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I'm gonna Luke chapter ten the truth is you could go over wherever the spirit leads but I'm gonna go to Luke chapter ten and I'd like to read a story to you approximately twelve verses and and and then we'll do our best to kind of unpack it and and and and make sense of it I'm really really excited to share God's story with you I think it's important to kind of rehearse and recall and remember that this book much has been made obviously the most famous book that's ever been written we are those people in this room that are persuaded completely that it is entirely and utterly inspired by God that every single word is chosen by him and it exists for us but I think what's important for us to remember anytime we go to this book that it's actually not merely a collection of morals and concepts and prints principles and success keys it's actually a narrative and to put yourself in that frame of mind is gonna be really helpful for you when you go to this book it's a narrative has characters has a main character it's a story narrative means story it is the story of God this is a story book and the essence of the story is love it's the thread throughout every all 44 different authors 66 different books sixteen hundred years it was written this is a supernatural story book and if you'll go looking for the main character it will come alive to you so we're gonna kind of insert ourselves in this story which actually we're currently living in we're living out the story of God the trees know what the Hills know what the mountains know what the lakes know what the oceans know it sometimes we just as humans forget they were actually in the story of God and were just privileged to be like on screen somewhat right but it's his story right now being played out in our life and this book reminds us how awesome he is and amazing he is so we're gonna go to this story Luke chapter 10 and verse 25 it says behold a lawyer stood up to Jesus to put him to test and said teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life and he said to him what's written in the law how do you read it and the answer you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself jesus said will you answer correctly do this and you will live now notice this statement he says do they a hundred percent of the time and you will not need a savior for you will save yourself and you will inherit the rights to eternal life all by yourself just do this a hundred percent of the time and you're all good and the lawyer is sharp enough to understand that that is fundamentally impossible so trying to justify himself the Bible says in verse 29 he says well who who is my neighbor you know I mean like my sits this is modern culture who is my neighbor I live in a high-rise who is my neighbor and Jesus tells him a story in an effort to answer a Jewish lawyers question who is my neighbor Jesus tells one of the most famous famous is that a word like Judah we can't just make up words man one of the most famous did that feels right parables in all the Bible he says a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and he fell among robbers who stripped him beat him departed leaving him half dead now by chance a priest was going down that road and when he saw me he passed by on the other side so likewise a Levite when he came to the place and saw him passed by on the other side but a Samaritan as he journeyed came to where he was and when he saw me at compassion he went him bound to bound up his wounds pouring on oil and wine and and set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper saying take care of him and whatever more you spend I will repay when I come back when I come back which of these three do you think now Jesus looks at the Jewish lawyer and he says now which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers and and and the Jewish man said well the one who showed him mercy he didn't he wouldn't even say the word Samaritan he said the winner showed no mercy and Jesus said go go and do likewise that's the same idea by the way go do that and you will earn your way into eternity go do the impossible and you won't need a savior or a superhero I'd like to title this message tonight the little in that could the little in that could it just maybe just maybe possibly perchance I put before you that maybe we are called to be a part of the little in that could would you pray with me Jesus bless the moments that we share now as we study your story these words our life and we pray that you would use your word to introduce us to you again and again and again and again god help the Golden State Warriors not get more all-stars if they get LeBron Lord I will take my complaints to you please don't let that happen Jesus name Amen amen oh yeah I don't I don't like to drive driving is just not I don't like driving at all I I despise it in fact I checked in and got our rental car here we're gonna stay a few extra days and my best friend's here Elijah waters and the lady we were checking in and the lady's like can I have your driver's license and I'm like yeah yeah give him driver's license and then she's like would you like to put your friend on on the plan and I'm like absolutely I answered for month but absolutely and Elijah is the kindest friend because he offers to drive a lot the reason he offers to drive is not just because he's that kind and courteous and considerate he is he is he is don't misunderstand me he's got a great hair line he's very handsome he's like an improved version of Hugh Jackman but I don't think that's important we're trying to stick to the story of God here and but Elijah I I know he's afraid when I Drive oh I'm gonna distracted driver sue me right like I'd rather connect with people in the car than focus on the road who has their priorities right the good driver or the guy who wants to connect with people I don't know man think about it so I don't like I'm a distracted driver driving is annoying to me it's like I just want let's get where we're going but we need to like talk and hang and connect right so Jude's pastor Jude my youth pastor since I was like nine years old pastor Jude I must have learned driving from him because like some of you are like man I don't believe in God listen I'm telling you if you did you got into his car as an atheist you would believe in God because God is your only way to survive pastor Jude on record I think he liked his personal or his PR his personal record it's like eight minutes of not looking at the road while talking to me on the freeway right so I'm not a great driver all right big deal right I don't prefer driving there's so much so like even going to the gas station for me is frustrating right like do some of you come on any 16 year old 17 year olds I got my license when I was 18 and a half and I did and any 16 year old drivers raise your hand there's there's not a single driver in here who's 16 years old you have a license and you you are what's wrong with this country um kidding I'm kidding God love you I uh I never liked going to gas stations right the gas tank gets low and I'm like ha all right where's the closest gas station and and do you do this you ever done this drivers all calling all drivers you pull it you pull into the gas station and you're like ah wait wait which side is the gas tank you don't talking about now if you still have that issue I'm about to set you free I did not know this I am a grown man I am 39 years old and approximately a year ago I'm with my cousin her name's Tracy then we're driving and the gas gets low ah right and I'm like this is ridiculous right and I'm like alright let's find a gas station and I'm pulling of the gas station and I'm like oh wait a minute ah which side is the gas tank on she goes what'd you say and I'm like my tone is aggressive she's like what do you say and I said I just forget relax I just forget which side the gas tank is on she goes oh my gosh look at the arrow and I'm like look at the arrow look at the arrow what is it what is that what do you mean look at the arrow like what what I mean what air up she's like are you you're serious right now and I'm like you're insulting me in so many levels right now it's race she's like look at the era she's like probably since the last like three or four decades manufacturers have been putting little arrows right next to the gas gauge and it'll go this way or it'll go this way so that when you pull into the gas station you will know which side the gas tank is on if you didn't know that shout Amen you didn't know that did you whom the Sun sets free brother that's real talk you're like real talk you know that's the kids say these days real talk this place is lit can we just can we be done with lit liddie is the worst part of lit this place is so liddy man I think cool is fine um I didn't know that I didn't know and to my cousin it was so obvious right and the tome gives it away you know that tone like you're so dumb I'm so smart right like there's an arrow that tells you every single time it is amazing to me how we can go through life and miss some of the most obvious things which leads me to Sunday school how many went to Sunday school growing up it's a strong contingency I went to Sunday school now I don't know what kind of church you grew up going to do you came to the father's house that's perfect it was a much better Church than I grew up going to okay we're not here to compare churches but the problem with our church growing up is the only time we believe God was really moving is when church went long now somebody got no idea what I'm talking about okay but when church went long God was moving when Church stuck to the plan God's not in it okay so I grew up going to Sunday school and I want you to imagine sister Dolores who taught me in Sunday school sister Dolores works 9:00 to 5:00 she got a real job during the week the sister Dolores because she loves Jesus wants to honor Jesus and follow Jesus she volunteers her time to teach loose nodding those kids like me so sister Dolores is in the sunday-school room teacher but in classroom being a sunday-school teacher and the pastor is getting up under the anointing and he is extending the service the problem that nobody talks about in these these churches that go long his sister Dolores she she she has a script and it is only good for a certain amount of time and when the preacher goes long sister Dolores is out of material so now this sweet lady who works 9:00 to 5:00 through Friday is now sitting in front of 18 little kids and she's got a wing it right so she's like now one time boys and girls there was this guy named Daniel and he almost got eaten by lions oh right she just starts pumping out stuff she knows this would happen all the time sister Dolores will turn it into a Q&A by the way anytime you go to conferences and pastors are doing QA it's because I didn't want to prepare a sermon okay so so usually so sister Dolores that's why I love QH sister Dolores will be like all right boys and girls this you can't make this stuff up well any questions you have about the Bible and I didn't know everything but I knew one thing and that is that you it's a pretty good percentage that whatever sister Dolores asked about the Bible if I raised my hand and said the Lord Jesus Christ I was gonna get it right I'll give you four examples so sister Dolores will be like now who boys and girls split the Red Sea I raised my hand she would say Judah I would say Jesus but think about it think about it sister Dolores will go what that's kind of true actually because it was the Moses dude definitely couldn't do that on his own so once again you right you right you right you right though everything said your lures astray saying I would say say Jesus or the Lord Jesus Christ if you really want to get a good anything crazy the older we get sometimes we could miss the most obvious thing when it comes to this book I think one of our great hang-ups going to this book as we approach this book in a very cerebral way and we go looking for nuances we are so programmed in our westernized world to look for keys and steps and concepts we have forgotten that this book is to be approached like a child and actually actually actually I was right in Sunday school it's about Jesus and actually if you look for Jesus at the parting of the Red Sea he's there if you look for Jesus coming out of the out of Egypt he's there if you look for Jesus going into the prominent he like it's all about Jesus but sometimes we forget that it's the most obvious thing and so so for instance right right we just read this passage and you don't need to know this but I'll just throw it out there just for fun a lot of scholars if you read really smart Bible people they'll tell you now you got to be careful with these parables now now these parables and these stories that Jesus tells now you got to be you really got to be careful with them because there's a nuances and there's layers and stuff and in fact I read one scholar he said preachers should do well to avoid the parables because there's so much there and it can it can it can mislead people and I'm like oh hold on a second I'm gonna go all the way back to sister Dolores just remember sister Dolores I'm gonna raise man to be like Sir with all due respect because I don't have any degrees I use the deodorant but what I'm saying is I'd like to suggest this passage like every other passage is about Jesus and that actually if you read this book and go looking for Jesus it'll unravel in front of you and I'd like to do that I'd like to look for Jesus in this passage you say what would you he's actually talking in the per year but in the story he tells I'd like to suggest it's all about him it's all about him okay so this lawyer remember he says hey what do I do to earn my way in and he's like you want to earn your way in he says how do you read the law and he answers it right the ten become to love God love your neighbor yourself whoa sums it up Jesus is like dude you know your stuff and he's like just do that 100 or so time bad a thousand and you're in you don't need me or anybody else you got that he's like yeah well hey who is my neighbor and Jesus goes we tell you story and he goes into a story that if you'll look for Jesus I think he once again is the center of the story he says there's this man now I'd like to suggest to you that the man that Jesus is in it talks about in the story is the lawyer he just doesn't know it in fact the man in the story is you and you may not know it he says he's limping Jason there was a man a traveler a sojourner who was travelling and this was a real highway by the way in Jesus day from Jerusalem to Jericho immediately I'm like wait a second this guy is unnamed he's just a man but he could be anybody because we're all biblically speaking we're all passing through we're all soldiers we're all travelers furthermore have you noticed Jerusalem and Jericho that represents such an Indian so indicative of our mentality in this short brief stay on earth have you noticed we're always trying to get from here to there are you like me like I keep telling myself if I can get from here to there once I get there I'll be happy once I get there I'll be fulfilled once I get there things are gonna work out once I get married now now we may die once i get kids now once we can buy a house and get a mortgage and now once I can really you know have opportunity to have influences you know once I can get a Instagram following and then once I and and and and we are we are those kind of people if I can just get to there I'll be happy and have you noticed so often in an effort from getting here to there what happens life beat you up on the way it's amazing everybody wants to talk about how bad things happen to good people but nobody wants talk about how good things happen to bad people we're all like man bad things keep having a good people yeah well have you noticed great things happen to really bad people so the point is life's not fair but sometimes you just get beat up we have no indication why this man got beat up he just got beat up he didn't say hey hey man you're ugly and he got beat up no there's no reference to that he just he's a traveler he's just passing through he's a sojourner he's going from Jerusalem to Jericho probably to do business probably to make money probably to improve his life or so he thinks and then it happens he's beaten to an inch of his life and then some interesting it's a nuance in the story Jesus says he was half dead but that's not a typical like phrase in in the Bible he was half dead and I thought that's interesting because the Bible teaches us that we could be alive on the inside but dead on the inside well I've outside dead inside because we are not alive through the life of Jesus in our spirit and our soul it's fine we can be half dead living life traveling from here to there left half dead beaten up by life and it's unfairness and then Jesus says listen to Jesus I love this he goes and by chance this is tongue-in-cheek for sure and by chance as luck would have it lawyer sir a priest came by a teacher of the Torah in fact priests had to have the first five books of the Bible memorized so the personification of the law comes walking by the plight of man and what does the law do the law goes that sucks [Applause] the Bible tells us that's all the law can do the law can go oh you gonna die for sure that's what the law does you are a mess do you know how bad you are you are a bad bro like you you should look it's worse than you feel you're gonna die today he passes by notice why would Jesus say this he went on the other side of the street he didn't even he went on the other side of the street because the law rules can't save you 10 commandments can't save you they just remind you you're gonna die and it says a Levite an upstanding citizen in the Jewish community don't get me started because I just wonder if Jesus is hitting it something that just being a good person can't save you just being a good person you know good people like hey we got a puppy and we're nice to it we found them at a shelter and we give money to our local charity man that is awesome as long as you don't start saving cats because that's evil can't cats hate us you know that humans have to admit cats hate us so let's hate them it is what it is you're like my cat loves me your cat doesn't love you look at your cat cat will leave in a New York second you stop feeding that cat that's not let's let's focus on the Lord tonight so the Levite comes and he's got reputation he's got influence he's got sway he's an upstanding Jewish citizen and he he - he I can't help you and then the plot thickens dunt dunt and Jesus has a predominantly Jewish audience we can assume the lawyer is Jewish and Jesus is Jewish okay that was a joke and you guys were like he what really um I thought he was from Idaho but potatoes don't get me distracted man you don't mean like easily swayed so uh so Jesus does this this is the chris is a crazy moment he goes he goes and then and then a Samaritan came by now I know what happened his predominantly if not entirely Jewish audience sucked air collectively if he makes a Samaritan the hero of this story I swear I love Jesus Jews I hated Samaritans just FYI sauce Samaritans is half-breeds would never be caught dead sharing a meal with him that would be absolutely a boring it would be it would be a diabolical for a Jewish person to be caught dead eating food with a Samaritan a half-breed less than human less than then then then then then then the Jews and Jesus says and then a Samaritan came by and everyone's like oh my oh my goodness and he goes he helped him and they're all like impossible they would they them.they them would never do that they my mom told me about them my mom told me how they are but we fail to realize is them and they is you we are human beings brothers and sisters come on now [Applause] let's pause the story the Bible says something and I'm just gonna put it out there because I'm almost 40 the traditions of men make the story of Jesus not effective in our life when we get together oftentimes an intersection happens and it's the intersection of tradition and truth and more often than not we take our tradition out the door and we leave the truth because it doesn't fit how we were raised food for thought and I tell you I'll tell you what I do I take my tradition and here comes truth and they intersect and what I what my tendency is is to go all right I see it I get it I have to love everyone oh all right but I'm gonna preserve a little bit of my tradition take a little bit of truth I'm gonna put it together and this is my face wait wait but if you made it who's God but so all I'm asking tonight even in moments like these is that we all collectively now if you're a guest here sit back relax okay I'm you're talking Jesus followers in this room every time we get together ZZZ we gotta all just collectively go this is hard let's all just put our tradition on the table everybody everybody put it on the table all right all right just put it there for a second don't grab it back just leave it just leave it now in the next few minutes stuffs gonna be challenged and and and and and before we leave we we may have to leave some of it on the table and if it's been like a long time since you left some stuff in the gathering of believers you probably haven't got out some stuff in a long time and so we got all that you know the people always like I'm not a racist the more you say it you're convincing us you are there we don't we all just don't say I got low racism you got a little prejudice I've been marginalizing I've been judging I've been categorizing yep yep yep yep guilty as charged and if we're gonna move forward to be the demonstration of God's love to the world we at least got to be able to get together we can't even sing together we can't even read the Bible together we we talk about changing the world can we just get the neighborhood's together right it's crazy man get me on a mission trip take me to the ends of the earth but don't make me talk to so-and-so from that neighborhood because my mom told me about them [Music] [Applause] so anyways Jesus tells the story and it's uh well how should I say it's racially charged he goes there's a Samaritan and he's gonna be the good guy like what was so funny we we tell the we tell the paralyzed it's the Good Samaritan that was so contradictory to believing she's a Good Samaritan no such thing no such thing and the Samaritan sees what we can assume the man is probably insinuated so to speak to be Jewish and the Samaritan goes to him and gets off his donkey and suddenly and he's there and he's taking care of him and you're like wait so the Samaritan was rejected by the Jews what they say about Jesus again he came to his own and they received him not and then the story unfolds and you're like the Bible says he came down off his animal he came down and then he picked him up and put him up sounds a lot like second Corinthians 5:21 he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and you know what's crazy about this story man I grew up in church and in the end of the story would always be like this now everybody go be the Good Samaritan and if you're a thinking person at the end you'd be like that's impossible this guy is so good nobody's that good the audience had to have some of that sediment when Jesus is like a Samaritan came by and he took care of they had to be like there's no Sun there's no Samaritan like that and Jesus was so many layers of what he's trying to tell him about who he is in life and constructs and society and culture and the social experience and the family of God like he's just just it's it might be going like this past him but it is so pithy it's a good word right it's packed with messaging from Jesus maybe Jesus is the Good Samaritan he he binds up his wounds he puts him on his animal and and for me like I could see the gospel now I I just I looked for Jesus and I found him happens every time change the Bible reading for me change preaching for me but what's something is something odd happens to the story if you ask me and then I could be it could be wrong but but i think i think the parable is kind of done like it serves its purpose for me like I think the parable could have ended with and he he he poured oil and wine and all that imagery and beautiful stuff and then he puts him on his animal and then he he walks him off into the horizon and the sunset and he he takes care of him I'd be like God so good it would still preach so awesome wouldn't it like it still works it still works so why is why does it keep going because it says and it gets really kind of I don't know nuanced he's the right word but like we're told about like this in and he says and so he he took care of him it says and then he and he took him to an inn and they think it gets more specific for some reason Jesus wants the lawyer and all the audience to know exactly what the Samaritan says to the innkeeper I'm like ah is this necessary you know when someone's like really delivering a story and they go a little extra long and it's like ah man you should have stopped by ten minutes ago but it's cool like love you love you love you right it's like I don't know man like do we need like listen he says he says take care of him take care of him there's two Denair I if you spend any more I'll repay listen listen when I come back who does that sound like when I come back and so I'm like why would that be in there well I would this in what does this in have to do with anything and and then he kind of Jesus comes up for air and he's like so which one proved to be a neighbor and the racist lawyer can't even say Samaritan out of his mouth that's how bad it was and he goes the guy you know the one who showed mercy and what's his that this city again do you want to say no no it's that guy and Jesus does it again he says go and do that as if what does Jesus doing classic teachings of Jesus he brings man to the end of himself Jesus does this all the time I'll give you a little bit of hint what Jesus will do is he'll teach teach teach teach until finally everybody the room goes oh man we're screwed a lot of do that and this were Jesus times and he's like but i but I know a guy that might you need a hero hero and heat of the night he's gotta be strong and he's gotta be perfect he's gotta be God all by himself yeah and the whole rooms like oh he's like right that's like the teachings of Jesus summed up so that's what he's doing here he's like okay just go do that and the lawyer is supposed to go I can't Jesus is like I know it's the whole point it's all about Jesus why is there the mention of the in and the interaction I would like to present before you for your consideration that I think the in might be hinting at what Jesus said he would build it would be a place where we would go in the meantime in the meantime until he came back and it would be a place where we would get healed where we would heal others where we would serve others it I think maybe the church is the end and the end is the church you don't talking about like I think I think that's what's happening so I'd like to give you four observations for your consideration then I will conclude Joseph and Tasha will come back here and bring the glory like the moment they open their mouth it's unbelievable it's like oh I feel God again so for observations of the little in that could the little in that could cuz I think I think that's the church it's like and I say little in that could because we're so average and we're so ordinary but God takes little things and gives them big influence right with it with a little in that could didn't it's it's it's it's so exciting and and and here's here's my my for observations and I think are supposed to be true about us by the way the building isn't the church the people of the church in our interconnectedness in our relationship in our commitment our care one for another that's that's the church I I think I think what's true of the inn is supposed to be true of you and me and my first observation is this upon further investigation you'll discover that these Inns were actually a real thing in antiquity in ancient time they were a real thing in fact the the highway from Jerusalem at Jericho was was laden with people being stripped and beaten and raped and murdered and robbed and stolen from was actually a real thing in ancient time so much so that some entrepreneurs saw an opportunity and realized that what we should do is we should build these little little Inns these little places of rest and habitation right where people were getting beaten so they would strategically place the ends right where it was dark right where people were broken right where people were hurting as to minimize the pain and I just wonder if the first observation Emily about our lives what about our communities is our proximity to pain God is calling us to be a community that close to the pay we don't run from the pain we run towards the paint where there is pain we will be present I'm sorry where are they hurting where are they dying where are they broken we go set up shop there there you don't have phrase come Lord Jesus do you know come Lord Jesus in the book of Revelation is not escape language its endurance language escapism is poor Bible teaching in theology we were never called to get saved and wish our days away all God keep us from the fray keep us from the pain keep us from the problems keep us in the suburbs and don't let us get touched by the bad guys no come Lord Jesus is Lord I know you're coming soon but in the meantime I can endure another day where it's dark and bleak and people are in pain because I know you're with me and you're coming soon yeah so so I think we're supposed to be where the pain is supposed to set up shop right where people are dying where it's bloody and messy that's the church and if you haven't notice that isn't always our reputation and so it is prudent upon us in our opportunity in our moment our generation to be the kind of communities and I'm not just talking about our buildings brothers and sisters I'm talking about the posture perspective of an attitude of our own heart in our own life where someone is hurting we will be there hurting with them proximity to pain let it be no that's what a church will be that's what a church will be because God loves the brokenhearted and the hurting then then then then this you know this exchange that the Good Samaritan ie Jesus says to the innkeeper maybe a church leader look at the very first thing he says of the innkeeper he says take care of him take care of him now if you've been in church you would know that typically we would follow that up with well what happened to them well they've they got beaten well did they bring it upon themselves was it was it sin was it their lifestyle choice because you reap what you sow and people are like why don't people think the church loves people like well it's weird because we have criteria for caring for people we have a checklist I'm sorry we we care for everyone but not you not today because you went bankrupt because you were you're gambling sir so you're a gambler and well this is something you're gonna have to take to the Lord the Samaritan says I didn't give or take care of him we're not told why the man is beaten maybe he stole from the thieves that stole from him well all we're told is take care of him my second observation of the church is that only are we supposed to have proximity to pain we are supposed to carry permission to care I reserve the right and you reserve the right we have permission from God to care about everyone and I will fight for that right and I will stand up for that right I can care about everyone but here's what's happened here's what's happened I'm 39 so I could be wrong but here's what's happened we have convoluted the process for fear of being those taught condoning sin we have forgotten to care for sinners and so now for fear of Association I don't know brother if you can come in here because you you know and we and so and man we like I feel feisty today but man we got we got fellow Christians blogging about other Christians because other Christians are appearing to be with people who don't know God haters say it wait a second man wasn't it Jesus who was seen in big open air windows lounging on colorful pillows with pimps and prostitutes and drug dealers wouldn't Jesus like Jesus I could be reading it wrong but wasn't that Jesus was it the church folk writing about Jesus talk about if he really is good if he really is righteous why is he hanging out with knuckleheads and lowlifes and do you know how jesus answered the bloggers and answered the critics he talked about a lost coin a lost sheep and a lost saw and a lost son and in every single story the coin became home the Sheep came home the son came home because God wants all his children in the father's house yeah in the father's house so excuse us why we reserve the right to care for everyone everyone and anyone you are welcome here and if our caring gets so carried that people think we're condoning so be it so be it we gonna leave that in the hands of God but we're gonna care till our hands bleed we're gonna care till they blog about us we're gonna care til they tweet about us we're gonna care till they start to say you're associating with your condoning it is what it is man time is of the essence the world is dying and Jesus is the only one that can save us come on church let's beat it Church just feel feisty man I'm not mad at anybody I'm just excited something like is he mad I don't even read blocks I have no idea just so you know like just stuff I've heard man I just we just need to care that's all it's not complicated man just care if you need to draw a big thing on your belly like the Care Bears care you know I mean stuff shooting at your tummy if you need to just care cares care we just got to get back to caring hey hey hey we care hey we're listening or we're we're here with you we're sitting with you we we we care we care I love that pure and undefiled religion is to keep yourself away from the values of the world but dear undefiled religion and James says a visit the orphans and widows I look up the word visit it means to visit I read one scholar he's like you know what's crazy like in 2018 we're like I wonder what God really meant when he meant visit orphans and widows he meant visit people who aren't loved and don't have a home that that's what he meant he meant like and visit means go and see them and sit with them and listen Witnesses care let's just care let's just care proximity to pain permission to care and then this gets so exciting I don't know who I'm talking to maybe a pastor or a leader here but notice he says he says here's to deny right now this is what's crazy about to me about story and and I'm concluding 65% of your audience reengage --is at the mention of the word concluding so I am concluding this is my conclusion it's my final to observation he says some he says here's to dinner I and and and whatever more whatever more you spend I will repay and I said I thought to myself to Denair I is like two days wage and I'm like I think this Samaritan has more than two dinero and so I want to know why he only left to dinner I and then his language almost insinuates you don't have to use your own money I'm gonna get you going but I want to partner with you innkeeper and so imma get you going I'm a blessed but but now you you you start to invest and whatever you spend on my kids my people oh I'm gonna repay you I think we have proximity to pain I think we have permission to care and I believe we have power to spend on people power to so our finances and I want to talk to somebody here I believe the blessing of God is gonna come on the church unlike it ever has been before that we are going to have faithful resources so that we can tell the story of Jesus by every means possible to every willing heart in the world [Applause] the most powerful thing you can do with your money is use it for God's house to put it in one of those hens that seeing people's lies put back together again for the Bible says God will take notice of every dollar you put towards his house and he will say yeah I am a debtor to no man I will repay but I have told the Lord I said Lord just let somebody give a billion dollars and I am convinced that's gonna happen but in the meantime I think one of the reasons sometimes that doesn't happen is because God wants a partnership more than anything he he wants to partner with you he wants your face to grow and I know we're here at a youth conference but how cool would it be to be a young person who starts to understand the most formidable considerable powerful thing you can do with your money and your resources is put it into God's house and you will experience multiplication and God will bless you I'm not Stephanie I am not gonna call you out in front of everybody but I went to a small I would an amazing business today that's owned by a 22 year old young lady who is so in resources into God's house and God is multiplying and blessing that I will repay right there Howard to spend my dad used to say man if God can get money through you he will get it to you and I believe that God wants and Stephanie is an incredible example but we need a thousand Stephanie's alone I mean there's only one Stephanie but you know what I mean young people who can believe God to resource the house so that we can tell the story of Jesus and lastly I told you this is my conclusion notice how the points have gotten shorter he says I'm coming back I'm coming back we're gonna have proximity to paying permission to care promise to spend and and lastly or power to spend lastly of a promise to hold and the promise I hold is that he's he's coming again and you know in our story tonight you can see that we're just passing through I'm just passing so I keep telling myself if I can get to Jericho I'll really be happy but I've been to Jericho a few times and I realized huh now I got a new mark I want to hit and then I reached that and now I need this and I get a new shirt and now I need a new jacket and getting a jacket and I need it just actually the goal isn't getting from A to B the goal is relationship with God and relationship with people I keep telling myself I got to get to Jericho to make a deal but actually the life is in the in-between and experiencing sometimes the pain and the loss and sometimes the beauty and the miracles of life and you know what we can't we can't we can't see there tonight and be like man life is all good it's not all good some of it is horrific we weren't made for death my friend's mother died two days ago and I got on the phone and we got emotional together I said we were made for this you know we were made for people to die we weren't made for this and it sucks and it hurts we weren't made to live in a place where babies can be shot at school we were made for that we were made for that man this is grotesque this is horrific we weren't made to be plagued in diseased and in and we were made for this but-but-but-but but for the short brief stay we have for this fragmented planet that has been subject to futility because of our own free will and what has been set in motion is his calamity wars and rumors of wars at all these things but what makes us distinguishable amongst the world is we are those people whose emotions have begun it become intrinsically connected to this idea of come Lord Jesus come and I constantly live within the tension of I can't wait to be with you but I'm so honored to be here while I am because I think I can be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem right so so if if this is if he's coming back I want to I want to live like that I want to live like that I played football in high school I I know you can tell shut up I played quarterback it's not a big deal and I wasn't great my dad was a good quarterback inside I played quarterback I'm a high school and last play of my sophomore year true story actually the last play I ever played quarterback coach calls timeout he calls me over the side and he says Smith step into the pass step in you're throwing off your back foot make a coach do you know why cuz it'll have an offensive line yeah it's like great leadership blame your old line fellow Seahawks but the point is I'm not mad we're getting better but um all right coach get back in the game Sean McFadden is out right and we call it we call a bomb I didn't know it'd be my last play of my illustrious athletic career and we'll hike the ball and for the first time I experienced a three drops step I think that's what's called and I hop and I hit Sean McFadden whoo and I was like what was that and I hit Sean in the flat scored a touchdown yeah it's all my career ended and you're like is this have a point not at all I just want you guys to know I got game and I love you guys god bless you know I'd start doing that want you to relax man this is about the Lord I came off the sidelines and I'm like wow couch he looked at me he's like yeah that's what I've been telling you to do all along step into it time is of the essence I don't want to spend another day on my heels another day playing defense another day afraid of the devil another day afraid I might fail another day worried it might not work out another day worrying maybe God's not real God's not being God's not there you know what I say I say life is short he's coming back soon I say step into it come on young people step into it step into the plain of God step into the purpose of God what are you waiting for conditions will never be perfect trust God and step into it if he's coming back I'm not gonna hold that it's coming back I got one life man I got one shot but give it everything I got you are doing better than you think you are God loves you he's so proud of you I'm telling you all are welcome at the little Inn that could we can do this this is a community for average ordinary people who are not perfect but we serve the Good Samaritan who is perfect he is great he is beautiful and he is wonderful all the days ahead are bright somebody come on [Music] [Music] I wanna be a crazy absolute ridiculous relentless love type Christian where I hear God above the culture it is what it is man time is of the essence the world is dying and Jesus is the only one that can save us [Music] [Music]
Channel: TFH Youth
Views: 5,425
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Youth, Rally, Church, The Father's House, Jesus, God, Judah Smith, Church Home, Vacaville, Napa, East Bay
Id: IMHoX5z1Qio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 16sec (3316 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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