Jordan Schlansky Defends His Elitist Espresso Machine | Team Coco Radio

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do you remember what was the first thing that we did with you do you remember when we put you on camera obviously when you work on this show you're involved in a lot of Comedy bits playing various characters that may come up so there were plenty of those going all the way back to the 90s But to answer your question as I think you wanted it where you were playing Jordan's where you were yourself no I was playing um Man 2 in the courtroom like that those Eclipse exist I understand but but at a certain point I believe I think I took you out to dinner at one point and we had a dinner remember that was it I don't think it was the first thing we did necessarily but that was a moment where you and I went and had an Italian dinner and people really got to know you I think that's where the legend of Jordan kind of really started to grow you're skipping a couple of things but that did happen what you're describing did in fact okay but even if your chronology is off okay why don't you tell me because I'm ignorant what was the first thing you did where you were really just Jordan shlansky being yourself okay in 2007 this is on the NBC show we visited lucasfilm limited headquarters in San Francisco okay I was there in a production capacity performing the tasks which apparently you don't acknowledge that are performed nevertheless I was there and ended up being pulled into the remote itself yes and I brought you in and probably there was a spark there where people could see this is an interesting fellow and Conan has uh quite an interesting and somewhat comedic Dynamic with this fellow which probably led to us doing something else what was the next thing so the next thing was during the rider strike this was the end of 2007 beginning of 2008 where it was there was really no premise at all it was simply you and I sitting in a room and having a conversation and I think that led to certain situational things that we had mentioned we had tried some wine based on our initial conversation you had rummaged through my office and that was the first of many Loosely structured ideas okay just to remember and that you're aware this is not a court deposition okay so you're allowed to just chat uh and this you know this is not gonna be this is not going to be there's no pressure here on you I don't feel any pressure whatsoever for exact dates and uh for you to defend yourself presenting some context that's all okay um on to the next question we do go to dinner and that's when things I think really started to cook people learned that you take great pride in your knowledge of certain areas of the good life Fine Wines okay well yesterday I enjoy wine that's good I don't claim to be any kind of expert on a particular class of wine I just enjoy drinking wine that's good okay you also um like to talk a lot about Italy I enjoy visiting Italy and uh as a natural consequence of that it may come up in conversation from time to time it came up a lot many such decisions I mean someone could uh you know a gorilla could smash through the door and start throwing coconuts at people and you would turn that into a discussion of Italy uh you you take anything that happens and make it about Italy and it's quite incredible and then you love to create your knowledge about Italy so I took you to Italy so that you could show off I thought I was doing you a favor was it not a favor that I took you to Italy it was a fun vacation just to be clear I'm not interested in showing anything off I'm really unconcerned as to what you may think of my knowledge or lack thereof I simply know what I know and when asked I say what I know or as Popeye says I am what I am so in a way you're an Italian Popeye listen I enjoy visiting Italy it's as simple as that we don't need to kind of extrapolate hidden meaning there's no TV cameras rolling on this right now okay it is just you and I talking and yet the dynamic is unchanged did you think the presence of the television cameras was in some way discouraging me from revealing what I do to you in another way altering my personality I I didn't know but I do love that when you start to get angry you get a maniacal grin your eyebrows take this unnatural Arch much like the Riddler when cornered by his foe the Batman I'm sure you have your own way of talking about the Batman that's more accurate you'd probably call well technically he's the Batman because in 1951 uh original Creator Bob Kane blah blah blah but you get a maniacal look on your puss this is my physical appearance I maintain my Aesthetics as best as I can if you'd like to devote some time to exchanging comments about each other's physical appearance I'm happy to do so no I I I I don't want to do that I'd like to take a second now and take a little stroll down memory lane you like a stroll down memory lane I'll go along with this premise [Laughter] why it's just me we're buddies aren't we buddies I'm completely relaxed I don't know why there's an accusation that I'm in some way per turn hahaha you're like no one I've ever met you're a complete you're a one-off you're uh unusual occurrence in the time space fabric people really do enjoy our adventures together the remote segments that we've done I thought we'd play a couple okay here on the radio I want to play one and I'm glad you seem thrilled about it uh here's one where we it's called the espresso machine remote do you remember this remote I do remember it was a situation you call it remote I call it part of my life we had an espresso machine outside my office and for some reason that turned heads maybe it was the fact that it was outside my office that just happened to have been where there was an empty table that's where the machine ended up I'm sorry it just happened to be out that's I tolerate 80 of this but sometimes you step over the line and you just did Buddy Boy you purchased with show Money a very expensive espresso machine and then where did you put it it was for the show why wouldn't it be with show money I don't understand why this is so old and then where did you put it you put it right outside your office which was in this very hard to reach tiny cul-de-sac in our TBS office building you could barely find it and you tucked it outside a table that was conveniently right outside your office and practically inaccessible to anyone else most people didn't even know it existed I don't understand the relevance of the geography of the office itself what does it matter where the table was and what particular quadrant of the office it was available to everybody multiple people know about it they couldn't even it's not my responsibility to make people would you expect some kind of announcement just a reminder the espresso machine is still here it would have been nice if you told people that you purchased with show money and expensive espresso machine and put it right outside your office which is a dead end as many things with you are it was a complete dead end and so no one could even find that espresso machine I once hired seven Baristas to Patrol office and they couldn't find it it's but he stay the plural of Barista is Barista in Italian we don't pluralize by adding an app I would slap if you were you were Beyond I'm looking extending my arm and you're be God that grinning pumpkin of yours is beyond my reach or I would slap you right now I would slap you full across the the face
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,579,267
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Keywords: Team coco, coco, conan o'brien, conan, best moments of conan, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, sketch, comedy sketches, conan funny moments, teamcoco, funny, humor, official, stand-up comedy, andy richter, triumph the insult comic dog, celebrity interview, late night show, team coco radio, sirius xm, radio, jordan schlansky, late night with conan obrien, late night
Id: 5Shyddly9XY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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