Jonathan Groff, Natalia Dyer, John Oliver and Imagine Dragons Star In A Spooky Film Written By Ki…
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Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Views: 462,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Late Show, Late Show, Stephen Colbert, Steven Colbert, Colbert, celebrity, celeb, celebrities, late night, talk show, comedian, comedy, CBS, joke, jokes, funny, funny video, funny videos, humor, hollywood, famous
Id: BrQD8Hke4fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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Nah, haha. I’m sure it only took an hour or two. But, he often will do these sorts of things on off-weeks anyway.
Ava is on another level lol
There were a lot of really good very dark elements in the kid’s ideas. I imagined a far darker movie than what LSSC came up with. I fully expect to see a future movie released (with full royalties to those kids!) by Jordan.
Haha, that was great. I would have loved to see them try to bring the whole Robert Englund playing Freddy Krueger and trying to also get a gig as a Freddy, the badly drawn evil bear, killer thing.
Love this. Very imaginative kiddos. 👹
I’ve always disliked how much time a show about current events takes off every year. Especially since he came from the daily show that was on the majority of year, four nights a week.
If that's the reason, it's fine. That was awesome.
And there are going to be so many things to talk about when he comes back.
My guess for main story is the midterms.