Jonathan Evans: Your Time Is Now (LIFE Today)

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[Music] the following program is sponsored by friends of life outreach international are you ready to make a difference in the kingdom of god jonathan evans says your time is now and so he would use me to transition me to become the chaplain for the dallas cowboys which was the original team i signed with and the original team that cut me the original experience of pain to come back and minister and that's when i learned that your greatest ministry will come from your greatest misery stepping up to answer god's big calling next on life today it is such a joy to welcome you like today i got a big grin on my face because you know we've had tony evans here and so many times some people thought this is his show and i said well we're just glad to pay for it because you bless everybody i'm james robinson betty and i welcome you to life today and now we've had priscilla shower one of tony's kids you know and we've had anthony in these things well now we've got jonathan and i am so excited jonathan has got a book called your time is now and uh man that's very significant okay we welcome you and i'm telling you i'm excited because i've heard you preach i've heard you communicate in all different settings and the anointing of god is all over you just like dad and your sister and your other sister and everyone your mom who is now in heaven pulling you right here that's right hey lois we're right here that's right i guarantee you you you you really want to say something and you're gifted to preach it and now you've written it so just tell me what you mean your time is now what's the significance of that well i think it's important for because i had to realize that in my own life you know being the last child of in the family you know i was always the baby saying when is it going to be my turn was going to be my time my parents would always tell me your time is always now that god uses everything in your life to prepare you for where he's taking you so now is that moment now is the time for you to soak in your relationship with god go through the trials and tribulations the journey that he wants you to go through and realize that even when you're in the pit that is still your now moment to realize that there's evidence in the pit of your future promise and so god as god is teaching us that the time is always now to settle in on who he's calling you to be your relationship with him so that you're ready for him to take you where he has you by the way when you watch how your dad's been used and your sisters and you you see this uh and your your brother that sings so well do you does that never cause you to wonder wow would i because you you were in sports so we're going to talk about that because that's part of you finding that now moment that's right with something that happened with the dallas cowboys but did you look at the other family and think how do i fit in and all of this or did you just think i'm going to be in sports all my life and be a witness what was going on in your mind well that's big that you mentioned that because you know i was kind of depressed and sp experienced anxiety because i felt like well god's using everybody else but you know here i am the baby of the family again you know trying to figure out what's going on and so i retired in 2009 uh in washington playing football and like many athletes you're trying to figure out what's next or is god have a plan for you i see how you're using my dad my mom my sisters my brother but what's going on and and god reminded me no no you don't realize that what you've gone through and where you are right now all of that is going to be used for where i'm taking you and so i learned that and talking about that story is that my time in the nfl was tumultuous you know i was on i played five years on six different teams i was hurt carted off the field i was booed people throwing cans at me as i'm getting i mean i had it all happened to me and while i was in that you know environment i was always asking the question why is this happening to me like i'm praying for you to come alongside me be my robin so i can be batman you know i have those prayers you know you be the pedestal so i can stand higher and um and to know that you know that god really wanted me to run out of the tunnel one day but he wanted me to run out his way not my way wow and so he would use me to transition me to become the chaplain for the dallas cowboys which was the original team i signed with and the original team that cut me the original experience of pain to come back and minister and that's when i learned that your greatest ministry will come from your greatest misery and when you realize that your time is now the whole kitten caboodle it's right now uh you realize you know that god is doing something all the time well we always we we've always heard well we're on we're all on a journey you know and i remember when our children were small with that mom when will i get to where i can do this i said when you get bigger that's right but at the same time what you're saying is while we're on that journey god is building us through where we are now that's right to get to the goal that he's taken yeah we have to really believe god works all things out for good for those who love him and are called according to his purposes and when the time doesn't feel right we feel we don't believe it when it doesn't seem like things are happening and things are really being catalytic at every moment but they really are you know god is really teaching us and growing us and we really have to believe that paul says that he has confidence that he who began a good work will complete it and so we have to have that confidence not just when it's good we have to have that confidence all the time that god is saying oh no it's always right now and you have to believe that and be confident in it i'm going to tell you something you've got an anointing and i really do believe this i think a lot of times like tony evans has laid a track priscilla has done it also but there's been a something in priscilla that has called people to take the message and put it to work which is what i believe is the greater anointing on you tony is laying an understanding of kingdom reality that the king has come there is a kingdom at hand there's a kingdom in us we can be as tony's recent book kingdom men rising right and i really believe this and i told you this you remember i said it to you and i said it to dad uh and to your family really that i believe that you will be able to take the truths that your dad's laid out and get people to begin to act on those truths not just discuss them not debate them not defend them not just declare them but demonstrate them to become a demonstrator between you build that that that that house that can stand the storms on the rock-solid foundation of all the truths your dad your sister both of them your mom did y'all have been laying it out but if you don't just hear what he says but do what he says right that's the house that stands and by the way that doesn't mean you never miss the mark you're gonna get knocked down we don't like it that's part of the journey we don't like to fail we don't like we don't want to strike out but you're going to the greatest hitters stack out the most that's why they keep going back so don't you want people to hear that no matter what's happened to them the best is ahead of me they'll just keep their life committed to the best purpose for them yeah listen absolutely one of the chapters in my book is go you know i have one word to describe because you're preaching to me because that's my thing i always see my dad as that teacher preacher who helps you understand the nuances of god's word at a whole nother level right but what's in mind by the way you probably don't have the anointing and gifting to do that don't i don't tony i give up on that i ca i can't walk in his shoes that's for sure that's right those shoes would hurt my feet so i understand that but like i said one of the chapters is go because i'm a go guy my thing is taking the play call and executing it because i remember genesis chapter 12 when god told abraham i want you to go from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house to the land which i will show you in other words there's a land that god wants to show there's a purpose that he has but he's waiting on you to go and a lot of people don't realize that if you don't go even when you're uncomfortable he tells he tells abraham i need you to leave your relatives your father's house in your country which means he's basically saying i need you to leave your comfort zone that it's better to be called than be comfortable but a lot of christians would rather be comfortable than be called wow and so a lot of times god is holding purpose and destiny and he's not going to let it go until he sees your feet moving without faith is impossible to please the lord well that's good it's about feet it's about moving even when you're uncomfortable you know so i think that's an important step well he calls us into a battle he didn't call us to a playground that's right we're not going to have joy unspeakable full of glory oftentimes even in the midst of the storm there is peace even in the valley even in the valley of the shadow of death which you and your family know a whole lot about that's right having lost mom i know that's part of what you had to learn the experience had to be tough we lost a daughter and this is stuff right now better now at age 77 we're saying about a lot of our lifetime friends that's right because they're going on to be with the lord but people have got to understand that god will walk with you through those challenges and we've got to walk on to give us some more insights that you've got in this book you want people to hear if you could just say and you want to just turn right over and preach to that audience just what do you want them to hear right now that might help them understand what it means to actually get moving their time is right now that's right well you know actually he was talking about my mom and we got the news in 2019 in march that my mom had terminal cancer and i mean it was like somebody rubbed icy hot over my all over my body and i just remember feeling the chills of of not understanding what was going on but i remember after we shed all the tears and after my dad was crying and my sister priscilla was crying and we were just um it was just chaos in the room i remember my mom saying are you guys finished now are you guys done and we said yeah i guess so i mean if you want us to be done crying and we'll be done and she said well i want you to sit down she said um this is spiritual warfare that these attacks on our family don't just see it as just an isolated event or just uh something that um is bad that's happening to our family it's actually spiritual warfare and one thing we will not do in our family is tuck tail and run one thing we will not do in our family is not be who god has called us to be and lose confidence in what god is doing in our life just because we're facing a battle what we're going to do in our family is we're going to pick up our shield we're going to put on our helmet we're going to put on our shoes we're going to tie our belt up we're going to grab that sword we're going to go to the the lord in prayer and we're going to continue to fight on because realize that this whole moment even though it's bad is still a part of the catalytic opportunities that god is going to do in our family in our country in our world and he's going to do it through you so if someone asks you to preach that's exactly what you're going to do if someone asks you to sing that's exactly what you're going to do and i remember saying mom how in the world can you be talking about ministry at a time like this and her response she looked at me and said son because that's why you exist she said that's why you're here that's why you're on this planet and anything else is a distraction anything else that comes into your life is trying to pull you away from your right now moment and your time son is right now even when you're hurting and so i want to let the people out there know that your time is right now even in the struggle even when you're hurting even in the pit there is evidence in that pit of your future promise you just have to look at it the way god is trying to show it to you and so keep moving keep putting one foot in front of the other and realize that the whole kitten caboodle is saying to you that your time is right now maintain the faith maintain the confidence and keep on walking wow and i thought it was very significant even in the pit think about this joseph was thrown in the pit by his family by his brothers now he might have been blessed in such a way that he might have come across a little bit arrogant okay let's just say it maybe it was there but that's not the reason they threw him in the pit they might have used it but he was thrown in that pit who would have ever thought he could become the most powerful force in a wicked kingdom and give people life miraculous who would have ever thought that he could be falsely accused and put in prison and in prison begin to deliver the word of god there he is right there where it looks lopez and god gave him something you know what i believe every christian needs to hear your dad talks about kingdom life there's a kingdom to come he's preparing that that's a prepared place for prepared people but he left us in a kingdom where there is conflict where there is an accuser where there is a deceiver where there is a divider where there is a destroyer and we are to overcome that he said we are to be more than conquerors that's right we put on a an armor because we're in a battle we're not in a rest home we're in a battle even in a red stone if you're a christian if you sign up for kingdom purpose but here's what people need to realize we may lose some games but he said we're going to win and walk over the intentions of the devil that's right don't you believe when your dad's preaching kingdom he wants the king to be so in charge of men's lives women's lives husbands and wives mom and dad children that we actually defeat the enemy in his purpose and overcome with god's purpose which is kingdom purpose is that what your dad's trying to help us understand that is that's right jesus owned bunch didn't get it but when they got filled with the holy spirit and this is exciting tony i want you to take off tell priscilla too she can work and he'll get over here and help knock it out of the park after you guys work on it a little bit but i'm telling you if you look at the book of acts these guys that still didn't even understand the kingdom when he's ascending even though he taught him for three years taught him for 40 days after the resurrection and now then he's leaving and they're still talking about that next kingdom when he left them here to impact this kingdom but here's what i want you to know when they were endued with a powerful on high they came out of the upper room now just you just get your bible you you do this bible study on your own if you haven't done it you check it out you start right there when they came down and the last guy that should have been speaking peter who denied jesus is preaching the keynote message they started doing kingdom impact that's right i mean they told all the powers it be who the real power is told all the religious people that were totally deceived who it was they just killed they killed the promise of god they killed the messiah and didn't even realize it but he died for them so they could know the real messiah that's right and delivered and i mean they they preached another kingdom caesar it ain't uncle sam it ain't somebody in washington you know the will of god doesn't arrive on air force one like your dad said over and over it's in christ now this is in my opinion you are the kind of guy that's going to help people begin to do what jesus told us we were to do does that make sense that absolutely makes sense because right before you get to the book of acts you have the gospels and he said go he said go make disciples they may not have had all the understanding they may have may not have had a full understanding of what was going on and all of those different things but they were with them long enough to know this is the truth and i'm going to go with it and when i go with it that's the reason why we're sitting here because they went with it and they were beaten for it they were put in prison for it james was killed for it i mean all of these things were happening in the book of acts but they did what god told them to do and with doing what god told them to do and being faithful even though they were in a culture that was against them even though their own people were against them and were rejected and the powers that be the government was certainly against them that's exactly the religious hierarchy was against them that's right and the greatest problems he had was the self-righteous people that thought they were something when they didn't know who the something really was that's exactly right this is a whole new day i'm telling you what i honestly believe jonathan we're going to see come to life where your dad preached father i pray that i thank you from the bottom of my heart and somehow i believe lois you're part of that cloud of witnesses and i believe you know you're about to see what your husband preached your daughter's taught your son saying and what jonathan's going to do raise up a mighty army not discussing it not discussing truth but demonstrating in the power of your spirit just like those new testament christians in jesus name i believe we're going to see this don't you believe now is the time to arise and shine with the glory of the lord upon us now is the time there's no better time than right now and god is waiting for us to move i love you buddy i love your family the book is in the bookstores you can get it online you help us give somebody water and although we're giving away a book i wrote a book our son randy wrote if you want this book because you want to know about your now time you just ask us but would you do this i know the whole evans family wants this would you help us give a cup of water a well of water i want you to i want you to watch the following scenes and listen to the sounds with your whole heart and prayerfully watch closely it was sudden he was five months old he had never been sick i was carrying him in my arms and then i felt he quit breathing he couldn't breathe and he didn't want anything here is where i saw my son die the doctor said it was the water that took him for a grieving mother this somehow hurt more miriam had given everything as a mom but giving her son tyson water to drink wasn't optional unfortunately neither was her water source river water contaminated left with no choice miriam gave tyson water that attacked his body like a poison that morning my son woke up feeling bad vomiting and wouldn't eat i got scared and started to take him to the health clinic but it would take three hours to walk there he couldn't breathe it was saddening it's hard because i always remember what happened there i miss him so much tragedies like this should never happen to any mother together we can do something to stop the spread of waterborne disease by providing mothers like miriam with fresh clean drinking water [Music] you know boy do we understand what it is to miss you know we our beautiful girl that's in heaven her fourth grandbaby is going to be born this year before the end of the year and they're so beautiful you don't forget a child when they're gone and the thing i want you to see and i really pray let me let me just just try to get you to just really listen to me real close when you notice the overlooked the unnoticed jesus called them the least of these and you give them water food clothes visit them when they're trapped in prison you do it to me boy if you ever wanted to give jesus a drink of water give it to the least of these and i want you to know this you are really anointed by god to be the answer to somebody's prayer and don't you think it's a small thing to give a cup of water or if you're enabled by god to drill a well and give a thousand people instantly water the rest of their life all of us can do it in in betty the people that watch our show the viewers that watch us they notice the least of these they notice them and they give a cup of water and so often they give a well of water yeah they do and thank you thank you so much for all that you do to help us drill these water wells as you can tell it's been nine years almost since we lost her daughter the tears still flow and i watched that mother with her loss of her little baby her tears still flow i promise you but she did all she could do she had no other resource but that dirty contaminated water to give her precious little one let's give them a choice please to to know that there is hope that people care and that people love them so join with us and let's drill those water wells and give those precious little ones a chance in life and honey there's no no doubt you're going to do it betty's wiping away tears understandable god says he'll wipe away our tears we can wipe away mother's tears we can turn their situation of pain and heartache and fear into joy and wipe away tears even before they come by giving them water 350 water wells is our goal this year and i'm believing we're going to reach that goal and i say god i believe you could take us beyond that and we could call the missionaries and say guess what people are so full of god's love and so willing to sacrifice of themselves we're going to be able to go past 350. we have some gifts to bless your life but would you right now go online or would you dial the phone number there and take your bank card and use it like a check that's how you should always use a bank card like a check but if you could give a well forty eight hundred dollars do it you know you can we had someone writing the other day and say well we were able to get fire water wells praise god i don't know what you can do you do god knows but remember this you can give 1200 and pray god three more join me god will 2 400 one join you got a well most of the support comes from people giving 48 and giving 10 people water the rest of their life or 144 gives 30 people water the rest of their life so there's a level at which all of us can have a part sharing god's heart right now go get that bite card go online or call if you plan to mail your gift make the check to life but call us and tell us it's going in the mail so we'll be able to tell the missionaries and the drilling crews you've got the support you'll be a part of that miracle do it right now and thank you waterborne illness is a killer that strikes the most vulnerable for many impoverished families the death of a child is the tragic result of having no choice but to drink contaminated water but with your help they won't have to make this choice ever again mission water for life provides clean fresh drinking water for thousands of children and their families giving them a life free from the fear of death with your gift today you can help drill and establish 350 water wells this year your gift of 24 will help provide clean water for five children a gift of 48 will help provide for 10. 72 will provide for 15 and 144 dollars will help provide life-giving water for 30 people for a lifetime with your gift we'll send you james robinson's book living amazed full of inspirational true stories you'll learn how divine encounters can change your life in addition you'll also receive randy robinson's brand new devotional upgrade seven moves in seven weeks to a better life with your gift of 100 or more please request the niv thin line bible with easy to read large print finally please consider a gift of 1200 to help provide water for 250 people or a gift of 4 800 to help sponsor a complete well and you may request our inspiring bronze sculpture divine servant please call write or make your gift online you know we really do need to hear from all of you all of you god i've prayed many years someday that every single person watching give something to the least of these please do it in jesus name amen i really believe you're going to do what god leads you to do and it's going to give life we will send you your time is now by jonathan evans and by the way this is a family as part of the family of god trying to get god's arms around the world you know jonathan the only way we can get god's arms around the world that he gave his son to redeem is when the body of christ the church puts his arms around the world that's right and don't you think that's a lot of what our ministry does that's a that's what our ministry does it's trying to get the body of we're the body of christ and the body has to function absolutely and get all the information from the head there you go and so a lot of times what we're doing is we're getting our information not from the head and wondering why we can't operate as the body wow it can't happen it can't happen that way thank you so much for watching thanks for sharing life bless you [Music] are you concerned about keeping your family well equipped to manage your resources when you pass away and leaving a lasting legacy contact life planning services today and so i had to go through a season of really understanding what was the voice of trauma and what was the voice of truth are you really okay life today is made possible by the supporters of life outreach international your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life the ministry features specific outreaches as examples of the programs it supports and conducts gifts are considered to be without restriction as to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor the ministry is a member of the ecfa
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 1,144
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: life today, james, robison, christian, television, tv
Id: u9qLQzpa2Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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