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ladies gentlemen today I am in a fans Minecraft world they have built this map for me and I am going to try and beat it this is called unspeakable rage quit parkour and it doesn't sound good from the looks of it but this map was completely made by a fan if you are in speakable gaming presses fun ok I will press this button why do I have a glowstone hat on that's pretty cool okay what's in my gosh I hope all these books say the same thing I had speakable I love your videos keep it up I'm only 13 years old and this is my first map go for a walk around the head there is a secret in your head oh snap okay I didn't know I could exit this that's pretty cool there is a secret in my head by the way guys isn't the Matt this is just the the lobby oh my gosh okay where's the secret oh snap Unspeakables head oh is that my brain so tiny hint glowstone Oh P stuff in chest okay hold on let me try that off oh this is the easiest maze in history oh never mind never never mind wait wait oh no I got it oh my gosh okay whoa this is some you right dead some Oh P stuff we're gonna have to take some of this stuff I just wanted this map and creative mode so I'll have to fix that but I'm gonna take this I'm gonna take all of this cuz I'm probably gonna blow up the map with all this we got a bow a ton of arrows am I supposed to use a bow and arrows than this map I don't know we got barrier blocks don't mind if I do interesting I got a ton of stuff all right well let's go ahead and start the map now look at all this stuff I got this is great thank you and that is definitely my brain yeah it's kind of tiny but that's okay I also have 4000 levels of XP let's go ahead and head back all right okay let's go ahead and do this no cheating unless you ragequit sloshed kill if you're stuck oh and by the way this is made by Basu game boss hopefully I've said that right let's go ahead and uh ah no no no no no I do not think so unspeakable game level one all right so rage quit parkour huh it's possible really I know you cannot jump more than four blocks but this is a five block jump so think I like this map great you need to make me more Maps my dude I'm gonna skip all this though there we go alright level two that would do I probably shouldn't step on those I'm assuming I shouldn't step on those I'm not gonna try it's probably gonna kill me oh okay level three oh my gosh already made two low three oh I don't die because I have diamond armor on and everything I don't take any damage from these magma blocks ends nice Oh oh snap I'm dead why did I just spawn here I'm gonna start setting spawn points for now this map looks insane I mean I feel like we are just getting to the good stuff this map has 17 levels yeah this is this is gonna be interesting to say the least I go this way okay okay thank you for putting more blocks oh no no oh I'm not dying this I know I'm not doing it I'm not doing it there we go not doing it not doing it not doing they're not doing it I'm still alive I'm still gonna hold flip his diamond armor saving me oh my gosh we're good we're good we're good oh oh okay every bet is a spawn point so I'm just gonna set spawn points at pretty much every bedsole sampar court really dude soul sand with the head jump this map creator knows how to be a savage the map creator that played this has a hundred and twenty five deaths um did you forget a block I think you forgot a block there's no way I could make that here good thing I got a barrier block there we go Bob Boyd all right oh I didn't even I thought those were all connected for a second I don't know why okay go oh my gosh do not fall on that looks terrible what am I supposed to oh my gosh how am i what is that even possible alright here goes nothing oh this is terrible oh no oh no no no no no come on please make it on the block please make it on the block please make it on the block please me okay I should be good I should be good I should be good yeah I'm good I'm good I'm good there we go there we go and there's more above my head which is just wonderful oh no oh please stop oh I don't feel like I'm gonna make it what if I just jump this way there we go oh boy where are down level 6 which is good now I'm dead I seriously love playing fan maps though they're just so much fun and I know I'm just glad I still have my 4000 levels of XP you know that's that's honestly all I care about what the flip the longest jump effort oh that there's no way that's possible I'm sorry that's a four-block jump but he put a glass pane there which makes it four and a half blocks here guys look at this real quick so you have one two three four but then you have the pain which makes it four and a half blocks which isn't possible I mean it's okay it's a fan map it's okay oh are you serious right now are you serious how am I supposed to make that there's no way there's no way what the heck that's not possible there's no way I feel like half this map is impossible like even if I was to jump as high as I could no there's no way you can't like like latch on to cobwebs and like slide down them I don't think that's possible I really don't think that jump is possible I am like 99.9% positive if it was only one block in between like this one like these are possible but those are two blocks in between yeah look at this two entire blocks there's no way unless you're supposed to jump around on oh this there's no way because you would hit your head you would have to do a roundabout jump with a head jump there's no way that's possible I'm sorry and if it is possible there's no way that I have the skill to do that I mean you're talking about making a Minecraft jump that's like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of jump Oh flip where are you on level 9 that's what I'm talking about up here's the roundabout jumps there we go oh my gosh oh my gosh their last one there we go yes alright spawn points okay alright now we got some good old ladder parkour I wonder what's inside this giant bedrock cube and I wonder why there's a random command block sitting there I feel like there has to be definitely something inside this cube there we go level 11 that's what I'm talking about oh wait we're going inside the cube oh snap okay let's set a spawn point here what the heck is this this is okay it's like a maze oh this is amazing all right so we got a maze there's a random coming away what does that do I press it what what is it I don't I'm not gonna question it I have absolutely no idea there's another command block I don't know what these I don't know if I need to press these buttons or I don't know so this is what's in this giant bedrock cube it's a giant maze oh my gosh I feel like this is the right way yes alright let's set a spawn point there all right we got a clam all the way up here we're at level 13 like I said there's 17 levels this is seriously such a cool fan map and to the fan that made this thank you so much I am having a blast oh geez not another one of these No haha please tell me I'm gonna make this oh my gosh I gonna make it down to the ladders right there I think I should be able to make it and I only have eleven desk that's not bad the map card has 125 all I can do is make it over to that bed oh I'm on the ladder I'm still in the cobweb though I'm still all there we go okay there we go oh why am i taking damage that doesn't make any sense oh yes yeah bomb point right there all right what is oh wait I feel like okay I have the frost Walker boots on wait no get this stuff removed there we go all right let's hop down here okay so I guess this is a a swimming one but we're not in a Minecraft version with swimming so this is gonna be interesting because I'll just eat a bunch of golden apples maybe that will help okay what is that oh it's a ladder for air ah well thank you very much that was so so incredibly kind of you to do in the Minecraft version of this map was made swimming was not like a thing yet in Minecraft because women came out 1.13 we are just kind of floating over everything we'll get some more air right here cuz I don't know when the next air pocket is gonna be hey the map creator gave me these items I mean like I didn't know if I was supposed to look at them last I mean you never said look at them last year that I didn't read the sign that said of looking at last I don't know oh my gosh this thing goes forever oh is this the end I think this is the end here we go yes oh I was about to be like what it's just a dead end I was about to be so triggered what the heck is going on here hello 15 let's set a spawn point here what the heck am I is this redstone supposed to be active or something hold on Oh yours is there's like a button I supposed to press or something I don't see any buttons this is all bedrock interesting very very interesting I hope I didn't break the map I don't know what I did I feel like all these pistons supposed to be moving okay that was way too easy okay let me try to let me try to fix the map hold on okay I see so I think I'm supposed to start right here oh wait wait there's a tripwire hook but there's not a tripwire on the trip wire hook okay hold on let me fix this let me put string right here there we go okay now there's a tripwire and now okay so that's what it's supposed to do okay we go oh geez this is about to be terrible alright let's go ahead and do this okay oh my gosh oh my gosh I am NOT going to enjoy this how in the world am I supposed to oh no this is gonna be interesting at rip wire a hook right here however there was no trip wire and the trip wire hook oh my gosh I just kind of stay in the middle right here it's it's kind of not that big deal I can just get through everything there we go definitely setting a spawn point on that one all right this is level 16 press this to stop the Pistons okay I stopped did I stop it oh this is interesting in rod parkour my absolute favorite oh these are head jumps oh geez oh is it even possible to do a head jump with a two block gap because this is technically a head jump or like half a head jump since the fence block is higher than a normal block but it's technically a two block gap because this is half block this is half block and then this is a full block so oh it is possible okay well that answers my question three block jump okay that is not possible there is no way hold on let me try this in some creative mode no there's no I'm sorry map creator there is a lot of illegal jumps in here that are not possible now I understand this map is all about ragequitting but some things are just not possible there's no way I'm not even getting close to it I'm literally jumping at the very edge and I'm landing like half a block away maybe you're just posed to momentum it okay let me try that get some momentum in here no I'm landing and still the same place even with the momentum I'm sorry Madame creator I don't think that jump is possible and there's another one too and now this one this one either their hand I mean it's extremely difficult even doing two blah I don't know guys I don't know if this is possible I don't think this is possible I'm sorry there there's no way I'm not I'm not even getting close to touching it even with me having the extra sprint from these barrier blocks yeah I don't know this is possible I don't know guys I'm so sorry I don't know another one look this one is two three that's that's four blocks because if you count this space in this space that's a half block that makes up for one block so that is a four block jump with a head jump now I know this isn't a true head jump because this would be a true head jump but actually you couldn't fit between here so it is a head jump because the fences are higher than normal blocks yeah I'm sorry there's no way that's possible there's no flipping way unless you were to hold on to the cobwebs and slide yourself over but there's a two-block gap between the cobwebs so this map has a lot of things that are not very possible all right there we go we have made it I know we didn't do most that level with jibt but I'm telling you guys that those jumps are not possible I've been doing minecraft for six years I know what's possible I know what's impossible now I'm sorry maybe you guys can prove me wrong I don't know I there's no way that's possible let me know in the comment section below if it is possible I'm very sorry but I really really don't think it is what is this press me for a prize for making this this far oh come on are you serious right now okay I'm just gonna let them all shoot each other okay interesting um so what am I supposed to do on this level this is the last level by the way level 17 the last level items to fight boss battle oh I already have a ton of items oh so the last level is a boss battle there's nothing to do here boss battle oh my gosh I am excited I don't know how excited I am now oh my gosh there's so much like oh my gosh this bow is so overpowered one-shot kill let's go I'm just gonna use the bow there is so many witches and skeletons and mobs I'm just gonna go up this water stream and I'm just gonna snipe all of them oh wait I can't hit these guys what I can't hit some of these guys I don't know why oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is going on what is going on okay okay everyone needs to calm down cuz I'm low on health let me just eat up some golden apples here let me put this total moment dying in my hand cuz I'm probably going to die I need to focus on these skeletons because these skeletons are extremely annoying that is the boss okay that's the boss okay let's try to get rid of the boss first then maybe we can focus on oh my gosh I'm just gonna sit in this corner I'm just gonna sit in this corner all the skeletons need to leave you guys need to leave I can take out the witches that's not a problem there we go we almost got all of them actually this bow is so overpowered oh the boss is right there all the meat another go nap what come on come on come on come on it's just a bunch of witches and the two skeleton bosses which you need to back up buddy this guy has thorns always dead oh my gosh a couple more shots oh he's dead okay let's finish all these other guys off real quick I have thorns on my armor too so every time those skeletons were hitting me they were actually getting hurt as well all these witches are actually throwing potions at each other it's kind of funny okay last one there we go everyone's dead okay so there's a hole up there how in the world do I get up there I think I'm supposed to fly up there because they there's this there's this thing which lets me parkour over here but it just this actually just sends me down here and I'm holding barrier blocks and there's not a single barrier block in this whole entire area there's literally no way to get up here so let's just go through here see what this does I don't know what that does well done run run oh no that was so cool alright hold on let me do time set 0 oh my gosh yo look at all of the yo there's so many diamonds press to blow up the map by command okay I don't want to blow up the map just yet considering how many diamonds and parrots are in all of these blocks can we just quickly just take a moment to realize how many diamonds are here right now this is beautiful this is beautiful guys I want to thank you all so much for watching this video this is absolutely incredible I'm gonna press this button before the map gets so laggy that I won't be able to press the button wait what all done now you can go to the exit now it is a big arrow all done what just happened wait so how does the map blow up well how does that work I don't think the map does blow up because there's not any TNT in this in this map at all interesting and it is so so incredibly laggy because of all of these diamonds guys I can barely move in Minecraft right now but I only got 12 deaths which is I think pretty good conversion to that crater they got 120 oh sorry I burped ladies and gentleman this map is getting incredibly laggy but I want to thank you guys so much for watching this and I want to thank the map creator basilic game boss for making this incredible map this was such a cool cool map thank you dude so much this it was awesome if you guys want to send me maps I'll leave a format down the description where you can fill out some information about your lap and then attach the download link to it and yeah and if your map is good enough like this one I will play it and you'll get a video on it and it'll be cool thank you guys so much for watching this video have a safe and phantasticus your day okay now it's not as lagging okay now you can flee me on the ghost have a say fantastic yesterday and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video before you guys go if that subscribe button is red I need you guys to click it because you do not want to miss some of the content that's coming out on the channel [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 3,042,189
Rating: 4.8898859 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: dYxszCUCs7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2018
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