How Is The Persona 5 Soundtrack THIS Good?

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there are a number of recurring themes when it comes to your guys's requests for different video games you want me to check out the music from but one of the ones that pops up time and time again we haven't had a chance to look at yet is Persona 5. now this is one again I don't know really anything about this but I'm going to take a listen to some of this music now so that you guys can get my take right off the bat and let's chat about some of the stuff that's in it [Music] oh geez we're establishing ourselves in this I mean I want to say D Minor I'm gonna I'm gonna have to listen to that again and make sure that's actually correct but we have this verse I guess I'm just you know is basically what it is I think it's just these two chords D Minor to G major it's sitting there waiting to go somewhere and boy does it go somewhere but let me listen to this one more time just to make sure that I am hearing what I think I'm hearing which is that uh D Minor as being sort of a home base because like [Applause] uh I don't think it's dominant but there's a chance it could be dominant [Music] yeah yeah D Minor two so D minor e major [Music] we have a very common motion here [Music] I think that's what we're doing here at the beginning of that chorus [Music] this is super cool we start on B flat major [Music] a that's definitely a flat major I don't I don't know if the seventh is necessarily in there but like it's a flat something right and then is that G minor seven does it go like [Music] I think that works I mean that is super cool so we basically just have B flat major now this is an interesting one because bass notes don't tell the whole story right because if you hear obviously we have we can hear that but the question is what's going on what are all the other notes in the chord that give us the quality that give us the functionality what is this chord whoops purpose is this chord serving to get us from one place to another right so we clearly know that this is Major because it we know it doesn't sound like that's not there we know it's a major chord because of this note and then we know it's major seven because the melody note and then we add the ninth in there so that gives us the entire sort of platform by which we you know we know know how that B flat major chord is constructed [Music] yeah [Music] hey everyone just before we continue I want to remind you that there is a little more than 24 hours left to get the Improv Essentials bundle it's three courses literally for like the price of one it would normally be I think a 270 value if you bought them all out right for just 99 bucks it's our entire improvisation related Library you're gonna get an intro to improvisation if you've never done it before and we're going to add some context by teaching you all about modes what are modes how do you find them and more importantly how do you use them and then once you've gotten some baseline knowledge set up we're gonna put it to the test with the Improv obstacle course and you got a little over 24 hours to grab this bundle before it's gone we'll talk more about it in a little bit foreign [Music] wow that one chord change right there ready this one are you guys getting like massive Steely Dan vibes from that [Music] B minor yeah oh what's that one check this out Okay so we've established after setting up this really nice B major there's just one five one B major seven G uh well F sharp uh sus after setting that up as our intro we then drop into a minor bass like something like that and then we get this from B minor we go down to F sure seven but that's really the F only Services a passing tone right so we have this F major seven to the E minor seven and that brings us back to the B however the second time we do the same thing we go to F major seven E minor seven but this time we go to D Minor nine before returning it just adds one little step to it before kind of turning around back on itself [Music] check that out [Music] whoa okay so this is kind of our second section here F major seven E minor seven oh there's something in the mouth whoa [Music] oh is that like a five [Music] what [Music] sounds like there's a five in there like an a sus sound [Music] yeah I think so like a like an E minor Asus to an F major seven and now it gets interesting check this out foreign so we end up on this D Minor but we have we have an E flat major seven so we're kind of climbing down chromatically we have this F major seven E minor seven E flat major seven and then Landing there and the cool thing about those chords even from the F this D we can hang on to that D the whole time because it works in every single chord and that goes back to the concept that I've talked about a few times on this channel of like making a note work in some variation of a chord in every key because all notes can fit with basically all chords in one way or another whether it works in the harmonic context of your song that's a different question but in this case [Music] it works fantastic check this out yeah [Music] talk about a setup let's see what's that [Applause] is that what I heard [Music] something like that yeah so that's so cool that is absolutely incredible what a composition I love it whoa [Music] there's a whole lot of information here and it's pretty hard to decipher and on first glance it's not exceedingly obvious to me I can hear the bass line [Music] sounds like some type of cluster going on up here right something like that I said yeah [Music] this reminds me of knee body do you guys know about knee body I don't know why it's kind of giving me this knee body impression which if you haven't heard this this is unbelievable amazing stuff [Music] we won't get into that now but we should probably get into it at some point you know what I mean I don't know kind of super cool oh [Music] whoa whoa foreign [Music] [Music] there's a lot going on here so we've established that this kind of B minor space is what we're working in right because we have the and then a resolved right goes back to the four five one to the B minor and then when we have our Melody come in we kind of stick to a similar thing E minor seven F sharp minor seven B minor seven so it's like a four five one but then we go two flat three but the whole chords based on that flat three so we have this total different shift in harmonic space because before we're working in this something like that either aeolian or Dorian this General chord space right so we have a C sharp and an F sharp we know for a fact we're working with those uh whether we're working with uh G natural or G sharp you know more probably more than likely it's probably a G sharp but that's the space we're working with so when we take the notes of D Minor nine we look at those we fill that in we get like a d Dorian sound that's totally different than that sound because we have three sharps in this sound and we have nothing in that sound so you're flopping that sound just for one chord it's almost like a passing chord in the sense that we don't sit on it and change it's a harmonic structure we simply pass by it and use it as a way to get the Melody from one place to another but in doing so you're introducing this really interesting sound for just a moment before going back and resolving it so we have [Music] that's really cool I mean it sounds amazing [Music] whoa jeez okay can my brain think about this right now uh let's see so we know we're in this we're starting here and [Music] there's so much going on here okay so let's see foreign [Music] we're in this sort of uh sus kind of feel right we and then we sort of [Music] this whole time it feels like it kind of stays a little bit sus it stays a little bit suspended and then so we're in this whatever this back and forth is over F sharp and then we switch down to Oh e flat minor 11 or minor nine and then that almost functions like a 2-5 as if it's gonna go there but it doesn't go there to a C sharp minor seven [Music] do you guys hear an a butter yeah wow that changes everything okay hold on now this it's not sus anymore it makes it F minor seven there okay that's definitely it that's definitely it so it's F sharp minor seven foreign [Music] that is such a nice change going down a minor third minor thirds people use them they sound incredible wow and you just keep going in mine in thirds check this out [Music] so fun E flat minor nine a flat sus where do we go after that [Music] that might be it [Music] here we go foreign about this was just written really really well it's another great example of more complex Harmony being worked in in such a way that it doesn't disturb your listening experience like it's very easy to listen to it just has really cool little things slipped in there that your ear goes oh that's nice without necessarily being like I don't know how to decipher this at all that is brilliant writing hey and just before we wrap up I want to remind you you have a little more than 24 hours left to grab the Improv Essentials bundle it is our entire library of improvisational related courses three courses literally for the price of one it would normally be about a 270 value if you bought them all out right for 99 bucks only until tomorrow it is loaded with everything you need to get started with improvisation today you're going to start with an intro to improvisation which will get you playing almost immediately and if you've never improvised before this is a great place to start and then from there we're going to add a little more context so that you start understanding more about your choices when it comes to improvisation we're going to do that with making sense of modes it's our course all about what modes are how to find them and more importantly how to actually you them in your playing and both of those courses come with custom-made backing tracks and all kinds of downloadable resources and materials so that you can put this stuff to the test and then to really put it to the tests we also include the Improv obstacle course taught by the director of jazz studies at my alma mater Purchase College one of my most influential professors when I was in school David de Jesus it is a 30-part Challenge Series which will put your skills to the test and force you to make specific decisions about improvisation this bundle is designed to take you from never having improvised before to having enough material that you could work on for the rest of your life and it's available now literally for the price of like one course but it's only available until tomorrow so be sure to take advantage of it and if you're seeing this video after that point you can still click on that link down in the description below and it'll take you to all of our course offerings which you can probably find some pretty cool deals on take advantage of this bundle while you can it's the best way to support the channel and it allows us to continue doing what we love to do which is creating this content for you guys so we want to thank you so much for your support it really means a lot to me and I hope you guys get a ton out of it so thank you so so much for watching this video I appreciate you taking the time and we will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 578,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, Persona 5, OST, soundtrack, persona 5 music, phantom, persona 5 theme, persona 5 soundtrack, persona 5 piano, persona 5 OST
Id: dOUFny9eFHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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