Jon Stewart Debunks GOP’s City Crime Narrative | The Daily Show

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how show so nice to see you tonight my name is John Stewart we have an unbelievable show for you tonight uh next week obviously we're going to have the big debate show uh but tonight we're going to start we're going to get a quick state of play on this incredibly consequential presidential uh uh election I guess the election has basically boiled down to each candidate accusing the other of having soup where there should be brain uh there is plenty of fodder for the attacks for instance for President Biden it is his habit of seemingly staring at what can only be considered ghosts or out of frame paratroopers and then when he's pulled back into frame somehow giving the impression someone has just Quantum leaped into his body oh is that is that no don't look directly at the sun sir that would now and as for Trump basically it's Trump tripping over his own dick anytime he tries to capitalize on Biden's age like this weekend Trump appeared at the Herbal Life of political conventions Turning Point USA where Trump articulated his case for having best brain full neurons smart Joe Biden has no plan he's got absolutely no plan he doesn't even know what the word inflation means oh oh you didn't no oh Joe Joe Biden so dumb he thinks inflation is a rise in the overall price level for goods and services in the economy as measured by the Consumer Price Index over time oh oh that oh that it turns out that is what it is I'm sorry I'm being told that is what inflation is but still you tell him Don it t the case he's making to the American public is that he's the sharpest tool in the shed see if you can find the flaw in his logic just one sentence later I don't think if you gave him a quiz I think he should take a cognitive test like I did I took a cognitive test and I aced it DRC Ronnie DRC Ronnie Johnson does everyone know Ronnie Johnson congressman from Texas Ronnie Johnson acing that cognitive test is a great point if only his doctor was actually named Ronnie Johnson and not actually named Ronnie Jackson he got the guy his name wrong on his cognitive test I don't even know what to say well here's the problem the sad thing is under magga law his name is now Ronnie Johnson this is the way those aren't the only comments Trump seems to have spit the bit on just weeks before he heads to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee he called Milwaukee quote a horrible City forcing liberals around the country to defend Milwaukee a city they then had to pretend to have been to oh Milwaukee is the finest City in I want to say Indiana but don't worry because Donald Trump cleared the whole thing up well I think it was very clear what I meant I said we're very concerned with crime I love Milwaukee I have great friends in Milwaukee but it's as you know the crime numbers are terrible and we have to be very careful yes lots of criminals in Milwaukee are you talking about now sir or when you and your felonious friends come to town [Applause] the script it just says John turns and makes dumb face that's that's what I did made a dumb face anyway it's a good save by uh former president Trump uh the city's great he loves Milwaukee it's the dang Democrat encouraged crime it's one of the rights favorite talking points not just for Milwaukee but for all Democratic run cities uh that those cities are crime-infested holes where life is miserable and everyone hates everybody but people who live in these cities know that this rhetoric is only kind of true now and when people who don't live in these cities say it it's very annoying by the way it does turn out that crime is actually down the FBI reporting the nation's violent crime rate has dropped dramatically this year overall violent crime down 15% from last year murders down 26% by every National metric crime is down solid Trend crime is down it's all a misunderstanding but now that the FBI numbers are out I'm sure that the right-wing media will adjust accordingly quality of life is not captured in any of the FBI numbers and if you live in a blue City walk outside and use your eyes you should use youring eyes do you do you even see over your shoulder they were doing double Donuts in a parking lot that's that's like the Circ disol of automobiles that's not crime that's art oh but I'm sorry you were downplaying the crime statistics now they say there's no crime wave but do you feel safe it doesn't feel that way it certainly doesn't feel that way for the average American today Democrats will say well but crime is down it's not how people feel yeah as the right always famously says feelings don't care about your facts your facts isn't that the slogan on the right now you know very interesting it does bring up a good point though if crime is down so much why do people especially on the right feel like it's [Music] up oh the crime graphic is it I hadn't really calculated slope in a while but it seems like the x- axis is moving into the nodes bleeds while the Y AIS is being tied down and sodomized I'm sure that sure that's just a one-off and not your Network's entire programming another day another stream of brazen violent crimes the Havoc being wre upon America undoubtedly coming to a town or city near you blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis Coast to Coast you're seeing that in Chicago and New York you know these Democrat run cities there's so much crime in the city I can't I can't comprehend how people live there New York is now this dystopian hellhole of crime and violence is now a dystopian hello you're just figuring that out now you big puss oh I'm sorry is Time Square Elmo too scary for you because Time Square Elmo he comes at you are you are you scared of Time Square El cuz he punches back unlike all the other Elmos who let you tickle them with no consequences yeah New York's a dystopian hell hole that and the bagels in Pizza is why we move here but of course of course there is one particular type of crime that conservatives seem especially scared about Mark why do I keep seeing people pushing other people onto the train tracks not that that that's not a c that's okay I get that um so the pushing onto the train tracks that's just a misunderstanding here here's what's happening um so we do have people in the Subways who are there to try to help other passengers onto the train but sometimes the train isn't there yet [Applause] it's it's not malevolent it's just early but I was I was actually talking about another type of crime people are getting shot in the face every single day you can literally get shot anywhere in the city we got people getting shot in the subway people are getting shot out on the street go out for a loaf of bread you end up getting shot yeah you get shot New Yorkers haven't had a sandwich in 12 years just an egg Palm Loos in the hands first of all I'm surprised Trump is scared of guns at all considering he thinks they sound like this we had our beautiful Marine standing there bing bing bing bing you know in the old days bing bong bing bong bing B bing bing bing I would I would pay good money to hear Trump describe the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan bing bing bing and then the Nazis are bang bang bang bang nobody can get bread bang bang bang bing bing but the point is if you leave your house in New York you will be shot dead to all of our audience members glad you chose to have your last moments with us dadly I must bid you a Melancholy a big bong bing bing bing now all of us by the way it's not to say that gun crime does not exist of course it does and some cities are worse than others but here's the thing and I say this with all due respect the balls of these right-wing talking about how there's too much gun crime and Chaos in our Democratic cities when Republicans are the ones who've enabled the flood of illegal Weaponry into our cities in the first place that's right so don't get your little panties in a bunch here's something you want to know 93% of the illegal guns used in crimes in New York City aren't from here they like theater Majors have come here to make a name for themselves the guns come from States like Florida and Georgia and South Carolina where the gun laws are lacked and trust me Florida is not sending us their best guns they're bringing guns for drugs and crime and rapists and some I assume are good guns and try as we might to put up some border controls to stem this Invasion this flood of literally undocumented weapons Republicans fight every attempt to bring some kind of order and even pass laws to increase the chaos look at all the laws and things that they've done in 2005 they passed a law that effectively protects gun dealers and the gun manufacturers from being held Li for where their guns end up they also try and make sure that terrorists and Felons can still get guns and just recently they made sure that they can turn those guns into machine guns with bump stocks they make it impossible to study the effects of guns they make it impossible to track the illegal guns they fight everything you want to know how cynical it is you remember this guy this guy Congressman Andrew Clyde from Georgia he loves to go on TV and talk about crime in Democratic cities Republicans have always been the party of Law and Order and what you have seen is the massive increases in crime have been primarily at Democrat run cities yeah it turns out while he was complaining about the uptick in gun crimes in New York City he himself was fighting added scrutiny on gun stores like the two that he owns that have been implicated in over 25 gun crimes since 2020 why would they do this there must be a reason right because the right always tells us there's no coincidences right isn't that what we're told all the time it's almost as though Republicans must have a secret plan for this funded by their billionaires to flood our cities with illegal undocumented guns pouring them over our state borders in the hopes of killing off reliable Democratic voters the great displacement theory that is obviously what's happening and no honest person would think otherwise so there's only one real solution unfortunately for the borders of Florida Georgia and South Carolina we have to what's the word Bing b [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 2,676,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, nyc, crime, murder, gunviolence, guns, trump, biden, election
Id: WGLZQ7Xrd6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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