How Many Types of Christ Are There? How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 7

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okay there's a couple things I want I want to try to share with you right off the bat here and that's this that um some people think that what I'm doing right now is illegitimate in some sense that the idea of finding Jesus in the Old Testament is somehow wrong because you're not just taking the meaning of the text what it meant to the original audience at the original time when they originally heard it now I've kind of already unpacked some reasons why biblically we should be doing this and why this is good hermeneutics this is good Bible study but what we're gonna do tonight to show you not just that there are types in the Old Testament of Jesus but to show you how many and how pervasive and how many different kinds of ways God foreshadows Jesus in the Old Testament we're gonna do a survey of a whole bunch of different New Testament types not going to get into a bunch of a detail with them it's more about quantity over quality this time around sometimes you know we have the phrase you can't see the forest through the trees so you're they're examining one tree but you don't step back and look at the whole forest to realize how massive and beautiful this thing is that's what we're gonna do right now we're going to zoom out and we're gonna look at how massive and beautiful this thing is this typology or foreshadowing of Christ in the Old Testament because we need this the road to emmaus experience right how they said did not our hearts burn within us when he opened the scriptures to us remember they had the Bible all that time they had the the Hebrew Bible that whole time and yet when Jesus after the fact took them through the law the prophets the writings and said see how it testifies of me they felt like he'd opened it to them all over again and so that's kind of where we're going today so here's a bunch of different types of different degrees some stronger some weaker to see Jesus in the Old Testament and we're gonna start well I'll just mention a couple I've already done can you guys remember some we've already done Adam in Christ we talked about that one originally right we talked about the bronze serpent how the bronze serpent was represented representative of Jesus we talked about several other ones but we're gonna get into a bunch of new fresh ones today so John 1:51 that's the FIR when we're gonna look at mm-hmm and hear Jesus himself he says and he said to him truly truly I say to you you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of man and you might be like what how is that an Old Testament type Mike well you got to remember who he's talking to he's talking to the Jewish people right he's talking to people who know their Old Testament and in Genesis 28 verse 12 we get the counterpart to what Jesus is saying and he dreamed and behold there was a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to heaven and behold the angels of God were ascending and descending on it this is Jacob's Ladder Jacob he's wrestling with God right he sees the ladder that he's got these all these different stories of him well this according to Jesus is going to happen but not not a ladder the son of man the angels are ascending and descending on well what would the ladder be the ladder would be the access point between heaven and earth and Jesus is saying that's me I am the access point between heaven and earth he is the door he is the Shepherd right he is the way the truth and the life you have to enter through him like these are all kind of correlating things so there's there's Jesus himself giving this picture where he puts himself in the place of the ladder from from the story of Genesis 28 12 but let's move on to another one because we're gonna move pretty quick tonight because I want to give you like I said quantity so Moses Moses according the Bible also is a type of Christ in Hebrews chapter 3 we read about this he was 3:1 says therefore holy brothers you who share in the heavenly calling consider Jesus the Apostle and high priest of our confession notice we also have him as the high priest so we have a connection to the high priest in Jesus we've talked about that before though who was faithful to him who appointed him just as Moses also was faithful in all God's house for Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses as much as much more glory as the builder of the house has more honor than the house itself now you might say Mike this is not a good example right because okay Jesus was faithful just as Moses was faithful but Jesus is better he gets more glory just like the Builder he gets more glory than the house so you might say Mike this isn't a type or a foreshadowing this is just a comparison but I have to say because of the significance of Jesus when we see comparisons of Old Testament people to Jesus we should recognize something God had this planned out the whole time that's what we've learned in fact that's what we learned day 1 in our study of Jesus in the Old Testament is how this was like an intentional purposeful deliberate thing ok did not God know about Hebrews chapter 3 when he had written Genesis chapter 1 like it didn't didn't he know about all of these things this was all intended and orchestrated together it's one big story it's not just a convenient group of separate stories that happen to do good for us right this is a there's a meta-narrative that's the big phrase for it big narrative that goes across the whole thing also we have prophecy from the end of Deuteronomy where Moses says that God will raise up a prophet like unto Moses for the people and this sort of hung on the shoulders of the Jewish people there'll be a prophet and he'll be like Moses and him we must hear that we like Moses and so Jesus ultimately is that then we have another story from the Old Testament the flood story did you know that the flood stories related to Christ in some way well this is in 1st Peter chapter 3 there's another type now by the way what you could do with this is you could you could then go to Moses and you could look at his life and go I wonder if there's different ways in which Moses was like Jesus other than being faithful in his house I wonder what else we might find there I think that's a legitimate thing to do and we will be doing that later on so first Peter 3:20 it says because they formerly did not obey when God's patience waited in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight persons were brought safely through water baptism which corresponds to this now saves you not as a removal of dirt from the body ie water baptism is not what saves you it's what an appeal to God for a good conscience through the resurrection of Jesus Christ it's that thing baptism represents of course that's I have a whole debate on that online you could look up my baptism debate if you want but but here we have the course the correspondence between the flood the ark and then how they were saved through the flood and how now we're saved through this thing that represents the death and resurrection of Jesus so I find a correspondence between the flood story and salvation through Jesus represented modern times in Baptism I think that's really interesting I wonder what else might there be in the flood story if I read it thoughtfully and carefully now examining it form or typology of Christ based upon the fact that the New Testament seems to indicate it's there but there's more there's just like two more so manna from heaven in John 632 you what we all know the story about the manna right how this mysterious stuff was just settling down from the Lord that they would come and gather it and eat it and God provided for them for 40 years with this manna they called it manna because manna means what is it what is it I don't know what it is right so John 632 then jesus said to them truly truly I say to you it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven but my father gives notice Moses pass sense it was not Moses who gave past-tense the bread from heaven but my father gives you the true bread from heaven Jesus says that he's the bread Jesus is the bread but he doesn't just say hey I'm the bread of life he court he makes a correspondence between him and the manna and he references himself as being the greater thing and that's something else we learned from the type's right that that the type is usually lesser and Jesus is greater expect when you find a type of Christ in the Old Testament or a foreshadowing expect it to fall short of Jesus that's normal that's expected and it's intentional because God wants us to see that Jesus is greater than these things and so Jesus is the true manna not just a passing correspondence right so in order of appearance manna first Jesus second right in time the timeline of history man that came first Jesus came second but in order of importance Jesus first man a second that's the point here in order of importance its Christ that comes first and the book of Hebrews really really strikes this anvil like over and over again that Christ is better Christ is better Christ is better it takes an Old Testament reality and says Jesus is better now at this point I want to pause for a second when it comes to interpreting the Bible I interpret the Bible you guys know right we're a verse by verse people like we like man give it to me in the text in context show me how you got that interpretation like this is I love that it excites me to be super faithful to the text of Scripture but here's where someone will say well Mike you're no longer taking these Old Testament passages just literally you're looking at them literally and that might bother them because then they think oh you're just you're reducing the Old Testament - allegory but there's a difference between this and how say a liberal would do it I don't mean liberal like Democrats here I'm talking about theology right a theological liberal they will reduce the Old Testament - allegory or to a literary work where the where the original meaning no longer matters whereas faithful biblical Christians we should say we take it in its literal sense and in its literary sense like we don't use one to discount the other we realize that God is giving us a complicated and beautiful literary work in the Bible so there really was manna God really provided for the people of Israel this was a miraculous work of God giving food to his people and he had he intended it to foreshadow Christ it's both of those realities and so for anybody who's like they're like going to wait are you moving away from a simple plain interpretation of the text I'm saying no I'm using the text to give me this fuller understanding of it that we get through Jesus having the scriptures open to us as they said on the road to Emmaus so there's a danger is when the literary understandings are used to ignore the literal plain meaning of the text but there's another danger when we think and this I've seen a lot when we think that we protect people by not allowing them to see the symbolism by not allowing them to see the literary allegorical type elements that are in the text you don't protect people like this you rob from them the meaning of the scriptures I think so I remember reading in the hermeneutics book I told you this before right when I was in my sits the school of ministry in the hermeneutics book you know the art and science of studying the Bible that that's that's what hermeneutics is so it's like how to study the Bible well but they had this section on typology and they say you can only call it a type if it's clearly identified in the text as a type I have a problem with this because you think you're protecting me from coming up with my own wild crazy theories about the Bible except that doesn't come from the scripture you're strangling the scriptures from being able to cap the it's full meaning for instance in Genesis 22 we read about Abraham sacrificing Isaac how can you argue that this is not a type of Christ yet is the new tenth does the New Testament identify it as a type No so this hermeneutic would say I can't call that a type and I would say you're just wrong there is a literary work that's going on here that's meant to reveal Jesus and so this is a good thing and I think that as I think a lot of pastors in modern times either dabble recklessly in typology or they avoid it entirely but very few teachers thoughtfully and seriously undergo a study of typology of Jesus in the Old Testament and that's why I'm excited to do this because I know that even these videos get out to two different pastors and leaders and I'm hoping that they can take these things and put them in your own messages man don't give me credit I don't care like just like I do I really get the credit like it's in the text of Scripture that's the whole point let's just take all we can out of God's Word so so there is a New Testament precedence for this sort of thing when Jesus takes the manna and relates it to himself all right just one more the rock the rock in 1st Corinthians 10:4 10:4 it says an all drink the same spiritual drink speaking about the Israelites wandering the wilderness they all drank the same spiritual drink for they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them and the rock was Christ well what is this talking about okay so they're wandering through the wilderness and at one point multiple points right there either starving or they're dehydrated they're out of water and there's a lot of them and they're like we're gonna die Moses you brought us out here to die God brought us out here to kill us it's not the best attitude to have when you're suffering but that's what they did and so Moses he strikes a rock this happens at ref Adam Exodus 17 6 he says behold I will stand before you on there on the rock at Horeb and you shall strike the rock this is actually what God tells Moses and water shall come out of it and the people will drink and Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel so they're in one location he strikes the rock and there's water gushing out of it and he you know gives the people all these all this fresh water and then later on at Kadesh and numbers 2011 it happens again a different location right and Moses strikes the rock again it says and Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice and water came out abundantly and the congregation drank and their livestock and so there was there was plenty of water now what's interesting sidenote right many of you know where I'm going already with this right Moses got in trouble for this the second time he struck the rock well God actually specifically if you read the passage in context he told Moses the first time strike the rock the second time he says speak to the rock really interesting but Moses is mad he's mad at the people because they're a bunch of poop faces I mean they are read the text like they're really I mean they're really horrible individuals to lead you guys are so much better than the Israelites so he strikes the rock maybe out of anger wrath and gods like you did not honor me you didn't glorify me when you did that and you're like and then God tells him you do not get to enter the Promised Land that's how big of a deal this is Moses you do not get to enter the Promised Land because you struck that rock and didn't Hollow me or make me holy in the eyes of the Israelites why was it such a big deal and then we get to the New Testament remember how Jesus turns the question marks into exclamation points the question mark why Moses was the robbed from the promised land cuz he struck the rock twice well because the rock represents Christ and Jesus was struck once after that you just speak to him I just need you Jesus you died for me one time once and for all and I just need to come to you and speak to you for that water that living water so first Corinthians make sense of this and this is not my fabrication these are all in the text of the New Testament so the question then is why does first Corinthians say that rock followed them the rock followed them how interesting the rock followed them well it also calls it a spiritual Rock they drink the same spiritual drink from this spiritual rock it could be that he's saying the rock itself was spiritual and it was the same rock that somehow appeared in two locations or he could be saying I'm spiritualizing the text I'm showing you the spiritual thing God's communicating through the text so spiritually the water represents Jesus spiritually the rock represents Christ so this is typological language calling it spiritually that is another possibility so some of you guys you are still not in alignment with my correct opinion about Melchizedek maybe alright but I think obviously I think I'm reverie buddy thinks they're right because if they think they're wrong then they change their opinion and then they think they're writing it so of course do you think you're right but but Melchizedek you say well it says like it's basically says he was Jesus in the text like how does this but look at this here it says that rock was Christ first corinthians 10:4 that rock was Christ what was the rock literally Christ is that a theophany no I think it's a metaphor I think and that's this is the terminology of metaphors metaphors when you say just something something is something but you don't mean literally you mean it metaphorically and that's I believe it's okay for the text to speak that way and that's why I can speak that way about no kiss attack as well so now you agree with me probably not okay Jonah let's look at one more last one Jonah in Matthew 12 verse 39 but he answered them Jesus speaking an evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth now in the Old Testament Jonah is not identified as representing Jesus in any way in any way shape or form there's and there's nothing obvious about it either and here we come to again we're looking at the full understanding of the text of Scripture I'm not saying Jonah was an obvious prophecy I'm saying Jonah was a deliberate story meant to communicate something about Jesus so the New Testament reveals Jonah is this Jesus is not pulling things out of the air here he's not looking at the Old Testament going how can I find stuff about me in there this was all intended from the beginning when you're writing a book or a series of books and you have the whole story planned out ahead of time you embed all sorts of stuff in the first book that you intend to use later on it didn't mean much in the first book but later on boy it has deep meaning look at the Lord of the Rings story right in the original Hobbit story we read about Bilbo Baggins and how he stumbles upon this magical ring that turns him invisible yet later on the and then the Rings mysterious and it's got Gandalf's interest yeah I'm a nerd I get it and and this story ends you know he wears it nothing really big happens with the ring you know there's a little warning from Gandalf and powerful rings or not to be you know meddled with Bilbo and then the next story comes along and all of a sudden that ring is the entire focus of the three book trilogy the Lord of the Rings it was just in but now it was not obvious originally but it was used by the author to tie the stories together to have a big epic adventure type story going on and more so God does this but this is normal in works of literature to do this sort of thing and so does this with the story of Jonah three days and three nights now here's something interesting here's how we can do typology I go wow look Jesus relates himself to Jonah and he specifically rate relates the time Jonah was inside this fish for three days and nights to his time in the two in the tomb his death and resurrection I wonder what would happen if I went to the story of Jonah and just read what Jonah said about his time inside that fish well let's go there that's Jonah chapter two because I think Jesus is inviting us to follow his lead in Jonah chapter two we read this in verse one it's a short book in the Old Testament so it's hard to find all you can find is psalms in Ezekiel so good luck so Jonah - when it says then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish and I'm gonna I'm gonna read this to you but I'm gonna offer you some typological and understanding of it as well at least that I think is there saying I called out to the Lord out of my distress and he answered me out of the belly of she ole I cried and you heard my voice now now Sheol is a term either used for the grave or the place where people go when they die it's used for multiple things right here Awards actually the Hebrew vocabulary back then was a lot smaller and so they would use one word for lots of different meanings that's just what they would do so the word Sheol ments either the grave or it means the place where you like the physical grave or the place wherever you go when you die but it's never used to refer to a fish but it's interesting that he metaphorically calls himself in the belly of not a fish but she'll the grave and Jesus says he was in the belly of the fish the son of the man will be in the heart of the earth well really that relates I think to the death of Jesus Christ and his burial so I cried and you heard my voice for you cast me into the deep into the heart of the Seas and the floods surrounded me all your ways and your billows passed over me now in the Bible floods and waves and billows are seen as as judgment and tribulation and hardships of life but we know that Psalm where he says like deep calls unto deep and we hear quoted in the song and we're acting like it's the deep of my heart that calls out to the deep of the Lord actually it's it's it's like one trial and life calls out to another trial in life that's the actual meaning of the song I'm sorry for ruining your worship songs but that's what it means and it's hit the deep calling out to deepen the psalm there is actually talking about weight billows and waterfalls and terrible things happening to it's the idea and so jesus suffers he goes down to sheet to Sheol he goes to the grave and he suffers what the judgment and the wrath for my sins verse 4 then i said i am driven away from your sight yet i shall again look upon your holy temple could not jesus have said this my god my god why have you forsaken me yet he knew that he would once again look upon and it says your holy temple well we are the temple of the holy spirit now and jesus died in order to make us that temple so he will again it was for the joy set before him he endured the cross despising the shame I think this is kind of interesting the waters closed in over me to take my life the deep surrounded me weeds were wrapped about my head at the roots of the mountains I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever yet you brought of my life from the pit Oh Lord my god and that phrase the pit is very regularly used in Scripture to talk about death talk about death a lot of people think Jonah actually died inside the fish because of this prayer it sounds like he's saying I died and you brought me back so you might so for those who were like how could he survive inside the fish well maybe he didn't it's possible he didn't I'm either way God's obviously doing a miracle through this thing then in verse 7 when my life was fainting away I remembered the Lord and my prayer came to you into your holy temple those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love but I with the voice of Thanksgiving will sacrifice to you what I have vowed I will pay salvation belongs to the Lord I can't help but think of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane weeping great drops or sweating great drops of blood and he's like if there's any other way yet nevertheless let your will be done he's gonna vow we're gonna pay what he's vowed what he's committed to come and he's gonna pay it he's gonna sacrifice himself it's so interesting that he's like there's a sacrifice I mean why is why is Jonah talking about a sacrifice he's been eaten by a fish for not going and speaking God's Word to the Ninevites and he speaks here at the end of of paying what he's vowed and a sacrifice and I think that this is you could almost have the entire prayer of Jonah in the mouth of Jesus relating to the cross and his death and resurrection I think that's pretty cool I think that's pretty cool and I didn't just make it up because Jesus is the one that kind of pointed us over there with his own words in Matthew 12 39 and 40 okay one more the cornerstone last one first Peter chapter 2 verses 7 and 8 Jesus is called the cornerstone and I have to say this one gets me very excited and I'm not gonna impact the entire thing because again we're going for quantity over quality today first Peter chapter 2 7 it says so the honor is for you who believe but for those who do not believe for those who do not believe the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone and a stone of stumbling in a rock of offense and these are quotes because their quotes of the Old Testament they stumble because they disobey the word as they were destined to now this is actually from psalm 118 which is a very messianic type psalm and I'll show you why in a second but let me pause to point something out sometimes when you're looking at some of the some of the verses people say our prophecy about Christ you look at it and you go that isn't clearly obviously about Jesus whereas some of it is there is plenty that is clearly obviously but some of it you're like I don't know if I would use that when trying to convince someone that Jesus is the Old Testament Messiah and I agree I wouldn't use this to convince somebody I would use this to help Christians appreciate what God has done in the scriptures I would go to Isaiah 53 I would go to Psalm 22 I would go to Daniel 9 I would go to the passages I've done in my evidence for the Bible series I would go to those to convince you that Jesus is the Messiah but once you've locked that in you can then go to the rest and you can do what we're doing today so when you hear him quote that he's the stone that the builders rejected and he's the chief Cornerstone and if it what's in your mind is every verse has to prove the Bible true well then you've really limited the text of scripture because it's only allowed to do one thing for you you can't appreciate what God's written because your doubt has caused you to not be able to just read the text everything has to prove everything right you have to prove every fact of Scripture okay all right so you've proven that the that the Bible was really written that way but can you can you prove there was a mountain right there in that exact spot at that time and everything has to be proved every five seconds have you guys experienced this before it's crippling doubt and it's irrational now it's doubt and to the point where you're not able to let people finish this sentence without interrupting them to telling them to tell them about everything that's wrong with the way they put the comma in the wrong place verbally I don't if that's possible okay so psalm 118 back to the stone that the builders rejected this is what first Peter is talking about psalm 118 and verse 22 this is the verse that's quoted the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone this is the Lord's doing it as marvelous in our eyes this is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it this statement about the stone that the builders rejected the builders of course are probably talking about the builders of the temple and the story that psalm 118 is seeming to communicate is this this old traditional story that that when they were building now they wouldn't have the sound of tools and in Solomon's Temple in the area where they were constructing it so they would do the quarrying over here then they would bring the stones up later and so they'd send up the stones well the cornerstones gonna look different than the rest but it's an important chief stone you know this is important stone in the building construction of the temple so the builders get this stone that looks different from the rest and they get it too early in the building time and they go what is this we don't know what this is so they roll it downhill I just we reject it just toss it downhill later on when they're finishing the temple as that story goes they say send word to the quarry we need the Chiefs cornerstone and the core he goes yeah we sent that up to you like forever ago man like you already had it what'd you do to it and they look down the hill and they go oh that stone we rejected that's the chief Cornerstone and that's the text here in psalm 118 22 and it's we realized in first peter's about Jesus that the stone rejected stone about the temple ends up being Jesus he's the chief Cornerstone he was what the whole thing was about he's what it was all leading up into it was all about Jesus but the builders rejected him the high priests the Pharisees Sadducees the leadership of the time including the Roman leadership I mean he was rejected by many so this is this is typology this is exciting but if you go back to to psalm 118 and you just keep reading we get to a passage that you know you know this passage it's all money between 25 it says save us or save now or Hosanna that's the word Hosanna we pray O Lord O Lord we pray give us success blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord we bless you from the house of the Lord the Lord is God and he has made his light to shine upon us pause for a second we got to read the rest of that cuz it's kind of neat right but Jesus shows up and he is according to psalm 118 there is a stone that will be rejected Jesus shows up he enters into Jerusalem and weenie enters in on Good Friday they are crying out or some Palm Sunday they're crying out Hosanna Hosanna saved now sin now success they're crying out this exact psalm and what happens the builders reject him and then how does verse 27 end in psalm 118 bind the festal or the the sacrifice the for the feast sacrifice bind the festal sacrifice with cords up to the horns of the altar we have we have Palm Sunday and Good Friday put together in this psalm 118 he is the cornerstone he was sent to you you rejected him and now he is put upon this the altar the sacrifice and so he goes to the cross this is amazing I am just I've realized that many people when they're confronted with the interweaving beauty and majesty of the text of scripture that they won't comprehend it for whatever reason it just doesn't land I don't know but it lands with me and I hope it lands with you I am blown away by the beauty and majesty of the text of the scriptures here I could sit and just study this one Psalm all day and look at how it was pictured and then fulfilled by Jesus Christ now first Peter the other thing it mentioned so mentions he's the cornerstone the stone that was rejected this passage that does not obviously speak clearly about Messiah but is a is it is a foreshadowing that then becomes clear when Jesus shows up and then Isaiah 8:14 is the other part the stone of stumbling the rock of offense it says and he will become a sanctuary and a stone of a fence and a rock of stumbling to both houses of Israel a trap at a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem speaking altom utley about Christ blows me away all right last one David let's talk about David okay there's like eight more all right David Ezekiel 37 verse 24 says my servant David shall be king over them and they shall all have one Shepherd they shall walk in my rules and be careful to obey my statutes and you might be like and I'm actually throwing this example out there on purpose this is a less certain example Ezekiel 37 24 this is the less clear possible foreshadowing of Christ why do I say that okay Ezekiel 37 is written long after David is dead and gone and we know that in that the house of David and the son of David is the Messiah who is to come but a zekiel 37 simply refers to a future righteous ruling King and just calls him David the two options are that in some future time David resurrected and his resurrected body actually rains and that's quite possible maybe he will have some sort of authority and rulership during maybe the millennium or something like that and the other option is that this is actually just calling Jesus David because he's the son of David because he's inherits this sort of typology that David started Jesus fulfills and that may be the case that may be the case and there's other supportive passages as well I do think David is a type of Christ and I'll hopefully we'll get into that later on in the same series so then we have the temple okay this is kind of neat have you ever heard raise your hand if you've heard a study where people go through the the trappings in the design of the temple the tabernacle and they talk about how it relates to Christ have you guys experienced that before we may well do that in this series I think is kind of a fun and neat thing to do and I do think it relates but I think it has an actual biblical basis and John chapter 2 verse 18 I'll start here John 2:18 so the Jews said to him what sign do you do you show us for doing these things they asked Jesus for a sign and jesus answered them here's the sign right destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up now Jesus knew how they were gonna take this statement right destroy this temple he knows they're gonna not understand him why on earth does he say this temple well it says the Jews then said it is taken us 46 years to build this temple and will you raise it up in three days like you can't build things that fast not even like you know there was no 3d printers back then verse 21 it says but he was speaking about the temple of his body when therefore he was raised from the dead his disciples remembered that he'd said this and they believed the scripture and a word that Jesus had spoken Jesus purposely and deliberately confuses the identity of the temple and himself and he says destroy this temple in three days and I will destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up interestingly enough this is it's this phrase that really lends towards him getting condemned later on it's as though he gave them the the the ammo they twisted his words they said Jesus said he was going to destroy the temple but that's obviously not what he said and they knew it as well but they used this to try to twist words to attack him later on when he's in his trial with the with the Jewish trials he went through they used this and they twist it and throw it back in his face hmm so that's that's okay just mark that down there's one time where Jesus deliberately confuses the identity between the temple and himself and then the Bible the text calls it the temple of his body interesting then in John 1:14 we have this phrase and the word became flesh and dwelt among us dwell among us and we've seen his glory glory as of the only son from the father full of grace and truth and that word dwelt is literally the same word we use for tabernacled or the tabernacle and so that some some translations actually translate it that way so the word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us that's interesting that that word is used there very interesting then when we get to Exodus 29 now this may not seem super convincing to you but there's more there's not just wait okay so Exodus chapter 29 verse 43 it says there I will meet with the people of Israel again God speaking to his people and it shall be sanctified by my glory and what's the Very's talking about the temple right so look at how God describes the temple it sits where God will meet with his people right it will be sanctified by his glory I will consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar Aaron also and his sons I will consecrate to serve me as priests I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God and they shall know that I am the Lord their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them I am the Lord their God remember when Moses came to God and God says I'm not going down to you if I go in your midst I will destroy you because I'm holy in your wicked and so then they made the temple the tabernacle this is like God can't dwell with us but but this location will be like a way that God can be in our midst but somehow separate from us the tabernacle is the Old Testament God with us that's what it is it's the Old Testament God with us right that's that's God's dwelling place right there the tabernacle Jesus refers to his body as the temple and then in John 1:14 it says the word became flesh and tabernacled dwelt amongst us and Jesus was called Immanuel God with us I think that these are all into deliberate and intentional things and then we have something even stronger confirmation of this in Hebrews 10 verses 19 and 20 where it says therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy the holy places by the blood of Jesus by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain that is through his flesh and now now you remember when Jesus the curtain or the veil were entering the holy places the Holy of Holies through the veil this is temple language this is the tabernacle there was this thick veil that separated that everyone from that one location the Holy of Holies and when Jesus died there was a great earthquake and that veil tore from top to bottom remember reading about that and then Hebrews says now it interprets this event for us right we have boldness to enter we can come right into God's presence no more separation between man and God because that veil was torn and that veil is his flesh his body now I put all these things together and I go there is definitely a connection between Jesus and the temple it's very clear it's very plain in scriptures and I think that it's okay to then go and look at the temple and say I wonder what else might be there I think I have a legitimate biblical reason to do that which makes Bible study very exciting to me and Passover all right Passover let's talk about Passover first Corinthians 5:7 Jesus relates to Passover it says cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump as you really are unleavened for Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed Christ our Passover lamb he's a straight up called the Passover the Passover lamb he's been sacrificed for us and Passover we know as a Jewish feast now think about the scope for a second right we're looking at the forest not just the trees look at the variety of trees in this forest we have people we have events we have sort of riddle e phrases in the book of psalms about like stone rejected become the cornerstone we've got the veil in the temple we have now feasts the Passover that are all seen as types and shadows of Christ what I'm saying is this like there's in the scope of your Old Testament do you realize how much variety of what you have in your Old Testament is being said to relate to Jesus and this is all directly from the New Testament teaching this isn't some sort of creative Bible study technique this is just what the text says so Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed and then in John 1:29 when Jesus shows up this is kind of confirmed even more because it says in John 1:29 the next day he this is John the Baptizer he saw Jesus coming toward him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world that's interesting you know how the shadows are always lesser and Jesus is always greater the Jewish mind would have known immediately what the Lamb of God is right this is either the Passover lamb or some other lambs of the sacrifices of the Old Testament except none of them none of them ever made the claim that they would take away the sin of the world at most it would do something for Israel as a whole not the world Jesus comes and he takes away the sin of the world because he's greater so again we see that Old Testament types represent but fall short of Jesus so as you're looking for types in the Old Testament again expect it to fall short that's kind of the point right to create the need and the desire for Jesus Christ but there's more so the sin offering is also referencing a type of Jesus Christ in Hebrews 13 he was 13 verses 11 and 12 we read this for the bodies of those animals this is talking about the Old Testament sacrifices the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as a sacrifice for sin are burned outside the camp so Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood this is talking about specific kind of sacrifice there's different sacrifices if you read Leviticus right it's orders and different ways that sacrifices are to be done and this is neat to me talk about opening the Book of Leviticus to you it's saying that the particular way in which the sacrifices were to take place pictured Christ and and this was the day of atonement sacrifice specifically the day of atonement sacrifice the animal was slaughtered the blood was taken just the blood and it was brought all the way into the Holy of Holies the only one time of year when they could even enter into the Holy of Holies and the blood was offered there before the presence of God on the mercy seat right but the bodies they were burned outside the camp super far away you can't even not even burned at the brazen altar not even burned in the normal location but for this sacrifice the body's taken all the way outside the camp and Hebrews tells us in the same sense Jesus suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood did you know the cross was located on Golgotha Rite was located at Calvary outside the gates of Jerusalem so it's brought outside the camp and so Jesus is related to this now now does this mean after the day of atonement has specific sacrifices that relate to Jesus in the in the particulars of how the sacrifice is to be done the stuff that you have a hard time reading in Leviticus what else might there be in Leviticus in the sacrifices that might relate to Christ I mean don't tell me that only the day of atonement can be that way because I mean Passover is that way they have atonements that way the veils that way the temples that way right the Book of Psalms they got random stuff in the Book of Psalms it's that way I got I got David I got Moses I got no one I got the Ark and I got the flood and I got goodness gracious how many types are there and that's the point I want us to see how big the forest is tonight because I think it will spark your your desire for more then the scripture goes on and it talks about sacrifices not just the day of atonement but Hebrews 923 talks about just sacrifices in general and how the general nature of the Old Testament sacrifices was a foreshadowing to reveal something about Christ and how he was greater Hebrews 9 23 thus it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things this is speaking Hebrews 9 speaks about like like these two temples one is God's very presence in heaven and then there's the earthly tabernacle that represents God's presence we realized that the even the this is kind of neat stuff maybe even the temple itself the tabernacle look at the way it's designed on the inside it had like like these heavenly beings sewn into it heavenly stuff sewn into on the outside it was very earthly it was meant to say like you're entering sort of into heaven as you come into this place and the presence of God so it was meant to represent like God's presence in heaven but it was just a shadow of God's actual presence in a sense a foreshadowing of it and so that's where it talks about these two different sort of temples or Tabernacles or places so he was 9:23 thus it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things that would be the earthly stuff the tabernacle to be purified with these rites but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these so when they originally commemorated the tabernacle as well as the temple that made a bunch of sacrifices Moses he like takes the blood and he like gets blood and stuff on everything everything sanctified by blood the the thing is everything has to be sanctified by the blood of Jesus Christ this is how it works but because these are just copies of the heavenly things Hebrews says of course God's ultimate sanctification is going to be better than this so interesting there's more there in Hebrews nine you're welcome to read it for yourself it's great stuff another thing about Jesus is that these sacrifices were offered repeatedly but Jesus was only offered one time see how the they fall short Jesus fulfills it in a greater sense Hebrews 5 which we're not gonna read tonight but it it compared Jesus to the priests and the high priest as well the priests plural as well as the high priests and we went into that a little bit previously so I won't get into it as well so the priests the sacrifices multiple different feast days the temple the veil all this stuff relates to Christ and then the Sabbath here's another one in case you thought we ran out this have we're not gonna run out by the way where it's gonna run at that time in Colossians 2:16 it talks about how the Sabbath somehow relates to Christ and more than that actually so let's read it therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or a Sabbath these are a shadow of things to come but the substance belongs to Christ right the the festivals or new moons this talk about the feast days we already talked about Day of Atonement and Passover they related to Jesus I wonder how the others might then we have this statement about the Sabbath but but first let me just point out real quick in verse 17 it says these are a shadow this is one of those words we actually use in typological terminology so they're a shadow that's why I keep using the phrase before shadowing you know when I was I was taking a walk last night and some of my neighbors have those insanely bright porch lights and a couple of them have them not like in on their porch but these insanely bright porch lights are like sticking at that part of their house that almost comes to the curb so so as I'm walking by if those lights are behind me I noticed that my shadow goes way out in front of me that's a foreshadow and so these four shadowed Jesus their shadows of what the things to come now if you know someone very well you can recognize them by their shadow and so we see Jesus his shadow in all this stuff and then he shows up and you go yep that was you we were seeing in the shadow the whole time so this is not my imagination this is God's inspired text in verse 17 these are a shadow of the things to come but the substance not the shadow the substance is a belongs to Christ or is of Christ that's New King James already loaded in the brain there so Hebrews 4 talks about this as well we already heard the sabbath somehow the substance of the sabbath is jesus how is Jesus the substance of the Sabbath in Hebrews 4 we get a whole bunch of stuff in Hebrews 4 about the Sabbath rest theme and how it's the Sabbath is incomplete outside of Christ and we're gonna read a bunch of Hebrews four so we're in a certain verse one this is there for while the promise of entering his rest still stands let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it he was already given us this sort of case in the Old Testament that God has promised that you can still enter into his rest that it's a future thing verse two for good news came to us just as to them but the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not united by faith with those who listened for we who have believed enter that rest as he has said as I swear on my wrath they shall not enter my rest this is Psalm 95 and it deserves me to go to Psalm 95 and explain it all but I don't have time so homework for you I want to focus just on how Jesus fulfills the Sabbath that's the point at the moment so although his works were finished from the foundation of the world that is God six days he created the heavens and the earth and the seventh day he rested because he's done not because he's tired he's done he's resting verse four for he has somewhere spoken of the seventh day in this way and God rested on the seventh day from all his works and again in this passage he said they shall not enter my rest that is Psalm 95 he tells the people I'm resting but you are not entering my rest there's some future rest for you you guys didn't get it but it still is available for us verse six since therefore it remains for some to enter it and those who formerly received the good news failed to enter because of disobedience again he appoints a certain day today saying this is all commentary on Psalm 85 saying through David so long afterward in the words already quoted today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts for if Joshua had given them rest God would not have spoken of another day later on he's kind of cutting off someone who will misinterpret the Old Testament well they entered rest when they enter the promised land they entered the rest of God oh no no because many years later God says that are not entering his rest and there's a today there's a present promise about entering his rest so how do we enter his rest Old Testament question mark New Testament exclamation point in Jesus Christ so if Joshua given them rest God would of spoken of another day later on first nine so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever's entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his so this is connecting the theme of this is kind of neat stuff actually connecting the theme of God's rest Genesis with the Sabbath and with the promise of a future rest in Psalm 95 and then verse 11 let us therefore strive to enter that rest so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience Christ is the substance he is the rest Christ is my Sabbath he is my Sabbath rest I rest in him Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest yeah that's kind of neat do you think Jesus was thinking about Genesis and Psalm 95 he inspired it okay of course he was thinking about all that so let's look at Luke 424 I want to look at this as one of our last passages for tonight this is a really neat passage in Luke 24 because here's where Jesus takes a compilation of more than one event Old Testament events and he adds them together to show that they were establishing like this repeated pattern that was meant to teach you something about Messiah this is kind of neat stuff so so here now we have a new kind of typology it's not this happened here that represents Messiah this happened here that represents Messiah instead this one is this happened here here here and that pattern became a pattern which also happened with Jesus as he came and stepped into the shadow he had been casting Luke for 24 and he said truly I say to you no prophet is acceptable in his hometown but in truth I tell you there were many widows and see if you can Pharaoh why he's bringing up these stories and why do they get mad at him when he does there were many widows in the Israel in the in Israel in the days of Elijah when the heavens were shut up three years and six months and a great famine came over all the land and Elijah was sent to none of them but only two Aira faith in the land of Sidon to a woman who was a widow now that is gonna make them a little bit angry I'll explain why in just a moment verse 27 and there were many lepers in Israel in the time of the prophet Elijah and none of them was cleansed but only naman the Syrian when they heard these things and all in the synagogue were filled with wrath and they rose up and drove him out of the town and brought him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built so that they could throw him down the cliff but passing through their midst he went his way why are they so mad because the widow and Neyman are Gentiles and he says there were lots of widows in the days of Elijah repet God sent him to a Gentile why did God send Elijah to a Gentile woman there were lots of lepers in the days of Elijah who did many miracles but why is the only leper he cleansed a Syrian a Gentile and rather than think hmm maybe God was telling us something they get angry and they're their national pride rises up they come against him Jesus is revealing to us that there's a pattern here that Elijah Elijah they're both consistent with their received by the Gentiles but not by Israel Jesus comes and who is he received by right read the book of Acts it actually carries the course of the gospel going out to the Jews some of them got saved praise God many of them rejected and then we get these events where Paul's like fine we're gonna go to the Gentiles you're kicking us out of the synagogue we'll go to the Gentiles all right we have the parable of Jesus who tells about yeah go into the highways and byways and invite them all to the wedding if these invited don't want to come Jesus is revealing that Elijah Elijah they're like a pattern now that pattern actually gets bigger if you look at other texts of Scripture David there was a time when David already anointed king of Israel but was rejected by Saul and chased out by the armies of Israel and he went into the hands and into the lands of the Gentiles and he was employed and embraced by them we read about this with Moses Moses when he we can also read this in the book of Acts chapter 7 x7 is your homework if you want more homework and Stephens address and he says damn Moses like he comes to the people and he and he avenges one of his brothers who's being beaten and by this Egyptian he slays the Egyptian and in acts 7 he says well Moses figured his people would recognize right I'm here to deliver you but instead they tattletale on him and he has to flee and who is he received by Jethro some other people outside some Gentile outside in the liminal in the land of Midian and there he becomes like the Shepherd and he's received and he's well and then later he comes back his second coming he's received by the Jewish people Joseph Joseph rejected by his brothers sold into slavery received by Pharaoh and the Gentiles and they're raised up then finally second time around he's received by his own family and they're to deliver them and help them there's a pattern here that Jesus follows or I should say they are patterned after Jesus they foreshadowed him as he was coming this may bring a new meaning to Jesus's statement in Matthew 5:17 where he says do not think that I've come to abolish the law or the prophets I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them and we often think of him fulfilling the law but we don't realize he also fulfilled the prophets and the statement law and prophets it was been meant to encompass the scriptures he's I I've come to fulfil at all how much is there for us to still learn how much is there for the scriptures to be open to us as we learn more and more about Christ whether it's direct prophecy or thematic elements that represent Jesus types and shadows this does not again it does not replace the simple meaning of the text but it's to recognize that God has been doing something all along that has finally revealed in Jesus and were intended to go back to the Old Testament with that in mind we're intended to I hope that this stirs your minds and imaginations and well not so much your imagination as your mind we got to be careful and we want to find what God has already placed in the text we're not intending to fabricate things and I think it's good rules for us to be cautious you may find something you really like it may or may not be legitimate hold on to it loosely if you're not so sure about it it's okay to be like maybe this maybe that I'm not sure but we are meant I believe to go to the scriptures and view them through the lens of the revelation of Christ I think we're supposed to do that because the New Testament does that and it seems to me Jesus does that and and I I do think I mean I don't know how long you've been you've been a believer I've been a believer for a couple years now and and I'm and I'm kind of shocked is I think I've heard I don't know how many thousands of Bible says I love listening to Bible studies I listen him all the time and I'm like I don't remember ever being taught very much about this actually when I think about it and I'm not here to criticize the teachers right like oh it's all their fault for not you know I mean I got a Bible I could do my own study what I'm saying though is maybe this is a somewhat neglected section in our understanding of Scripture and perhaps we're neglecting something that is actually central to the main message of the text when we don't see Jesus throughout its pages let's pray father God thank you for your word thank you for Jesus Christ revealed and we pray revealed more and more as we study the text of scriptures we pray Lord that you would light a fire in us of passion to know your word better and to see it more clearly and more truly we pray for great insights as you see the variety of ways in which the law and the prophets they speak of him how Moses wrote of him we want our hearts to burn with hennas as you open the scriptures to us so you pray for wisdom insight and for us to discover not not fabricate but to discover what you have always had there for us in Jesus name Amen [Music] you
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 30,290
Rating: 4.8781724 out of 5
Keywords: how many types of Christ are there, Jesus in the OT, How to find Jesus in the Old Testament part 7, Typology Bible study, every type of Christ, how is Jesus foreshadowed in the Old Testament, theology of typology, Mike Winger, Bible Thinker, examples of types of Christ, Jesus all over the OT, Jesus is all over the Old Testament
Id: wmSPPc1nenU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 10sec (3550 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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