Jon Stewart Unpacks the GOP's "Migrant Crime" Narrative | The Daily Show

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We now return you to your regularly scheduled presidential election year programming. Fox News Alert, America's border crisis boiling over. REPORTER 1: Chaos at the border. REPORTER 2: The never-ending surge of migrants crashing across our Southern border. Yes, every two to four years, we are reminded that we have a Southern border. And it is porous. MAN: There's a migrant crime spree killing Americans and the president's in accessory to murder. We are being overwhelmed. There is no word to describe this except invasion. Illegal invaders invading America, pouring over our border by the millions. Criminals, rapists, murderers, child predators, and god knows who else. [BOO] God knows who else? I mean, statistically, a couple of them at least have to be podcasters. I mean, murderers? But point taken. I think my pants just shit their pants. And if you're thinking that these are just some Central-American no-good-nicks, think again. The countries we know they're coming from-- Iran, number one state sponsor of terror, their satellite countries Syria, Egypt, home of the Muslim Brotherhood, Afghanistan, home of al-Qaeda, 10,000 plus from Russia. REPORTER 3: Record numbers of Chinese men of military age who have come across our border. The number of military-age men that are showing up with military haircuts, clearly in shape-- these guys are showing up with six packs and military boots. (IMITATING DR. PHIL) I mean, there are clearly-- clearly, I mean, tight asses. I mean, there is-- there's-- there's not an ounce of fat on these mother-[BLEEP]. I am so hard right-- I want to go down to that goddamn border, and I want to get ass deep on these immigrants. I want to suck and [BLEEP] until-- I want-- I want to stick the catch me outside, how about that? That's what I'm saying. Wow, so we got-- [CHEERING] Crowd loves my dirty Phil impression. We got criminals. We got terrorists. Is there anyone else down there we should be worried about? Anybody ever hear of Hannibal Lecter? He was a nice fellow, but that's what's coming into our country right now. Wouldn't cannibals amongst them be the solution to the problem? Or are they fasting until they get to America? Well, it's clear hyperbole, but there does seem to be bipartisan agreement now that the border is a problem. There were 300,000 crossings in December alone. That's an all-time high and that is not sustainable. But Republicans turned down the chance to pass a strong border bill supported by the Border Patrol Union because of how confident they are that fear mongering will be an effective election year strategy. It's all about branding. I call it migrant crime. I really call it Biden migrant crime, but it's too long. So let's just call it migrant crime and everyone's going to know it's because of Biden. We will call it from now on Biden migrant crime, OK? It's bigrant crime. We'll call it-- I've got it, bigrant. Let's call it bigrant-- Biden crime. Biden, oh, that's good. That's smart, bigrant crime. It's a portmanteau. I'm not completely sold on bigrant. It really just sounds like a migrant who's open to crossing either border. Its migrant crime, bigrant-- look, there are some undocumented migrants who are committing crimes, some of them horrific. But isn't that true for every demographic, including natives? I feel pretty confident there's still a lot of opportunity out there for our American homegrown criminals. But it's-- if it's enough of an issue that on Thursday, we had ourselves a good old fashioned border-off as both men saddled up and headed to the Southern border. Trump headed to Eagle Pass and Biden headed to Brownsville. It was Bitch-ass Cassidy versus the sundown kid. And Biden was fired up. We're the United States of America. Nailed it. He knew exactly where we are. Yes! He knew what country we were in. Bang, boom, this is the United States of America. I take back everything I said a month ago. Lay out your proposal, sir. I understand my predecessor is in Eagle Pass today. So here's what I would say to Mr. Trump. Instead of playing politics with the issue, instead of telling members of Congress to block this legislation, join me or I'll join you in telling the Congress to pass this bipartisan border security bill. We can do it together. Ladies and gentlemen, the olive branch has been extended across the aisle in a show of genuine desire to solve this complex and vexing issue. Trump, your response? Crooked Joe is the blood of countless innocent victims. That's a no. Seriously, though, Crooked Joe? We're still going with that? Crooked Joe Biden, he's crooked. I took the name away from Hillary because she's no longer relevant, I guess. Do you have to say everything that happens in your head out loud? It's been eight years. You [BLEEP] won. The woman's been through enough. Now you're going to take away her nickname now? What are you doing? But let me tell you something, Trump-- I don't know why I got serious there-- you can't scare the Democrats. Because the one thing that the Democrats have are principles. When it comes to immigration, the Democrats hold to our country's cherished ideals, the eternal promise etched at the feet of Lady Liberty that speaks to our better angels. The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants. These people are folks that we should be helping. America welcomes immigrants. We want people to come here despite where they came from or despite the circumstances that drove them to this country. This is a place where the Statue of Liberty sits in the harbor and we say, bring us your tired, those who are yearning to be free. Unshakable, bedrock American values of compassion and empathy. And there is not a damn thing that you can do to change that. REPORTER 4: Buses arriving in New York City from Texas, one after another, filled with migrants seeking asylum. That's all you got? Nice try, Texas, but you aren't the mayor. We're New York [BLEEP] City. How dare you? No disrespect, but you are never going to change our values because you're afraid. So keep sending those busloads because we got plenty of room in our hearts and in this city. We have no more room in the city. [LAUGHTER] What about the yearnings and the-- and the tiredness and the tiredness of those who are doing the yearning? 110,000 migrants we have to feed, clothe, house, educate the children, wash their laundry sheets. This issue will destroy New York City, destroy New York City. I mean, they're supposed to be doing our sheets. What's going on around here? What kind of topsy-turvy world that we living in over here? Yes, it turns out in the age old battle between values and fear, values never had a [BLEEP] chance. It took two busloads of Venezuelans to go from this to this. So this is the terrible cycle America is caught in-- Democrats, whose high minded values and principles did not survive a contact high with reality, and Republicans, whose desire to solve the problem isn't nearly as strong as their desire to exploit it, and no one wins-- well, except this guy. Clearly in shape. He said these guys are showing up for six packs and military boots. Learn more about it in his new special, Dr. Phil Straddles the Border.
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 4,102,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, mexico, immigration, border, migrantcrisis, trump, biden, republican, democrat, election
Id: sWOys51THP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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