Journey to the Farlands 172 - "Complete 360"

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Brady hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Journey to the Faro ads we're on episode 172 now as I'm recording this anyway or streaming years I believe that it's correct so yes we are going to carry on the journey for yet another episode and uh yeah see what happens uh yes wait is this the right world first of all oh yeah this dirt yep we're in the right world and this is also a good good way to check and what I mean by right world I mean the two different worlds for during the far lands now um I got plenty to talk about today I do I do hopefully we'll be able to actually make it through a good hour maybe even more than that if I am chatty enough and people show up we'll see but um yes but yes I am back with another episode and uh pick up where we left off of course I know in um episode two of before journey of the far lands I don't start at the bed or the first episode ended technically it is on foot on film so I can't that doesn't really break my promise it's actually in I think the last episode of during the farlands because I go into the wrong world and then I just forget about it and then I started that this morning and I just yeah I was just like should I go back you can even see it in the video I'm walking back and forth and figuring out what I should do and then I just carry on if you want to really watch it it's just in the random journey in the far lines episode like I think once episode 171 or 170. anyway yes yes I will try not to be too scatterbrained this episode I know I've been a little a little all over the place recently I'm sure it's no surprise just because the new series and all I'm trying to figure out some stuff with series and blah blah but yeah I guess this is a good episode to ramble on but before I do round one I should probably address some comments and stuff and whatnot and what people have to say oh there's no real questions although more about what version this is if you if you're curious if you're watching what version this is uh go back to the beginning and look in the top left beta 1.7.3 I can also do it when I haha but yeah 1.7.3 Minecraft I know um I don't know I've been getting like stupid amounts of views for some reason recently I'm not gonna complain because we've I've definitely got a lot of a bunch of new subscribers coming in a bunch of people I'm sure that was um a result of my change to more longer form episodes recently and by that I mean filming 11 hour episodes which I only did two of and well I mean accounting for breaks it's not too bad it's not a marathon so I'm not going with no end I mean 11 hours of walking straight that'll be really really solid but also I I would not I would just be dead by the end of that I think I'm just I'll just be keeled over oh but anyway anyway I figure I should address some concerns I know well I know now that people are of uh I mean I'm sure a lot of you guys are just like you know you do you ma'am but I've seen people be like oh yeah you're not gonna get to the far lands but this pace kind of thing or you're not going to get there in like the next few years and well well that may be true even at this space even at one hour in episode hour a day uh or even um you know what I'm doing now with my makeup episodes because I took a lot of days off in June and prior months of course four months that came before it I mean um but yeah I mean fair fair enough you know you see me do this for what a year now and you know we're just over a quarter of nearing a third which doesn't sound a whole lot impressive but you do have to realize that I do not have infinite time unfortunately as much as I'd love to be walking in the far lands forever well it just we're walking to the far lands forever it'll only be 40 days or so I'm sure but I uh yeah it's just I just want to reassure you guys that are really concerned about me not being able to get to the far lands and whatnot that that yes that may like in all realism all realism and all kind of fairness that that very well may be the case that I don't reach the far lands within my allotted time that I really have for this world it might have to extend past that a few years um but that's kind of what I'm willing to do at this point I'm this far on the journey and you know I'm not really going to get slowed down we are like now at 25 like even at this rate we'll still be at the far lands in a few years if I if I can't manage to get my act together in the summer and next year after my after semester ends because I don't know how this next semester will be I might take draw like see if I can drop another class just because I don't really need to take most of them but we'll see I'm gonna see how it goes I'm gonna ride it out and try to have some kind of time to do Journey to the far lands it might not be daily unfortunately in the fall but I can definitely make up for that in the summer right now since we're still in July almost August which oh my goodness it's already almost been a month of this which is boggling my mind a little bit although a lot has happened in the summer already I'll admit but yeah we are I'm gonna be committed as my pretty much more committed than I've ever been to this series for the next few weeks and we'll see where we get in the journey it may not be the far lands I I I'm hoping to reach the farlands in the next year but you know that's not right fully possible in all fairness well no it's not that it's not possible it's just that it'll take a lot of work to get there for the next year and I'll have to see if I can scrounge up enough time to do that yes yes rest assured even if it may take a couple of years I'm determined to get to the far lands even if it has to intrude on you know University or whatnot I might it may have to wait a few years after that so it may be quite a while if it's not within like the next year I'll be honest but at least if we're like a good majority of the way then it won't be a huge burden on me if I change my mind kind of thing if I do want to finish the journey which I think even a year from now I probably will want to will want to keep the journey going and at least get to the far lands because I feel like that's what everyone here is anticipating like I I want to get to the Almighty farlands but yeah I I haven't seen many people talk about it but I know some people have addressed it in the comments and I like have um posed some questions about you know if I'll ever get to the far lands kind of thing which I kind of just talked about hypothetically before but I've seen it now so you get to get my my you know 10 minute Rambles on singular subjects such as you know the far ones and whatnot I guess it's just that's kind of what the series is all about we are walking walking over to the far lands and though it's not a back-breaking pace it is a pace nonetheless and I'm impressed that it will I was able to make it this far on you know this um like with the time like with my schedule and everything I'm impressed to say the least so yes I'm still optimistic I still have a great deal of optimism even if the truth is that it is there but regardless we'll get there we'll get there that's the hope but yeah I don't know how long I'll go I always I think I I say that like every episode now I swear every commentary episode I'm like I don't know how long ago for this episode I think tomorrow will be a marathon again yeah after modded so it might be watching if I do wake up early enough unless I do stay up which I might stay up because I got yeah you should get pretty lost in television and whatnot or a doctor who or during the farlands I guess both in some cases I've also been keeping up with tfc's journey to the far ones as well which has been definitely it's it's kind of it's hard of course TFC went through a lot of rough times I talked about it with Devin off stream because um he was looking around at tfc's Channel and whatnot tinfoil Chef for those who don't know kind of um who inspired this whole series for me I think my inspiration and uh yeah it's just yeah it's yeah it's it's just I don't know I even know how to put it into words but it's just terrible what like how what um TFC went through of course and I think this is just like illness and you know and mental health problems and stuff it's not nothing like crazy it's you know but it's I just I don't really want people to think that I'm ripping them off or anything I'm sure no one thinks that but you know there's always going to be someone out there who may you know believe it that way if they see the series title and they're like this guy is ripping him off kind of thing but it's it's more meant to be more of kind of like a tribute or I don't know what you'd call it more or less to honor the Legacy because of course this journey wasn't originally done like of course like the journey to the farlands idea wasn't exactly coined by tinfoil Chef he got the idea from Kurt who's been doing the journey for you know 12 wait 12 years I think yeah about 12 years yeah so when beta when this version was still you know prevalent so it's not like TFC was the first person to do it it's just that I'm sure with like the series title and stuff I don't know but I'm more or less just trying to continue the journey almost even if even if you can't he'll never reach the far lands um you know I don't know that's just my thought process that I just wanna kind of continue that Legacy a little bit not that it's really my right to or anything I'm just doing this you know as a as a young area it's like a teenager just wanting to get out and forget in this Minecraft world here and uh I really have a bit of nostalgia and you know honor a fallen YouTuber who is epic truly so yeah I'm not trying to emulate anything like I may be inspired like you know I may it may um I may have let like of course Kurt influenced some of my earlier intros yo the hello thing that Kurt did or does I don't know if he still does that in this episode but I remember he used to and I started to adopt that for a little while I don't really do that anymore but it's funny how you pick up on things like that but like I said a few episodes ago I don't remember I lose track pretty quickly but I like I I like to believe in the idea that originality is always the source of some kind of motivation you know there's always something that you're motivated by to create something original and well this whole journey to the far lands or even during the corner of farlands isn't necessarily original it's and it's you know it's a riff of a similar but the same old kind of thing but I'm just more or less doing this just so I can you know walk to the far lands and continue a legacy that is unable of course unable to be continued kind of thing oh there's only one chest but yeah I just respect I respect him a lot and I kind of want to not necessarily I guess I guess I put I'm saying putting in a bad way I don't mean to like continue like that I just mean I'm sure you guys actually get what I mean what I mean but it's more of an honor kind of thing I'm not too sure that's kind of what I what I thought about I just was really motivated to get to the far lens and I feel really I feel for well of course ten fellowship's family but yeah I won't Ramble On too much more about that I didn't mean for things to get touchy and sappy and stuff but that kind of stuff I guess needs to be said that the journey itself is the big portion you know it's a big portion of the series is that it's just gonna be me walking I'm not you know the far actual far lines are gonna make up a really small chunk of the series and well I do have plans the traditional approach to Journey to the farlands is that basically the majority of it is just a journey is what it is and of course I'm I'm doing that you know 40 days of gameplay I can't imagine apparently I can and I I've seen a lot of people also be like how is he able to you know do it something like that just sit down and walk for like 10 hours like that I mean with breaks okay big big heavy air quotes there I I don't do this like eight hour or ten hours straight okay I took multiple hour long breaks so it was not actually 10 hours of walking straight it was more like eight hours of walking all together give or take because the first day I think I did definitely more walking and then the second day I did a little bit less walking I only made it a little bit I took a lot more breaks that episode but yeah I I mean it surprises me I got I say that in the comments like written replies because I it surprises even me my motivation like I thought I wouldn't really be able to do longer episodes I mean not commentary of course unless you know there's like a chat people chatting and stuff which I have done the longest commentary I've done for like straight with let me guess I wonder if I did take breaks that stream I have I always take breaks just I value breaks and I value you know taking time at least to get a stretch in and you know get replenish and all that rejuvenate I do it if we believe in that but I yeah I think the longest one I did was six hours six plus hours was the longest stream I did and I yeah that was pretty pretty crazy I did it with Devin and uh the new member of the Java s p at the time but but yeah I yeah that was pretty long commentary I don't really do long commentary so unless I'm chatting in some capacity I can't keep myself going for that length of time it it's just not possible unless I had an Unholy amount of things to talk about I I don't even know where I would be in like an episode like that you know like I'm not even multi-hour that's like Marathon level but yeah anyway I don't know what I was getting that I kind of lost the Pod a little bit there I lost I forgot what I was talking about I kind of just went on about commentaries but yeah I think I I'm debating either doing it in a few weeks in August or when I actually get to the far lens I'm not too sure what I'll do because I want to do a kind of um statue or some kind of like thing to honor 10 volt chef and his loss and kind of you know that his journey isn't forgotten or anything you know it you can you can't really won't really ever be able to relive the journey or it won't it won't really be able to continue of course through this series or anything that's not really my intention my intentions make this kind of different to that but still honor the loss and you know what he's what he struggled for and what not but I don't know I find it I find it difficult to talk about because you know I don't really know tinfoil Chef personally of course I'd barely even knew when he had the channel or when like I only really watched a few of his episodes in Herald craft kind of thing I really I liked you know his personality and his humor and stuff like definitely but I don't think I ever really fully of course because it was beyond my time kind of thing or not even Beyond it was before my time on YouTube because you know he did his um of course I've watched this during the farlands now so I've or like a bunch of it see how far I get in the summer but you know I know about all the YouTube orbit stuff and his old his old old series isn't Vlog episodes of like doing a vlog a day thing but I was never around for that of course and I was never around for the journey to the far lands the original episodes and then of course as he continued it I only ever heard of it like recently as of like I think season nine apartment so I was like recently like a year ago that I kind of checked out his channel Beyond just hermograph and I was looking at his you know his his videos and his playlists and this was before he passed away and I was checking out his videos and really seeing what kind of what kind of stuff he did I just thought how crazy it was to do during the far one still you know it's the same old story of course I told it many times in the 170 episodes now it's a series all really based around that and my of course my own motivations too so you know there's a lot of that but I'm just saying no little wealth kind of thing it's all in good good faith and yeah anywho something that's kind of difficult of course like I said difficult to talk about just because I can't it's all it's hard to put into words I'm I'm pretty good with communicating and even that something I can't read it's really hard to discuss so yeah hopefully you guys can at least respect or like you know not not be able to take any offense or anything into anything if there are any like of course tin foil Chef fans or people who might have interpreted that wrong I apologize apparently I'm not as good as communicating in that like almost oh it's like a very specific kind of way that assuring way and regarding that but yes but yes the journey does continue Journey lives on one year what almost a year later from the beginning of the series here my second series I ever did and probably the only big series I'll ever do on this channel I'm sure it to burst the bubble but I I don't know if there'll ever be another journey of the farlands series or not not even like style but I mean like just the amount of dedication and care I put into this series The amount of fun we've had you know amount of fun I've had in filming everything and having all the events and and everything this could be a lot to reflect on I'm sure by the end but it just seems like every every episode there's kind of a new adventure I think that's what's what's so good about the journey and that why I'm able to keep things so exciting and so we're not even exciting I don't know if I'd say exciting you guys can attest to that attest that or like and riddle me that kind of thing oh that chicken almost killed itself anyway but I don't know if you guys can really I mean you guys will be able to tell if this is entertaining or not I tried to but I there's a lot of Adventure I I just I love this I think the reason why I put so much dedication and stuff into this is just I really care for this world and this series that it's just like yeah I mean it's the second series I mean the first original series I did for streaming other than new craft which new craft was already around for like a year before that new craft was rough too so I'd really argue this is like my first solid series that wasn't just broken in parts and I know certainly it's not for everyone I know this channel for a fact is probably not for everyone because it's a very specific style of course because I'm I'm lazy I don't like editing I mean that's honesty I mean it's not even that either it's just that I don't really have the time to really bother myself with learning to edit and stuff like it's not the hardest thing in the world of course but I prefer I think for the journey I prefer like a raw editing style anyway and even when I do edit it's very minimal and well I could do more I like in all fairness I've never really intended for this to become a very serious thing anyway it's more or less just like a little bit more than a little bit a just like a hobby basically nothing more than that and while I've definitely you know had a lot of fun and had a lot of fun with you guys of course chatting and whatnot and doing all these specials for during the far ones I still um still not this isn't like a serious Endeavor for me I mean of course the journey is a bit more serious but like I mean the channel did this like with this case is that I'm really just moving stuff over to the YouTube channel I'm not really bothering with you know much of the video processing stuff I'm more or less just doing this just so it's somewhere just so that the footage is somewhere out there and I honestly didn't expect anyone really would pick up on the series and while I am surprised it means I don't know if it's really that big of a surprise because you know the Journey of the far lands itself you know the amount of episodes the algorithm just Heats it up with that much content and you know it's I'm not swearing hardly it's a lot of long form like a lot of people who like like the long form and like the commentary long commentary kind of thing and no commentary I mean this is a great thing for that but more or less I'm just getting by with this series here getting by going on by to the all the terrain through all the train but I just have such a such a connection to Old Minecraft out I just it's such there's definitely a bit of nostalgia I just kind of love the old Terrain I think during the farlands proved to me that really modern Minecraft at least isn't for me like right now I may return to it in the future but I'm kind of doubting it right now and of course Java SNP and whatnot I mean Java is flawed but from the get-go let it along like modern Minecraft of course so it's kind of double a fog see a modern Minecraft I'm kind of just given up on it for now essentially essentially just gonna give up on it until I have the you know the energy to go back I'm I'm very tired of it of modern Minecraft just because of all the SMP stuff I've done in the past few years it's been non-stop pretty much and so well during the farlands is not necessarily not non-stop it's a lot more fun just due to the simplicity I think that's a huge thing is that it's so simple you know pop into a world press W just keep on going for days Sundays and it's just very soothing and very um I'm trying to find a word to describe it I'm trying to think of one calming relaxing there's like a word to the tip of the tongue kind of thing anyway yes I enjoyed the journey I enjoy all Minecraft so yeah I'll probably be doing like exclusively old Minecraft for for however long it takes for me to really return to Modern stuff if if ever I may just not return to it even though I do you know I'm a good Builder and I can do some decent landscaping and I can build a redstone Farm but what's it really mean to what's it to me that if it if it doesn't really have much gratification you know if I can do all the stuff that just because I can doesn't mean I really want to you know I like I have my capabilities and whatnot but there's a bit of a different stream that has to to be kind of in order we're kind of um work in order for that to for the building and whatnot and Construction and building things and all that to happen and I I don't really know if I have much of that going on right now I think that's probably why during the farlands is so easy it's just that I don't have much of a creative mind at least right now my mind isn't very creative and I can't really you know Minecraft is such a creative game you know it's a sandbox so without that kind of I mean it's not that I'm not creative I can definitely come up with ideas but there's not really much point to it at least with modern Minecraft and so old craft will continue in kind of Java's place I guess and modded of course will be coming out weekly I gotta film episode two tomorrow and then get edited I'm gonna try and film it for tomorrow or like slot it in for tomorrow see how I feel I'm gonna try and fix myself to a bit of a schedule I think Kerbal I'll try next weekend although I did say that about Sims maybe I just I'm not really ready for a new series yet maybe I'll just wait a little bit longer we'll see one thing I realized is I think I just kind of need time I did a lot in the last few years of course you know new craft and all that and a lot of different games I think I just deserve a bit of a break from it all from like the majority of it anyway old Minecraft can stick around I just eat old Minecraft up especially during the farlands that's like my favorite and I'm questioning the other series a little bit I'm kind of just doing it for doing it we'll see where it goes I'm of course I'm motivated a little bit differently for that for the for the journey to the far lands because it's it's a bit it's a bit weird because I'm not really motivated to get to the far lands in that world I'm motivated to get to the point where this series began just so you guys can have like a complete archive which yes the complete archive it means a lot to me but it's just it's it's a big commitment 1.5 million blocks is a long distance to go especially in that weird pattern I did at the beginning where I went in a straight line and I went diagonal and then straight and then straight other way so we'll really see what goes on there what kind of uh feel it out I'm not gonna cancel it or anything I think I'll just if I don't really like it I'm probably just gonna film it only like once or twice a week I've been filming it a lot lately not quite long episodes I could probably do with making some longer episodes on that but I don't know like I got a H it's it's kind of difficult to film that because I gotta try and balance almost there's almost like that kind of balancing act going on and I'm just figuring it out but yes this is the main series of course the one with you know 170 episodes 172 to be specific oh I forgot we saw a pink sheep a while ago and I kind of just ignored it I guess I'm kind of just used to it by now used all the pink sheeples the sheepies um wow I'm I'm a little tired actually I think I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night because I woke up early today and I went to bed late kind of thing it was one of those nights where I was trying to be efficient on both ends you know I was trying to what was I doing last night like I was just in bed I don't think I even did during the farlands that way I did one of these I think I did episode 171 last night and I definitely did um end that one a bit early and then I guess I just kind of hung out in bed listened to music tonight we'll see I would like to stream late but I might well I might be better off doing or sorry if I make there's a noise in the mic I was chewing on something but I'll stop because it's probably annoying I don't know how long I've been doing that I don't know why I kind of just do that kind of stuff I'm still like a bit of a kid that way where I just kind of pick something up and I just chew on it like you know like the pencil kind of thing not very sanitary of course you know chewing on a pencil or anything I don't think I chew on pencils I just kind of it's that like um it's when you're kind of thinking trying to think of something it's when you're using a lot of your brain power your brain work your brain work oh my goodness I'm jumbling my words the scatterbraineness has not ended I think I'm a little bit scatterbrained this episode but it's better than last episode of the episode two I went on 45 minutes with no game audio I've done that before I've I've streamed stuff and had to switch over so you could just hear the I've even I've I mean I've done the opposite where I've streamed you know an episode and you can just hear the audio and it's just like be right back and I'm like oh I gotta switch it over I think I did that in the rap con episodes a few times I don't know if I've done it in the recent ones but yeah I'm yelling oh gosh I was thinking you know I watched tfc's episode where he got like some kind of like flu or whatever and he was coughing and I it reminded me of my like the time I had when I had covered and when I had the cold a few times I think covet was really bad it wasn't like the you know it was probably the sickest I've been in recent years like the past I don't know half a decade almost a decade because nothing really tops really is gonna top up cool but at least how I experienced it you know I know it was different for everybody but it was January and I had it for like a whole week and that was probably the most Dreadful week ever and I don't mean that in like the sarcastic teenage way I mean that like you know it is it is not it was not fun and I remember when I was filming my episodes back then that was like what's that episode so 40 was The Outpost maybe it was the late 40s early 50s for episodes I'm not too sure it's the one called sickly sightseeing I remember that one being distinctly sick for a Minecraft through time I think the pilot episode I was quite sick and covet was something that was it was so weird where you would it was such a weird illness where like one day you'd have this these lists of symptoms and then next you know some would be gone and you'd have new ones and it was just a new thing every day which you know of course when you're used to just having like the things like the flu and the cold kind of thing it's like the food cut is definitely sucks like I've had the flu before you just want to just stay in bed you kind of bed bound for a few days but cold but oh my God that was that was a rough time you know I was in bed like and when I wasn't in bed I was trying to film something like Jerry the farlands that was really the only thing I could film and then of course at the end of that kind of um run with that illness we uh we of course started cyber which I'm I'm glad I didn't film the start of that I don't think I did or did I oh I hope I didn't film that because that would have been very sick I think we just did it casually and I streamed it later on oh yes yeah episode one was the coronation that's right but yeah that was the time but yeah what I'm getting at is in the episodes I filmed I was doing a lot of coughing and I did not turn off my mic which if I do get sick again which I you know there's a good chance I will that's kind of how it works you know you do get sick but if I do get sick again or when I do get sick again I guess it's probably better if and when I'll definitely mute my mic when I have to cough because I feel like that's customary for like the raw footage Style videos because I'm sure those episodes were pretty rough with with the you know being ill that's very ill I'll add well it wasn't like you know deathbed kind of illness but it was it was not fun it was worse than having the flu I'll put it like that which I'm sure most of you have had the flu before so you can relate or maybe even the virus the vid so Rona as Devin calls it but yeah that was a long time ago but I distinctly remember that that boy that was when I did Uno that's right I did um Outpost too that was when I died to Lava the first death in the journey other than of course at spawn at Outpost one I've had a few deaths the first death was at spawn when I fell down the chute I dug you can see that in episode two I guess now episode two the uh before the journey the Pharaoh ends episode two that's you in there now where I kind of just was like I have to do it it's just it's something that happened I didn't do it accidentally that time but it was still funny because my reaction was still kind of funny to it even if it was purposeful yeah that was the first death of the series and the second death happened in December at Outpost one I think I'll oh yeah I'll post one was oh no it was like early January this year I guess because that was right when I because it was New Year's I remember that when we were looking for The Outpost it was New Year's new year new Outpost right that was the first episode of the year and I definitely yeah I remember that one I think that one was a lava death oh I might have died at spawned twice I might have died in the lava at spawn in the original in the original run I did that's not in the new series of course unfortunately but I think I did die back then but one thing I also realized about doing a series before this like you know covering what I didn't cover before kind of thing is that it's going to be a clean statistics menu because this menu was basically around oh statistics may I have not opened it in like a month now but it was um cleared at some point that which stinks because you know it was very historic uh I don't even know is that I guess that's all the time in this I definitely have not played for that long because we would have been oh you know what I'm not too surprised by that actually 14 days out of 40 days and we're already a quarter you know what you know I don't put that against the series seven deaths um so that's I guess all the deaths except the spawn deaths because because of that the statistics were cleared I don't remember when I think it was sometime around when I started the series in October it must have been uh when I was experimenting with mods that's right when like things like OptiFine and whatnot I was trying to get OptiFine working because if any of you guys know how OptiFine Works in beta you know that if you go out super far it uh really gets a real janky I've shown that often edge of Destruction I think that's episode 61. or one of those 60s episodes but yeah that was a long time ago too but uh yeah you can see some of my statistics this is since I think October or September so we've used a lot of stuff a lot of stone I'll I'll be the first to say we made a lot of stone pickaxes that was the age of stone when I died I only ever used it once then and I guess every time I've died I had to do that and of course wooden pickaxe um I crafted the leather pants I don't remember that but apparently I did at one point craft leather pants my most popular weapon is still the pickaxe but the shovel is definitely gonna overtake that because I use the shovel as my main web my tool now it's a bunch of iron armor made a bunch of diamond armor made I don't know if this is necessarily the I these crafting me things aren't always up to date I've noticed I don't know how beta tracks it but I don't think it's quite um up to snuff but we'll see um I've used a lot yeah that's not too bad because we're definitely Beyond 2 000 days in this world um yeah if we use some obsidian for portals or 100 diamond or mined That's not including spawn unfortunately so there was like another 64 there from uh from Spawn the guy remember each or gives one Diamond no fortune of course and this proves that I have been to the nether that was uh Uno I got that that I called it Uno because I did it in one day that Outpost was done in one day and what I mean by an outpost by the way is a place where I stop and you know actually I settle down for a bit like a few like a day or two kind of thing or a few days most of the time it's like less than a week kind of thing and Uno was a really interesting one where I got the same amount of Dimes I would have from Spawn or Outpost one but I got them completely in one day it was a six hour stream I edited it down I think I did because it was a long episode I think that was the only during the farlands episode I've ever edited and you're not losing you know you can see every second of the journey but you know there's like some mining cutout unfortunately I can't revert that so that's just gonna be like an episode that is missing stuff my bad on that one I every second of the walking Journey will be captured how about that but yeah time slate 458. and multi MC since I got multi MC it says I played during the four elements for 700 hours now that's not including the start because I know I got multimc in like September when I was oh it was around the time I was trying to fix the jitters would have been September October kind of time but anyway back to the journey because I'm rambling on I should be rambling on we'll walk in at least make myself useful but yeah lots of lots of cool stuff has been happened has been happened gosh okay maybe we'll take it slow just so I can get my thoughts out there without them being scatterbrained or maybe that's just my personality that could be it because I I'm very fast paced you'll find even if I can't quite Sprint in during the far lands I'll compensate for that lack of speed with a lot of a lot of um skipping over my thoughts kind of thing and moving on to the next thing and ending discussions mid-conversation I do that a lot but but it might help keep things interesting maybe maybe the conversations I'm ending aren't aren't quite up to up to what people want here yeah what people want to hear kind of thing sorry about that folks we're getting our mission but there's some cookies and some photos that need to be taken but I'm back I know um Devin thought I was joking um I don't remember what episode it was he must have snuck in on one of the episodes because I remember him talking to me about this um this break I went on in one of my episodes I don't even oh it might have been a different series altogether I don't remember but it was an episode where I came back and I was like um cookies I was like I was helping bake some cookies I didn't bake them this time but I took a break to make cookies in one of my episodes it was a longer break but I think I cut it out or something I was like we're back and I think Devin thought I was joking but I'm not joking when I talk about cookies there's no jokes to be made when there's cookies on the table I'm going to grab them grab myself I got a few of those but yeah good good ah let's get to bed here oh we're almost at an hour already it was a it was a fun episode very interesting you know actually it's a bit weird lately of course with the episodes I'm not all that sure of why I'm sure it's just because well I guess I'm not all that sure and then I say I'm sure but I think it's just because of how many commentary episodes I've done recently even if I have been taking breaks from the main series of still doing commentary episodes in before during the far lands so there's like overlap going on like this morning I'm like I'm doing a no commentary before during the far less episode and then tonight I was like we're gonna do a commentary Journal this it's getting getting a little bit busy but I'll try and scale back the other series I think do at least like once to three times a week depending on if I feel like filming it but I've I feel like filming it recently even though it's it's not really all that exciting compared to this like at least in this world I know I'm going somewhere like I'm going to the far lands and the other one I'm just like yeah sure I'm going to the far lens but I've already walked that distance before I'm just doing it I'm just filming it now who knew it would cause such an issue for me not filming it in the beginning my stubbornness prevailed and uh because it's costing me you know 100 episodes of of content basically there's gonna be a I I was not kidding either when I mentioned the 100 episodes there's gonna be a hundred episodes of before during the far lands at the end oh there's some some goons after me oh I gotta break up the boat gosh I mean it's it's kind of funny going back and forth between the worlds because this world's diagonal wait oh my I did not look at the compass and now we're back out of bed I don't think we're too far no we weren't that far oh my goodness I got myself all spun around I saw one of my previous beds I don't know how long I was doing that for you guys can probably tell I keep the come oh this is why I do this okay okay I can note the self keep the compass like this because you never know when you're gonna be off chart I think the compass is easily my favorite um I guess item tool I guess the compass is my favorite tool to hold in my hand when I'm doing this Journey because it is the most useful is the easiest to do the journey with because I can just keep an eye on it even when I'm not looking at it I see it in the Stream preview of my second monitor so I'll always have an eye on it I don't know how long that was so I do apologize for that uh Swift loop-de-loop is that that's another bad how how far did I go oh my goodness there's beds everywhere terrain and beds uh I'm trying to try to come before my witty Woody one-liners easier said than done I guess I could have taken back that old bed I don't know if I oh this was the last one we used to because I wanted to snag myself a bed but okay we'll keep going I'm not gonna make up for lost time I talked about this a few episodes ago me getting turned around I thought it was a thing of the past but well times change but apparently some things don't some things never change oh that's a good one writing that one down it's like that it's like Fallout 4 war never changes some things never change you heard right there folks episode title no I'm just kidding unless I come with something better hmm now I'm thinking now my brain is starting to pull a web web thoughts hopefully that web isn't too ugly looking don't really know what that means but I heard it I heard it here no ugly webs being spun I think what I meant is scatterbrain there's some kind of connection to being scatterbrained and the way if the web is my thoughts then the web is like super stretched out and it's got a brain it's not as funny when you have to explain it but okay Sarah I guess I'm writing that one down too by the way transparency transparency I value it and so I will do that yes it is another one of my my weird titles that's just based off of like just something people say and that's where my originates from another language but that is um yeah that is all right how far have we gone like nothing because I've gotten myself spun around a few times apparently apparently we're just doing the best of luck today where oh my gosh wait wait a second how long were we going like that for I've been streaming for an hour and yet we're still where we started what have I done guys what is this episode on my thoughts aren't all over the place apparently walking is gosh look up maybe I should just stick no contouring I'm kidding I'm kidding I know you guys like these Maybe let me know I know I say that a lot and I know most people don't respond usually because no people don't get this far but if anyone does at some point in the next Millennia let me know hopefully not Millennia actually maybe within my lifetime would be nice that would be valued your voice matters but only when I'm alive you know if I'm if it's beyond my time kind of thing and you're messaging in the comments about all these questions I'm asking you know go ahead but I don't really know if I'll read them might be too busy gosh I'm just I don't even know what that is I would have called it Dad him but it's not even dad humor it's like very abstract humor today that only that only I'd understand apparently so yes the 23rd of July we have walked approximately about 1200 blocks today I yeah I think we're going the wrong episode like the whole episode the wrong direction the wrong episode the whole episode oh my goodness the wrong direction the whole episode because we are yeah I think the sun was wicked off mostly how did I not notice I was too lost I was too lost in conversation what a what a time I talk about progress and whatnot well I guess we have to make it for days tomorrow if make up for today tomorrow I don't know if you guys understood by fast speak so I had to slow it down try to get witty and then I speed up like I'm speaking and it makes it even worse makes even more unbearable oh yeah Wicked like a wicked amount of views recently we've gotten like 30 subscribers in the last few like little like last week because 200 subscribers pressure was a week ago basically but what day is today Sunday yeah about a week I I honestly like do the way my schedule is with work like I work this like there's no like real weekend for me it's like last summer I hardly know what day it is I usually just know from checking my watch kind of thing or the the phone you know but it's not a very common thing come here soccer okay there we go just tonight to hide the whole night I think it is we're gonna go settle a little hiding all uh I'm gonna break out the pickaxe and everything I'll make sure to make it nice and dirty and blinding apparently I'm bad at these though I have not had 11 months to refine my craft you think I'd be good at my other bed style you know from having 11 months almost a year to do it but um you'd be mistaken apparently 11 months is nothing oh I didn't place the torch oh it's daytime ah let's continue I don't know what we did in this episode I no idea I'm going to continue the commentary yeah we were just oh did we I think what we did was we spent half the episode going a long way and then the other half the episode going back the same way oh my God I'm I'm getting like deja vu and the bedside right next to each other this is a mess I don't know how you guys put up with this put up with my Shenanigans my antics maybe this was all just an elaborate joke on my part who knows it was it wasn't by the way I'm sure you could tell by my reaction it was not This was um all just a bunch of nonsense I know for sure we'll probably have an outpost I mean if I do do a bunch of more like long episodes like I don't mean long like oh we'll do like five hours I don't know why I like instantly went to like that like voice but five hours but we'll um definitely be doing some if we do longer episodes I'm definitely gonna need to do The Outpost like next month which is hard to believe but the last outpost was in friggin January come on come on me it's been over half a year but I mean two outposts in 25 you know eight outposts for the whole journey no I'm kidding that's not how it works it might be I don't think that's how it works but but yes yes the commentary continues because my insistent babbling has gotten me nowhere in this world apparently and that actually like that actually is true though I I jokingly say that sometimes like oh we've got nowhere but like I literally got nowhere in the first hour of this episode like we we did like a complete 180.180 or should I say it's a complete 360. I'm writing that one down too another one to the list oh I forgot I forgot before it went to paper ah complete which is basically just a re-jigging of my previous episode called Full Circle oh my God I lack originality don't I well you'd think after 200 episodes I'd run out of ideas but here we are jigging old titles that wasn't intentional by the way although I was thinking about it at the time so maybe it might have been I don't even know what I'm talking about now I'm kind of just maybe this is just the commentary maybe this is just what it should be just me me going on and on no actual topics I haven't had many topics recently we had TFC which is a pretty solid topic although a bit scattered her brain and then we had my motivation which was pretty solid during that whole thing where I was like yeah we may not get to the Fallen for like a year or two years three years where I was like doing 360s in the background right back where we started that I mean that's the true 360 right there I literally look at the coordinates I'm like oh my goodness we're right where we began I I want to try and break 3.6 million today but I don't know if I'll I have it in me it's already 11. I just I just don't know I just don't know yeah I'm sure people might be confused saying to dreads of Harlan series is being uploaded at the same time but it's just uh it's just one of those weird things that I do like two new craft Seasons which that didn't go well I'm sure this isn't going to go well no I'm kidding kidding we'll do fine like I said just I gotta manage one of them which is what I didn't do with new craft I didn't just be like new craft 3 we're going with it I think I went new craft four we're going with it that was the wrong choice I should have just went new craft 3 but new craft 3 was already flawed enough it was wrong either way and I was like Fellowship after that which was also a wrong decision and all the other smps off that I'd considering the wrong decisions oh I don't know if a wrong decisions are not perfect I don't even know if I'd say like good I mean yes arguably for a good amount of time they were great they're also arguably bad these are smps that I did actually I host I streamed some of them I stream new craft three new craft four new craft one part two I streamed the fellowship cyber so I've streamed some stuff I stream Java as well which I basically just announced in this episode I've I've talented for a while now the reason why I don't play Java anymore even though I host a server although it's not hasn't been open in like two weeks erase hasn't had a member on it in like a week or two now is just that modern Minecraft doesn't Captivate me anymore and sure my mindset might have something to do with it I'm sure you might be able to tell from my mindset but I just I don't have it in me anymore to enjoy the job in this modernness of java of modern job modernism modern Java oh it's a rough rough day apparently I said apparently a lot this episode too I I don't know why I go through like phases of saying certain like phrases or words I guess it's much like video games or um General interests I oh yeah I went back to piano recently which is one of my hobbies of course I went back to it because I played for extended family of course because I had a few you know a few odd family members visiting so I I went back to it and I I didn't even practice actually I just started playing for them and I just relied purely off muscle memory I do not remember a thing the brain there's not much going up going on up there in that whole department right now what was that I was like glitching through leaves oh God the journey is just so much fun but yeah pure muscle memory that's that's something that's so cool about like learning an instrument is that muscle memory can carry you when you're when you're lazy and you don't want to play it like how I feel right now I'm a little bit out of it you know I gotta I'm gonna get like a new book we're gonna I'm gonna learn some of these songs because as you do like I do love piano but I haven't gotten back into it for a good while and hobbies need to be tend to like or tended tended need need tending to much like an overgrown Garden so so yes that is what I'm going to do oh that's a nice formation first one in a while I do like a 10 hour episode I don't I hardly take a single screenshot appalling I do say I do dare say I wonder how what the longest distance I've gone without finding anything remotely interesting is is it all creepers please I can't even see the creepers before they you know the next thing you know I blink and I'm dead kind of thing actually I hope not but that may just become reality who knows this is a unique commentary style actually it's very very weird to what I'd normally do which what I normally do is I just I guess I did it earlier I guess we're kind of just through all the big stuff so I'm just kind of talking about some smaller stuff I swear there was something I was talking about last episode or one of my previous episodes I was like I'm gonna address that in the next commentary episode I completely forget unless I already did already I said um uh let me see if I can find it maybe just maybe call the far lands a scatterhead departure from Spawn that never really ended I'll be honest two birds one stone I don't remember what the two birds one stone thing was about I chat with a viewer and they said two birds one stone ah what was that in relation to probably something where I did the journey I'm sure but to what exactly is the issue um I have to deal with the jerk uh yeah I don't remember I think it slipped my mind I can't talk about that because it's just not in there right now commentary is very selective for me apparently there it is again do I keep going on with this commentary it's kind of just going nowhere I wouldn't say nowhere it's going somewhere but I don't really know where that's kind of the issue that is a z issue but yes I definitely do know there will be an outpost in August that's my prep my that's my um prediction for the journey is that there will be an outpost in August or September at the latest early September I'd say like right before I get back to school kind of thing that creeper was like burned into my memory for like a second there I I saw it look at me and I was just like got like oh hello spider I got a bit of uh PTSD maybe from when I got blown up by a creeper uh it's not the first time it's happened many times almost when the Pirates speak there for a second I guess that I guess seeing that III in the chat oh that's more actually more like the Western thing but it reminds me of uh romantic The Lego Movie I know that's probably not what it is from but I remember that from there very distinctly I'm a very very unique person ah good old Lego Batman yes that's good movie good movie oh that was probably one of my one of the yeah those are pretty solid to like a movie Lego film Lego film gosh there's something about calling calling like just saying the word film that just sounds so classy so so classy oh I gotta drop down from this this almost Cliff here not quite a cliff maybe over there I might argue but oh you didn't miss too much I kind of just rambled on for an hour before this that's kind of what I what I had done I kind of just done talked to myself about random subjects and things that have been going on which I think the viewers over on YouTube might find it entertaining for like God knows how long and I seem to have walked like the wrong direction for a long par portion of that episode because or of this episode because when I came back or like I kind of like after an hour I was like okay let's check F3 and then I was at the exact same coordinates I was when I started the episode and I'm like that's a little weird and then I started running into a bunch of the same beds I was like I think I made a bit of a boo-boo must have went through a bunch of beds so I'm gonna have to make up for lost time a little bit so yeah oh this is sick though let me take a quick screenshot uh is this ah I might get to a closer tree that big tree is kind of in the way that my yeah that's good I love how am I doing that I could imagine myself doing that thing where I'm like doing like the the image with like the the hands like the the square classic World Jen yep yep yep yep that is what this is that's probably why I get so many screenshots it's just that I'm such a sucker for these These Old views these old uh scenic uh Vistas uh maybe that's the correct use of that word I'm not too sure um I got lots of wool I don't even know how many screenshots I got in that blasted screenshots folder in my Minecraft here that's probably in the hundreds I'm sure because the journey has gone on for so long now that I've just I like take them like almost every episode it's for good reason it's for good reason I find a lot of a lot of very very fun stuff yeah well it's great to take screenshots I I don't know if I take many screenshots in modern Minecraft I more or less just do it to like for build progress just to show friends but like on the modern landscapes in modern Minecraft like they're very cool but something about the old Minecraft that just gets me taking all these screenshots and whatnot oh yes I've also ran some smps just not public ones he puts with a bunch of close friends of course they'll survival multiplayer by definition but uh yeah I've played on many public smps to apologize I'm a very scatterbrained I've been a little scatterbrained recently I'm sure just because of all the commentaries I've done so and I'm sure extended episodes I've done a good handful of those so I might be a little bit all over the place but I guess that's how I always am in these during the foreign episodes keeps things interesting anyway you know why not have the have me go mad as a journey to the far lands it's only fitting really for such a long journey yeah we got a lot enough of everything I was like I don't know do I need stuff but I guess I don't know it's always the opposite where I'm like when I think I need resources I don't need resources and what I don't think I need resources I need resources it's just just you know the opposite day apparently permanently in this world but I'm gonna grab dirt I know I know at least I need that I'm pretty good at striking balances but apparently when it comes to Resource Gathering it uh actually you know it does happen fairly often the world is it goes on long enough but there's been a lot of occasions where I'm still got where I def there's been a lot of vacations where I definitely just forget about a certain resource that I'm just like out of it and it just causes me issues like oh no more beds I guess for the next day or um in the long episode I did recently where I was looking for sheep right multiple days and there's no mob spawning like no um passive mobs like for not passive but I know um friendly I guess like the sheep and the cows there's like nothing spawning I think it was a bug because I we started my game they started spawning again must have been a weird bug I ran into because they were just it was a just desolate for like a good half hour I was like I don't think I've been without wool this song I went on like a good few days like that in game yeah we're like there was just nothing like like no sheep like I couldn't get myself a single piece of wool and I only started noticing it was kind of weird after the first few days where I was in game where I was like I should have wolf I don't know why I keep walking at night time like this and then I just restart the game and everything's fixed it's very weird I'm starting to encounter a lot of those things because I never really ran into that issue before unless I have not really I wasn't really aware of it if I had another one recently was this weird chunk glitch I encountered a few episodes ago that that video's got a lot of views on YouTube now probably because the thumbnail it's like a weird chunk error thing that um it was a bit of an ocean in a forest it sounds weird but it was like this oh yeah that'd be a good idea Post Weird that'd be a good thing to post on Reddit I have I do have a Reddit account I just haven't posted anything that'd be a good thing to post like golden age or whatever or um whatever Minecraft subreddits or whatever that correspond yeah I mean doing the journey this song you run into a lot of weird stuff I mean probably one of the weirdest things of beta like oh yeah that'd be that'd be a good good way of promoting the channel I haven't like I haven't really done much of that I'm I'm bad for that I I don't like promote the channel at all I just let people discover the channel which is probably why the growth has been so kind of out it's based off the algorithm of course so like it's just you know people kind of just flow in every once in a while it's not like people are actively I'm not actually promoting it that'd be a smart thing but it's just one of the things that I just forget about but yeah there's a lot of weird things in beta I made I think I made like multiple episodes on just with the weird crap you run into in beta just because it's the stuff you don't see anymore so you know modern Minecraft is so polished and and whatnot that you don't really run into a whole lot of that anymore so it's kind of fun to embrace that a little bit like one of the most infamous things in especially like like especially if you do Journey to the far lands or go out far enough you run into something called the jitters so the Jitters is like this it has to do with something called folding Point Precision the game loses accuracy of the player or whatever in the game it's a visual difference and technically I would like the game would be jittering right now I do have a mod that fixes that just for you know for to make things a bit nicer on the eyes because the Jitters can be a little bit uh yeah it can be a little bit much not even getting started on OptiFine in beta if you go out far enough like the unpatched version of OptiFine why'd you basically just regular old OptiFine without long distance patch lots of weird stuff like that I might turn them on in a bit just to show you but we'll see OptiFine is the weirdest one it it gets that's very strange the game like looks like it's like just like like I don't even know how I describe it just like Minecraft's just ending like chaos that's like I guess the only real palpable way to describe it well that's probably the most infamous stuff and there's of course a lot of little things with beta that are just a little bit odd I can show off just a few of them even just like right now uh no I ran out of room but it's in my inventory oh Cobblestone I don't need Cobblestone I used to use colossal we don't need that let me hear that right now okay first weird thing you can wait oh oh there it is I love I love doing that in the inventory menu right opening the inventory menu and doing that you get this here a little character being weird in the laying down the bed in the inventory oh another weird one is being sitting in a boat when you open your inventory you can see the bottom of the pant texture [Music] yeah it's really weird looking [Music] foreign [Music] I guess this is also maybe a bit of a bug almost like the thing I do here where I jump in and out of the boat it's kind of just using the game mechanics so it's more of like yeah I guess game mechanics is what it is where I jump in and out it actually accelerates the boat yeah it's uh I picked it up off kill a little crazy man first person to reach the far lands on record yeah yeah yeah I'm sure I mentioned that the last time I've I like to I like to mention that kind of stuff because it's not it's not very you know it's a very old style techniques that you don't really use anymore kind of thing [Music] um I don't know why I wasn't working in the bed you can do it in the bed and you're like it's kind of fun looking or fun funny looking I might turn on the Jitters just for like a quick few minutes I mean it's not really that that big a deal because I'm going to be doing a longer episode tomorrow anyway no commentary I think the Jitters would be fun to turn them back on just so you can see what the game this is this is technically modified the game isn't supposed it isn't supposed to run this nice out here what was an intentional bug it was accidental Mojang probably didn't think people would actually go out this far end for a good good reason people not many sane people go out this far I'm gonna quickly switch over to one of my other menus here just so I can do do that disable the jitterfix so no the guardrails are being removed I might even turn on op to find just to get the full experience but I'll do that I'll do Jitter fix disable first just so you can see what I mean by Jitter it doesn't actually affect the game all that much it's more just a visual thing but it's really trippy because the game's just like stuttering it's not like lag it's weird okay well now we're back and you might not be able to notice it yet oh you can see the outline of the block there yeah block out lines are a little bit screwed up that's the first thing you'll notice I'm not gonna I'm not gonna start moving yet it's a little bit jarring so prepare yourself it's not accurately OptiFine optifine's even worse I would warn more about OptiFine but this is the jitters this is how the game the vanilla game performs out here and we are stuttering along and yeah the game is the exact same like there's no like actual change to the game it's just a visual purely visual it's perfect yeah uh in in the boat it's kind of fun but online it gets really trippy I'll just keep it off for a few minutes just for fun I've done it I did it recently in one of my earlier episodes but yeah I think the mobs are a little bit weird too I don't know if the mobs are visually oh they might I know they're the same no they move the like they move like it's a normal world but I'm like just oh it's so weird and it gets worse so it's the whole idea of floating Point Precision or how it works is that it it basically worsens by I think every Power of Two you go out so I think at about 65 000 blocks the the the black box around the blocks here starts to like stutter a little bit when you're up close and like when you do this of course now it's like like it's crazy but this isn't even as worse as it gets there's two more Jitter points I don't know what I what you'd call them it's where the Jitters gets worse and it does get worse and even after the far ends every Power of Two of course it gets worse but it is yeah it is just non-stop I do actually I do have a world where I'm out like 12 million blocks so I guess I can show off what the Jitters are like out there but yeah this is this is how the game functions and for a majority of the journey I mean actually you know what that's they weren't that bad actually back when I didn't have the Jitter fix I got this genifix pretty early on I guess I just did not want to deal with this which I guess Fair reason very interesting but I do have a world far loans exist it's at the far lands and this one oh ac won't be able to see it but you can see the Jitters if you can't make out anything you can see the Jitters at the far lands are a lot more noticeable this one's just with single player commands but hello zombie it does make it a little bit trippy in fighting because you're like zipping around visually like it does kind of affect gameplay out here you're oh yeah there's the far lands over there hello creeper oh dear I don't want to die I don't have single player commands anymore so I'll have to oh yeah they're just they're normal like my view of them is completely normal but everything is just oh yeah but it's just crazy and like the blocks are completely off like it's not even funny anymore it's and like all the entities in the game are really like you can see that yeah it's uh it's a very interesting bug that was all that was fixed it was conveniently fixed in a beta 1.8 and release 1.0 but that was also when the far ones were removed so it kind of defeats the purpose of the journey even though they are fixed in that version but I do have a fix for it anyway oh dear okay I'm gonna go out get out of this world and I got one more this new world which is just that spawn ah normal it's because this world I'm at spawn so yeah the Jitters are something that just kind of just get worse the further you go out uh maybe I'll maybe I'll do OptiFine it's just I don't know it's it's a bit more crazy if you can imagine it getting any more crazy do I still have OptiFine I do oh boy okay I may have to warn you for this one it's a bit it's like flashing light so I don't know if you're sensitive to that kind of thing I I've said it every time because it's a little bit nuts where I'm at it's not that bad it's also like the Jitters where it gets worse but it I don't even know what to call it it's like throwing your Minecraft world in a paper shredder basically yeah that's that's how it's best described that was an advent comment on one of ant Venom's videos covering this and it's pretty accurate it's basically throwing your GPU into a paper shredder time to show it off Yep this is uh OptiFine oh oh yeah it does not stop okay it yeah it's it's bad this one's this one's even worse oh yeah so you might want to look away if you have a full sensitivity or anything but yep yep the it is not fun uh it doesn't even okay it did stop for a second play this okay um I'm gonna get like eye strained from this you can see the caves you can see like the all the caves down there x-ray oh my goodness it's been a while since I've used this and it has the Jitters and OptiFine ah yes oh dear just look down it's not the world's like oh god oh looking down doesn't not really help what is that the sand is curved okay looking down does stop most of the most of the weird cave and World tearing it's like jello that's what it is it's like jello uh hello Cal I'm glad you're in a state of normalcy in this crazy world oh dear Kyle can uh can you ask can you please give me some direction to get over to you oh oh oh oh yeah that tree is diagonal I don't even know what's going on this screenshot here or this no screenshot of this picture where are you Cal I want to look at you [Music] uh uh oh okay okay I'm gonna go to uh maybe it's a far lands do a little [Music] uh I cannot play the game out here ah get me away from here no this was it's worse I mean I knew that but it's worse okay I think that's enough that is uh Minecraft is on its way out Sonic Zoom oh my God it was like that with the far lands you could just see it like infinitely extending outward okey-dokey that's uh that's yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna switch back disable those mom the jitters I could maybe tolerate but OptiFine probably not oh goodness I love the bugs okay uh right jitterfix turned that on OptiFine turn that off oh keep okay is that all the mod stuff yep that's fine perfect absolutely perfect I'm ready to continue the journey back where we were let me get my game see if it'll oh this is the internet slowing down it might be or maybe the computer is ah I don't know okay I'll give it a second to catch up I'm going to take a quick water drinking break it's it's trying it's trying oh there we go Journey to the farlands continues with no bugs well I wouldn't say no bugs but [Music] right okay oh take a deep breath oh no we're going back okay all right Compass please direct me the right way I do not want this to be a reap I do not want to repeat what I did just like a half hour or 40 minutes ago now or 40 plus minutes ago where I was just going in circles practically just talking to myself just I guess getting too lost in the discussion and I'm not focusing enough on the journey at hand um all right I will actually make a boat hello cows I see everything is normal once again [Music] I'm glad uh glad you survived the apocalypse the absolute shredding of the game over all just wonderful wonderful okay the journey continues and this time maybe a little bit less buggy oh pigs lots and lots of pigs I'm trying to think of any other weird bug bugginess is going that goes on beta that's probably the big highlights honestly there's the if I do find an ice Lake there is the submarine submarine weird bug thing I might see if I can if I if I run into one of those I will show showcase that that is a very cool thing I also picked that off of picked that up off of another YouTuber who went to the far lands I think that might have been what was that kilo might have been it was one of them kilo fig one of those is it getting dark again I suppose so maybe it'll be hidey hole maybe it's time for me to burrow myself into a hole as it gets darker as the sun begins to set on yet another day of the journey all right I will head over towards this little mountain mountainy thing this hill this quite quite tall Hill so work my way over to it and I will try and figure out a place to dig a hole the best of holes the hidey hole all right uh I'll do it somewhere I can uh it's kind of bad okay I'll just go over here to the stone area nice little hole in the wall oh I heard a chicken God I it's also it's the inversion for that too I think there's nothing bad around it and there's something bad around it oh geez that's probably a good time for me to go to no commentary anyway you have a good night I've ramble rambled on for for what two hours now so that's probably enough I'll just go to no commentary and whatnot and just chillax watch some TV maybe take a break have a good night though hide note in the hidey hole here oh moving stuff good there we go foreign [Music] foreign thank you thank you foreign [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign all right foreign foreign come on [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign oh foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign no no foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign hahaha foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign no no laughs foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign hahaha foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign back foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] another episode ending in a hidey hole I don't remember the last one but I swear I just ended an episode in a hidey hole anyway we're here at the end of another episode I'm wicked tired I need to go to bed so I can at least get up at a reasonable time tomorrow and uh get uh filming some more stuff modern and whatnot hopefully probably some longer during the far lands
Channel: Beamof4
Views: 327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: IrC824-0Q94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 4sec (14944 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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