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[Music] good morning living more family are you guys ready to worship jesus this morning if you're here or you're joining us through our live stream welcome on behalf of our pastor pastor reuben uh we want to invite you guys just to worship with us this morning amen if you feel like clapping if you feel like shouting jumping amen dancing feel free amen hallelujah amen [Music] are you ready [Music] are [Music] are you ready [Music] is [Music] broken [Music] are you ready of the lord are you ready are you ready are you ready we'll get ready for the coming of the [Music] lord [Music] we will see his [Music] are you ready [Music] [Applause] are you ready of the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey are you ready are you ready are you ready [Music] the lord [Music] it's an open door [Music] we want you to your presence is an open door so come now lord lie never before i give you glory for all you brought me through and now i'm ready for whatever you want to do i'm [Music] your presence come on your presence is is with every season the prince has been enough [Music] above [Music] your presence is [Music] your presence is [Music] i know a breakthrough is coming by faith i'll see a miracle my god [Music] i know [Music] now do your presence is an open door [Music] we want you lord like never before your presence is [Music] my god [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh now [Music] your presence is an open door is an open door [Music] to come now lord like never before [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is given the glory given the glory [Music] you are the reason why we stand where you are oh [Music] everybody left the good times [Music] given the glory given the glory you are [Music] who you are [Music] is and your love is holding me forever [Music] of praise come on [Music] [Music] you are is [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] they say this mountain can't be but they don't know you like we do there is power in your name we've heard that there is [Music] they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name so much [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] my victory [Music] [Music] my [Music] windows [Music] all i did was you have saved me oh [Music] so [Music] to find your truth [Music] [Music] god all i did was [Music] so much [Music] oh [Music] oh so much [Music] [Music] [Music] of my heart [Music] put me back together [Music] [Music] my so much me so much so much better oh all i did was [Music] hallelujah isn't that a beautiful song it's talking about surrendering everything we have to the lord amen before you sit down look at your neighbor and tell them it's good to see you in the house of the lord amen and we just want to welcome everyone that is watching on our live stream and everyone here we want to thank you for joining us this morning you can be seated those that are here on behalf of our pastor pastor reuben reina amen and you can already feel the atmosphere amen i just like the song the great defender and it talks about surrendering everything and now we even come to an important part of our service which is in our tithes and our offering amen and how many you know we we surrender our time that's why you're here that's what you're watching surrender your talent that's where we have every the volunteers that we have amen uh but also surrendering of our finances which is our our tithes amen so this morning if you need a tithing envelope you can go ahead and lift your hands one of our ushers or ushered will be glad to get one to you if you're watching on our live stream there's links there that you can click and it'll give you all the information you need or you can text the word give to 833 940-1404 and how many you know it's a privilege to give unto the lord amen as we come here for some i mean i know it's hard because the envelopes when we get them they're all wrinkled like if you didn't want to let them go but that's okay man you're still learning to give unto the lord amen and i want to read a portion of scripture from the philippians chapter 4 verse 10 through 19 and paul brings out some some points on the area of our giving and the philippian christians they learned the secret of joyful giving the church they had taken up an offering to give to paul when he was in prison uh uh and paul wrote them back but he expressed certain things in in verse 10 the portion of scripture says but i rejoice in the lord greatly that now at the last your care for me he says has flourished again in which you were also concerned but you locked you you lacked opportunity in other words paul's bringing here he says that giving revives our concern amen in other words when you give it's because you're concerned amen for what's going on and what's taking place in our church i mean not only in our church in the world amen because how many know there's souls everywhere amen and through the giving we're able to get flyers we're able to to keep rehab homes open amen we're able to send pastors out into different parts of the world because of your giving and people give because they're concerned with that so don't ever think that you're giving it doesn't mean anything it means a whole lot it keeps us doing what god has called our church to do amen and how many know god's called our church to do great things and then in verse 11 of the same portion of scripture says not that i speak in respect of one for i have learned in whatever state i am to be content so paul's talking about when you learn to give is teaching you contentment be content with what we have and then what you're content it's going to be easy for us to give unto the lord amen because we understand that god provides everything that we need for our daily life amen not sometimes we want a lot of things and god says you don't need that right now amen and so that's where the struggle comes and where god i don't know if i want to give because they're having a special today at that burrito place and and i'm hungry amen no no be content amen learn to be faithful unto the lord and paul didn't want his church to think that that his joy rested on whether they were giving him money or not paul says i'm content whether you gave me this money or not that's what paul was saying so so giving teaches us contentment another thing giving does in verse 14 paul says not notwithstanding you have done well that you did communicate with my tribulation giving makes us partners in ministry let me know your partner in our ministry as you give your partner up with our pastor saint pastor i believe that god has called us to be an end time movement so i want to partner with you not only with my time not only with my talent but also with my financing and finances how many know when we partner together we can do a whole lot more amen and so paul's talking about that and then paul goes on also in verse 17 and 18 and he says not because i desire a gift but i desire fruit that may abound to your account he says but i have all and abound i am full having received from effort of prodigies the things which has sent to you uh but then paul the focus is not because i desire to give but i desire fruit that may bound towards your counsel giving pays spiritual dividends you know when you give it's not because we're saying we need no we want god to bless you to the fullest we don't want you to miss what god has for your life and as we keep giving and we're faithful to the lord just like paul says not to my account he says but that your fruit may abound to your accounts tell your neighbors going to your accounts and the last thing paul brings out is in in verse 19 he says but my god shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus giving grows our faith in god because we're able to understand that every need we have god is able to provide for that need amen so we're going to pray this morning we're going to ask god to bless our tithes that bless our offering because if you're already tired learned to give above your tithes offering and maybe you never understood that you're partnering in ministry with our pastor with the lord amen to fulfill the great commission that god has given us reach teach men and sin so your giving allows us to do what god has called us to do amen so we thank you for your faithfulness those that are learning to give you're going to see how god is going to continue to bless your life as you continue to take steps of faith so pray with me this morning amen father we come to you this morning god thanking you god first of all for the privilege of giving back to you father lord we ask you to bless our tithes bless our offering bless the giver god provide seed god for those that may not be able to give today god but that they would understand the principles god on the privilege of giving back to you god that we could continue to reach teach men and sin throughout the world lord we love you and we praise you and everyone said amen and amen god bless you as you give this morning [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] you're always there for me [Music] is [Music] get [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're always there for me [Music] [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] is that's a living word inside of me i thought you were going to do a special again you made me see that the lord bless you wow felt like dancing when i walked in i said my lord am i in the right church it's all good to be in the house of the lord this morning we're gathered and we thank god that we woke up this morning and that we put on our clothes and we headed to church even though we had tribulations and trials and whatever but but we made it that's what matters that we made it so i've been speaking about the uh the breakers anointing we started thinking about david and his men and i was speaking about loyalty before the reverend came the rabbi by the way he did such a great job rabbi amazing amazing i want to say to you if you haven't noticed we're going to have a special service for stella and and joy so those that are coming come early we only have room enough for a thousand people but it looks like we're gonna have much more than a thousand people so i'm inviting you come early there at the rock not the rock at the cornerstone church in anaheim so the address is on facebook and you could uh get the address and be there by the way i want to need all the men that i can get to usher in everybody and all the ladies and we're gonna have a great great time and we're gonna close it so i chose a nice song at the end it's i haven't i can't even think of the song so give me a little time here by the supremes someday someday we'll be together yeah so once you hear it you're going to cry like a baby and so am i so it doesn't matter it's time to weep time to weave so i'm going to start off with faithfulness ending up with faithfulness linked to a loyalty faithfulness is always linked to uh to loyalty so faithfulness that word is such a powerful word because it means that it means trustworthy trustworthy it's always good to have a man and a woman that you can count on because faithful people are just like in in see they're they're we're lacking faithful people we need a lot of faithful people and i hope that today you will say to yourself you know what i'm going to establish myself and i'm going to be a faithful person and once god opens up your eyes i want to be the best person that god can use so we we need to put that inside of our hearts in the book of proverbs chapter 20 verse 6. listen to the scripture most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find we're all good at saying we're faithful and boast about it i had a parent his name was we call him pedro pete and he was a yellow nape amazon he was about this big we put him in the cage and every pastor that came to our house they said that that bird was safe because he was always saying these words we never taught him the words he would say it in spanish pastors pastors get to work that was his words in the morning so i had pastor mitchell stay one day and he says you know what that parent is saved reuben he's safe i said pastor mitchell put your finger in there and you'll find out that birthday is not safe he's just a mimicker and we have a lot of people that are mimickers of being faithful most men will proclaim everyone his own goods we're used to boast we're good boasters i mean there's nothing wrong with telling stories but when we're boasting and not being faithful then we should look real bad because faithfulness is the essence of ministry to be faithful it's like pastor anthony and pastor soto when everything happened we stuck and the team we stuck like an arrow that's the way i felt that we were an arrowhead pointing ourselves against adversaries and faithfulness was everything because people got blessed while they were going through the middle of the storm these are men that stood up and became faithful including the the worship team faithful it didn't move them young men it didn't move them but they they weren't proclaiming they were good they were just faithful you don't have to say anything when you're a faithful man everybody reads you you're a written book everybody reads you that your character is one that nobody can turn and they're real you're they're reading you you might not read books but you can read people you can read people and listen to the scripture again most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find heavenly father thank you this morning i pray that you deal with us that you will bring us into a place of surrender and that you will cause great things to happen in your people's lives in the name of jesus i ask amen and amen in ii timothy chapter 2 verse 2 sometimes we miss what the scripture is saying and listen to it and the things which thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who will be able to teach others also look at that first portion and the things which thou has heard of me among many witnesses wow says what you have heard of me all these witnesses that i've heard me whatever teach or whatever he did he says turn around and talk about it teach about it and most of all give it to faithful men that will take it to heart and women too because a lot of the women in the in the bible they were used mightily and some of these women traveled in boats just to bring an offering over to the apostle paul while he was in jail and food they traveled for for days in boats they were faithful they were not just boasting about their faithfulness they were doers and usually faithfulness hurts you it hurts your flesh because your flesh does not want to be faithful how many have ever hurt your flesh when you say i'm going to church i said but you're too tired the flesh tells you and you're not feeling too well and then you have started having a conversation with yourself how many have ever had a conversation with yourself and then all of a sudden you wake up in the spirit like shut up stupid you know all of a sudden you get caught up and you say wow you know so we need people he says as you heard me give it to faithful people teach them teach them everything that you saw in me teach them everything that you heard of me teach them in other words duplicate yourself if you notice if i say that hernandez i think of a family like the hernandez that i'm thinking right now i'm thinking about a whole tribe big family and yet mr hernandez joe hernandez kept that family together it was a big family and still while he is gone his family still goes on with the legacy of the father and sometimes you need to understand that we make impact to people we make impact in people's lives they say that we we affect 65 people in our lifetime i mean really really effective where they turn their lives totally over to serve god 65 people and in turn they turn around and ex and they they touch 65 other people and it keeps on multiplying because the effect went in so the word of god has power when you speak it when you speak it and let me just add this the problem with too many people is they're so gifted that they're no good at anything else they're not faithful only when you put them behind the pulpit they're faithful and after that they're gone they live no life in faithfulness towards god you see it's beautiful to have people that you could depend on people that are good people people that i say let's do this let's do that and they say yeah we'll do it and they do it they do it and then you got the other people that won't do it they tell you yes and they don't do it those people are called in the book of proverbs 25 verse 19 he says when you have an unfaithful person he's like a toothache how many have ever had a toothache here man it irritates when that tooth is bad you can't chew anything cold that hits it it hits a nerve you become a toothache to the body of christ you irritate everybody by your unfaithfulness and i call you the manana christian the tomorrow christian i'll do it tomorrow and it also says also that it's like a hip out of joint how many have ever had your hip out or your knee out man it is painful it is so darn painful that even you cry because it's so painful and some people in the body of christ are not that faithful and you become a toothache a joint disconnected and i'm not talking about a joint i'm talking about a joint because you're unfaithful how many how many hate yourself sometimes when you say i want to do it and you don't do it don't you feel bad and sometimes you have to go through that rhythm of not doing it until you feel sick and tired of being who you are and then you heal up and you say well i don't want to be like that no more and you start functioning sometimes it takes a little training to find out who you are and where you should be connected to and it's very powerful to to be a good person so small faithfulness over a long period of time brings abundance small famous faithfulness brings a lot of abundance when you're faithful in the little in the little in the little in the little i remember when i first started the church 23 years this one 23 years ago in asusa all it was was with me and stella and a guy by the name of david what was his last name david caramillo i was preaching and he was playing he played and i preach and we hit that whole neighborhood both of us together and all of a sudden it started they started bringing us people and and and that david was faithful come on david let's go he grabbed his little this little pa system and this little microphone he set up with a guitar and sang spanish and english and we started affecting the whole community why but it was it wasn't the numbers that we had it was the power of being faithful the power of being faithful the power of being faithful is much more than just one person you affect 65 people in your lifetime so you've got to come to a place where i am going to be faithful in the little because i know that it's going to bring me much much much of god's presence in my life because it brings an abundance especially in reading and praying when you learn how to read and pray how many you have ever spent time in your bible and you just read and then all of a sudden it pops out and inspires you and then you start praying and then you start crying and then you bounce back and finish it and by the time you leave there you feel like your soul has been so full of the presence of god because as you're eating this word it's all about god going inside of you inside of you so i don't want to be a broken tooth i don't want to be a hip out of jordan i don't want to be a pain to my pastor i don't want to be a pain to my church i want to know that god will promote me in his due season in the book of psalms 75 verse 6 it says for promotion cometh neither from the east or the west nor from the south but god is the judge he put it down one and set it up another it's a promotion that you're gonna get comes from god say it with me the promotion that i'm going to get comes from god again the promotion that i'm going to get comes from god it comes from god because you had little you were little in your faithfulness and that faithfulness turns into much and then the promotion comes from god that's why david's men would not kill saul because he trained them you cannot touch god's anointing you leave that alone that is god's business put away your weapons and like i told you he would just throw himself to the ground when he would see saul and he couldn't kill him because he was god's anointed but all of his men that were mighty men would not do that you never speak bad about a man of god i don't care what he's doing shut your mouth because he'll put a curse on you you'll put a curse on it and that's the last thing you want to do even if they're wrong don't say nothing just bring them before god and say let god do what he does best with them now this leads me up to most men will proclaim their own goodness but a faithful man who can find let's think a little bit about david david god's man that was anointed and we know that he was slaughtering he slaughtered a giant we know that he came into his kingdom we know all of those things but the things that he went through made him a better king than what he was when he was a young man because when you have nothing it doesn't matter when god gives you a little victory praise god how many have ever had little victories here and you say thank god and you give god the glory but when you slay a giant that's something big where you know that being a little boy you could never have done that without the strength and the power of god but as you grow and as he came into his kingdom he sat in his kingdom and he was victorious in everything that he did he fought with every enemy there was and he conquered every single enemy and yet he sat on his throne but then idleness came in and the bible says that as he left all the men left the war he stood back and guess who he found that lila was taking a shower on the side and now claim the test okay you got power i set you on the throne but now let's see what kind of character you got on the inside and the bible says that he took delilah and then he killed uriah which was her husband tried to deceive him and all that story and yet he was there with that woman but the lord appeared here's the thing god will always appear and discipline you and that's where you learn that okay he can use me but he can also correct me he can also come down on me and start dealing with my issue of my character and he told him these words because even his son died and everything but he had a new one and god told him because you murdered uriahs and when because you took his wife he says the sword will never depart from you the judgment that's coming on you is never going to depart from you do you remember when cain and abel when cain killed abel and the scripture says that the blood cried out before god who killed them the blood will always cry out of for towards the innocent and god said this thing will not depart now listen to me david was a broken man and god said this sword is not going to depart and he waited and waited and then all of a sudden epsilon appears absalom the tradition of the jews says that he'd had 30 pounds of hair his hair he was like a hippie of hippies that guy knew how to dress rings everything he was royalty but he had 30 pounds of hair the rock and rollers of this day had nothing compared to him he probably had a whole sheet around him of hair when he sat down 30 pounds can you imagine that 30 pounds of hair and the bible says in absolute in chapter 2 samuel chapter 15 verse 4 it says that he would stand because he was rebellious against his father here is where the stain of the sword started staining the whole kingdom he would stand in the corner and he wanted to be that king he wasn't disrespecting he was disrespecting his father and every man that came in he says hey don't go to my father he's too busy i'll take care of it i'll take care of it you can keep reading that all that verse all those verses i'll take care of it and he would counsel them and for four years he did that and then he turned the heart of the kingdom of david against david and he took over the throne and david had faithful men that stood with him but the sword started right there he was the blemish of the sword do you understand what i'm saying in other words i don't know if you ever seen a tomato smash it just smashes that was the stain of that sword says they'd never depart from you because of that stain that you put on yourself now your sun absolutely will reveal all that and the bible says that david was broken and some of his men started fighting with him david left with all his men but they started fighting with and then his hair got caught up in the tree now 30 pounds because i always wondered just a little hair wouldn't keep you up there but 30 pounds will it latched on him and he was hanging and jacob i believe his name was he came with a sword and just stabbed the boom and took the news back to david it says i killed your son and he just wept just went i don't know about you i don't care how your relatives die they still break your heart still break your heart he was a broken man but he started the judgment why do i say that i say this because we are sons of the living god and jesus said this take up my blood and eat of my flesh right when you have communion what is he saying because i paid with my blood for you all of us sitting here the blood of jesus runs through our veins the blood of jesus runs through our veins and you might say well pastor reuben i'm not perfect neither am i join the club hallelujah but the blood speaks for us that's why when we say i plead the blood of jesus because we take the heart that the blood of jesus paid our price for our redemption and the blood of jesus has power so that he was the tomato that smashed everything from there on the kingdom of david got hurt and yet listen to me yet david here's the whole thing david was a man after god's own heart he was faithful faithful even with his sons and daughters even when he was mistreated he was faithful from there on he did not turn back because he learned this lesson that god is watching everything see sometimes we're not conscious that god is watching every one of us he knows everything about you thank god for the blood of jesus let me say it again thank god for the blood of jesus look at jehu j.u was the guy that god picked up in the book of second kings chapter 10 16 all the way to 31 god picked jacob up to kill jezebel jezebel was not only a witch she was a madam she controlled all the prostitution stuff that was going on in the kingdom that's pretty heavy to know that so jayhew gets anointed and god picks him up and jacob was a political guy he had his own political things to do he wasn't just moving for god that was his mission and the jewish were happy over that but he had an agenda if you studied it he has an agenda his agenda is to knock down her because she was going to come after him and he said before you come after me which i'm coming after you and the prophecy was that they were going to throw her from the balcony and that the dogs were going to eat her up and the dogs ate her up ate her up but then he kept going and he started doing away with israel and judah and then he said he set up another kingdom that was the kingdom of balaam another king of balaam so god can use anybody he wants to let me say it again god can use anybody that wants to to set up whatever he wants to set up and yet the man not be right that's his sovereignty he can do whatever he wants to do okay let me switch down to the young rich ruler when he came to jesus he says i want to serve you he says okay that's fine you want to serve me yeah he said that he says i i don't murder i don't commit adultery i don't do any of those things and then he said these words well then sell all your riches and give it to the poor and he backed away he says i can't do that because money can make you funny money can change your heart when money rules your life when you work so hard for money it can rule your life that you don't want to surrender your life to jesus because of your money he just didn't want to give his money up for anything else and the bible says it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man what a powerful statement so here's the other side here's a political guy here's a rich guy that would not give himself to to the lord and then you got the prodigal son now i'm trying to show you something here and i'll get to my point here you got the prodigal son that all of a sudden his son says give me everything give me all of my inheritance i've won it all i want it all and the father gives it to him and the bible says he goes and he wastes every single thing that his father had given him and then he ends up saying well maybe i should go with my servants because my father pays the servants good better than what i'm getting and he went but then he started eating from the slob of the pigs his shoes he didn't have any he looked like a homeless he lived among the pigs and yet he had royalty but he decided to leave it just for the pleasures of the world and ended up without shoes and smelly just like a homeless just like a homeless i don't know if you've been around homelessness i've been around a lot of people are homeless and they smell man i have to take a deep breath and say how are you they smell so the love of jesus is so huge that you and i don't understand it we don't understand it every time we think about coming to the lord we think about everything i did all the disrespect i did and all the corruption that i did the love of jesus is so wide and so huge that you don't understand how much he loves you you don't understand it you think that coming to church or making an altar call that that man it's embarrassing that says forget all that just think just being in church alone saying to yourself i'm going to church and making it to church and knowing that you're rotten and yet god's saying i love you just the way you are just the way you are and here's the the prodigal son is lost lost when my kids leave the house and they come in i can be sleeping but like my ears here the doors how many can i agree with that you're so sensitive that you can hear when they're coming in that's the way god is god can hear when your heart is ready god can hear when you're about to come back god can hear every motive in you every thought in you he can hear everything but he's patient enough to to wait until you make up your mind what you're gonna do so anytime i hear my daughters open up the door i know they're here and i i walk out and i say are you here yes i feel safe okay they made it home and that's the way i've been with all six kids they made it home i thank god they made it home if i feel like that how much more does my heavenly father feel about us so right now i feel like this yuka is here i feel like shuke say the product of some probably his name was nashuk just said i feel like the shook is here but i feel like the suk is very dirty i feel like the suk is having problems mentally i feel like something he's got a hole in the shoot and it's tearing up his mind i feel like this huge has no self-worthy i feel like this youth is just totally madness in his whole life it feels like nobody loves this such i feel like the shook is just plain lost i don't know if you've ever felt the spirit of lost but it's almost like you can't find any door to knock to every every door is shut you just feel lost and every time you call somebody they just really don't want to talk to you because they don't believe you no more you're the most lying person around that's the way in the suit the prodigal son would feel but i feel the suk is here i feel that's you because you i'm too dirty i speak is that you know you is that eunice you i have no shoes on is that you my son i'm dirty i'm sinful how far are you i'm willing to meet you halfway to god i'm too far you know that i love you i smell but we care i'm willing to reach you forgive me you're forgiven i'll meet you halfway walk towards me i need to have weight i'm sorry you give me a new clothes we'll give you everything back everything that the devil stole we'll give it back to you you're god's son and he will always love you welcome home that's the way god feels about us the reason why i brought that out is because god's not into judging you the grace of god is still here on the earth and you gotta wake up that he loves you more than what you love yourself beyond all your imagination that's how much god loves you you gotta understand that god can pick up anybody who wants to and promote them and pick them up high whether you like them or not god will do what he wants to do god will do what he wants to do many men will proclaim their own because they're good but a faithful man who can find look at ezekiel and ezekiel 24 verse 18 it says so i spoke unto the people in the morning and that evening my wife died and i did in the morning what i was commanded to do that's faithfulness that's what it says right there my wife died the next morning i did what he commanded me to do that's faithfulness not boasting not saying how great you are but you're a doer of the word not just a sayer a doer a doer of the word can i say to you god's not there whipping at you he's not doing any of those things he's just waiting for you to come in he's huge his love goes beyond our imagination and when you come to church i want you to come with that that gratitude that says man god loves me the way i am yeah i got some failures i got some faults i got some things that i gotta fix but i'm gonna be sincere with him and i'm gonna make it happen and when he picks me up i know that it's gonna be his strength and not mine not mine so say with me god is faithful to me he will never leave me he will never forsake me he will always be there because he is the great father and because he washed me in this blood he is there for me so he's there for you no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you god will condemn everything so this morning i want you to be faithful but not in your own goodness not in your own way i want you to be faithful because god picked you up because god saved you because god washed you in his blood and that is why you walk this earth none of us here is perfect we all have failure one time or another but we're still here i want you to stand to your feet real quickly i want you to lift up your hands towards heaven lift them up one without wrath and one without doubt god is not mad at you don't have any doubt that he loves you just lift them up high now just pray right there where you're at just just say your own prayer come on out of your heart let it just come out you are so good to us we don't deserve what we got but we thank you that you're our father and you our father that is very very faithful wash us in the blood of jesus right now take away all uncleanness from us from god put a new spirit inside of us another new fortitude to keep on going and to accomplish things that we could never accomplish in the name of jesus let your strength come alive in us let your glory come alive in the so god let your goodness of god right now tear down every stronghold every demonic force in the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus in the name of jesus thank you o lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you for our wives thank you for our children thank you for everything that you've given us thank you for the health that we have thank you for the ability to think thank you for these hands that can be used for your glory hallelujah hallelujah every head is bow every eyes closed just close your eyes maybe you're hearing you say pastor i feel like that prodigal son i just feel like that prodigal son sometimes i feel so lonely and so by myself and yet i know that god is there but they're just feelings their feelings those feelings will leave you you're here for the very first time you say pastor i'm a backslider i need the lord i want you to lift up your hand real quickly if you're a backslider lift up your hand real quickly let me see that hand god bless you somebody else real quickly maybe you're not safe and you say pastor i came i saw that hand i came but i i just i just feel like i'm empty i'm an empty vessel hardest thing to do is to feel so empty and so alone like you're lost if you're here just lift up your hand i want to pray for you come on real quickly because i'm going to make this altar call and i want you to come maybe you're gone through physical things and you need a healing in your body and you say to my pastor i need to get healed in my body i really need to get healed in my body because it's bothering it's really bothering me and i'm going through a lot i want you to lift up your hand real quickly and say you know what pray for me pastor because i have gone through allah i want to open up these alters and i want you to come right now as they sing a song god spoke to you i want you to come quickly just come quickly go ahead i will just come there are some things that only god knows that only god can get rid of we need we need we need god [Music] [Music] recklessly [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] reckless [Music] [Applause] [Music] never let me love of god [Music] now is your [Music] yes [Music] you paid it off [Music] [Music] [Music] believe [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] out [Music] coming after me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] reckless [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there's [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] jesus oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never let [Music] oh i don't deserve it still you give yourself away [Music] amen church uh god bless you we're gonna go ahead and uh sing happy birthday to jacob velazquez and scott erling happy birthday to you guys after receiving happy birthday your business god bless you happy birthday one more time happy hey man birthday god bless you you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 176
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: wYWFVQ40itM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 4sec (6784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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