The Undertale Soundtrack is WAY more than a meme.

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[Music] i will not talk about dead memes i will not talk about death let's talk about dead mames oh that was really stupid more specifically let's talk about why undertale is far more than a dead meme this is this wow this is weird it's wild hold on [Music] okay wait it's too early for this my brain's not ready hold on all right so it's in 5'4 i'm getting this no that's where we want to be there without listening very closely i have a theory that this is a locked sort of a minor seventh chord moving along with this this melody so this melody follows the major scale is that right i think it ends here what if we just follow it back whole step down half step down whole step down pull step down would that be correct it's like a minor 11 minor 9 chord is that right that sounds pretty freaking cool nope that's not right i'll be right back with you once i figure out what the hell is going on here all right all right all right not positive but check this out i'm fairly certain it starts on a minor and goes back to a minor that first the first kind of go around there what i don't know is if the second chord is like a g over b or if it's just a minor chord like a b minor b minor seven or something i mean that would make sense like minor minor minor lighter and then resolving that would that would make sense but i'm just not positive which one that is [Music] god i love that chord [Music] it's so nice anyways so the second one i'm pretty certain goes like this [Music] i think this one lands on b b minor i think it goes a minor g or that b minor or whichever one it is but then instead of going to here it jumps a minor third to the e flat minor e minor so it's kind of the same resolution but just up a whole step [Music] it's the same thing the second time but up a whole step and it kind of gives it a different type of resolution wow that is really cool [Music] that ending is super cool seems like just kind of messing around with some chromatic movements and things like that yeah i don't know what purpose this serves in the game but it certainly kind of presents a little bit of a wandering harmonic structure that can feel a little bit settled because of the groove like the groove is super settled but the harmony's not so it's kind of like it's kind of like stepping around inquisitively maybe one of the compositional approaches to this was just taking like a chord like a minor 9 or a minor 11 chord and just kind of moving it around you know and and you can do a lot of cool things with just taking a single sort of voicing or a single chord structure and just moving it around and seeing what these relationships between tonal centers like what it does right we just take a general minor like a dorian sound a minor seventh chord minor nine chord whatever extensions we add to it and and just play this chord moving around all kinds of places and it'll sound interesting [Music] like just by messing around with those with those chords even if it's the same chord every single time sort of generic minor seventh type of sound moving those harmonic centers around you can create some really interesting relationships it sounds like that's sort of a little bit of what's going on here and the result is super cool especially when you put it in the context of you know the like the 8-bit esque sounds and then that 5-4 groove it's really neat i like it a lot oh and hey before we continue on with this video i just want to say that there's a brand new course for intermediate players all about modes over in the academy there's a link in the description below and when you do an annual subscription now you're actually going to get a month free so be sure to check that out so [Music] oh yeah yeah ah [Music] whoa [Music] oh man that is ridiculously fun that's fairly simple as well is that three sections just just a minor section and then it finally releases into this thing but it's a little unique because it kind of plays around with that chromatic motion again that we were talking about in the previous one and then it goes into something entirely different [Music] yeah so it's kind of like those three sections the e minor that sort of c section and then changing key all together into that more b major ish type of section yeah what a groove super fun [Music] okay well we will not be playing along with this one [Music] oh no this is really beautiful i shouldn't be making jokes nice [Music] this is a you know a very simple track so far but one of the interesting things is this repeated line it really illustrates something that's super useful when you're writing music common tones or lines that work across many different chords and the reason they work is because they share a lot of the same notes uh of the scale the corresponding scale perhaps they are very diatonic meaning like in the key of c a lot of the diatonic chords would be like all the chords that just utilize the notes of c major so in this case we're in uh e flat so [Music] and i'm not i don't think those are exactly the chords but the idea is i can play that line and it works for all of those chords and the reason it does is because we're playing in a very diatonic manner that e flat major scale those chords in there sort of utilize the notes of the e flat major scale so we can just kind of play lines that just share that that sound that space that'll kind of work and that's how you get that nice repetitive line where the chords are shifting beneath it it's a very nice kind of like relaxing kind of sound especially when played on the guitar that way that's just a cool note about what's going on so far but this is long track so we're going to thumb through it a little bit [Music] yeah that's really nice what a beautiful track like i said it makes use of that sort of diatonic um soundscape where it's it's you it's using basic chords that will all sort of more or less use the same scale and so therefore you can have a lot of these repeated melodic figures that will just fit as you change the harmony beneath it and it makes a really beautiful sound this is gorgeous [Music] ah no wait [Music] oh no you know what's funny about this wow this is this is really cool so in contrast obviously it's it's sort of in between uh d and d flat but check this out if i utilize either one of those so if i play this in d if i if i slide this up and make sure it slots into d so i can play it on the piano it kind of almost takes on a brighter sound in the original here it's detuned that almost helps give it some of that melancholy feel and if i turn around i put that into d major i almost think it loses some of that like do you hear that like listen to the beginning right and then listen if i change it too it sounds brighter in the key of d right and i almost think that takes away from some of the vive some of the feel that this is supposed to have now let's try d flat and see what that sounds like [Music] it's still not the same it's such a strange thing different keys truly do have a brightness or a darkness to them now d obviously is a brighter key d flat is a fairly dark key but d being bright is i would say not as bright as an e or a b you know whereas like d flat i don't know d flat is pretty dark i don't know what do you think is is there a key darker than b and then d flat if i had to choose i would put this into d-flat but it is interesting how by having it in between d and d-flat it actually does take on sort of its own life its own its own vibe its own brightness that isn't d flat or d it's d half quarter flat i don't know whatever so i'll put it into d flat because i don't really have a choice but i think it's notable how the key that it actually is in in the original makes a difference it really does uh yeah so the it kind of just floats to the five there without going all the way to the five it's it's using the third of the five just to kind of you know circle back around to the top of that form and that's it that's the whole thing so we have a one chord a dominant six chord four chord minor four one and then we just have the five over its third to circle back to the top that's a really nice chord progression you guys know on this channel that i love the minor four chord it's like one of my favorite [Music] it's yeah that's a nice small simple cycle this soundtrack is really interesting and it has some beautiful compositions in it i certainly didn't touch on all of them but i think this is loaded with some really really great compositional work and it's made even more incredible by the fact that toby fox who developed the game wrote all of the music himself just using fl studio it's a really fantastic work of art and it's full of some things that we can absolutely learn from so i know i didn't cover all of the tracks in the original soundtrack so if you want to hear my input on other things let me know in the comments below what songs you would like me to break down and we could even go more into detail maybe over in the discord which if you haven't joined yet be sure to check out the link in the description below and go become a member of the discord you don't have to be an academy member to get access to all of the public channels and the discord tons of cool conversations going on over there so please go check it out if you're looking for guidance on how to get into these topics on a much much deeper level i would love it if you would check out the brand new cornell music academy where we are talking about these things and much much more it is a course platform that we are building ourselves to bring you in-depth instruction on a variety of different musical topics whether you're a beginner intermediate advanced there's something for everybody you can learn piano you can learn about modes you can learn about improvisation all in super easy to follow video instruction loaded with actionable steps and exercises backing tracks everything you need to work on this stuff and get better in addition to that we also have members only discord channels where we talk about this stuff in greater detail and where you find out about the live streams for members that we do where you'll have a chance to ask me questions about music you're working on or that you're interested in and i am super excited to announce that we have just launched a brand new subscription model we currently are offering an annual subscription and when you sign up for that annual subscription you're gonna get a month for free so if you want to be a member it's one less thing to think about every month by having an annual subscription and you save a little bit in addition to the intro to piano we also have just released a brand new course all about modes if you're a beginner or a more intermediate player this is going to be a great way for you to get a handle on modes and start to actually use them we have tons of improvisational examples ways to learn how to actually start applying modes in your everyday playing it's live right now and you get access to it by becoming a member of the academy but that's something that's of interest to you i'd love for you to check it out there's a link in the description below so many of you have gone over to check it out so far and we're having a blast over in the discord so i would really encourage you to check it out that's the best way you can support the channel and i really really appreciate it so thank you as always thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 1,583,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, Megalovania, Undertale, Under tale, under tail, undertale music, undertale megalovania, undertale music tutorial, megalovania reaction, megalovania tutorial, undertale soundtrack, soundtrack, sound track, megalovania song, mega lovania
Id: oVZ4KMswee4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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