Josh has an art show and the gangs all here!

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hi I'm Alex archo I've been buying and selling antiques since I was a kid over the years generations of our family have gotten involved in the business and I'll search just about anywhere I can to find hidden treasures both big and small I never know what I'll turn up next it's about exploring new places seeing new sites and having fun and even though sometimes I get over my head we try and make things a little better along the way this is curiosity in hi everybody and welcome to today's episode if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that this lovely piece of art behind me was made by my friend Josh Joshua Alexander and today he has taken over an entire Art Gallery they normally have his work but it's all about Josh today they've got everything of his set up at the gallery he's doing a big show I don't know what he's got going on it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun so I'm going to head down there and check it out um so for me I'm going to turn the lights off here head myself downstairs to the car and we're going to go to The Gallery at London Dairy shopping mall here in Evon and go visit my friend Josh and well frankly see who else turns up so I'm going to grab my coat let's go check this out well it looks like I found it and I'm sure Josh is in here getting all set up see a lot of JW Shard and the sound of wood being screwed together hey look hey it's that Josh guy you need a hand with anything uh no you want me to like I can do stuff yeah well I'm going to look at all your art that's hanging around here where's uh where's your section is it this wall all the way down it's most of the art at the moment most of it is mine y I mean you'll recognize the space ones over there those are the new guys yeah okay oh yeah that I see the whole section all the way down yeah okay well I'll do a little walk around cool oh yeah we can wait for Josh if you want oh no we could uh from Josh's I'm sure you've been on Josh's Channel a bunch yeah yeah that's Landon and you are is that the third member of Da Punk you're getting out of the truck there cool we made a Spaceman helmet okay well I'm going to put the camera away and a hand picking this guy out of there all right we got Mr spaceman in place next to Josh's space art he's been working on over here hot dogs in space that was his concept got an astronaut there he's got a party hat and a hot dog in each well I guess just one hot dog in that hand I remember when he was telling me about this concept I'm like okay sure why not he's like hot dogs in space that's so cool but you know after visiting the Museum of Modern Art um that would definitely have a place at the MoMA and we've got our uh such good posture that astronaut felt like I was carrying a little astronaut child in when I brought it through well let's have a look around and see what art Josh has brought in he loves to do his pop art stuff like the the musical pieces Tom Petty down [Music] there got Biggie Smalls Edward Scissor Hands Up at the top of course Johnny Cash if Kathy's watching we got Willie Nelson with h what's his guitar's name is it trigger pretty sure it's trigger oh I wonder if this this is one of his the rooster Josh does these wonderful welded metal sculptures that's what we have in our house is the uh kind of like a cherry tree almost or bonsai tree out of spoons so whenever I'm in a doing a house clear out or something I try and keep forks and knives and spoons aside for him creative how he did the the tail on it with the different colored screwdrivers Bob Marley I love the energy and the expression he gets in his pieces too I think we used to have that one or one like it at our store we used to have Josh's stuff at our shop when we had our shop look there's the master work right there you're getting all your certificate of authenticities done yeah on the back so you have the original pieces and then you've also got some canvas prints yeah which honestly they did a really nice job printing those they look like they're like it's an original yeah you can see all the texture yeah like I was looking at that I actually you have to walk even if you walk right up to it you can't even really tell that it's print on canvas yeah it's uh it's pretty cool I love the the scanning cuz it's scanned with super high resolution rather than like a photograph oh yeah yeah gosh I forgot the measurement again dude you're distracting me okay do you want me to remember it here let me hold that 48 okay 48 but do you need the other one I got it oh okay but it only half distracted you then yeah walking past all of Josh's really cool and fun and amazing artwork aren't they great um love the Einstein that's fantastic I'm a big fan of art that has really bright color and I just uh I really admire the work that he does the hammerhead up at the front I have not seen this before so it it's quite big like it's probably the size of an actual shark it takes up this entire window of the storefront and it's made of saw blades and hammers for the Hammerhead and so when you stand back you get kind of the full impression of it when you get up close you can definitely see the materials that it's made of that's up cycling for you right there I've stepped away to give Josh a moment to get caught up before everybody starts showing up in about 20 minutes or so here but it gave me time to kind of reflect and think back on just how far he's come since the first time I went went and uh visited the uh Studio he had in his father-in-law's garage out of their acreage seems like it was almost yesterday hey thanks so much for having me over so this is a really cool space I mean I'm looking all around and there's art and sculptures and all there's cool stuff pretty much everywhere I look so why don't you tell me a little about the stuff you make and uh kind of what you do okay well I'm a an artist that does art there's a lot of people who do paintings or or just sculpture or just a certain type of painting or just a certain type of sculpture I like to paint so this is one of my Finger Paintings I finger paint mostly and uh then I also make stuff so this this Barnwood here I got off a barn uh sort of local and uh anytime I can go find some stuff that I can get for free and make with I do that but primarily I finger paint so and so what do you mean by finger painting for people that might not know like oh like I literally painted this with my hands like you can see oh yeah you you still got the paint all over your hands from doing this yeah this these this is actually from doing this painting here that I'm so you're working on uh Al look like Mohammad Ali taking someone out yeah so nice vintage boxing match going on there with Muhammad Ali so so you did this all just with your fingers like even the fine detail you do with your fingers too sometimes if it's way too small I will use a rubber KP brush and the reason why I use a rubber tip brush is so that there's no brush marks on the painting and then I will varnish it with a spray varnish so that there's no varnish uh brush marks in the varnish as well and so how important is it to you to not have brush marks visible in any of your work uh well the reason why it's important is because when I say it's a finger painting usually people go that's not a finger painting and then they'll look like real close and then you can see like my fingerprints in there or not my fingerprints my finger marks but you can't see any brush marks so there's no way someone can be like oh I found a brush Mark and then kind of recued it and every Studio needs to have a studio cat right yeah this is Walter Walter what a proper name for a cat so this is a really cool piece too so tell me about this okay so this is a series that I do it's called My I call it my half authentic uh Gallery I guess my series of usually native Chiefs or or prominent native figures uh not necessarily from from where I'm from so I'm from man skin creation and uh this guy is actually the first person from my Reserve this is Chief bobtail and I painted him to go with a A series that I have within the series and so this is the latest one uh soon it will get a frame and stuff I just have to send it over to the uh scanners to get a scan for prints and all that so you sell prints as well yeah prints on canvas and and unlimited paper prints as well so and this one's an original this is finger painted as well is it yeah yeah so this one had absolutely no brush work at all I actually I painted this at a at an event and I forgot a brush and I could have used a brush around his eyes and stuff just to make it easier but what I did is I just I just painted a line bigger and then went over again with lighter colors and then it turned out oh that's amazing you can kind of see there's uh maybe not on camera it doesn't show up but I actually have two types of paint on here and I use student grade because it's nice and thick but I have a a matte color and a and a more glossy color going in there which I think makes a good contrast and then once it's varnished it kind of all gets shiny but you can tell the difference still so this still needs to be varnished and uh it still needs to be signed very nice I love that you're doing historical pieces too oh I love old stuff I collect old stuff which goes into the other stuff that I do so I sculpt and if I find an antique that's totally destroyed I will make it into something else I actually have a piece over there show you sure well let's go have a look okay so what is this so this is an example of a destroyed antique so this is a sewing machine you might be able to tell yeah I was going to say it looks like a trle sewing machine c yeah so it was destroyed like I got pieces that I've used in other pieces as well but this is a semif fictional piece of teaching Furniture I guess so I call I'm calling this an auto laryngologist uh Academia studio so it's not complete yet but you can see that the top is is is a sewing machine this is just Plywood And then I mimicked the shape here out of uh out of some laminated Pine uh these legs are from a table that my mom actually got uh from a antique store where the the tabletop was stolen so she bought the leg so they could go back and steal them okay which is kind of funny and does it still open up and everything yeah it opens up so I took out oh I see the metal guts and stuff so as a auto enologist may be able to tell you they study or work on or whatever skulls uh well actually they're like a ear mouth and throat doctor so I'm pretending this is from the old days and I mean these are just sculpture that I made but imagine they're real sculp and maybe they would have used I I picked up some antique tools and stuff like some calipers and whatnot right I see so it's going to have that kind of uh late 19th century scientific sort of feel right right so I'm going to get a a medical saw and a bunch of different other things in here to make it complete but imagine this was a real skull they would cut it open and I don't know just learn some stuff right in in a learning environment so and so you made this is welded obviously yeah so that's scrap steel so this is another uh a guy was getting rid of a bunch of junk in his yard and I offer to go clean the his place up in exchange for money and I can also take all the crap that he's going to throw in the dump and keep it so this one is uh OSB you can see it's a just plywood and uh this actually what my ceiling is so this is leftover from my ceiling so did you have to laminate it yeah so I laminated it into a cube and then I carved it up with a um it's a called an electric rasp it's a tool that you put on an angle grinder and uh some drills and whatnot and I like the rough look so I never go for absolute realism but if you can tell what it is then it's done for me and then this one is a wire one so how long would it take you to wrap a wire skull like that this one took about I would say about 7 hours or so and um I would say about maybe about 5,000 ft of wire or something like that it's a lot of wire very cool so you got three different uh materials making up three different skulls yeah I actually have another one that goes you can see there's a bunch of powder in here I had a I transported it with them in here a clay skull but he's a little broken right now oh okay and I I plans to make more out of other materials very very cool okay so I have a bunch of I try to decorate my my studio with a bunch of cool things and sometimes if I make something that's cool that doesn't sell at an art show or something I will put it up for decoration so this is just a bunch of nails basically bunch of Fasteners so his head his skull is actually a leg bolt that I carved his bottom jaw or beak whatever you would call that is actually a cotter pin okay that I carved up to look a little more gnarly nails for uh for his wings and uh just some threaded rod for his spine and and neck surprisingly it's looks anatomically correct for being made out of nails and being basically something from your imagination so how do you get the scale and proportion right on these okay so this I'm calling it uh unkind murder because of this is a play on ravens and crows and uh I actually Googled a bunch of pictures I wish I had a dead crow around but it's actually not not as easy to find those as you would think and uh I basically just looked at a bunch of images and tried to decipher which Bones were which so it's it's not perfect by any means especially since I'm just using reclaimed material in the way were two rose bushes and we tried to save both of them but one of them we had to smash out of there and uh and so we basically just whacked it with a shovel until it we ripped it out of there and this to me looks like an anatomical heart not necessarily human or anything but it looks pretty awesome and uh you know you can see the cool red and purpley color in there and uh I was like man I got to make a sculpture out of this piece so what did you make this out of so this brain is actually an experiment of mine it's uh it's Clay it's air drying clay and I'm definitely not someone who works with Clay but every once in a while I'll I'll try anything so he's clay over a tin foil Armature and you've got I see you've got some inspiration up on the walls too so yeah actually everything in here is in here on purpose so all of these posters are either gifts or or I or I bought them or got them from certain places that I I visited or some of them like the skateboards and stuff I I made myself um there's there's a bunch of different things I I like I like the space to be something people like to visit so if they if they are coming over to buy a painting or view a piece or whatever then I like them to come in here and then usually they'll spend much longer than they expected just looking around there's a lot of pieces in here that have meaning and then other ones that don't necessarily have meaning but they're definitely here because I want them to be I am sitting here keeping myself company with the astronaut when Karen arrived and Karen you've come from where not Ontario Windsor Ontario Windsor yeah you were just telling me right by Detroit yes so uh looks like people are starting to show up for Josh's show but you might win the prize for uh coming the farthest I think today I don't know I've heard uh there may be some coming from further away as well oh well that would be nice to have a good turnout for Josh I think he's done such a good job getting stuff set up did you see the shark he made up at the front I did and I watched him do some of that on on uh his uh website as well yeah it is um I don't know just he blows me away with with his creativity sometimes uh pretty much all the time I agree with you 100% he's very talented well I'm glad that you came all the way from Windsor Ontario to come and support our friend Josh and uh it looks like more people are starting to show up and linger [Music] around look who else is hanging around here it's me we had very lovely lady from Ontario look she's over there just taking in the artwork and we got jakota so what you been up to oh working really just working get a little bit of art I don't know if you saw I saw you you're like hey I can paint yeah exactly yeah so when's your show when's your next oh man I'm not I'm not but you could you think I'm this talented I think you could be no well I could be maybe if I had a little bit more time but uh just I do Residential painting yeah but when you you knocked out some of those paintings I was like not your average first sort of painting you've got a natural talent for it it's crazy right I'm very proud of it yeah you should be I can't wait to uh I'm going to I'm going to do more but uh yeah doing uh doing the portraits was really really fun and you're still doing uh just Josh and actually you were doing just Josh and with jakota right and you guys are still doing a a format sort of sit down every once in a while I heard you kick your your back at it yeah there was one uh we just had one so it's we uh release episodes on Wednesdays so Wednesday just passed and we just released another one on well good to see they out busy doing stuff yeah yeah it's super fun I I I really enjoy doing it oh thanks to you dude actually because of you that's the whole reason why I even have well I mean I didn't do much I was just like you should do it yeah but I mean that was just a nud you would have you would have landed on it oh maybe I don't know maybe but looks like there's people showing up this is good there I'm very fol I'm not surprised though are you surprised no I I bet it'll get a lot busier pretty soon here for sure for sure so what's your favorite piece he he did that's here today that's hard to say don't put me on the spot like that it depends on which Series right cuz there's yeah there's you know musicians there's athletes there's celebrities all right so if the place was to burn down and I only needed to save one okay yeah you got to grab one before it burns oh it's a tough it's a tough choice well it's got to be one of The Originals right you know what he could you could just reprint a print yeah exactly so you'd have to pick which of the originals is here you know what I'd probably pick the Kiran one kir Coan obiously probably yeah okay the one that's way over there well I mean all of the stuff is so good it's so good have you seen the Moose yeah that's different than his normal style good I no it's really good you see his breath I really I in the hammerhead shark blew me away that was you just finished that not too long ago and like yeah I think it's missing something I'm like dude this looks so good it is so good it's so good oh man he said that I think he said that he wanted to paint it I was like no I think it's better that he left it the way it is just keep it the way you know what's funny the the toning on it makes it look almost shark like like the in that like it looks more realistic even though it's made out of saw blades and stuff agree and that's so cool the whole Hammerhead Hammer hammers of course yeah yeah no very cool it's crazy well I I'm just waiting to see how much how busy this place will get here before the end of the day but really good to see you again yeah good to see you dude so I saw Bill saunter in and uh this isn't that big of a commute for you what was it like 15 20 minutes yeah about 20 minutes or so but you guys came in from Illinois yeah okay and you said 1,600 miles well hopefully I mean I hope you have a good time you better grab at least two handfuls of chips off that table over there to make up for it if anybody says anything just say you earned it so you come out to support Josh to come and check out his show have you been to Alberta before no no is your first time here first time okay well I I would say you guys have won for farthest distance traveled if you don't count the astronaut over here I think he came a little farther he came a little farther yeah but I don't know if he made the trip I think rigger mortise is setting in here on this guy he's he hasn't moved too much so um are you going to go to see the mountains while you're out this way or do some touristy stuff just just came here to see we're tomorrow we're going to head back tomorrow you're heading back yeah jeez if I would have known you guys were coming from Illinois I would have had you tow a car up for me that I bought in Tulsa but that's a little out of the way well uh really nice to meet you guys I hope you enjoyed I'm kidding I would never make you to a car I didn't even want to do it myself but um yeah I hope it's a good show for Josh and uh welcome to Canada and welcome to Alberta ah thank you so it's time for me to leave my Spaceman friend where been hanging out and going and do a walk around the gallery it's definitely filling up in here I see a Hans over there we'll go say hi to him in a little bit and Zenovia haven't seen Zenovia in a while and I haven't seen you in a while yeah you're looking good thank you I heard you were out at the house one day and you didn't go to the house you guys went for coffee yeah I said you want me to stop by and he said well there's there's no coffee shop in uh in your area so we went to the one on the highway there it's a cute little place so yeah yes yeah the folks that worked on that car for me are out in your neck of the there a May Thorp so oh okay I see yeah excellent but nice to see you you too and I'm going to go this way now all right I'm taking in all the Josh artwork oh look there's one missing Off the Wall Josh is uh gearing up for a big trip it looks like he's got his space suit on what is this one that's going out the door yeah yeah I guess so I think uh I you know I don't I I understand that's a really nice piece and you've got the right color combos on it fantastic you know you know I I traded the original for a 1974 F100 oh is that the truck that you and so well at least you still have the prints you can make from it so one piece out the door already Bob Marley on its way hopefully by the end of today we'll see a bunch more empty spaces on the wall that's exciting to see some kind of vlogger what are you some kind of vlogger too hey he sold one going up the door that's so I know I'm so happy for him and I see people hovering around the till I know this is great you recognize this guy yes yeah biggest celebrity in the house I know oh yeah hear him a mile away with his laugh let [Laughter] me that's my hans's impersonation uh it's I have to say it's pretty bang on that was that was he's oblivious to the laugh hey Hans we were just we were just he said laugh like Hans for me yeah so and then I did then he now he's laughing I love you guys but there's no trees to chop down in here Hans well no trees lately no no well not in here I mean well no we just come to support JW and you know yeah look at see the crew here and this place is getting pretty packed good to see oh it's super good to see and I'm glad that there's people coming to see Josh and uh support him for what he does oh yeah and you got a you got a sticker well yeah I'm not it doesn't say Dakota or anything I'm not sure oh you're going to have to put that on the truck hun well maybe like this yeah there you go I have to say Josh puts on a pretty good swind dig look he's got um cheese and cake and drink and stuff to do over here he's got live music he's got this fell singing over here and I see another empty space on the wall where something sold so everybody seems to be having a really good time taking in the art enjoying themselves just what you'd hope to see look they're buying stuff people are buying stuff this is fantastic this is great and I think later on Josh is going to be doing sort of like a live painting he's going to finish up some artwork and do some other paintings and stuff so really really fun time here Josh did so good I'm so proud of him and so happy that there's a good turnout here for him today everybody thank you for coming out to my hear you oh really how about now yeah wow closer okay hold up jakota is going to save the day here I take oh no he's not he's just going to film it okay how's this louder really well you guys can step closer come on in come in Bring It On in closer sorry I'm un thank you to everyone who's come out to my art show here at Sterling Gallery London Dairy location of course obviously uh I just want to say thank you uh to everyone who's like flown in what the heck from Illinois and from Ontario and all these other places that's so crazy and Wasing people driving someone came here just to look at a painting work in progress where is he Taylor maybe he's not here anymore but anyway great dude and I appreciate everyone who's uh interested in my work uh I also want to say thanks to Sterling gallery for allowing me to do a show like this because as you can see uh there's still a lot of art on the wall that isn't mine but they moved everything else for me so that I could try to fit in all of my different series that I work in like here I have my imagination series I call it I wanted to have a wall for that and Sean built this wall for me uh when I didn't have all the pieces and stuff it was probably super frustrating so I really appreciate him being able to like accommodate my uh I don't know what you'd call it tardiness with delivering pieces and then having uh the space series at the at the front there uh how he set it up there it's it's fantastic if you guys don't know that is my new series I guess I'm doing a soft unveiling now uh I actually started it 12 years ago and uh then I didn't do it after the first one it's actually the the one on the floor below the huge one was my very first one that I did in that series and then 12 years later I did the second one which is the one in the top right and uh and then I just kept doing it and then I I asked uh Sharon I was like hey uh do you want to wear like a space suit or something for my show and she was like yeah sure uh she's not wearing a space suit she's actually just wearing a NASA jacket but uh I wanted to differentiate like my brother he's wearing space suit I'm wearing a space suit and uh there there's more if someone like there's a couple if someone wants to put one on um but anyway thank you everyone for coming out if you have any questions about anything or if I'm uh I don't know sitting over there and you want to bring something up to get signed please do that I don't know what else to say I've never done this before [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's it I'm leaving they're still there they're going to be there for quite a while they're serving hot dogs having a good time the Josh I'm very proud of him the work that he did to get to where he's at and uh it's inspiring for a young artist or somebody who's in that position to see that if you work hard at it you could have a whole Gallery full of your stuff at some point um so guys thanks for watching today's episode uh don't forget to hit that subscribe button and also check out Joshua Alexander on YouTube um you can find him on ariad as well uh my hands gallery on Instagram he's got all kinds of places to find his wonderful art but guys I'm off have a great day we'll see you soon and as always bye for now
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 36,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uCHouRBso9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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