JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Music is WILD

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventures is responsible for so much iconic music we've talked about Cowboy Bebop in the past we've talked about Gundam Thunderbolt we've talked about so much great music in various anime and this is no exception [Music] whoa that is some lead playing right there listen to that yes [Music] let's listen to what's going on here G minor seven chord see when you're listening for chord changes you want to listen for individual notes that you can pick out now sometimes it's hard because obviously when we're hearing a massive band playing at you all at once you're not necessarily gonna hear every individual note but there are certain things that you can pick out that can be Clues as to what's happening harmonically so in the beginning there I clearly heard that flat seven that you know and I could hear that the rest of it was implying this G minor sound so [Music] something like that there's enough information there for me to derive that it's definitely G minor seven this is sitting on the top pretty much the whole time I think so if we take that into consideration [Music] I think it's that I think it's one flat six five and you can hear so that's why it's so important to listen for individual notes right because that one note there tells us that this chord is a D7 flat nine that's an important detail about the upper extensions of that chord but we also have that note too so that tells us it's flat 9 and sharp nine dig that check that out that's a cool sound [Music] there it is there's there's the anime chord progression right we have one and then we have flat six flat seven back to the one we actually did a video all about that check it out I love big band just in general so to hear it used in so many different anime it's just such like a cool application of that sound it's got this chaotic nature to it check it out like so [Music] we're on G minor so we're just gonna hang it out here this is like our intro and then we get into our thing so it sounds like we're just doing like a G minor to a to a uh well how do you look at this right because that could be looked at as an E flat major chord right because we have I mean look at this that's E flat major purely and we just have this in the base so we're going from here to here some people might consider it a G minor sharp five which is totally valid as well because you're taking that Fifth and you're moving it up by a half step you're making it sharp so that's a sharp five that would work too also it could be an E flat major chord just with a third in the bass instead of the root in the bass different ways to look at it it kind of achieves the same thing but I mean that we know is like very common usage in stuff like that a lot of movies a lot of spy theme big news the brand new Ultimate intro bundle is now live including the brand new latest offering from the Cornell Music Academy intro to Theory it's currently in its pre-sale phase but the ultimate intro bundle is going to get you our intro to piano course our intro to improv course and the brand new intro to Theory course three of our biggest courses over 10 hours of instruction over 300 videos and you guys can get it right now for 99 bucks at the link in the description down below we'll talk more about that a little bit foreign we're defining a mode here in this part of the verse because before we were kind of doing this thing so that might feel like right a G minor uh natural minor so G aeolian if we're using its Greek mode name so that is telling us it's giving us this feeling of like hey if we just randomly threw that in there it would be a little strange perhaps but as we move forward in the verse we get that change in mode and what that does is now we've said okay well now we're not using we're not using the E flat as our sixth we're now using e natural which changes the mode take a look at the shape of these scales we can either use what we're using at the beginning when we have our chords going that shape looks like this now in order to get that we hear in the melody right here we have to change the sixth we can no longer have a flat six which is what occurs in G aeolian or G natural minor instead we have to change this sixth to a natural and now we have What's called the Dorian mode this is G Dorian it's a different mode just made up of different uh a different combination of whole steps in the half steps as all scales are but that's the only difference between those two sounds we have this and we have this but check out how different it makes each of these sections sound [Music] this is really interesting because E flat major [Music] and then Finds Its way back to G minor right so we feel like we're kind of going oh this is almost like a bridge section like a second section right then we get this a flat major chord and it dumps US back down to G but instead of being G minor which is where we've been this whole time we get this major chord almost like it's setting up something else check it out that is so cool it's chaotic but in the best way possible you know what I mean oh what's going on it just throws a bunch of stuff at your brain and it's like here figure this out and you have to go okay uh what am I listening to we have five against four because the guitar pretty sure the tempo's here right let me listen again [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's what I'm hearing and then we have [Music] what is going on there see it could be and it would work and that would just be an eighth note triplet but it's not that it's more elongated than that it's like this one two three and oh that's so hard to do wait two three and [Music] it doesn't quite line up it's not right it's more elongated and that's because I'm pretty sure we're dealing with groupings of fives in the same amount of time that we would have two quarter note beats so four eighth notes one and two and we have five a group of five eighth notes one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four five one two three four that's hard [Music] whoa [Music] this is wild how have I never heard this before Oh my God [Applause] yeah so I can still hear that that line going underneath underneath the saxophone solo and boy to me it does it sounds like fives it sounds like it's only separated by like if you added one more note of the exact same light because he's playing four notes or whatever that whatever the notes are right if you add one more should line up but it sounds like fives to me which is what makes that line sounds almost wonky in a sense because it's not totally falling into the pulse because we have this pulse and everything pretty much is divided up it's like evenly with eighth notes and 16th notes and stuff but this isn't this is so wild now I'm starting to hear it like three four if I were to tighten it up part of me wants to hear it like do you know what I mean like listen here [Music] now it kind of sounds like that this is what's weird about hearing stuff like this is like depending on the context your ear might be latching onto different areas of the measure if you're not totally sure like where one is or how exactly to count it [Applause] foreign [Music] wow oh my God that saxophone section like the whole all the sex probably five saxophones playing together coupled with the Distortion of the guitar what a sound [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is just an all-out attack on the senses yikes foreign [Music] yes wow that is so cool the combination of the synthesizers like those dropouts it's almost like a like a break like a quick break where you might hear in more traditional Big Fan Music you might expect to hear like a drum fill or something and no it's just this distorted saw synth just like blaring that is so cool oh what a cord what a chord there's something going on in there harmonically that makes it hit even harder let me figure out what it is [Music] this is this is what brilliant Counterpoint does check it out at the same time that the main Melody [Music] okay so the main Melody goes [Music] right and then at the same time we have this yes brilliant counterboy all in this a flat minor space right [Music] oh it's too good that is absolutely incredible and of course uh this video is not going to be complete unless we talk about this [Music] I mean this went through possibly one of the craziest meteoric rises in terms of the popularity of a particular anime theme the part I want to talk about is foreign [Music] so we can clearly hear in in the the bass lines and stuff like that we can hear what this is doing it's going let's just take the bass note for example this right here is perhaps one of the most common jazz chord progressions of all time one six two five one I mean it's literally in everything but in this case we've flipped it minor if you were to play that same thing in minor foreign [Music] s mostly entirely stock meaning I haven't changed any I haven't made any alterations to the upper extensions I haven't indicated that there's any specific things like a flat nine somewhere or a sharp nine or any type of alteration that we might hear when we listen to this now some of those things are defined by the melody which is really cool so we have this is the first thing that tells us okay what's going on here how do we Define this well we have a C sharp and we have an F it's telling us that probably this is going to be what we call a secondary dominant which normally this chord you would expect it to be minor but in this case our Melody tells us that it's this but then it immediately changes it goes so we get three notes there that are very interesting in this C sharp land right we get done the major third the minor third and the flat nine and then it changes to the next chord which is F sharp seven if we are talking about what do each of these notes mean well there's two ways to look at them either they are important notes that contain information about the chord itself or they are what we call passing tones which is really just a note to get us from one place to another and it's not really meant to be looked at as an essential piece of information defining what the harmony is actually doing if we call it a passing tone we could simply say that those two notes e and D are getting us just to the C sharp and that's really the only purpose they serve that would be a valid approach we call this a dominant chord and we say it's just going sharp nine flat nine just as a passing tone and that's fine too but then we have this we go right back up to that D and that e so the D and the E are playing interesting roles in both of these chords both C sharp foreign [Music] this is our flat 13 to our dominant seventh in C sharp that's our flat nine and our sharp nine both are really interesting chord tones they're really interesting upper extension alterations that we can make and that are very commonly found in minor chord progressions which is exactly what we have here that's really nice [Music] [Music] I mean it's just epic right and we have this highly developed look at that that's so cool if you've ever wanted to start learning how to play the piano and learn about music while you do it we just launched the biggest product we've ever created on the Cornell Music Academy the ultimate intro bundle contains three courses our intro to piano course which is our long time best seller it also includes the intro to improv course and our brand new latest offering intro to Theory this bundle is going to take you right from the very beginning if you've never even played the piano before and you wanted to start learning the intro to piano course is going to give you that initial skill set and then you can move right on to intro to Theory where we're going to add some context to the things that you learned we're going to help you understand more about hey once we actually figure out how to play this instrument what is it that we're actually playing how is all that stuff built and then once you've covered playing the instrument and a little bit about music we're going to teach you how to take those skills and learn how to play anything you want to play on the fly with our intro to improvisation course if you've always just felt stuck and you never really knew where to start this is a great place for you to start it's over 10 hours of instruction and over 300 videos including tons of exercises and actionable steps and examples along with downloadable resources custom backing tracks so many of the things that you're going to be able to apply and practice for years to come you guys this would be well over a 300 value but this special pre-sale pricing as we launch intro to Theory and for our fall sale this is going to be a three course bundle for just 99 bucks once you buy it you have access to the material for Life take advantage of this while you can this is a very very limited time offer once again that's the ultimate intro bundle and it is available at the link down in the description below you have until the end of the month to take advantage of this offer so jump on it now and get access to these courses the intro to Theory course is still in pre-sale but the full thing will release on November 7th but you won't have to do anything else you'll just get access to the rest of the course material and then you'll have it forever so if you're interested it's the best way you can start learning how to play the piano and it's the best way you can support the channel so that we can continue doing what we love to do which is creating this content for you so thank you so much for your support I really really appreciate it and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video we have a blast making them I'm glad you're here and we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 464,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, JoJo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Giorno's Theme, Giovani Giorno, Giorno, JoJo Music, JoJo OST, Giorno OST, OST, Anime OST, Anime Music, Anime Piano, JoJo Piano, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OST, Giorno Giovanna, Giovanna, Anime Piano Tutorial, Anime Music Tutorial
Id: QjP13D-h_Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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