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and we are doing an idea we have already done what were the different bunch of YouTubers we are rating the glow ups we have a tier list so we can rate them whether they have been blessed by the gods are they an ooh are they meh are they what happened to you it's horrible I didn't like it or are they I don't know what D is so I'm gonna get rid of that as you can see we have a bunch of YouTubers we're gonna go through first one calyx that's calyx a while ago that's calyx now all that's happened is he's got happy his face is a little bit rounder true I gotta be honest Carl don't know if there's much of a glow up here it's just the same and that's not a disc there isn't much difference I'm I'm giving it a mess there's nothing nothing happened yeah you grew up a bit same as me he's literally the same as me I just look a bit older meh n AJ you should be on that's him now I mean going off those pictures definitely glow up yeah but also looks the same yeah just like his hair's doing the right thing he learned style yeah that's what it is yeah his Vibes have upgraded the hair is very different the facial hair is now actual facial hair I'm thinking a little oh a little oh AJ one of my favorite people in the world it's not you it's darkest man now I'm gonna be honest darkest yard here he's bald under that hat don't let him fool you but that's all right was his hair Heron that's what I need to know the thing is he just looks like a child there I feel weird to bring a child it's not like he's 18. well actually maybe he is to me I don't know let's put him I'm sorry all right you want to go oh then oh yeah so I can't be like we have squidgit Harry well you've never seen this I wouldn't know that with her you've never seen Squid Harry I'm about to blow your mind I'm I need a moment to process all of this I don't know how you that's squidgit Harry that's what his nickname is never seen Harry that young never seen her phone if I have I completely well now you've gone from the squidgit Harry the road to Shaw Harry I I need to put Harry blessed by the Gods everyone would have thought you were a lost cause it is Harry I know it is now but if you'd have asked you who that was as a child I'd have probably guessed freezing we have our first blessed by the Gods Sharky no it has changed I think because like if it hasn't you have to cut that out yeah again looks older that's it just he's just grown up it's a good thing obviously that he doesn't look like a 12 year old but like he isn't hasn't trained I feel like the facial hair is doing more for him though than luck I feel with Lux same with me it's just there a bit we're a Sharky I feel like it makes his his look it's the vibe yeah again I think it's a it's an ooh or a man because it's like he looks similar but like I think it's better than darkest I'll be honest Christopher MD Fair pay Chris that is him now you don't have to hold your face every time he's on the screen that is wild I think a teenager today like he's gonna lose property it's a shame he hasn't grown but he's still there I'm gonna put it below Harry's the issue is it's about how long you've been on YouTube as well oh wifey Freya I these can I just say these photos are maybe a year apart that's from like recent she hasn't even got a fringe she's had a fringe for like two years I know Freya you have to hear me out here okay hear me out because I don't think she's changed sexy day too I don't think she's changed much I cannot back a mess though I actually can't do it well I will say I know what you mean as in she's because she's so pretty beforehand yeah and she's still so pretty I agree those two photos Okay nothing's changed but from the first photo to now is at least I'm leaving it there speed I mean he is literally like 18 now it's the same this is a mess we're putting him in math I'm sorry speed you're not old enough to have a glow up yeah Theo Baker I genuinely thought he might have made a meme and made it Jake Paul that is a good glory as a very you know what that's a very good glow up I respect it this was this was a Lost Cause haircut he might be blessed by the gods I'm not gonna fight him because Theo's now like he's now a good looking guy here he looks like he could be in Lord of the Rings and not on the good side next up your favorite it's you well that's you now that's well well I'm too you have a new note yeah I've got a whole Glam Squad I've got extensions in here I've had two hours of hair and makeup I've been styled this is from magazine shoes can we just say though my blog from YouTube like early YouTube to now nah um put me at the top because you did charity work by getting with me when you I'm gonna put you below Harry as you know I should fight and I'll get each other I'm putting you below Harry because his one is like you didn't even know it was him I know I've had surgery I cheated I look good Randolph did you know that was Randall that's an old photo too that's a beerus definitely a Glover it's a hiu yeah I was gonna say I'd possibly put it in there below AJ or above AJ I think above AJ because I think he looks quite different well done Randy hope chisel well done what did you mean why are you doing this he's had a great glove you know all he's done is get a good haircut and his teeth he looks like he's just taking care of himself yeah that is it he literally looks that is Rich would you give it a blessed by the gods or a top of who I'm maybe some type of ooh just because he does still look the same but he just looks like an expensive version of I feel that I feel that still look great Toby ninja he looks like he's about to cry he looks like he's doing an apology video might be what happened to you what no that's a crack addict rather no if he took like a little bit off the top of the hair okay because I think also you've got to think I'm an adult I'm gonna think an adult looks better than yeah but it's more like did things go right for him or wrong for him I think they went right okay we're talking ooh as much as Toby as much as Randy yeah yeah okay the didgeridoo koala wallaby laser beam okay he has a mullet let's just do it just do it now sorry London same as the previous like when you picture that I'm not gonna lie Lana's one of my favorite people in the world he's cool he's so much cooler and I actually like the moment but someone has to go what happened to you and I'm sorry Lana it's more like models I'm sorry London it has to be Pokeman the Pokemon delicious I mean she just looks like a girl into a woman yeah but she doesn't look like it doesn't look like much change other than eight like got older give it a new yeah I feel like they don't go through that phase when they're a teenager you know we're boys like like Chris MD that's what you're saying yeah not above Toby we have Harry Panera he got a better hairline like that could be a year ago again looks a little bit richer yeah uh we'll put it above speed that means old which was a current one I'm upset this one might shock you you know them but not personally hi guys so today pause what what mugs you think I watch more his paws challenge went viral you didn't watch his mum get thrown off a treadmill morgs that to that I mean A Glover I mean he's still a child his eyebrows came into that oh that's a very good glass I'd probably go there yeah Arguments for blessed by the god Vic star ones this trim was criminal and this hoodie by the way he wore every day for about three years now look at him I'd say definitely blessed by the god 100 that is a phenomenal the bit like he actually could have grown a beard there but he didn't want to because he played Minecraft now the beard yeah the beard is a lot he's definitely blessed by the gods definitely above Chris yeah yeah Harry's is a lot of age this is still an adult but it's weird that no one sat there going brother do this not this yeah well done that you are top of the glow up right now we have Jake Paul that's just after Disney Jake Paul now what it's a big glow up can't the hair back then was proper [ __ ] boy hair yeah and it was also hiding his hairline this hides his hairline but it looked better I know it's going to be controversial he's got to be blessed by the gods I'll put him there he looks so much more like Toby we have Manny I've never seen the resemblance that is not a good photo it's definitely a glow up though what are we saying an ooh what like uh I go below Randy yeah that's fair I think that's fair gold I mean she's I mean she's pretty she's rich I go I go like yeah Lachlan for now he looks good now I mean he still looks similar he's just way older and richer and richer and just like yeah it's just everything's just same but better so above Randall yeah above ninja yeah above Pokey yeah above Toby okay we'll leave him there and the final one we have guess who hey I hate that that's a shot from a video that people used as pictures it's me mid talking I know I know thanks for the goods that's is I hate this so much it's one of those pictures where when you when you Google miniminter like it'll come up where am I I definitely no no no no no no no no no no definitely not above it definitely not above Harry not above you you got the nose job oh Chris's first one is worse than my first one mine's a bad picture I know I am it's bad as well Chris is braces okay when you look at like Harry though at that age you looked exactly like Harry did yeah but it's that we're going off the picture if we're going off [ __ ] you're number one I think it's the same it's like your face is like it's like you don't look like that I think it's similar to this no it's not nice okay I'm going here I'm putting myself there no it's done anyways that is it for today thank you guys for watching did we do anyone dirty did we do anything I love you who did we get the most wrong just let us know in the comments down below one person who was the most wrong everyone spam Freya got done dirty it's gonna be landed let us know one person we did wrong and we will see you guys next time peace
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 898,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: lJEluHTjqD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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