in places where only the power of God could accomplish what he sent me to do no amount of human effort or reasoning could ever do these things only the Spirit of God in this book I learned how to be a husband I hope is that right can you say amen to that I learned how to be a father I learned how to be a friend I learned how to be a servant I not when I say learned I started to enter into it you never you're never perfect in any of these things none of us are but I left the old way behind and believing God's promises to be true entered in to a new way of living and I can honestly say today the man who came to Christ in 1978 is dead that man no longer lives I don't know that man that man's gone I don't even want to see a picture that man he's long dead he's long gone God's Holy Spirit showed me things to come showed me I remember one night I was laying in bed and I was weeping and I wasn't prone to weeping but I was reading in the in the Bible about the love of God God's love towards us and the love that he commands us to have to one another and I was sitting there and pastor Teresa said to me what are you crying for and I said well I'm reading this about love I'm reading about the love of God for me the love of God he calls me to have for others and I'm just so far outside of this thing I don't read it but I it's not been my experience I don't love myself I read in the Bible I'm supposed to love others like I love myself I don't love myself I I don't love other people people have been a source of pain in my life for years and I don't even know what to do what I was just I was looking at it and I felt that the Lord was trying to lead me into it but it was just so far out of my experience then she spoke a word into my life she said when you by the time you die she said you will be known as a man of such love since God is going to transform your life praise be to God thank you look you it's funny you know you look you look at the Bible say if God can't get through to your wife will okay if you can't speak to your heart he will speak to you whatever weekend you get it through to you but this is really the point he will show you things to come young people listen to me don't sell yourself short your view of your life is so short of what God has for you don't try to don't try to cram the kingdom of God into yourself you and your five-year plan and your ten-year plan or your life plan with it don't try to do that your plan is so small compared to what God has for you let God's plan take root in your life let the Holy Spirit as you begin to read the Bible in in the power of the Holy Spirit he suddenly unfolds a path before you and most often I would suggest it's a path you couldn't even hope to walk in your own strength because the glory of what he's about to do is not to be a view you're not to be writing books telling others seven steps you took to accomplish this or that there's only one step you believe God and he takes you into it and makes it a reality in your life folks we've got to get out of the natural as a church agent back into the supernatural again as God's people this is what the Lord is calling us to now in in John chapter 20 the disciples were gathered in a place and they were afraid now the scripture says in verse 19 of John chapter 20 the same day at evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them peace be with you when it said this he showed them his hands and his side then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord so jesus said to them again peace to you as the father has sent me I also send you when he had said this he breathed on them and said to them receive the Holy Spirit he breathed on them this was the Bible calls this measure of God's holy spirit that we received when we first believed in Christ it's the deposit of our inheritance it's the beginnings of an eternity it's it's that it's that presence of God's Spirit that he gives to our lives that declares to our heart that we belong to him it's that initial cry that comes into the heart Abba Father and many of you today I know you remember that cry when it first came into your heart when suddenly there was no longer this distance between you and God but somehow you felt that that bridge had been made you were back in right relationship with God and you know in your heart that you belong to him and he belongs to you but not too many days down the road they were assembled together again in another place an upper room and in this place it was not just something that God was going to do inside of them to prove that he was their father and they were his children but he was going to give them power power that they had not ever even dreamed could be theirs power that had been prophesied in the Old Testament not just through the Prophet Joel but through others power when God's Holy Spirit would come upon the people and young all rich poor influential uninfluential rulers leaders servants all men or women also walks of life would be given an identical measure of God's holy spirit and would be raised up out of weakness and brought into the strength of God given an incredible inheritance that could only come from the hand of God made into people that only God could make them into standing in the marketplace declaring who he is and what he has done enabled to speak to people in other nations and other cultures and other languages and tell them in their language about the marvelous works of God that only God can do I love the scene in the Bible when 3,000 people at least 3000 s probably more had just come from the temple and they're trying to make peace with God and they're going through all their rituals and and I'm sure these rituals had deep meaning in every heart it's like the person in the church today that goes to every service see they they listen to all kinds of messages they go online every chance they get they go to prayer meetings and they're coming home but there's still this deep sense of powerlessness in the heart and thousands of people coming back from the temples suddenly encounter 120 people who have come out of a place of prayer filled with the Spirit of Almighty God given abilities that are biblical there's nothing unbiblical about what was happening here given abilities of God to speak in a manner not just to communicate with people of different cultures and languages and countries but they're speaking about things yet to come and they're doing it in such a supernatural way that everyone has stopped in their tracks and they say what must we do what could this mean what could this mean this ought to be the testimony of your life in mind when you go into your workplace you should be so God gripped and so God touched by the Holy Spirit that whether they say it audibly are thinking in their heart everybody in that office with you looks at you and says what could this mean how did this happen how did she change so radically how did he change where did this song come from where did this ability to speak positively when such negativity is in the air and surrounding us every day all day what does this mean that's when the Apostle Peter stepped up and said now this is not any kind of an intoxicant you're looking at this is that which was promised by God through the Prophet Joel that God in the last days was going to pour out his spirit on all flesh and humankind would be brought back into a right relationship with Almighty God and God himself was going to fill a body on the earth and prove beyond any reasonable doubt the reality there is only one God there's only one cross there's only one spirit there's only one body this is that which was promised by God which began on the day of Pentecost that will culminate with cosmic signs shakings on the earth the Bible says so powerful that men's hearts will begin to fail them for fear the writer of Hebrews says everything that can be shaken is about to be shaken that only that which cannot be shaken might remain and might I suggest to you the only thing that cannot be shaken is God Himself Colonie we are to the Lamb of God and God will have a people empowered with a spirit of Prayer given to a spirit of praise given to speech that comes from God with transformed hearts transformed minds transformed lives God will have a people on the earth in these last days glory to the name of Jesus [Applause] assembled and say God thank you that I'm saved thank you that you visited us in the in that initial room and you breathed on us and said received the Holy Spirit but here we are old God and we need power we need power that's got to be the cry of your heart today my brother my sister we need power you need it I need it we need power to stand not just for our own preservation but for the sake of our children for the sake of those who are trying to find God through whatever means they're trying to find God you and I need power we need to stand again in our generation as a witness a living witness of who Christ really is and then lastly on X in Acts chapter 4 a season of threatening where Peter and John went up into the temple healing was flowing through their lives and that the order of the day brought them in and threatened them with imprisonment potential physical violence whatever it is and they got together after this threatening with brothers and sisters in Christ and they said Lord look on their threats verse 29 of X chapter 4 and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may speak your word by stretching out your hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus and when they had prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness now I don't know about you I don't know about your theology but I know that I need God's Holy Spirit every day I need him all day I need him over and over again as I god uses this physical body to pour out he's I need him to pour back in I don't ever want to lean on my own strength and I thank God for that initial deposit of the Holy Spirit but I've got to keep going back to the bank of God and saying Lord there's threatenings in this generation thank you for that Pentecost thank you for that experience years ago thank you for my salvation thank you for how you touched me and transformed my life but this is a day of threatening Oh God and you've got to shake the place where I am standing again I need your Holy Spirit I need to be able to speak the Word of God with boldness and I'm asking you Lord to use my life and stretch out your hand and heal in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ heal sick in minds sick in homes sick in mind sickened lives God Almighty sent people free and doing through my life [Applause] you see somebody who has no recognition of their need of the Holy Spirit is like a person who takes employment with a company takes their first paycheck it never goes back to get paid again works there for years it never goes back and there's a there's a compilation of envelopes a resource waiting for them but you say why didn't you go get your pay well I don't need to I say I got a check 25 years ago I don't know about you but I need the resource of God every day I need his strength I need his power if they needed the Holy Spirit then how much more today this is a very very dark day my brother and my sister we're not going to win this moment with an argument you know that everybody's arguing and nobody's interested in our argument we will win it with an experience with God we will win it with the presence of God being very much in each of our lives we will win it by going into the prayer closet it doesn't have to be necessarily here this can be your upper room but your upper room can be your bedroom you go into that upper room say god I need your power that's your homework assignment for this summer while we're gone I need your power I need your Holy Spirit and Lord do it the way you want to do it in my life but Oh God I need your strength I need your power consider the threatenings of this moment laws passed laws anticipated voice is telling us we can't pray we can't do this we can't do that we can't speak this this is exactly what was happening in Ex chapter 4 and they got together and prayed and said Lord God you've got to give us your Holy Spirit again you've got to enable us you've got to empower us and so that's my cry today and that's my challenge to you over the next several weeks cry out to him cry out to him you see what you experienced in worship this morning should be your everyday experience it shouldn't be limited to Sunday morning there should be a whether or not you're raising your hands and jump there should be a little person jumping up and down inside you on the subway worshiping inside of you doing what you physically do here if if all you have is a Sunday morning excitement as good as that is you're living short of what God has for your life I challenge you because you see my brother my sister the day calls from more than just casual Christianity now the day calls for an anointing of God's Holy Spirit that only he can give now some people here this morning you need courage you're like those initial believers in John chapter 20 assembled but afraid you need that assurance of God you need that breath of God to come upon your life and and others you simply need power to obey you know what you ought to do but you need power to obey and listen we're all in the same boat we all need the power of God we can't live this life to any affect in our generation without the power of God and others are being threatened you're being threatened in the workplace you're being threatened in your schools and you need to pray as they did God considered the threatenings of this present time and stretch forth your hand through us and begin to heal and give us boldness to speak your word that doesn't mean arrogance it means courage it means compassion means the ability to stand and speak truth in spite of the consequence they were asking for more of what got them into trouble in the first place and when they prayed the place where they were assembled together was shaken they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness I'm going to be praying for you in the next few weeks well pastor Teresa and I were pray God's shape this place I mean that with all my heart we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit we need to start speaking the Word of God with boldness we need to stand up like we've never stood up before we need a word in our heart we need songs in our lips and in our mouths we need power in our hands like we've never known that only God can give us and why shouldn't we be satisfied with less the church that started out with power must not finish with an argument that's insufficient Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever there is no change with God whatsoever there's no change with him he is the same you and I have to have the courage and say God come and fill my heart I'm so encouraged in the fact that I look out in this church and I see so many young faces now so many young people coming in this is my hope for the future you are tomorrow's leaders but remember leaders in God's kingdom are not people with an argument those are a dime a dozen leaders in God's kingdom are people who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be much more than they could ever hope to be in themselves these are tomorrow's leaders and so young people don't be sold short of your inheritance in Christ pray with me these next few weeks pray with me and be determined be radical God I need your Holy Spirit pray it on the subway god I need your Holy Spirit pray it when you're at work God I need your Holy Spirit start to pray for people around you there's that person needs the touch of your hand and my hand can't do anything but your hand inside of mine still can do the miraculous God that person needs a touch of you that person needs a word of knowledge that person needs something spoken to their heart to pull them out of depression and even potential suicide that family needs something God that I can't give them but you can and so I'm inviting you through my life to speak to that family those young people need a sense direction I can't give it to them but God you can they need to see something in me they need to be able to stand back and say what could this mean how is that person saying what they're saying how are they communicating with me so powerfully why is it stopping me in my tracks on my journey this is what the cry has got to be in this church we're at that we're at a moment in history of an incredible visitation of God if we can see it if we're willing to embrace him we're in the last days folks we're in the last days these are the last days now I don't even know if there's going to be time for another generation after you I don't know that for a certainty I do know we're coming very close to the return of Jesus Christ and I do know my Bible promises my Bible promises that God will pour out his spirit on all flesh my Bible promises that young and old rich and poor maintenance and servants will be given the Holy Spirit and will be unable to rise up and do that which cannot be done by any amount of human reason or human effort that's what the Bible says in even in the midst of the cosmic shaking that's going to be coming even to the Stars the Sun in the moon and the earth even in the midst God will have a people a testimony of power of people with a lamp that is are able to hold it up and say behold the bridegroom I let me show you the way to God and I challenge you with everything in my heart to pray and press and say God give me your Holy Spirit I will be praying that with y'all be praying it every morning and every night and half the time in the afternoon as well God give me your Holy Spirit the longer I live the more I study and the more I know the more I recognize it without the Holy Spirit you can do nothing there are no clever plans or no slick speakers no smoke machines no programs gonna produce the presence of God has to be Christ in you Paul said the hope of glory so father I thank you Lord for this congregation and I know in my heart that you are calling us to something which you are willing to give us you're calling us to something much deeper in you than we've ever known you're calling us Lord Jesus Christ and you're calling your people everywhere everywhere to yourself calling us back to our roots again as your people you're calling us Lord God to walk away from the flesh and casual religion into an obedient power filled and powerful relationship with you I thank you lord the beauty of youth and the glory of age meet together in your church God Almighty I ask you Lord as pastor of this church for the sake of people here who won't make it without your Holy Spirit they have no power to live for you no power to turn away from sin they're addicted to pornography and drugs and self-loathing God I'm asking in Jesus name and for the sake of Jesus for an outpouring of your Holy Spirit on this church I'm asking for a new touch of heaven that we would have in Acts chapter 4 experience ourselves that the place where we gather would be shaken that we would be filled with your spirit and speak your word with boldness I ask you to break bondages open prison doors give sight to those who can't see a way forward get strength to those that are weak heal those that are wounded Lord that we might stand as a testimony of you and I thank you for with all my heart O God I ask in Jesus name that not one not one in this sanctuary listening to the sound of my voice would end up in hell god help your people god help your people or not just to escape darkness but to be a testimony of light and I thank you Father for this with all my heart and I praise you for it in Jesus name I want to give you an altar call and maybe it means something for you to come forward maybe it means something for you to stay in your seat whatever you choose but I want to just give you an opportunity to come forward and with a simple prayer god I need your Holy Spirit and I'm gonna press in I no matter what anybody else does I'm gonna press in Lord until I know that I have my inheritance in you that your life is alive inside of mine for those that are listening online those in North Jersey those at home you can just stand up in your living room those in the education annex here you could just stand between the screens if you would in the balcony and main sanctuary as we stand in a moment I'm just gonna ask you to come forward we're gonna pray together as a church and then we'll dedicate a few children but we're gonna pray together God Almighty God Almighty shake this place shake shake my life my heart and fill me again with your Holy Spirit or Jesus you say in your word that if we ask we shall receive if we seek we shall find if we knock it shall be open to us so Lord we come because you asked us to we come because we're needy we become because your word says we are so welcome to ask so Lord we do ask and we thank you we shall receive thank you for the power to live in the power of the Holy Spirit thank you Lord that you give it Lord to those that ask thank you Lord it's no more complicated than that so we have gathered in your great name to ask that we may receive the power from on high which transforms us thank you that we may ask to receive the knowledge that we are forgiven in Christ Jesus thank you that we seek Lord your power to live in a way that pleases you too live as lights in this world thank you Lord we seek that and we shall find that as we look to you Lord Jesus as you will help us live the lives that please you that bless others and thank you Lord if we knock we shall find we it shall be open to us and so Lord this new way that begins today Lord by faith we come thank you Lord we come knocking and it shall be open to us so we open our heart and we open our lives to that which only you can give us it's not on our merit it's not on how good we are it's how we just come and we ask you to take a tiny mustard seed of faith that we have and you tell us it is enough that we shall receive all that we need because you're that good and you're that great so Lord as your people we ask we seek we knock and your Word says we receive we shall find and it shall be open to us so by faith do what only you can do change us now change us leaving this place remind us who we are remind us you are with us remind us you are for us remind us you are greater remind us you are stronger remind us you are alive remind us you never lose remind us you are our victory remind us O God the great things of God that you have done and you will do for every one that believes you for all that ask shall find thank you shall receive thank you O God your word is living me all this week may every day this week we be reminded of this great truth that sets us free that Lord as we look to you we will be empowered O God we will be given power to change we will be given power to change things around us so you're so good thank you wearing your presence and we are receiving to God be the glory hallelujah and all the people that have received from the Lord spirit today we give you praise and thanks Lord Jesus amen amen
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 23,453
Rating: 4.8774619 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: r0mmWLorO44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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