December 3, 2017 - Carter Conlon - Daniel Had A Window

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turn in your Bibles to the book of daniel police chapter 6 the word I have on my heart this morning is just simply called Daniel had a window Daniel had a window a father I thank you God with all my heart for the touch of heaven that resides and abides on the written text of Scripture I thank you Lord that in the in your word we see a pattern of mercy of judgment of justice of prayer we see God that you never operate outside of who you are and what you have done your character is completely made known for those who want to see you I ask you father today for an anointing from heaven to be upon my life I asked you for an anointed to be upon your congregation today here North Jersey in the annex and those listening online Lord unless you build the house our labor is in vain and so God I'm asking you in Jesus name to plant your word deep into our consciousness into our hearts Lord and God let it become part of the fabric of who we are as a people move us forward in truth your word is a light for a feed a lamp for our path the scripture tells us that the entrance of your words gives light and so God give us light give us illumination help us to understand who we are what we're called to do give us vision beyond what we see with our natural eyes give us faith God beyond what we can believe with our natural heart help us to understand your character help us to understand why prayer still moves your hand and we thank you for all of this and we praise you for it in Jesus name Daniel had a window in Daniel chapter 6 beginning at verse 7 all the governors of the kingdom the administrators the say traps the counselors the advisors have consulted together to establish a royal statute and to make a firm decree that whoever position petitions any God or man for 30 days except you O king so be cast into the den of lions now O king established the decree and signed the writing so that it cannot be changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians which does not alter therefore King Darius signed the written decree now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his windows open toward Jerusalem he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as was his custom since early days now Daniels been around a long time at this point he's not a novice in the kingdom of God obviously according to this word he's had a practice of going into his room and he's had a practice of opening his window towards Jerusalem we'll talk about that a little more in just a moment suddenly as can happen throughout history and throughout societies in this world suddenly human people decide that they want to be God and there'll be no other God this King had to have had that in his heart such a foolish thing that nobody can pray to anybody but you every once in a while throughout history society wants to become God now in order for society to become God they have to get rid of any of all of the opposition we have put it that way so you'll start to see laws enacted prohibiting prayer the pattern of Scripture always follows it always follows the same pattern when you see societies starting to pass laws against prayer whether their written laws or whether they're just understood laws or whether the thought the laws come where they perceived or actual threat when it becomes illegal for you can do anything you want in a sporting game but you can't raise your finger to God when you cross into the end zone that's of course punishable you can do you can do your happy dance you can spike the ball you can stand on your head you can do anything you want but you cannot point your index finger heavenward we already know that from last year or a young football player was sation because of it you see laws begin to be passed prohibiting prayer you can't pray in in these plays you can't pray in your schools you can't pray at sporting events you can't pray in public you can't pray in the workplace you can't pray anywhere in colleges you see suddenly when Humanity wants to become its own God when government now is trying to be the God of the people you'll find this constant move of barring prayer and in a sense threatening consequence if anybody disobeys that it was a decree literally forbidding prayer to anybody but the governing authority which was the king at that particular time now Daniel knowing this just goes home to pray with his window open towards Jerusalem and it was a decree that you can't pray to anybody for thirty days except the king so why not Daniel's been praying all his life he was taken into captivity with the rest of the people as a teenager it was made a eunuch in the king of babylons palace he's been serving there he's he's garnered favor with the governing authorities now an older man he's been praying every day all of his life now a decree is made that if anybody prays to anybody but the king for the next thirty days he's going to be cast into a den of lions and so why not just take 30 days off that's the logical question what's the big deal God's heard my prayer all these years so why run the risk of the loss of Liberty or life just for the purpose of getting down on your knees and opening your window towards Jerusalem unless there's something about that window that we don't really fully understand what was it about that window what was it about going up into his room that even at the possibility of losing his own life or freedom he would not even for a day let that window be closed now we have to ask ourselves why was that I'm sure there were a lot of people who compromised I'm sure there's a lot of people who just said well they're the governing authorities and and we're supposed to obey the governing authorities and there's others who just say well what's the big deal we're not we don't have to pray we can pray on the 31st day this log will soon pass so what's the big deal about prayer we'll just we'll just Bend our knee to it in a sense and we won't pray but Daniel would not let that window be closed even for a day he was an old man now he knew something he knew about the mercy of God see if you're a student of the word of God as Daniel was because we're gonna see this a little later on it was in the studying of the Word of God he began shortly after this incidence in history he began to understand that God had already decreed through the Prophet Jeremiah that the time of discipline of God's people in Babylon was going to be only 70 years and he recognized that they were coming close to the end of that 70 year period it was right on the threshold of an incredible victory that this pressure to stop praying comes upon the people of God and I want you to think about that as a church I want you to think about our society I wanted I want you to think about what we're facing today I want you to just for a moment just take a look at the depravity of our present society and what's in the news every day and how we're spiraling down faster and faster and faster on the one hand on the other hand you have this seeming pressure whether it's real or implied or whether it's physical or spiritual there's this pressure coming against the people of God to not pray just close the window in a sense of Prayer don't don't don't be so given to this you've prayed all these years that God's either heard you now or he hasn't at all but in the midst of the would look to be a hopeless situation with a king now grasping for absolute authority wanting to be God to the people Daniel now goes into his room as he did every day opens that window and begins to pray he had to have known something in his spirit they were closer to victory than they'd ever been before he had to have known that even in the midst of judgment God is always looking to show himself to be merciful being a student of the word of God he would know in Psalm 107 for example that God is merciful to people when they seemingly have lost all hope Psalm 107 talks about the people who wander they find no city to dwell and they're hungry and thirsty their soul faints in them but when they cry to the Lord in their trouble he comes and delivers them out of their de-stresses Daniel would know that people who sit in darkness in the shadow of death bound in affliction in iron as America is today whole towns portions of cities given over to darkness now the opioid addiction is now becoming a national crisis not so much that the problem the problem folks is not drugs the problem is despair that is the problem the problem is hopelessness the problem is not seeing a future not seeing of hope seeing nothing ahead in society grandma and grandpa are now being found unconscious in their cars having tape taking opioid for a pain that is not really physical it is spiritual and it's becoming an epidemic in the country while the scripture says they're living in this shadow of death and they're bound with affliction and iron because they rebelled against the words of God and despise the counsel of the Most High because as a society that has come before us we lightly esteemed the Word of God lightly esteemed the work of God lightly esteemed the holiness of God took the testimony of Christ that was handed to us and dealt with it very very casually and now we see people's hearts being brought down with labor they falling down and there's no one to help but the Bible says then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distress as he brought them out of darkness and broke their chains in pieces verse 17 from Psalm 107 says fools because of their transgression and because of their iniquities are afflicted the soul abhors all manner of food and they draw near to the gates of death but even there they cry out to the Lord in their trouble and he saves them out of their de-stresses he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions and he goes on in the psalm to talk about those who go down to the sea and ships and who do business on great waters those who believe that wealth is the key to personal happiness which find themselves mounting up to the heavens and then being cast down to the depths the soul begins to melt because of trouble and they come to a place where they finally realize like Solomon did that everything they pursued in life has been empty it's been vain they've achieved what they thought would bring them happiness only to find out that they are sadder than they've ever been in their life and then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble and he brings them out of their distress as he calms the storm so that the waves are still and they're quiet and he guides them to where they've always longed to be the psalmist says at the end of some 107 and verse 43 whoever is wise will observe these things and they will understand the loving kindness of the Lord whoever is wise whoever studies the Word of God will understand that it's in the heart of God to be merciful if when you study the Old Testament you're going to see a pattern emerge before God judges a society any society he pulls back the veil because he's righteous remember in Ezekiel's day pulls back the veil takes Ezekiel into the temple shows he is equal what the priests are thinking about shows that shows Ezekiel what the population is like it shows the vileness and the darkness that's gotten into the society he pulls back the veil to show the justness of why he has to judge that society and who can argue with me today but that God is pulling back the veil in America we are not a virtuous nation folks because we say God bless you and God bless the United States of America does not make us a virtuous nation we can sing we can say our platitudes now we're rotten to the core just like God showed Isaiah from the top of the head to the soles of the feet there's wounds and bruises and putrefying sores the body is sick I'm telling you folks this nation is sick right to its core right into the core of the nation and I want you to hear me on this because God is pulling back the veil on America there's going to be a judgment on this nation folks we've we've crossed the line I'm telling you we've crossed the line as a society there is rot everywhere where is truth to be found anymore can you believe anybody who speaks in the media any longer can you believe a politician that they're actually who is left that's ruling for the good of the people can you even trust the house of God that what you're hearing in many places is the word of God anymore or is it just some fluff making people feel good as we head off into judgment no God is pulling back the veil just as he did in ezekiel's there but listen listen he says it to Ezekiel but I sought for a man that I should not have to judge the nation when you study scripture you will see that even in the midst of judgment God longs to show himself to be merciful and the mercy of God the hand of God whenever you look throughout history whenever there has been a spiritual awakening one more time in a nation it can always be traced back to somebody some church some individuals some group have given themselves to prayer they've stood in the gap for the nation they've chosen to believe that in the midst of deserving judgment God can once again so mercy and so it was with Daniel Daniel had an open window into the mercy of God he understood something because he was a student of the Word of God he understood something he had these tacks he could study them and he knew that God would show himself merciful even if we find ourselves in a position of deserving his judgment in second chronicles chapter 6 beginning at verse 36 Solomon prayed when the temple was dedicated in Jerusalem those days where the glory of God was there those days of a glorious beginning those days where the presence of God came down so powerfully in the temple that people could not even stand to speak the days when God visited New York City folks in 1857 and tens and tens of thousands of people came under the conviction of the holy spirit houses of God were filled everywhere with praying people if you if you don't know it search your history the Lord once visited the city in a powerful powerful way but they dealt casually with this glorious presence of God and ended up taking into captivity in Babylon where they are now where Daniel is praying before his open window but look at the scripture that Daniel had in Chapter 6 the second chronicles beginning at verse 36 Solomon said when they sin against you for there's no one who does not sin and you become angry with them and deliver them to the enemy and they take them captive to a land far or near yet when they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive in other words when they finally wake up and begin to realize what have we done why have we abandoned God why are we letting civil society to slip through our fingers why are we letting our families be destroyed why are we letting our children be lied to in their schools and confused even about their gender why are we doing this why are we promoting murder in the womb what is wrong with us as a people what has happened to us why are we letting light and treacherous people into the pulpits of our churches in the nation letting them entertain us and pacify us while the whole nation perishes around us what has happened to us if they come to themselves in the land where they were carried captive and repent and make supplication to you in other words when they begin to pray in the land of their captivity saying we have sinned we've done wrong we've committed wickedness and they return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity where they've been carried away captive and prayed towards their land which you gave to their fathers the city which you have chosen and towards the temple which I've built for your name then hear from heaven your dwelling place their prayer and their supplications and maintain their cause and forgive your people have sinned against you now oh my god this is Solomon's prayer I pray let your eyes be open and let your ears be attentive to the prayer that is made in this place so Solomon's prayer was God if the people deal treacherously with you and because of their treacherous dealing end up under judgment and if they're carried away into a place as far away from this house where your glorious this place where you have chosen to be and to answer prayer if they come to themselves in that place and begin to pray again Solomon said O God hear their prayer and no matter how far away they are how strong the armies might be that have held them captive bringing home that's what he was praying bring them home when they begin to pray bring them back to what they've left behind now that same night in Chapter 7 verse 12 it says the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said to him I've heard your prayer and I've chosen this place for myself as a house of sacrifice when I shut up heaven that there is no rain or command the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven will forgive their sin and I will heal their land now my eyes will be open and my ears will be listening to the prayer that is made in this place for now I've chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever and my eyes and my heart will be there perpetually you see this was Daniel's open window Daniel had been praying this since he was a young man he he discovered in the text of scripture the mercy of God and he was following - a letter in a sense what God had revealed to him that in the place of your captivity if you will look towards Jerusalem because that was the instruction they were given even in the land of your captivity and you begin to pray there's a great chance that you will be released again and brought home and Daniel saw this there had to be something in this man's heart that said we are closer than we've ever been we are close to freedom I I kind of feel in my heart that when when all hell started to come against prayer that was almost the confirmation in Daniels heart oh god you're about to answer us I can't quit now even if they threatened to throw me in the lion's den I've got to keep praying I've got to be willing to pay the price to pray and to stand up and to be a believer in the actual true one and living God and so the day the very hour the decree was signed that Daniel had access to the king's court he would know he would have watched that thing being signed that the very moment it was signed he went home he went to his upper room opened his window towards Jerusalem he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as his custom was since his early days I can hear him praying God thank you thank you Lord you put it in my heart to believe that you're going to send your people home you put it in my heart to believe Oh God that you're going to allow them to rebuild the testimony of your temple which has been torn down by neglect Oh God you put it in my heart to believe that the glory of this second temple would be greater than the glory of the former God Almighty it's not by power it's not by might it's by your spirit Lord God for the hearts of Kings are in your hand and you can move the hearts of kings in whatever direction you choose to move them and so Lord I'm yielding my life to this purpose because I want your name to be glorified on the earth again I want your people to know the freedom god I'm tired of hearing about the captivity of tired of the broken homes and I'm tired of the addictions I'm tired of the hopelessness because that's not the portion for your people I'm tired of the light and treacherous preachers that caused this thing to happen in the first place in your nation and among your people Oh God I'm asking you to bring the people home and I don't care what it costs me I'm not going to close the window because I believe we're closer than we've ever been before now we know there was a law that had been passed and when those who succeeded in causing the king to pass this ridiculous law found out that zdenda was praying they brought that situation to the king and according to the law of the Medes and Persians he had to be cast into the lion's den you know he could have been tempted to think is this your reward Lord for those who stand in the gap and fight for the nation is this what has to happen he has no idea you see folks listen the ways of the Lord are higher than our ways his thoughts are higher than our thoughts and sometimes what looks to be a disaster is actually a victory it's truly amazing God takes this man is allowed by God to be taken captive because of prayer he's lowered into the Lions Den is there overnight and God sends an angel and shuts the mouths of all the lines around him it's truly amazing in the morning the king can't sleep that night he comes to the the lion's den he comes there with a lamentable voice because he loved Daniel he knew what he had done was wrong said all daniel has your God been able to preserve your life and Daniel from beneath the stone that sealed that cave could say yes King he has for I've done you no harm I i've not stood against you i've not stood against your kingdom there's a kingdom higher than your kingdom there's a god higher than you who answers prayer and so their eyes took him out of the that lion's den and just lowered in the men who had caused them to be put there in the first place in the Bible says the Lions broke all their bones before they even got to the bottom of the dead then King Darius wrote these words listen carefully to this is chapter 6 beginning at verse 25 to all peoples nations and languages in all the earth peace be multiplied to you I make a decree that in every Dominion in my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the god of Daniel for he is the Living God and steadfast forever his kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed his Dominion shall endure to the end he delivers he rescues he worked signs and wonders in heaven and on earth who has delivered Daniel from the power of the Lions verse 28 the last verse of Daniel chapter 6 says so Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian in other words Daniel is lifted up because he honored God and God honored him he's given a place of deeper access than he had before to the hearts of kings he's a reputation of what God did would have preceded him it would have traveled with him after the Duras his reign came to an end and Cyrus the Persian takes over the beat of Persian Kingdom most who study these texts believe that Daniel was probably the instrument that influenced Cyrus the king of meat of Persia - suddenly one day write a decree saying whoever wants to get up and go home back to Jerusalem whoever wants to rebuild the temple we will let you go we will give you protection we will give you permit permission and provision and may God be with you as you rebuild the testimony of this God in the earth a heathen king that's why Psalm 1 six about this moment says when the Lord turned again our captivity we were like those that dreamed we never believed it could happen it happens suddenly it was in a day suddenly suddenly the crius issued suddenly God can do that today folks just like he did it back then suddenly suddenly not so much a physical decree cuz it wouldn't mean much to anybody today but suddenly a decree is written in the spirit suddenly something is written in the hearts of God's people get up and go home get up and get back into the Word of God get up and get back into the work of God get up and get back into the righteousness of living for God get up and begin to walk God's Way go back and out of the ruins begin to build a testimony of who God is in the nation one more time God will be with you God will give you strength God will give you the resource God will give you the power God God God will give you the power to rebuild the testimony that has fallen in the nation and I believe as the prophets before said that the glory of the latter temple would be greater than the former I believe that with all my heart all thank God for yesterday thank God for what the Lord did in New York City in 1857 but I believe what God is about to do is going to be greater than what was done in 1857 I believe that with all my heart that's why we need to pray like we've never prayed before it's time to pray it's time to press sin it's time to open that window into God's mercy I feel like I have an open window into something it's not a particular relation that nobody else can have it's just an understanding of how merciful God is what he's willing to do why he sent his son to a cross why said Father forgive them they don't know what they do the heart of God is to forgive and restore and bring back to former glory that's why all hell will come against you now to try to stop you different praying that's why all hell will try to make you stay home that's why he'll will try to make you sleepy that's why you'll find yourself threatened on every turn when you make the choice to pray and to live like a Christian but we're living on the edge of one of two things judgment or mercy perhaps both but by the grace of God we're going to live - no mercy in our generation by God's grace I don't know about you but I'm not willing to give this generation over to darkness I'm not willing that they should die in their sin and go to an eternal hell without God I'm simply not willing to let them go I know that prayer moves the hand of God we deserve judgment but God will give us mercy praise be to God thank you Lord Jesus Christ now in Daniel chapter 9 I'm going to close with this it was in the first year of Duras the son of a house heiress of the lineage of the Medes who was king over the realm of the Chaldeans in the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the Prophet that he would accomplish 70 years in the desolations of Jerusalem you see Daniels saying I looked into the Word of God and I saw the promise of freedom I saw that we deserve judgment but mercy triumphs over it I saw that we've been may endure for a night but joy comes again in the morning I saw something in the Word of God you see the more you study the Word of God the more you become aware of his character then I set my face toward the Lord God to make requests by prayer and supplications with fasting sackcloth and ashes I can see Daniel once again going up into his room he's done it before when laws were passed he's done it after he came out of the line dan now he's seeing something in the Word of God and he's doing it again he goes up into his room on that window that's open towards the promise of God's mercy and restoration for a nation and I prayed to the Lord my God and made confession and said O Lord great and awesome God who keeps his covenant and mercy with those who love him and with those who keep his Commandments look at verse 5 he says we have sinned and committed iniquity we've done wickedly and rebelled even by departing from your precepts and your judgments in other words you made it clear but we turned away from it neither have we heeded your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings and to our princes to our fathers and to all the people of the land in other words God you warned us you warned us that we would be taken captive but we wouldn't listen we set our judgment above the Word of God and those who spoke for God O Lord verse 7 righteousness belongs to you but to us same a face as it is this day to the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel to those near and far off in all the countries where you've driven them because of the unfaithfulness which they've committed against you O Lord to us belongs shame a face to our kings to our princes our fathers because we've sinned against you in other words we're a shameful nation now in America because we've sinned against God to the Lord our God belongs mercy and to us belongs shame but in verse 9 he says to the Lord our God belongs mercy and forgiveness though we have rebelled against him God we deserves the place that we are we deserve what we have become we deserve the captivity that's coming to our borders that's what we deserve but you deserve mercy and forgiveness even though we have rebelled against you we've not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God to walk in his ways which he set before us by his servants the prophets all Israel transgress to your law and his departments was to not obey your voice therefore the curse and the oath written in the law of Moses the servant of God has been poured out on us because we've sinned against him and he's confirmed his words which he spoke against us and against our judges who judged us by bringing upon us a great disaster for under the whole heaven such has never done as what has been done to Jerusalem as it is written in the law of Moses all the disasters come upon us yet we have not made our prayer before the Lord our God that we might turn from our iniquities and understand your truth therefore the Lord has kept the disaster in mind and brought it upon us for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works which he does though we have not obeyed his voice verse 15 and now O Lord our God who brought you people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and made yourself a name as it is this day we have sinned and done wickedly Oh Lord according to all your righteousness I pray let your anger and your fury be turned away from your city Jerusalem your holy mountain because of our sins and for the iniquities of our fathers Jerusalem and your people are a reproach to all those around us now therefore o God hear the prayer of your servant and his supplications and for the lord's sake cause your face to shine on your sanctuary which is desolate oh my god incline your ear and hear open your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by your name for we do not present our supplications before you because of our righteous deeds but because of your great mercies O Lord here Oh Lord forgive Oh Lord listen and act do not delay for your own sake my God for your city and your people are called by your name God Daniel said we can't present anything to you we are truly humbled before you remember he said if my people are called by my name will humble themselves and pray Daniel remembered this he was a student of the Word of God and so in humility Daniel was not part of the rebellion Daniel was just a child when he was taken captive he had lived faithfully all of his life and he buddy when he went to prayer he knew that humility was a prerequisite to God moving his hand once again for the nation and he said we don't present our supplications before you because of our righteous deeds but because of your great mercy if anybody in the nation could have had a list or a litany Daniel could have said God remember I wouldn't eat the King's food remember that Lord remember I stood up when others bowed down remember Lord I went into the lion's den when other caved under the laws of not praying but Daniel knew pride does not move the hand of God and it's not about our accomplishments it's about His mercy we do not present our prayers before you because of any of things that we have done we've all sinned we've all fallen short of the glory of God but because of your great mercy O Lord here Oh Lord forgive oh lord listen and act do not delay for your own sake my god for your city and your people are called by your name and what Daniel was saying Lord it's your name that's being dragged through the mud not ours your your great name that deserves to be praised and will be for all of eternity your name under which every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord and we are supposed to be representing you in the earth there should be a trembling in the hearts of the people when they see your presence in our lives and they see your provision and strength which you are willing to give to us as we rise up again to build and to believe for your kingdoms sake and for the people's sake o God for your holy name's sake we don't ask you to do this Lord for our sakes but for your name's sake Lord let us rise up again and build God empower us let the glory of this latter temple be greater than the former oh Jesus Christ we thank you for everything that you have done for us in the days gone by we thank you for the history of righteousness we thank you Lord for the good times and the bad times we thank you Lord for the moments in our history when we may have honored you old Jesus Christ we ask you to have mercy Lord for your holy name's sake and for your people's sake Lord would you revive us again would you pick us up again God would you give us the power to come home and live for you and serve you would you make us able workers in your vineyard would you give us the power of God to speak and move the hearts of men and women and children out of darkness and into the life and light which you promised to them through Jesus Christ would you give us each man each woman here in the sanctuary today and those that are hearing my voice God would you give all of us an open window of understanding your power and your willingness to show mercy show mercy to our home scout show mercy to our children so mercy to our neighbors and our families Oh God so mercy Lord even if it looks hopeless it doesn't matter Lord you move the heart of the heathen King to write a law that was unthinkable and to let your people go home you proven time and again throughout scripture that you are God Oh Lord Jesus Christ God give us an open window again give us hearts of faith to believe courage to pray like we've never prayed before faith God even if it's only such as a mustard seed let us bring it to you Lord that you can cause it to grow and bring a great victory from it Oh God deliver us from unbelief deliver us Lord Jesus Christ from the despair and the lethargy of this generation make us fighters O God for what is right and what is true give us the courage of a Daniel Lord no matter who tells us we can't do what give us the courage of a Daniel God from studying your word to see your mercy and to believe that you are more than willing to be merciful again father we thank you for this Lord with all of our heart god we give you all the praise for it in all the glory thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory God Almighty I want to encourage you this morning everyone is here ask God to give you an open window again an open window to believe for yourself first if you've fallen if you feel like the testimony of God and your life is somehow or is just so much rubble you don't know where you're ever going to start to build again remember God can write a decree and that decree comes with protection provision empowerment and a clear journey God can write a decree it over your life and give you the power to rebuild again for those that are discouraged because of your home your family your children ask the Lord again for an open window and the courage not to give up folks when it looks the worst that's usually when the victory is about to come when it's the darkest when it looks like everything is going down well it looks like there's no hope for the future quite often that's just the point we're human resource has run out and the kingdom of God has taken over that's the point where God puts a song inside and a laughter in your mouth and a joy in your heart that causes the heathen around you to say look what God has done ask the Lord for an open window to believe for your neighborhood for your apartment building for God to put power in your speech and tenderness in your touch healing in your hands as God for that open window to be able to make a difference in this generation and lastly ask God for the courage to believe that as we pray he can send an awakening to a nation so destitute and bankrupt his hours that he can send a spiritual awakening again he's pulling back the veil because he wants somebody to open the window if you have not been praying said God would you give me the courage to go into my upper room wherever that is and opened my window towards your mercy and begin to pray with Thanksgiving as Daniel did and believe and not give up Daniel prayed his whole life and when he was now late into probably his 80s he got to see the victory that he had prayed for for so many years 70 years believing God 70 years going up to that upper room 70 years opening his window and then suddenly God just opens the book and he realizes that it's come to an end the time of mercy and rib has come father God in Jesus name help us Lord God for we can't even go to the upper room without your strength we can't even find the window unless you show it to us Lord we would never understand your mercy Lord unless you reveal it to us in your word deliver us God from a light treacherous Christianity that leads nowhere and produces nothing for your kingdom god help us to become students of your word help us to become people of Prayer Lord who understand your desire to show mercy go Jesus Christ I ask you for a touch of heaven on this congregation today Lord God here we are no different than the people in the Upper Room work we feel many like failures Lord God we have nothing to present before you Lord we've had 30 years in this church of your presence but without your presence it would be 30 years of nothing it's just been you that's made the difference Lord and so God lead us guide us now draw us deeper than we've ever gone before help us to pray lord help us to take seriously this walk with you Lord especially now at this time we ask you Lord to give us an open window as a people individually and collectively as a church body and we thank you for it o God in Jesus name now I'm gonna give an altar call thank you lord before anybody here that just as pastor I want that open window I want the faith that Daniel had I don't want to be a self consumed Christian I want to stand in the gap for people that are gonna die without the knowledge of God God would you I'm willing but Lord you've got to put it in my heart because I'm not gonna do it if you don't put it there and if that's the cry of your heart cuz it's a cry of mine I'll tell you straight out sin cried my heart more than anything now God give me the courage to open the window give me the courage to pray no matter who says I shouldn't no matter what voice comes against me give you the courage to pray and show me your mercy God show me your mercy open the text of the scripture to me may I see it God and help me to start thanking you for being merciful to this generation would you stand please and if that's you would you just come with these that have already come and we're gonna pray after we worship for a couple of minutes together Lord God would just come before you today and we just ask you right now Lord this is not a time for us to shrink back God it's a time for us to open our windows God and lift up our voices Lord or asking for revival on this nation god help us to stand strong Lord God help us O God not to fear Lord God because you walk with us Lord you might cast us into the lion's den God but we've know Lord that you are mighty O God to save you are mighty to save O God and Lord we just love you today God and we just praise your holy name and we know that you will walk through us no matter what you bring us through God you are with us in Jesus mighty name Lord I pray that you would meet each and every one of us today Lord God wherever we are Lord God in our walk with you that you'd give us courage or Jesus to stand for you in this world Lord Lord we I pray that you would just draw us closer to you causing an incredible passion to raise up in our own hearts or God for you Lord Lord guide us and direct us all the days of our lives or God but Lord God give us that courage Lord Lord cause a revival Lord Jesus and start it right in our own hearts or God a spiritual awakening Lord Jesus Lord you are amazing and you do this all the time within our own hearts and cause a Salvation Lord God that is only unto you Lord Lord I pray God that you would do a mighty work in each of our hearts today Lord God in your name we pray amen [Applause] father we just thank you so much Lord for exhorting my heart and every heart that's here Lord to believe you - you've given us an open window as a church Lord you've given us a worldwide prayer meeting a large window into your mercy give us the grace Lord to believe you God for not just New York City but for this world Lord that you would just sweep a multitude too numerous to count of souls into your kingdom for your holy name sake Lord we ask this not for our sakes of God but for your holy name sake Lord oh Jesus Christ all powerful all merciful God Lord thank you for moving upon us Lord to stand in the gap for this nation at this time give us the grace to occupy this place honorably thank you for it Lord with everything in us we praise you in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 18,759
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: fWGA6V9ze68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 30sec (2790 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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