Josh Ovalle gets kicked out of HighSchool (Story)

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how'd you get expelled dude is a long story and it's a great story I'll tell it um okay [ __ ] and this we're trying to write a feature about this right now - I need to like fictionalized some of it so it's more interesting but I'm so basically at some point in a high school just to turn into like a gigantic stoner like in my like sophomore year I got expelled out for my sophomore year I became like a [ __ ] huge huge stoner like just taking like [ __ ] getting high before school and just like just really like just super wack and and I cuz I was just like a depressed kid and I had like one homie was also my stoner friend and it was just like I had a few stoner friends and it's like I don't know it was just like not a fun time in my life but I [ __ ] um I was a okay so basically I was in I was in class one day and and one of my teachers was like yo uh a lot okay wait okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry that I'm [ __ ] up the stories about okay I mean I'm in class with my buddy Spencer and me and Spencer just like the [ __ ] boys like we love like [ __ ] around in this one class and we're both just like kind of like we don't care about school and he was just [ __ ] hilarious and we made each other laugh and we just loved [ __ ] with our history teacher we had history class with each other and and like he really was kind of kids they like he like like hated but not really like he almost kind of like this and he was like yo I see that a bunch of you guys are trying to i'ma follow my like Instagram profile like I'm a teacher I'm never gonna like let you follow okay my Instagram profile and we're like dude we gotta [ __ ] get on his Instagram profile so I I found one of his friends on Twitter and like made my Instagram profile the same profile picture with like the same caption this helmet is like lacrosse homie and he let me follow it and and [ __ ] oh so you like he's ricktum like accepting my request so he thought it was he thought he thought it was just homie I was and I was like dude this is gonna be so funny bro like I'm gonna go into class I'm gonna embarrass the [ __ ] out of him so the next day yeah it happens I like take screenshots of like all these embarrassing pictures and I send it to Spencer and like a [ __ ] another girl in that class and I'm like yo like this Instagram profile is so cringy like to say awfully embarrassing yeah dude they were like him like ironing his like a shirt in his boxers and it's like you know lazy Sundays hashtag beast mode like the most oh [ __ ] so so [ __ ] I I'm walking into class and I'm walking to school one day I'm like just like pumped to like roast this one like dude it's gonna be so fun and everyone's gonna flip and my friend my friend was gonna love me I was gonna love me and [ __ ] my friend Brandon was um I just bumped him to him in the parking lot in the way and he's like yo bro I got this a triple-strength bang bar I'll give it to you for 10 bucks and I was like hell yeah give it to me so I I bought that [ __ ] is a bang bar it's like the I thought it was like the most popular for my edibles they're like that I don't know they're just the chocolate okay I had a little thing so um I I went to school that class it was taking time for that class and halfway through the class I stood I stood up on my desk and I was just like a lazy Sunday hashtag beast mode and like literally like my teacher knew immediately he was like like a he's like meanie like give me your phone and he grabbed it he's like you can went too far this time and he sat down he slammed on his desk he's like I'm calling the deans like you're gonna have to talk with them about this and not just like alright dude I did some really dumb [ __ ] in that class like I remember I do I won't get on a tangent so anyways like um hi when you did it yeah was okay like you were off the bank bar oh yeah I was off the bank barn doggy so I was like oh [ __ ] like that didn't go the way I thought I was kind of like and because he was [ __ ] pissed he was like just mad and I went over to Spencer because they can start to the school's crazy they can go on your phone if they want to they can search your bag if they want to they're [ __ ] just how because you would sign an agreement of the year it's like [ __ ] an Aussie can't bro it's [ __ ] heavy but um so I got to spend him like yo dude I'm I'm in trouble dog like hold my Bing bar like like I don't I don't know what they're gonna search my back whatever he's like right I got you and so I went and I talked to the deans they're like you're gonna get suspended for three days and like we'll talk to you at the end of the or whatever and I was like okay so I went back to class everyone was going on I grabbed my backpack went to my next class it was like theater the bell rang is time for lunch and I'm starting a walk out the door and I see like Spencer like waiting for me like asking people like where's Josh where's Josh and I was just like I was like yo Spencer like giving back I walked him I walked up to him I like yo give me back my edible like um like I'm getting [ __ ] suspended it sucks it's over like whatever he's like I what do you mean I ate it I ate it and I was like all right we'll give me back the rest of it like I'm [ __ ] I want the rest of my bang bar it's fine that you got high I don't care and he's just like no I ate it and I was like you ate the whole thing and he was like yeah I thought that's what it that's what you're supposed to do and I was just like I was like what why the [ __ ] would you do that Spencer like you're so sorry you're gonna you got to throw up you got a barf I've never gotten that high myself ever in my entire life that's like just poisonous yeah like it was it was so I I'd eat like 1/8 of that and gets [ __ ] really high and I was like dude why did he eat the whole thing you I just he [ __ ] thought that he was just gonna get high and I wouldn't care and I was like whatever cuz it cuz I just I don't know I had him all the time and he just was like [ __ ] I ate it okay and I was just like dude [ __ ] I'm so sorry you got a [ __ ] puke and like I lunch like me and all my stern her friends were [ __ ] like I like trying to make him puke tryna I was like dude it was like stoner crew assemble like we all met in the bathroom I was like yo Andrew you get do in it's funny too I tell a story and they're like the [ __ ] whitest funniest names ever I'm like yo Andrew you go get a food Connor you go get them water Josh Connor and you and Spencer and had a weed dilemma Dave but um [ __ ] yeah so like we were like he was like in the bathroom trying to make himself Ami's we do have no ever vomited before and like it hasn't hit him yet like and he's just kind of like we really freaked him out because we're like dude that you this is nothing this can't have it like it's not gonna you need to go home or puke or whatever and he's like I've never puked in my entire life oh my [ __ ] nightmare so in [ __ ] there's like this girl's crazy man there's like security guards and [ __ ] that will randomly walk in there after the bathroom so like [ __ ] like I'm kicking him in the ass when you need to get up and pretend that he's not puking and we're like draining everyone [ __ ] like whips out their eyedrops all of us had him [ __ ] we're like draining his eyes and like there's the reddest eyes I've ever seen in my entire life he just looks like he's literally like bleeding from his eyes and disregarding this starting to hit okay and [ __ ] like he like sits down he's like dude Omaha like and we're just like [ __ ] by the end of lunch like we almost got him to where like he could like go back to class almost was he had never been high before he had been high before but weed wasn't his thing okay weed wasn't his thing and um and he's like I gotta [ __ ] go to water polo practice and like talk you're gonna drown like you can't go I enter like he's like we're like let's call you yeah an older brother might call your brother you can take you [ __ ] home and you just like he's just like nah like like [ __ ] I can't like and we're just like dude [ __ ] like [ __ ] I love this kid Spencer Spencer was the coolest [ __ ] ever but I'm yeah so basically he goes to class and and [ __ ] it's the last class like I'm just waiting for the [ __ ] clock to tick tick tick tick are you in the same classism no I'm not I'm just gonna she's somewhere else I'm just praying that god I hope he's not dead I'm got it I [ __ ] hope he's just not like collapsing yeah and like it's like two minutes left of class like one minute left of class and I'm just waiting I'm like oh and then [ __ ] security guard comes to my room hands my teachers slip and my teachers like and she looks at me and she's like and I was like [ __ ] I was like dude [ __ ] it's over and I like go in there and I'm expecting to see [ __ ] Spencer and arm it's the teacher it's it's not it's just them reviewing the terms of my suspension and they're just like yeah so you're suspended for a few days and and we just need to UM we interviewed some some other kids and we just need to like talk to the people who you sent screenshots of the photos to so we make sure that this is squashed in these photos don't get around so we're gonna call in Adrienne we're gonna call in Spencer and I was like don't want Spencer and they were like they were like what and I was like they're like we're calling in Spencer and I was just like I just and there's like a window and I can see him walking up and I turn around and dude he was just not there he was not [ __ ] alive food he was ten times worse than the way we left him and I was just thinking like it's over it's over like there's you can't oh my god like can you imagine like and I just feel bad [ __ ] for him and like like could you imagine eating the most weed that even a stoner could even like comprehend consuming and you're not even a weed person so you're literally just like overdosing I'm getting called into the Dean of your school about some anything literally anything so like [ __ ] I just hear through the walls like him them talking and all of a sudden I just hear that's not my phone and from Spencer and I was just like what is he saying why is he denying that his phone is his phone just let him have your phone and delete the photos and just go and apparently like what happened was I don't know really what happened of it this way he told me afterwards that he opened it up and it the first thing that came up was a Google search for I ate an entire edible what do I do and and then there was there was group and then they went through his messages to find the [ __ ] picture cuz they're like alright you're high Jesus and he said he didn't rat on me I believed him he's a [ __ ] great guy you know I don't think he ever did that what happened was um they can go through your [ __ ] messages go through [ __ ] such a [ __ ] up invasion of privacy and [ __ ] there's just this group message apparently of everyone in this class cuz you had that class with a bunch of his friends and they're like bro you look like [ __ ] what's up and he's like Josh will give me his whole edible so they literally were like Josh the kid and they're like Jesus Christ so they so they like literally walk next door and I go things just got a whole lot worse and I knew I was just like and this time they came in with this dude with a notepad when it's Sudan and then kept me in there for thirty minutes alone and now this guy sits down in the corner and interrogator and no he's not saying anything but Dean's interrogating me he's just sitting there like this [ __ ] writing [ __ ] I'm saying down due to high school it doesn't need to be that seriously what the [ __ ] are you doing yeah that was the end of my life stood in in it really like that's cool [ __ ] with me in such a bad way and dude it was on April 1st they call my parents and they were like yo your kid student your son's been caught with drugs I can't be seen you come pick him up they're like oh my mom is like on my on our way to pick me up she's like real funny Josh I'm already on my way like funny April Fool's they're like no like it's real and she like [ __ ] freaked out
Channel: For Real Podcasts
Views: 1,298,155
Rating: 4.9408379 out of 5
Id: 3UMKwwYqV5s
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Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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