Finding the Will of God | Carter Conlon

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I want to talk to you this morning about finding the will of God finding the will of gods I've been a quest in anybody's heart here I thought so anybody found that confusing or you live in dread that you're gonna miss the will of God for your life well we're going to take a look at this because I feel that those of us who have walked just a little farther down the road have an obligation to make these truths clear and make them simple understandable what does it mean to walk in the will of God and how can I find the will of God how can I actually know I'm in the will of God I hope that by the time I get to the end of this message that you will understand these things John chapter 7 please if you'll go there John chapter 7 just verse 17 one verse scripture a father I thank you with all my heart God for the anointing of your Holy Spirit I thank your Lord for your strength and for your power your sustaining Lord it's all about you it's in you it's through you it's because of you that we can stand then we have anything to say and I thank you Lord that all of us stand by your power and by your grace and by your mercy I asked for an anointing this day Lord to override the frailty of this body and ask o God that you would speak to me and through me to every heart that's gathered here let your kingdom come Lord let your will be done here in us as it is in heaven and father we thank you for it we praise you for it in Jesus name now it is true today that every person here you have been created uniquely by God for a divine purpose you have there's something God's called you to do that nobody else can do in the way that you're called to do it it's very unique now the gifts and callings are varied in the body of Christ but there is a unique calling on your life you're not just you're not just a person to be counted as as one of thousands and the congregations of God you have an a specific purpose and some of you might be getting to the place where you're starting to realize that even if it's just a whisper in your heart it's just something out of the ordinary and most often when you get to the unique will of God I'm going to call it that for lack of a better term today but when you get to that place where your calling is uniquely yours it comes with a whisper in the heart it comes with a strong strong leading and most often it's out of the box of your own ability it's in an unfamiliar place it's your now call to do something we can't do in our own strength the will of God is so important that God makes two statements concerning it in the scriptures John chapter 7 verse 17 now listen to what Jesus said if anyone wills to do his will in other words if anybody wants to do the will of God that's that's your heart's desire you're not coming to church to get God to agree with your will as many are today and that's what's happening in much of our culture today as we've inverted this whole thing and we've said to the Lord not thy will but my will be done and we brought our will into the house of God and there's there's no shortage of preachers that will tell you anything you want to hear concerning yourself your own will your vision of yourself how you see your future playing out telling you wonderful things about yourself but reality the reality is that it's really just me taking my will and asking God to bless it make me a better this make me a better that but jesus said if anyone wills to do his will you remember his prayer and get cemani father if there be any other way there's any other way this can be done could we do it that way but nevertheless not my will but thy will be done now here's what it says jesus said if anyone wills to do his will he shall know concerning the doctrine whether it is from God or whether I speak on my own authority if you have it in your heart to do the will of God you will understand truth you will know what truth is you will know that voice that says this is the way walk in it all my life is a young Christian even as a young Christian I wanted to do the will of God as much as I didn't fully understand what that was going to finally play out what it was going to look like but I wanted to do his will and I remember coming into churches as a young Christian sitting in the audience looking at the preacher preaching us and thinking how in the world could these people be sitting under this kind of a message don't they see how off-track this is why don't they understand doctrine most times it's because they don't will to do the will of God people just simply want to go to church they want to be blessed they want their finances to increase they want their influence to increase they want a bigger piece of the pie and they'll come but they don't really want to do the will of God and when people don't want to do the will of God the first thing that comes into their situation is doctrinal confusion and that's why there's so much doctrinal confusion today in our society because there's so many who really don't want to do the will of God deep down it's like lord if it fits in my parameters of what I think the will of God should be then fine I'm in but if it doesn't fit my parameters I don't want to hear it and the next thing that happens is confusion starts to rain and there's a there's an inability to discern truth but thank God the Prophet Malachi tells us in the last days there will be a returning to doctrine there will be a returning to truth there will be a return to discernment people will know in the last days these days that we're living in who serves God and who doesn't who speaks for God and who's not speaking for God in daniel in his book of chapter 11 Daniel talks about a day very similar to ours when calamity begins to break out on the earth and evil begins to abound but Daniel makes an incredible statement he said those who know their God will be strong and do exploits in other words they'll be doing things it's not by human mind it's not by human power but it would be by the Spirit of God there'll be something being done through them that only God can do and folks that's where we are now we are right back to where the church began the church began in a society that was again Christ the church began at a time when the people of God were being marginalized ridiculed and the society at large under Rome was glad to be rid of this nuisance called Christ but those people went into an upper room and I have no doubt that when they began to pray their prayer was not my will but thine be done o God show us the future for each of our live show us Lord God what you have for us and when they came out of that upper room every man every woman every young person was speaking of something it was not humanly possible to achieve they had found the unequal of God for each of their lives every person speaking something different about the future and where God was going to take them that's my assumption everyone speaking of these mighty works of God doing it in the power of the Holy Spirit this is where the church began and by God's grace this is where the church is going to finish before Christ comes for us again I believe that with all my heart also in John chapter 9 I love this because I call it the testimony of the blind men in verse 31 he says now we know that God does not hear sinner's but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will he hears him it's so important if we're willing to do the will of God not only will we understand doctrine but God says God will answer our prayers and that was a blind man who gave that testimony to the religious leaders of his day Ephesians 6 6 Paul says we should do the will of God from our hearts there should be a prayer here this morning in your heart and in mine this is God lead me to what you have for my life not what I think my life should be but you lead me and you take me to that place where my life is going to bring glory to you I don't want to be just a number and a few somewhere I don't want to be just counted in the millions that have made it across the finish line into eternity but I want my life to count for something I want you to carry me Oh God I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna start asking you for things Lord that only you can give to me and I believe that you're gonna hear my prayer because I want truth in my heart and I want my life to matter for something in eternity the will of God can change in my own life over the years the unique things now these are the things I speak about that are strictly for me it's my calling it's it's a direction for my life that's not necessarily indicated in a line or verse in the Bible as some other things are but it's something God is called calling me to and it has changed over the years it has taken different turns but in between these points of my life I call them the the unique will of God that which is strictly for me so I'm gonna draw a distinction now between the unique will and the revealed will of God there is a difference now the unique will of God is what I am God has called me to do for him exclusively that's the unique will of God that's something that God set you apart for for your life but there's also a revealed will of God a practical will of God and it's that part of the will of God which is clearly known and to which all of us collectively are called for example in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 3 Paul says for this is the will of God your sanctification that you should abstain from sexual immorality that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor Paul says this is the will of God this is the revealed will of God you don't have to go searching all over the plate you don't have to get mystical about it it's right there that's why you need to read this book you need to read Psalms proverbs Matthew to Revelation you need to read it as if it's a lap for your feet and a light for your path you need to read it as if it's an x-ray machine that shows you your heart and then gives you promises the will of God is clearly revealed take your concordance look under the word will and just study it the will of God is clearly revealed in the New Testament there are so many things that in the revealed will of God it's the it's the common revelation it's it's an understanding you don't have to become spooky in the kingdom of God and walk around as all show me your will show me a will his will is here his will is clear and remember I'm gonna bring it back to the beginning if you want to do his will truth becomes known doctrine clears up the fog lifts and if you want to do his will your prayers start to get answered this is the will of God that you should abstain from sexual immorality let's start right there especially in this generation this society walk away turn it away from it ask God for the strength to live a holy life set apart for him 1st Thessalonians 5 this is just another example verse 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you in everything for the home you're in the marriage you're in the job you have the family you're part of give thanks this is the will of God instead of constantly praying Oh God get me out of here and I'll serve you get me out of here and I'll love you get me out of here Oh God to be no greater worshiper than me just get me out of this place the Lord says no that's not in my will how can it not be your will to get me out of here no it says my will is that you learn to give thanks where you are you're going to win the victory where I put you see this is the will of God you don't have to go searching for some needle in a haystack it's clearly revealed it's not hidden it's very plain if you're if you are a student of the Word of God it's there so many people have known over the years have sat and waited for this unique calling of God this that which sets you apart from others man put it that way all the while ignoring the will of God that is clearly revealed ignoring it walking away from it and then many times that's why the doctrine becomes confused and their prayers go unanswered they can actually come to the conclusion I don't God doesn't speak to me I don't believe in this whole thing and they become so confused but the bottom line is they they didn't want to do the will of God really they wanted to be supernatural they wanted to be extraordinary they wanted the crowds they wanted to raise the dead lay hands on the sick and have them recover speak in tongues all the rest of it but they really didn't want to do the will of God I'll give you another example Ephesians 5:25 husband's love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her I remember the first time I read that ever I blurted out oh right that's easy for you to say Paul was single after all but it is the will of God when we ignore the will of God the revealed will of God don't don't don't be focusing on being a great missionary or preacher if you don't love your wife as Christ loved the church if you're not willing to be given for her then put down the illusion of this unique thing coming out of heaven to your life one day when you're ignoring the revealed will of God listen to what Peter says in 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 7 husband's likewise dwell with them that your wives with understanding giving honor to the wife as unto the weaker vessel that does not mean she's weaker than you it means that God has placed her under your care as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindered it's the will of God that we learn to speak the truth after all this is a kingdom of truth we represent the one who said I'm the way the truth we have to start speaking truth we speak truth in the marketplace we speak it in the workplace we speak it in the secret place truth has got to become the bedrock of our lives it is the will of God to speak the truth even when you give your testimony don't add a little bit to it remember one guy was sharing his testimony somewhere in Canada a friend of mine leaned over so that's a testimony that's not a testimony be loyal that's the will of God to be loyal to be dependable to show up and when things don't go right not to quit be loyal in the workplace as an employee showing up on time and leaving when you're supposed to not before be loyal learn how to be loyal that's the will of God be helpful that's the will of God be concerned about others that is definitely the will of God be concerned reached out side of your own life and sphere struggles trials concerns desires and ask God for a heart - to care about others be hospitable that's the will of God that means you let people inside your 3-foot bubble that you and I'd like to keep around ourselves we are not afraid to ask somebody to go for a coffee or even to come to our house if if we know that's a reasonable thing to do be faithful and dependable don't be a person of just convenience doing the will of God if it feels right or you feel good but not doing the will of God when it's raining outside or snowing and it's just too long a journey to take I could go on for two hours through the Scriptures and it proved to you the will of God is not hidden it's not some needle in the haystack a lot of people have that viewpoint of the will of God as if as if God takes a needle and says hey Gabriel come here look at this watch this I'm gonna drop it in the haystack be fun watching brother Jones or sister Jones try to find the will of God and we're praying and saying oh God show me your will oh God show me your will and the will of God is is so clear it's not debated it's not hidden unless we want it to be hidden and when we don't want to do it then doctrine becomes confused and prayers start to go unanswered and while we're doing the will of God while we make the choice to just read and obey what we read and trust God for the strength to obey it while we're doing the will of God then suddenly things that are unique to each of us start to find us and this is really key because I want you to hear this I have never found the will of God for my life the will of God has always found me there's a huge difference remember to the Church of Philadelphia the Lord said Behold eyes I set before you an open door I set before you the will of God throughout the years as as I did the practical the unique found me I did what every man is supposed to do I did what every believer in Christ is supposed to do I walked in the way as best as I knew that all who who are called by the name of Christ are supposed to walk and as I began to walk that way then things that are not revealed necessarily line by line or word by word in the scriptures things unique for me started to unfold strong impressions of the heart that wouldn't go away and I could be honest with you most of the time the will of God it's not something I wanted to do start a Bible study in the little country church in the middle of nowhere drive home drive get up early in the morning feed the animals because these two have a farm feed all the animals go into work drive 36 miles into work working eight hours shift drive 36 miles home feed the animals tuck my kids most times into bed and then head off to do a Bible study after that another 9 or 10 miles sometimes on snowy nights where it was difficult to drive down a road that there was no houses but I say it was faithful to what God called me to do suddenly the unique will of God began to be unfolded strong impressions and just don't go away then the group of people at that Bible study said hey we're at church there's been no testimony in this area for a hundred years forty square miles no testimony of God that we were aware of we're a church and then I remember saying what if you want to be a church then I'll go find us a covering in a pastor I went to a denomination that was in our country at that time and met with the leader and said this is what's happened we're in this we're in this area we've formed a church and I'd like you to get us a pastor if you can't and a covering and he said to me are you willing to pass through this church I said not on your life no chance no sir I've already got a career I'm doing very well in my career and I was on a board one time of a large church and I'm not interested in that I've seen some of the inner workings and I just please just get us a pastor it's all I ask you to do and so he told me a search was being conducted and so I'm preaching in this hotel that's the only building in the whole town that would take us they kicked us out of the high school broke a contract with the City Hall there was a strong religious spirit of dominated the area and they had us kicked out of every every building in the area and we're the only place left it would take us was the hotel in the middle of town it didn't have a very good reputation either we had to turn over the girly posters and empty the ashtrays and the children's church was in the men only room and it was quite the place in the versus wagon I had an organ player here with all kinds of cigarette burns on it a bunch of wagon wheels in the front if you want to get saved you had to climb over wagon wheels to respond to an altar call and we were packed out folks were standing right to the back it was awesome and then the owner of the hotel it was a lady that was a very questionable reputation started attending the services in her negligee on Sunday morning because she lived in the building and she sat in the front row and she she was usually a little bit of knee braided and she would she'd be talking to me while I was preaching all's top you're ruining my life oh stop stop you're getting through to me she cry and cry and then one day the hotels in Canada are supposed to be closed on Sunday but we got we're packed to the rafters people are shouting and singing it's just awesome the police come to the door and she's the one who answers the door and tells them we're having Church I don't want to pass through this church I have agreed to hold it for about six months till they could find a pastor but the whole time the will of God just keeps see God doesn't just tell you once and walk away oh well you had your chance you blew it I gave you a day you didn't quite agree with me though the will of God just kept coming back and coming back and coming back I was preaching to others if I give your all to Christ walk with God trust and believe him and the more I spoke at the worse I felt inside because I knew my own heart I wasn't willing to obey Him and the thought of pastoring this group of people just would not go away and one day I looked I was preaching my heart out I looked out the window there's a little brown sparrows in the driveway in the middle of winter they're pecking at the snow and there's nothing there's just snow and the Lord said to me can you not trust me with your future can they not trust me with your family can't you trust me to look after you I look after these barrels can you not trust me I didn't want to hear that I had a good job at a good career and so finally one day we're I was in the mall and I was so fighting against God the will of God will come the unique will of God will come but it's not always what you want to do and I'm walking through this mall with my partner at this point I was working in criminal intelligence at the police department and I was always forgetting my gun and so my partner and I walking through this mall and and just some unsavory characters came into the wall there was a bank there and and it just it just doesn't really look good and he turns to me says you do have your gun today don't join your nice - no I forgot it in my locker again and right in the mall my partner an unsaved man he says you are called to preach the gospel he says Carter you're a nice guy but your heart is no longer here your heart is in another place and he says I'm telling you man you got to go and do what God is calling you to do there was the unique will of God for my life not not the revealed but the unique I had done the revealed as best as I knew how I can honestly say I don't think there was a line I've ever read that I didn't want to obey it was the unique will of God that gave me trouble and then I remember going back to that pastor and said God's been speaking to me that Pastor this church out in the wilderness in this hotel and I said if if you want me you can cancel the search he said there has been no search he said I knew you were the pastor and the unique will of God has led me into many places throughout my life and it's sometimes it has changed there's no way I ever could have known that I would end up in New York City I started in children's church did you know that I was a Shusher that's in the Bible you can you get a search but you'll find it pastor Teresa taught the children a nice Justin shush-shush I would clean the carpets we would have a Bible study in the country and I would clean the carpets take out the vacuum when everyone else was gone when I started pastoring in a small church in Canada I would wash the floors every Monday I would just do see a lot of people are lazy and they expect that this glorious visitation of God is going to come down one day and there going to be a great evangelist if you were starting a corporation today would you come to me and say pastor I'm starting a company in New York City I want you to find me the five laziest people you've got in Times Square Church you wouldn't do that and neither would God we we have to we have to win our secret battles as David did in the wilderness we've got to fight those giants that try to stop us from doing the basic things that are hidden we got to fight we've got to win we've got to we've got to walk in in those hidden places and do the will of God when when there are no audiences do the will of the will of God a lot of a lot of preachers get put into the public eye having not really done the will of God and that's why so many fall in our generation the characters not formed never learned to obey God never found the power of God in those revealed places so when the unique place comes they're so ill equipped to face it when the praise of man the criticism of man the lust of the eye of the pride of life are the lust of the flesh come there power against it because they've not done the will of God they've just searched for this grand place thinking somehow that's going to fulfill them the Lord told me to study to show myself approved unto God rightly dividing the word of God a workman that needs not to be ashamed and I did study the Word of God and I studied it with tears I would read it I would weep and I would read it again and read it again and read it again I would read it sometimes the same verse over and over and over again until it would get deep into my spirit I would read things that look to be impossible only to find God speaking to my heart and saying yes to you impossible but not to me and I live inside of you so let me be God to you I would attend prayer meetings I would go to work after feeding the animals I would come home I would go back to prayer meeting and there was no time living on God it was such a privilege to be in his house such a privilege to be able to talk to him I believed that God would give me the strength to be a good husband and a good father and like Paul I'm not fully achieved everything but I do press on to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus I had to learn in secret to be unselfish because I was selfish to the core of my being when I came to Christ I had to learn to love people I remember pushing a shopping cart in a mall one time after after being coming a Christian and I said out loud I hate people if to understand I didn't want to be that way but people had been a terrible source of pain in my life in the early years and some of you know what that's all about you understand that and now you're called to be given four people you're called to to let them beat on you called to love it was hard for me when I started pastoring a church after having been a cop there's a couple of times I tell you I darn near went across the desk at a couple of guys I'm just being honest with you can I do that this morning you have to be hard you have to be kind to these people who wouldn't have said boo to you before you got saved but after you're saved oh ho ho I have to learn to love when it seemed it impossible I had to help where I could when I saw a need how the guy called me one time I said pastor I was in prayer this morning and God told me the greatness was going to be mine I said that's awesome our janitor resigned this morning and I need somebody to clean the church and he said to me that's not exactly what I had in mind I said no I didn't think it was although the Bible does say the greatest among you will be your servant oh no no no I that's not what I have in mind and the unique will of God has been an incredible journey and we're going to need to know that we're going to have to come out of that upper room again we're going to have to walk in the power of God in this generation we're going to have to stand in the marketplace empowered by the Holy Spirit uniquely called to be everything that God has called us to be because generic church attendance as wonderful as that is is not going to win this hour that we're now living in we began in the Upper Room and we've got to finish in the upper room now as the Church of Jesus Christ I want to challenge you with all my heart that you learn to do the first things first do the first works the first things come back to your first love if you need to where you open this Bible beginning of the Gospel of Matthew you start reading and say God don't let me read the Bible let the Bible read me the Lord where I fall short let me trust you for the power and give me the will to do your will plant within me the desire to do your will give me the ability of God to believe you and to change in those secret places from image to image and glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord don't let me live in this illusion that one day this mystical will of God is going to fall in my life when I am ignoring the revealed will of God help me God to take seriously your Kingdom helped me Lord to study your word help me to walk morally clean help me to pray help me God to be a good husband a good father a good wife a good son a good daughter helped me to be honest in the workplace helped me to care about people Oh God in such an indifferent selfish time that I find myself living in help me God to turn away from conversation even in the media that's simply going to bring me into a position of weakness help me to be a builder and not a destroyer Oh God helped me Lord to believe you for those things in my life that nobody but you and I know about help me to get the victory of God to walk honestly to walk courageously to walk victoriously with you and then one day one day this strong impulse comes to my heart and it's not necessarily where I'm the most comfortable and it comes suddenly sometimes and even though I may put it away for a season it will come back because God is patient the day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a date to him and he doesn't forget and he knows your struggle he knows my struggle he knows how hard we find it like Gideon to believe that in our poverty God can bring a marvelous victory through our lives he knows the heart of his for Esther to feel unloving and unlovely to go into the King at the cost or potential price of her life to intercede for her people he knows how hard it is for Moses after his natural strength is gone he's no longer eloquent speakers sword has gone out of his hand and only a stick is in his hand now he knows how hard it is for us to believe that it's at this moment in our lives that the unique will of God comes to us that specific calling through which we will glorify Him oh but thank God for those hidden places thank God for the victory in those secret places thank God for the courage to do the will of God and it may be hard now but when God calls you in that moment that divine moment for your life whether it's a long season or a short season we're through you he is glorified uniquely through your life you will thank God that you studied this word you will thank God you went to prayer meetings you will thank God you made right choices you'll thank God you learn to speak the truth you'll thank God that when it seemed impossible you meet the choice to go through the paper wall the devil put before you and you trusted God for the victory you'll thank God that those moments in your life this is the will of God first Peter 2:15 that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men this is the will of God by doing good by doing right by speaking the truth by caring in an empowering time by praying with nobody else praise by studying when everyone else is writing off the Word of God by speaking the name of Jesus when everyone else wants to curse his name this is the will of God by being an honest employee in the workplace by doing the books right by speaking the truth where you go by lifting up and not casting down by walking away from evil conversation that you put to silence the ignorance of foolish men this is the will of God this is where characters formed this is where you find out whether or not you can play on the team and you can go into the arena you don't win the battle in the locker room you're not going to win it on the field you've got to win it in secret before you win it in public you will suddenly not be the super Vangelis and loves everybody if you've not learned learn to love people in private that's how it works this is the will of God and so don't worry about the unique will of God that will come to you you won't even be able to escape it it will come today think about the revealed will of God the practical will of God and you can get out from under this burden Lord what is your will it's there it's simple it's real and then when you finally get to the unique will of God what if it doesn't even involve you you ever thought of that you study you pray and suddenly this this unique moment in your life comes think about Joseph a godly man and the unique moment came to his life and he said I want you to marry this girl and rate and help raise her son that was it for Joseph what if the Lord said to you today it's not about you it's about your son or your daughter I have a specific call on this child's life I just want you to live a godly life before them and raise them in the fear of God what if that is the will of God for you is that okay is that good enough what's the specific will of God for your life as I want you to take a stand in the marketplace I want you to live a godly life you just don't know what it is but I do know one thing it's always at least in my case it's always been out of my comfort zone I'm on radio now in the hundred and seventy stations in 25 states calling this country back to God and back to prayer it was hilarious when they tried to train me you know radio voice to learn to be likeable friendly hopeless I am Who I am I can't do it any other way it's just I am Who I am that's my part of the bargain it's Lord take it or leave it this is Who I am so you've made me I challenge you with all my heart I'm gonna give an altar call this morning and it's so simple I will to do the will of God God give me the will to want to do you will and everything from where I sit today to where you're gonna take me before I die give me the will to do your will don't let me think of anything is too small too undignified to beneath me God help me God help me God help me help me to be the one if there's a piece of paper on the floor to pick it out god help me to do your well God helped me to be kind truthful faithful God helped me to be a good husband good wife good son good daughter good employee good citizen God helped me to be a builder not a destroyer God helped me to be one promoting unity when the society is promoting division God helped me to take a stand for truth when everyone else seems to be content to deal with lies God helped me make me willing Lord to do your well and if you should have something unique for my life open my heart to it God give me the courage you'll be amazed if if you can lay hold of this truth this morning you'll be amazed at where you're going to be 15 years from now Lord Lord willing and Lord tearing you'd be amazed at what God's going to do in your life be amazed where he's going to take you and what he'll do through your life be amazed of the depth of prayer he'll give you bring into your heart if that's his will for you to be an intercessor in this generation but Oh God make me willing make me willing if we Trulli hardness responded to it this church would explode into revival there'd been an awakening here the beggars description if that was truly the cry truly the cry of your heart Christ would become revealed to you in a way like you've never known him father I thank you God for giving me the ability to speak this word I've not stood here by might nor by power but by your spirit lord I ask you God in this last hour in which we live this last season of humanity as we've known it that you would give all of us the desire to do your will Lord you know it's hard you're yourself Jesus asked the father to be somehow relieved of having to go to the full extent of his will that's why you invite us in our trials and struggles thank you for your mercy give us grace Lord and we're going to worship just for a moment and as we do for every person here North Jersey as well in that home said God I want to will to do your will I want you to give me that kind of a heart if that's the cry of your heart we're gonna stand at a moment and balcony you've known either exit in the annex in North Jersey you could step between the screens I'm just going to ask you to come forward and let that be the single most cry of your heart I want to will Oh God to do your will plant within me the desire to obey you what you've already revealed and then what you will uniquely call me to one day God give me the desire to obey your will let's stand please and if God speaking to you just come meet me here at this altar we'll pray together in a moment praise God thank you Jesus would you just stretch your hands out please lord I just thank you God for strength for all of us for every one of us Lord in this time in which we live to not drawback but we have come forward and we have said I will to do your will I will Lord you have to put within my heart that passion the strength of desire and the victory it has to all come from you Lord we recognize that we are weak but you are strong lord thank you that a hundred and twenty week people went into an upper room and prayed they wanted to do your will you came upon them as we sang like a rushing of a mighty wind and even Rome bent its knee father God we thank you Lord that we have such a heritage guide us now into your revealed will help us Lord not to find excuses to disobey you give us the grace to do what you've called us to do and open our hearts Lord when that that divine calling for each of us comes give us the courage to obey it thank you for thank you God for what you're about to do in this time praise you for it and bless you for it in the mighty name of Jesus hallelujah thank you
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 75,387
Rating: 4.9139547 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: 0ERBiarRypE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2015
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