When Your “Progressive Christian” Heresy Is Really, Really Clever

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these are some of brandon's positions that he says are christian positions here's one more for us tonight being queer is holy our love is holy too christians who say otherwise don't know the bible homosexuality is not a sin being lgbt is not a sin you start seeing jesus tear down patriarchy jesus himself would have been considered feminine and i know that's going to come as a shock to so many people and so now you don't have any fear of going to hell i don't believe in hell anymore oh you don't believe in hell no do you believe in heaven uh ish for those who are in an open or polyamorous relationship here this morning who might be squirming a little bit because this is an uncomfortable question to hear in church sometimes i want you to hear me loud and clear as a minister of the gospel of jesus christ your relationships are holy they're beautiful and they are welcomed and celebrated in this space and we call all of us together to the same set of standards that we call everyone to to seek to follow jesus in all of our relationships to seek to be honest and respectful and self-sacrificial and consensual and loving with your partners when any of us live into these standards we can be sure that we're on the path to wholeness and holiness now this may seem crazy to you but there's a method behind the madness here there is a a methodical way in which he's constructing his approach to scripture and to jesus that allows him to take the scripture and sort of treat it like a like a palette where it's not clear teachings it's more like these broad strokes of colors that he can use to paint sort of any image ultimately that he ends up wanting to end up with and that's what he's done uh this image of christianity reflects not jesus not a actual judeo-christian truth but rather this is this is entirely a new invention in the name of christ jesus is being hijacked for this but there's a brilliance behind it there's a thoughtfulness behind this there's a theology behind this and we're going to examine that theology as i was studying and looking into brandon's teachings i watched many hours of them to make sure that i understood his whole jesus was racist thing properly before i went into it and i didn't go in half cocked but i had preparation and thought into it well i discovered one particular video where he teaches on truth the nature of truth incarnational truth the garden of eden jesus all these things this teaching i think gives a great summary of a way of approaching scripture that is a car accident of theology and if we can understand the wrongness of this theology it will make us better at being right with theology i mean you know when you show a student who's learning to drive videos of a car accident it helps them drive more carefully when they're on the road and it's the same sense here you're going to watch basically a theological car accident in order that you might better know how to avoid the same problems that this this particular movement has this is one of the branches of progressive christianity we'll use that term because that's the term they use brenda robertson labels himself as a progressive christian theologian and advocate and this is one branch of that we are going to say this is not faithful to christ this is fundamentally flawed and it's it's in a very bad way and it will end up causing great harm to those who follow it but there's a quick disclaimer i want to offer my quick disclaimer is this there are some who commented in my previous video uh mocking brandon for silly things we want to be honest and condemn the bad theology yes but i don't want to see people making fun of appearances making fun of secondary issues i mean god does not judge by those things so we need to be those i pray on this youtube channel the community of those who decide to partake of this content and comment below that we would represent a a faithfulness to god a willingness to call out heresy and error but also right fair judgment right judgment and not reacting with the flesh to what is wrong teaching so here we go this is the truth sermon that gave me a real window into the the deeply flawed but brilliant theology of progressive christianity at least in the case of brandon robertson let's start as we survey through this sermon he taught let's start with his view of genesis and then we go into that saga about the first humans the adam and eve and in that story we're told that god creates humans in god's own image the god who desires truth and the god who is truth so it makes sense that humans would really love to comprehend the truth so that we would be like god god gives humans freedom to learn and to explore and examine in the garden called eden but in almost a kind of cruel fashion god creates a prohibition you can eat and examine every tree in the garden except that one in the middle that's the tree of knowledge god says don't eat of that or you'll you will surely die do you see the setup here humans are made in god's image humans desire to know the truth and to pursue knowledge and that's the one thing god in genesis says humans cannot pursue they cannot eat of that tree of knowledge and then the serpent speaks a word of truth no no no he says god just doesn't want you to eat of that tree because if you do you will gain knowledge you'll be like god you won't actually die so they eat the fruit their eyes are opened their minds are expanded and it's a really strange story if you think about it because no matter how you look at this you've got some really interesting actions coming from the god figure and the satan figure here we have god actually kind of lying if not at least not being clear with god's own words because the truth is that adam and eve don't die after they eat of the fruit of the tree in fact the serpent tells the truth their eyes are opened their knowledge does in fact expand and they don't die immediately all right so god is the liar satan's telling the truth god is deceiving the serpent is being honest and open and telling the truth how does this happen why is the theology that this is not just to malign god i mean i think it maligns god very clearly but not the purpose of it exactly the purpose of it is to set up sort of a a contrast with jesus that he'll come to later so keep in mind that that he's going to try to make the god of the old testament in particular in genesis look bad to make jesus look like he's different and he's an alternate option and then he can make jesus disagree with the bible is what it's going to come down to but let's talk about this briefly before we move on to the next clip where you'll hear how he recast jesus how he retells the story of who jesus is and what jesus did so is is it true that god lies well the only way in which brandon could try to justify the idea that god is deceiving anybody in genesis is merely because they didn't die the day they ate of the fruit right well god says the day you eat of it you will die now brandon robertson would accuse many like myself of having a wooden or very hyper literal approach to scripture but this is where brandon is actually the one with the hyperliteral approach to genesis he is thinking that the word day when god says the day you eat of it you will die that that has to be a 24-hour day it won't just be like when you eat of it like speaking of a general time period as the word day is used that way in genesis chapter two there's no reason why it can't be used that way in genesis chapter three so day here represents right when you eat of it you will die and certainly adam dies and the new testament throughout the scripture of course but the new testament really hones in on this and it says like death came through adam when he sinned and then death came to all of us because all sin so we have death was really the result of the fall it's only if you think that the death had to happen within 24 hours the fullness of all of the consequences by taking that word day hyper literally it's odd that brandon will be one who will accuse me and he has like on twitter and stuff of being too literal and so it's strange to me to see that happening here but that hyperliteral approach is in order to suggest that god is being deceitful what does the text actually say i mean do i really have to tell you this i guess i do but in genesis chapter 3 we we get some commentary on this that that they that god is not the one who's being deceiving here so in genesis chapter 3 verse 13 we have this statement then the lord god said to the woman what is it that you've done the woman said the serpent deceived me and i ate so the serpent is the one who lies right the thing that brandon left out that the serpent said is you shall not die right but they are going to die death is going to be the result they will not be eating of the tree of life they will not be having eternal life here they're going to die this is because of the deception of the serpent and saying you will not die and then eve partakes of the fruit this is not hard to see there's no way that any serious person can justify can properly justify taking genesis and flipping it inside out like this and making god the deceiver and making the serpent the one who's helping you and i'll use the term brandon uses remember this term expand your mind that's a term he's going to really hone in on really soon here so the old testament god he doesn't want you to have knowledge he doesn't he doesn't want those things brandon's going to couch him as being a god of of rules and the the new testament jesus he has a different perspective that disagrees with the old testament it disagrees with the way god is portrayed in much of the old testament listen to this next clip where brandon talks about who jesus is and how how he wants to pit jesus against god this is this is uh something i complain about a lot because i see it in different theological camps to make jesus sort of the the um the opposition of the teaching of the old testament instead of the fulfillment of it the word that's most often translated repents in our bibles is the word metanoia in greek meta literally means to expand noyah means your mind so when jesus says repent and believe the gospel he's not saying anything about being sorry for our sins no he's actually telling us to expand our minds so that we're able to begin to grasp more of this new reality that he calls the kingdom of god so catch this right this this is the same teaching here we're going to see more clips from us you can catch all of the sort of the the main points of his teaching but you know the old testament god the god in genesis this genesis garden god character that's how brandon will characterize the book of genesis the story of genesis this is the god character he doesn't want you to know things he doesn't want you to expand your mind and he's deceiving you about about knowledge and then the serpent of course he's like the good guy to think this is christian theology is um anyway so you know but then you get to jesus and jesus when he's preaching repent christians have misunderstood he didn't mean turn from your sin he meant expand your mind jesus is here saying eat of the tree jesus is echoing the serpent now and we find that there's a conflict between and i'm not you if you think i'm going too far with brandon's teaching just wait i'm going to share more clips with you in just a moment so jesus he says expand your mind now one question we want to ask here if we're going to try to be careful with scripture and care about the truth of what jesus says and who he really was the word repent does it really mean expand your mind brandon takes the word and he breaks it into its etymological pieces meta annoya right these two metanoia that this is the word repent meta he says means expand and neues your mind well no it doesn't mean mind right or thinking and meta does not mean expand this is not real this is not true i don't know that expand is actually in this what's called the semantic range of the word meta if it is it's not in the sense that brandon's using it it's kind of a mystical interpretation he's offering of this word there's there's a reason why translations uh all across the board translate this word repent or something like it i did a survey of translations 18 translations not a single one of them translates it expand your mind right we have the king james new king james nasb niv nrsv nlt csb l-e-b-n-e-t isv rsv asv darby bible the dewey rhema's bible we have all of these that say it's repent they just translate the word repent this is not because these are cisgendered males i'm i'm using the terms of progressive some progressive christians who will critique these translations because they think they're coming from like a particular camp right it's just what the word means in context we can actually look at it the way jesus uses the word in matthew chapter 11 verse 21 have the following woe do you chorizon would you beside her for if the mighty works done in you have been done entire inside and they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes now this is interesting so not only does the word we'll see in the context of scripture in the new testament in particular it tends to mean turning from bad behaviors and bad ways and wrong ways of thinking to turning to believing in god so you're repenting of sin sin is connected to the idea of repenting as it is in the typical english usage of the term but here he says repent in sackcloth and ashes now if repentment expands your mind why does jesus think it takes place in sackcloth and ashes this taps into very strong cultural understandings of the time that this is about mourning and grieving because of your past behavior tyre and sidon are pictures here of sinful groups of people that should have repented but did not should have stopped their sins but did not and so this is clearly jesus using the term not as a sort of mystical mind expansion thing but using the term as turning from sin we get the same statement in luke chapter 10 verse 13 where he says that they would have repented sitting in sackcloth and ashen's ashes and implies that there's some sort of future judgment for them and for capernaum and bethsaida corazon these people who are not repenting not turning from their sin even today what about jesus in luke 13 3 though where you can't take it to me and expand your mind here he says i will tell you unless you all repent you will all likewise perish so this is not like hey guys come expand your minds because there's like this sort of fluffy kind of new agey sort of universalism kind of thing going on here he's like hey you need to turn from your sin jesus was the kind of annoying preacher that a lot of progressive christians want to complain about jesus just was that person and it's it's not because he's trying to be a jerk it's because sin really is gonna bring death right that tree is gonna bring death and we're heading towards it in our lives and we need repentance to turn to god in faith it's that old annoying gospel message it doesn't come from from um power centers and it doesn't come from authority people or patriarchy it comes from god jesus speaking to us communicating to us that we need to turn lest we likewise will perish to make this point even stronger and again i'm kind of trying to use bad theology to teach us good theology here so let's look at matthew chapter 12 41 and in this passage jesus thinks obviously thinks that nineveh is an example of what repentance looks like and we we know the story of nineveh jonah went to nineveh we'll read i'll read it to you in just a moment and this is we're gonna get we're gonna get bible study going here so in matthew 12 41 it says then the men of nineveh will stand up with this generation at the judgment and will condemn it because they repented at the preaching of jonah and behold something greater than jonah is here jesus appeals to jonah and he appeals to jonah that the book of jonah and the account of nineveh as an example of what he thinks repentance looks like so here's a great way not going to fake use of etymology not not saying meta means expand right but but rather looking at the use of a word in context that's probably the most important way to understand any word english greek any language at all and we can go to jonah chapter 3 verses 4 through 10 and see what jesus was talking about this is what he thought repentance looked like jonah began to go into the city and going a day's journey he called out yet 40 days in nineveh shall be overthrown so he has a message of judgment he probably taught more than that one sentence sometimes we act like that's all he said this is a summary i think but anyway it goes on and the people of nineveh believed god they called for a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them to the least to them again this is this is a morning time this is a grieving time because to them repentance is going to be turning from sin and sorrowing and mourning over the wickedness they've committed as it goes on the word reached the king of nineveh and he arose from his throne removed his robe covered himself with sack loss and sat in ashes and he issued a proclamation and published through nineveh by the decree of the king of his nobles let neither man nor beast heard nor flock taste anything let them not feed or drink water but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and let them call mightily to god this is clearly the same kind of thing jesus is talking about even uses the imagery of sackcloth and ashes let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands who knows god may turn and relent and turn from his fearsanger so that we may not perish and indeed god does he gives them grace and mercy why because they acknowledged their sin and they turned from it this is what jesus is talking about when he says repent and it's the message we have to the world today is turn from your sins and turn to christ he will forgive you he will he will release you from all of the burdens of your guilt and your shame and he will welcome you into his kindness and forgiveness this is the message of the gospel repent is part of the gospel it doesn't mean expand your mind that's what jesus meant by it that should be obvious from the verses i share with you but look now let's pretend you didn't know any of that pretend that you thought brandon was was was really understanding genesis right and understanding jesus right right god bad god doesn't want you to know things jesus wants you to know things in fact expanding your mind is the whole purpose of the gospel message listen to now how he summarizes all of these things about the old testament compared to jesus when you take jesus understanding of salvation and contrast it with the garden of eden's story we begin to see two different perspectives in genesis we're told the god figure desires for humans to stay finite in our capacity to understand truth god doesn't want us to eat from the tree because if we do then our capacity to grasp truth will expand will become like god but by the time jesus appears on the scene he begins teaching that in order to participate in the world that god desires we must always begin by expanding our minds broadening our perspective seeking to see the world from an increasingly divine perspective do you see that the the old testament god is scared and brandon doesn't think that that's truth about god he thinks that the bible has some right things some wrong things and this allows him to sort of reconstruct the biblical teaching in a way that affirms whatever it is that that his his theology is wanting to affirm so he makes the god of the old testament who has rules and regulations that he doesn't approve of that he doesn't want he makes him into like the bad guy and then jesus comes around and jesus is the good guy who's who's echoing the words of the serpent and wants you to expand your mind now this isn't really new this is theology that i've seen with greg boyd it's not the same as greg boyd i don't think great boy would agree with brandon robertson's reconstruction here at all i don't think he would i could be wrong um but it's the principles that he's using to get this reconstruction are very similar greg boyd would teach that we we've got this sort of old testament um presentation of god that's not true about god like you can't rely on all the things the bible's telling you about who god is and what god does brian zahn does the same thing brian zahn thinks that jesus is his is his buddy who's going to help him know where to disagree with the bible on issues and i think a good understanding a careful and thoughtful understanding of scripture alleviates all of the problems these guys are seeing steve chalk is another one who is in the same camp i worry a little bit about bethel because bethel um bill johnson's teaching there's places where he touches on this too so it's weird to me now being someone who cares about the sort of global teaching that's going out there on the on the internet it's affecting and impacting people's lives i'm concerned because there's a common thread through very different camps who don't even have the same theology as each other and the common thread is this idea that we're going to take our version of jesus and we're going to make him disagree with various parts of the old testament in order to reform our new christian theology as you know in a way that fits it makes it so jesus is with me disagreeing with scripture in various places this is a problem so the next clip we're going to get is where um brandon robertson's going to reverend right theologian and those are those are true statements about brandon he's a reverend he's a theologian he's leading groups of people and and they're very open about how they're progressive christians now he's going to need to morph the principle that he's got with jesus is at odds with places of the old testament with even things that god is doing in the old testament according to the text he's going to take that principle and he's going to morph it into permission to reinvent sort of a new christianity that embraces his progressive views so listen to this it's it's so clever i mean points for cleverness and thoughtfulness just no points for truthfulness here and accuracy so let's redefine now step one is going to redefine the word truth see if you can follow this because i think that the people even hearing his teaching don't really know what they're hearing it's so esoteric that i think that a lot of people don't get it hopefully i'm making it accessible to you now in fact one of the last things jesus tells his disciples is this that when i go from you i will send the spirit and the spirit will continue to lead you into all the truth which naturally then means that all the truth hasn't been revealed that there is a wider and broader understanding of truth see we have this trajectory from the beginning of scripture to the end that outlines the trajectory of human evolution we begin with darkness and light begins to expand we begin with a god who's initially afraid of humans pursuing knowledge grasping for truth and then we end with one who is called the incarnation of god that shows us that truth is dynamic not static and that we should continue to seek it out through the expansion of our minds did you catch this that that was that was a really good moment for us at least understanding and grasping the theology that's being taught in this case from uh reverend brandon robertson the theology is right god doesn't want you to know things jesus he comes and says no no you know in the old testament and then jesus comes yeah you should know things in fact don't don't turn from your sin that's not the message the message is expand your mind which means you're sort of growing into new revelations new understandings of things then he also says the holy spirit's going to come and he's going to what lead you into all truth which will be new versions of truth new understandings of truth and it's not just the old testament the new testament also affirms that it was the serpent who was the deceiver it's strange that i have to make this case but brandon thinks that after jesus came the holy spirit spirit's guiding us into newer truths different kinds of truths but no scripture says right here after jesus has already come the holy spirit's already been given guiding them into truth and being guided in truth what does it say it says that eve was deceived by the cunning of the serpent it also says the same thing in revelation chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the ancient serpent he's the deceiver of the whole world and may i say brandon's affirming the deceptions of satan even today you might think i'm overreacting but i think that's just an accurate description of what's happening progressive theology as it's represented in people like brandon robertson is the voice of satan today it's the echoes of the serpent and now we get into probably the most clever part of of all of the theology stuff that i heard from brandon robertson and it's going to take us i'll give you a spoiler it's going to take us from the idea of learning new truths and understanding truth better that that he's he's taken from hijacking statements of jesus about the holy spirit and he's going to talk about how there's different kinds of truth so in the old testament there is this sort of like objective rule type truth then jesus comes and he gives us incarnate truth and then we now live our own incarnated truth that's the preview listen to the theology it's not christian but it's very clever and it is in the name of christ if in judeo-christian consciousness truth and god are synonymous then christians necessarily traditionally believe that in jesus truth becomes flesh and this image of the flesh of jesus and jesus entering into flesh and becoming the truth incarnate we also learn that truth cannot be static it's dynamic it's relational it grows and progresses and evolves based on whatever context it's in which is incredibly different than the common understanding of truth in most churches today isn't it this is this is literally nonsense it's literally nonsense but it's nonsense built on the name of jesus so jesus comes and he is incarnate truth okay well there's see there's something true there's always a nugget of truth in the things that are being said here so jesus he's like i'm the way the truth and the life he's also incarnated right he's he's in the flesh he has a human body so that's true you could you could kind of say he's incarnated but that's what he means by incarnated truth is truth that's sort of malleable and shifting and it's not based on rules people don't like rules i get it i get that people don't like rules but these are throwaway statements that fog the mind and keep you from thinking clearly about things because everything that brandon's teaching you is based on objective truth claims all of the claims he makes about truth not being objective when it comes to jesus there every one of those claims is an objective truth claim a tiny bit of philosophy a tiny bit would help to clear the fog away here i think to say look wait a minute you're self-refuting here because everything you're doing is truth claims truth claims truth claims how it is how it is how it is and he has rules just as much as anybody else has rules he just has different rules that's the thing but he wants to claim these aren't rules at any rate you get the idea you know truth we don't like that much old testament type stuff truth we really like jesus it's flexible it's malleable and it's projecting forward with the spirit comes he's going to guide you into new truths so the next step the final step is going to be incarnated truth in you see jesus is the way the truth and the life you two have the truth in you you have your own truth this is a payoff moment this is what the study's been building towards this is what the theology all of the weirdness that's been foisted upon scripture has has been intending to bring us to this point right here we've talked about absolute truth we've talked about factual truth and now i want to talk about incarnate or what could be called your truth every day we are called to live in awe and curiosity of the absolute truth we're called to observe and to note the factual truth and both of these create the context where we create this byproduct that i'm calling our truth as we've understood it and believe it today if we want to live whole lives we must live in alignment with our truth the truth as we experience it and understand it whenever we try to live out of sync with our truth our lives seem to go awry and lgbt people for instance we know this in a profoundly real way if you try to hide your true self from the world around you we have found that that pressure that bottling up of conformity will create the sense of stress and pain and suffering in our lives to live according to our truth is dangerous and beautiful and it's absolutely necessary to live a meaningful life does it make sense now your truth which in his mind is rooted in your sexual or gender identity issues which which then is incarnated truth which is the truth that we've been being drawn towards through jesus according to him you need to live that it's holiness it's imitating jesus to live out your identity this is all been intentional this has all been deliberate it's very brilliant i mean it's brilliant it really is it's totally inconsistent with scripture it's something that would have been foreign and rejected by the apostles by jesus it it can't be sustained reasonably i don't think there's a rational or theological support for it that's that's really there but if you buy into the idea that you don't have to take the scripture as authoritative really right you just take it sort of more like again it's a paint palette you don't have what does the bible teach us in genesis i you know i'm going to look at this try to understand it in genre you know some of it's literal some of it's symbolic some of it's this but i'm trying to understand what it actually was intended to mean instead i can take it and it's just sort of like colors of paint i'll take some black from genesis i'll take some white from exodus i'll take some blue from jesus i'll take some some yellow over here from the holy spirit teachings and i'm going to paint a new picture of a new christianity this is why because it's incarnational truth this teaching this is why brandon can say things like your your polyamorous experimentations are holy your your uh lesbian gay relationships are holy they're not just acceptable they're actually holy because they're living into the image of jesus because it's your incarnated truth christian terms unchristian teachings that's why he can say things like this being queer is holy for those who are in an open or polyamorous relationship hear me loud and clear as a minister of the gospel of jesus christ your relationships are holy so this is a new christianity like we should be able to acknowledge this and i think any level-headed person christian or non-christian should recognize like this is not actually authentically christian but this is how brandon robertson presents it if there's any message that christianity uniquely offers to the world it's this that truth is relational and dynamic and incarnated that life is truth that living is truth and any time we divorce our conception of truth from our incarnated reality we create a dangerous division that ultimately causes destruction in our world truth divorced from an incarnate reality becomes nothing more than a battering ram for the privileged and the powerful to beat people into conformity truth that is incarnated is held with conviction and curiosity and humility so you can see from the last video i did where i talked about the jesus was racist stuff that was that was all about like um i think critical race theory that kind of thing being sort of read into scripture uh in this case it's a little different it's more about lgbt type you know perspectives being read into scripture and our response to this isn't isn't to just say i disagree with everything you say it's rather to say this stuff that's just not the christian perspective right the christian perspective is to say we all have problems in our temptations and our desires we all have things we need to repent of like turn from sin this this is something that's true about all of us our incarnational truth is that we're in the flesh right then this is a problem my carne flesh right i'm in the flesh and i need to be rescued from me that's what i need jesus to do for me i don't need to live into that live into my flesh whatever desires temptations i have and just call it holy or try to put like kindness sprinkled in and and some type of fidelity sprinkled into the the things that i want to do that are sinful i gotta turn from that stuff to follow god so i think it's different than say the latin x kind of interpretation that we got from uh dr miguel de la torre in the previous video i i think and this is this is more lgbt stuff but the the two movements while they're not trying to the same thing they are kind of teaming up they're holding hands because the same basic agenda of reinterpreting jesus and christianity to fit modern agendas that's what's really going on here and this is one of my biggest critiques against progressive christianity they will often rightly criticize say even american evangelicals for having sometimes pushed their their own modern views onto christianity and that's that's that's a legitimate criticism but their solution is not to go back to the authentic jesus not to go back to truth of scripture not to check all of my modern values and positions against the truth and infallibility of god's word instead the solution is to just make a new version of christianity based on an even larger distortion of the text of scripture to fit modern progressive ideas the next clip you gotta hear this sums it up this sums up the whole thing until now i think that you you can you can get it now you understand the theology i think and when you hear this in the future you'll know where it's coming from there's no lack of intelligence here it's folly but it's not dum-dum folly right it's thoughtful brilliant carefully constructed folly in genesis we see human understanding of god that desires us to conform to be faithful to hear to adhere to a set of propositional truths and then the rest of the hebrew bible lays out objective truths and rules and regulations that god supposedly requires but in jesus and beyond we see that propositional truth isn't objectively true at all jesus looks at the propositions of the hebrew bible and says you have heard it said and quotes but i say to you and gives a new a better a higher moral standard than that which was previously said to be true it makes sense then that by the time we get to jesus salvation isn't talked about as conformity to ancient propositions but dedication to following the wild winds of spirit constantly metanoia-ing expanding our minds to perceive the new contours and textures and terrains of this thing called truth by the time we get to jesus we see that the concept of truth has completely evolved in human consciousness and in our day it seems that we're on the brink of another transformation in our understanding of truth there it is that's the hijacking of jesus the hijacking of christianity i am not here to defend my version of christianity look i just want to be faithful to jesus jesus really is a lord and this stuff is utter nonsense brilliant carefully constructed thoughtfully made nonsense if you can see it for what it is you can avoid the same theological car accident if you're part of a church if you're part of brandon's congregation i i beg you to get out from under the the layers of deception that are being spilled out i mean scripture says let god be true and every man a liar instead we have god lying so that every man can be true and every man can be their own truth this is not christianity and it's not that i'm offended it's not that i'm triggered it's that i care i love god i love people enough to say no i'm going to be one of those who raises their voices raises their hand and says hey that's definitely nonsense it's it's it's affirming not it's self-affirming it affirms all of us it affirms me it affirms you but that's not always what sinners need man sometimes we have to be told to repent truth really does matter but there's no such thing as your truth your personal truth if it's your personal truth that's just another way of saying it's just how you feel about things what you wish was true and maybe you want others to entertain that as well and that can be very friend-making that can make us get along better but it doesn't help us with life like actual life will punish you if you live based on your own personal truth and we don't want people to live on that we believe that there is a real truth and objective truth fact-based truth that is relational as well because it's true because god is real i can really have a relationship with him it's beautiful christianity is beautiful progressive christianity something else maybe you've been affected by weird teachings and you want to help yourself learn how to think biblically about things i think this is one of the most valuable things we can do in our lives which is why i've devoted my life to helping you learn to think biblically about things this is what my youtube channel is all about so i'm going to put some links here to other content that might help you grow in your ability to understand clearly and carefully and truthfully the real jesus and the real word of god
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 414,058
Rating: 4.8670077 out of 5
Keywords: progressive Christian, exvangelical, progressive Christianity, Brandan Robertson, Brandon Robertson, maybe God lied, when your Christian heresy is really clever
Id: DkNKW7Dj0l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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