Robin Williams/Stephen Fry UK Interview (RE-EDITED)

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This is an amazing segment

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/billbotbillbot 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] three two originals on the show tonight one is the multi-talented stephen fry there's a man who's written and sung some of the everlasting music of his generation he is james taylor my first guest has been described as the funniest person on the planet and when billy connolly tells you that you'd better believe it in his own estimation he suffers from what he describes as a form of legitimate insanity welcome please robin williams [Music] [Applause] choice and the lovely set from star trek thank you somewhere there's someone going use the colors that would blind anyone [Music] i got these out of liza's wedding just after michael said i can't use them it's great that michael jackson was the best man at his at her wedding that's kind of pushing the envelope on that term his life is full of paradigm just to touch doesn't it and you know he claimed afterwards he went out and started protesting racism and i went honey you got to pick a race first what are you gisha elf i don't know about to jump species it's hard it is nice to have your mamas it's really it's good to be among you once again people of earth thank you and they're lovely tired i've never seen nasdaq as a time over here we see all of our stocks are slowly but surely coming in and down here they're still selling it's beautiful there it is i'm glad you like it you shall have it after sure thank you you shall have it you shall have it and you shall have it as it was before this time of edwina oh you're not within me you're mr major just when you thought he was boring right and it comes out oh there she is hello i was with john's and there's clinton going don't ask me oh baby i ain't with nobody and there's bill you know bill went from a little fat chick and he [Laughter] if she was really jewish she would have gotten that stain out you know it would have been going on look what i did hello you didn't arrive with mr clinton did you no mr clinton came on his own i think he did as in the sense of getting here yes of course oh baby who's your daddy who loves you what about the the problem of traveling nowadays the airport security it's a bit difficult now you know in the old days there used to be oh get on the plane come on get on the plane oh what's that well that's a gun okay get on the plane now it's hardcore you know it's basically they they take away everything from you first of all you're if you're if you're having meat on the plane you don't have a knife because that could be a weapon so it's like it's like the quest for fireflight you know i'm sorry sir and they take away things like nail clippers because that could be turned into a weapon what do they think you're gonna be going open the cockpit door or the [ __ ] loses a hangnail come on you know they had you're all right coach you're gone um i grew up you know i live in san francisco so when you go through the metal detector there there are some pierced people there take out your keys oh tip of the iceberg [Applause] you know it's a bizarre thing when you see a girl with a pierced tongue i asked this girl said why did you pierce your tongue and she said it increases your sexual stimulation [Applause] that's all right my darling don't be afraid something simple but the security is tight now yeah it's a bizarre thing and we now have you know the office of homeland security which is uh you know what's that well it's basically in america it's it's to or watch over and warn us when things bad are going to happen because every so often rumsfeld comes out and goes i don't know where i don't know when but something awful is going to happen that's all for today no further questions it's like what is it the central intuitive agency i'm getting a feeling of a man wearing a shoe that hisses and well all they've learned so far is what the fbi can share with us is beware of people who take flight school not interested in takeoff and landing number one number two anyone who gets on a on a shoe gets on a plane with a shoe that goes warning warning you over there and now people are wide awake on that used to be on the you know the the red-eye flight they would get on the plane take whatever medication they couldn't wake up in russia going this isn't cleveland and now they basically everyone's wide awake looking for anyone ordering you hummus and they have they have you know this thing of they say there's no racial profiling but no they a little woman will come on a sweet little southern stewardess and go ladies and before we get on flat five i just want to read off a list of names these are just these are random bag checks these are these are totally random and i'm just going to read off a list of names hassam bin singh [Applause] hafem bin lay judy smith 14 arabs and a blonde and every black man and every hispanic man in the room is going thank you guys we're off the list now sweet lord almighty go away now and it's always a difficult thing because pilots are always uh you know the pilots used to come home with that whole chuck jaeger rap where they go hey everybody i've just had a few cocktails let's take this sucker down to the end of the runway and see what they'll do now they come on they're very loving and they go hey i love all of you stewardess comes out and goes in case of a cabin seizure a small louisville slugger will fall from the ceiling grab with both hands aim for the the assailant's head knees and groin and keep hitting well basically it's home defense just like you had during world war two do you mean dad's army yes old men with a colostomy bag and a pitchfork i captured rudolph as personally i threw my colostomy bag and covered him inside go get out of that [ __ ] and i'm talking about the plane go step away god is it true is it true that winston churchill was sometimes so drunk that they had a guy from the bbc do some of his favorites apparently really reported really that's wonderful the guy who did winnie the pooh so he's going we will fight him on the beaches in the air on the land eeyore and tigger [Applause] but god bless so you have blessed us you have tony blair now we do god bless indeed and you're president bush yes [Applause] just don't ask him to spell no i love watching bush watch tony speak because he's going i can't spell most of those you just see him going you know some men are born great some achieve greatness some get it as a graduation gift george ii the boy king no one realizes let's now come to the purpose of it and the purpose of our visit it is up until now i think billy connolly who held the record for talking longest without a question prompting it i wonder who stops talking first oh it's difficult to know you know hey once you get up there and there people playing dead cats you can't stop for me i get up there limits wild because he's just he just goes they tell you stories about it and once i get off the plane in scotland i need subtitles [Music] [Applause] that's how they can invent golf yeah they could have a couple of guinness and then the next thing you know what's here's my idea for a sport i knock a ball into a gopher hole oh you mean like pool no forget pool that was a straight stick a little broken stick a whack a ball into a gopher hole oh you mean like croquet i know that crooked that's a i pretty spoiler whole hundreds of yards away oh kind of like a bowling alley oh no way i'll push it in the way i put stuff in the way like trees and bushes so you whack the ball and you're sitting there whacking away and you feel like you're gonna have a stroke that's what we'll call it because every time you hit the ball you think you're gonna die and right near the end they'll put a nice flat bit with a tiny flag they give you hope and i'll put a pool and a sandbox to grab your ball you do this one time oh no 18 damn the question is the question question uh the first question that holds the record for the speech in the middle of the interview the producer is like you don't figure in the diaries do you they had been a curry oh they'd really occur i hope not my chance of landing adventure perhaps oh an adventure weekend with that wiener curry it's more like wild kingdom really i took off the people collar just long enough to find john again [Laughter] come along let me go now [Applause] even prince charles is going it's all right we'll find her by tuesday and there's bill going call me come on but the question is yes yes we'll see if you can get to it by the end of it the question is i've done this which is a wonderful manic stand-up performer there doing of extraordinary flow of laughter and then in the in the film that you're playing now one hour photo you're this very silent man you're totally utterly bland yes and face this almost yeah that was the purpose to actually do the exact opposite of what you've just seen and your mind did incredibly well yeah i think because i could do what i've just done and what i do on stage and have all of that energy and then let all of that go and be this man like you said who is almost faceless who's so bland that he lives vicariously through other people's photographs and that's why i did it to be in a movie that's kind of so unsettling because of that stillness i think it takes people by surprise which is good it's very sinister film yeah but it it it it in the end we can't talk about the the ending of it but it's it's a it's on many levels it's not quite what you expect yeah it always takes strange turns where you think oh no he's that and you go oh no it's something else and even the very end which people think oh don't and then it takes another turn exactly the end is brilliant yeah it keeps you always going it takes you one way and always takes another turn which is good that's why i loved it when i read it and when i saw the uh the videos mark romanic was a video director and i in videos he had done so many different things visually i went i've got to do this movie because it combines both the visuals and this great script i went this is you know really interesting work well in it then you play psy it was a guy at the one out photo yeah the man who basically sees the pictures of you know you and the thong not you not me that's a lovely picture though i like the one in the chaps better but you know it is that he basically develops people's pictures and he's been kind of fascinated with this one family a very it's like the in-style poster family beautiful family beautiful husband and wife and the child and the beautiful house everything that's a total opposite of what his life is about what he remembered too isn't it well the thing that there's a great line in the movie where it says with family pictures it's that someone cared enough about me to take my picture i exist and it's it's a moment in time a happy moment you know very few times you take pictures of uncle pete going it's that moment where you really do especially when you look at old photographs most of the time like when we're at the flea market in the movie we take all these old pictures and these are people who are gone but there's a moment of them smiling and the moment of just a brief captured moment about it's clearly nostalgic yeah very bizarre when did you do a character like like that and what you've made about 40 movies now you're saying oh but i don't remember now it's about 40. that good will humping you know the adult versions of every movie you do yeah but but what's the what's the key to it to the part in in the sense that i mean you know some actors say it's the walk some say it's the i think was the look i think when you said that kind of blandness to blend everything out started with the hair taking all color out of the hair making the face so bland and so neutral that literally one day i was walking through the story works in like a big save mark and i disappeared and then mark went that's what i want i want him to blend in so that outside of that store he's lost he's like a you know he's a fish or a chameleon going what what color do i become now and that's why he would fantasize about someone else's life you also did it for me the the shoes everyone a woman actually complimented me on my acting and said thank you but that was the sound man because the shoes have that kind of yeah like some of them is if you're training on some sort of small thing yeah it was it was it was the walk combined with some small furry animals what are you doing dad don't be afraid we're live fur [Music] it's always strange but yeah that that was part of it the walk the look it all helps i think it's kind of inside and then the loneliness of a guy who's so isolated that he would think that pictures are the way to achieve another life yeah have you ever been that mean lonely in your childhood were you lonely um maybe i was an only child so yeah for a long time was just me and the puppet but it was you know it was a bit of a you know an unusual time people go is that why you're so hairy robbie it wasn't you know an isolated shot it's a time delay thing where people go oh oh but it was you know i could go back and use some of that as a sense memory of that talking about being being uh hairy you once said you're too furry to be a leading i was actually hit on by coco the gorilla were you you know she can sign and it was amazing because i they took me to meet her because it was part of this program to raise money for a new habitat so she signs to her trainer who's the blue eyed simeon and i went thank you and then she signs to her trainer to do this i go what is that she wants you to lift your shirt i lift my shirt and she pinches both my nipples and all of a sudden i'm going whoa missy wants to play and then she grabs me by the hand and starts to take me in the back room and the trainer's going coco no and the trainer's going i can't help you and all of a sudden i think that it's like the crocodile hunter is going to walk out and go oh danger danger danger she wants to bump uglies with him watch out boys and girls she's gonna do the bone dance be careful gonna be some interesting little babies this fall but it was interesting she hit on me she went she was like grooming me like oh it's hard when you when you have this much hair i've seen mosquitoes take their own life where did this this humor come from this is somebody must declare this your performance to be tourettic yeah of uh voluntary tourettes which is forest no like it is a bit like that i mean there is that thing where i'll cross over the line sometimes obviously today i did but then you had that look like oh do stop i don't know i know but there was that look like will we be getting to the questions soon but it is that thing of where you go off on things and you sometimes you get you'll you'll see a moment you go oh and you'll just pursue it and it's like a little bit like possession and it's it happens once in a while but wasn't the moment just comes there's nothing pre-planned or anything no i mean like today yeah sequential oh it's actually more like a fractal but then we're getting even stephen hawkins going don't go there now i call this house one day hello this is stephen hawking yes i'd like to leave a message no this is stephen hawker it is that idea that it's just kind of if a then two you know you kind of you know you jump start and go to different places usually from some weird synapse firing i watched your your um last broadway show oh yeah in july live on broadway which has been recorded for hbo i mean that was a truly astonishing performance because i mean for two hours i mean you stand there i don't you seem to have no there's no script there's no prompt there's nothing no you can't really you don't you don't tell long anecdotes either i mean it's all quick fire stuff yeah become a thousand different people because that was the way i started off i started off in a club where it was usually started performing in bars where you can't really take the time because people go hey you know what are you doing now and those those are usually people who own the club so i started to develop a style it was just very much like you know synaptic quick firing moving so they never really had a chance to lock you know lock on as a target and then it started to develop as being this kind of idea of taking an idea and going with it and then breaking away and that's been kind of a style because it is extemporized to that extent that you yeah it starts off usually the first five minutes of like kind of getting especially when different cities i would start off talking about the city and then go off from there but you you said in the research that your your influences were one or two were english comics oh yeah peter sellers amazingly really yeah i mean in terms of comic acting i think for me the best movie was or doesn't get any better than dr strangelove because here's you know you know all these distinct characters i mean besides dr strangelove which is the the ultimate henry kissinger i never understood that movie till now hi mr kissinger i've seen all of your bombs could you sign that it's the idea of him and all of those characters for me was the best and you know i i one of the few people in america who had copies of the goon show really oh and daddy tapping how did you get across that lake i walked across those stones those aren't stones those are alligators i wonder why my legs were getting shorter oh that's an explosion that can only be here by an idiot what was that noise ah you know those are the things i kind of grew up with and jonathan winters but you know those are the my influences and peter cook and dudley moore oh you were interested by them were you as well oh yeah no you know derek and clive but we can't talk about that no we can't not without rubber rapping but you know those were great comics you also played the clubs there too didn't you play oh yeah i played i played in london which was great the uh the comic strip the comedy store i don't know if there is a comic strip no wrong but uh and then i played a club in windsor lenny henry said come out and play windsor which was a great idea until i walked on stage and you know worst night of my comedy life it was this is all you heard in the audiences ladies and gentlemen robin williams and all you heard was but don't you not even like get off he was just like this like and that's like that old thing when you see the comic where he's on stage and i'm sweating more like marlon brando after thai food it's like know my lower track is going should we release now robbie if you fought you might get a laugh and get off stage it was the most frightening night but you know it was good to have in the back of your memory it was a great thing what about the balance of your life now i do you feel you mainly do movies of course and you work you've got three out this year yeah i think i'll continue to do films hopefully but do i do you feel you have to every so often get out and explode all this energy yeah i think it's a must is it yeah i think now i did the last stand up before this one was about 16 years ago but i've realized that it's important to do for me as you know it's cheaper than therapy number one and number two there's so much to talk about you know you have a lot of things going on in the world just the pope alone what he's called mistah [Music] it always looks like he just wants to fart and i keep pushing him around and the guy behind him is going i [Applause] [Music] [Music] the vatican museum welcome to the history of the vatican when he's going around you ever see him in the mobile i just want to put bingo balls in there [Applause] [Music] anywhere it's closed that even liberace would go oh please what is this herman you know nice purse hello but it's on fire i think there might be any custom viewers still watching yeah no catholic i'll never go to ireland don't get off the plane yeah don't get off in rome two two nuns that follow you're going i see him you said that the left is a bit of a therapy for you is it is it also has it been an aphrodisiac oh very much famous in the old days oh yes sir nothing as close to an orgasm as laughter really same face [Laughter] that's not funny oh come on now but i think yeah it helped a little is is it the best medicine oh i think so it's an enema for the soul really i think it helps i think it can really be a good thing to keep keeps it it kind of releases it releases a great energy in people you can get you can talk about things that are quite sometimes painful and get across with comedy something that you couldn't talk just straight at because people would go oh please don't talk about that especially now with what's going on you know it's you know we're considering every day it's like george is going we've got to go after saturn and sodom satan sued him he tried to kill my father well why don't you get a posse lumpy let's go come on here we go you know how if you want to do an impression of his father all you have to do is take well what you do is you take john wayne and tighten his ass and there you have george w the first there he is not going to say it can't use no syntax what are you yoda come on [Music] you know i think it's um that's why i do comedy just for the last few seconds because it's like all right yeah that was nice serious points you can talk or you can dabble in them robin williams thank you very much thank you so much you that's crazy man now it's easy to say what my next guest hasn't done and to list his achievements he hasn't climbed everest or captain england at cricket had a record in the top ten or a dalliance with edwina curry so far as we know nor was he the fifth beatle but for the rest he's been there and he's done that ladies and gentlemen stephen fry [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh thank you bless you you know you're not in the curry diaries are you by any chance that was a major cock-up wasn't it sorry about that no all right well shall we move on yes i think we should understand i'm embarrassing you although i do read here in the uh back leaf of your book here where you're talking about the sexual habits of the spectacled bear which of course you've written about but you say stephen fry's sexual habits you'll say subject to much speculation among scholars and gossip mongers the mating ritual which is remarkably noisy lasts 14 and a half years and makes a great deal of mess yeah so possibly edwina got away with it she did yes she doesn't know how lucky she was um well i feel if you're going to write about bears and their intimate personal habits it's only fair that one should write about one's own as well because it is an extraordinary thing about animals that we belong to the same kingdom as animals is the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom and we are are we not animals in many ways some furries and and others send it out send the love out now and there's a lot of fuss made about how similar we are to animals drives and urges and i now need to the only thing we don't do is smell each other's asses to say hi how are you i do but that's yeah i'm going to say it's going to say that's it yeah have you been [Applause] still vegetarian yes absolutely it is it is faster this man this man in the 80s when it was when it was fashionable before anyone knew that it was dangerous he used to take large quantities of cocaine i'm just trying to imagine what i was like you were running at it there was an epidemic of star trek where everybody lived faster and there were just little noises yeah was it you must have been like that yeah it was a frightening thing and impotent too which was a double bill yeah you know fast and dead assault with a dead weapon yeah it wasn't your cook kane is god's way of turning you around making too much money yeah and it was my accountant's wet dream too all right mr williams i can't write off 50 000 for snacks colombian college fund yeah didn't you call it once the devil's dandruff oh yeah the dancing powder the wonderful joy the peruvian marching dust yeah how are you doing how are you doing i'm not bad i'm not bad get off me okay mr bush we have to go [ __ ] to the people now fine fine i'm okay now dad can i call my dad no mr bush we can't call your father oh come on can we bomb yet no that's why cheney has the codes that's what okay that's why dick has the this this talk of um of peruvian dancing powder brings us very neatly to my book which you said in peru diary and if you could close in and see the lovely cheats on this bear look at that she's right now in playbear who wants to hibernate who's your alpha but certainly a fulsome pair of fun bags as you say yes [Music] [Applause] this is the story of your search for these special gold bears yeah peru and beyond unsuccessful certainly it was too because they're becoming extinct they are they are i'm i've never really been you know the kind of person who's been associated either in my own mind or anybody else's with the ecological quests and uh television uh documentaries following animals and uh apart from anything else i'm someone who more or less relies on on room service and broadband internet access in hotel rooms and so on and you don't get this too often in lima and points north and the andes but i have to say um the the producers of this program i wanted you to bring about paddington bear um who if you remember um came from from darkest peru that's right and uh and i got hooked on these extraordinary endearing creatures um these bears most peruvians don't know that there are bears in peru they're they're so shy and uh one of the things the point i was um struggling to make earlier about animals is is that we are so interested in them you know we we chase them we in order to look at them and photograph them but no animal unless it's hungry is interested in us and it occurred to me we're always trying to define what it is that human beings have that animals don't you know consciousness weight self-awareness or whatever one tries to call it but it is actually interest in other animals i mean essentially a bear doesn't give a cuss as to whether or not kangaroos exist and kangaroos don't care whether there's such a thing as a cockroach but we care about all of them and it's the most remarkable thing and i think what it is of course is is that in a sense genesis is right we are so guilty because i once went to look to gorillas and it's the same with bears and you realize what's magical about them is that when they wake up in the morning the bear does not say oh god i was a very bad bear yesterday i i i i'm guilty they don't feel guilty that they possess organs of sexual generation for a start they don't they don't feel they should wear clothes they never ask another bear you're seeing another animal no exactly they do they have not they just spend 100 of every minute of every hour of every day being a bear and a tree frog spends all its time being a tree frog we spend all that time trying to be somebody else you know trying to be like the person next door the person on television the person in the movie is the person on pop stars the rivals or whatever we're trying to be somebody else and animals supremely are themselves and no one is more themselves than a bear i think that's why winnie the pooh and and paddington and so on are so so endearing especially with the british spirit because they're rather stout and dignified and slightly rafish and a little bit rumpled and slightly annoyed at things you know to yourself i'm more of this yes i'm not very hairy at all no in fact did you know bear is in fact it's a it's a sort of gay thing you know what is well i looked up i'll be right back it's yes i'm sorry but you know i'm not uh in in entirely entirely unaware of many of the nuances of the of the gay community um um bears and cubs well that's just it yes and so actually i and i want when i first did this i wanted to look up um uh i wanted to look up bears i don't mean that obviously and so i everything said the bear cave everything won there about bears and it was uh a lot of very hairy men with pink objects sticking out of their other areas you found that online i found online what i couldn't find was anything about bears or notice which is the the spectacle back what's so cool because it has little markings around its eyes what did they you said that they're unaware of uh in peru the existence of these bears uh i'm watching the film that you made it seem to me they're indifferent to their fate as well i mean what do they make of you there's some mad englishman there to find a crusade on behalf of an animal that they thought was well just a wretched animal basically yeah well i mean this is that's a conflict isn't there a sense their understanding of human beings is is a pretty dim one because the only way you can find the bear we had a natural history crew which for months was tracking the droppings as these people like to do they like to go chasing the the the droppings and we're seeing where they've eaten and they couldn't find one the only ones we could find the ones have been captured and put in zoos and awful little private zones the most full restaurant where you found it and that wonderful condor too that's in many ways in the film the most tragic side this majestic book or in a restaurant they had him straight yeah they'd be the caves actually this thing is gonna talk to a bird i wanna show you the bird and it's in the back and just like yeah you know there's a line of winning breaks a robin red breast in a cage puts all heaven in a rage um and i think it's a it's a beautiful language it's a wonderful sort of naivety and perfection that blake managed but a condor is this kind of a symbol both of the whole south american continent and of you know all the cliches soaring majestic and it's one of the the great creations when you look at it it's wingspan brilliant yes and there it is 12 foot wingspan and this awful thing is the sandberg set they're tethered and they've never flown it couldn't have flown it couldn't fly at all in there wouldn't it no why do i have a bird like that i don't know and peru i'm just rave about peru for a second because it's an astonishing country it has um it has more terrains in it than any other country on earth you go and the same time it takes you to fly from london to edinburgh you go over a pacific coastline which is like california or something it's a pacific coastline over highlands and glenns that are over what looks like alpine scenery and then over the second highest mountain range in the world and then down over these extraordinary high plateaus into amazonia into this place where you know peru has 55 percent of all species of birds in it i mean this is the largest guinea pig what is that that was a huge yes there's a different queen so yeah but there's one that's like it's yeah it's used as a food source but it's like it's giant lily look at other guinea pigs like what are you looking at yeah it's like it's like the steroid guinea pig dolphins yeah they're pink pink river dolphins who who the local people rather conveniently believe dress up in evening dress in the evenings and a top hat and ravish the women so that when there is a famous dragon dolphins where there is another slowly we go upstream and look for the pearl necklace there they are the drag dolphin savaging the women slowly but surely we you're right edith head dolphin you're right you're mad but you're right and it's uh it's it's said i think no no um it's sorry i i was it don't if there's an unlooked for pregnancy in the middle of the of amazon yeah they say often they say it was the dolphin he came in the evening how's the baby it's pink and it stands but you'll rescue the bear i can say you are worth every penny of that 80 million that emi are going to pay you penny that's all right watch out mariah carey well you had i mean the story ending is a good one because you you found you've mated to are they are they procreated well um what we have is this um webcam we found this little bow um in a cage no bigger than this this really been all this all its life in the uh was called by the villagers who are hundreds of miles from civilization it was called yogi which shows how far the cancer of your noxious cultures [Laughter] shocking but anyway um this this yogi um we we talked to this marvelous reservation in aguascalientes at the foothills of the uh the the the the the wonderful machu picchu um in indian uh city uh amerindian city and um uh and then we found this female and we introduced them to each other and they felt startlingly in love it was quite that's a lucky thing because sometimes like when they had the the panda ling ling the panda they brought her mate and she looked like oh please and he looked at her like you are ugliest panda [ __ ] i have ever seen it's like you know you have to find a pen and they they're very particular they're you know and pretty medicated too but well they probably don't know they're pandas dude yeah they're probably going oh i don't know yeah that's right there's something there's zookeepers that you'll never see where's your food exactly they just smelled each other and fell completely in love and oh and so we have a webcam which is permanently which is what the internet is for to watch what's live um shagging and that's what uh that's what we did yeah exactly talk to a naked bear so you can 976 cub so it's and this book is the whole proceeds are for your bear foundation now they are indeed we found it we founded this charity to to help keep these little darnings alive and um and it's working very well i did you take to the jungle uh to the manor born absolutely can't you see it in me can't you see well there's a couple of pictures in the book let's have a look there that is that is totally unconvincing fred it really is let's look at the next one please well then now this is more like now robert robin if you didn't know who stephen was and you somebody said to you what nationality is that man there you'd say english wouldn't you now new zealand you see it no new zealand it's got right there looks you know he's out there no worries come on there come on i'm a wild animal and you know you've done these nature things oh yeah but pipe is it pipe is it's it's not just a quiet contemplative moment after breakfast when you you know you rub your flake and you have a smoke but it's also it keeps the mosquitoes away and uh and you get respected by the local people and when you smoke a local leaf when you went the local leaf the the herbal life rep comes to help you and you smoke and you can see the bear any time of the day that's a good thing that's why you know people said how did you build machu picchu i said take a coco leaf you gotta run you know it's quick that way you know a lot of people don't know that you come to peru they have it they do you have tea you do drink coconut it's quite legal to drink it as a tea as a tea and really i've been waiting for four days it really doesn't do that to you michael no not at all michael and if you want some we have in the back and if there are any young people watching for god's sakes all right so now you're now directing your first movie aren't you another yet another string to your book yeah it's very exciting is this this kind of a kind of frantic chase to do as many things as you possibly can before you apologize for the show before i die of death yes yes it is to be perfectly honest it absolutely is i i some people are unaware of death i'm constantly aware of death or at least constantly aware of a moment uh just before death when i say to myself well becca why didn't i do that why did i say no to whatever it is i think there's a famous arnold backstrom in this life you should try everything except incest and country dancing obviously it's in arkansas you can have both yes get off me paul you're crushing my smoke back to directing you're on that issue exactly um back to film yeah i just think of it you get the opportunity and and um and embrace it i say uh it's a an adaptation of vile bodies evening war yes it's called bright young things it's uh uh which originally was called it was it was original idea for a title but it rapidly became a sort of journalistic cliche or like it girl or something it suddenly became the phrase everyone used and i think he felt it was a bit beneath his dignity to call a literary novel uh uh uh bright young thing so he changed it to violence and uh i think brian i think he's but it is a generation of high living fast living cocaine snorting uh just cocktail sucking um dancing you know to incredibly fast music it is very exciting to do a film which although it's a if you want to call it a literary adaptation which i don't it is also it's fast and extraordinary you know the pace of it mostly when people do period films they tend to slow everything down as if people lived a much slower pace yes and this is the generation that invented everything we think of as modern it is what the story centers around is is photojournalism or people now called paparazzi um gossip columnists fame uh fast cars telephones incredibly important um war was very proud of the fact it was the first novel in which people use the telephone you see these parents the parents generation use the telephone to say i have some of that fish um you know from their fishmonger and then they put the phone down but these people were lying on the bed you know proposing to each other and so on and it was shocking much in the way to some you know the way young people text now is shocking so uh and drugs and drink and crashing and burning and nightclubbing in particular were all invented in this insane decade uh and it was done like all pioneers do it was done with more zest more insanity more suicidal tendencies and above all with more style i suspect yeah than it is now the star is that we will only be able to judge that in the future i'd just see people say oh uk geralt two-step hip-hop what a stylish era that was and it's highly possible they will they don't exist oh my goodness is there apart from mr williams in your well i i've i've i've cast a statutory american he's playing a character loosely based on on north beaver brook and of course dan aykroyd is canadian so it's rather appropriate um but if he falls out of some reason for too much money i will be the first i mean it's a daunting prospect isn't it i mean you are the field marshal i mean you're not just one of the troops at the moment in pre-production we start actual uh principal photographies it's grandine in about three weeks uh it's it's the fact that every day i i i get up at about six to to to get to a production office and nice and early and i get very sort of you know hyper and excited and write down notes about things and then people start sort of coming in by seven everyone's mad keen and fantastically talented um design departments and production departments and everything and i get shown this all the time here are seven cigarette cases which one for this character which one for that character here are cigarette holders here are shooting sticks and then suddenly well my mind is reeling about which cigarette case was going to which character suddenly someone comes in talks about music how much you know do you want you want a live band in this scene how many in the orchestra and so on suddenly your whole life is revolving around the music in the film and then suddenly the cameraman and the operator will come in and they'll start talking about shots and then you're driven off to a recce to look at a location and so it every day is divided in these extraordinary intense slices and uh i'm absolutely loving it uh i just i just get desperate when i hear about um some really good film like yours that's open then there's a good director out there because you're going i don't want anybody i want every film that is made from now for the next year to be appalling i mean so dreadful that mine might be watchable but i keep hearing about these wonderful films and it's just slightly despairing but i'm looking forward enormously to these next years sometimes yes yes yeah yes well you've got two films out you've got insomnia i am so yeah really yeah your handbag on any street yes look we'll quickly we'll go to the opening of an envelope yeah there's insomnia one hour photo and the sequel to insomnia incontinence which is yeah just when you thought it was safe you said you said um you mentioned in passing uh uh goodwill humping and and is there act there is oh every time i thought there would never be you know the reference was the fact that every hit film it's made there's a pawn there's a part equivalent to plays oh yeah shaving ryan's privates crouching tiger they could never make a porno version of that like hung-fu but they actually made crotchless tigers something's dragon oh it's like you went oh no every movie every movie commencing the bone they have all of them it's every movie comes out they make a porn version of it which is great they never make a classical porno movie though which is so that's the way you like it and a really hardcore shakespearean actor is going i will part you like the red sea elizabeth through the cocktails crow you shall know my name you'll be done knowing about this uncle feasty not doing and pulling that gentle thing and calling my wand and glaze you like a danish do you not know [Applause] have you not known speak to me and run gentlemen not call your name go o pinch-faced one o giant rat and call me not until tony blair does say the word and george be not going into the bush we shall [Music] [Applause] well dude it's been fun it's been terrific oh well we're back on please get back on pleasure tonight it's nice to be the quiet one because there's a lot of times since you've been the quiet one kind of i mean i am sam yeah it is absolutely it's terrific i mean good god good how many are born of your i mean it is it's a dream you have yeah you have children when the gene calls the jacuzzi this is what you get you have children yes you have there must spawn a robin land somewhere where there are more of you where you can you know there's others who speak this language who shuffled at the beat of your drummer the extraordinary um i've followed you enough to know that it's so fast that people assume it must be learnt or that oh i said this before at the dinner party so i'm going to say it again but i swear to you these things come out just yeah it is a kind of work of art and like a lot of art it is deeply disturbing and often slightly [Applause] when he was asked how he constructs a pitch and said i'd take a line for a walk yeah you're right take a line take a joke for a walk yeah abuse it and bring it home it's like jazz and it's riffing you call it there but you're like he does the same thing yeah you rip off them so all the proceeds for your book go to that course and we look forward to good news yes absolutely you make a an announcement to the effect that there have been issues has been arranged we will we will you'll be able to see the birth and the the bloody membranous sack on on the internet if you choose to look at it excellent www dash rescue dot tv dot slash member stack just want to say i just heard this the other day it's a rather sweet story it's not funny but it's rather sweet you know there is this domain is there called dot tv which we have on bear rescue dot tv it's it's from the island of tuvalu which is a tiny little island why does so tiny like that well it's a tiny little island that's right the tiny little island one of the ones near the cook islands and and uh it was dirt poor like something in the air you know just sort of blowing you know sort of fertilizer sacks and horrible signs of modern man having come and raped it of its minerals and its uh fruits and then just buggered off again leaving a rather disgruntled people but now it has hospitals and roads and libraries and it's shining with wealth because just through this ludicrous accident that its domain initials are tv and and all media all around the world have paid top dollar as they say to have so they can have you know if you wanted to you could be you could buy it and the money would go because they very cunning they didn't sell it to some sheister who had spotted it before they kept their killers their own dimension and so the nearby islands of rumba lumber or whatever are really thinking you know why did why can't we call an island [Laughter] www long term before that with the island of the stuttering people people people [Laughter] thank you i love you too you remind me of the comic version there was it was a famous there was a famous don at cambridge who who was said to know everything and and people get really pissed off it was no subject they could raise without which he couldn't join in and and earlier but you're in a comic version so so they they they got together what even it's not and and when he was sort of sitting near them they said uh well that's astonishing he's from the danish football league isn't it and he'll enforce it yes who would have believed that elsinore would have been beaten by copenhagen united like that quite extraordinary but of course they've just done the church and he knew everything about the daily footballing so they just as it were ripped up every idea and gave it away and i dare say if we could have a competition if someone in the audience could shout out a subject on which robin could not discourse until you you either wet yourself or had a baby or vomited with laughter and can you think of one other thing obviously well we're going to do that the reason why is that the producer's going how much money we range so there is the logaria foundation and his update yes thank you very much
Channel: That's Entertainment
Views: 1,236,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robin Williams, good will hunting, dead poets society, good morning Vietnam, Aladdin, jumanji, patch adams, one hour photo, the birdcage, hook, awakenings, night at the museum, what dreams may come, the fisher king, flubber, bicentennial man, popeye, worlds greatest dad, insomnia, happy feet, jack, old dogs, robots, license to wed, man of the year, death to smooch, toys, jakob the liar, the big wedding, rv, the final cut, boulevard, the big white, club paradise, stephen fry
Id: qLRw5voY2YI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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