Jon Stewart on Conservative Cancel Culture & Kosta on Trump’s Assassination Claim | The Daily Show

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[Music] there is one story still with so many unanswered questions it made its way all the way to the White House Press Corps um can we still assume that the Kansas City Chiefs will be visiting the White House this year in celebration of their Super Bowl victory you confirmed as the chief's kicker Harrison bucker welcome at this White House buter [Applause] the Kansas City Chief's field gold kicker gave a conservative Catholic commencement speech at a conservative Catholic College seems expected although we did have a shout out to the ladies some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world but I would venture to Guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world ha hey apparently enjoy the PTA not the advice you want to hear when you're $100,000 in debt earning a degree in electrical engineering but I imagine that the cancellation of one Harrison buter was Swift and unforgiving at the White House what I can say is we invite the entire team and we do that always I don't have anything beyond that aha you woke arati at the Communist wait well I'm sorry what was that what did you he can still go to the White House and and be on his football team and all that's really happened is some people roasted him on Tik Tok so I guess this is just kind of a passing distraction or if you happened to tune into more conservative media major Scandal rocking the NFL players in big trouble not for doing drugs betting or beating women but because he's Christian the left seeks to destroy an outspoken NFL Catholic he's been doxed he's been slammed he's they're calling for him to be cancelled the left hates Christian values they will try to denigrate you isolate you cancel you and ultimately silence you completely but Be not Afraid how can I be Not Afraid when what you have proferred is so so afraid by the way and you're hitting us with that King James sentence structure be not afraid people only say that when there's to be afraid of let's say three to four horsemen but my question to the right I guess is have you never been on the internet before because that's all it is it's just people giving each other all the time I mean my God you're all so thin skin look Jerry Seinfeld took more over the past two weeks promoting a Pop-Tart movie that Harrison buter did for his entire speech and I ask you people what is the deal with that no I'm not doing an impression I I legitimately would like to know why he's taking so much about everything from everybody and who are these [Applause] people it's so hard not to do the voice and who are these people now it's it's it's no it's the the Jerry Steinfeld impression is the first thing a Jew learns in kindergarten it's not of course nothing about the right-wing reaction is surprising because the idea that there is an all-pervasive all powerful threat to free speech called cancel culture has become a central tenant of modern conservatism they celebrate their being silenced at conferences they celebrate their being silenced on podcasts and streaming Outlets they celebrate they're being silenced with over 700 book titles about being can why are there so many of these BS unless you don't know nobody reads anymore and by the way if you already read a war on woke and woke Inc you're really not going to learn anything from woke [Music] Warriors conservatives have an entire industry devoted to complaining about not being allowed to say the things they say all the time their victimhood is the entire brand you can no longer say somebody is homeless you have to say they are unhoused free phones food and clothing sounds like a great deal a homeless woman in a democratic run City pretty sure we won't be allowed to say illegal aliens because it'll be hate speech and therefore illegal illegal aliens streaming across our border trans agenda is a religion now convert or be canceled big trans has a real knack for making everything about themselves dare to speak your mind about issues like pro-life well your life could be ruined forever you could be cancelled I'm never going to apologize for being pro-life how did we get to the point where we can't say all lives matter as a matter of fact all lives matter all of you still speak how doesn't the woke mob have cable but this is their identity now constant victimization they say what they want and if you get upset about it you don't believe in Freedom I just believe in Freedom why are Li why are liberals so afraid of freedom and freedom of speech m i don't get outraged if you don't like with somebody saying oh you can turn off the TV turn off a radio dial turn off a podcast walk out of a commencement or you could buy a different beer than Bud Light without going into your back swamp and assassinating six back you're so unbelievable they're so full of that Shan Hannity can say with a square head I'm not the kind of guy who gets outraged Sean Hannity he's basically just a meatbag support system for a forehead vein tonight every American has a right to be angry and ticked off we have a story that will make your blood boil now the left is hellbent on Banning Dr Seuss Pepe Lau Dumbo Peter Pan are on the chopping block sanctimonious self-righteous frankly overpaid lazy agenda driven Liars What A pompous jackass do you even know what my job is what part of this can't you get through your thick head my message tonight to these snowflakes is very simple you people disgust me but every snowflake is different we can't all disgust you look it is absolutely true that in our modern social medad driven Society our interactions are incentivized and monetized for outrage and it is exhausting for everyone but contrary to your conservative book industry the outrage isn't just coming from the left it's coming from the left the right for the right for the left and the swifties and ya readers and anybody who dares to lift their head up to say anything we are not censored or silenced we are surrounded by and inundated with more speech than has ever existed in the history of communication and it is all weaponized by professional outrage Hunters of all Stripes scouring the globe for graduation speech Snippets off-hand comments during promotion tours out of context comedy bits lame marketing ideas or any words and phrases they believe they can latch on to to generate monetized clicks outrage is the engine of our modern media economy and sometimes someone loses a job or something else happens like that that should nevering happen but but I leaned over so far I may never get back up again but contrary to conservatives victimization complex there is no organized cancel culture conspiracy where even the slightest misstep can 100% get someone on the right cancelled but actually there is oh there there is one congresswoman Liz Cheney get kicked out of Wyoming's Republican party for opposing Trump yeah as irony would have it it turns out that when it comes to cancel culture the ones who smelt it dealt it there is someone cancelling people on the right but the only one canceling people on the right is Donald Trump and anyone who dares speak out against him refused to buy into Trump's stolen election claims and you'll lose your job like Liz Cheney or countless others in fact everything the right says cancel culture does to them is actually being done by Maga for example they will shout you down and try to shut you down as opposed to discuss with you yes the woke mob shouts you down and what happens when you're a Republican and dare criticize the boy King that is a failure of leadership and I you can boo all you want but here's the thing Donald Trump is running to stay out of prison and if we elect I know I know I know now you know me as a person who uh who says what he thinks and I don't hide the fact that I wasn't a fan of our last president's character issues and I'm also no fan [Applause] respect show some damn respect Romney you piece of mother it's called class like I was telling your mother last [Music] night Hickory Dickory door man your mom Wasing a mo man oh you like that what's a what's another they like the Poetry by the way what's another thing that the Wright hates about woke cancel culture many Americans feel forced to stay silent for fear of upsetting the cancel culture mob yes under cancel culture you can only speak your truths in private while denying them in public for instance this poor young fellow who privately wrote of trump he's a demonic force a destroyer I hate him passionately he wrote in private but of course in public fearing the cancel mob he's forced to stand next to his Tormentor with what can only be described as the fakest of over laugh faces grab him by the head but that's cancel culture it won't let you speak your truth in fact it makes you do something even worse the left is married to censorship and has nothing else that's how you get people to believe in an alternate reality yeah the woke mob is so permiss it forces you to deny reality like imagine if Trump ever gave a speech about January 6th where he clearly confuses Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi Nikki Haley you know they did you know they destroyed all of the information all of the evidence everything because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security we offered her 10,000 people now in a healthy discourse you would just go hey man you know everybody brain farts sometimes you know whatever it is but under the Maga cancel culture mob people like congresswoman stonic have to pretend this was all part of a grand strategy that isn't a mixup uh the reality is Nikki Haley Nikki Haley is relying on Democrats just like Nancy Pelosi uh to try to have a desperate showing in New York in New Hampshire but he was talking about January 6 president Trump has not lost a step he is a stronger candidate stronger than he is today than he was in 2016 and he was in 2020 he is reverse aging he is stronger he is Benjamin Buton he will be our Wis IST baby president and by the way denying reality still won't save you there is no level of loyalty deep enough to be free of trump cancel culture Rona McDaniel literally dropped Romney from her name to keep Trump happy and he still fired her and that Romney name had gotten her into all the hottest clubs in Salt Lake City yeah the ones with lattes truth is Trump is the real cancel culture emphasis on cult because on the right you can say whatever the you want about gay people and trans people from Tik Tock to patreon you can decry Dei from podcast to I don't know the governor's office of Florida and chances are not only will you be fine you'll get a raise but if you ever dare speak out one iota against Donald Trump be yes afraid big news today the Trump trial is coming to an end and just like stormmy Daniel said it was over much more quickly than expected [Applause] and we've heard from so many people during this trial this blonde blob this other blob this one blob with the mustache you know it's just too bad no one's invented cameras yet but we haven't heard from the biggest blob of them all Donald Trump who he's been going around telling anybody who will listen that he is just itching to testify under oath I would have no problem testifying I didn't do anything wrong I'm testifying I tell the truth I mean all I can do is tell the truth do you plan to testify in court uh probably so I would like to I mean I think so will you testify in your own defense oh yes absolutely you take the stand that I would that I look forward to yes right at the buzzer yeah yes but yes Donald Trump has been saying for months how much he wants to testify he's like let's do it swear me in on that shiny book that Mike Pence is always blah blah blinding about and after four weeks of trial today it was finally time for Trump to tell his side of the story so here we go big guy it's the opportunity you've been waiting for the defense has rested testimony has wrapped and Donald Trump notably did not take the stand what what what what after talking such a big game he's not testify so he's doing the opposite of what he told us he was going to do over and over again that's not the Donald Trump I know and I played I played full contact hockey without a helmet this morning but it's just so peculiar that outside the courtroom with his legal pads of notes he just talks and talks and talks but but then if you ask him to walk just a few feet inside the courtroom and to swear to tell the truth under penalty of law suddenly he's afraid to speak I mean what's the difference is is it the fluorescent lighting you know I mean I hate to even come to this conclusion but is it possible that Donald Trump is full of I mean Mr Trump Mr Trump are you just full of yes okay well well I really wanted that yeah well we should believe him then we should believe him let's move on from Donald Trump to his morally and financially bankrupt former lawyer Rudy Giuliani last week he had an 80th birthday party and he got a little surprise present Rudy Giuliani was served with an indictment over the Arizona 2020 fake elector scheme during his 80th birthday party late Friday Giuliani was served 2 hours after after boasting on social media that he would evade charges godamn I mean served at his own birthday party can you imagine you know hey can someone take a picture of me taunting the Arizona Court hey how about you man in a suit and a badge at my birthday party that I've never seen before and this indictment is on top of a $150 million defamation judgment against him Rudy need cashy all right but luckily he's got a side hustle today I'm thrilled to introduce you to something I'm incredibly proud of my own brand of organic specialty coffee Rudy coffee believe me when I say it's the best coffee you'll ever tried it's smooth Rich chocolatey and gentle on your stomach wow gentle on my stomach and chi I mean I'll have mine with Mo and schluger uh also cool apartment dude I mean your kid says cial killer but the rest of your apartment says still serial killer and and look I'm glad there's finally a coffee commercial that's somehow creepier than the folders one where the brother and sister clearly want to Bone each other I just can't believe he's calling it Rudy's coffee and not Ground Zero let me keep going and in case you're wondering where this delicious looking coffee is sourced from I can assure you it comes directly from Rudy himself I thought just well you you never heard of drip coffee by the way why is it that you only see right-wing grifters Hawking these cheap products Rudy's coffee Alex Jones's supplements Donald Trump's everything I mean how come you don't see liberals getting grifted and I'll tell you why because Liberals are too smart to fall for this patronizing scams that are like this and as I explain in my new book Liberals are too smart to be scammed available on my website for just $79.99 order now and shipping is doubled but look it's important to remember that Rudy wouldn't be doing any of this if he wasn't so deep in debt from all his legal bills it it's actually kind of heartbreaking but you can help for the price of just one bag of coffee you can get this poor broke election denier back on his feet will you please please help him smile again oh gross no not like that forget it take that away take that away take that away let's kick things off with polls there's a new one every 15 minutes even though none of us have ever met a single person who's participated in one but whatever someone's doing them but a new poll was out today that reminds us that no matter how dumb our leaders are we the people are even dumber the guardian did like a commissioned Harris Poll for Americans and how they feel about the economy 55% say the economy is shrinking 56% say the economy is in recession which you know we know on CNBC is not the case 49% believe the S&P is down for the year which seems incredible which it's up about 13% and 233% last year 49% also say unemployment is at a 50 year high in fact unemployment is at a 50-year low or near there under 4% right all right so just to summarize we think the economy is shrinking when it's actually growing that the stock market is down when it's actually up and that unemployment is at a 50-year high when it's actually near a 50-year low but we do know that benefer on the Rocks so we're not completely pathetic I mean it might just be me but maybe as a society we shouldn't have replaced newspapers with dudes ranting in cars I don't know and and in a way I get it people don't judge the economy Based on data they're like you say the GDP is up but I say I used to be on my cousin's Netflix account and now I have to get my own so yeah Jerome Powell we're in a recession okay but you have to remember yeah these are not surveys of Americans these are not surveys of Americans these are surveys of Americans who are willing to talk to a stranger who cold calls them in the middle of a work day but I'm saying is these people are not normal I mean I ignore phone calls from my own mother that's normal you get it sometimes I'll get three four five calls in a row you know there's a bunch of texts like the car's filling up with water I don't have time for this Mom I'll see you at Thanksgiving that's normal either way clearly Joe Biden needs to do a better job of getting word out about the healthy economy maybe he needs a hype man right you know how like notorious b had p P Diddy could do it what's he up to what is he I guess he's not available right now okay let's move on to Republican candidate Donald Trump recently he took over the na recently he took over the Republican National Committee and today someone sent him a housewarming gift we begin with breaking news from the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington DC it was placed on lockdown this morning after VI of blood were sent to the building according to multiple sources we've learned that package was addressed to former president Donald Trump and it contained two vials of blood what the is going on [Applause] here someone sent blood to the RNC I guess it could just be rudy giuliani's lunch order I mean I mean but even so why is anyone sending blood through the mail it's 2024 people fact [Music] it but seriously don't s blood to the RNC that's reckless now you're going to end up on their mailing list but you can see why Donald Trump might be freaked out by this because as you may have heard someone is trying to assassinate him Donald Trump is now claiming that the FBI raid on maral Lago two years ago was actually Joe Biden's attempt to assassinate him he pointed to wording in the search warrant that allowed the FBI to use lethal Force if necessary which the the FBI says is standard protocol in any search but in a fundraising email to supporters Trump wrote they were authorized to shoot me and you know they're just itching to do the unthinkable Joe Biden was locked and loaded ready to take me out holy locked and loaded ready to take me out I've never heard Joe Biden sound so cool in my life I I always thought of him as a daughtering old man yeah I always thought of Biden as a daughtering old man but Donald Trump makes him look like one of The Expendables the rest of you the rest of you take what you want but leave the orange man to me can you tape Wheel of Fortune this might take a little while now personally I think it would be very difficult to assassinate Donald Trump mostly because he would never get that close to a Book Depository but regardless I don't think Trump actually fears getting assassinated by Joe Biden and the reason is because he announced it in a fundraising email if you're dodging bullets you don't stop to wave your venmo QR code you know please somebody send money let's move on to the presidential race you may remember that the end of the Republican primary campaign saw a bitter feud between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley she criticized him for his record and conduct and he mocked her Indian birth name promoted birth or conspir icies about her and implied that her husband deployed to Africa just to get away from her so highbrow stuff the attacks got so personal that when Nikki Haley finally dropped out of the race in March she made it a point to not endorse Donald Trump I have always been a Conservative Republican and always supported the Republican nominee but on this question as she did on so many others Margaret Thatcher provided some good advice when she said quote never just follow the crowd always make up your own mind it is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and Beyond it who did not support him and I hope he does that wow go Nikki Haley right a republican standing up to Trump that's pretty rare these days it's like seeing an eclipse or a movie without Timothy shalam but basically Nikki Haley said Trump if you want my endorsement you got to earn it so let's see how Trump courted Nikki Haley's supporters you've talked about trying to unify the party how do you bring these Mickey Haley voters some of who voted for you in 2020 but say they don't want to now how do you bring them back into the town they're going to all vote for me again they're going to all vote for me again everybody and I'm not sure we need too many damn that's cold Trump's like yeah let me reach out to Haley supporters oh gotcha Trump just doesn't care about winning over Haley voters to Trump Haley voters are like vegetables you know he's gotten this far without them why worry about him now but that's Trump for you he doesn't come to you you come to him he's not going to gravel for your support he's not going to work to unify the party he's not going to meet you at a coffee shop halfway between his house and your house you come to the coffee shop near his house he doesn't care if you met up there the last three times he's not de dealing with that traffic but you know what that means Donald if if you're going to take Nikki Haley's voters for granted like that then good luck getting Nikki Haley to vote for you breaking news Nikki Haley declares she will vote for Donald Trump endorsing the former rival she fiercely attacked during her GOP Presidential bid I will be voting for Trump having said that I stand by what I said in my suspension speech Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continued to support me what the hell Nikki you know what happened to that Margaret Thatcher quote about never following the crowd is there another Margaret thater quote where she said you know what who gives a just follow the crowd whatever and it's not the hypoc ocracy that annoys me here every Loser ends up supporting their party's nominee but Haley made this whole big show about withholding her support and then she gave it up for nothing she'd be the worst kidnapper ever I want if you want to see your child send me $1 million in unmarked bills actually forget it I'll drop him off at 5 anyway I'm sure it'll be worth it and Trump will reward her for it enjoy being ambassador to those islands where the nuclear bombs get tested Nikki let's move on from politics good it's a good joke let's move on from politics to a place that's completely above Politics the Supreme Court now usually we expect this esteemed body to sit above partisan pettiness while it issues rulings that let corporations sell my organs for profit but last week an unfortunate issue suied that image Justice Samuel Alo is facing calls to recuse himself this comes after the New York Times published a photo outside ao's home of an upside down American flag that's widely viewed as a symbol of efforts to overturn the last election Alo confirming the photo telling the times quote I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag it was briefly placed by Mrs Alo in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs yeah Mrs alito's fault huh yeah I feel you Sammy you know my wife's always squabbling with the neighbors too I mean her squabbles don't usually end with her raising the flag of insurrection against the United States but maybe your neighbors are just that bad but hey Sam Alo is a Supreme Court Justice the Pinnacle of moral Integrity if he said he has nothing to do with it then I believe him and I believe that it's never going to happen again new questions surrounding Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alo after a second controversial flag was hanging outside one of his homes the New York Times report reports an appeal to Heaven flag carried by January 6 riers was photographed at his New Jersey beach house last summer the flag which features a pine tree and the phrase appeal to Heaven dates back to the Revolutionary War but today the flag has become quote a symbol of support for former president Donald J Trump for a religious strand of the stop the steel campaign and for a push to remake American government in Christian terms what the hell man another flag did this guy get a two for one deal at the Maga flag store look I'm not an expert but I always thought a judge was supposed to be impartial and neutral and I'm not naive I know he's not but can he at least respect us enough to pretend to be you know it's not like he's a judge on American Idol he's a Supreme Court judge but he's stunting on us like a soccer player popping his jersey after a goal I killed roie way I killed roie way [Applause] but if you but if you're upset about this the good news is supreme court has a code of ethics now the bad news is they wrote that code of ethics and they don't follow it so I guess there is no good news and the bad news is even worse [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 1,797,480
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Keywords: the daily show, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, daily show, news, politics
Id: 9GF7qeuh6nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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