‘Rather sad’: Douglas Murray roasts Joe Biden over latest ‘gaffe’

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we've got him I know he's your favorite every week we speak to one of the finest thinkers of his generation the bestselling author of inspired works including the strange death of Europe the war on the west and The Madness of crowds Douglas let's start with what could be the end of Joe Biden's run for reelection a special counsel report found he willfully retained and disclosed classified documents at his home but no charges were recommended because the 81-year-old commander-in-chief is greatly diminished mentally the report not only noted Biden's diminished faculties and lack of mental state of willful willfulness but it also noted Joe Biden couldn't even remember when he was vice president so he's too diminished to stand trial but he can run the most powerful country in the world I know it was an astonishing uh Revelation this Rita came uh late yesterday and uh just many people said immediately well that's it clearly the Democrats are trying to finally push Joe Biden off the nomination ticket because this this Revelation as it were from within it's not it's not coming from Republicans uh this Revelation that during his questioning he couldn't remember when which years he'd been vice president he couldn't remember I think when he the year he'd run for president and it was clear they they didn't want to go ahead because a jury would find that he had not enough cognitive ability to to to talk about his own experience and the idea that this same man is in the most powerful position in the world is something which is just it's a scandal you and I have talked about before the Democrats have clearly been trying to cover it over they've been hoping he'll get better um or something like that or become less noticeable and they can just they can just allow him to to roll on on and and the fact is again we saw this only in in the press conference he gave to say in response to these Revelations no I'm okay during the press conference he said he just had a conversation with President CCE of of um of Mexico um and as you know president C is not the president of Mexico it's he's president of Egypt but there was a time we just said that was a normal Biden Gaff but now it looks now it looks like it's not just a normal Biden Gaff it's really rather sad and if he wasn't protected by the bulk of the media all this time today wouldn't be so shocking but if you've paid attention and we've discussed it what for more than three years now even whilst he was running for president the cognitive decline there has been obvious and yeah for reasons that defy logic his handlers had him address thetion today it did not go well he lashed out at the special counsel and at the reporters who questioned him about his uh cognitive abilities for months when you were asked about your age you would respond with the words watch me many American people have been watching and they have expressed concerns about your age that is your judgment that is your judgment that is not the Judgment of the press that's not that's not the Judgment of the press she is the press and as you mentioned you also seemed to think uh Mexico shares a border with Gaza he mixed up the Egyptian leader leader with that of Mexico as you know initially the president of Mexico CCE did not want to open up the gate to allow humanitarian material to get in I talk to him I convince him to open the gate Douglas uh what happens next can he run again well I have thought it's just increasingly clear that he can't but as we know there is this kind of uh extraordinary situation that Biden has which is that the Democrats believe that if there's any major shakeup on their ticket this year it'll all just be an advantage to Donald Trump who's certainly the most likely person by a very far margin uh to become the Republican nominee and effectively Trump and Biden have been sort of like this they've been leaning on each other and both par think if their guy goes then then they collapse um now the Republicans may or may not be right in that the Democrats I think to an extent are right in that because you know the question for them is they they don't have a very good bench uh of of people in their party they may have coming up there's some talented younger congressmen and and so on congresswomen in in the Democratic party there's also some absolute left-wing Nutters um but the but the main thing is is that it's not obvious who would replace uh Biden as the nominee particularly this relatively late stage uh obviously it can't be camela Harris who who who we know you know in the the poll show that the American public regard is absolutely unfit for the presidency um uh but but they have to sort of find some way to deal with the the Camala problem and then you got you know somebody like Gavin Newsome of of of California and we've just seen your previous segment reita you know what what what did he do to California he he did that he did that he made it a state in which theft was was was legal he's he's been a disaster in every role that he's uh served but he keeps failing up and uh gosh he could be president one day now let's move along to your home country you wrote a powerful piece for the spectator today where you said you're embarrassed by modern Britain and that you no longer even recognize your own country what why is that well it's several things one is the fact that that as I say in that piece virtues and and certain aspects of the national characteristic which I grew up with uh and which I think epitomized Britain like a sort of certain doggedness a sort of stoicism um a uh um and and and actually I think a courage and a courage in the face of adversity a quiet courage uh which was WR strong when provoked all seem to have disappeared there's there's endless sort of whining the the the House of Commons this week spend its time talking about whether or not the Prime Minister Rishi sunak should have made a reference to trans people that wasn't 100% politically correct in the eyes of the left whilst the mother of a murdered trans child was in the in the the the the the gallery of the commons and and they all were just out competing each other to be more and more en rased about that mean time massive problems affecting the country like the fact we have these hate marches every Saturday uh in which people are completely mainly Muslims are completely unbothered uh uh about exposing their bigotries their hatreds including their hatred of Britain this just goes on all the time every Saturday it happened again last Saturday they actually clamber over our war memorials to our war dead and they defile them and desecrate them and uh and the police let them do it and by contrast uh there has recently been an MP who we discussed before who stepped down because of threats to his life from Muslim extremists and everyone in the Commons and elsewhere sort of said oh well how sad and um I don't recognize that I I remember the generation of Margaret Thatcher who when the Brighton bomb went off the the conference bomb the Brighton Hotel bomb that was meant to kill her did kill a number of her friends and many others stood outside the um the next day and said the conference will go ahead we will never give in to the men of violence I I don't know where that where that Spirit has gone it seems to have been beaten out of many of the British people at least certainly our ruling CL well yeah that stoic stiff upper lip has been replaced by self-loathing it seems uh is that what Britain needs a leader like Thatcher the options at the coming election are pretty Grim Douglas ain't no thatchers there no there are there certainly ain't I mean you know Kia starmer is just trying to get through and get into office with people noticing as little as possible about his policies I suspect he'll make them plain to us I said before once he's in office and Richi sunak just has this terrible terrible increasing desperation in his eyes as he realizes that that he's for the chop uh at the Electoral uh Ballot Box uh but but yes it's this thing I mean you can see him there this sort of grinning um desperate to please um no real leadership uh no willingness to do the unpopular things you sometimes need to do and just explaining not leading but following as the phrase goes but as I say the thing that that's just stuns me is you know Britain has undergone massive demographic transformation in the in the last couple of decades and it's a transformation which has gone on on Rocket Fuel under this conservative government uh it will almost certainly continue at a similar rate under a labor government and it seems to me that it's because of this that our political class is so incapable of identifying problems in front of it when the mpu said he would stand down because of threats his life stood down he said that one of the reasons was that his murdered colleague sir David Amos was murdered by Ali harby Ali and the one of the other people he wanted to apparently kill was um Mike frier well an interview this week in an interview this week they um Mike frier was asked about this and and the interviewer said what motivated Ali harby Ali and Mike frier said uh I'm not sure about that I don't know well J here's what he was killed by an islamist uh who follow jihadist ideology and it's a darn fo position for a man to be in to stand up for somebody more than he's willing to stand up for himself but I can say this on behalf of Mike frier the person who was apparently thinking of killing him and who did Kill s David amus MP was motivated by jihadist ideology and I would have liked to have seen in the wake of that s David's MP not just mourn his death as if he had had a died of natural causes but to have said we we will root this ideology out of Britain wholesale it has no place here did anyone come near saying that no not a bit and is for Brit absolute catastrophe they didn't even say it when jihadists murdered children at a concert uh that you just wonder what what they're thinking and why they uh just show this cowardice uh you've been impacted by this in a small way just in the past week your speech had to be moved after the venue submitted to The Bullying on and the threats I'd imagine of the anti-israeli mob but the protesters still turned up at another venue to scream abuse about you let's have a look shame on you shame on you LC theater shame on you shame on you Doug H do you feel safe in in modern Britain in London I don't think anyone's particularly safe in uh modern Britain modern London um uh I think Jews are particularly unsafe uh this was I was meant to be speaking at the Apollo Theater on sharby Avenue in the heart of the West End a thousand people were turning out and the theater was um bullied uh um into canceling the event on the day and uh the event was moved to a synagogue which was the only place the police could protect um I believe the job of the British police on such an I believe the job of the theater is to keep the show on the road um and I believe the job of the police is to ensure that this that the public and attendees are safe but that wasn't what happened uh some some of the staff were apparently threatened um you know ushers and so on and instead of the the owners reporting this to the police immediately and the police taking action uh the staff said they wouldn't turn up to work so then more people were brought in from another theater and then they were had their addresses leaked they were apparently threatened and intimidated in turn and they too refused to turn up so you know it's it's it's mob rule it's mob rule that the thugs are winning it is not should not be happening in a civilized country Douglas Murray thank you so much for your time this evening really appreciate it
Channel: Sky News Australia
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Keywords: 6346541870112, fb, msn, opinion, ritapanahi, yt
Id: nZK0uSjaP24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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