Relive the Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Jim Caviezel
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: 206 Tours
Views: 181,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pilgrimage, 206 Tours, Holy Land, Jesus, Holy Land Pilgrimage, Jim Caviezel, The Passion of the Christ, Fr. Donald Calloway, Fr. John Amsbery, Fr. Patrick Keane, Monsignor Hilary Franco, Fr. Sean Magaldi, Fr. Przemyslaw Nowak, Fr. Lawrence Lew, Fr. Philip Tah, Catherine Laidler-Lau, John Michael Talbot, Matthew Leonard, Fr. Peter Dugandzic
Id: Ldyjhz7Wipw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 43sec (3283 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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