Jonathan Evans | The Time is Now

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[Applause] everybody doing all right can you hear me I'm good good how's the day been I've been a great day alright I make sure I'm at home it wouldn't happen to be any Cowboys fans here were there kind of sort of but not really that's alright that's alright I'm in I'm in Eagles territory is that what it is that's alright that's alright we had to we had to give him at least one championship so no I'm excited to be here with you guys today I'm excited about having the opportunity I'm excited about being invited the invite was pretty short and sweet they just asked me if I believed in free speech I said yes they said good come give one so can I give you my phone here maybe I got too much stuff in my pocket no to be here has been a great pleasure my family's here I'm stuffed with Mako and Mako pizza and you know all of the good treasures that are right here on the on the boardwalk and so it's been exciting to be here with my family my wife kanika is here and our four children and one on the way yeah so I'm in the middle of the woods with no navigation just just trying to make it we have a daughter who's 9 her name is Kelsey she's the artist in the house and then when I have a son named Jonathan the second we call him j2 just to throw a little swag in there and then I have Camden and then Kyler so two boys two girls and then a surprise we never find out what we're having so this next one will be a surprise just like the rest of them and so that's what God has given me and I know that's a big it's a big challenge but it's also a big privilege to be able to pour into the next generation so that we don't have a generation that's forgotten about God because that's what we're looking at right now you saw in the video that we're looking at a culture that's that's devolving right in front of our eyes that's putting God on the margin unless something bad happens then they want to bring God in most people and men use God more like a spare tire they when life goes flat we'll get them out and bring them on because we need to keep rolling but once we get rolling again we put them right back in the trunk and that's what we've been doing in our country and I think that God is pretty fed up with it and so instead of putting all of our focus on changes coming from the White House we just need to get men to sit down in their house and once we can get these homes together you know it's been said before that the the saga of a country is simply the saga of its families written large and so if we can get the families right if we can get the men right if we can get the men to take their place and actually carry their families to the other side of the Jordan so they can experience the Promised Land what we're going to talk about today we can experience a difference in our country as a whole they men and so I'm excited about having the opportunity I know you've been here all day so I'm gonna be precise to get to the point and what God has called me to share just to encourage you before we leave today let's start with the word of Prayer and just jump right in Heavenly Father thank you for this time thank you for this opportunity may the words in my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you and may men that leave here different than they came Lord because we know that if we can get the men right to take their place Lord we can settle a lot of issues in our culture we love you and honor you raise up men from this room to be the men that you've called them to be and we'll give you the glory in Jesus name Amen I remember when I was a youngster probably like four or five years old course when you're that age your favorite day of the year is Christmas because you're getting your gifts and all of that kind of stuff and I remember rushing into my dad's room at 6:00 a.m. because we would wake him up he wouldn't wake us up that day we would wake him up that day and he'd start with devotions and he'd give us the reason for Christmas and all of those different things and we're sitting there like this hurry up pops I'm trying to get to the gifts and so but he's talking and he's giving us all those things then we go out for Christmas and I remember this specific Christmas I got a nice little gift it was it was one of those big wheels those tricycle big wheels you know and I remember him bringing the box into into the the living room or the den and I saw the big wheel on it after I tore the paper off and I was excited I was ready to ride I was jumping up and down and you know back then you had to put everything together they didn't just come off the shelf put together you know kids are spool these days they have to wait we had to wait on things to be put together and so I figured this will be easy I'll get to ride soon because my dad is Tony Evans let me tell you a little about Tony ups Tony Evans is a theologian okay Tony Evans reads a book a week still by practice okay Tony Evans had a 4.0 from the time he started college and under Grant at the time he graduated as the first African American from Dallas Theological Seminary okay so Tony of what I'm telling you is his brain works okay so I knew that at the age of five that his brain was very active and intelligent and so putting together a big wheel wouldn't be a problem but after two hours with just the handlebars on I started to get a little bit frustrated because I'm five years old four or five somewhere around in there and I'm tapping my toes he's in the garage and I can see that his forehead was starting to get those sweat those beads of sweat you know when you start getting frustrated you start glistening at the top of your head and I'm trying to figure out dad what's taking so long and so I've realized that shouldn't have but I verbalized it and I said dad was taking so long you're taking a long time to get this big wheel together I'm ready to ride and he said wait a minute son I'm getting it done and so I kind of knew that meant get out of his face and so I stepped to the side and I did what kids know how to do best if you can't get it done just go to mom she'll get it done so I went to my mom and I said dad has taken a long time you know it's been two hours and he just has the handlebars on mom can you can you go over there and do something about this and so my mom steps in she uShip my dad's in the garage putting this big wheel together my mom opens the door to the garage and she says Tony you've been in here for quite a while and he looks up and you know he can't give her what he me so he changes his tone a little and says Lois I'm I'm getting to the end of this I'm getting it done she said it doesn't look like you're getting to the end of it you just have the handlebars on Tony what's going on here he said Lois just giving me a second I'm getting it done she said let me give you some advice have you tried reading the manual I looked at my mom I said get in mama a bit condescending men don't want to hear that we don't want to read the manual we just want to put it together and then she capped it off because she said could it be that the bike maker probably knows more about bike putting together than you do I said oh mama that's got to work that's that's got to work and he finally opened the book turned the page and started reading the manual and in 30 minutes he had put together the whole big wheel when it took him two hours just to get the handlebars on with his own perspective what am I telling you today there's a lot of men trying to put together their life but they're putting together their life with their own perspective leaving out the life maker but could it be that the life maker just knows a little bit more about life putting together than you do and when we live our life outside of the context of the life maker as men not only are we frustrated and we have beads of sweat on our head by our circumstances and situations that we can't put together but there's other people who we have presented the gospel to that will not get to ride in that experience because they see the frustration on other Christian people like ourselves like I wasn't able to ride on that big wheel because he was taking so long because he was operating outside of the love the bike maker and could it be that there's a lot of people under the sphere of our influence they can't ride and their purpose can't ride in their destiny can't ride in a better understanding of wisdom and understanding from God because they're looking at dad and grand and seeing how long it's taken him to put his life together while claiming to be a Christian could it be and if we can get men just to realize something that's not just biblical but that's simply simply logical that the life maker probably knows better than we do and if we submit ourselves to him we can not stop spinning around in circles like a dog chasing our tails I grew up with this dog named Solomon he was always flitted to me he was a toy poodle not by my selection I had two older sisters if it was me to be a rock wall or a pit you know something like that but he was a toy poodle and I thought something was wrong with him because he would always be running around in circles chasing his own tail and at ten years old I would think to myself don't you realize Solomon that your tail is on your butt and your mouth is on your face you weren't created to catch your own tail that's not something that you're actually going to accomplish you're doing a whole lot of movement but you're not going anywhere till one day I came home and I heard a lot of growling in the back and I figured well maybe we got another dog no the dog caught his tail and he's shaking and he's twirling around and I'm amazed that the fact that he's contorted himself in this position that he wasn't created to be in and he caught his tail and he had fun with it for a little while but he could only hold it for about 30 seconds because it was so uncomfortable to be in that position that he had to let it go and when he let it go you know what he did started chasing it again we live in a generation of men who are running around chasing their own tails trying to serve their own purposes forgetting about the fact that they were there to be God's best friend yes and every now and then you satisfy yourself something happens you feel good you made the money you got the career you put yourself in that little nook and cranny you've always wanted to be in only to realize then you realize at some point I need to get back to this because could it be that the person who made me knows why he made me more than I do for myself it's very simple it's biblical but it's also logical submit that's the only way you stand because a man that stands is actually a man that kneels that's the only way you stand I see it all the time as the chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys I get to fly on the plains and go to the all of the different events and all of those different things I'm at every home game every away game I see it all when we get off the plane and the red carpet basically is lined out for these guys and everybody's taking pictures everybody wants a piece and then they get out of the bus to go into their five-star hotel and all the fans are yelling and they're screaming and and they got all of this light they got all of this money they've made it made it to the pinnacle millions of other men wish they could be in their place or do they because what I know is Jonathan I still feel like I got a hold of my heart so big I can drive a Mack truck through it with the bins in the Ferrari sitting in the garage what I know is when the lights get turned off and all the fans go home they're just running around in circles and it feels good when the carpet is there but when that stuff gets pulled up they're trying to find another way to chase the tail and catch it men we're here to serve the purposes of God God has called each individual in this room if he didn't you wouldn't be here because he knows what he's doing but it's not for your purpose it's for his purpose and that as was said time and time again that the generations that come after you may be able to sing like we sing about Abraham father Abraham had many sons and many sons had like you don't know what and I am one of them and so are you so let's just praise the Lord arms down don't do that part after over four thousand years was still singing about Abraham we're still talking about these great men of old of the Bible the ones who made it to Hebrews chapter 11 the Hall of Fame in the Bible not because they were perfect but because there came a point where they just said enough sin us I submit enough enough I want to stand so I might as well go ahead and kneel now you know Philippians said it best every knee will bow every tongue will confess that Jesus in other words that means one day it'll be mandatory I'll go ahead and do that now while I have an option the sooner we do that the sooner you see God infiltrate what he's calling you to do in your life so I'm hoping that today as I just walked through these three scriptures in Joshua 1 1 2 & 3 that we basically just get to a point as men where we say you know what now's the time I've gone to the conference every year I go to church every Sunday I'm comfortable living on the island forget this now is the time because you know what the game of life is a running clock there is no rewind button stopped pause now I just keeps running and if you look at the people of Israel they were promised the Promised Land that they never entered into the first generation why because they just didn't submit now how did God make a promise that they didn't get to God can make promises to you that you don't get to experience and still maintain his holiness and his promise you know what he'll do he'll just give it to the next person up ask the second generation of the people of Israel who actually entered into the land so you'll have men that'll live their lives never achieving the promise that God has for their life my dad always told me Jonathan life is like a dollar bill you get to have it but you're only gonna get to spend it once so spend it well because it's a running clock and all the promises that God has made for you Ephesians 1 says it best in heavenly places he has stored up everything that he is already gonna do for you so while you're here draw it down because you're only gonna get one shot at it men now is the time Joshua 1:1 says now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses servant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore you get up arise cross the Jordan you and all these people to the land in which I have given to the sons of Israel in every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have already given it to you just as I have the Moses sometimes I read the Bible if you read it slow enough you realize it has the ability to preach itself like it doesn't really need my help so let me slow down a second and just digest what God is saying to Joshua for your own life now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses servant saying Moses my servant is gone now you arise cross the Jordan you and all these people to the land in which I have already given you to the sons of Israel watch this in every place on which the sole of your foot treads I've already given it to you just as I have spoken to the servant before you Moses every place on which the sole of your foot treads I have already given it to you just as I have spoken to my servant Moses when you look at Deuteronomy Deuteronomy as a recount of the history of Israel in other words is letting you know where we come from and where we are now when you finally turn the page open up the manual to Joshua's life and you turn the page the first word you see there is now now means not later to keep it simple now is a sense of urgency now is I recounted all of his recounted all of Israel's history to let you know that we have done all of that to get to where we are right now you know where we are we're standing at the Jordan you know what that means on the other side of the Jordan is the promised land that's what I've been talking about this whole time through the books of the Bible letting the people out of Egypt going on this 40-year journey to get to this promised land now we're here Joshua I need you to rise up four times and Joshua chapter one he says be strong and courageous four times be strong and courageous be strong and courageous be strong and crazy be good why was he telling Joshua 4 times to be strong and courageous you think it was because Joshua was already strong and courageous absolutely not his knees were knocking when God is calling you to stand it's not it's not because he already knows you're strong and courageous it's because he knows that we're at the precipice of something great he's not calling you because he knows you're gonna be comfortable with the call he's calling you because he knows this play is what's gonna score I've never had a coach turned to me and asked me I remember playing the Baltimore Ravens I was a fool back at the time with the Washington Redskins and Jim Zorn was the coach and he sent me in there to run an ISO now when I got in there and they broke huddle I was excited about running the play until I saw number 52 on the other side of the line of scrimmage I wasn't comfortable at that point I'm not gonna tell you how it went that's not important the point is is at that point I was very uncomfortable before he sent me out there he didn't say Jonathan this is what I think will work are you comfortable with this do you want to do this is this something that you feel good about coaches don't do that they look at the enemy they look at the way that they line up they look at the players that they have on the sideline and they call place and the hope is that after all these meetings listening to all of these coaches talk about football after all of these practices after teaching you all of the skills that you needed to know that when the play call comes you'll be ready not you'll be comfortable because we got to run this play and we got to run this play now my hope is that when you leave this conference that it won't just be information it won't just be another practice because now it's time to play ball and I don't good at the end of Matthew God didn't ask the disciples if they were comfortable to go make disciples you don't think that Jesus had already knew in his omniscience that they were gonna go into the book of Acts and get slaughtered and get thrown into prison Peter's gonna get thrown into prison Paul's gonna get beaten thrown into prison James was gonna get slaughtered by the sword he knew that when he told them to go make disciples that yes there is going to be suffering that's a part of the game no let me don't let me don't don't have false expectations here that when you decide now to submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ that now you don't have to go hit Ray Lewis up there's gonna be some hard hits out there ask the disciples who actually got us to where we can even gather in this room but Jesus wasn't just thinking about the disciples he was thinking about the fact that you would be in this room because of the disciples and who will be in this room generations from now because of you gentlemen now is the time you have your daughters and your son's hoping that you'll give them something different I know that you have your story where your dad wasn't there and your grand dad wasn't there whether it's got to start somewhere now is your moment yet literally you're alive now and soon as the clock keeps ticking will all be history and hopefully our children will say well because of this man who's no longer here anymore he may not be here but we're still on the other side of this Jordan everybody here has stepped into the promise of knowing Jesus Christ otherwise I mean really if you think about it what else is life about I made money okay I've seen people who were bored with money I got to career I got the girl I got to okay it's like being a kid and you get the new pair of shoes that you've always wanted but then after three months they're dirty and you want some more it never stops now is the time for us to be focused on what actually matters on what you'll actually be remembered for always say my favorite person in the music industry by far is Michael Jackson if you don't like Michael Jackson you're wack it's music I mean he's the innovator of music I mean he made music music was already there but he took it to a whole nother level when my parents picked me up from school they were embarrassed in elementary because I had on a white button-down shirt black pants that flooded penny loafers and a glistening glove with a hat because that was my dude when Michael Jackson died 13 people committed suicide because of his departure there wasn't a place on the planet that he wasn't known he's probably the most famous person on earth effort to exist other than Jesus Christ he couldn't even go into he's never seen the front of a lobby of a hotel because he always had to go through the back door starting when he was a child that's greatness isn't it pretty great he's been dead for about nine or ten years now haven't even thought about him to be honest with you until his anniversary comes around and they start playing his music beat it beat it I'm like oh yeah how can you be that famous and that great and everybody just move on because if that's what you're here for chasing after American greatness then that's what you'll get and it'll always say thanks for your contribution next it doesn't last long people just move on but you know we haven't moved on from and all of the great men in it because it's actually a legacy that matters right now you can't procrastinate I'm just I don't even know if I'm gonna get through three I don't have time three three verses because I'm just still on one word now the importance of urgency in a man's life as we all know the clock is ticking and we're standing here this is the urgency of the scripture now because when you turn the page right now why I just told you why though I just recounted the whole history of Israel in Deuteronomy now we're standing at the precipice of the promise that I made don't miss it one generation already missed it come on Joshua be strong and courageous I told you be strong and courageous Joshua I'll tell you again be strong and courageous last time Joshua be strong and courageous now go God wouldn't playing no games and he's not playing games in your life either if you go ahead and submit yourself he's ready to use you you say how can he use me right there in the sphere of your own influence you don't need to be on a stage you don't need to be in full-time ministry you're already in full-time ministry right where you are go e therefore and make disciples people who look like me I want to see them everywhere because of you start with your family if you don't have a family you have people you consider family and then spread it from there you got a job to do and second Corinthians 5:10 says for we all will go before the judgment seat of Christ at any time I played a football game in the National Football League in college I always played let's say NFL cause it's Sunday I always played on Sunday thinking about Monday every player does that every single but there's a football player in here they play that day hanging about the next day you know why because the next day is when you got to sit by the head coach and watch film of the day before and he pulls down the overhead projector pulls down the screen turns on the overhead projector picks up his red pointer and says je sit right here let's watch and all like I don't know the only question I have is were you better if it were you bearing the image of the decal that's on your helmet based on the PlayBook that I have given you or were you out there doing your own thing and he just analyzes the film so I'd be on the field and I'd make a good block boom and I'd say oh I know that's gonna look good tomorrow or I'd miss the block and that's it hopefully he fast forwards that part but at the point in which I'm drafted that's when it all counts Paul says for we all Paul's a Christian it's in Corinthians he's talking to Christian so he's talking about a judgment for Christians we're God at the time of your conversion draft pulls down the overhead projector the screen turns on the Holy Ghost overhead projector picks up the blood of Jesus red pointer there are a few questions were you out there bearing the uniform of the blood of Jesus that you claimed or were you out there doing your own thing let's take a look yes salvation is free but your rewards aren't you didn't know that did you that Christians are not rewarded the same neither are players on the field that we have a job to do and the employer looks at the employee and says in the evaluation time what did you produce I know you may be a little uncomfortable I know your knees may knock and you may be a little weak and you may be feeling a little afraid the play calls still coming and the top the clock is still ticking and you can't say well you know I'm 15 16 years old I got time how many of you know when you were born I always hope so how many of you know when you're gonna die so whether you're younger old can't be based on your birth date has to be based on your death date so if you're 16 but your death date is when you're 25 you're old as dirt but if you're 50 and your death date is when you're a hundred then you're really younger than the person who's 16 who has a 25 year old death date so we don't really know who has time all we know is is that right now you do have time and when is the time now because tomorrow is coming and the head coach is waiting now a call came to Joshua and it says the call came to Joshua after the death of Moses still in verse 1 our probably in in verse 1 when did Joshua's call come after the death of Moses I immediately started thinking to myself what in my life needs to die in order for me to wake up to God's call you can ask yourself the same question because he didn't get a call until something died now I know what you're thinking you're thinking yeah there's some things in my life there's some sin in my life there's some things I need to put down there's some things I need to get rid of there's a different way of my perspective not my will my way my perspective thinking I've got this that I'm still holding on to and sure sin always creates separation from God there are some people who haven't heard God's voice you know why you're just too far from the tower you ain't got no bars on your spiritual cellphone some people have one bar in other words they hear God from time to time but it breaks up and then some people that frequency is coming through must be Verizon not AT&T but I really can't go there with this in the context of this verse because Moses was not a sin problem Moses was a great thing Moses was the one who administered the law Moses was the one who called manna down Moses was the one who split the Red Sea Moses was the one who got you to the Jordan so that also let me know that it's not always bad things that need to be put down sometimes it's good things that need to be let go because Moses was a good thing for the people of Israel but Moses couldn't go where God was taking them Deuteronomy 32 52 tells you that God was gonna let Moses see the land but not enter the land so if they were going to experience the promise they would actually have to let go of the one who got them close there are some great careers that you feel God pushing and prodding you to let go of but you don't want to let go of them because they got you so far you don't want to let go because they pay you so well you don't want to let go because it's been so good for so long but if Joshua and the people of Israel keep hanging on to Moses they'll be still stuck on the wrong side of the Jordan there's some people some relationships you won't let go because they've been so good for so long but you know in your heart they're a hindrance for where God's taking you sometimes you have to tell people I love you but I just can't take you because you can't go Moses was great but he couldn't go it's not just the sin thing sometimes it's things that we depend on that have been that we hung our hat on for so long that are keeping us from crossing the Jordan to the calling that God has for us why because we're dependent on it more than we are dependent on him and if you look at Deuteronomy the last chapter of Deuteronomy as 34 verse 6 it says God buried Moses and he buried Moses suddenly it says when Moses died his vigor was not abated and his eyes were white as snow man he was wide awake bigger not abated his eyes why talking about the rim of your eyes they're white he's he's ready to go I know Moses died suddenly God buried him have you ever experienced God taking away something that seemed to be going so well suddenly in your life it's because dependency needs to change you can no longer Joshua ride the coattails of Moses's relationship with me now you have to have one of your own you can no longer ride the coattails of your finances that have been taking you so far now you're coming back to me you can no longer ride the coattails of that career or that job or that that relationship that you've been hanging on to that's been hindering you from crossing the Jordan to becoming the man that I've called you to be you can no longer hang your hat I know it was good but it's not as great as where I'm taking you let go now it was a crazy time for Mourning you look at the last chapter of Deuteronomy they said they mourn for Moses for thirty days that's right yeah my boy mo he got thirty days you know why that's a big deal because it was customary in Israel to only mourn for seven I don't know who came up with these mourning rules but they had timetables for mourning different culture different time it was customary to mourn for seven days but not for my boy mo because mo was a beast they mourned for seven for thirty excuse me they mourned for 30 days for Moses in other words it was a monumental time of mourning and then after that last verse you turned the page now that a monumental time of mourning was only a precursor to a monumental time of calling I know the reality is that there are some men in here who have monumental losses in your life people careers relationships things that you've hung your head on for a long time tails that you've actually caught from time to time that have been stripped away and some good things have been buried suddenly on you if that is you just keep your antennas up because a precursor to your calling a lot of times as your pain God is just readying you to stand he's reading readying you to take advantage of your now moment just like Joshua I'll close with this I'll jump down to verse 3 because I really just want you to experience your now moment I really want you to just leave here no matter what you've gone through and what you've lost with the right perspective that says okay starting today as for me and my house we running around in circles no more let's just be real as for me in my house I'm no longer gonna chase the wind CS Lewis said it best he said it's like grabbing sand on the beach you get it in your hand only to watch it seep through the crevices of your fingers I don't want to do that anymore I want to tread on the promise that God has for me so what's in there will come out of there and come my way I don't want to waste time because the clock is ticking it's a running clock I know the head coach is waiting with his screen ready I'm gonna get this thing going there have been some losses that just means that your calling is now you're at this conference you're practicing that just means that the play call is coming you got to execute it but most importantly you've got to tread on it what is that oh it's just the movement of your feet faith you got to leave here with faith I say it all the time my dad says it best he told me what faith is it's acting like it is so even when it's not so so that it might be so simply because God said so I'll say it again faith is acting like it is so even when it's currently not so so that it might be so why simply because God said so there's nothing in there about you feeling it understanding it totally aware of it no you do it why because he said it and he said that everywhere your foot treads as it relates to my promises and my word not name it claim it you can't just go out start walking around [Applause] as it relates to my word in your circumstance you have a circumstance come here and walk that out we can make this happen finally my daughter she's about to turn 3 this past Christmas we got her a you know pop goes the weasel' what does a call a jack-in-the-box so I gave it to her and she just said I said you know all you do is just turn the wheel just turn the wheel and so she's trying to figure it out in a jet that that that and that that did that that did did that that she doesn't have any idea what's about to happen that that doesn't deter pop and she didn't know what to do cuz she was - so she was cry laughing she stood back for a second then took the dent the dent attended that dancer that is in the pop got scared again now for the next seven hours through the night yeah that's that that's that I mean my wife rolled our eyes as we looked at each other there's two-year-old walking around the house because she couldn't help herself once she found out that when she turned that wheel what was in there was gonna pop out of there she just had to keep trying it over and over and over again men once you start treading on God's Word and you realize that what's in here will become an experience in your life we will hear a whole lot of popping going on in the first couple of times you'll kind of be like oh did that just but after a while that you don't attend to dad - dad dad - dad - judges under the tent top goes your purpose top goes your destiny pop those wisdom pop goes understanding top those discernment pop goes your children top goes your grandchildren top goes a legacy that's worth something and then when you stand before your head coach he'll pull down the screen he'll turn on the overhead projector and they'll say yeah you you made mistakes just like everybody else before but boy when it came to the fourth quarter you are hard to stop well done my good and faithful servant well done hearing gods say that face to face will give you the chills let's pray Heavenly Father we love you and honor you give you the praise and glory for who you are if you don't do anything else you've already done enough by sending your son Jesus Christ help us to start by believing in it but finish strong by walking in it because your word says that when we walk what you have for us we will get to experience help us to pass that down from generation to generation and help us to do it right now so that we can cross the precipice of the Jordan and experience the promise that you have waiting for us we love you and honor you in Jesus name Amen Jonathan Evers thanks [Applause]
Channel: Soldiers For Faith
Views: 27,461
Rating: 4.8526702 out of 5
Keywords: Religion, Soldiers for faith, Soldiersforfaith, SFF, SSf, Soldier, Soldiers, Soldier for faith, faith, Soldier of faith, Jesus, God, Christ, Christian, Come and see
Id: nk93ddbwPBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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