Julie Andrews - Craig Brings Out Her Inner Child - 5.5/6 Visits In Chronological Order

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[Music] yes-no Garhwal number one please welcome the adorable icon that is Julie Andrews [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very happy they're very happy to see you Julie ah thank you hi lovely to see you again we saw where I met you one of these Hollywood things well a long time back yeah yeah you could go to a lot of these things yeah enough really yes you're a bit of an icon do people can push you to around you a little bit no it was the kissing up I nervous no no I was kissing up John was like what about you no no no not at all I was like oh look it's the guy that was on the nanny speaking of nannies oh yeah yeah you were slightly putting down an ism I was I will not so much I was saying that not all nannies are as lovely as Mary Poppins they call the lovely yeah no I love Mary no no no no absolutely no I love Mary Poppins I watch now maple i watch again though with my son well yes it's a very good babysitter watch that kid no daddy's going for a nap time watch that but I when you were shooting that movie did anyone did you shoot the movie in England no oh sorry yes I won lot I went because you are English cause I I said I am and did anyone mention at the time to Dick Van Dyke you know the act I think dick mentioned it to himself he knew yeah yeah because well I obviously I had never heard any English people before that time so I thought in which people sounded a bit like Oh Mary body is like that but I had but I had a real English person I was like oh I'm jolly I get your point yeah yeah yeah it's a lovely film though a lovely know what's interesting about your book is do it stops at me really popping because why do you what are you going to take more on in this book by the way I love this photographic not nice thanks is not me I was taking some time in life even my youth sweetiepie I kind of ended the book there because I think often nobody really knows what I wanted to write was a tiny portion of theatre history that perhaps not too many people know about you were brought up I think the broad up young English music Oliver villain and I did a better that towards EU well a little bit I mean a lot of the guys I worked with very early on yeah well guys who had you know grown up honestly Craig I see him you know I feel that you know everything about well a lot of the material I use is wrong board you know it there is wonderful well it looks good it's a special kind of humour and did you have how I called Dennis Critchley no dennis worked with i think he what was max wall of the highway I bother with next war he might fall used to the whole economy and all my philosophy when his name Carrie and that was a Mick Jagger ripped out completely all together no I think is what happened yeah but Dan is correctly used to what the Hackney Empire and I went back me Empire the Empire and the East End of London was a theater where during the Blitz of London they were dropping bombs and the comedian's kept going yeah they did yeah I know what people like to work here's of that yeah do your stepfather was Ted Andrews even though the tenor and my mum had a kind of drawing-room act where they started off with light opera and they went into ballads and then they went into the sort of popular songs of the day and he played the guitar Harvick Presley like and then you came out and then I then died when I was about eight or nine I started joining their act because I had this freak voice of life before often you know and they're sort of dogs for miles around without she's like that hi and so I joined the act and then eventually we became a threesome and then I went out of my own I never did you ever work with people like like Peter Sellers gosh yes Mike Milligan yes and Sony Hancock and we hang calls a very interesting figure wasn't he he was he was very tragic very yeah I did a lot of English pantomimes which I don't think many Americans know what English pantomime is well stay with us America is moving on hard to explain basically it's a lot of men dressing up as ladies right setting up as men and catchphrases yes this show actually is a pantomime that's really I kind of anyway I mean it's very old-fashioned retro English Scottish music I played a lot of places in Scotland do you really believe I made Edinburgh Glasgow Aberdeen where did you play in Glasgow I'm from there oh and hit the princess did it and pavilions here and the King's Theatre and there was the Empire oh and my empire second house Saturday night I was rowdy yeah they actually had to knock it down while the second host was there no it was Natori and legendary yeah it was a guy there an English comedian basil corner yeah I know him he was out there doing the second show on on a Saturday night and he seemed so bad he pretended to faint he admitted message on stage he went oh man I never think of all I absolutely shite down that I might prevent debate before the end of this show no no all right and but I mean they would be throwing bottles in the alchemy oh you're making me homesick yeah you go back what we're doing with the Lord I do a lot more than people know at twice or three times a year if I can write yeah your home is in Los Angeles yeah and you look at here for quite some time now oh gosh 40 years something here I changed to Pirelli that's nice wait keeps getting more and more crowded and busy and and also what do you think you were you're a star very very young when you did Mary Poppins you must have been really eloquent I'm thinking yeah yeah and the I mean the kids that were becoming famed are famous now they're all kind of making sex tapes and there any tapes around are there any tapes around I'm Mary Poppins I'll take care of that well it's not me no because I mean that would keep one forever in front of the public I tried but there's a very nasty and film audition that I did which was so awful that if it ever came out I might never have worked in this town again let's get hold of that no I'm called no I would do do you think it I mean it's very different now with it I mean we're talking earlier on about there's a studio system which you would have just clipped to tail end of it right right that they used to protect and the Heidi are yes but actually the thing that I really keep the end of was bored of the ordinary because that was dying as I was touring round and around and around that was really the end days of musical in England and in television came in I think it's back a little better now yes I do I think in a slightly different way I think on the Internet I think the things like the youtubes and the people making little videos and little film go through its kind of it is a kind of thing you can't get the kind of experience you can't practice yeah the wind a minute yet that's true and the thing is you can't get it the minute you do it it's out its out there and for everybody to see I know I make a mistake or whatever I know that's why I feel about this thing yeah I don't think you have to worry no I don't listen I can't wait to get to get into this a little more I'm so happy to finally get you on the show where you come back and you're allowed to thank you very much I'm a huge fan right back at you lady all right back up nothing Giuliana even 19th and she's in Atlanta in August the second in Philadelphia on August the 7th ban Julie Andrews everybody [Applause] about there don't you look amazing no they do not they do not do that for me and I have been professionally warmed I guess you come every evening and I don't or something like that [Applause] Mary I was here you didn't have that no I know I don't know if it will be here next time I die I'm very unsure about it what do you think well it's a bit full man tuition isn't really but actually it does lend a sort of rakish and I know what I thought I'm not sure though yeah the truth is Craig I take it either way with you like I mean really I think it's great and without it it's great yeah thank you well I thought I'd butter you up ya know it's like sup well which brings me nicely to what you've come here to plug yeah yeah I thought I would just open and say hello you know I used to love to mess with the old they used to have the old Christmas specials that Bing Crosby without them I need say like eBay would have an old fake fire going on and I'd be saying amber Christmas everybody I got to go and beat the kids and then the doorbell would go I didn't even go oh somebody at the door and it goes mm Clooney or David Bowie was there never not like David Bowie came to Bing Crosby cuz request every or tonight I'd be shying together I know well I think I just thought I'd pop in on you pumpkin and so we we won't sing together though really no I can't sing with this massage I could neither I know I go I know I'm completely by the way anything can I tell you that's what I used to look like directly on the staff yeah in your use right yeah this is a book of poisonous book about this is a book that I wrote with my daughter several years ago okay and it's a little fairy tale of fable for children just a little fairy here no this is this is Simeon and the book is called simians gift and I'll be really brief she my daughter and I are very passionate about the arts and literacy and we tried to combine the two in a little story about music and the creative process and about a musician who goes out to find his talent in his seek his muse and thoughts yeah and this is a book has had the most amazing serendipity and good fortune and it has brought me to the Hollywood Bowl this Friday and Saturday and then Atlanta and then Philadelphia I'm going to sort of well I'll get to that particular but it's going to be with a beautiful symphony orchestra and a little bit like Peter in the wool for the carnival again I'll be narrating and I've got five wonderful people with me and it's going to be a super evening the first half of the evening is all about it's the gift of music old and new friend the first half is Rodgers and Hammerstein second half is simians gift which is just inset music and it is glorious and are auditioning and I'm going to surprise a few people by doing a few things yes right I wouldn't say that I sing the way I used to in on the screen but there's a certain Tambor left [Applause] I haven't Bea beautiful I I go out and I do speaking engagements but I haven't been back on the stage for about ten years or more you nervous are you kidding my heart just keeps dropping into my boots and coming back up may I suggest something that would give you a confidence a false and stuff ah well I nearly walked out in one tonight but I just thought I don't know mm I try it I'm not sure well I don't know what do you have any little things that you used to do when you're performing like any little OCD things before you go on I used to wear magic Underpants and sometimes I don't know I haven't sort of like been so long Greg I've sort of forgotten no no you gotta try to get a look at all the little rituals you used to do when you were welcome to you work back in Music Hall on the inside that's a lot right are you out there singing every night must a little routine well a few things my mom was more superstitious than I am is really secret what did she do well you know you could whistle in the dressing room you had couldn't walk under ladders and all of that kind of if you did whistle in the dressing room we had to turn around three times and go out and knock and come in again that kind of stupid thing well do not don't don't whistle undo that anyway you think it'll last yeah what you do is a don't whistle but walk around in three circles go ahead and come back in again and then you'll have the luck that you need by and also it'll be on top of note Wesley I usually you know what you're talking to I'm not sure I'm even here yeah no I I think I I worry about you being nervous oh you must be nervous everyone's there just like you yeah of course ones never than anybody should be and that's before a performer I think I mean you get nervous before no no no unbelievable I used to I used to get there when I started doing that anyway back in it it's not a good idea I'll have to go it's either kind of that or scratch another part of me even for nine months see if I can see that's mustaches because if I don't have a massage they are not described like that you would have said anything I wouldn't I see yeah hey you're doing a Vegas way I'm do bigs you don't think I have some baby crib oh yeah no no oh I did it once I didn't know it was just I did it once at Caesar's Palace oh and I did about 16 performances there many years ago it's changed a lot yeah yeah but it's changed by well it's much more family-friendly no no anymore no went family-friendly for money yeah it went family-friendly there was no money in it so they kicked all the kids oh is back to dirty sexy bidding I know that and I'm right back in and you're like you lovely Julie Andrews everybody everybody [Applause] I can do that alright welcome back everybody I'm here with the lovely talented Julie Andrews we're looking at limericks from her book poems musical poems follow me and lullabies poem songs and lullabies will do poems and songs but we do lullabies at this time of night we two limericks here do you want to do one and I'll do another one all right another thing is you don't need glasses well you want me to do the math all right that you do limericks I think what I'll do one we'll see how it goes and if it works on the right well they do ah I can't do that one will suck it all right I'll do the other I'm lady give up yeah I don't I'll get a dead horse and I'll flog that bastard Oh delivering a lady named Marjorie Reid swallowed oysters whenever she'd feed she was hoping for a girl to deliver a pearl but the best she produced produced was a bead that's right so she pooped out beats is what you're saying no she didn't know she had an oysters imagine that well I don't I mean perils tell no oysters oysters promote our oysters are made it's the miracle of life you've got the other point do you like oysters ah yes laughs I get older because I think my mother was allergic to them and I might be too what are we talking about Easter's final I don't like guys there's another service why do we talk about it well there's not really very much there a about oyster dear well you like them I do and I don't well there you are now we've said it all I guess yes what about other shellfish can we talk about tooth fairies or spandex or karaoke very okay well very okay yeah you like this video to actually happen in the movie no it's talked about it doesn't I wish I could say it did because it would have been fun hi but there is a lot of spandex in the movie and I really think you'd love it no I do like funding contrary to popular belief I don't think connects on Dwayne the rock Johnson effect when the rocks John I have to tell you the first time I saw him and met him he was dressed in a pink fairy tutu and spandex tights and wings and he still looked gorgeous and that was that was before you started work on the movie day yeah I went on the set and everyone Wow and he's still gorgeous is that the kind of you like men who are mostly are you attracted to that kind of car well certainly him I found very attractive yeah I mean it doesn't apply to all muscly men I mean I like you very much [Applause] we were friends I thought we were friends we are the I read your poem yes you did thank you thing no no I said do you ever write any portrait yes I did this a few in there yes yes Roger poems about again probably fairly real things my daughter and I challenged each other to write a poem about family because it's a book for all members of the family yes and she chose to write one about her daughter and I chose to quite by accident write one about my daughter who is Emma Oh lovely do you reveal any of her embarrassing secrets well there is one in there it's fairly sweet I didn't embarrassing but it is very endearing I thought why I would do it with my son while he's young is film all his embarrassing moments and then put them on YouTube how old is he now he's anything happening oh wow well I figure if I if I get collection before he's 18 you'll have to pay for his own college you'll be out yeah yeah no but maybe if you put them on YouTube it'll bring so much money that you left there's no money in YouTube that's why I do this crap you can't get it to be fair there's no money in this crap either but but no do you are you an intern you internet savvy did you go on all them I'm not as internet savvy as my daughter who's a whiz at it but I'm internet enough savvy enough to and email I do email a lot and I get on she and I work on the I chat camera a lot because she's in New York and I'm here oh yeah I do that games with the Skype not with your daughter but the I don't know what's wrong with me tonight sure yeah why well no I I think I have to work out a little more I feel very unbuckle a all of a sudden fine Julie we're completely on a table but I was wondering if you would possibly make an arrangement no to come back sooner so that I don't have to wait so long to talk to you I do love it all right I do that door w here the lovely Julie Andrews everybody welcome back to the show I'm very excited like my first guest today is an icon who when she finds out what happened today she will actually get booked on a better show because she just found out today that the new children's book that she wrote the very fairy princess takes the stage I think I've read that ah or maybe I just lived it but it's just become number one on the New York Times bestseller number one please watch the lovely Julie Andrews [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lovely to see I haven't seen you in too long and you look sensational I say thank you and congratulations I've met before I talk about the book your jacket is so lucky that pretty it's very nice it's got flowers on it yes it sort of got its got a tulip on the back of it really I don't do it yeah let me lose it can I stroke it well I thought the audience sitting there you go alright good yes please you know I can't get any more the way you could if you really want but can we wait till the commercial yeah yeah all right you know it's just my way of a lot of it um apropos of nothing have you ever been to Brazil no okay have you in my mind three yeah sometimes my wiki a wicked man well this is lovely though I'm very very happy for your very own one that's awesome I know well the thing is this we since I lost for you daughter and I and I write with with my daughter Emma was Hamilton and he's Mountain water Emma Walton Hamilton himself as soon as she married to someone called Hamilton or Walton she's a Walden married to a Hamilton right yes a lot of name right there I name to be reckoned with sounds terribly terribly push well he is really very down-to-earth and real and lovely and had like I wasn't suggesting you had an imaginary daughter yeah yes no I understand g3 are you inferring that I couldn't have a posh daughter no no I know no your very voice you're dating Julie Andrews anything you do is push you jacket is Porsche the only poor thing that you have is being here this is not that much yes I understand that but I bet we're friends very happy to see you thank you but anyway this book we bought out the first one about a year ago called the very fairy princess and it's about a little girl who might know despite every indication to the contrary she is convinced that she is a very fairy princess her socks are about her ankles and missus grapes this book will do more nor never know but it's really about your individual storage and house if you just now I don't want any remarks about this if you would just let your Sparkle out you would be anything you want to be okay because I just do anything rude you said let your inner Sparkle and I can see your inner Sparkle coming out right now that's because we're friends and I know you very well that's why not ix aunty yes you are I am no black woman's you're not naughty ever at all well you don't know me very well thanks anyway having said that the number one book deals are fun Oh will you shut up I think they're not trying to talk about oh yeah yeah alright the book your book is great so we're one of them we are gonna do come on now not the first version which was a year ago when is the number one which was lovely and stayed there for a while and we just brought out the second one cool and it's going to number berry teri princess takes the stage you haven't got that one here no this is the this is the old one deal oh I'm terribly sorry we don't have the new one well I do well they were sold up it's number one on their background we couldn't get it oh that's a lovely picture reunion I enjoyed it and the wolf analysis right yeah anyway I was literally getting in the car right yeah right I got news that it's the second book of the series is a number one on the children expect well that's a lot of money and then children's books you know well I hope some your journals to someone's is ya know you get a lot of money that JK Rowling she's what's about well hundred bucks they of course she is yes what a lot of money listen well I hear that you had a birthday yesterday yes is it yeah it was 49 I really made it I really hate when people applaud my age because it makes me feel like the gun well we won't talk about mine then in that case anyway I thought I'd bring you a little present with these lovely books did you know you don't get here well you can keep the books that we can but we're also selling children's pajamas packaged with the book it's called books to bed and I thought you might love them hands up here to welcome to God no this fat pear actually this is the only adult pair of very very princess pajamas I took goes on there we go what and well I think we've got too close to the show tonight so there you go and how they were made for you for fun and that's my happy birthday present well thank you so much no no no don't go there no no no no no I'm not darling if you lovely you might have a bit of Honor over my arm well I'd rather actually I don't know if you can manage that one I don't know I mean I'm wearing a microphone and end up get my Spanx on underneath this but I'll try no just hold it up against you that's probably the best thing excuse me you said don't do any naughty rude things and then you sparkles and said just hold it up against you and I saw you doing it I saw you doing it you'll get your nails done in a cylon professionally because they aren't very nice there yeah they're not well they're good enough you know for a fairly old wrinkled hand but no that's not an old ring that's a lovely hand there and you may kiss it thank you are we still talking about your hand yeah he will you started it you know yes you did no I I want to put this on but I think you might have to no I think it's going to get in the way of no I just had a great idea what a great idea what I'll do is I'll go to a commercial break and then I will put that on and now the sound man can come and change the microphone and then when I came back I could be wearing them and that will plug your book even more well you know as they say in Waterville what a good idea could be right back [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] everybody welcome back I'm here with the lovely Julie Andrews who made me some pajamas which are very hard because they're very fairy princess pajamas just what I always wanted we would make them look of a very small children this is the first really grown-up pair that we've ever had made you know this is there's actually those I think there's a website for people that like to dress up as these are pajamas that are packaged with the book and they're called books to bed and so it looks the bed right you did did you want me to read you a story right now not a bedtime story yes please as long as he knows now what is it about every time I talk to you because I don't think of you as being I mean I think of you as being a you know sort of a dignified and I have a lot of class but every time I talk to you everything seems sexual about me I think it is yes I do I think neuters no you did it again you did not say you good I think it is yes then you did that oh my god because I think you do it with everybody no no no contraire no no Howie Mandel's out here I don't look at him no no I don't know I do you find that you think that people flirt as often as they used to I mean I think it's different than they do in texts and phones yes they do yeah and exchange a lot of photographs and things like that doesn't seem like a very smart idea yeah in the old days we had to imagine sending photographs of each other's genitals to each other and no they actually do it takes all the fun out of it I think I bet probably is as much flirting probably more if you think about it some rate went on right there when you did I really think more work well I think ladies flirt a lot as much as MIT guys do now don't they yeah yeah I don't know I'm kind of out of that game no really really yeah well I got the lady princess pajamas on you know that's what a nice no no I'm actually I'm wondering if this may be the way to combat the hideous lighting in the show actually you do look really beautifully lit right no I think if I start to yourself in the camera yeah oh is that all on TV I thought it was I thought we were just like in a sports bar so I wanna talk to you about you you still have a place in Switzerland I do right you go there a lot uh well you know my husband was very ill and recently very sadly passed away I had a very good yeah thanks Craig and so I haven't been as much recently but I was there just about a month ago and to just sort of rest up and get my head straight and all of that it's people we had a home there for about 41 years I rather fancy Switzerland oh you have every bit of Chaplin livings which are the Chaplin when he had eight kids after the age of 55 you know MIDI yeah well that's what I'm gonna do yeah I am I'm going to like I want to have like a dozen well you better get in shape here's all I can say get in shape I'm sitting here yeah I see your point yeah you know what I if you want to come and scout it out I'm sure you've been but no I do not never get this whistle and I've only ever seen cartoons you goofy learning to ski oh well come and come and visit and I'll show you the most beautiful place in the world and one of the most beautiful places in the world what do you see are you doing it again baby I think I don't I don't think you even Norma when you're doing it you don't even know when you're dead you said cumin seeds are also one of the most you know like just have a filthy mind because the mind game you're playing with me I I do have a filthy mind I admit I have a filthy myself but you play mind games with my filthy mind I never you do I can't even look at old you know DVDs of many poppers we're thinking what the hell is going on [Applause] I study something about the bank when I made Mary Poppins yeah I was married to my first husband who was the designer of all the clothes of Mary Poppins Oh designers were straight yeah this one was and that's my Emma's dad oh okay got him yeah and he decided that although Mary Poppins was extremely prim on the outside if you looked at the petticoat or you looked at the lining of the jacket they were always cherry red or crimson or right right blue and he said I think she has a little tiny little sort of second life going on you know was this as you were getting together he had this idea no no this is when he was designing the clothes yeah yeah but what I'm saying is were you already made at this follow yeah oh yeah so he knew you pretty well then well no he what I'm saying is the zebra a little bit of his own experience of the actress and the creation of the part along with you is what I Wow no I think he actually just do married or thought he knew Mary Poppins Harry I like Mary Poppins have you seen the one on Broadway yes what do you have well I saw it in London did I or it came to Broadway but I hadn't seen the Broadway once and I saw him brought I went with my son he was seven at the time and I thought is one of these moments where you get you get to know your who your kid is because I thought you know about just coming up to the interval he said he said I'm bored like really loud whoa and I thought well he's not gay and that was all I ever thought about it yeah but tell me did he like the rest of the show you love me I like to do I thought is very nice yeah when you got to the chimney suite okay I love a bit of - it would take my dad was here recently what did you written a book I don't explain why he - love it lovely man yeah yeah it's very nice and unbelievably young tall yeah yeah yeah wonderful secret little odd I know I know the knees can still do you know knees up mother Brown and all of that he's up mother Brown and so you're gonna come on the column yeah yeah I fancy actually I mean if I can get us dumped I'll be right there don't you get a guy Gaga now we go for something go as whistlin see doing we know they're trying to test because I'm having a cus free week on the show I'm trying not to cuss at all when do you begin I haven't oh you mean with the rabbit well a little bit before that - what no no I don't think I think I'm like I I think I give the impression of cussing even when I know it's like the way you give the impression see you doing it again you're doing it again you give the imprint you might not be doodling but suddenly you just get a home and you guys did good to this kind of smooth like knock it off no I'm just a good second banana that no I don't know is that code we have to go I'm getting very sleepy in my pajamas now is a rather than you'd care to plug before we go I know I mean thank you for plugging this brand-new book which I'm so thrilled and pleased by the book that's called the very very princess takes the stage number one I'm the only on the children's bestseller list and there's a third one coming out next year where you could plug that but oh yeah I could anything most organ or cord pause what oh I don't hate him well which would you rather I'll just fetch it I'll be right back oh he knew what he wanted he knows what he wants yeah yeah yeah all right what do I have to do just blow it you know fine hold on is there anything in here hey guys don't say like no no no no it's slower slower now hear me you have to hold or take you know what that's a cop-out isn't it gang Wow what's a gobo you just get away with murder and you say aw you're so naughty you know oh wait a minute Wesley I doing my technique yeah which side this one I don't know which side do you think you should vote when you might owe your nasty shot doesn't it yeah ready 1 2 1 2 3 4 [Music] [Applause] by next guest is a legend she's got new children's book the very fairy princess here comes the flower girl I can't wait to get my hands on that one Jeff yeah in the book to add the book to please welcome the lovely Julie Andrews [Applause] hello my friend I am so happy that you're here finally a bit of class in this dump and love you look sensational I love the white outfit well thank you that's nice you look on fresh yeah well you always look fresh yes on I am you look like you are a little bit friends oh yeah yeah yeah by the way I do you ever see a recently cowboy named Oh my Chum okay yes and she said she told me a story about you and her making out oh yes there was one yes you know well she told you the story I said yeah you were making out - trying who was your - like nickel like now he was trying to get it my mom winding off and it didn't work no because the elevator doors open did you thought it's going to be making it was there the first lady no it was Secret Service so it was the Secret Service and then it was the first lady well Carol says it was the first lady and I'm I think she embroidered The Secret Service know would pay extra to see you guys well actually I don't know what the trouble is they wouldn't be EXO they'd argue with you dog no well they might I didn't have a silly gag and we had the bet we were laughing so hard and Carol ended up with the did she tell you that she ended up at the back of the couch at the back of the car yeah she was laughing so hard and she was right over the back of a car yeah there she went round to the back of the couch she lost herself over mercy no no no no listen pay attention biography I thought you were a rout no no no I'm not angry no no she just when it failed and the Secret Service were in the elevator and we looked up she was so mortified that she got up and went around the back and then supposedly ladybird came out anymore John yeah and then she turned around and came back and looked over the back of the house and said are you Carol Burnett and Carol said yes and this is my friend Mary Poppins and that one is hot right now listen what we got here let's get the plug Fester's where you get the Princess Diaries movie with The Princess Diaries - that's right I know about that yeah no that's lovely as you and I it's Bruce Willis in the front no no listen this it last week was national princess week my favorite week of the year yeah did you celebrate yes of course I did it in the way that I always celebrate national but this week would you care to explain I can't legally tell you okay all right anyway Disney were were releasing the double-double princesses 1 and 2 and packaging it on in blu-ray and it is quite special I don't know what blu-ray is what is that actually I don't hide the sentiment I think yes mom yeah well you want you want to get this thing on the blu-ray or you're a loser incidentally I see that you're wearing a voice cody's yeah yeah well it's a waistcoat or if you're an American citizen as I am the best and they're yeah but but we of course either called a whisker back at the old coach yes and vest would be something tells me this yeah vest would be what do we call a tank top well sort of an undershirt really right yes yes yes but I am but it's fetching it I wear them no they're cool oh yeah yeah all the time even during a princess week I actually yeah Rhonda but it's purple or royal as well it's it's purple underneath all right okay you think you're the joke you're thinking of and not saying is just as dirty is that when I think you know me - yes I don't know you've been on this show I've been on - off tonight no no I've been on - oh yeah any now you write these with my daughter with your daughter which i think is lovely it is lovely quite seriously it's an absolute joy and he's a religious readers writer she oh gosh she's in her forties now all right I'm going to be talking she can do a big joined up writing then yes yes yes but this was inspired by her daughter her little girl Hopi and it's lovely illustration they are aren't they wonderful and I have to tell you it it within five days it went up to number three on the bestseller that's but what does that look like you know money wise is that a lot like a million but it on time because oh I don't know but it means a lot of books you probably have a low a lot of money not at well from your lips to my pocket Isis that yeah excuse me no don't go this what I'm going to say little bit you need to make sure cash a tell-all book yeah that's the way of you retina memory you have yeah yeah yeah yeah I did yeah so I'd you had it compress any of your old love has like like mister Obama well I was reasonably tactful yeah yeah yeah we have to be out when I talked about it but I was talking about my ex-girlfriends or no one ex-girlfriend out in London as much my wife and it was my wife who's my girlfriend I've only been with one woman my whole life really that's a depth that's a thing you got me yeah I got a [Music] we have to take a commercial break do you want to do it or will I do it we're going to go to break now folks okay [Applause] and then I told anyway we better welcome back everybody I'm here talking to gradually as we try and keep it quiet during the break so we're out of time Julie we are well not really but I like to start the second part with that because it usually takes a long time at weighing things up okay like I try and get it finished but you know how quickly time flies when you're having fun right you know I detect a certain lack of sincerity in ways well no no I didn't clean it again you never gain yes you did you get the well pause for know what you get okay all right so as you want to put it up do you wanna go pause you will in a mouth organ or do you wanna go for the big cash prize oh I'll go for the big cash prize [Music] we need all those in the bag with the dollar sign up in quarters in for importance yet there is the one you can either answer my question which is here or you can guess what's in my box which is here I imagine a box in my head I don't know what's in it only Jeff knows what's in the box you try and guess what's in the box if you get it right great if you get it wrong something awful happens okay yeah right all right you can't do that no no do that if you can do that you can do that okay okay I'll go for imagining what's in the books in your head you don't want to try this question because it's really fun is it can I just actually can I tell you yeah you can do both all right quickly all right we're out of time folks right does that mean you get a hundred dollars I don't know well I don't know go on you want to double down and go for a hundred dollars I keep an extra 50 bucks here in case I have to brave any guests or crap oh I see yeah all right let's do it well because I looked you know if you got a case that comes out you see why I say we're out of time before we start with yeah yeah right so if they ever guest who's rubbish they go I don't know I don't know then you go does this refresh step one dollar value start you know you get them going you know all right double up is this anyway right so fifty dollars if you can guess what's in my box and answer the question Wow all right oh no you said a hundred no that's what I meant 100 hundred okay one hundred dollars in the bag with the dollar sign on it right Johnson am I getting this right a very remote why I wouldn't think so but I've got a feeling you're going to do well okay is it CBS money all right first question Iceland is in the North Atlantic its capital city is wreck you make I know that idea now true or false turkeys are bisexual let me give you a head let me give you a hint gobble gobble gobble [Applause] well my knowledge of churches is not extensive but are you giving me a hint yes don't giving you the answer yes there vitex are they are yes yeah yeah well good good for those Turkey yeah my god I'll look at them with a whole new respect from now well you don't respect just plain old heterosexual I'm not eating this dung kids I had recycle ha ha ha you don't know never mind I was going to go with the stuffing oh no no no you have to guess what's in my box I fell for the big money prize the big money alright okay I'm imagining a box you're imagining a ball okay how big is the ball I'm not telling you okay all right ah doctor guess beside Jeff have you got the box yeah it's purple on the inside inside thank you thank thank you generous I'm imagining you're thinking about maybe a princess tiara in your box in your that is correct [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back everyone my first guest tonight is an icon her latest children's book the very fairy princess follows her heart is it's tortoise the ho good night gentlemen Julie Andrews [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] finally some class the seed oh I love this is very new new yeah yeah but in the new one yeah no you like us we stop that much different from the old one is not really at all we moved the we moved the headstones but we didn't move the body I think you know I think it's very nice all right there yeah I find it just that it was wandering and I didn't was wondering well well one of them yes as a matter of fact I didn't know that happened to ladies they wander one thing downstairs my things wonder too well thank you for sharing yeah I just I thought you these things we're kind of you know it was the gods are what's so bad I very very not gotten work yeah no I do I think I'm just excited because you're here I'm not actually worse oh I see well I'm not sure I believe it is still yeah no this is what this is number five in the yeah 305 number six is already on the way this is we must be making a fortune on these apart from your lips to anybody else's pocketbook I don't know no this is number five and it's a little series about a little girl who is actually the antithesis of a princess if you know what that would know I don't the opposite opposite why would you say opposite then why are you trying to show off way because well I'm British and and you know I don't like to lord it over my people sorta [Music] I'll get very well-behaved audience with a very enthusiastic but if I would that happen if I did that it might even more excited about doing it for you than they were for me yeah well your Julie Andrews a a dame Julie Andrews oh yeah oh that's good yes but we don't we don't talk about it that much yeah why not I agree honor well it is a great honor but it's a it's just a lovely private personal all right well I'm sorry I brought it up yeah well no it's all right yeah you do you singing for the Royals ever well I have in my youth I did doctor fair amount of times if you ever run into them again would you apologize on my behalf what what do I have to say I occasionally I poke fun of them here but I mean it in a very kind of yeah I don't think you really mean it do you no no no I don't mean I look I've got a commemorative plate of our majesty Jubilee up on my mantelpiece oh yeah they're right next to my Pat Sajak photograph I yeah that's got to be some kind of coronation or Jubilee this Jubilee plays for 60 years of our Majesties glorious reign yeah it has been a glorious I mean she's worked so hot either thing about princesses is it's nothing to do with the handsome prince and the jewels in the crown and all the outside things it's the way you are you're inside Princess exactly how you feel about yourself I think I've spotted a new demographic for you about your inside princess it's about it's about being yourself and letting your Sparkle out whatever that's a lovely message for little girls oh is it just for little girls yeah well I'm sure some little boys might enjoy it well of course I'm not judging well yeah yeah yeah yeah and it's a it's for Valentine's Day of course because it's coming up as you know yeah yeah and tell you why I'm I don't know about Valentine's Day I always pretend I have to enjoy it but and really nobody sends you Valentine occasionally mad people yeah okay I'm just making a note of that one I like she's got red hair I'm glad he's got because too many people are aggressively you know against gingers I've noticed ah yes yes gingers are oppressed by many people you know what they say you know gingers no I don't either because I don't listen to that rubbish yeah well see ya you caught yourself out on that I did I can't myself right into a problem many times you know you're very sophisticated though Julia very I'm not are vain I think are being urbane yeah you use those ridiculous [Applause] what am I gonna do yeah no I think I think of you being very sophisticated and classy I mean look you know well you've got it all going on well then I've been around it a long time and that helps a bit but certain amount of time and use your body of work as well I think is important I thought you were going to say it was my body well with the possible exception of your wandering breath oh god I'm so sorry I can't believe I even said the word breasts in front of you I feel there was a new mob with him I always prefer persons yes well there are two but I don't and it wasn't wandering I told you that I know it wasn't wondering if there was it wasn't errant in any way practically perfect Joey Oh God nice to see you it's nice what else do you have to do it did you have you been holidays or anything yes I had a wonderful holiday over Christmas right in Europe and in Switzerland very no utiful just you know they've got the chocolate there they do yeah lots of them by the way chocolate yeah I do do you have the chocolate melted with marshmallows in it or do you have it nice well have you ever had a coupe Denmark a really great Denmark yeah that kind of thing I what you always go to that I don't know could we always go to that because when you said coop Denmark you and give that bargaining yeah yes you did no I only because I saw it coming in your eyes yeah okay now cook them up well everybody knows it's this great rich rich ice cream and then you put hot chocolate and nuts and whipped cream and and you like you you'd love it yeah yeah and they have it meringue on it Oh anything you want yeah we break used to make a coupe Edwards which was extra stuff on top of the cool bacon yeah I've never tried bacon you gotta try bacon on everything yeah yeah well I do like it I mean I really do yeah what's not to like bacon I serve bacon on the commercials tonight there might be it's commercial time anyway we got a you want to get to the commercial Moshe like what would you like me to say we'll just here come some commercials aha this camera here yeah yes well ladies and gentlemen I think regrettably we're going to go to some commercials but it might give us a break and I can adjust my scarf again and [Applause] yes the boogie I love the back everyone Julie thought she was allowed to go during the commercial break I've just informed her that she has to stay for another segment and she was alarmed no I was yeah you did you said darling I don't keep you you've got stuff to do yeah you you have to stay in for now I'm here I'm yeah yeah all right so there y'all go then yeah so what should we talk about ever played golf no no my stepdad was a left-handed scratch player Wow leave it or not and my mum was a golfing widow so ghosts never really appealed that much I started playing it about three or four months ago and I've hooked it's like crack to me is it my lovely the man that takes care of my makeup for me he took it up not long ago and he really loves it ya know it's got something I saw walking around and wait auto-pay I liked it you wear a knickerbockers and things like that yeah sometimes and then even I don't play golf sometimes today and the high socks so I like all of that yeah and a nice hat yes yeah well I have to distract you from how I'm playing the game by what I'm wearing I think that did you have a handicap yet yes Oh should I not go in I should know a little bit like your dame hood thing it's kind of a private I get it we don't yeah very very personal rival yeah I get it I get it what sports have you ever played sports well I've tried I mean I'm not very good I'm better at far side sports and things like that you know what fire site Sports all right now what like a high jump well yes it's one of the coals is falling out yeah yeah but no I'm not a great sports woman and it's you like watching sports I do Oh what yeah no well I love I love American football I really did it's very good and I continue oh yeah you think I'll ever be watching you playing go for more the big tournaments or something yeah you really yeah I'm going to try to get good enough so that I can be in those pro-am things with all these other real like all these like show business hacks do that I want to be one of them you really do yeah yeah I want to walk around going hey everybody I'm one of these guys I don't wait to see it Oh it'll be dreadful when you're like I would love to do all that but I just can't do you have the time now - yeah I only do this at night and that's it Julie it's always a pleasure to say congratulations on book five yes well it is it's a New York Times best seller second but it's number 2 under on the restless don't say number 2 in the show again now you see you couldn't just end on a knife easy you are do it I could not do it I love you long time Julie average [Applause] [Music] ha I'm Bill Clinton yeah did you know that 78% of Americans use the internet every day did you also know there's a button on that deletes your search history yeah I didn't know that
Channel: The Jayleno Fly
Views: 151,163
Rating: 4.8829489 out of 5
Keywords: クレイグと女の子の女性, クレイグ・ファーガソン, ロボットをゲオフ, craig ferguson, craig ferguson and the ladies, flirting masterclass, funny late night, best talkshow, funny talkshow, talkshow compilation, talkshow moments, flirt talkshow, geoff the robot, the jayleno fly, funny moments, mary poppins, julie andrews, julie andrews craig ferguson, julie andres interview, julie andrews hot, julie andrews young, julie andrews funny, julie andrews movies, julie andrews compilation, vintage actress
Id: kPbu0bShh00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 16sec (3676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2017
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