Biden Halts Weapons to Israel & Trump Trial Coverage Hits New Lows | The Daily Show

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welcome to the D show my name is John Stewart coming to you on a what what the heck Thursday John Stewart on a Thursday it's like breakfast for dinner over here pancakes at night we do have a great show for you tonight I'm going to be talking about uh uh 2024 polling a little later with the polling director of the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of politics w I don't believe you but first it has been another big week of wall to--all nonstop penis to penis coverage of Donald Trump's trial from the lingering Glamour Shots to the trial merch store to a rudimentary Court treasure map to Second by second real time close capturing transcripting and a QR code you can scan for more coverage and I guess msnbc's in room dining menu why would you need an the ubiquitous coverage is numbing Fading Into televised wallpaper with Insight that only occasionally crackles through such as he greeted her at his hotel hotel room in satin or silk pajamas which both are smooth materials but satin or wh which I need to know she said she had my I had my clothes and my shoes off I removed my bra we were in missionary position missionary no wonder Trump has locked up the Evangelical voting [Applause] block unlike those Democrats and their devil doggy style they're devilish tell us more not wearing a condom don't tell us anymore but perhaps this hyperfocus by our news media is purposeful to distract Americans by keeping visions of dancing penises in their heads all the while Americans are losing their freedoms at home the Biden administration's war on energy is reaching into the American home well we were penis apparently the Biden Administration is reaching around into the American Home put a stop to the Department of Energy's continued Crackdown on americanmade appliances never in my wildest imagination would I have thought that I would stand here on the house floor to defend my constituents appliances and gas St I was proud to lead the house Republican effort to protect our gas St noes they can take our lives but they can never take our cook tops apparently this is a a bill that uh they passed to stop the Biden administration's new energy regulations and look I'm going to be 100% honest with everybody here I'm on the Republican side iing hate electric stoves I hate them I cannot cook unless I can see how high the flame is and I'll damned if I start burning my signature Bananas Foster because Joseph gerles Biden is trying to ban gas stoves I'm sorry I'm being told that that is not as what happening that's sorry that's apparently the department of energy just set new efficiency standards for home appliances and that 97% of gas stoves already meet the new standards uh so unless this is where you cook um you're you're probably fine and even so at the end of the day I mean it's just your gas stove it's not just gas stoves it's your washer your dryer your dishwasher and much more they started with gas stoves and I did not speak [Applause] up for I was not a gas stove why did I do the Scottish accent for that that's a isn't that a German homy all right look no disrespect to any of these idiots but I think we can move household appliances down on the threat to democracy list just below aluminum free deodorant clearly this was an overblown reaction but that doesn't mean that this trial coverage isn't obscuring some true Horrors they're dead the Boy Scouts are dead the Boy Scouts we can pretty much declare are dead oh my God the Boy Scouts are dead while we were fixated on the titilating details of the Stormy Daniels testimony the Boy Scouts all died I'm assuming in a terrible s'mores explosion engineered by one Joseph Charles Manson Biden the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in history the organization will be renamed scouting America to emphasize its commitment to inclusion of all youth oh the Boy Scouts are alive they just re branded as an organization partly because they started letting girls in 5 years ago and partly because they had a giant molestation Scandal I say that so that no one can hear me I had a giant molestation rebranding yourself is a tried and true formula for many such organizations in fact it's why the Catholic church now goes by the name Gary so I I feel terrible for anybody at home named Gary right now what so what is the issue there used to be sacred organizations where the children could really flourish is anything sacred Bob Brooks no yeah nothing is sacred what did happen to all those sacred organizations Gary but but as you all were saying what happens to institutions in America and really all over the world is patriotic people start these institutions and the left Must Destroy it it's a sad day when young boys can't learn how to be strong men we've wrecked it actually they wrecked it okay I don't want to break character here or anything but this like this guy who is blaming the left for the loss of our institutions where young boys can become strong men his name is Matt schlap you may remember him he's the head of the American conservative Union you may remember that uh H as the strong man who was sued this guy was sued by another fella for non-consensually grabbing his dick in 2022 yeah that only got dropped after a reported $480,000 settlement the point being when this guy talks about the depravity of our institutions he knows of what he speaks all of this false outrage is starting to make me cynical it's starting to make me cynical about America's media ecosystem is there anything else going on that does Merit a Defcon one freakout in the end this is a sad day for America a moral failing of a magn ude we can't even begin to calculate oh my God a moral failing we can't even begin to calculate perhaps it's a combo failing and appliance that changed its name to be more inclusive is Mr Coffee now they them coffee is that is that the danger we now face President Biden threatening to withhold more military aid if the Israeli military carries out an allout assault on the city of Rafa President Biden haling a weapon shipment of 3500 bombs to Israel we paused one shipment of high high uh uh payload uh Munitions oh my God the Biden Administration has paused one shipment of 3,500 Munitions of the over 300,000 Munitions Israel has already dropped on Gaza to try and prevent the Israelis from attacking the area where all the refugees of this war are currently Sheltering I mean oh my God or to put that another way and now what the B rtion is done is they become the primary protector of Hamas he absolutely is uh siding with the the terrorist the only reason they're not dancing in Iran is because they don't believe in dancing Joe Biden has been the greatest friend to Hamas and Hezbollah that there is on planet Earth amen damn he's good yes nothing says gravitas like hey [Applause] a [Applause] terrorist the only thing we have to fear is fear [Music] itself you people are children that came out wrong but I am curious why would Biden halt that shipment now I've made it clear to BB in the war cabinet they're not going to get our support if in fact they go in these population centers if they go into the population centers the whole place is a population Center they've been in the population Center for six months gaza's all population Center you know you never hear around Gaza yeah I don't live in the populated area I live in upstate Gaza I I live by the Lakes it's really quiet there is there no one who can offer a more nuanced analysis of our newly formulated position on this conflict preferably in some type of catacomb or echoey tunnel what Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful if any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden they should be ashamed of [Applause] themselves my apologies to you Rabbi thank you so much for taking time off of your condomless porn star hush money trial to deliver a shame lecture to Jews I will reflect on your moral standing next to Yum kapor you can be sure uh what about a Jew who might vote for him twice what is that Shame Shame Shame sh shame person Shame Shame first of all guys American Jews are Americans we do not have dual loyalties or citizenship there's nothing for us to be ashamed of that's not what Donald Trump says Donald Trump says you should be a shame shame shame sh Al so you should have been a [Applause] doctor this is this is really it making me very uncomfortable Donald Trump is just saying that there's good Jews and there's bad Jews and we need to start identifying the bad [Laughter] Jews I don't like where this is going sh shame shame on you sh Shonda yeah I'm Jewish too what I did not know that yeah on my mother's side and so shame sh sh get out of everybody sh as I was saying before I was really oh for God's sake sh shame shame on you shame shame I know so Ronnie we already did the Israel shame bit and uh no I was talking about death to smoochi I spent 10 bucks on that movie Shame Shame on you it's a good movie so are you not ashamed no I'm not listen here here's here's 10 bucks just go just go thank you this makes up for Israel all right thank you [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 3,030,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics, headlines, jon stewart, trump trial, stormy daniels, gas stoves, republicans, outrage, israel, gaza, benjamin netanyahu, boy scouts, josh johnson, ronny chieng, michael kosta, troy iwata, jewish, biden, trump
Id: hMSmIAfNng4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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