This Anime Has INSANE Jazz When You Least Expect It

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"It is screeching, pounding dissonance. It is not music." -Worf, Son of Mogh

Experimental freeform jazz I'm sure the music sounds very interesting and colorful to musicians and audiophiles who appreciate the bold and unique playing by the band members, but to a Joe-Schmoe like me it just sounds like a cacophony. I actually appreciate most jazz, but I either haven't listened to enough or it just seems like most jazz has a stronger harmony in structure.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Hazardous_Wastrel ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 15 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
this video is made possible by curiosity stream i got to tell you about some of the most insane jazz in one of the most unexpected places mobile suit gundam thunderbolt was a japanese manga turned anime in 2015 and the soundtrack is well a little bit unexpected we've got things like this [Music] and a little bit of this [Music] and even a little bit of this but the craziest part about it is that well you may have noticed with the album covers there it looks like some sort of sci-fi robot thing well that would be correct and just check out how this manifests in these scenes [Music] talk about not the soundtrack you expect for this particular scenario also talk about some epic action going on the music for gundam thunderbolt was composed by narayoshi kikuchi the show's main character is a pilot of one of these mobile suits his name is io fleming and he happens to be a jazz enthusiast and apparently part of the storyline is inside the cockpit of this suit he listens to this [Music] wow okay so first of all there is some very interesting influential things going on here that i sort of picked up and i'm curious i'm curious to hear your thoughts on this because if we dive a little further into this we hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] bass clarinet this type of style there's a couple influences that i'm hearing it's super interesting that it's used in this context but first of all let's just check out a little bit of miles davis second quintet this is a performance from italy in 1964. listen to this [Music] that's wayne shorter and uh tony williams uh ron carter herbie hancock miles davis one of the best groups ever a lot of the characteristics of miles the second quintet in the 60s i feel has a lot of you know this was sort of the start of that kind of jazz feel where you might consider it to be a little more not free but but a little less honed in is if you listen to miles davis's 1958 record kind of blue you're gonna hear a very what we consider to be very straight ahead like cool jazz i guess would have been one of the things at the time that they might have called it and uh this is sort of an evolution of that it's less locked into chord changes and rhythms and things like that and it's able to move around a lot more and so what i'm hearing in a lot of the gundam sort of feel here [Music] first of all the band is fantastic another thing i want to point out that a lot of you are probably thinking right now the bass clarinet edition let's listen to a little bit of eric dolphy [Music] so you can clearly hear [Applause] everything comes from something right [Music] i'm hearing a lot of that that eric zelfey kind of influence the miles davis second quintet kind of influence and this isn't totally free but we're certainly hearing a little more of the avant-garde to be totally honest this approach to jazz it's not my favorite i tend to like things a little more locked into harmony i want to hear more of the harmony but what i really like sometimes about this type of stuff is the energy the energy even though the harmonic information isn't necessarily as easy to follow the energy is always pretty great and pretty insane and that's what we can see in that eric dolfie clip that's what we can see in the mile stuff and that's what we can hear on this soundtrack and that is one of the things that is so exciting about it and the fact that it's used in this it so weirdly fits right because it's this crazy chaos happening and like this big battle thing and all this stuff blowing up and things flying everywhere and like that's kind of what we're hearing so in some bizarre way it actually works really well five [Music] this is my opinion it's a lot of fun to play i don't know how fun it is to listen to now this is a great example because this band is fantastic and oddly enough we couldn't really find much information about the actual players in the band so if anybody knows more specifics about the individuals who who performed this music i please let me know in the comments below because they're phenomenal but one of the things that's interesting about this particular style of playing so what we hear is a bass line and a drum groove right and overall the thing is in five [Music] there's something going on at e here but then when the piano comes in i'd have to listen to it a little further but what i'm guessing is happening is that there are two pianos because it's stereo split i'm thinking it's two pianos whether it's at the same time communicating with each other or one was recorded and then one was recorded after the fact kind of like conversations with myself by bill evans so my guess is this was probably the same pianist and recorded two separate takes layered together to kind of create this call and respond not call in response but a little bit of a communicative style of playing which is super cool in this particular context now something that i learned in uh in in school when we get together and we do things like play all the things you are for 20 minutes and think that that's what somebody wants to listen to we sometimes play things like this sort of free exploration now it's really really valuable as a musician because it allows you to explore different concepts and improvisation that you otherwise might not have explored when you give yourself that permission to play things that you might consider to sound bad or things that you're like well i don't know what chords to play it's like who cares it's not really important at the moment it's a fantastic exploration tool it can really help you push your improvisational ability forward but i've always felt like this stuff is super fun to play but i'm not sure how much i'd necessarily put an audience through it now there are obviously exceptions to this i can remember one of the most influential shows i ever saw in my life was chick corea's five piece band this was my first introduction to brian blade as a drummer and i couldn't get over how exciting the music was and i went back and heard some recordings of that and i was like that's really out like like the the harmony is super out it's more free-ish in this kind of context but the one thing that was absolutely incredible is just the energy of the band on stage and the way they would communicate and bring things together whether it was an improvisational brink coming together or whether it was actually in the form of whatever tune they were playing yeah so it's just this really cool sort of back and forth conversational style of playing between two pianos this is really fun to do in person i've played you know dueling pianos with somebody before and it's a lot of fun you're both passing ideas to each other in real time and you can kind of elaborate on those ideas and build things out of those ideas and it's a it's a blast to do but even if you were doing it again like in the style of bill evans conversations with myself which may be what they did here i don't actually know but even if you were recording one and then the other and layering them together to be this back and forth conversation thing that's also super fun to do as well and the result as we can hear here is uh is really cool [Music] [Music] wow listen to that [Music] wow yeah [Music] [Music] wow a lot of chromatic movement there check this out so oh what a beautiful melody because look that first line is on c which is the third of our a minor seventh chord oh man that note for me that's what makes this line so beautiful because we're climbing down in this chromatic motion right so we have wow beautiful yeah and then yeah yeah that is gorgeous [Music] yeah oh that's so exciting it's so cool to hear music that is so intelligently written like this full of great harmony and great chord motion i mean we literally just climbed down chromatically into the start of that next section we went we went all the way from a to e chromatically a minor seven a flat minor seven g minor seven and then i think this was like a uh g flat major seven sharp eleven something like that i might have shifted while the chord was playing but then we have this minor 11 minor 11 whoo back up oh it's just it's so full of great harmony by the way the harmony course is fully out you can find it at the link in the description right now we are running a 30 off sale you don't need to code or anything it's right in the description just click the link it's a fantastic course taught by davey de jesus the director of jazz studies at purchase college my alma mater he was my professor taught me everything i know it's a fantastic course he put a ton of work into it go check it out it's got everything you need to know to develop your mastery of harmony so that you can hear stuff like this and know what's going on a minor seven a flat minor seven g minor seven g flat major seven sharp eleven that took me a second f minor eleven e minor 11 what a beautiful transition [Music] f blues [Music] nice bass player real nice real nice stuff there are so many different variations to the blues there's so many different ways you can play so many different ways you can turn it around to get back to the top and this one it seems like they're doing pretty much all the normal stuff [Music] right and then on to the four [Music] totally works i'm just blown away by the music in this series it's such a great way to score scenes that we would typically expect to have this orchestral epic you know whatever or maybe like fast-paced techno or something like that i i'm not even sure like what we typically expect to hear but it's certainly not this look at that look at that the trumpet doing the thing with the guns and the stuff it just what that is just so crazy to me and it's so awesome to hear and the music is fantastic the band is fantastic good job everybody yikes this is just unbelievable if you know any other anime that has insane music just like this let me know in the comments below because i'm dying to check it out this is chaotic and crazy and i like it hey if you're interested in checking out some exclusive and extended content that you've never seen here on this youtube channel then consider using the link in the description to check out nebula nebula is a streaming service that a bunch of like-minded creators including myself came together to create where we would be unbounded by the restrictions of the youtube algorithm sometimes i can't post a video that's 45 minutes long talking about the benefits or some tips on going to music school because youtube just wouldn't show it to anyone so instead we came together to create a place where we could make content that would not be subject to those restrictions you can find all of our videos that go on the main channel ad free as well as some exclusive pieces of content that you've never seen here and it's all available through the sponsor of today's video curiosity stream curiosity stream is home to thousands of the internet's best 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thank you so much for watching this video and we will see you in the next one my heroes are like uh herbie hancock quincy jones uh chick correa oscar peterson and herbie hancock specifically like the sunlight album is just one of my favorite albums of all time
Channel: Charles Cornell
Views: 427,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charles, Charles Cornell, Charles Cornell Studios, Studios, Cornell, Piano, Piano Covers, Piano guy, gundam thunderbolt, gundam, thunder, thunderbolt, anime, anime soundtrack, anime jazz, anime piano
Id: eMSQ2xqjX7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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