Jordan Peterson - The Jews

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thoughts on the Jews well the first thing I could say about Jews is that a lot of my friends are happen to be Jewish and I think that's partly because Jewish people and me and that's in part a cultural thing are very very interested in ideas and I happen to be very interested in ideas and so I have a great affinity for Jewish people and so Max and mark says thoughts on the Jews well that's complicated most of them most of my friends are Jews which is pretty interesting you know and when I grew up in northern Alberta and there were no Jews up there at all so coming out to Eastern Canada especially much or all there were lots of Jewish people there and I made friends with lots of them and then in in in Toronto like and I said I think part of the reason that so many of my friends have been Jewish is because the Jews have you know what I'm speaking in a very general sense is they have a rich intellectual life and tremendous respect for for intellectual pursuits and so we have a natural affinity and so you know more power to them as far as I'm concerned there's a fairer there's a fair bit of evidence especially with regards to the Ashkenazi Jews that they they're their average IQs are about 15 points higher than the general population which accounts in part for their radical over representation among Nobel Prize winners for example and also in positions of let's say authority and responsibility in many different domains and it's like man I'm not unhappy about successful people it's like as I said it's the same in relationship to money as far as I'm concerned it's it's not that you have a position of authority and I'm not gonna say power because power and authority aren't the same thing but if you have a position of authority what matters is what you do with it and so if competent people occupy positions of authority then more power to them that's lucky for the rest of us I'll tell you that so and I think you know have often thought this about the Jews too is that if you're gonna be a minority you should at least have the decency to fail and I think that part of the route because you know then well you're around and you're annoying because you're a minority and you know because people are fundamentally ethnocentric and all human beings are like that but if minority fails then why you can say well it they failed and you know that maybe allows you not to hate them quite as much but the Jews have this annoying proclivity where they go as a minority to become extremely successful and of course nobody can stand that and so that's a huge part of what accounts for anti-semitism which are regarded and absolutely I know abysmal and and and what would you call it reprehensible a priori stance you know so [Music]
Channel: ManOfAllCreation
Views: 58,350
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Keywords: jordan peterson the jews, jordan peterson jews, jordan peterson on the jews
Id: TtXgqSQ5fQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 49sec (169 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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