Joseph as a Type of Christ: How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 8

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okay so tonight we're gonna look at Joseph as a type of Christ the story of the life of Joseph as it relates to the life of Jesus and my contention is that Joseph is clearly and I think fairly in arguably a type of Christ he's sort of identified in the New Testament as such I'll get to that at the end but let me give let me give you some ground rules as we're heading into this this study um it's difficult to do a study of the typology of Joseph you can easily do like a three-minute summary but what I like to do is actually go through the whole story tonight but it's a lot of chapters so Joseph is in Genesis 37 his the story begins then in 38 we have a kind of a break off story about Judah and Tamar and then we have thirty nine through fifty chapters thirty-nine 350 continuing the story of Joseph it's a lot of material here's my notes there's a lot more pages than usual but a lot of it is actually just reading the text of Scripture so we can get the story so we can then find the types but our focus isn't going to be everything about Joseph and answering all the questions that would take forever it's gonna be just the typology now I'll just admit up front some of the types that I'm gonna or the connections between Joseph and Jesus I'll give you some are very clear and very like oh yeah that's clear other other ones are much weaker but I'm gonna share them all with you for you to think about and consider and and realize that it's not like you got to take them all or leave them all you should probably consider them individually maybe a good way to look at it so finally um I'm gonna mention briefly about Abraham offering Isaac but I'm not gonna be covering that type in this series of Jesus in the Old Testament because I covered it in detail in the in the evidence for the Bible series so I'll put a link in this video description if you guys go to this video look at the description if you want to find how Abraham offering Isaac is a type of Christ it's a beautiful beautiful picture probably one of my favorites but that'll be something I've already covered so let's get started here Genesis 37 Joseph is actually not considered one of the patriarchs so if Abraham Isaac and Jacob they're the patriarchs of Israel and then we have Joseph he is Jacobs not his last son but one of his one of the only sons of Rachel's so it's kind of his special son one of the special sons of Jacob he's not considered a patriarch it's debated as to why he's not considered one by by Jews I'm I'm thinking the most reasonable thing is all of Israel doesn't connect to Joseph right they all connect to Abraham Isaac and Jacob but they don't all connect to Joseph rather just the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh connect to Joseph which would mean he couldn't be the patriarch for all of them that just seems to make sense to me but here we are Genesis 37 verse 2 he says these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old was pasturing the flock with his brothers he was a boy with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah his father's wives and Joseph brought a bad report of them to their father so he's he's in a very weird family right Joseph has two wives and his wives had given him various concubines or second-tier wives to have children with because they were competing with each other for more kids it's not endorsed it's not something this scripture is like look use this as your model for life it's rather this is what they did these are real people with their real stories and he's a shepherd now I'll give you already we have the first connection with Jesus though Jesus was the Good Shepherd and Joseph is a shepherd like his brothers as well and he brings a bad report he brings a bad report so this is where John 10:11 by the way John 10:11 Jesus says I am The Good Shepherd he connects himself to the concept of being a shepherd being the ultimate Good Shepherd Psalm 23 he realizes something about Jesus in that Psalm the the shepherd song then he brings a bad report of his brothers to his father and of course he was that brother right button and told dad what the other guys were doing you understand when they take their sheep out they go out into the field and they're not around dad for a while and I don't know maybe you know maybe it's just me but I think young guys with no adult authorities around who are all brothers off in a field all alone can sometimes get into trouble and so he brings a bad report of them and this will be one of several reasons why they don't like Joseph ultimately they hate him this is one of the reasons he brings a bad report of them to the father well in John 7 7g Jesus says the world cannot hate you but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil and so we see a connection between the bad report causing them to reject him while Jesus comes and brings a bad report and they ultimately reject him the good the gospel is the good news of forgiveness of sins but it's forgiveness of what sins right these are this isn't just God just came to make you feel loved know the primary issue is sin this makes you feel loved thing is a beautiful additional thing you know but that's not the main thing so they don't like that in Genesis 37 3 it says now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his sons because he was the son of his old age and he made him a robe of many colors but when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers they hated him and could not speak peacefully to him there's this is Joseph's whole story by the way is ripe for learning lessons on how to not have your family fall apart this is a beautiful story for that to learn lessons but I'm not gonna focus on that right so he he loves him more than his other sons because he's the son of not only Jacobs old age but he's the son of Rachel his preferred wife Rachel did not have a son for years and years and years and years finally unexpectedly she has Joseph and so strong connection right there between him and his dad Rachel the favorite wife her son in in Genesis 33 verses 1 & 2 it says and Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked and behold Esau was coming this is by the way that the let me back up this is the story where Jacob after her fleeing comes back to see his brother and he feels his brothers gonna kill him so he sends people based on how important they are he sends them ahead and look at look at the order in which he sends them you know we're in the lab on the Laban Caravan as they go out it says and Jacob lifted up his eyes and looked and behold Esau was coming and four hundred men with him so he divided the children among Leah and Rachel and the two female servants and he put the servants with their children in front then Leah with her children and Rachel and Joseph last of all do you think his brothers forgot that remember that time when dad thought we were all gonna die and how he put Rachel and Joseph last but he put us first like they're of course not gonna forget this so they kind of despised him for that plus he has this coat of many colors and so there's a there's a problem here in the family but how is it a type of Christ well excuse me Joseph is the one who was greatly loved by his father how is this a type of Christ Colossians says in verse chapter 1 verse 13 he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son Matthew 3:17 and behold a voice from heaven said this is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased and so there's this incredible love this pointed out love between Joseph and Jacob and there is this incredible love between the father and the son and also this connects to Genesis 22 as I mentioned I'd mention this right Isaac and Abraham when Abraham offered Isaac God tells him Abraham in Genesis 22 to take your son your only son Isaac now he actually had more than one son but he calls him his only son I think to draw that it's a bigger type of Christ whom you love whom you love and that's the first time the word love comes up in the Bible Genesis 22 to take your son whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I shall tell you and so there's this connection the father and the son the father and the son and the deep love that's there so he was the unexpected son of Rachel it was a son of his old age meaning there was this really long delay before this particular son was born an unexpected delayed birth that's what happened with Abraham and Isaac as well isn't it this long I promise but a long long delay till finally he's born and boom there he is he comes out and Jesus in a sense is connected to this - first Peter 1:20 he was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in these last times for the sake of you there's this like sort of delay this sense of how long how long oh Lord and then he shows up and it was kind of a miraculous birth she was she was unable to bear children and then she was at a certain age where she wasn't even expected to bear children anymore just like who Sarah Abraham's wife so we have this miraculous ish birth that happens and we that relates to Jesus as well because he was born of a virgin there was an unexpected delayed miraculous birth so we're only like four verses in but there's already some good connections to the two Jesus then of course there's the robe of many colors and some people think this is connected to Jesus's tunic in the scripture we read that Jesus he had this tunic that was that was woven on a one piece of cloth and that was however the standard way of weaving those types of tunics it wasn't it was normal to have them woven of one piece of cloth as opposed to sewn together so I don't know that the robe of many colors connects to Jesus's tunic in the sense that the robe is glorious in Jesus's tunic is glorious it's not Jesus's tunic wasn't glorious right he was not well-off he didn't have a lot of financial benefits or of any kind while he walked the earth but there is a sense we'll get to this later where Joseph's tunic is repeatedly taken from him and of course Jesus's was taken from him as a way of stripping him of whatever he did have he had given it up so they hated him and they hated him it says ultimately without a cause you might say well they had a cause right dad likes Joseph more than us so we should so we hate him he brought a bad report of us so we hate him but those aren't problems with Joseph are they they're hating Joseph for things Joseph didn't do wrong and that's what we did with Jesus and John 15 25 it says but the word that is written in their own law must be fulfilled they hated me without a cause so John 15 25 another connection between Joseph and Jesus alright let's keep reading Genesis 37 verse 5 I've only got 25 Choppers chapters to go now Joseph had a dream and when he told it to his brothers they hated him even more he said to them hear this dream that I've dreamed behold we were binding sheaves in the field and behold my sheaf arose and stood upright and behold your sheaves gathered around it and bowed down to my sheaf his brothers said to him are you indeed to reign over us it seems to them the interpretation of this dreams obvious you think you're gonna reign over us we're gonna bow to you or are you indeed to rule over so they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words then he dreamed another dream and told it to his brothers and said behold I've dreamed another dream behold the Sun the Moon and Eleven stars were bowing down to me but when he told it to his father and to his brothers his father rebuked him and said to him what is this dream that you've dreamed shall I and your mother and your brothers indeed come to bow ourselves to the ground before you and his brothers were jealous of him but his father kept the saying in mind he's bothered by the dream right his dad but he goes I'm gonna remember this this is it's weird bothers me but I'm gonna keep this in mind so they hate him hated him even more and the reason is because of his claims about the future he's gonna be ruling and they're gonna bow before him Matthew 26 64 jesus said to him you have said so but I tell you from now on you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven now in the Old Testament it is it is God who rides upon the clouds and Jesus is claiming he's gonna be riding upon the clouds and so they of course are gonna try to kill him before this Jesus just straight-up says look I'm I'm gonna be in charge I'm gonna be the boss and they respond by hating him more in fact this is ultimately connected to why they deliver him if inverse eleven of Genesis 35 it says his brothers were jealous of him they had jealousy of him which is interesting because you're not really jealous unless you think someone actually has something you don't have right so they knew something was special about Joseph in this regard so they're jealous of him mark 15 10 it says for he perceived that it was out of envy or jealousy that the chief priests had delivered him up this is Pilate who realizes that the chief priests are jealous of Jesus why cuz he's the one who's gonna be ruling over them but here's where we get a little kink our first little kink in the typology of Joseph he says that his father and mother are gonna bow down to him - and are we gonna relate this to Jesus and the father like the god the father's gonna bow down to Jesus obviously that is not the case that is not a biblical understanding of the economic Trinity or how it sounds weird there aren't two different kinds it's just a way of talking about the Trinity in the sense of the different roles of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and so no III think that it's not about God the Father bowing I think what it's about is Jacob bowing to Jesus ultimately I think the idea is if Joseph is a picture of Christ and Jacob bow so Joseph we should say that that ultimately Jacob even though he's this great patriarch of Israel he will bow to this ultimate Jesus that's the idea why do I say this well think about when we were in Melchizedek we studied Melchizedek right and how Abraham tithes to Melchizedek and the idea was and they'll consider blessed is Abraham and he Labor's and Hebrews to tell us Melchizedek is better than Abraham to show us that Jesus is greater than even Abraham so we have Jacob bowing to Joseph to show us that Jesus is in fact greater than even Jacob let me support this more John 4 verse 12 he says are you greater than our Father Jacob they asked Jesus are you greater than Jacob he gave us the well and drank from it himself as did his sons and his livestock jesus said to her everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again the water that I will give him will become in in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life in other words yeah I'm greater than Jacob you know I will give you in eternal life he gave you a well I'm gonna give you eternal life then again in John 8 51 Jesus talks about this relating to Abraham he's greater than Abraham in John 8 51 it says truly truly I say to you if anyone keeps my word he will never see death the Jews said to him now we know that you have a demon Abraham died as did the prophets yet you say if anyone keeps my word he will never taste death are you greater than our father Abraham who died and the prophets died who do you make yourself out to be and then you get you go down to John 8:58 and Jesus says truly truly I say to you before Abraham was I am is he greater than Abraham by far that's the claim so greater than Jacob greater than Abraham that's the connection I see with the bowing of the father okay so we kind of shift scenes there that sort of just sort of set everything up that's Joseph's life setup right he's he's one brother among many he's the favorite brother he's got the rover many colors he brings a bad report he has these dreams they all kind of hate him and jealous and then verse 12 of Genesis 37 now his brothers went to pasture their father's flock near Shechem and Israel said to Joseph are you are not your brother's pasturing the flock at Shechem come I will send you to them and he said to him Here I am so he said to him go now see if it is well with your brothers and with the flock and bring me word so he sent him from the valley of Hebron and he came to Shechem now this is where I think there's something interesting here he leaves his father's side on a mission from the father to see how the brothers are doing with the flock I see a picture in that personally I think it's there John 1628 Jesus said I came from the father and have come into the world and now I'm leaving the world and going to the Father Jesus came on a mission from the father later on in the text of Scripture the flock the term flock often represents do you guys know who Israel it represents Israel and the Shepherd's and the leaders of the flock they represent the leaders of Israel so we get this like in Ezekiel 34 - here's an example son of man prophesy against the Shepherd's of Israel prophesy and say to them even to the shepherds thus says the Lord God hah shepherds of Israel who have who have been feeding yourselves should not Shepherds feed the Sheep and so they're being rebuked but they're the leaders spiritual leaders are considered shepherds and the flock are the people of Israel Jesus used this imagery - first off he calls himself we know the Good Shepherd right but in John 10 16 he opens it up he says yeah Israel's the flock but guess what he says I have other sheep that are not of this fold I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice so there will be one flock in one Shepherd talking about the Jews and Gentiles being brought together in Christ so what am I saying I'm saying that there is this concept where we have the father sending the son to see how how the Shepards are doing with the flock and this is really part of what Jesus did as he comes and he evaluates and he looks at the temple and he goes you've made my father's house a house of merchandise and he overturns the tables and he sees the Pharisees and he says woe to you and he's evaluating the shepherds and he's looking at looking to the flock and he's calling them to himself alright let's keep reading Genesis 37 verse 18 they saw him from afar josephs on his way he finds out they're really in Dothan not Shechem and he heads over to Dothan and they see him from afar and before he came near to them they conspired against him to kill him remember that time he brought a bad report I don't know what they were doing out there but maybe part of that was the bad report maybe it's the robe maybe it's the love maybe it's the dreams but ultimately verse 19 they said to one another here comes this dreamer come now let us kill him and throw him into one of the pits then we will say that a fierce animals devoured him and we will see what will become of his dreams but when Reuben heard it he rescued him out of their hands now Reubens the oldest son and maybe perhaps feeling more responsible and being older he tries to rescue them and he says let's not take his life and Reuben said to them shed no blood throw him into this pit here in the wilderness but do not lay a hand on him that he might rescue him out of their hand to restore him to his father so he had a rescue plan going on it didn't work verse 23 so when Joseph came to his brothers they stripped him of his robe the robe of many colors that he wore this to me is just a picture of him losing his glory we'll come back to that in a second and they took him and threw him into a pit the pit was empty there was no water in it technically that's a cistern so a cistern is is in solid rock they would just dig a well and because it saw the rock they could add water to it anytime it'll be a water storage system for them but it's not a well where there's water coming up naturally so it's empty it's it's a dry cistern so they throw him into that pit verse 23 so when Joseph came to his brother's on street 24 they took him and threw me to a pit the pit was empty there was no water in it then they sat down to eat which is just weird right there let's just have a meal hahaha they're kind of laughing at him in the pit and looked up and looking up they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead with their camels gum bomb and myrrh on their way to carry it down to Egypt then Judah said to his brothers now Judah speaking up what profit is it if we kill our brother and conceal his blood come I have an idea let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him for he's our brother our own flesh and his brothers listen to him then Midianite traders passed by they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit and sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels of silver they took Joseph to Egypt when Reuben returned to the pit and saw that Joseph was not in the pit he tore his clothes and returned to his brothers and said the boys gone and I where shall I go being the more response I'm on the the adultishbooks robe and here's how they'll cover up their crime they slaughtered a goat and dipped the robe in blood then they sent the robe of many colors and brought it to their father and said this we have found please identify whether it is your son's robe or not and he identified it and said it is my son's robe a fierce animal has devoured him Joseph is without doubt torn to pieces then Jacob torez garments and puts a cloth on on his loins and mourned for his son many days all his sons and his daughters rose up to comfort him but he refused to be comforted and said no I shall go down to Sheol to my son mourning thus his father wept for him meanwhile the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh the captain of the garden okay so where's the typology in this in what we just read first off they conspire against him we read this in verse 18 they literally quote conspired against him there was a conspiracy a plot to come against him and this was actually the reality for Jesus mark 15 11 it says but the chief priest stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barabbas instead remember pilots like which one do you want and the chief priests they conspire they work with the crowd to get the crowd to call out for Barabbas instead of for Jesus there's literally a conspiracy against him they conspire with Judas they conspire with Herod they conspire between Herod and Pilate there's there's a quite a big conspiracy even the existence of like trials in the middle of the night was against Jewish customs you're not allowed to have a trial at this time of night this is just kind of under darkness and it's not just so so yeah they conspired against him there was a plot and the imagery of death is really strong with what happens to Joseph right did they kill him no but they do do a couple things first off they throw him into a pit and the pit is symbolic just do a search of the word pit in the text of Scripture pit the pit is symbolic of death God rescued me from the pit psalm says right the pit is symbolic of destiny throw him into a pit then they take his robe and they kill an animal instead of him which reminds me of I don't know Isaac here Abraham and Isaac again and so they kill this animal they put the blood of the animal in the rope they show it to the Father and as far as the father is concerned Joseph is dead so to the dad he's dead and to all the world he's dead except for the small group of guys that knows the truth the spices that the Caravan was carrying are embalming spices taking them down to Egypt embalming is very popular down in Egypt at the time anyways and so they're carrying these spices down there one of them is myrrh which was given to Jesus at his birth and then used again on Jesus at his death myrrh so the imagery of death is really really strong going on here and so without him actually dying there's a death motif going on in his story then in verse 26 Judas steps in and his idea is let's sell him for profit now you may or may not know this but there was a guy who decided to sell Jesus for profit and his name is Judas while Judas is just the anglicized name of Judah it's the exact same name so here we have Judah selling Joseph here we have Judah selling Jesus and one for twenty pieces one for thirty pieces I think it's just adjusted for inflation I don't know but the actual 30 pieces of silver that's outlined in Zechariah 11 verses 12 and 13 prophetically spoken of there now you might say at this point well Mike you're being anti-semitic look everybody in the story is Jewish the victims and the bat the bad guys and the good guys they're all Jewish sure this isn't anti-semitic it's just the story of what really actually happened Reuben tries to save him ultimately this Jewish guy raises up saves Gentiles and Jews sound familiar and then and then brings them all together and restores them in the end so if anybody's feeling that this this whole thing could be you have like that radar this is anti-semitic like no no no no you're you're you're just confused not at all so they stripped his robe off him and they throw him into a pit and he becomes a slave and this I think is in Philippians chapter 2 talking about Jesus Philippians 2 verse 5 having have this mind among yourselves which is yours in Christ Jesus who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross so we have the lowering of Joseph in the same sense the lowering of Jesus stripping of his robe like tea like Jesus taking a sawed off his glory to come in the form of a servant Joseph will now be in the form of a servant because he's been sold as a slave okay I'm gonna move a little bit faster now because not every chapter of the story is going to be equally important for us but we had to like labor a little little slower that might have fell fast but you just wait hang on we're gonna move quicker now but we're gonna jump to chapter 39 because Genesis 38 again that is all about Judah and Tamar it's not about Joseph at all so in Genesis 39 verses 1 through 6 Joseph is in the house of Potiphar and he in Potiphar's house is rising up as like the chief of the servants he's a slave Wray he's been sold as it's like but he rises up God is with him God blesses him in verses five and six it says from the time that he made him overseer in his house and over all that he had the Lord lest the egyptians house for Joseph's sake the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in house and field so he left all that he had in Joseph's charge and because of him he had no concern about anything but the food he ate now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance and that becomes important because of what happens next with Potiphar's wife but everything's under his charge remember this concept everything is under his charge everything's under his charge just remember this for the future then in verses 7 through 12 we have a situation where Potiphar's wife and most of us know the story right she's like hey Joseph sleep with me and he's like hey no I will not sin against God and against Potiphar I'm not gonna do this this is wrong and so he refuses and then she frames him she frames him right so in verse 10 of Genesis 39 it says and as she spoke to Joseph day after day he would not listen to her to lie beside her or to be with her many people don't realize this we think of the moment where she grabs his coat and he runs out the room and she won't let go of his coat you like well I'm out of here you know so he just takes off but we don't realize she did this day after day that repeatedly day after day she was constantly tempting him and he was constantly refusing and would not allow it to happen she told she tried to take him by force try to just force herself upon him somehow I think that this relates to Jesus Jesus was led by the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and he was tempted for forty days and for forty nights scripture tells us in Hebrews that he was tempted in all points as we are yet he is without sin and did you know this about Joseph he is one of the only characters who's a main character many chapters devoted to him who doesn't have some major moral failing that we can see he's the one of the only guys it's like him and Daniel that's just about it no there's not much right because you think of David okay yep immediately comes to mind think of salt no okay all right well you know Barack no I had some problems too you know I I could think of you know Samson he was oh no that was really bad so really he's one of the rare ones and I think that the idea is Jesus tempted but temptation so Jesus he or Joseph he goes through something that's sort of picturing that not saying Joseph was sinless we don't think that for a second then in verses 13 through 18 Joseph gets framed all over again Potiphar's wife is upset she's angry because he won't do what she wants maybe she's feeling embarrassed so she lashes out and she frames him for trying to sleep with her so he then goes into prison he ends up getting the punishment for what she did he takes the punishment for what she did does that sound familiar that's got me too alright Genesis 39 verse 20 and Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison the place where the Kings prisoners were confined and he was there in prison but the Lord was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison and the keeper of the prison pod Joseph in charge he ends up being in charge again of all the prisoners who were in the prison whatever was done there he was the one who did it the keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph's charge because the Lord was with him and whatever he did the Lord made it succeed so he's in charge of everything two times now we get this right it'll happen a third time in a moment but two times now Joseph he goes and he's put in charge of everything he's put in charge of everything well Jesus he was in charge in John think about this real specifically though John 5:22 for the father judges no one but has given all judgment to this son people don't often think of Jesus as Judge of the world unless you actually think of Jesus you realize pretty quickly he is but all judgment was given to the son he's given charge of all he's the judge of the living in the dead scripture says that all every knee will bow to him so he's put in charge even after all of the shame that he experienced then in prison some interesting things happen he meets a couple of the Egyptians the the Egyptian pharaohs number two type guys or the people I should say in his court you know his important guys the cup bearer and the baker and these guys were were not only it wasn't just a baker just a cup air these were political positions as well as having sort of practical tasks that they would do so Genesis 40 verse 1 some time after this the cupbearer of the king of Egypt and his Baker committed a an offense against their Lord the king of Egypt so they are then put into jail and they're there with Joseph now he's in charge of the jail but he's still a prisoner but he's kind of like the chief prisoner and so they have dreams and they have these weird dreams and then they tell Joseph about their dreams now here's where dreams come in again into the story of Joseph right he told his brothers his dream and now someone else is telling him their dreams let's look in verse 9 at the dreams these two men have and how Joseph gets the interpretation for them so the chief cupbearer told his dream to Joseph and said to him in my dream there was a vine before me and on the vine there were three branches as soon as abutted its blossoms shot forth and the clusters ripened into grapes Pharaoh's cup was in my hand and I took the grapes and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup and placed the cup in pharaoh's hand then Joseph he's going to interpret it said to him this is the interpretation the three branches are three days in three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your office and you shall place Pharaoh's cup in his hand as formerly when you were his cup bearer then he gives him a request only remember me when it is well with you and please do me the kindness to mention me to Pharaoh and so get me out of this house listen one to be in the jail anymore he knows he doesn't belong there so he continues for a for I was indeed stolen out of the land of the Hebrews and here also I've done nothing that they should put me into the pit and he calls this prison the pit there's that pit term coming up again and so the prison and the pit connection between death and all that that's there Jesus in a sense went to the pit to deliver people from it so verse 16 I think this is so funny when the chief Baker saw that the interpretation was favourable he said to Joseph now get this he's like ooh that was a good interpretation he's going to be restored to Pharaoh hey Joseph here's my dream and he says I also had a dream there were three cake baskets on my head and in the uppermost basket the highest one there were sorts of baked food for Pharaoh but the birds were eating it out of the basket on my head and Joseph answered and said this is its interpretation three baskets are for three days in three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and hang you on a tree and the birds will eat the flesh from you just tell it like it is ready he's just like I'm just gonna be honest with you it's not good news and probably I'm just gonna guess that the guy deserved it but I don't know but that was the interpretation so he's proven himself to be like I can really interpret these dreams he gives all credit to God he's like God gets the credit and then the one of them is is raised up in a good way and one is lifted up in a bad way and and interestingly there he is on in his sentence sharing his sentence with two men one who was rescued and one who was condemned and Jesus had two men one on each side one one ended up being with him in paradise and the other one ended up being condemned now two years goes by two years goes by and we get to Genesis 41 and Pharaoh now has dreams so we see dreams kind of going throughout the story of Joseph Pharaoh has two dreams and I'll just summarize his dreams right his dreams go like this he dreams and he sees in the Nile River and seven fat healthy cows come out of the Nile River beefy healthy cows and then seven emaciated cows come out and they eat the fat cows and after they eat the fat cows they're still emaciated how is that possible it's a dream right and they eat so then it gets stranger then he dreams about seven healthy heads of grain just a stock of grain has seven healthy heads of grain on it and they're nice and healthy and strong and good and then another stock rises up and it has seven blighted like just emaciated nasty looking grains on it and they eat the healthy ones and then they're just as blighted and emaciated how is that possible it's a dream right like you've had dreams right like this completely impossible things happen the point is it's meant to teach him something now Pharaoh gathers in verse eight of Genesis 14 when he gathers the people everybody he can give me the interpretation of this dream and they all just they're all like we don't know what we don't know what it means we don't know what it means then cupbearer suddenly remembers Joseph hey that's right there was that guy that knew my dream and he knew the Baker's dream and so in verse 29 we get where Joseph comes up and he's brought before Pharaoh and he's gonna interpret the dream for Pharaoh and this is kind of where his life changes everything changes now there will come seven years verse 29 of great Plenty through all the land of Egypt but after them there will arise seven years of famine and all the plenty will be forgotten in the land of Egypt the famine will consume the land the famine will consume the land so he interprets the dream the cows and the grains represented years healthy years and famine years and the famine years will be even worse than the healthy years bad stuff has come in Pharaoh bad things are coming now there may be typology in here I I don't see it personally not clearly enough to share with you if there's typology in the number seven or in the tribulation or something like that I don't personally see it so I'm not gonna go there but I will say this the way that Joseph talks and he says Pharaoh I can't do anything but God will interpret the dream for you he gives God over and over again full credit for how to interpret these dreams and Jesus does something similar in John 5:19 so jesus said to them truly truly I say to you the son can do nothing of his own accord but only what he sees the father doing for whatever the father does the son does likewise so we see this connection in that sense that's there then there's a solution offered and Joseph's like hey you what you need to do is because he not only interprets the dream he gives advice he goes Pharaoh you need to appoint somebody so that during these seven healthy years you guys gather everything you can and you save every bit of grain and every prosperous the prosperous thing you can just save it save it save it because the famine is coming and so Pharaoh says alright well you're hired basically and so in verse 39 of Genesis 41 then Pharaoh said to Joseph since God has shown you all this there is none so discerning and wise as you are look Joseph you know stuff you've got wisdom you got discernment I want you and now in Matthew 13:54 it says and Jesus coming to his home town coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue so the were astonished and said where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works there's a another connection with Jesus where he comes to Nazareth his own hometown he's sharing things that are like how did he where did he how did he notice how does he know there's just this sense of supernatural wisdom and knowledge in both Joseph and in Jesus then in verse 40 Pharaoh goes on and he says to him you shall be over my house and all my people shall order themselves as you command only as regards the throne will I be greater than you and Pharaoh said to Joseph see I have set you over all the land of Egypt then Pharaoh took his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand this is like an authority bearing ring puts it on Joseph's hand and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck now before this he had constantly been losing his clothes right like in a negative sense like he's losing his glory he he he's got his glory with Joseph with Joseph and Jacob his dad he gets that stripped from him right then he's a slave but he's the chief slave but then even that is taken from him and now he's in prison and then now he's raised up given the signet ring of Pharaoh and given this fine linen to show you his his quality you know in his rank and he puts a gold chain about his neck verse 43 and he made him ride in his second chariot meaning Pharaoh first and then him second and they called out before him bow the knee so when they would travel through Egypt you're you have to bow down as Joseph just walks by or chariots by is their terms that a better term for chariot because he chariots a cross the I don't know can I use that as a verb I think I can so thus he set him over all the land of Egypt moreover Pharaoh said to Joseph I'm Pharaoh and without your consent no one shall lift up hand or foot in all the land of Egypt and Pharaoh called Joseph's name zaphenath-paneah and he gave him in marriage to a Sanath the daughter of Potiphar a priest of on so Joseph went out over the land of Egypt so this is like a real payoff moment for Joseph right he's been raised up in rank and he's now at the right hand of Pharaoh and he exercises Pharaohs Authority as always his own let me read to you again Philippians 2 remember how he can't became a servant the scripture says so starting in verse 6 of Philippians 2 it says who though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men and being found in human form he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father the down-up theme in scripture is really consistent with Jesus the book of Hebrews follows this down-up theme a lot and it's neat to have it in your mind as you're studying that book but we see it here with Joseph he goes down down down and then boom he's up as high as he could possibly be now there's an interesting side thing here which is his name his new name he's given a new name some people connect this to Jesus he has a new name written on him and the book of Revelation but this zaphenath-paneah or however you want to pronounce it there are a list of possible meanings and I'll give you one of my pet peeves right now one of my pet peeves is when I read commentaries and they go well clearly when things are not clear or obviously when things are not obvious so I'm gonna give it to you as it really is right this names are often hard to figure out what they mean because when you look at ancient texts words are used in context you can figure out the meaning by seeing the words used next to that word I went running and had a pituitary doodly-doo time and you could you could you know read the whole paragraph to figure out what pituitary doodly-doo means and you could probably guess your way around it but names don't do that do they names just sit in the middle of a sentence with nothing connecting them so I went with Mike to the park like nothing you know Mike's a person but you don't know what Mike means so names are sometimes hard to nail down the meaning of so there's several different possibilities I'm going to read them to you of what isn't could mean and I've got these from different resources and different not only Bible study materials but dictionaries and stuff like that so here's one zaphenath-paneah could mean the salvation of the world that's from the pulpit commentary in Genesis it could mean the rescuer of the world that's from Ksenia s-- it could mean the Prince of the life of the world that's from Bruce it could mean the food of life or the food of the living that's from Canon cook in the speaker's commentary it could also mean says the God he will live or God speaks and he lives or the Jewish Targum suggests that it means revealer of Secrets what shocked me as I studied all these names is any of them can be applied to Jesus that's what surprised me and I thought I just I'll just share it with you guys interesting I'll read him again the salvation of the world the rescuer of the world the Prince of the life of the world the food of life the food of the living says the God he will live or God speaks and he lives and revealer of Secrets these are the different potential meanings of that name which I I gave me a little goosebumps that was pretty cool all right so we move forward and in chapter 42 in chapter 42 his brothers go back and now he's been in Egypt for a while right all of the years of plenty of passed by and now they're into the famine and his brother out of food and they need food so where do they go well Joseph's been stockpiling all the food for years now and he's in charge of distributing it so they're gonna end up going to him so Genesis 42 it says now Joseph was governor over the land he was verse 6 excuse me he was the one who sold to all the people of the land and Joseph's brothers came and bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground Joseph saw his brothers and recognized them but he treated them like strangers and spoke roughly to them where do you come from he said they said from the land of Canaan to buy food and Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him now Joseph I don't think I even put this in the text in my notes but Joseph was about thirty at the time he raised he was risen and now he's doing his like ultimate ministry saving the people of Egypt and the people in the surrounding lands he was about 30 when he started that it was the age Jesus was when he started his ministry which is interesting as well but he was 17 when they betrayed him and he probably had like a scraggly little peach fuzz 17 year old beard and skinny little 17 year old guy and everything but what happens is now he's Egyptian as far as anyone's concerned he speaks their language he's ruling in front of them and he looks like them so they don't recognize their brother so verse 9 and Joseph remembered the dreams that he had dreamed of them you wondered how long it had been since he had he'd thought about those dreams and what did he just see that not only he didn't just see his brothers he saw his brothers come and bow to him and he said to them now this is where it gets a little weird not weird like wrong just odd but I'm gonna try to answer why he does this he says you are spies you have come to see the nakedness of the land and they said to him no my lord your servants have come to buy food we are all sons of one man we're honest men your servants have never been spies I think here Joseph is digging for information later they'll say he asked us lots of questions they tell they tell their dad this when police are interrogating people this is what they do they just accuse you of things and then watch and watch how you respond right so one time I got pulled over by the cops and no it wasn't pulled over it was a DUI stop just a standard where they stopped everybody don't you think of weird things so I'm stopped there and I have allert I have allergies I have I've always thought I was right so my eyes are like always bloodshot that's just the way it is the cop puts his flashlight in my my my car and he's looking I mean he goes he goes how much pot did you smoke tonight and I just started laughing because I know I'm innocent so I have nothing to hide I just heard laughing I was like nah man I just came from a night of worship over it by all it was great like I don't and he's like all right you can go and he could tell because my response is a waste of time so he just sent me on my way so what they do is they just show he's like you're spies he's just digging information Joseph doesn't know anything dad he doesn't know what's going on with Benjamin his younger brother who is of the same mother who has been with these guys this whole time his brothers so he's he's got questions I think he's just digging for information so um they bow to him that's interesting what's interesting to me though is the order of the bowing Joseph gets raised up to Pharaohs right hand he travels through Egypt and they yell bow the Gentiles bowed to him before the Jews did I think the order of that is significant he rules and reigns in the eyes of the Gentiles before he's recognized by his own people I think that's very significant in Genesis 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day Joseph said to them because he puts them in like a holding cell for a while for three days do this and you will live for I fear God if you are honest men let one of your brothers remain confined where you are in custody and let the rest go and carry grain for the famine of of your households and bring your youngest brother to me so your words will be verified and you shall not die and they did so now here's the thing that this whole this whole thing that Joseph does next is really I just go why did he do it right he sees his brothers but not Benjamin Benjamin's not with them right maybe their dad didn't he just Benjamin's like the last one of Rachel and I already lost his older brother Joseph well I'm just gonna keep him I think Joseph is now embarking on a rescue mission to get Benjamin away from his brothers to bring him to himself make him part of the royalty of Pharaoh and to entreat him well and she's just gonna not worry about the rest of his brothers because what they did to him I think that's what he's doing and what happens changes his mind that's what it looks like to me it could be wrong but that's what it seems to me he wants to see if he's alive and I think he wants to rescue him from them because what did they do to him and he knows possibly what if Benjamin's under the same amount of risk that I was under so in Genesis 42 21 it says then they said to one another in truth we are guilty concerning our brother in that we saw the distress of his soul when he begged us and we did not listen this is why this distress has come upon us and Ruben answered did I not tell you not to sin against the boy but you did not listen so now there comes a reckoning for his blood they're having this conversation by the way the context is in front of Joseph because they don't think he knows Hebrew they don't think he knows their language he's using an interpreter so he so they just start talking you ever have someone doesn't know you're bilingual and they just start talking in front of you and you're like that's Alison does that sometimes it feels like I'll tell you what they said later right uh-huh but yeah that's what happens so he sees this now this is like the evidence of guilt they're like oh gosh we're gonna get in trouble we're gonna have problems and this is why and so they did not know verse 23 that Joseph understood them for there was an interpreter between them then he turned away from them and wept and he returned to them and spoke to them and he took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes this begins the test Simeon gets taken and he's held and the rest of the brothers go back in Genesis 42 verse 25 it says and Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain and to replace every man's money in his sack and to give them provisions for the journey this was done for them then they loaded their donkeys with current with their grain and departed and as one of them opened his sack to give his donkey fodder at the lodging place he saw his money in the mouth of his sack they were supposed to use that to buy the grain right and he said to his brothers my money's been put back here it is in the mouth of my sack and at this their hearts failed them and they turned trembling to one another saying what is this that God has done to us they're like we look like thieves we went we got the grain then we stole our money back he's got our brother over there we're supposed to come back with her other brother and so they're scared they're worried that they might be in trouble now he doesn't mean this to cause them this fear I don't think what we really see here is Joseph is just providing for his family even though they're not asking for it even though they're not aware of it and God does this for Israel a lot so it's free provision interestingly enough they tried to pay for the bread that Joseph was gonna give them and he wouldn't let them he goes no no you have to take it for free sound familiar this is the work of God believe in the one whom he has sent I am the bread of life just as providing bread to keep them alive and he won't let them pay I think that that sounds familiar so Jacob when they get back and they tailed out all this stuff Jacobs like nope nope Benjamin is not going back over there you guys no no I already lost Joseph I'm not gonna lose him I would rather die and so much time goes by because they refuses to let them take Benjamin back over there to Egypt and then Judas steps in they're running out of food again and Judas steps in in Genesis 43 verse 8 and Judas said to Israel his father now keep in mind who was the guy who said let's sell them into slavery Judah Judah says send the boy Benjamin with me and we will arise and go that we may live and not die both we and you and also our little ones I will be a pledge of his safety from my hand you shall require him if I do not bring him back to you and set him before you then let me bear the blame forever Judah says I will take full responsibility for his life that's interesting so then they traveled back to Egypt in verse 16 it says when Joseph saw Benjamin with them he because they travel they see Joseph he sees Benjamin and he recognizes him he said now it's been like 13 over 13 years since he saw Benjamin last because he was 17 when he was sold into slavery 30 when he started and then it's been however much time after that he said to the steward of his house bring the men into the house and slaughter an animal and make ready for the men are to dine with me at noon so he's gonna have a meal and so then they they have this this the sit down meal thing they explained to Joseph hey we found our money back in our sacks and he's like oh no no your God was just blessing you don't worry about it kind of thing and and then they continue he actually is gonna seat them in order of their age at the meal like so the Reubens first and he puts them all in order of their age part of this I think ok party he well he just knows their age maybe he's messing with them but part of it is he's like I just know stuff this is this is what he does to them he's I just know things don't try and hide for me don't try and lie to me I just know things and that's kind of the impression he's gonna give later you'll see so we're gonna pick up in verse 26 Genesis 4326 when Joseph came home they brought into the house they brought into the house to him the present that he had that they had with them and bowed down to him to the ground and he inquired about their welfare and said is your father well the old man of whom you spoke is he still alive they said your servant our Father as well he's still alive and they bowed their heads and prostrated themselves they are just utterly bowing and submitting and yielding to his authority and this is ultimately the fulfillment of that dream in in there in the first coming of Joseph he is rejected by his brothers in the second time they meet he is received and they bow before him in jesus's first coming he was rejected by the Jewish people but there is a revival coming I believe and in Romans 11 talks about it when they will be very much receiving him so he sees Benjamin and he weeps he goes and washes his face and then he comes back so I think maybe he was wearing some of that Egyptian makeup ISM had to wash his face after crying because I guys don't use life to wash their faces after crying we're just like a bug in my eye you know so then they have the meal he seats him in order of age and he gives Benjamin five times the portion that he gives any of the other guys so that's my kind of meal right there then Joseph gets into this plot which i think is a rescue mission I'm gonna get Benjamin away from my brothers so that I can take care of him so Genesis 40 41 then he commanded the steward of his house fill them in sacks with food as much as they can carry and put each man's money in the mouth of his sack and put my cup the silver cup in the mouth of the sack of the youngest with his money for the grain so he hides one of his own precious things silver item inside Benjamin's sack and he did as Joseph told him as soon as the morning was light the men were sent away with their donkeys they had gone only a short distance from the city now Joseph said to his steward after they just barely got a little little distance away up follow after the men and when you overtake them say to them why have you repaid evil for good is is it not from this that my Lord drinks and by this that he practices divination welcome to the divination con statement in a minute you have repaid evil for or you have done evil in doing this when he overtook them he spoke to them these words and they said to him why does my Lord speak such words as these far be it from your service to do such a thing because they know they haven't done this behold the money that we found in the mouths of our sacks we brought back to you from the land of Canaan how then could we steal silver or gold from your Lord's house whichever of your servants is found with it shall die and we also will be my Lords servants we'll be your slaves he said let it be as you say trap said he who is found with it shall be my servant and the rest of you shall be innocent why cuz he doesn't want to kill anybody he wants to get somebody then each man quickly lowered his sack to the ground each man opened his sack and he searched beginning with the eldest and ending with the youngest and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack then they tore their clothes and every man loaded his donkey and they returned back to the city right put their sacks back on and go go over there when Judah and his brothers came to Joseph's house he was still there they fell before him to the ground again Joseph said to them what deed is this that you have done do you not do you not know that a man like me can indeed practice divination now is Joseph literally practicing divination was paused for a second I don't think so and I think we have a couple good reasons to think so one when he interprets dreams he's very clear like only God can give it can give the meaning of these dreams right he's like there's no divination don't bring me a special bowl with water and nothing I just look tell me the dream and God will give the interpretation but he's trying to like imitate a typical Egyptian ruler with his brothers which is why he's like knows things about them how does he know he knows our ages top to bottom he just knows stuff and so then he tells them didn't you know that I could he's just being intimidating he's being fearful that's what I think is going on here even when he talks about is this cup to his servant he doesn't say get the cup I practice divination with he goes you know my silver cup put it in Benjamin's sack he doesn't even call it that but to the brothers they call it the divination cup so I think it's part of a trick verse 16 and Judah said what shall we say to my lord what shall we speak or how shall we clear ourselves God has found out the guilt of your servants because her convinced you how we're busted behold we are my Lord's servants both we and he also in whose hand the cup has been found but he said far be it for me that I should do so only the man in whose hand the cup was found shall be my servant but as for you go in peace to your father I just want Benjamin I think this is a rescue operation I think that's what this plan was now let's look at verse 30 and let's see what goes on next Genesis 44 30 now therefore as soon as I come to your servant my father and the boy is not with us this is Judah speaking then as his life is bound up in the boy's life as soon as he sees that boy is not that the boy is not with us he will die and your servants will bring down the gray hairs of your servants your servant our Father with sorrow to Sheol so Jacob's gonna die he's not gonna build a handle losing the son for your servant became a pledge of safety for the boy to my father saying if I don't bring him back to you then I shall bear the blame before my father all my life now therefore and this is where things change please let your servant Judah remain instead of the boy as a servant to my lord and let the boy go back to his brothers for how can I go back to my father if the boy is not with me I fear to see the evil that would find my father Joseph is watching the brother who said let's sell him into slavery offer himself as a slave instead of Benjamin his little brother and this is I think the thing that shifts and changes for Joseph I think this is when he goes you're like you really have changed you are repentant you're not just bowing to me you're also changed you've repented and I think we can speak here of hope for Israel Judah the very one who could be demonized as being oh you let's sell him as a slave he's the one who comes and is restored he's the one who speaks up and shifts and changes what Joseph is gonna do next but then then the next chapter Genesis 45 verse 1 Joseph decides now that you're repentant I will reveal myself to you then Joseph could not control himself before all those who stood by him he cried make everyone go out for me so no one stayed with him when Joseph made himself known to his brothers none of the Egyptian hosts that he had with him and he wept aloud so that the Egyptians heard it and the household of Pharaoh heard it this is this to me the picture of this is so glorious because what I what I see when I read this is I see Jesus saying to the Jewish people see it's me it's me the one you soul the one you rejected it's me and I see the reunion happening there how glorious and beautiful of a thing it is Genesis 45 3 and Joseph said to his brothers I'm Joseph and what he asks him is really interesting is my father still alive didn't they tell him he was alive but he I mean maybe he's still wondering like I don't know if I can really trust you now that you know I'm not the Egyptian a guy like it's me it's Joseph like is he is dad ok so he asked him but his brothers could not answer him for they were just made at his presence like it's a little much to take in you know so Joseph said to his brothers come near to me please and they came near and he said I'm your brother Joseph whom you sold to Egypt he's like Reuben member that time you chipped my tooth that's right here.look and now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me for God sent me before you to preserve life for the famine has been in the land these two years and there are you have five years in which there will be neither ploughing nor harvest and God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to keep alive for you many survivors so it was not you who sent me here but God he has made me a father to Pharaoh and Lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt and now he it's he's not interested in rubbing things in he's interested in restoring I think he saw the genuineness of them he's convinced and boom the veil comes off right now the veil is lifted this is I'm speaking first Corinthians language here the veil is lifted and then they see who he really is and they're restored this is the payoff moment right God working good through evil there's a whole sermon that I don't have time to teach it God working good through the evil and the plots of man but how much more through Jesus I mean Joseph goes and his actions save Gentiles and Jews alike and and this is what Jesus does he saves many alive but even more in isaiah 49:6 it says of Christ it is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel I will make you as a light for the nations that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth God's like Jesus you're gonna be saving everybody you're gonna have a salvation that goes out to all the world and so we see in this zoomed out look it's so much like Jesus I don't know how you could how you could argue with this being a type of Christ and may I say Genesis 45 this summary is Joseph's summary you sold me but God intended it to save many people alive I mean this could be Jesus saying these words then eCourse tells them of the continued famine it's only two years out of seven and then in verse twelve and now your eye is see and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see that it is my mouth that speaks to you you must tell my father of all my honor in Egypt and of all that you have seen hurry and bring my father down here then he fell upon his brother Benjamin's neck not in a bad way right this is like a big old hug like he gives him a big hug falls upon his neck and wept and Benjamin wept upon his neck and he kissed all his brothers and wept upon them after that his brothers talked with him because now they get it Joseph you're alive you're alive so then what happens next to kind of zoom out from the story a little bit for the sake of time because it's a lot of chapters right on account of Joseph the Israelites in this case the tribes about 70 plus people they come into the land of Egypt and they're given the best of the land and they're treated incredibly well because of Joseph because of Joseph and this to me is also a picture of the future of Israel as I see things and as I think pretty much everybody here does an art roof right we believe there's an actual millennium coming where where Israel is sort of the center of the nations of the world and the fruit and the blessings upon Israel are on behalf of Jesus Christ coming upon them and we see the same thing happen with Joseph the relationship between Pharaoh and Jacobs a really interesting story there and just neat stuff in this then this story sort of shifts back to Jacob back to Israel and his his story he goes into Egypt he dies he is mourned and then let's jump ahead to Genesis 50 because that's really where we come back to where it's focused on Joseph again now you might be like well we each have mistreated them got that whole stuff of slavery happened generations later right a pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph and that's when things changed at first it was a really good relationship Genesis 50 verse 15 when Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead they said it may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back for all the evil that we did in so they sent a message to Joseph saying your father gave this command before he died say to Joseph please forgive the transgression of your brothers and their sin because they did evil to you and now please forgive the transgression of the servants of the god of your father Joseph wept when they spoke to him his brothers also came and fell down before him and said Behold we are your servants but Joseph said in said to them do not fear for am I in the place of God as for you you meant evil against me but God meant it for good to bring it about that many people should be kept alive as they are today so do not fear I will provide for you and your little ones thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them so we have ultimately real repentance a real restoration of real relationship happening happening after all that stuff and it was God's plan all along all along finally in Genesis 50 verse 25 then Joseph made the sons of Israel swear as he dies they have to promise saying God will surely visit you and carry you carry up and you shall carry up my bones from here so then there's a commitment you're gonna you're gonna take my bones with you when you go into the land where God is going to be taking you so he dies in hope he dies with this sort of expectant hope that there's something in the future coming this greater Hebrews 11 20s who talks about this actually so it brings a couple New Testament passages in closing Hebrews 11 22 it says by faith Joseph at the end of his life made mention of the exodus of the Israelites and gave directions concerning his bones in a sense this might be like a somehow speaking of like hope for hope after death sort of a sense you know he died as his bones like take my bones with you later on in Jewish customs the bones being kept and treated certain ways with all in anticipation of the resurrection and so there could be some how intimations of the resurrection there then finally I turn to Acts chapter 7 and let's read one more little passage where Stephen when he's being martyred in the New Testament he refers to Joseph as he's giving a list of sort of building a case for Jesus and for how they reject Jesus and then they ought to receive Jesus it's interesting acts 7 that was homework one of those days remember that homework you forgot about that was X 7 so um while you're on your way there act 7 verse and I will start there is their typology in every single element of Joseph's story I personally don't see it in every single element are there a many absolutely are some of them more clear than others some of these connections yet others are maybe less clear and and I think we can conclude is definitely a type though there's there's too much for not to be in acts 7 verse 9 and the patriarchs jealous of Joseph sold him into Egypt but God was with him and rescued him out of all his afflictions and gave him favor and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt who made him ruler over Egypt and over all his household now in the context context of Acts 7 Stephen is he's doing typological preaching in acts 7 he's preaching based on sort of remember when you didn't the Israelites didn't accept Moses the first time and the second time they did and they rejected Joseph the first time and the second time they received him this is this is what he's doing then he kind of recounts the story now there came a famine through all Egypt and Canaan and great affliction and our fathers could find no food but when Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt he sent out our fathers on their first visit and on the second visit Joseph made himself an to his brothers and josephs family became known to Pharaoh and Joseph sent and summoned Jacob his father and all his kindred 75 persons and all and Jacob went down into Egypt and he died he and our fathers and they were carried back to Shechem and laid in the tomb that Abraham Abraham had bought for some of silver from the sons of hay more in Shechem and then he kind of after this is one of the stories he brings up he brings up other stories and then at the end of act 7 he brings the application and here's Stephens application verse 51 it's not very nice but it's there he says you stiff-necked people uncircumcised in heart and ears you always resist the Holy Spirit as your father's did so do you which of the prophets did your father's not persecute and they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the righteous one whom you have now betrayed and murdered so he looks at the rejection of these key figures of the Old Testament by the Jewish people how they rejected those key figures as a prefigurement of how they would reject Jesus so this type of logical significance is embedded in not only the Old Testament but in even the New Testament interpretation of the old well I feel like I was a big mouthful of stuff I hope it made sense so there's there's Joseph the story of Joseph and we'll continue our studies of Jesus in the Old Testament for at least 35 more weeks or three I don't know kind of praying and thinking about things so we'll see let's pray father God we thank you so much for Jesus in the Old Testament and to get to do this series and to discover these truths we pray this Lord that the perseverance we see in the life of Joseph and ultimately even more so in the life of Jesus the forgiveness and the Grace and the mercy that we could we could give that to others and we could share it with others so that people could look at us and see a representation of Christ and of his love and of his kindness and faithfulness we just thank you for the truth of your Holy Word and for the incredible tapestry of the scriptures in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 20,456
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Keywords: how is Joseph a type of Christ, joseph as a type of Christ, typology joseph, is Joseph a type of Christ, comparison of Joseph and Jesus, finding jesus in the old testament, how to find jesus in the old testament, typology of christ in the bible, Joseph as a type of Jesus, how is Joseph like Jesus, is Joseph a picture of Christ, Joseph typology explained, joseph as a picture of Christ, Mike Winger, Bible Thinker
Id: RssKX8gQuKQ
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Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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