Jordan Peterson Dishes Out Marriage Advice

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you be sabotaging your relationship and not know it renowned psychologist dr. Jordan Peterson is here with a new type of relationship intervention that everyone has to see he's one of the most influential thinkers out there and while Dean controversial by some dr. Peterson's work has resonated with millions of couples all around the world selling out books and lectures tens of millions today he's breaking down his biggest rules for living happy and healthy relationships that might just surprise you thank you where's the baby so he says one of the biggest focuses is that you have to actually maintain the sanctity of marriage and he once said if you're not all-in you're not married you're pretty provocative statements why do people find this controversial well I think people are afraid of confronting the real problems and conflicts in their life and no wonder and they want an out they want an option and you can understand that but the thing about marriage is that unless you're in it for the long run it's very difficult to be desperate enough to solve the problems properly otherwise if you always think you can escape if that's always in the back of your mind then you're going to be able to avoid engaging in that difficult problem-solving process I think the reason that some people get uncomfortable with your advice is it's brutally honest hmm and when you you know talk about these issues that are usually black and white like living together before you get married which has become so common you take a firm statement saying well that just means you're just what I'm gonna be able to compare what you got now for what else else out there that's painful for people to hear you know what I respect the fact you're telling me the truth as you see it and I want folks to hear this wisdom from you and then you guys decide how to use it in your lives the biggest mistake couples are making today in America again this is a major focus of your work what is it oh I think they underestimate the degree to which marriage is also an economic and practical relationship it's going to be how the household duties are distributed it's going to be discussion about career it's going to be discussion about finances it's going to be discussion about how you raise and discipline your children and your priorities and that's work like like running a businesses work you have to you have to think strategically and you have to learn to negotiate it's very hard for people to negotiate and that's an undervalued skill we heard from our next guess I knew they were need of an intervention Stacy and Tracy have been married for seven years but the chaos in everyday life is threatening to tear them apart take a look Stacy and I met actually back in high school we were highschool best friends pretty much unseparable after school we kind of went our own separate ways did our own thing and then of course through the magical power of Facebook we found each other again and then I told her I said let's just go to dinner went to dinner and been together since my marriage was awesome when we first got married but it's just slipped into like we're roommates the communication is gone the affections gone she's my best friend we did everything together we would go camping motorcycle rides we used to go on love dates and now it's like we don't do anything together on a daily basis we kind of get in little arguments or Tiff's we have different expectations of what we want from each other and not even on the same page or even in the same book sometimes so to speak sometimes I beat him down so it's like he doesn't want to try I do feel underappreciated I feel like she's given up either we got to fix this or go things have got to change oh it makes me sad sorry I have the divorce papers printed out already and he knows it as well and it's not that we don't want to fix it we do we just don't know how I want it but how do I save it they see and Tracy join us now Tracy what's the like to hear what Stacey was saying it's real but hurts it hurts Stacey it's disappointing to me because I don't want to be the stigma of going through divorce we're still quite young I know there's better out there I just miss my best friend in Tracy why'd you want to be here I saw how emotional it was free to watch your wife speaking about the marriage it's just the speaking the pictures of what we had miss it just like myself just want my best friend back you want some help yes up next what dr. Peterson says could be the intervention that every marriage needs right now be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss anything and remember to check back often to see what's new
Channel: DoctorOz
Views: 143,994
Rating: 4.7950068 out of 5
Keywords: dr. oz, jordan peterson, dr. jordan peterson
Id: 6j-iRNd3Xkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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