julien finds out sugar isn't vegan

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your face gives me julian vibes you know no i beat myself frosted flakes official who the hell is that frosted flakes can you please make some gluten-free cereal do they make gluten-free zero i'm googling them frosty slice official first thing that came up what happened to frosted flakes oh no what happened they started watching twitch didn't get anything done i don't know what happened to me frosted flakes official i don't know i don't know people are asking dude they're wondering frosted hold on frosted flakes is gas but it's not even vegan is it not yes frosted flakes are vegan what i'm confused yes frosted flakes are vegan as you can check from the ingredients list but for the vegans who consider sugar and vitamin d3 non-vegan unfortunately frosted flakes are non-vegan [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did i just read what sugar's an animal don't kill sugar have you killed sugar you're cruel sugar's alive this is my pet sugar what the hell i've never seen that in my whole life dude for legal reasons i'm now a sugar vegan listen leave kate alone okay she's a sugar vegan oh man imagine ordering coffee at starbucks and having them put sugar in it [ __ ] animal abuser disgusting sugar vegans i love that term that term is beautiful where the [ __ ] is my mouth my father was a sugar i feel so attacked what the [ __ ] was he powdered or granulated what kind of sugar was he [Music] was a yum i didn't start this frosted flakes officials started this why is this conversation happening i have serious texas donations coming in and i'm trying to think about aubrey's dad who's a sugar or was apparently someone got a little hungry imagine an urn of sugar okay you're banned kate jail jail jail is that way oh man you're baking cookies go through the pantry i have no sugar wait a minute i got some sugar pulse out the urine papa would have wanted these cookies i can't believe what i just read i i imagine there's got to be more to it but i can't believe what i just read snickerdoodles were worth it but i have an upset stomach what do you think it was was it the flour or the baking soda no i think it was dad okay so out of context i get why you'd be concerned about me but listen some stuff happened okay and i learned that eating sugar makes you not a vegan so i'm just trying to cope with that also i'm now sponsored by frosted flakes official i mean whatever gets tony in chat you know [Laughter] tony the tiger my guy can't get it the chat is code i programmed it before the stream this isn't live this is just code this is a lot you're a coder i'm a [Music] [Laughter] oh my god can you please get the sugar out of chat this is a vegan chat oh my god don't time them out lizzy oh my god sorry that was me sugar rest are you sugarist what the [ __ ] you got it kate wait what's that sugarist like biased against sugar yeah listen i would like sugar if they weren't covered in the blood of animals i would have no problem eating sugar if it wasn't pretty much just dead bodies they're almost extinct at this point remember what sugar just roamed the land back in my days we had sugar they're freezing sugar [Laughter] [Music] hi kate hi how are you sorry i'm good how are you i'm living right now sorry about everything just all encompassing i'm sorry that's okay that's okay i'm still mourning the loss of my grandfather the sugar hey but he was kidnapped but he tasted bomb though right yeah those cookies those pixie stix couldn't have done it without grandpa okay we'll go into business all right we'll start a restaurant and we'll on the dessert menu it'll be called grandma's cookies and everyone will have no idea what we actually mean gizmos cookies and it's just like pieces of my grandfather cookies was it at least one of those jumbo pixie sticks no grandpa was a very short man oh no but he packed a lot of sugar into that frame so can i ask a personal question uh yeah please when exactly did the night go off the rails okay literally it was the moment no it's off the rails it's awesome we derailed the moment i said the word tofu in front of chris and then everything that literally turned into this just like brawl it was like a bar fight like they were screaming at each other so i was i was gone and i was on twitter and i saw some [ __ ] and i was like oh people are getting really heated about brussels sprouts and tofu it i don't know why or how or where we got the momentum but we landed on the topic oh it was he goes he asked me the question that he's asked me like a hundred times before because he forgets that he asked me vegetables are fruit right so then his chat starts to like chime in about how fruit's better and i start to say veg or other way around they say vegetables better i'm like fruits better and they're like what do you mean and then he he brings up brussels sprouts of all vegetables he decides that's the one he's going to the champion that's the sword he's gonna fall on we also have to remember that fruit's not vegan so fruit is not vegan and had i known that going into that argument i would have been way better off yeah that could have been a real tipping point fruit is a living [ __ ] animal don't you touch it or look at it all that sugar and vitamin d don't you yeah the vitamin d is that they're two different animals in fruit actually there's more animals than fruit than there is in chicken so many species in there [Laughter] huh what is happening like maybe that's i feel like maybe that's when the night derailed it wasn't brussels sprouts and tofu it was frosted flakes frosted flakes caused all this oh my god tony the tiger i feel like it was frosted flakes official dude frosted flakes official in chat yes frosted flakes officials parents got divorced tonight and frosted flakes official was like is it my fault yes frosted flakes official yeah [ __ ] was it was your fault
Channel: julien 2
Views: 334,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, julien, julien solomita, jennajulien, julien games, twitch, jenna julien games, lets play, gaming
Id: w11PRfBJW28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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