Jules Verne's Mysterious Island | Part 1 of 2 | FULL MOVIE | 2005 | Kyle MacLachlan, Patrick Stewart

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[Music] over eight thousand miles as the crow flies from america sits an island uncharted by any map of the men who have arrived on its shores and lived to tell the tale they only described a terror so unimaginable they dare never set foot on it again but still they come at times by the dozens each man braver than the one before all of them seeking the treasure that lies buried here some say the island is cursed others say it is home to monsters the likes of which have never been seen before i for one assure you that all of it is true and it is the reason i call this island home the reason i have named it the mysterious island [Music] well what are you ladies waiting for what if what they say about this island is true children's titles made up to keep people away now let's go lads we're looking for treasure [Music] through here [Music] bring yours [Music] read it [Music] through the tunnel off to you [Music] so children's stories i found the exit but not your monsters everything's okay there's nothing here oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] god [Applause] [Music] how good is storm's ready to hit good timing balloon's still there yep my guess is it's grounded to the weather clears we go tonight gentlemen i couldn't help but uh over here you're not planning an escape now are you hmm must be mistaken i don't think so [Music] [Music] this is a confederate prison camp colonel what are you doing here the official reason was an embezzlement but no no i know i can assure you it was all a tragic misunderstanding i think for a moment huh i could be of uh used to you tonight what are we gonna do with him neb he's gonna be a problem any way you look at it mm-hmm all uh you're gonna let the slave decide my favorite wouldn't make him mad colonel he's liable to kill you right here well i've always been an abolitionist at heart we need to take him along and we kill him i can go either way all right if i kill him it would shut him up this is true and if he deceives us we can always kill him later excellent point you should take me with you [Music] we leave at midnight [Music] [Music] captain have a seat [Music] everything's all right yes ma'am you've healed nicely i'm leaving here tonight there's a confederate scouting balloon anchored just outside of camp i'll get helen there's a good chance in this storm we won't make it it's far too dangerous for you and your daughter besides the seeds will be lifted soon i'll be able to leave here safely captain it is far more dangerous to stay here with a girl helen's age believe me helen wow cars are wondering what was taking so long what did you tell them oh i had to tell them something told them you had the pox captain um that would do it this man is very sick needs to be quarantined [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes get in the balloon [Music] [Music] [Applause] give me your hand [Music] how the hell do you steer this thing anyway we don't oh [Music] where are we yeah we're drifting away from the sunrise so we're headed west it's impossible to know exactly where we are are we going to land soon uh not until the visibility improves we're just gonna keep floating we don't have much choice well wherever we are it's better than richmond have you always lived in richmond well i went there looking for my husband he was fighting in a confederate unit my daughter and i had word that [Music] he was one of the wounded did you find him i buried him just a few days after i got there i'm sorry it's quite beautiful really [Music] over those up there [Music] damn it there's a leak i'll take a look see if i can fix it can you fix it no stupid kevin [Music] we're going down got any bright ideas captain smith drop the ballast lighten the load everyone [Music] hurry [Applause] it's not working they're still falling third put you close to the water [Music] we're still too far off cyrus stay with the balloon as long as you can the tide will carry you to shoot [Music] we're lifting can we jump let's go now while we're still overlapping no no no no no no we're still too high not yet the other side i know i know i don't know wait [Music] we go crash [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you no [Music] where is everyone tyra snap captain [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] look the balloon oh nab is everyone all right good news is we all made it oh yeah where's captain smith he's not with you no well perhaps you spoke prematurely all right well huh well i can be repaired there's no way anyone's leaving here by balloon [Music] any sign of him no sign of him anywhere we need to find cyrus i agree start our search immediately wait wait wait wait now wait wait uh shoot me all stick together calvin smith either made it to shore or he did not we have to be concerned for ourselves but some of us haven't eaten for days i'm a pancreas we need to eat we'll find food on our search for cyrus skull since when do slaves give orders in case you haven't noticed we are hell and gone from the mason dixon line i'm not a slave to anyone private lemay you said you wanted to eat while perhaps you and mr pancroft could find some food and water helen neb and i will search for the captain hello anybody there what the hell was that huh i don't know let's keep moving [Music] bye [Music] [Music] come on no time to waste what is it soldier come on [Music] uh [Music] i'm thirsty [Music] all right let's find some water it'll be dark soon [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hello [Music] hello neb jane anybody [Music] [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] hello [Music] what are you doing it's marking our way we don't want to get lost in here [Music] you see it [Music] [Music] [Music] how this thing so big so fast whatever this place is we gotta leave you must have imagined it no no now now i i don't think so you believe me now [Music] [Music] this was some kind of graveyard no no it was the back how big was it supposed to mean uh one of the tall what the foul it's getting dark we should head back to the beach [Music] and we do need a boat [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] with [Music] hello who are you captain cyrus smith union infantry get back on the dock how did you get here i don't know the last thing i remember was jumping out of a balloon i know you that is extremely unlikely this is my home and you are trespassing which gives me the right to kill you oh no no got to nemo nemo please stop he is not an intruder i found him on the beach he was unconscious sir i brought him here without consulting me you were preoccupied sir bring him to the house keep him locked up there until i decide what to do with him of course then please come this way lisa [Music] what is this place an island in the south pacific this has been captain nemo's home for the past 10 years are other people here not many this is captain nemo's way of escaping the world it also gives him a chance to work on his experiments converting seawater into electricity well that's very perceptive are you familiar with these technologies oh nothing this advanced i was an engineer before the war tell me what else is he invented i'll let captain nemo explain everything over it what about the others others i was with five other people and you see them i'm afraid not that's not possible if you found me you must have seen them we have to organize a search party perhaps that's another subject you can broach with captain nemo of dinner please [Music] you [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] bob harvey [Music] [Music] this here is one off with a map to isabella's gold you tell me where the other half is or you'll be dead in your boots it's on an island you don't have to kill him captain i think we just found our new crew isabella's gold number four i'd get a second chance pirates [Music] this is the key to enormous wealth any man wants to be filthy rich sow with me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring him with you oh thank you very much sir very kind of you where's the soldier showering dressing for dinner what have you told him about the island not much but he's very curious to know everything the less he knows the better actually i believe if you give him a chance you might find him to be a worthy companion he's schooled in engineering and he's got a quick mind what makes you say that he merely glanced at your hydroelectric generator and knew exactly how to repair it he also has some theories about how the nautilus works he did a study at college he's quite anxious to confirm perhaps if you shared your ideas i have no intention of schooling captain smith he's military not to be trusted still with your project running behind schedule it wouldn't hurt to keep an open mind you can resort to your rifle later [Music] i've heard about people lighting fries with sticks never actually seen it done before the only way some of us could keep warm back in richmond you're gonna have to make that far bigger any bigger we'll be in danger of suffocating well any small one will be in danger of being eaten by giant insects do you think captain cyrus is still alive yes at daylight we'll continue our search i think you'll find the lobster quite delicious why is everything so big i should thank you captain joseph tells me that you repaired my generator that's amazing really you're able to produce electricity from seawater three percent of seawater is sodium chloride that and hydrogen gives me all i need to power my generators you see the real amazement is the ocean captain all i did was to harness it to give us heat light and of course protection protection from what the mysteries of the island i suppose it should be me thanking you captain but i was stranded here with five other people i need to find out what's happened to them odds are they're already dead captain why would you say that no person outside my gates is long for this world why what's out there creatures beyond your wildest imagination then i need to find them sit captain joseph assemble a search party no where were we i'd like to search as well you must eat first keep up your strength captain tell me about this war you've been fighting the war between the states is not heard we have no communication with the outside world here but it doesn't surprise me that your people fight each other your nation was always predisposed to war is that not so it depends on who you ask i'm asking you i enlisted to fight for the right of all men to be free slavery another barbaric system did you achieve your goal captain are all men now free i don't know the war's not ended yet trust me captain no matter the outcome of your war all men will never truly be free i disagree some wars are worth fighting answer me this having stared the barbarities of war in the face if you were given the chance would you do it again i've read about your exploits in the nautilus the atrocities you committed against the british navy given the choice would you do that all again i was born an englishman but i was raised in india that is my country indians are my people what i did was to protect them against the british empire against subjugation the things i did the men i killed i did them when i was a young man i didn't understand the consequences [Music] [Music] what's that it's a mosquito [Music] oh my god it's a rat surprise surprise it's bigger come on let's go no no wait wait look i think it's afraid of us right now i don't care what you think there's a wrap this eye's like a small horse staring at us not one do not want to be next on the medicine listen pancroft whatever isn't unless it's fair game i'm stuck [Music] there it is [Music] [Music] madness uh uh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] is it cyrus no [Music] what happened you all right is everybody okay no she's fine well i got the wrap for you what the hell's that hmm i found it show us how it looks like all to me i thought you might like some tea why am i being held prisoner here i assure you it's for your own protection i need to be out looking for my friends it's not advisable this island contains some incredibly dangerous creatures i understand that but if you have allowed a search party out there then surely it's there is a search party out looking for my friends isn't there i'm afraid captain nemo wasn't forthright at dinner last night he and i are the only two people still alive in this compound i'm sorry give me the keys joseph the keys [Music] you won't get off this property captain i assure you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the hell is this place [Music] well under circumstances hmm it's very quite delicious my uh compliment chef try to eat something it's rad tastes a little like chicken i think it's just a matter of time before we all say what makes you say that i love that what about it oh would you mind ma'am now if you feel the weight of this trinket you'd realize it's solid gold yeah edge on the goal is a partial rendering of uh well some kind of map now if i was a betting man i'd wager this was treasure man i'm sure someone is after this [Music] my island home is beautiful [Music] would you not agree captain can't say that i do joseph tells me that you took a little stroll no i tried to escape your time here need not be a disagreeable experience captain my friends are out there i can't see it it's anything but disagreeable i understand you trained as an engineer and have theories on how the nautilus works yes i have reflected on the idea of an engineer such as yourself helping me complete my work and deluded if you think i'd ever consider that captain don't be so quick to judge me don't be so quick to assume my friends are dead my work is far more important than your friends [Music] i want you to help me no don't be a fool i'm giving you the chance to make something of your life to make your existence here worthwhile nothing is worthwhile to me except for the safe rescue of my friends then he will remain a prisoner on this island indefinitely did things not go well the man is a fool perhaps you didn't use the proper approach what are you talking about he refused to listen to reason all he cares about are his friends alleviate their concern and you refocus his attention [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my name is nemo and this is joseph welcome to my island it's beautiful i think you'll be comfortable as well as hell beats living in a cave joseph will provide you all with fresh clothes you saved our lives may we at least introduce ourselves i know who you are i don't understand how do you know us [Music] cyrus [Music] minecraft cam smith [Music] honey so good to see you [Music] follow me as you're all now aware my island is a very dangerous place to send one man out to search alone would have been irresponsible it should have been my decision point is captain nemo and uh joseph here did save us and it's thanks to them that we are here you should have seen the size of the end captain cyrus they wanted to eat us there was a praying mantis uh huge 20 foot tall and a giant rat what is this place to me it is home a paradise as long as the electrified fence is working how did all those creatures get so gigantic the hour is late and you have many questions which i will answer tomorrow there are baths fresh clothing and beds for everyone follow me [Music] thank you for saving my friends they were close at hand we had an opportunity nevertheless i appreciate it enough to reconsider my offer captain [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so tell me your concerns about this forage lads it's not about the voyage that concerns us it's the island what about it it's crawling with huge man-eating creatures well i'll tell you what lance i was on this island a few years back practically and isabella's gold in the end so creatures are no creatures i'm gonna find that treasure and take it back with me i'm scared captain i understand pyro thanks sir we needed him he was a coward would have i got no way anybody else got any problems with that [Music] i didn't think so blake yes captain santa claus for the island we're gonna get my treasure [Music] captain nemo it's so kind of you to take such good care of us captain smith gave me no choice his only thought was for your immediate rescue we were worried about him too i couldn't stop worrying about him captain smith wanted to play the hero i had to keep him here for his own safety aren't you glad that i kept him safe young lady of course what's the matter nemo what are you wearing around your neck oh i found it pancroft thinks it's gold oh no no no there's plenty more where that came from i bet my life on it of course gold yes i should have thought nothing less of you people you're talking about i'm talking about human greed one of the reasons men destroy each other before i allow you to infect my island i will let the creatures devour you all i didn't mean to upset him i know i know oh nemo's obviously got a negative association with gold don't mind him just one less person take a share hmm a powerful electric current running through these wires keeps out anything that threatens this compound it's a good thing we're on this side of it then i'm not so sure you don't trust me more do you captain he told me he sent out a search party to look for you there's no one else on the side of the park with him in chelsea i wonder what happened to all of them there had to be more men who else built all of this yeah everything is satisfactory i hope where's nemo we want to talk to him how long does he plan to keep us here well not that we have any intention to leave it might you he's indisposed at this moment he's busy with work i'm afraid but i'm sure he would like you all to stay he was upset earlier because this medallion reminded him of others who've come to this island what others pilots i knew it i know what did i say that there's treasure on this island ah i wouldn't have all i do know is that captain nemo despises them he had hoped that the large creatures out there would drive him away tell nemo we're not interested in the gold or anything else just want to get back to our homes that's all i'll make sure he understands them [Music] [Music] captain come in [Music] now listen carefully boy i want you to assemble me a type lee let him show you exactly where he left the other half of this map you go ashore and assess the situation any problems sent back for reinforcements finally i've roughed that map boy i want to be there for the gold where are they i have confined them to the front yard sir you're still behind scheduler you know share your vision with them especially cyrus i'm sure you'd be interested what makes you think that he's an intelligent man an engineer he's also a soldier he's still engrossed in thoughts of war the work i do here is contrary to everything he stands for perhaps but i've known you to be very convincing when you want to be you win joseph [Music] right mr lee lead the way i'm telling you you don't know what you're in for man i don't want to hear it the sooner we get the treasure the sooner we get off this island some move what i'm sure this is the one you think i forget something like that i barely got out of there alive you my friend don't know what the hell you're getting yourself in for as far as i'm concerned we should turn back right now back to that ship all in favor don't make me shoot you lee i'm not coming back [Music] [Music] ah find your feet joseph what made captain nemo change his mind about us he sort of reason so you convinced him as you will all learn soon enough captain nemo is never convinced of anything that he doesn't already believe himself this way peace what was that a familiar friend and constant companion on these islands our volcano don't you ever fear a large eruption huh we do so why do you stay as captain nemo puts it it's worth the risk this way please [Music] [Music] so [Music] it's a modern technical masterpiece hallelujah [Music] this is captain nemo's most remarkable creation until [Music] follow me [Music] helen get down from there immediately mother i'm just trying it out that's quite all right my daughter loved to do the same thing you have a daughter captain had she and her mother were killed some years ago i'm sorry during the revolution in india she was just your age that's her dress you're wearing it was the darkest time of my life come please there's much to see you better have some good news i wish i did sam but the truth is we couldn't find the medallion where's blake he's dead sir how'd it happen a monster sir now i'll say we set sail now we don't go anywhere till we found the gold [Music] i'm sure you're all aware by now my military exploits over the years well i hear you single-handedly led the indian rebellion against the uh the british huh not exactly but i gave the british navy a few problems i sank five of their ships using the torpedo weapon i developed here on board the nautilus they considered you their greatest threat i was and they took it out on my family they took them hostage to interrogate them as to my whereabouts but they were overzealous my wife and daughter did not survive how dreadful all wars are filled with stories of human tragedy sure each one of you has a similar story come here in this laboratory is the culmination of my life's work when the war ended i retired from the world i found consolation in the solitude of this island and in my work nevertheless my thoughts returned to the outside world i saw that war was the root of all suffering and i made a vow that i would find some way to end all man-made conflict on the earth sounds wonderful how do you hope to do that the only way to stop war is to make the consequences of starting one so grave no one would contemplate it no one dared strike first i am developing a weapon so powerful it could obliterate an entire city you have this bomb here yes that is the reason i stay on the island i'm sorry i don't understand in order to create this weapon i use a naturally occurring substance found on the island it is called thorium i'm not familiar with it no i'm not surprised it is found only in one place on the earth here that is why the animals grow so large from their contact with the thorium and you found a way to exploit it almost would you care to see the schematics [Music] ah i'm afraid the next chamber's too small and most likely too scientific with the rest of us come let me show you the rest of the ship i think you'll enjoy it at ordinary temperatures it has a cubic crystalline structure but when heated it burns with an intense white flame which becomes radioactive i will detonate one bomb to show the world the lethal nature of this weapon impress upon all civilized people the terrible nature of war and it will also serve as a deterrent it'll also serve as a blueprint once the power of this bomb is known every nation on earth is going to want it captain smith god has delivered you to this island to me blown you across thousands of miles to work at my side you've suffered in war as i have i can see it in you you can help future generations to avoid such anguish i don't know think about it sleep on it if you must but i beg your captain smith consider it carefully you think this weapon could possibly work there's no question of his destructive power he feels no moral dilemma about what he's doing i thought he planned on using the weapon to stop war he can't control how people will respond once they know this weapon exists when they realize the kind of power they could possess the world will become a very dangerous place very quickly he thinks i was carried these thousands of miles to him to help him in the combination of his life's work that's ridiculous what are you going to tell him you've seen him he's not the kind of man who responds well to someone who crosses him what could he possibly do to us that we haven't already survived my decision can put us right back outside those cakes well you uh good stalling time you're still thinking about it it's only delaying the inevitable pin crawl perhaps put those pressure few days of delays are extra days spent here in safety so a decision has been made yes i must decline your offer i don't understand you hate war as much as i do i believe your solution has the potential to create more harm than good how else can we deal with the violent ways of mankind what will it take for you to realize this is the only answer the work i do here is imperative to the survival of our species on this planet if you cannot see that all i can see is a brilliant man who has lost his way i'm sorry nothing you can say will change my mind get out and see how long you survive on this island without my protection [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm sorry i had to win like this uh is there no uh no way nemo would listen to reason and let us stay i've seen him like this before [Music] i anticipated this [Music] i prepared a pack of tools and supplies it's not much my prey but it's the best i can do go manage [Music] the best of luck to you colonel pancroft all right all right i'm leaving i'm leaving made for the beach it'll be safer there [Music] [Music] can if he's too thick to get any sense of direction are we lost captain no oh what's that one lost oh that's just great we're not lost pancroft we need to find a river so we can follow it to the ocean captain smith have you any idea where we're going are we just drifting along like one of your great balloon escape oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we're trapped we have to cross the only way hurry all right take my hand through the hole stay together [Music] back helena where is he where did it go come to the bank [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] um so smith we have a boat huh oh it's rotten pencil it's our best chance to get off the island huh ah [Music] uh [Applause] aah [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] we've got to get back to nemo's and we've got to get back there right now you know this is not an option fingroff tell me why safety is not an option huh what nemo is doing is more dangerous than anything we're gonna find out here i do not wanna die nobody wants to die pentroff the only way we're to survive is if we all work together now if you can't understand that then you are free to go we make camp here tonight tomorrow we look for higher ground [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] bye [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 1,644,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, #popcornflix, jules verne, the mysterious island full movie, jules verne movies, jules verne mysterious island, mysterious island part 1, kyle mclaughlin, patrick stewart, jules verne part 1, the mysterious island movie, mysterious island 1995, mysterious island episode 1, the mysterious island book, the mysterious island, Omar Gooding, Gabrielle Anwar, patrick stewart mysterious island, captain nemo, Kyle MacLachlan, the mysterious island part 1
Id: fYmJAEsLE4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 12sec (5112 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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