Juicy Grilled Pork Chops | How to Dry Brine Pork Chops

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the most tender and juicy hog you'll ever wrap a lip around what are we talking about big honking pork chops dry brine to bring all that moisture and seal it back in there throw it on the grill cook it just right and lather it with some of that great red river mud barbecue sauce come on cause i am gonna eat without you [Music] thank y'all for stopping by under the barn and lord thank you for the barn for some shade cause the solar generator was on high today it was i'm talking hot what are we talking about the perfect tinder barbecued pork chop that ain't one of these little bitty wimpy things that's like this or like this it is a full inch and a half thick bone-in center cut pork chop just makes your mouth water when you talk about it but we're gonna brine it brian you say to brian or not to brian that is the question i'm talking about a salt base either wet or dry if it is wet it is a solution if it is dry it is a rub make you want to do something right now do the salt and the pepper and no no that don't go no don't write i've always brined a turkey for thanksgiving put him down in this big old pot got all kinds of salt in there all kinds of herbs and spices and everything which makes the turkey what more tender because everybody like a tender turkey they do but pork chops i've done a video on the perfect grilled pork chops where we always use our lime juice which is a natural meat tenderizer and it breaks down muscle protein but folks this is somewhat to me a better deal all the way around especially if we're talking about a big old thick piece of meat that we're going to put it on now if you're going to plan this just go ahead and mark it on the calendar you need 24 hours in advance because you could let it set three but we ain't you could let it set six but we ain't we're going 24 because it makes a big difference now you've seen me as i what mixed up the brine rub salt a little pepper some garlic powder and a little bit of mesquite seasoning and you just rub that in pretty well all the way around on both sides you got it on a flat pan with a wire rack and you just place them there make sure you do both sides make sure you got room in that refrigerator slip them in there i put these in there at six o'clock i took them out at 5 30 because we want them to come to room temperature as they begin to warm up but 12 hours in i flipped them over so they could dry out a little now i do want to mention that you put these in there uncovered they're just laying on that wire rack do not put them directly on the pan get you a wire rack set them on there remember 24 hours well the star of the show is here and i just want to pick well pretty close now i want to pick this up so y'all can see how thick that rascal is and you can see as champagne's in here a little closer it's sort of got a little sponginess right there to it to where that has took effect on both sides and sort of draw that moisture back in there and then let it seep back in there now when you go to buy pork it's just like buying steak folks you need to look for that what in that pork marbling because it's going to have it just like a steak pick you out some of them good pork chops if you don't see none in there ask that butcher can you cut me some center cut pork chops about an inch and a half thick i need to be cooking them for supper so make sure you got them and you're going to see a little fat rind on these as you see right here there's not a whole lot there but it is there now when meat hits a fire and the mussels begin to tense and they pull things will try to curl up a little bit at a time so just take your knife and just slice right through that fat if it's got very much on there and that way we ain't gonna have no curling up i don't think that one's got enough to make no difference we'll give this one a little pinch right here and we're good to go now we got the hasty bait full of some hardwood lump on one end which is the fogo brand and it is so good and we ain't got nothing on the other end now big and thick as the yards if we just throw these right over on the fire we'd be constantly turning these things to keep them from getting too dark on the outside until that middle reached a temp for about 145 and then we're going to let them rest to come on up 145 150 pork is supposed to be eat at 160 to 165 but everybody's saying now you can eat it at 1 55. so let's get it over on the fire and we'll see what happens remember all the fire is here these babies is going right down here till they can warm up to about 140 145 shut the lid don't look at it don't mess with it don't even talk to it till about 10 or 15 minutes and we'll check that internal temp and see where we're at [Music] well we've been on about 40 minutes them chops is thick they are and we're going to do some chicken now ain't them pretty right there now you're going to need to get you one of these probes you can do it like we do the steak deal does it got some give to it does it set up them are awful close if i was wanting like a medium steak and that's sort of where i like to eat my pork but i'm going to grab a hulk this thing right quick and show you i like to probe him right in the center of the meat about the center of the chop we're going to move them over here to the direct side of the fire hear that sizzle uh-huh that hog says it was ready a long time back to be over but since they've been on this side let's go ahead and turn them over on this one get over here hog we're going to bring that temperature up about 10 or 12 degrees so we moved them over here to this side of the fire remember we flipped them over now i may not have told you all or you might not have caught it but when we started this still out we was probably running about 300 but we was on the indirect side now we're back over here on the direct side and the flames is kissing the hog they are so you're going to have to turn a few times we want to get some really good grill marks and we're not there but just pay attention don't run off it's not time that you can go say oh i'm going to see what score the ball game is huh you'd be burning the hog meat but we get it to where we want it get a little char get some good good good crust on there we're gonna lather it with some of our best barbecue sauce ever red river moon [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] before we go any further make sure you have some of these because you're fitting to get it from your eyebrows down to your belly button they're going to be so good but you bring them off there i want you to let them rest just like you would any good steak we're going to let these pork chops rest too because look at the beak he is resting he said he knows that the meat has to rest before you can eat it so he's saving up his energy for a bite so i'm just going to take off right here and i'm just going to pull it right out here and look at that juiciness just oh my gosh big this is probably going to be the best pork chop that me and you ever eat now i've got a lot of help out here today so i'm going to let this cool just a little more and we're going to what culinary culinary culinary duke has quitters there you go buddy you wait for it now wait don't do it yet you just sit there and you wait because i'm gonna feed mage now you just hang on weight just a little bit more you're a good puppy say hello good job say hello now it is time for me and i can't hardly wait because this barbecue sauce folks it's one of my most favorite things i've ever invented so juicy is so tender you get that smoke that we've penetrated through there that applewood comes up comes through there right on top it does but the brine and folks it just makes just i don't you see if you can see this oh my word there's so much juice in there it's a juiciest tenderest pork chop you're ever going to wrap a lip around and let me have one more bite and then we're going to talk to you makes me want to do the what did it do pig dance before he didn't move that fast and he was always afraid somebody was going to get the pork chops but that is some fine dining right there that barbecue sauce is what's happening i got to feed you shin because i want you to try it sugar they are so juicy so tender and full of a lot of smoke would you get down please we have so much help today good folks put this in your kitchen because you're going to want to use it on everything it sticks to meat really well as long as the chin and everything else too goes with it but this is one of the easiest recipes you're going to do takes a little time 24 hours in advance so if you're planning it for the weekend get them pork chops friday morning go ahead and get them in there get them to brine and dry in that ice box okay and hey we just want to what thank y'all for all tuning in because it means the world to me and shin and i just want you to know that through all these times that we me going through whether they be good times bad times rough times or smooth times the trail always whines the trail always climbs and the trail always goes down but hey we on the trail because we like it and we're going to make the most of it and i know y'all are going to too so just tell yourself every morning when you get up that trail is smooth and i'm going to enjoy it i am now everything that we use today will be listed right down there below in the little recipe go to our website you can find it there but as always and i do it with pleasure and honor i do i tip my hat to all the service men and women and all the veterans who have kept this whole country safe and keep that flag flying back there we never take what y'all did or what you do for granted so if you see one of them walking down the street folks or you know somebody that's in the military service or you know a veteran you tip your hat to them you tell them thank you so much for your service because we are proud of you rest of you come on in here you know it's time for the big old hug that's always coming at the end and i put on deodorant today so you're going to be all right with it you are i'm going to be glad that you're watching and i'm gonna pick this up before i grab my hat one more time god bless you one and all and i'll see you down the perfect tender pork chop trail big stain on that where shen said let's drag out the hog andy you want to do that i'm sticky [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 93,299
Rating: 4.9828367 out of 5
Keywords: brine pork chop, pork chop recipes, grilled pork chops, bbq pork chops, barbeque pork chops, brined pork chops, dry brine, dry brine pork chops, pork chops, how to brine pork chops, pork, best grilled pork chops, smoked pork chops, smoked pork, easy pork chop recipes, juicy pork chops, juicy pork chops on the grill, kent rollins pork chop, cowboy kent rollins pork, center cut pork chops, pork chop brine, brine chops, brined pork chop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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