Amazing! How Jesus is Like the Tabernacle of Moses: How to find Jesus in the OT pt14

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so in our continuing series in Jesus in the Old Testament we were approached the topic of Jesus and the tabernacle so we're gonna do tonight is talk about how Jesus is pictured in the tabernacle when I say tabernacle I'm not talking about the Temple in Jerusalem I'm talking about the tenth tabernacle that was a portable temporary unit that would they would construct and then tear down and remove and this is like given to them in the law of Moses and they carried and continued to have it until the time of Solomon they continue to have this tabernacle setup more often than not so this is in Exodus 25 through 40 you're welcome to read those 16 chapters really quick right now in preparation but I'll give you the overview and how it parallels Christ at least in my opinion I admit some of this stuff is conjectured some of this stuff is me going I think maybe this I think maybe that but we're allowing conjecture and our Jesus in the Old Testament search as long as we start with New Testament theological truths and then we conjecture how those are pictured in the Old Testament we're not making up new stuff we're not here creating new theology and we'll talk about that next week when we get into bad examples of typology and how not to do typology but one of the things we get that's important to note is that the tabernacle was designed by God not man that is it wasn't okay the temple Solomon's Temple it was patterned after the tabernacle but Solomon changed a lot of stuff like if there was one of them in the tabernacle Solomon made like seven of them he's like lampstand good idea let's make seven of those you know like he he like elevated everything next level but the tabernacle was all very specific just to God's instructions it was designed by God not man so X is 25 nine God says to Moses exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle and of all its furniture so you shall make it it really mattered to God that they made it just in a specific way and that's why in Exodus you got sixteen chapters and it kind of goes like this make it like this make it like this all the instructions and then it's like and so-and-so made it like that and so-and-so made it like this and it's really careful to make us know we followed God's given pattern in making this tabernacle a great deal of scriptures is actually devoted to the topic so because of this we have a really good idea of what it looked like because we just look at the description in the text so this is an approximation of what it looked like it was about 150 feet by 75 feet that's the entire area the footprint of the whole thing including the outer area as well as the inner area it had some furniture stuff on the outside the bronze the bronze offering altar and then of course the the bronze Laver or the washing the wash basin they had there and then of course you had the the enclosure notice it was all portable it's all made out of tents and skins and like cloth and stuff that they could actually pick up pack up and move with them as they're wandering through the wilderness as they're looking for their homeland so it's a temporary structure now Solomon of course is the one who took this and made it into the temple but that was again like you know five hundred years after Moses when Solomon did that so here's here's some aerial footage from the from an ancient drone and but it gives you the ideas like they would perform these sacrifices offerings and sacrifices they had to happen at this tabernacle that was the one location in Israel where it was approved to do these sort of offerings and sacrifices you couldn't just do it wherever you want they rebuked all the time because they had sacrifices Oh in the high places here and there throughout the Old Testament but it was supposed to happen here one location for these things to take place only the priests are supposed to be in there doing that stuff right only the ironic priests are supposed to go inside the actual temple or tabernacle proper so this is you know they offer the animals they do the washing the cleansing and they have different rituals and things that they do there even the feast days and things like Passover the day of atonement special things would happen right there in the tabernacle which would sit interestingly enough while they're traveling through the wilderness it would sit in the middle of all the tribes the tribes literally encamped around the tabernacle so there was at the center of the people of Israel so all I'm saying is it was a big deal inside the tabernacle inside the actual tabernacle we have two two separate sections what we have is the the holy place which is that that large section you're looking at then we have the Holy of Holies the Holy of Holies was about 15 feet by 15 feet and it was separated from the holy place by this thick veil that ran between the two inside the holy of Holy's there's only one real piece of furniture thing there and that is of course the Ark of the Covenant out side we have three pieces of furniture we'll look at each of those I hate to use the word furniture I'm not sure what other term to use to describe them but we'll look at those individually so let's continue why is God so concerned about what it looks like now if you don't know about Jesus you might just be like he's God don't worry about it like do what he says and I agree do what he says but now that we can look and know that in the volume of the book it speaks of him that you know all through the Scriptures they speak of Christ according to Jesus now I can say I think the reason one of the reasons why is because it's an amazing picture of Christ not only the things that happen there but even in the way it's built so is that me completely is that complete conjecture I don't think so I think I can actually tie this to New Testament truths as pretty much every type we've looked at I've been able to say the New Testament gives us good reason to look for this typology I haven't kind of just gone on my own yet I just said it's in the New Testament so it is I think with Jesus and the tabernacle so in John chapter 2 you guys know this passage where he's overturning the money changers tables and he's pretty upset about what's going on inside of the temple which became the permanent replacement for the tabernacle and he's upset there right but then they asked him what authority do you have to do this overturning the money changers tables you know causing this ruckus what who gives you authority to tell us what happens in the temple and Jesus answers them in John 2:19 destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up then the Jews then said it has taken us 46 years to build this temple and will you raise it up in three days but he was speaking about the temple of his body now I'm not gonna hang everything on this but here's just a passage where Jesus deliberately confuses the difference between the temple and his body and he refers to his body as this temple when he's standing at the temple and they're asking him about the temple and he refers to his body as the temple so that's just really interesting now couple this with a passage earlier in john john 1:14 in john 1:14 it says of jesus and the word became flesh and dwelt among and we have seen his glory glory as of the only son from the father full of grace and truth now we know this passage he might be like okay how does this have to do with the tabernacle well that we're dwelt there it is in the Greek sky now esquina oh excuse me sky na o is a Greek word that actually can be translated to live or camp in a tent in the New Testament this word is only used by John like they don't even use this term for the most part throughout the the rest of the New Testament it's just not there John uses it and he uses it here in one case it could literally mean to pitch a tent and dwell that's from the theological dictionary of the New Testament so it's saying and some translations actually put it this way the word became flesh and tabernacled amongst us because it means to dwell in a tent amongst us so that's just an interesting terminology there later John uses the same term in revelation 21:3 wryly I'll just read it to you I don't have a slide for it but it says and I heard a loud voice from the throne here at the consummation of all things it says behold the dwelling place of God is with man with man he will dwell with them Tabernacle with them he will dwell with them and they will be his people and God Himself will be with them as their God so here's another use of the term so he takes a term that seems to be similar to the term Tabernacle it means to dwell in a tent he refers it to Jesus tabernacling amongst us and then the final consummation it's okay now it's fully achieved God is with us God is with us so very interesting interesting stuff but there's another connection and that's in John 1:14 when it says he dwelt or tabernacled amongst us and we saw his glory we've seen his glory well that's interesting because it reminds me of exodus 40 in that same remember the the passage of exodus we're talking about right here's Exodus 40 here is the end after the Tabernacles built and after it's all built after it's finally been tabernacled amongst them it says in Exodus 40 33 and 34 so moses finished the work then the cloud covered the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle so once the tabernacle was built they saw in some sense the glory of God and so Jesus he came in he tabernacled and we saw his glory so we see there's these can sections these sort of literary connections between Jesus and the tabernacle I think it's really interesting also Hebrews we won't get into this for the sake of time but Hebrews talks about how the sacrifices yet that took place in the temple were ultimately all about Christ and all pointing to Christ and it talks about how the high priest and his function as high priest was all about Christ and pointed to Christ and so Hebrews talks about the functions of the temple we we know that the the feasts that took place at the tabernacle or temple they also pointed to Christ and here we have some connections in John as well that's pretty interesting to me so let's talk about the tabernacle the purpose of the tabernacle what was the point what was the big idea behind the tabernacle well it had one overarching purpose and it wasn't primarily just to do sacrifices rather the sacrifices were done to achieve the purpose and the purpose is access 25/8 as he's telling them about the tabernacle beginning the instructions he says let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell in their midst the reason for the tabernacle in the middle of Israel was so God could be with his people I want to be with them now he couldn't just dwell with them without any sort of separations because he would destroy them so he was like let's deal with the sin problem I can't dwell with you but it will require this tabernacle and these constant sacrifices because of your sin issues but then he'll do well with them in Exodus 29 45 it says I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God again this is the same Exodus passage the section we're dealing with how to build the tabernacle so he's describing the tabernacle when he says I'll dwell with them now in Matthew 1:23 how relates to Jesus right behold the Virgin shall be with child and shall bear a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel which is translated God with us why did Jesus come so God could be with us what wasn't it really all about the sacrifice Jesus but the sacrifice was all about God being with us the goal was to restore the relationship of man with God and the tabernacle was to allow God to have a relationship with his people although it was limited and it was lesser because the fulfillment is better than the type right the the the thing is better than the shadow of the thing you may recognize this image from Raiders of the Lost Ark we're gonna talk about the furniture now right inside the holy of Holy's there was what's called the Ark of the Covenant and this Ark is basically it's and we're to talk about the lower part there was in two pieces there was the container portion down below and there was the solid gold lid we'll talk about later called the mercy seat but the but it had these rings gold rings where you could actually put poles so they could carry it because member had to be portable no it probably didn't look at quite exactly like this but it's you know here's an interesting image that might help give you an idea so the ark was about two feet high the container part not the lid was about two feet high and about three feet wide and two feet deep so it was two by three by two is that I don't know how you're supposed to say that and it was made out of acacia wood and it was covered in solid covered in gold not solid gold I guess gold what do you call that inlay that's fancy inlay I'll go with that acacia wood if you do some research on acacia when you find out that it's a particular tree that grows in the Negev desert which is where they were traveling and wandering for their forty years in the wilderness interestingly enough the the desert doesn't have very many thorny trees and according to at least according to my sources it was the the only thorny tree out there was the acacia here's its branches here's some examples of the thorns most likely most likely this is what they used for the crown of thorns of Jesus because it's local to the area and it would make an appropriate you know crown of thorns thorns we know are a sign of the curse right the the curse of that falls upon Adam and Eve is the thorns on the ashes to ashes dust at us right to dust you will go and also thorns the ground will bear thorns so in a sense Jesus has a crown he's wearing this thing that is to represent the curse how interesting and the Ark is made out of that same material in fact all the wood for the tabernacle was made out of this same material very interesting so there's a connection there I think it was overlaid in gold so it would just look magnificent and in fact all the inside was just covered in gold you just see gold everywhere if you were inside and so I used to say at this point I I was look at my old notes I've taught this a long time ago and I used to say at this point that I'm gold represents divinity as I was looking at my notes there one of those things I do every once in a while and I go how do I know that and I thought to myself how do I know gold represents divinity so I I actually started looking and looking for gold in scripture where it appears in Scripture I tried to and I can't justify that claim I don't know why I ever said that like it's why those things you hear a teacher say it and you figures true and you don't realize that you're just kind of repeating something one of my goals is to stop repeating things that aren't the case so I'll just throw it out there I don't know that gold represents divinity I think it is clear though that gold does represent wealth Gold definitely represents wealth that seems pretty clear in Scripture and in heaven the streets are paved with gold to represent the immeasurable wealth that there is in heaven and so here you go inside and it's all covered in gold to represent I think heaven the wealth of God in heaven you're entering into kind of like this the throne room of God is the idea so three things were inside again I said this is a container there's three things in the container inside of it one of them is the two tablets of stone carrying the ten commandments that Moses wrote down after he broke the other one's the Ten Commandments now how does that represent Jesus well Jesus shows up Matthew 5:17 he says do not think that I've come to abolish the law or the prophets I've not come to abolish them but to fulfill them Christ fulfills the things that are written here he actually does it now they all failed but Christ fulfills it they stand there forever in the middle of Israel as this constant testimony of what the people aren't doing you're failing you're sinning Jesus comes and he actually accomplishes it he actually does it so the Ten Commandments represent gods righteous standards they're kind of picturesque of all of God's moral truths you know it's kind of like seeing in that representative representative place Jesus fulfills it he walks the perfect life he lived sinlessly he obeys the law the second thing that was inside the Ark is some of the manna from heaven some of the man that the people would gather as they traveled through the wilderness they grab they took some they put it in a gold jar and they place that jar inside of the actual tabernacle itself now we've already seen how this relates to Christ the manna we've already seen at least some of it I haven't got into great detail we can actually study the passage about the man I just Collie analyze how it's described and how that relates to Jesus but let me give you Jesus's words on the subject John 632 Jesus then said to them truly truly I say to you it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven but my father gives you the true bread from heaven for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world this is completely typological language right Jesus is saying oh yeah you had the man up but the fulfillment the real bread from heaven was me all along and so he gives us this type this is a type from the mouth of Jesus in John 6 49 he says your your father's ate the manna in the wilderness and they died this is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat of it and not die I am The Living bread that came down from heaven if anyone eats of this bread he will live forever and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh so here the 10 commandments picturing Christ's moral perfection we have the manna from heaven presenting by picturing him offering of himself for our life him giving us life so he deals with the thing that gives us a death penalty and he gives us life the third things really need do anybody remember the third thing that's in there right here's a photo of it Aaron's rod that budded I couldn't find a good picture of this but Aaron's rod that budded now the event where this happens to explain what what this rod is all about the rod is the rod Aaron carries around with him right it also tends to represent your authority and your commands and your your power and stuff your rod it's symbolic of those things well in numbers chapter 17 the leaders of Israel gather against Moses and Aaron and they're like hey we can do what you do you're not so special so they're kind of rebelling against him they want the authority that Moses and Aaron have in number 17 five gods like I'll straighten this out for you and he tells each of the leaders to take their rods the 12 rods and then the rods of the rod of Aaron so 12 12 rods and Aaron's rod and put them all before the Lord and then he says in verse 5 and the staff of the man whom I choose shall sprout these are wood rights Deadwood but the deadwood will sprout living produce on that Deadwood to show you something I'm choosing that guy that's interesting number 17 verse 7 it says Moses deposited the staffs before the Lord in the tent of the testimony what was the tenth of the testimony that's the tabernacle but what if they hadn't build it yet well that's here's the thing Moses would go and meet with God he would meet with God in a tent and God would speak to him there or talk to him face to face so to speak and he would get instructions from God that's the tent that became the tabernacle it was moved into the middle of Israel it was it was sort of expanded but was built based upon that so Moses deposit the staffs before the Lord and the tent of the testimony on the next day Moses went into the tent of the testimony and behold the staff of Aaron for the house of Levi had sprouted and put forth buds and produced blossoms and it bore ripe almonds so it's the rod that budded the rod that budded I think that this is I mean here we have a living tree that was killed that was placed here in in you know before the test before the tenth of the testimony and then it buds life out of death this is what it represents life out of death showing you who God chooses consider that consider that chapter 18 of numbers tells us why he was chosen in numbers 18 if you just keep reading I love this is why I love typology just keep reading what's next well I see next in the text well here it is numbers 18 so the Lord said to Aaron you and your sons and your father's house with you shall bear iniquity connected with the sanctuary and you and your sons with with you shall bear iniquity connected with your priesthood now they had an inferior priesthood but gods like I'll show you who I pick and once he picks Aaron he's like Aaron's the guy he's my choice choice for what to bear iniquity if you don't see the typological connection to Jesus you're not paying attention like this is Jesus he he dies and he rises again to demonstrate that God has chosen Jesus as the one who successfully bore our iniquity acts 17:31 because he is fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed or chosen and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead acts is like saying the same thing about Jesus that numbers 18 says about Aaron I'm gonna prove to you who I chose because I'm gonna bring life out of death over here and I'm gonna prove to you have chosen Jesus because I've raised him from the dead super cool stuff I love this this typology stuff so wonderful and perhaps we'll do more on the high priest sometime because you could do a whole thing on just him and there's a lot more content that's there but here's the idea you know you've got you've got the Ark of the Covenant inside of it you have the commandments representing God's holiness that Jesus actually fulfilled the the man are representing him giving his life or offering him himself to death and you have Aaron's rod that budded to represent his resurrection and life and God's affirmation that Jesus really is the one he is the one who bore the iniquity for us then you have the top the top of the of the Ark of the Covenant is the mercy seat and it's not wood overlaid with gold is just solid gold it's solid gold and it was made in a particular way how these two cherubim the two cherubim right cherub is singular cherubim is plural so you could say cherub bim's but that's like adding an extra the I am and the in the Hebrew is isn't is like an S in English so cherubim so there's these two angelic type beings we don't know exactly what they look like right but they did have their wings stretched out forward in some sense covering that area but that area in the middle of the mercy seat that was just a totally empty this is where a pagan would have put an idol of their God right there on that mercy seat right there here's where the idol goes like this is the holiest spot in the holiest spot on the solid gold like mercy seat like that's where the idol would go God says don't put anything there don't make an image to represent me he's not of this creation you there is nothing you can make that won't just be an offense unto Him to represent him in that sense and so there's just an open space to represent God's presence that's the idea it's an empty space Jesus of course the center of it all he comes and he says if you've seen me you've seen the father and they interesting I mean he is God with us he's God's presence right there with us the mercy seat you wonder why is it called mercy seat well its main function it seems is that the high priest would come into there once a year he would come into the Holy of Holies and he would offer one thing and he would sprinkle it on the mercy seat it's the only thing that would touch the mercy seat and it was blood during the day of atonement he'd offer the blood he put the blood on the mercy seat and so in a sense it's like here's here's the connection God and you will connect through the sacrifice you know and that's what's gonna happen Jesus comes and he there's a meeting through a sacrifice a connection between humans and God through a sacrifice for a home work on this on the mercy seat and all that I don't have time for today but Hebrews 9 I recommend verse 6 6 through 14 he was 9 6 to 14 or if you're watching video you just pause it and and and hey you're back welcome back okay so that's on the mercy seat but let's continue okay so now that's that's the holiest place right then we'll talk that's the Holy of Holies we'll talk now about the holy place or the place that is the the larger portion of the tabernacle area and there's three different pieces of furniture in there and one of them this unfortunately shoddy pictures I've got here is is supposed to be the the table of the showbread this is in the holy place it's wood overlaid with gold same as the other structure it's about 36 inches long 18 inches wide and about 27 inches high approximately they measured things about cubits so they were like a cubit and a half you know that but it's about that size it's not super big and it has 12 loaves placed on it these twelve loaves seem to represent the tribes of Israel the 12 tribes of Israel there was also wine with it now when you read an exodus it's you you hear about vessels for pouring and then as you connect out with passages and numbers you realize okay this had there was wine as well and which is really interesting because it means there's bread and wine there one of the only things that's there before before God and the tabernacle bread and wine what does that make you think of when's the last time we saw bread and wine in the scripture right Melchizedek and he offers him bread and wine and then we see Jesus and he offers us the bread and the cup as representative of his sacrifice or an ark in our church's case of bread and grape juice which is entirely fine I'm cool with that I prefer that actually every little probably at this point I probably be freaked out if I destroyed what was that but yeah but it was but it was wine yes now was also offered with frankincense so frankincense was mixed in there and one of the things that was offered to Jesus upon his birth was frankincense interestingly just an interesting thing to know about so it's the table of the showbread I think the connecting the closest connection to Jesus here is communion and the question I have with the Loews is like are they supposed to represent Israel are they supposed to be an offering from Israel to God or that God will offer this to Israel or and I don't know the answers to those questions I wonder I still ponder one day maybe I'll one of you will tell me I don't know okay the next piece of furniture is the lamp stand the lamp stand which I'm showing you this for a reason this is the Ark of Titus the arch of Titus and it was built about 82 AD about 12 years after the destruction of Jerusalem when they destroyed Jerusalem it was Titus who was the general in charge and they plundered the temple or so we think well about 12 years later when Titus died his brother had this built to commemorate him and so he of course commemorate him partially by showing his his plundering of Jerusalem like it's them it's like hell look at look how strong we are as Romans and one of the things you see in the picture there is an implements from inside of the temple and that looks like a lampstand doesn't it so this may be the oldest living image of what the lampstand actually looked like inside of the temple now is that the same lampstand there's a look identical the one that we had from Moses this time I don't know I don't know all the details there maybe perhaps it is is that even accurate or the artists just do artsy things like they deal with Jesus all the time right I don't know I don't know but but here's a modern-day reproduction in Israel because they're preparing to build the temple there's actually a place called the temple Institute you can look them up online and they're actually have built the implements for the temple they've gathered high priests garments they've done a lot of work to try to like prepare for the temple to be built and they're hoping it'll happen soon so this gold lamp stand may have looked something like this solid gold it was made of solid gold I think that that it probably would have looked really pretty it was key was supposed to look organic like not just like a lamp stand but it was meant to look like like it wasn't have elements of nature embed into the actual lampstand itself and so almond blossoms and leaves and stuff like that were actually supposed to be designed into it as part of the lampstand this is different than a menorah you may have seen menorahs before a menorah is different in that it has more candles and the one in the middle is the highest with a menorah and that's because they're representing a certain number of days as they're commemorating the Hanukkah and the the cleansing of the temple after Antiochus Epiphanes and this is probably too much information for you guys but basically it's a different event a different thing but they do pattern it to make it look a lot like this lamp stand which is appropriate because it's about the cleansing of the temple but anyhow this is the lamp stand versus the menorah two different kind of things seven lamps there's a actually seven lamps altogether and we look at seven is kind of like a number that tends to represent God it seems in the scripture if nothing else it's at least a number of completion and fullness and an almond blossoms again almond blossoms that's the second time almonds have come up isn't it Aaron's rod that budded abutted almonds so I'm like why almonds is I'm preparing for tonight you know I'm like why almonds I've never looked into that I'm just curious what's unique about almonds well almond the almond tree is the tree that blooms before any of the other trees do it actually starts putting out as blossoms in the middle of winter in January before any of the other trees do and so in god god's conversation with zechariah there's a time where he goes what do you see and he goes I see an awl an almond tree and it's it's budding and so gods like saying though it's the dead of winter I'm gonna bring forth life is the idea you know it's the one you know you see all these dead trees and then there's the almond tree it's got life it's like the first one to bring life of during the year really interesting the almond tree is actually in the Hebrew it comes from a word that means to watch or to wake just the word itself because it would blossom early so I think that's just that's interesting that's interesting I do see a connection to that possibly to Jesus there and then the lampstand itself not only were to produce light in the sanctuary but it was the only light in the tabernacle there was no light interestingly enough there is ZERO light behind the curtain behind the veil there's nothing produced like there except perhaps the glory of God there's nothing but here in the in the Tabernacle area where they would come more frequently you have the lamp stand and they were to never let it go out it could never go out it always had to have oil from olives constantly producing light and in Jesus he says John 8:12 I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of Life you know within the in the context of the tabernacle that was the light of the tabernacle right Jesus comes he says on the light of the world and it's maybe perhaps in a greater sense he didn't calls us to be the light as well the the gold itself was of hammered work and that's specifically what the text says it says it had to be of hammered work the hint that the lampstand the other items in the tabernacle are not called hammered this is called hammered work you have to beat it you have to beat it into shape that's the idea it was hammered or beaten work I think isaiah 53:5 seems indicate Jesus was beaten he was he wasn't he was crushed he was bruised he was pounded for us he was beaten for us so there's thorns connected to this there's a beating connected to this and there's something else in the tabernacle that was also beaten that's Exodus 27 20 you shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beaten olive oil for the light that a lamp may be regularly may regularly be set up to burn so they're all Avoyelles itself had it was pure beaten all of I mean he could have said olive oil but he says pure beaten olive oil olives show up in the New Testament as well in one particular moment when Jesus and is in the Garden of Gethsemane which someone you know means the garden of the Olive Press it was literally an olive grove where they were growing olives he's in the garden of the Olive Press where the olives are pressed where they're smashed to produce their oil and here Jesus is sweating great drops of blood and he's bearing this incredible burden of what's about to happen and who knows what was going on spiritually with him at the time Jesus was crushed for us so I think that's really interesting oil does represent in Scripture the Holy Spirit Zechariah chapter 4 can read for that in Zechariah 4 we get that the oil represents the Holy Spirit and so here we've got this idea of he's crushed and this is conjecture I admit it ok but possibly Jesus being crushed to produce this sort of oil for the rest of us Jesus says unless I go the Holy Spirit won't come like I need to go through this so that you guys can be vessels of the Holy Spirit that he had to be crushed pressed so to speak that the oil would come to us and then he says you're the light of the world so as we're filled with the Holy Spirit we are the lights I think that's really neat so we have the the final furniture piece that we've talked about the Ark of the Covenant we've talked about the table of showbread we've talked about the lampstand the golden lampstand now we're going to talk about the final piece that was right there in front of the curtain in front of the veil and that is the altar of incense the altar of incense and some people think like incense is evil like if you burn incense for any reason you're part of some sort of cult type thing and instance was used in the tabernacle and has a wonderful purpose and sometimes it has a really nice smell also in case you didn't know that I don't burn it since but I'm just saying don't make it spiritual it's just incense anyway so this is this is the altar of incense constantly burning they're constantly producing these fumes that would come up fill the tabernacle with a certain odor in fact if you came near it you would it would smell nice well it smell like incense and barbecues what would smell like probably if you came near there but here's a possible representation of what it looked like again it was portable so I had poles you could you could take it up and move it the altar of incense according to Exodus 30 constantly always rising before the Holy of Holies and probably the the only thing that was always coming in through the Holy of Holies through that curtain would be the smoke of the incense it would be the only thing that was able to somehow just permeate through the curtain and fill the room is incense and what does it represent this is easy guys instance represents prayer in Scripture Psalm 141 to let my prayer be counted as incense before you probably the psalmist is thinking about the tabernacle and the temple and how there was literally incense before you and he said let my prayer be like incense before you coming in to your presence revelation eight forest is in the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the Saints rose before God from the hand of the angel so here it's very clear in Scripture incense is a picture of prayer coming before God a pleasant aroma a beautiful thing entering a right into his presence and of course we pray has this relate to Jesus we pray through Christ we pray through Jesus it's in Jesus his name that I pray now whether you say in Jesus name isn't the rule but I don't get it come to God at all without Jesus and it's in his name that I come to pray it's in his name that God receives my prayers and hears me and answers so the incense I think represents that Christ brings our prayers to God it entered behind the veil how neat how neat and it was always always always burning and we're told in first Thessalonians 5:17 to pray always should pray always pretty constantly pray all the time and so interesting stuff now you might think we're done but next we're gonna look at the coverings because if you've noticed there's actually these layers of coverings multiple layers of coverings four of them actually on top of the the the tabernacle so where I talked about that in a second but let me let me show you first the veil so this is okay maybe not the highest quality reproduction but something visual for you to look at so you have the veil and there in the veil and inside of the temple just or the tabernacle just looked beautiful there were actually a lot of artwork in there now I know there was no images to represent God but there were other images just to represent that that this is a glorious heavenly type of location you know and the veils there some say the veil may have been about 18 inches thick I don't know how thick it was I'm not really sure but it the point is it separated you from the Holy of Holies you can't go in that's the idea there was actually no entrance the veil didn't have like like curtains you couldn't pull it aside and walk through when the high priest came once a year he had to crawl under the veil he had to go under the veil in order to to access it this veil I think shows our separation from God think about this like you see the tabernacle there right and and the priests they can enter in but you can't go inside there right only the Aaronic preschool tabernacle itself so only one group of within the priest can do that and then the veil not even the high priest can do that except one day of the year and he has to do it twice on that day first he comes and he offers an offering for his own sin then he has to come back and he can offer for the people so we're saying you are separate God wants to dwell amongst you but you're still totally separated from him in many ways Jesus comes and he fixes this in fact in fact in Scripture mark fifteen thirty seventh the moment Jesus dies it says and Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last and the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom what do you think that means the separation is over guys the price has been paid could you imagine being the priest who goes in there and they go and there you're looking at the Ark and you're like I'm gonna die you know and you're what does this mean what does this mean well I'll tell you what it means it means that the price has been paid and that's how the Bible interprets this he was 1019 therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus see this is sacrificial language this is like how they would enter by the by blood into the holy places as priests so we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain that is through his flesh so here we have a new testament type connection that the curtain is his flesh as Christ was pierced as he died as he was broken so the curtain was torn open so the way was made there's another New Testament type connection to the curtain to the tabernacle all right we ain't done yet so here's the here's the four coverings here's the four coverings and we can go on even longer than tonight but it's just so much neat stuff so the four coverings the tabernacle itself again was about 15 feet wide and there's about 45 feet long it had four layers of coverings and it was in those layers we're going to scallop would and all that wood was overlaid with gold and everything or bronze in some cases each of these represents potentially different things about Jesus so let me walk you through some possibilities this is conjecture here but I think that it's not without reason I don't think I'm fabricating him the first layer was linen it was linen linen is white right white and linen tends to represent holiness in the scripture pure clean garments tend to represent good good works and righteousness that sort of thing whereas dirty garments are filthy garments represents sin our sin is like filthy rags and things like that it was it was not it didn't stay white though as you can see it was dyed purple blue and red it was dyed all three of these different colors and it had all sorts of decorations in it as well so it's this beautiful thing this is if you were inside the tabernacle you'd look around you and this might be that this stuff that you see you would see this beautiful beautiful stuff so purple blue and red well purple tends to represent royalty Jesus was given a purple robe to mock him and call him the King of the Jews this was because purple robes were generally the Royal and the rich the the blue blue I mean perhaps the blue represents heaven I mean as you look up in the skies blue like perhaps you're seeing these different colors the red interesting is the word here is Tola and those of you who know this Psalm 22 tol affirm that's that red that they used to dye the temple I don't have enough time to get into it today but I think I've covered it in this Jesus in the Old Testament series today if not then I will then I will because it's really neat stuff this neat worm that we're I'm a worm and no man and how about worm itself may may be a picture of Christ okay yeah so so we have the blue the purple the red may be representing Christ's sacrifice inside was amazing if you walked in the in the tabernacle I feel like you'd think you were like entering into heaven it would feel like you were entering into God's presence and this gold and these beautiful images and pictures of like like angels and things like that the second layer was goat skin okay this kind of takes a step down doesn't because goat skin and not these beautiful linens and stuff it's goat skin that goats look dirty case you haven't seen one before and goats sometimes may have symbolized sin in the sacrifices not only do you offer them sometimes for sin but there's a scapegoat that represents the sin of Israel coming upon a goat that runs off into the wilderness like you don't want to see that goat again right it's like considering it like it's a sin type of sin bearing thing that's the idea that's Leviticus chapter 16 you can read about that sin separates us from separates man from God and here is this beautiful heavenly stuff and then the thing laid on top of that is this thing that may represent like a sin between us and God you're never gonna see all this beautiful heavenly stuff guys the Aaronic priesthood is to see it because there's these sin issues sin separates us from God but Jesus he bore our sins second Corinthians 5:21 for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him so upon heaven comes sin that's kind of how it seems to me which looks a lot like Jesus the third skin was made out of a Rams Rams skin Rams skin a ram is also a sacrificial animal in fact specifically the first time that I can that I think is the first time we see a ram being used in a sacrificial sense in the Bible is Genesis 22 when Abraham offers a ram caught in the thicket if you read the King James right and cotton a bush and he offers this ram instead of Isaac his son and that whole thing pictures Jesus Christ very in a very neat way the RAM skin though it was dyed also it was dyed red so the goat skin was just up there but the RAM skin was dyed red it was dyed red so if theoretically this goat skin represents sin and the Rams skin represents maybe the offering foreskin sin blood the blood covering the sin possibly and then the final the fourth skin was badger skin and depending on her translation that will translate this very differently my research tells me is probably seal skin probably seal skin as they were traveling along the coast but I could be wrong here that they debate on what this was but basically it's this ugly thick durable skin the kind of stuff they would use to make sandals out of so we're talking like a leathery tie thickness that sort of material used for sandals used for things that are meant to be beat up and in and work for you that kind of thing and Christ came as a servant isaiah 53:2 says he has no beauty that we should desire him I'll tell you what if you came and you saw the tabernacle from the outside you would not have thought anything special about it you have been like you're all camping around that Israel this is your glorious tabernacle from the outside it looks really plain this is a big tent ugly but on the inside it looked like heaven unimpressive from the outside but from the inside it was the presence of God I think the tabernacle represents Christ even possibly in its very structures and designs and its insides to represent the things that Jesus did and the things that Jesus was for us but there's two items on the outside on the outside of the tabernacle we have the the the bronze altar and this is where they would literally do offerings they would actually offer animals on this altar and it was an altar made out of wood and covered in bronze no gold anymore for the out so there's no gold on the outside of the tabernacle it's gold on the inside outsides all bronze bronze which some would say represents like judgment or wrath Jesus's feet are like brass or bronze when he in Revelation shows up there's a few other verses that may support that I'm not a hundred percent sure on it to be honest it was about this was pretty big it was about seven and a half feet wide and long so longer and wider than I am tall I'm only about seven foot three so it was about four foot six inches tall so small about as tall as you ring and and and you can see there's horns on it this was the horns of the altar with it so my go and Ronnie be like mercy mercy we want mercy you know and they might not try to grab on to the horns calling out for mercy upon the name of all that sacrifice that took place there interestingly enough what happened on the inside was totally private nobody saw what happened inside the tabernacle but what happened on that altar was totally public and what was it the death and offering of all these animals and with Jesus we didn't see some of the stuff that he went through but we saw his offering we saw his sacrifice that was quite public interestingly too that you might miss this if you just read through casually the incense that was burned on the inside the incense that brought that brought prayers to God where did they get the fire to burn that incense well they got it from the coals from that altar so the coals upon which the blood of the sacrificial animals had dripped those coals would be used to bring the incense before God our prayers are brought to God through the sacrifice of Jesus the coal that touched the lips of Isaiah when he said woe is me I'm an unclean man of unclean lips represent the coals upon which the sacrifice drips yet the only sacrifice we know about in heaven is the sacrifice and offering of Jesus so that's another study but is neat the bronze Laver the final piece of the puzzle the bronze Laver this was literally for washing that's what it's for and it was made we're told specifically made from the mirrors of the Egyptian women remember the Israelites they kind of plundered the Egyptians they asked for gifts before they left hey give us some stuff and so then they gave them mirrors and they that gathered the mirrors from the Egyptian women they made them into this bronze labor so it would have been this really potentially really pretty looking thing but maybe maybe it was highly reflective I don't know very possibly um it was filled with water for ceremonial washing of the priests and water has a picture in Scripture as well so of the offerings but we also have a cleansing that takes place there at the tabernacle Ephesians 5:26 speaking of Jesus in the church it says that he may sink might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word with the word the word of God whether whether this is talking about salvation washing or the gospel you know we hear the gospel we receive Christ were washed clean of our sins or the sanctification cleansing that we need like Jesus says you've already been washed you just need to wash your hands or your feet rather just wash your feet that there's perhaps that element there as well the Word of God perhaps is like this mirror that confronts us and there's some people to see a picture there of the scripture as we gather near to God and we get in the word and we go I need to be changed these mirrors were used to turn to this washing device that's James 1 it talks about the mirror so very interesting stuff so finally the last thing I'll say about the tabernacle is this and then we'll take you any questions you guys might have and hear your thoughts and maybe something you picked up on the Tabernacle again it was the only location in Israel where these things took place it was the one place where offerings and sacrifice were made the one way for God to be with his people and there was only one way to get into it as well there was only one entrance into this place one doorway that you could use to get in it was heaven on the inside not so much on the outside and then of course scripture says that Jesus himself he tabernacled amongst us there's at least 3 New Testament passages that I think really strongly support a connection typologically between Jesus and the tabernacle there let's pray father we thank you for this this time thank you for this exciting study in your word Jesus in the Old Testament we pray you'd help us to just have insights to see the fullness of the meaning that you have always had in the text let our eyes be unveiled that we might see the truth of Christ through these things and Jesus we are so grateful that your God with us that we enter into the presence of God freely freely because you have once and for all paid the price for sin not like them when they had to just always continually offering again and again and again because the sin was never altom utley totally dealt with yes through Christ we have the living way offered once and for all we're grateful we love you Lord we thank you for the excitement and joy we have in your word as we study in Jesus name Amen [Music]
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 88,824
Rating: 4.9136691 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus in the tabernacle, how the tabernacle is a type of Christ, how the tabernacle represents Jesus, Jesus and the tabernacle, how the tabernacle is like Jesus, Mike Winger, Jesus in the Old Testament, Finding Jesus in the old testament, part 14, typology of Christ in the Bible, typology and the tabernacle, Jesus and the temple, the bronze altar, the altar of incense, the holy of holies, the ark of the covenant
Id: NHP9dwOZK9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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