Canvas Battle: Watch Artists Clash! - Portrait Artist of the Year - Art Documentary

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[Music] hello we're here with a fresh batch of talented artists all eager to meet some fascinating sitters it's a brand new series of portrait artists of the year over the next 10 weeks some of Britain and Ireland's most accomplished artists will have their skills put under a bit of pressure creating a portrait in only four hours I've never fainted focus in my life I can't go back can only go forward lined up to sit for them a distinguished cast drawn from very different walks of life oh wonderful amazing I want you to make me look younger than Joan so we're allowed to move about on stuff aren't we I mean they prefer you not to how do you want me comfortable yeah great that's dynamically shoulders High okay okay is that good how does that feel artists can I ask you please to turn your resource [Music] whoa oh oh holy monkeys Batman and a steak is an amazing prize a ten thousand pound commission to paint celebrated violinist Nicola Benedetti for the Scottish National Portrait Gallery [Music] but first they'll need to impress our judges independent curator Kathleen Soriano award-winning artist Tai Shan shirenberg and art historian Kate Bryan if I make a mistake how are you gonna notice we'll do our best to notice any mistakes dude so who will have the self-belief if you can give me Good Vibes let's go Rory you're great Rory you're great thank you and the staying power this is the same struggle I felt with my self-portrait going over things you know artists to get them through to the semi-final anything you found Difficult about painting him it's a fierce enhance me and listen well the T-shirt wasn't easier oh well I mean the face the hands and the body in a portrait and all that important [Music] foreign [Music] of the nine artists vying for Glory today four are professional Teddy Lenna Alicia France Shane burkery and araminta Lorry I'm really passionate about art I'm really passionate about portraiture I suppose I'd like to produce something authentic all I can do is try and do my best and five are amateur cat Hughes Tony Robinson Joseph Duprey Nicola Cummings and Danny Waterhouse I've watched the programs for quite a few years now so it does mean quite a lot being here because it feels like I've achieved something really big while the artists settle into their new surroundings the judges examine the self-portraits that won them a place in today's Heat [Music] notice we have a wall of intrigue and Delight for you this morning the first one a bit of an intense gaze looking back at us I love and actually not just for the grubbiness of it but also I get a sense of the metal that's been used to make it from the wispy beard to the lovely lines on the shirt it's magical this next one is not my love child [Laughter] large head to get into and you start almost looking at it in an abstract way yeah I think it's the truth of false in terms of detail without it being photographic [Music] so for Lawn isn't it I think what is absolutely magical is the way that they've used the drip of the paint to emulate Steam on a mirror it's just so intelligent to kind of break the dimensionality between the artist space and the painting itself [Music] it feels like we've been watching a film and it's between a couple of frames I just think the colors are wild but it works incredibly well I think it's in the tradition of the enui the paintings of boredom you get the sense that she's surrounded by her friends yet she's isolated and lonely somehow [Music] now What's Happening Here The Mask has slipped there's some sort of scar on the neck it comes from another age except that the mask clearly positions it in our time but I love the Restraint of the palette I feel so strongly in my bones that this is painted in Australia yeah I have no idea why it's so so convincing I love the fact that the artist is silhouetted and it's just so Charming they've got such a good handle on this cross hatching and yet it's matched with this extremely contemporary presentation not just the pretty unflattering angle but the way the head is decapitated by the bottom of the page [Music] this next one reminds me of paintings like the marriage of Arnold finial instead of a globe or a skull we have a cat and a hot water bottle yeah the symbolism is just glorious but you've got to worry about what an artist can do in a day because this could have easily taken a year I mean it's spectacular well what a tantalizing wall let's see what they get up to [Music] with favorite pens and brushes selected the artists are now ready to meet today's sitters [Music] artists with your sitter today dreams can come true and the semi-final is not Out Of Reach please welcome singer-songwriter Gabrielle hello hello have a seat oh wonderful amazing you should have seen the gospel delight and surprise when your name was mentioned after all these decades thank you are you looking for anything in particular today you know something I'm vain just make me look as wonderful as possible please I'm just here at your mercy whatever you want me to do with them reason I'll do it so do whatever you like just make it look amazing yes please yes please they're going to find a position for you to sit in all day I'll leave you too right where do you want me okay it's not fair that somebody's going to get ahead you can face kind of butt towards that general direction yeah is that okay oh that's beautiful artist is world famous tattoo artists television presenter and former ballerina has amassed a huge social media following and she is in herself a sort of work of art please welcome Grace neutral you're very welcome indeed now I know that it it was because of an accident when you were at the Royal Ballet that you took up this word what happened I dislocated my hip so that took me out the running but then I found the world of tattooing and that kind of just took over it took over you didn't it it did yeah now the artists are going to discuss with you how you're going to sit for them I'm going to leave it to them hi guys do you want me to do anything with my hands cross my legs well it would feel natural this is kind of a natural pose for me I guess okay artists your sitter today is an actor whose roles span from the Tudor period in Wolf Hall via the Renaissance with Medici into the 1960s with the Queen's Gambit but here for you right now is Jacob Fortune Lloyd [Music] oh hello welcome thank you you have a lot of period drama on your CV Jacob I do out of the three different looks Tudor Renaissance 60s what was your favorite I mean wearing fur and leather in the summer no but but at work I'm talking about no the 60s yeah excellent I will leave you in their capable hands fantastic so uh how would you like me to sit I've said this sort of position arms on the wrist you need to be comfortable because this can be four hours at a second cup of coffee which is definitely a bad idea okay [Music] artists you have four hours to complete your portrait good luck everyone your time starts now [Music] [Music] [Music] many artists will have some nerves when it comes to painting a portrait against the clock but for one today's four hour time limit is something of a luxury the pin Outdoors quite a bit so I'm used to paint it fairly quickly because of the Sun and I don't usually get a sitter to sit for me if I'm painting a portrait for as long as four hours so this should be a treat for me being in County Wexford Ireland his self-portrait was made in Florida when Tony was painting outdoors and came across his reflection in an empty shop window Tony where do you think the essence lies with Jacob well I'm trying not to get involved in the features too much okay while on one hand people say we're the portrait in with catching the essence of the person and all that I don't really believe in that very much to be honest and all that yes okay if I think of the nose as being a nose or an eye as being an eye I get bowed down you're far better to find the shapes find the abstract and then you'll have an interesting painting I think it seems to be working for you so I'll let you get on with it all right thanks [Music] foreign [Music] is one of the best singers that I've ever had this is a person who I've been waiting to paint all my life I mean it's just incredible I can't believe that I'm here painting up you know I'm so impressed art teacher Nicola Cummings lives in Harrow in Middlesex when she's not painting Nicola likes to sew and is part of a group that has made costumes for the Notting Hill Carnival and the London Olympics Nick are you off to a flying start you've given us a three-quarter length figure the background's already filled in and are you pleased with your sitter I'm very pleased with my sister she's got a nice body language hasn't she Gabrielle's really holding herself I normally do kind of quite close up yeah of course we've got this wonderful sensuous black fabric let's use it and paint it as well well it's a really good looking start thank you very much thank you thank you [Music] can I ask are your eyes tattooed yes I got my eyes tattooed about 11 years ago it's a pretty traumatic experience wow I wouldn't recommend it yeah I'll probably pass on that one myself but it makes for a good painting so much [Music] France he's a professional artist who also works part-time as a receptionist her Old Masters inspired submission was painted on aluminum which is also her preferred surface today so Alicia how did you start working with Metals oh I started off as etching so you had enough wood scratching into the metal and decided you're going to paint on it instead one of the things that you have to sort of consider that are different with working on metal obviously it sits on the surface very differently the oil paint and I found that the lighter the color seems to stick better for some reason it can be a bit difficult getting them first layers on well you've done well in that challenge hopefully [Music] Shane it seems to me you have lucked out here what a fantastic profile that is I know I'm really happy with it did you come with a game plan today uh no not really I'm just gonna try and be patient and try to catch the likeness as best I can but I do usually take around two weeks to complete a painting okay uh four hours is yeah it's quite a struggle Shane Burgery is a professional artist from Dublin working from old family photographs his art is influenced by his Irish and Japanese Heritage but his submission was based on something a little more contemporary I watched this movie called color out of space right Nicholas cages in it oh that explains a lot yeah this color invades this place and things start going a bit mad so that's what inspired me to use those garish horrible Colors oh it's a brilliantly Bonkers portrait you've been given some colors today to work with what do you make of those yeah I'm gonna have to figure out what to do with the background okay I think it's all a bit Brown it's very Brown yeah I might try make it less brown the artist is one hour you feeling good okay a few little Corrections in the drawing okay and I'm trying not to make them too good looking because it's just wrong yeah exactly serve him right [Music] I'm happy with the composition how she sat down is very elegant so I want to capture some of that in the final painting as well I feel very nervous thank you Grace I think she's a wonderful sitter I'd like to get as much detail of the tattoos as possible they're kind of just separate works of writing themselves aren't they I'm just hoping you'll look alright yeah [Music] here at Battersea Arts Center the artists have spent an hour painting sitters Gabrielle Grace neutral and Jacob Fortune Lloyd so how are you finding sitting we're relaxing I imagine yeah kind of relaxing yeah sweating like crazy don't capture that just saying that thing made me add five shine spots on your fourth okay [Music] for me portraiture Isn't about you know making a pretty picture of someone so I've taken a fisheye photo I'm gonna try and warp his feet as into something a little bit less just that you ask twenty-year-old cat Hughes from Liverpool is studying for a degree in filmmaking and dreams of becoming a film director her self-portrait in acrylic took 40 hours to complete to wonder whether Jacob was just so good looking that you had to do something weird with his face almost exactly it is it really um yeah I wanted to put a new spin on his gorgeous chiseled features and what are the dangers of the fisheye approach sometimes it can come off as a bit gimmicky okay but that's really not what I'm going for I love the tension him sort of gripping that space yeah well done thank you thank you I remember did lots of details um so I should talk about you crazy like you're an object but have you painted tattoos before I have I've painted a large pork okay but I just have two weeks to do that so okay okay this is a slightly different proposition araminta Lori studied art history before completing a masters in fine art at Sotheby's Institute he painted herself portrayed after being inspired by a recent visit to a Rembrandt exhibition your self-portrait is very reduced in tone here we have Grace sitting and there's a whole different sort of color range I love exploring color but I don't always paint exactly like the self-portrait that I do start with an earth palette for the skin tones at the drawing phase that's where you are now is it happening for you yes I put her at the top because I really love this high ponytail and the sweep of her hair really frames her face it's a great start I'll let you carry on thank you very much [Music] thank you Denny hello you're making a beautiful big drawing here over life size this is quite small for not normally I draw about two meters big so that presumably allows you to have a lot more freedom with the marks that you're making so I think the cross hatching is what I shade it in with and makes the tones even out great well I really love the proportion and the scale already Grimsby Bond any Waterhouse is studying for a degree in drawing at camberwell College of Arts she's recently begun taking commissions via social media and hopes to One Day become a professional artist so your submission was really striking but pretty brutal yeah I wouldn't portray myself like that even for the sake of a good picture so clearly I'm more vain than you um you were using a mirror it was from a picture I think I wouldn't let anybody see it but the drawing of it I was fine so obviously you've done something gentler today for Gabrielle and you've really really filled the page yeah I probably had a bit of this background subtly great well it feels like it's going to be an exciting piece thank you [Music] in this series the sets take inspiration from the colors found in nature okay the colors are very rich and very varied today we've taken our inspiration today from Coastal tide pools so behind Gabrielle is this beautiful color to represent kelp behind Jacob are the colors that really make us think of the actual rocks inside the rock pools and then here behind Grace we've got these extraordinary blue and purple tones which are mussels Jake of course is handsome to the huge extent so there he is what do you think of him as a sitter then well I think he's a good sitter he's one of our actors who I think is sort of half Jacob and then half sitting as a character maybe I think Gabrielle looks incredible against her set there's something about like the her dark clothing and the great lines in her hair against these soft Browns and of course Grace has left her face completely white which looks wonderful particularly against a very dark set yeah and also picking up the kind of blue and the lenses that she's wearing I have to correct you oh she isn't wearing lenses oh okay her eyeballs are tattoo oh wow isn't that extraordinary yeah they've got a lot to think about the artists in that section because it's kind of like art within art so I've got high hopes for the artists great foreign 's actually going amazing from what I can see everyone's approached it very differently whether that be going in with a lot of detail or just kind of doing more loose brush Strokes so it's going to be very interesting [Music] I'm super excited just because it's a new experience you know they're all talented but just yeah just capture my good side please [Music] I'm loving it I've heard some dismay at my quotes angular face I hope that it's not too hard to catch and I'll be complaining to my mum later [Music] thank you [Music] well first I'd be focusing on the proportions of the face and then gradually I'll build up each layer of oils onto that I'm trying to get as close to like as I can I want this to be as realistic as possible than to exactly mirror the way that I'm seeing him now london-based Teddy Lennar originally trained as a car mechanic before becoming a professional artist his work combines hyper realism and surrealism and is influenced by Caravaggio and Salvador Dali Teddy we love your self-portrait will you have enough time to make the painting of Jacob as detailed well that but thy self-portrait had a lot longer spent too much portraits so it's quite different when I come to this painting now how much work do you do from the tablet I find it better to be looking at Jacob mostly mostly I've got the exact angle that I want up in there and I've just got the tablet just occasionally to look at that do you feel competitive I'm thinking I'll win as long as I can get on and quickly add the oil colors then I've got a chance of winning at least okay we'll let you get on thank you unlike artists working in traditional media one is completing the drawing stage of a mono print he'll need to trace His Image place a clean piece of paper over a perspex plate covered in ink and follow the lines of his tracing so the paper picks up the pigment Joseph you have chosen The Road Less Traveled I have when I come to the printing stage it's pretty much done blind because you can't see where you're placing the ink on the page sounds high risk very very high risk because when you're drawing every pressure you make on the piece of paper will produce an effect so you end up with a really unique and unusual result which I quite like fingers crossed norwich-based Joseph Dupre works as a GP he loves to work in different media and spent a day creating his self-portrait etching now how does this pursuit of yours match with being a doctor well I managed to work it so that I work sort of two or three days a week GP and then the other two or three days of work I devote to Art you aren't inclined to say yes please come in can you just sit there for a minute I am occasionally the artists are reaching the halfway point in today's competition [Music] challenging part because there's so much of it it's going to take a lot of work to fill it in yeah I've just got to keep going foreign the drawing I'm happy with then I've moved on to tones it's not there at the moment so I'm hoping to get there [Music] on the left side of the portrait there's some green that I'm not too happy with I'll have to figure that out I think I'm calm yeah yeah I don't know two hours have passed since our nine artists began painting Grace neutral Jacob Fortune noid and Gabrielle I want to know what exactly you're using want this yeah what is that it looks this is just a takeaway container that's fantastic it's the easiest way to keep the moisture in loving it [Music] halfway how do you feel it's going I think every single artist started incredibly well today so well in fact that there were at least six I'd say that I wanted to ask them to stop after the first hour because I was so happy with what I was looking for wonderful well okay dangerous let's get into the detail then we'll start with Gabrielle's paintings there's Shane and Danny and Nicola I love Denny's cross hatching and I love the way that she's so confident in doing it that it becomes just a beautiful tapestry of marks but there's also a beautiful expression in Gabrielle's face and then he's caught there's humor there and I think it's lovely Shane is doing a very professional job yes I sort of regret the loss of some of those acids that we saw in his self-portrait submission but he's creating a beautiful profile view of Gabrielle and I think it's incredibly promising Jacob is having his portrait in painting by Cat by Tony and Teddy I think cat's really interesting because she's gone in with the fisheye lens why would you use a fisheye lens well Jacob's incredibly handsome fella he said jealously um and it's not just a formula she's trying to find him through a different meter but I think it's working there's some weird proportions that will come through and there are dangers in whether or not that will actually work in the finished thing Tony's approach was quite traditional what I'm liking actually is now Jacob's becoming an abstract shape and I love where it is hovering at the moment okay so we've got Grace being painted by Alicia Joseph and araminta in Alicia's submission we had this fantastic figure with all of these different fabrics and textures I would hope we'll see the same sort of lavishly represented depiction of the tattoos as we do it maybe with the Velvet or the hot water bottle I like the way aramint is interested in shape and form this was a slightly enigmatic character she's created around Grace of course at the moment we see it without any of the tattoos going on so it'll be interesting to see how that changes a portrait as the afternoon goes on I'm a very emotional person but I think people can see the tattoos and it can completely take over a narrative in their head to see if they kind of can see past them it will be really interesting [Music] I'm feeling nervous about excited at the same time about the revealed I'm not going to peek I'm going to wait simply because I think that's more fun I'm patient patiently waiting I think of myself quite often like a kid in grown-up clothing it'd be interesting to see if they've captured a kind of childlikeness behind the eyes I've heard a lot about fisheye with cat that she's thought very intriguing foreign [Music] getting a real sense for motion from a portrait I think is more important than anything else that's why the eye is the big focus at the middle and also the seriousness of the expression has kind of swerved it away from being a caricature well I hope it has anyway all artists will want to capture their sitter's individual character but not everyone will look to find it in the face [Music] Tony what made you decide on that framing athletic sort of guy and saw including the Torso and the hands reflects that right anything you found Difficult about painting him the face in the hands me and Lee off in the face the T-shirt wasn't easy oh well I mean you know the face the hands and the body and the portrait and all that important thank you [Music] Joseph I saw you inking up the husband's slate yep so they're basically ink sitting underneath there yeah so oil paint and pigment underneath whenever I make a market but press through onto the second piece of paper under here any Mark you make with your hand obviously comes through as well so there's that Patchwork of textures which I quite like well enjoy them thank you very much [Music] Alicia that's a beautiful portrait already thank you do you normally paint on metal yeah yeah but I think it's with a dark paint don't oh so she keep piling it on what's the dab of color there but I arrived if you trip and fall on the cows I was like oh should I do a background and then I put the paint on and I was like no I don't want to do it yet it's like you're being attacked by a splodge I'll let you and the splodge get on thank you there's just half an hour left and it's not just the artists spotting areas for improvement what's going on behind the neck it looks like there's some correcting that you've been trying to do there that's the Highlight yeah must fix that as well then just maybe a little bit of refinement yeah [Music] I'm now I'm at the point where I'm adding the light to where the light's coming onto his forehead how it's glinting off with his hair and a little bit on his cheekbones in his chin as well yeah I'm starting to feel a little bit tired now the day is ticking on I wouldn't mind a little bit more time on the hands and this ear that's in the shadows at the moment it needs to be much lighter there's much to do and not much time either [Music] after nearly four hours of painting the artists are putting the finishing touches to their portraits of Gabrielle Jacob Fortune Lloyd and Grace neutral just working on the final print putting in all the extra tone and we'll see what the final result is [Music] foreign [Music] I'm just adding some background now whether I do the whole canvas I'm not quite sure I feel like she needs some metal showing for some reason [Music] artists do you have five minutes left the main thing I'm worried about now is that I do a last minute correction and it ruins the whole thing thank you [Music] the moment I reveal my portrait to Gabrielle I'd feel very very nervous about it I've got my fingers crossed that she feels the way I feel [Music] artists your time is up please put down your equipment and stand away from your portraits Gabrielle Grace and Jacob will each be taking one of their portraits home with them so it's time for the artists to reveal their work [Applause] how was your four hours oh you know what it was incredible my heart goes out to these amazing artists let's not put it off any longer no let's not do that okay all right artists can I please ask you to turn your easels [Music] I'm loving the capturing of my hair oh Sean I love this too I'm going to stop you there Gabrielle because we're going to go and have a closer look okay it's amazing loving the use of the colors there loving my hair flipped out the earrings yeah and I love that just little shimmers and it's beautiful I could see that there was a section where my hair was and I thought not going to pay to do that in time because the pain not really fine so she's super fast and amazing wow you've got so much detail in there I'm loving the way you've captured the texture of my outfit yeah well done okay it's decision time um on the basis of the fact that I don't look as old as I really am going to go with shade hello Shane [Applause] Grace you can relax I think you were always relaxed weren't you yeah I've just been thinking about what I'm gonna have for dinner you decided yes in that case we can ask the artist to turn their easels around I don't know where to look oh wow oh my God yeah I just feel a bit speechless right now quite overwhelmed this is stunning I entered my 30s a few years ago and it's really nice to see myself in more of like a womanly way oh brilliant so thank you I appreciate that foreign [Music] I just feel like the ultimate boss in this picture you know like I'm just sat on my Throne that's good waiting to rule this is truly beautiful I feel like it kind of plays on my more childlike naive side I don't know you just made me feel really pretty and I'm very happy that it's me and now come as a moment of decision oh you're all extremely talented but I think araminta your portrait just speaks to me so thank you [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] wow they are all so brilliant I grew up watching a lot of late 90s early 90s hip-hop videos so this is such a dream come true to see a Fisher I feel like Busta Rhymes it's so cool it's amazing [Music] actually amazing I love the broad brush Strokes of it yeah and the likeness and the light on the face and then the shadow on the other side is just so much in it that's interesting it's so detailed there's something in the distance isn't there oh my God that look yes it's um right I'm gonna go with the one that reminds me best of my misspent youth and go with catfish eye [Applause] [Music] for our artists the hardest part is over but for our judges it's just beginning Teddy's taken the kind of angularity of Jacob and sort of broken it down into these lines it's really nice as well to see the range from his self-portrait that he can do something that's almost more sensitive more delicate [Music] attorney's Porter is all about the posture and it's about the depth you get from the front of the body right back through his shoulders there's so much thought in the eyes and the way the hands are positioned I'm so glad he included the hands cats fisheye's Bonkers I think it's really clever that she's able to do something which is typically kind of fun and surreal and give it that seriousness that's clever I love the composition that Nicola determined to go with some bits of the painting have gone a bit flat which is a Pity because the whole thing was much more exuberant early on Denny's drawing is masterful and the head has got just this immense volume to it I think the composition could have been stronger but I have absolutely no complaints about these beautiful crosshatches [Music] I think Shane dealt with the view that he had beautifully it's a great likeness of Gabriela but I do miss that sort of experimental Edge that he had in his submission [Music] I think araminta has given us this very Serene person but there are hints of something sort of under the surface and the sway in which she's used that sweep of the hair I think is really clever [Music] I think Joseph has caught Grace's Spirit there is a chunkiness to Joseph's print which wasn't true to life but I think the tattoos are fantastic and I think the sense of this kind of Punky Rebel Spirit comes through I love the way in which Alicia has built Grace's face up with the little bits of color it's Rich it's luscious it wasn't for the fact that it's covered in tattoos it could have come out of the Dutch Baroque Period to help with their decision making the judges Pare down the artists to a short list of three I think one or the other of these two should have been here and actually the one on the right has more mystery I'm feeling like this one lives in a completely different sphere it doesn't quite live in the sphere that I'm living in at the moment let's put it that way and there's a completeness and weight to these yeah I really like these three they're really good three [Music] artists it's been a real pleasure watching each one of you work today well done it's never easy but the judges have chosen a short list of three the first artist is Tony Robinson [Music] [Applause] the second artist is aramintellory the third artist to be shortlisted is cat Hughes [Applause] [Music] oh it's so sad that I didn't get through I really enjoyed meeting everybody and to meet Gabrielle bonus [Music] well we have three from a strong day it felt today so what does Aaron minta show us today that you don't learn about her from herself portrait the color palette is so subdued in the submission and today she's amped up the colors and I love seeing the way that she allows it to inflect into the hair and then gently into the skin and the shirt there are no tricks here there's no artifice it's a straight on good quality portrait now Tony the cynical side of me there is one maybe you can't paint faces and hands and hair well he can yeah I have a problem with the lightness he felt that other things were more interesting to him but as a whole it works fabulously I find that the hands look like hands from someone who's been in an abattoir I think they're dripping with blood I know yes they're dripping with blood yeah the hands might not be perfect but they're important in creating that sense of depth you know that's a real challenge for an artist you know he had to find that depth in the portrait cat is studying film she has an eye for a story doesn't she it's actually directing two movies here and they're both suspense dramas aren't they we're bordering on a thriller are you telling me it's psycho you have murder on the mind today no animals people [Laughter] I love what cat and today how close is it to being a gimmick it becomes a gimmick if there are 10 more after this I would say you wouldn't need to watch TV with one of these in the room would you you could just let your imagination run so abattoir fingers psycho or cool and interesting there can be only one foreign cat you can each be proud of having made it to the final three however there is only one place for the semi-final the artists that the judges have selected showed a confident range and a narrative depth across their submission and portrait today and that artist is thank you cat Hughes [Applause] [Music] what is going on I usually don't have that much confidence in my art and the fact that I've got through to the next he is just it's like the best feeling ever [Applause] [Music] cat smash I did my best to put her off because we were standing alongside each other but now she annailed it and good luck to her I think cats cats and her self-portrait was just stunningly rendered so I think well deserved [Applause] cat is a brilliant winner it's so exciting for us to find a young artist who's such a strong Storyteller in a submission it was all about the cool tones today it was about the fisheye we really can't wait to see what she produces in the semi-final [Applause] so I'm about to call my mom and [Music] dad [Music] are you crying [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Home and Garden
Views: 34,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Artistic Expression, Creative Talent, Portrait Session, all homes home and garden, art documentary, artist of the year, arts competition, diy projects, documentaire, drawing, expressive art contest, frank skinner, joan bakewell, landscape painting, painting, portrait, portrait artist of the year, portrait artist of the year full episode, portrait drawing, portrait painting, sky arts
Id: ACjNUib8yDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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