DEADLY DESCENT - The Abominable Snowman Full Movie | Monster Movie | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] [Music] I mean I couldn't believe it when I actually saw it but you know seriously though little water break okay all right a little further up here we're almost there no way this is some route woo sure is gorgeous isn't it I me nobody I know has made tracks up here since the [Music] 80s woo you're slacking I think you need this this time all right cut me a little slack I'll go on ahead and don't take too long Pete you okay he [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Applause] [Music] it'ss the hell out of those dirty Brown Mounds in Afghanistan I don't it remember when I got back from Iraq I never wanted to see a damn desert again once you settle in things get real quiet kind of start to miss it it's good to be home yeah well your dad would have been real no problem R I've been meaning to get in touch been trying to Flo this tour and Charter Business when the ex left me I was KATU man she didn't really leave me with much you know what I mean none of my business why did you want to come up here Brian going skiing lots of places to go skin lots of places without bad memories dad's not a bad memory you know that's not what I [Music] meant [Music] [Music] is see the best spot to go off by yourself Brian how about to pick up randu Mark I'm good don't worry I'll make it down on my own you sure about that bro Brian [Music] [Music] [Music] I got [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] I damn it hey you've reached Cindy leave me a message Cindy it's Nina I can't get hold of Brian and I'm starting to get worried call me back Brian Brian [Music] Mountain Rescue I need to report a person missing up on Glacier Peak your name Nina Tanner and who do you want to report that's missing my my brother Brian and when was he supposed to come back I'm not sure well do you know what time he left I don't know he didn't exactly tell me he was going but I know that's where he is you need to find him he could be in trouble okay man please [Music] [Music] hold [Applause] [Music] hey honey how you been not too good got yourself scheduled for basic yet yeah basic this summer than OCS at Fort Benning officer training huh that a girl fig my college degree should get me something not opening a whole lot of doors around here what you don't like working for Al over at Hungry Bear thanks you know how it is in this town either you joined the military or hang around and get in trouble you're on the right path I hope so going to be a big bad Soldier just like your brother can I get you something draft I guess better make that too what's a big emergency are the other guys here oh no no I left the messages though Stacy and John are probably at Bed Bath and Beyond cashing and wedding gifts erlando is tough to keep track of these days hey what is it Nina he's been acting really weird I mean he's been different since you guys got back tough on all of us something else like he's obsessed or something obsessed with what he's constantly pouring over these Maps when he isn't doing that he's on the computer I'll swing by his place and he barely even talks to me you don't know what he's looking up he'd never tell me but I know it has something to do with Glacier Peak Glacier Peak is that where he's gone I think so how'd he get up there Chopper I think guess I always would have gone up with him but have he's still pissed about I was pissed something's wrong I know it when did you talk to him last day before yesterday morning after you guys had that fight what did he say seemed really depressed he said he was soring and stupid and it was all his fault it was nobody's fault we were both drunk and stupid as he just got the wrong idea about me and you did he huh did he get the wrong idea about us I think your older brother can be a bit overprotective of you at times Alo ver haven't seen your face around here in a while is that good or bad guess it's good theual make get a double put on my tab Nina Nina Mark damn you got old that supposed to be a compliment no you you just um you got grew up fast that's all right hagy so what are you doing here Brian Tanner's gone missing up Glacier Peak right they' got two guys up there on skis right now and they're supposed to be doing helicopter sweeps they just said they're pulling their people off the mountain early probably shutting the whole Mountain down because of the storm I just pray to God they find him before that happens didn't you used to fly for Mountain Rescue yeah that's right you're were the best pilot they have I just had the experience of flying in and out of tight situations is all and then you got grounded because of the crash it wasn't his fault listen Nina I'm sorry I I had a feeling in my gut that day I I know it wasn't safe from up there I should have said something and yet you flew him up there anyway my brother gets something in his head no one can tell him otherwise trust me you're getting updates from the tower right that's right real time well then I guess all we can do right now is sit tight yeah you do that are those bran key tracks stough to say let's hope so it's getting pretty late of Brian nothing yet we got to check it out right now do another sweep on the east side 104 watch yourselves you're moving toward an avalance Zone Roger what do you think looks pretty hairy to me should we pack it in for the day and come back tomorrow now let's give it a shot man all right I'll find our line take slow and easy all right [Music] [Music] should have learned to fly that jumpper great bill I think I found Bri [Applause] Ronnie what are you [Music] saying you okay back there Bill we're kind of running low off field here we're going to need to pick you guys up over Bill do you read me Bill where the where have you guys been shopping in Pittsfield more like returning wedding presents for cash what I tell you erlander you join him for this nonsense nothing else to do around here those Registries are such bull I just want to put dollarss on it but John wouldn't have it yeah well at least I got to keep the toaster I mean a man likes to make toast sometimes right not when the toaster costs $45 pays $45 for a toaster I buy you that toaster it's great toaster great toaster to much appreciate obviously so um what's the do with Brian Mark Hagerty flew him up gler dropped him about 7,000 ft on the South Side this was the day before yesterday nobody's heard from him since what makes you think he's not just camping out he wouldn't do that without telling me Brian knows this mountain better than anyone he's got Backcountry skills like no other something ain't right Mountain Rescue is up there already just got a word I called off the searchy me the helicopter they lost two guys no it must be an avalanche the storm's coming hard and fast I ain't got be hurt he's up there all alone then we'll go hey whoa [Music] whoa what do you mean we we'll go ourselves working together as a unit we've got a better chance of finding him than any Mountain Rescue Team so how do we get up there hell no no way we'll pay you twice your normal rate it ain't about that you got no legal obligation for our safety after you drop us listen soldier boy I got enough problem friends with my dad right yeah CH was a good man you were part of the team that went after him when he got lost up there yeah then help us find my brother if you don't take us we'll find some other way forget it he's just a drunk all right you meet me at the air strip behind the abandoned hanger 1330 hours and bring the Brady Bunch guys pack warm gets too bad up there we can always get a roof at skinners that all place still open it's closed up for the winter but we can get in there if we have to we'll meet you at your place right out together looks like we're finally having our romantic getaway yeah except I was thinking more like Hawaii so hoola skirts on my atomics what do you think suits me better you just can't get enough of this junk can you what's that supposed to mean you know what I mean Stace look this Mission has nothing to do with whether or not we're going to reinlist why' you just call it a miss look if everyone else goes back for another tour I don't see how we can stay here we're a team a family yeah but if we stay here we could start our own family real family you sure you're up for this why wouldn't I be can't sit this one out nobody think anything of it what happened to playing as a team my place 1300 I'm coming too no nah it's better if somebody stays down here you can't expect me to just sit on my hands waiting for something to happen Nina I've got as much experience up that mountain as any of you you'll have to tie me up if you want to keep me here fine but I don't want you leaving my sight up there deal when we find Brian he's going to be mad I came to you guys let him we didn't all grow up together go to war together and then come home just to leave one of our own out in the cold Rick his handgun he's taking it with him his handgun [Music] okay ropes um two 10 mil Statics two all round singles and one workhorse single I got a Statics I got a single you got bers check didn't think i' be in a chopper again with you guys so soon feels kind of good actually yeah this time you know when you get off no one's going to try and shoot you [Music] [Music] this is one of the maps from Brian's it's marked up from here down to 6,000 all the way up to the summit that's a lot of ground but this Ridge cuts a direct route up through the middle think we can find his tracks not lightly Storm's been blowing hard tracks don't last long if we start high and work our way down canvasing the whole area we can cover more ground and make a lot better time can you take us up to here now from this position I'd have to slice up on the way to the east come up backside that'll take another 45 to an hour what about straight up through this Canyon can you see how narrow that is with these Crosswinds I'd have to stay jammed down in it thought you were supposed to be the best canyon it is sorry cam [Music] Jack not bad You Ain't Seen Nothing [Music] [Applause] [Music] Yet I don't really think this is the best place to reacquaint myself with my snowboard why you want to try the bunny slope first well that's harsh he's a big boy he can take it okay ladies I'm uh I'm right here so I love you babe hey what's with the M9 orlander carried everywhere now don't you storm's coming in just before nightfall it's going to get pretty nasty everywhere above 5,000 ft you're going to be on your own we're ready for it uh-huh got your sa phone affirmative you got the number yeah call me before the storm heads remember I'm your rear D I need to know where you are what you doing copy that we'll see you tomorrow morning at the LZ King's Landing 0700 we'll be there and want your backs bring him home we're getting a late start what if we all split up one group take one side of the Ridge one group take the other it's a negative we stick together and while we're on the subject in case something happens we do get separated some orando orando hey erlander I thought I heard something altitude getting to you Chico man little headache get some fluids in [Music] you [Music] Brian Brian ran should probably avoid that we're in an avalanche Zone okay thanks man [Music] this looks like a good spot to set loose for a ways that's what I'm talking about skiers will probably move quicker than borders over this says you so we'll bring up the rear that means we find the lines you think you can handle that damn straight see that rock outcropping about a mile down before the ridge meets the Ravine yeah regroup there and stay in my sight she's a little firecracker isn't she big time I can see why you like her maybe a bit young for you but that's let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] how far down have we come let's have a look these Canyon walls are disrupting my signal we came off the summit here then down over this section uhhuh then down to it cuts through the Ravine Muckle shoot Ravine what's wrong I think this is around where my dad used to take my brother hunting how could I be so stupid hey take it easy it was around these mountains your dad went missing back in the day right they never knew if it was an avalanche a Kass or what I know I remember Brian didn't talk for weeks it happened a few weeks before I was born 25 years ago this year's the anniversary you think that's got something to do with why Brian came up here has to did he mention your Dad recently he never talks about him I'd always ask what he was like but it's too hard for him like he wanted to just keep the memories from [Music] himself it's coming down go [Music] go [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] NE n come on come on baby come on come on come here are you okay are you okay John what happened where is he he got spped down no John John joh oh no John John we have to make a call John had the sa phone Stacy what are you doing Stacy I'm going down there after him wait there's no safe place to Anchor in here don't caring that's my husband and I'm going wait wait Stacey Stacy I'll go no get some biners out you got him can you see him no he's out of view Rick you okay so far so good any sign of dawn not yet I'll let you know when I find [Music] him [Music] John can you hear me what happened no don't move don't move just stay still right now we're going to get you out of here I got him isn't a bad way you're going to have to come down and bring the gear I repeat bring the gear [Music] over Stacy his left leg is broken with a deep laceration he's coughing up a little blood and he's got a concussion from Hell everything else seems okay for the most part just bump some bruises I thought I lost you you're all right yeah he's going to be okay I'm still here think when I saw you out there on your own with that Avalanche running towards you I just hey hey I know looks all over for his pack Sapp phone's long gone so what now we build a litter something we could drag let's use the keis we need to lash them together somehow erlander you got any duct tape erlander duct tape on it okay okay okay we can use this to make a splint for his leg good that'll work skinners is down another 3,500 ft 5 miles if we cut the most direct route that's not going to be easy no if we haul ass maybe we'll get there before this storm hits okay take it there that's good one of [Music] those hold hold ONN hold on give us a minute John John hey hey hey hey baby baby hey you know what I've been thinking you maybe you're right okay maybe it it's time that we settle down huh I don't think this is really the most appropriate time to discuss this but I just wanted to say it okay I wanted you to know Stacey it's really are you just saying this because I was th no no John I want to grow old with you I want to have your baby hi this is Lisa stone with ksnw and we're reporting Live From the Bottom of the mountain where the snow pack is extremely soft and now up to 36 in for warning is now in effect the storm that has built is in category 4 and we suggest to you local business owners that you whiskey come on Mark you don't want to start with this all over again whiskey fine I'm finished I'm not giving you any second [Music] chances on man stop stop why what do you need more the proxin we'll get you some more once we get down off this hill hey just hang in there babe all right go are you okay what's wrong with Orlando oh he'll be all right it's just nerves he always does better when you keep him on task that's why I had him take John I'm getting really scared Rick I keep picturing Brian alone and hurt freezing we can't do anything about that right now we just got to focus on getting John to shelter before this storm gets any worse but what about my brother one thing at a time Nina keep your head up okay I need you with me on this we'll figure out what's next when we get down to [Music] skinners hey hey take it easy will you I'm trying yeah we'll try harder we're on the Loc ground so what there's no danger of avalanche here we're vulnerable vulnerable to what hey there's nobody here but us just us you got that yeah I got it come [Music] on [Music] no no no come on I [Music] no we have to go after him Stacy Stacy he's gone no what was that what was that thing you you I didn't do anything take a shot you had the G I didn't have one you left anything that was good about you in that cave in Afghanistan you were a liability then and you're a liability now stop we shouldn't stay here we should get going now come on get the gear together now come on move we got to get out of here before that thing comes back okay take the front come on come on Soldier come on stay we got to get going now [Music] this is it we should be safe here until the storm lets up it's unlocked what the Ryan you shouldn't be [Music] here especially you Ryan are you okay there's something out there I know what do you mean you know that's why I'm here [Music] I don't think you understand that animal whatever that thing was took John what he was hurt and we were trying to carry him here when that thing just came down and took him Mountain Rescue lost two guys looking for you this is wrong it's it's all wrong it wasn't supposed to go down like this it's not supposed to you better start talking Sergeant right [Music] now okay now these points designate missing person reports unsolved cases going back more than half a century all attributed to freezing Avalanche Kass natural causes whatever but their bodies were never found now Skinner came back from World War II and he wanted to build this place to be like the mountain Huts he saw when he was in Europe and in the winter of 54 he walked right out that door and he never came back in ' 62 it was the Phillips Family on a snowshoeing trip on the West Side 69 four men on a mountaineering Expedition 72 it was a lone Backcountry skier and so on once I started checking out dates I came across people that claimed sightings of a very big animal that they couldn't explain right around the same time periods now things have been relatively quiet since ' 87 the year our father was killed are you telling me our father was killed I was just a boy when they told me what they thought had happened and I didn't buy it dad knew every crap in this mountain he knew what to avoid when search and rescue quit I came back up here on my own and I went to all those places that Dad had taken me what happened I saw it it was from a distance and it was camouflage but I'm telling you I saw it and I think it saw me too did you say anything to anyone who was I going to say anything to I told Mom but she was very sick at the time she had just had you nah she looked like she was going to break anytime I said anything that had to do with Dad now the other day I came up here with Pete he took the lead up the ropes and all of a sudden he disappeared over the top of the ridge where I couldn't see it's like it knew to stay hidden but it's like this thing has been waiting for me too what exactly are we dealing with here 8 ft tall maybe taller probably close to 6 700 lb very sharp teeth and Claws its agility is beyond belief for its size it's very well equipped to handle the harsh alpine conditions it feeds on humans but not exclusively it lives and it hunts where most people don't go it knows how to stay hidden it's a predator and right now we're the prey I knew we were sitting ducks when we came up here I knew it this is my fight it's not yours doesn't work that way Bry doesn't work that way and you know it we need to figure out how to get out of here okay we need to go did you bring a sap phone no why not cuz I don't own a damn sad phone I'd rather Brave the storm than wait for this thing to get back me too all right then let's move [Music] out come on let's go we're moving in five I'm not going anywhere Rick what I waited ears for this I came here for one reason and one reason only oh yeah and what's that I told you I'm going to kill it and I'm not leaving until it's done even if it means putting her at risk and how about John I didn't bring him up here you did don't you put this on me it is on you I stop if you have told us what you were doing in the first place none of this would have happened get back me come on man get him out of there Rick go how is he not good you do anything to fortify this place no I wanted him to get in here and find me nice tactic bar take the door and the windows we're on It [Music] [Music] Go [Music] is there another way out of here back door down the hall through wood storage take them out the back I'll buy us a little time why we stand a better chance if we stay here take come and go that's an order Sergeant go go damn it what are you waiting for go go in here go go go go go open it which way down we got to get lower I can't see a damn thing let's try to get down to the ball we're not going to make that yes we will Rick who freeze to death [Music] there's another one come on run [Music] you don't look happy to see me Wayne what the hell are you doing up here Hagerty come nor for my help I just want to see if haven't you caused enough trouble for one day come on on Wayne I just want to make sure those kids make it home in one piece they were supposed to call me wait a minute what was that did you just say kids as in kids plural yeah just some of Brian Tanner's buddies and his sister I mean they they're well trained they were going to go up there one way or another you just tell me you didn't I took him up to the Big Ridge oh good lord now it must be hallucinating you know what I'm not even hearing this right now am I hearing this correctly well I'm glad you're hearing me this time cuz it's not exactly one of your strong points all the things you'll do for a buck it wasn't about money hey if I could fire you again I would hackery gladly oh well done you gave me the big chicken dinner fabulous but I was a better pilot half in the bag than your Pilots were dead sober you know was of talent is nothing to brag about I was never drunk when I was flying really except for that one time yeah except that one time but I told you why you weren't listening to me oh It's All Coming Back to Me Now you were delusional right well you were delusional back then and you're still delusional so what else is new now just get the hell off my tower no I ain't going anywhere till I know they're safe fine there's two of them they've caught us blocked from both [Music] sides what do you got for ammo last clip erlander what do you got for the M9 two clips the only one's going to get through the front we need to get back and reinforce that barricade now [Music] okay set up a defensive perimeter we got vulnerable positions at the door and the two windows I got the door earlander I'm going to take one window I want you to take the other one all right what are you doing we got no place to hide orander hold it together man put down the gun we're going to die up here put it down now oh Vis they're gone you [Music] cool come [Music] on [Music] [Music] no I want to grow old with you I want to have [Music] TI [Music] no we have to go after him that's as good as it's going to get for [Music] now [Music] [Music] that's not going to hold they're too strong they're going to be in here any second let's [Music] go go go go get something in front of this [Music] door what now I haven't thought that far ahead [Music] wonderful what are you doing this is it this is where we make our stand new weapon of choice yeah you don't have to reload it it's time to fight we didn't have a chance when we got off off that Chopper bull now take the damn gun and don't be a waste no I'm sorry I let John get killed I'm sorry for everything come on help me help me I'm almost out save the rest and you can get a clear shot if we don't make it through this guys I just want you to shut up don't talk like a all I'm trying to say is that guys we don't need to get all weepy quite yet this should hold him off longer for a little while maybe but now we're stuck in the pantry it's a matter of time before they bust in here too then what then this this ladder looks like it leads down to the boiler room we can all climb down and hide in there we'll be safe for a little longer maybe they won't find us out of the way man they want the easiest prey knock it off Lander then they'll go away for a while like they did with John the weakest one is first you're not weak not [Music] anymore herlander no to do this get out herlander herlander [Music] go come on come on it's [Music] [Music] over they get down here there's really no place else we can go yeah but we got a fighting chance with this all we got to do is they're leaving berlander was [Music] right [Music] they're gone this is probably the only chance we're going to get to walk out of here we can't go anywhere in this storm we know it and they know it so why don't we stay here wait for them to come back and fight all right time for an offensive strategy yeah there's lots of stuff around here we can use Raid the kitchen and that Cellar there's more tools down there we can use those tanks in the back corner those things may know how to survive under hostile conditions but so do we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] whoa not bad still want to be a soldier after all this is this what being a soldier's like sort of some of the time I was thinking actually if we get back down I'd put off the military for a while maybe scrape some money together do some traveling I've never been anywhere hey we're going to get you home I promise I trust you Nina am I interrupting no no no grenades yeah Stacy found them I'm guessing Skinner brought them back from the war they alive oh yeah all three of them you sure I'm not interrupting don't start this again Brian no I I didn't mean that it's just it's okay I'm going to go check on [Music] Stacy look Rick uh the other night when I saw you two at that party we were just talking man but talking about you she knew there was something wrong something was eating you up but you wouldn't let her in that stuff with Dad uh those memories that's not easy to share she'd appreciate it I guess I'm a little overprotective of her sometimes the thing is after I got so mad the other night I got to thinking and uh if Nina's going to be with anybody I'd want her to be with [Music] [Music] you it's breaking Wayne make the call send somebody up it's too dangerous do it Wayne get out of my face man your breath still weaks look I'm sorry Wayne is that what you want to hear I just want to get them off that damn Mountain you know funny thing so do I stor may be breaking up down here but if you take a closer look you'll see that it's still killer up at 10,000 ft maybe but maybe not look you know damn well I don't have anybody who can fly in this yeah you do they're expecting a r Deo King's Landing if you won't send somebody up you got to let me go I don't have to do Squad if these people are as well trained as you say they are they'll be all right for another hour or two thanks for your help we anytime and remember if you get any funny ideas about going up there again without clearance you better think twice just one phone call no commercial certificate no Chopper no nothing what's it going to be haggy do what you got to do Wayne you see anything looks quiet let's do this [Applause] hey revu's down about 4,000 ft Southwest how's the rout Harry is all get out should' be a thrill though hello yep just like the good old days Target 2:00 we should get inside now we need them to see us go through the front door now everyone inside come on you see me I know you see me come get me come get me where come on inside man come on run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sniper [Music] come on get another one I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] Stacy run you okay yeah you Roy I'm good it's all good let's get out of here right [Music] yeah we good to go yeah I'm good Nina Nina oh you got to be kidding me we got to [Music] go [Music] it's scen go [Music] go Rick you okay get up Soldier you get up come on you can make it come on a no no no I'm standing right here you can make it R Rick I'll carry you if I have to no okay Rick okay here I want you to take this okay I want you to take this we're going to try to lead it away from here yes yes you listen to me after I get down to that Chopper we're going to send back help okay okay all right all right you be strong okay okay easy easy easy easy easy pleas please you had to go you can't do it without [Music] you we got to go Nina get out of [Music] here come [Music] on go go go [Music] [Music] what you okay yeah you think you got [Music] it no more no more here this is the last one I want you to have it you take this I'm not leaving you n there's no more time Brian I am not a few more shots left I'm going to try to make them count you get to that Chopper you're all I have you keep going no matter what you understand this is what Dad would have done nah I'll be right behind you that a girl it's just me and you [Music] now me and you where are you guys come on hey hey over here hey [Music] hey there you are Nina there you are come on Ry please Ryan no [Applause] [Music] no on need to jumping jumping [Music] gotcha you all right Nina damn you baby son of a [Music] [Music] get that ugly chewu off my damn helicopter grenade hate this you son of a bit [Music] [Music] good job RI good job how did I thought you were down on the mountain when the thing saw me with the grenade it backed off I tossed it but I must have missed Mark saw the blast dropped down picked me up ran we flew over him I'm so sorry he got what he wanted it's [Music] dead [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 207,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2024, best movies 2024, monster movies, creature movies, creature, monster films, new sci fi movies, science fiction movies, scifi full movie, sci fi full movie, new sci fi movies 2024, syfy, syfy channel movies, sci fi channel movies, syfy movies, creature features, deadly descent the abominable snowman, deadly descent, deadly descent full movie, abominable full movie, abominable snowman movie
Id: wtGPmxtcVT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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