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we are so happy that you're here if you're in person welcome and if you're watching us live on facebook youtube or vimeo make sure to share our stream so other people can join in and we can reach people for jesus let's get into our announcements as you all know we have our lw kids sundays at 1 30 p.m live on zoom if you need any information for this just head to our website this is a great time for your kids to still stay in tune with their church tuesdays and wednesdays we have our james digital bible studies and they on our website you can find more information about that a live youth are still going strong fridays at 8 pm and if you need to know more information about a live youth you can head over to their instagram page at lw alive youth and there you can see where and how they are joining up our monthly schedule events start with our men of action discipleship taking place on june 18th at 7 30 pm men come on out for a time of just hearing the word just for you use our flyer online to send to family and friends and invite your neighborhoods out to our men's discipleship on june 18th father's day is coming up fathers come and join us bring family and friends we have something special planned for you you guys are very important and we need to celebrate you we have a soft opening for lw kids date to be announced but keep us in prayer while we get everything ready for lw kids to keep them safe we want the time to be fun rejoining together after more than a year but i know the kids will enjoy it either way and remember if you are joining us in person you can join us thursdays and sundays thursdays at 7 30 pm and sundays at 10 30 a.m if you want to watch us live for any reason you can join us on facebook youtube vimeo and we are we still have faith life available and open to those that want to join remember faith life is a platform safe and secure just for our church there it's like a facebook social media page but just made for us there you connect with all the members of lwcc and you can also go on to breakout rooms remember tightly is our giving app and on timely you can download their mobile app or you can give on our giving page on our website we just press the give button you can also textgive or give by typing envelope whatever is easier for you lwcc but if you need help just let us know and if you need to contact us during the week for any reason you can join us on facebook youtube instagram and our website we are remember that on our website you can also listen to the podcast right after service all sermons are uploaded as soon as possible and there for you to refresh on what the lord spoke to you about last sunday our pastor spoke an amazing service so i encourage you to go and listen to it all right lw we love you and we appreciate your time being here let's get ready for service remember to always put jesus first god bless [Music] good morning we're family and friends how are you today you guys ready to worship jesus amen hallelujah i know i am i know that we are uh as a worship team and as always i want to invite you guys to join us amen and worship and praise amen you can lift your hands you can dance you can shout amen all to his glory amen we uh know that where the holy spirit is there is liberty and i know holy spirit is here this morning amen let's let's pray dear heavenly father lord we thank you we love you lord for allowing us to be here this morning lord for uh all all your goodness father god lord thank you lord for everyone here father god i pray lord jesus that you be glorified you be praised this morning that's our purpose lord lord and i pray that you would touch every heart here this morning and those watching online father and lord we ask all these things in jesus mighty name and everybody says [Music] so [Music] step [Music] don't be afraid [Music] [Music] waiting [Music] is [Music] [Music] freedom [Music] come back is communion come back [Music] there [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hearts awake at the sound of jesus of jesus christ [Music] where the spirit of the lord is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] that's [Music] he told me [Music] i thank god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this way is [Music] foreign thank god [Music] i am [Music] i am [Music] is i am free [Applause] [Music] thank [Music] if he did it for me he will do it for you if he did it for me he can do it for you come on [Music] [Music] get up [Music] get [Music] come [Music] get up get us [Music] [Music] the jesus of jesus is the spirit of [Music] prophecy [Music] [Music] get up get up get up and turn [Music] [Music] he changed my name [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] so [Music] and everything in my heart knows that i'm his joy and his pride i feel the peace in his whisper that his intentions are pure you said that you would never and i know that you are here with me [Music] but when you [Music] said he will do it for you [Music] you said [Music] my mother [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you ain't going anywhere [Music] is [Music] you said [Music] [Music] me [Music] you ain't going anywhere [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] anyway [Music] i know that you are here with me [Music] you said that you will never leave [Music] i know that you are here with is [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] [Music] can you justify [Music] testify [Music] to me [Music] you said that you would never my love that you are come on church how many of you know that our god is a god of promises amen our god keeps his promises amen he's our provider he's our healer he's everything he's the great i am amen [Music] and so we believe that he's a god of promises if he's made a promise to you it will come to pass faithful through the ages [Music] stand fast [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] the same [Music] history come through there's nothing you can [Music] do [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] foundation [Music] [Music] my [Music] my [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he wants to [Music] [Music] and my god will never [Music] [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you take what the enemy meant for me when you turn it forward foreign you turn when you turn it forward [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] victory every voice [Music] in the holy spirit you are welcome to come flood this place feel [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] is your presence [Music] there's nothing worth more that could ever come [Music] jesus [Music] when my heart becomes free and my shame is you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] your presence [Music] is your glory god is [Music] hallelujah come on let's give the lord a big hand amen how many can fill his presence in this place amen you can go ahead and take your seats those that are sitting here and those that are watching on our live stream we just want to welcome you this morning amen on behalf of our pastor pastor reuben but right now we're getting ready amen we're going to move to another important part of our service and that's in our tithes and our offering just like the song says holy spirit you are welcome here keep walking them welcoming him here even at this time amen because the holy spirit will prompt us go ahead and give pay your tithes be faithful amen and so right now it's offering time those that are watching on our live stream you can click the link that is in there to give you all the information on there or you can text the word give to 833 i want to read a portion of scripture amen as as we get ready to give if you need to tie the envelope and offer an envelope if you can lift up your hands one of our ushers our archery should be more than glad to get one to you amen and just like the song says you're welcome here welcome the holy spirit that's prompting you right now to say go ahead and give something second corinthians uh chapter nine verse seven i'm gonna be reading out of the nlt it says you must each decide in your heart how much to give and don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure for god loves a person who gives cheerfully another translation says the cheerful giver amen and so go ahead and smile i know we can't see you behind that mask if you're smiling or not but put a smile amen because this is a happy time as we come together this is something that we should rejoice in god you've been so faithful to me that i can't help out of the gratitude of my heart but to pay my tithes and my offering so it's talking about here the attitude how do we have the attitude god wants us to have when in order to give if scripture starts it says it starts with the heart amen because it goes there you must each decide in your heart amen so god is more interested in our heart than he is in our than our finances amen now don't get me wrong i mean we need finances to continue to reach teach men and sin but he's interested i'm building and shaping our heart amen and what's happening on the inside so like the scripture says you must decide let me know you have to make a choice right now i'm going to make a choice and even when you give you got to make a choice am i going to be honest in what i'm making amen because sometimes we like to shorten it sometimes you know we make all kind of excuses i left my wallet at home you know and stuff like that but that comes as we mature in our giving that comes in time amen because we're learning how to trust the lord amen and how many know we can't go wrong with trusting the lord so it says give thoughtfully four things give thoughtfully he says not uh don't give impulsively and because how many know if it's important we plan for it if it's important we plan for it that's why you're here this morning because church is important for you you plan for it you know and you make time for it and we thank you for that but also in our giving when we purpose in our heart what we're saying we're planning i already plan when i get my check this amount is going to my tithes and my offering if you've already paid your tithes learn to give above your tithes give offering amen and giving a little more because how many know we cannot out give the lord so god wants our giving to be an important part in our life so give thoughtful it means that we're giving and we're thinking about we're giving and then the second thing is give enthusiastically don't just say i have to give because you feel like you're pressured or something like no i mean we have to learn out of a gratitude of our heart god i'm just so grateful that we still have a place to worship and we have a beautiful place to worship how many can say amen and so when we learn we're going to be excited we're going to be genuine i can't wait god to put my money in that envelope amen if you need to take envelope home during the week and put it in there that way you won't spend it and set it aside that when you come back to church on thursday amen or sunday you have something to give unto the lord and then it says give voluntarily not out of pressure where he says man don't don't feel like you're pressure say i'm going to give if they play my song if i get goosebumps i'm going to give no we got to give automatically because the word of god says that it's a response of our obedience to his word but sometimes we come if i hear that one song i'm going to give no it's not about that one song it's about being obedient to his word and when we're obedient to his word god is going to be able to provide for us and then the last thing he says give cheerfully with joy that means hilarious a greek word means hilarious and how many know sometimes it's not hilarious because you're going to take a step of faith you pray god challenge my faith stretch me grow me so there's going to come a time when you're going to have bills and then you're going to get a check he says this doesn't add up am i going to trust god and step out in faith or am i going to put my bills first amen and when you learn to trust god god will provide amen for your bills to be paid amen and sometimes it just we don't know how to budget that's why we can't pay our tithes and pay our bills the money god gives us for our bills we we spend it on those burritos and stuff like that eating out starbucks amen but but god says that if if you put me first amen and you and as i provide for you i'm going to give you i'm going to give you seed to sow he says then you can trust me and be faithful amen so this morning we're going to pray we're going to ask god to bless our tithes bless our offering and remember if you're feeling on the inside to give more that's that's the holy spirit don't say lying devil because the devil's not going to tell you to give to the house of god amen so pray with me this morning father we thank you lord for everything you're doing here in our lives individually but also as a church my god i pray god that you bless our tithes you bless our offering lord for the furtherance of your gospel lord we ask this in your son's precious name and everyone said amen and amen god bless you as you give [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah you're gonna hear me [Music] is inside of me [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] how crazy [Music] [Music] little louder sing a little louder [Music] [Music] is [Music] miami [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is amen you can go ahead and take your seats and before our passenger comes up amen we have a a few pastors that are visiting up maybe you can stand amen we have pastor albert and martin from the living word lamar we have pastor bethel here maybe the pastors that are here i mean you can stand up that way we can give you a hand there or they can see who you are amen amen let's go ahead and give them a a good hand amen amen you can go ahead and take your seats and anyone else first timers here man we just want to welcome you amen so i'm going to go ahead and turn it over to our pastor let's give our pastor a big hand pastor ruben reyna as he makes his way i like that rock and roll for the lord and to know that he's alive and he's doing a good good work and god is good can you say man he's so so good before i get to preaching we got a little uh video right now of our graduates so i want you to take a good look at it at them and junior high come on all right come on these are amazing guys and girls i graduated i'm really proud of them they did something i never did so that's a good thing that's a good thing amen i want them to come forward if they're here i want them to come forward we're going to pray for you come on where's the guitar player you stand here in the front where sister lopez at okay somebody else here there you go all right come on i'll stretch your hands this way heavenly father we thank you for all these young men i pray your blessing upon them i pray you touch them lord their future i pray that their future will just go great that you will open up big doors for them that they'll glorify your name and lord that they will lift you up and be the testimonies that they need to be wherever they're going lord in the name of jesus lord i thank you for such a blessing to see these young men just love you and praise you and lord thank you for allowing them to graduate and i just pray that you will lead them and guide them and then when they walk away from this platform that they will never be the same in jesus name i ask amen amen turn your bibles over to the book of let's see here i'll have uh let's go to first let's go to samuel first samuel chapter 22 and we are still in the breakers anointing and i want to deal with a couple of issues because we have communion but we do have to deal with a few issues that i feel that are necessary so samuel 22 first samuel 22 and also i want to deal with that breakers anointing because that breaker breaker's anointing is the thing that breaks the yoke from from the people that are bound by the enemy and that's in micah chapter 2 verse 15 somewhere in there but it speaks about how god gathered the men of judah and jacob's men and they were all together and when they started shouting loud in the presence of god that the lord said i'm coming before you and i'm going to break the yoke of everything that's holding you back so you and i have to understand that we are the people of god and that we are god's called people to accomplish the will of god here on earth as it is in heaven and looking today at the life of david david was a man that was anointed not only as a grown man but he was anointed as a young man a young man that was young but yet had the presence of god all over him he was able to take down goliath he was able to take his head off take his sword and get it as a trophy to the point where they put that big old sword right in the house of the god and they stored it there for a reference point so that david could remember that if he could win one war he would he would win many wars so sometimes we need to remember that god is dealing with us and that god is doing something supernatural with us but there are changes that take place in your life and that's where you got to remember that he will never leave you nor forsake you so here we go chapter 22 verse 1 of first samuel david therefore departed him hit departed thins and escaped to the cave of addulam with his brethren and all his father's house herded and they went down thither to him and when everyone that was in distress and everyone that was in dead and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves with him and he became the captain over them and there were with him about 400 men heavenly father we thank you this morning for allowing us to be here i pray that your word will come really clear to us and that your holy spirit will speak to us in jesus name i ask amen and amen when god calls a man he calls him and man listens to him but what man can't see up ahead it's revealed to him as he walks so we walk by faith and not by sight david as a young man started walking forward got a few victories and you know what happened he became king and from a king he went to a nobody and ended up in a cave called abdul abdullah the cave of abdullah so the very thing that god wants to put inside of us is called value value you need to value yourself when you value yourself then you can speak to yourself and take inventory about yourself what god has done for you and where are you now and where are you headed because he wants you to know that you're very valuable to him in the good and the bad and in the ugly say with me i'm a valuable person and you need to believe that because when the war gets tough you got to remember that you're the apple of his eye because the battle will range and the attacks will come but if you know that you're valued then you will rise out of the ashes of wherever you're at and god will accomplish what he needs to accomplish in your life and in the people around you when we were singing that song it took me back when the plague came i called all the guys rabul was there all the all this worship team we didn't stop doing services over online all of us got sick the majority of us got sick and we all bounced back and we all started fighting back why because we valued god's house we valued god's people and a little plague wasn't going to hold us down come on somebody because because we value what the work of god all right that's me speaking evaluate philip but we go through changes david a young man anointed conquered the giant became king had a moral failure and all of a sudden nobody liked him after he married bathsheba and he reigned for a little while but they were jealous of him and everybody came against him and he ended up in a cave with no value as far as the people were concerned they were looking at him and this they were saying he has no value in the kingdom but everybody else around him saw something beautiful can you imagine from a palace to a cave so anything can happen to us you can't say that you're safe right now yeah you're safe where you're at but things can happen how many have had things happened to you a lot of things happened to you you lost a lot of things too you lost a lot of friends but you're still here why because he values you jesus said these words in the book of matthew he says you are more valuable than a bunch of sparrows he told that to his disciples his disciples didn't understand what on earth jesus was trying to communicate to them until jesus died then they valued what he was saying and what he put what he put inside of their hearts value value david is in this cave can you imagine setting office in a cave i mean that's pretty cool i was in nogales and they took me to a mexican restaurant and guess where it was in a cave it was the most beautiful restaurant i've ever been to inside of a cave but not only was the cave beautiful the food was good i started valuing cave and the food and the cooks you know when you get bad food you just want to curse the cook why because there's no value in the food and here david runs to the cave because everything is going wrong he's got a madman named saul after his life because saul was so jealous jealousy when a person is jealous they act weird man how many have ever had a girlfriend that was jealous okay let me go to the other side how many have ever had a boyfriend that was jealous where are you going where you been who are you with they got they go through every single thing why because they're full of jealousy the very thing that follows a man of god or a woman of god is jealousy jealousy and jealousy does something for you what does it do for me well it makes you upset i know that but it makes you into a real man of god when you say i don't care about jealousy i know that god values me and he's going to put me where he wants me regardless of what anybody says the jealousy is a demon designed to bring you down don't ever listen to a voice of jealousy step it up and stepping up into the rock and saying i will not be moved by your jealousy i will not leave the church by your jealousy i will not leave this place because of the competition i have the breakers anointing i will break through every demonic force that the enemy throws at me i am proud to see this worship team all the time and the reason why i'm proud because they've been tested they look young you know rahul looks young among the young people they make them young i mean you know i look at him and say that guy looks young he's lacking a little hair now but he still looks young the first thing that grows is when you get it all is your forehead don't look at mine right now but this group has been tested people tell me they're anointed yeah but they were through they went through the fire with me with our ministers all of us together like a like like a an arrow we were attacking we didn't care no more we got tired but they've been refined when you hear anthony when you hear soto they've been refined because we've been in the fire we didn't allow anything to slow us down why because we value who we are and we know that god loves us more than a bunch of sparrows he values us that's why you guys need to value your wives if you're married look at her because you will never find another wife like that one now let me let me give you this other one she will you will not find another one because a lot of them today don't know how to cook don't get offended i'm just pointing out just the little things the value of a woman is so beautiful man if you have a good woman and if you've been married to her for a long time you ain't going nowhere because nobody else wants you no more but you get to value that lady because she is so awesome so awesome the things she does she washes she takes care of the baby she does everything she is so awesome at the same time ladies the man you got did put up with a lot come on man say amen don't be a coward because who's next to you i mean there's some issues that only you know nobody else knows you should just visit that's why the house is a house and it's private it's called the cave of abdul but notice that when when god places through places you through experiences and experiences god begins to draw people to yourselves in that cave look look look at verse 22 verse one it says david therefore departed thins and escaped to the cave of abdul and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it they went down thither to him first thing you're going to see is that family sticks together amen you need to value your family well you don't know my family demon possessed but so are you so were you but you value your family that's that's the very thing that came into that cave was his family after the advertisement that david was in that cave his family came and then the 400 men came and look at their condition every one of them that was in distress everyone that was in debt and everyone that was discontented gathered themselves unto him and he became captain over them and they were with him about 400 men why because the family listen to me family draws people when you know i could go to the neighborhood and if i say the family care don they'll go i know that family i know that family and everybody talks about that family if that family is good they'll talk good that family is bad they'll talk bad but everybody knows him but here david had a good family and his family came but here is here's the condition of these men sounds like the home they were in distress extreme anxiety living in extreme anxiety what distress means in debt they owed everybody household finance the market the liquor store your buddies your mother-in-law you owed everybody matter of fact when you walk out when you walk down the street you walked out like this what do you got here i got nothing i broke bro i owe everybody and that's how you they came towards david then the last one two of these produced number three discontented means that they were bitter people bitterness because when you own something when you're in distress and you're in debt bitterness comes in how many have ever gotten bitter because you couldn't pay your bills bitter because you've been you burned everybody else so you're bitter because you committed the crime but you're blaming everybody else but it's your bitterness talking out of you bitterness talks i always pay attention to people in what they say because what they say means a lot to me and they're saying more than what they say that's what a shepherd is you got to have good years ross parole you got to pick up your ears i'm all ears instead of giving your opinions just listen and after you listen you start repairing things but you got to listen it's like when your wife she tells you something and you don't listen nah it doesn't matter it doesn't matter and then the car broke i told you go chase the water pump you didn't listen to me you have to learn how to listen these people were distressed in dead and discontented and guess who was there david man full of the value of god he didn't have no riches then he lost his kingdom he conquered goliath now he didn't have nobody but he was rich within himself he had an anointing that was breaking the yoke from all those wonder 400 men he got him individually and he broke the yoke of poverty the yoke of bitterness he broke those yolks and when they broke those yolks they started listening to him you know what was going on in that cave number one they had to give themselves to accountability inside of that cave they had to give an account for what they were in other words they could not hide no more who they were when you live in close quarters you can't hide and god started pulling all the covers away but they were willing that's number one they were willing to be under accountability willing to be a accountable in other words this is what i owe this is what i did i wasn't no good but i'm giving an account to you david so you can know who you're running with and how i need you to help me through this area i am willing to give an account to you david and then they had an obligation the obligation was to live right they would see david being chased down by saul and they had the obligation that if david could do it and stand up to all that pressure of saul then they stood up what david said if david you can do it you fortified us because you have value in your life and that value is spreading all over our soul the other thing is they got responsibility they were able to protect david the bible says that these guys look like lions when you will see one of david's 400 men the water locos that we see today are nothing they look like lions man their hair was long their beer carlotes big dudes riding the horses boom boom two swords you know two swords ready to hold on let's do it they weren't afraid of anybody a matter of fact the bible says that when they would see them they would get frightened just by their looks the problem is today is that we have churches that are sissies what i'm about to say the mother here it goes the woman runs the house instead of the man well if my wife lets me shut up i mean it's okay to discuss it but you're the final authority stella look at me where are you going i said i'm going to meet the worship team i'm going over there i'm mad at this plague and she would give me a smile like gave me the appropriate point i could see panchavia inside of her you know see the enemy wants to keep us locked up living in all kinds of fear and anxiety and that we can't do anything listen to me we were crazy people we did crazy things we don't say it but we did some of you look look lily these ladies look so saintly then you raise your arms and pull attachments are you with me these men were coming into a place where they were giving themselves to a man that was modeling everything that he was saying he was just not saying that he was living it because saul was after him with javelins and throwing stuff at him and wanted to kill him and david would not allow himself to go to the place of destroying the king he had all the possibilities to do it to kill him but he wouldn't because he didn't want to touch listen to this god's anointed because he didn't want to touch god's anointing he was valuing what another man had knowing that he was wrong but he was looking at the anointing can i tell you something don't ever talk bad about the man of god because when you talk bad about the man of god you do not know that anointing that lives inside of him but god is listening to your words and you're actually cursing yourself tell your neighbor i think pastor's talking to you david was a man that was full of accountability to god listen to me if you're ever going to walk in the fear of god you're going to have to have accountability to god when you tell him everything you the things you can't speak to your wife or her husband you tell him everything i remember stella used to tell me i don't want to tell you but i'm taking care of you in the closet that would put the fear of god in me what was she saying i got a god that can take care of business and i he and man she was an amazing lady anyway accountable so david had these three qualities but he was imparting more than just words it is not what you say that produces fruit it's what you are not what you say but what you are so you can say all the right things and do all the wrong things and that's what kills the very thing that god is trying to do come on give jesus a good clap boyfriend see anytime you get upset just think that you're acting like saul because saul was jealous saul was full of rage and saul wanted to kill david and any time you break out a rage and you break out in a tantrum that means that you better get rid of the temp tantrum that you're throwing and the anger that you have i had anger i had a lot of anger my life was full of anger and bitterness it was bitterness i had to call out god i fasted seven days it's not like she was using what i told you seven days to get rid of that bitterness after the seventh day one morning i got up and before i got up i had a dream that god came and he grabbed my bitterness like a tree with the roots he grabbed that tree and he pulled it out out of all that bitterness that i had when i woke up i was a different person i told stella god heard my prayer and delivered me from this bitterness anger that i had inside of my soul how do you deal with it you deal with it when you fast and pray and read your word god starts destroying the very thing that lives inside of you david was a man that was like that that's why he was so meek the bible says that one time he was about to kill kill saul he had him and when saul turned around guess what he did david dropped to his knees and he bowed his head to the ground and said i am sorry that i opposed you i should have killed you but i can't you're god's anointed yeah i can still get up i could hear i could hear somebody's head he's not going to get up i'm still strong don't don't call another excavator but saul was so humble i mean damon was so humble that he didn't take his life he could have he could have like all of us we could do things but we're not supposed to do them and the hardest thing is to find yourself and to be who god wants you to be on the inside not only teach it do it because it's in the doing that the impartation goes into the men before we got this place it was it was a lot of fights it's a lot of ugliness but i said the lord i said to the lord i said you get me wherever you want to but do it quickly do it quickly because i'm responsible for all the people of god here i am so responsible lord show yourself to be real to the people and in a month and a half this is where we landed up so this is this is not ruben morena's house this is god's house hallelujah god's house you are the person inside of you value yourself that's my message right there i could get it i got to get into it somebody said next week i'll do it but value yourself in who you are i'll put it this way and repent of what it is evil inside of you look at it how many years have ever had the holy ghost tell you this is what's wrong with you and he pinpoints it and he won't take that finger off pinpoints it bothers you and mentally bothers you and you feel bad in it and as long as you want to keep it the longer god hits it why because he loves you he wants to make you into that woman of god he wants to make you into that man of god that will flourish in the kingdom of god but you have to be willing we're going to take communion right now we're going to take communion and this is the examination here that we're going to have to get rid of the old and ask for forgiveness and get this heavy load right off of off of us as the worship team comes up i want the ushers to get ready and just close those doors because we need the air conditioner here and the air conditioner goes out when you leave the doors open close those doors please okay thank you so what do we have to do pastor reuben we have to look at ourselves just like david's men did they were honest they were in distress they were bitter they weren't dead and sometimes poverty is not just those things it is a demon spirit that grabs the minds of people listen to me you don't need to have a poverty spirit you can live in the fullness and abundance but there has to be a repentance in you and when you do that god can do what he needs to do go ahead and start serving my brothers these are real simple the breads on top i mean on the bottom so if you just pull the little paper in the bottom the little cracker falls off and then take the paper on top and the wine comes you know the fruit comes out those that are outside they're serving you too and pastor anthony's outside and if you need prayer anthony's right there and yolanda to help you i want you to stand after you get served you can just stand we need more david's in the house of god we need more mary's in the house of god martha we need women of god that will say you know what i'll do anything for the kingdom of god but we need to ask for forgiveness and we need to examine ourselves where we're at think about why things are not going too good for you even as a pastor i have had to look at myself look at myself and say you know what god if i'm holding back this church i want you to forgive me change my ways so i could do your will because all of us get stuck that way all of us in little things big things we need to just sometimes just forgive each other forgive whoever came against us and say to god please just clean me up lord i'm leaving everything in your hands because you died for me and i love you with everything with all my heart and all my soul i love you is everybody served okay i'm waiting so i want you just to take time right there and just examine yourself be be sincere be sincere with yourself if the peace is here with god if you just have to whisper it out just whisper don't even speak in tongues right now repent in english in spanish i don't want to hear your sins god wants to hear them heavenly father right now just put an x-ray in this expose expose their every the very thing that is stopping us [Music] in the name of jesus father i forgive my mother i forgive my father i forgive my sister i forgive whoever i hurt i forgive her i let it go i forgive my husband i'm letting him go i'm putting him in god's hands thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take it this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me let's partake of the body symbolically [Music] after in the same manner he took the cup when he ends up saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do e as often as you drink it in remembrance of him let's partake yeah i should just keep those little cups or the ushers will pick them up you can put them down wherever you're at and just lift up your hands and let's just praise him right now come on if you want to pray this is the time thank you heavenly father thank you for your power thank you for your glory thank you for your forgiveness take a thank you lord for just delivering us in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus well i'll wait until all the noise it's like picking up an offering [Music] you're gonna have to put a felp on those things come on lift up your hands lift up your hands come on do you know how to speak in tongues let's speak in those tongues now's the time thank you father thank you father thank you father come on take those mask out for a little while and speak in tongues make it loud and then put them back on allah [Music] oh thank you for your forgiveness thank you for your love thank you for your mercy thank you for your great abilities i pray for all the pastors i pray for a fresh anointing upon their lives upon their their lives and their ministry pray that you will start opening up doors in the name of jesus cleanse us by the blood of the lamb father thank you father thank you father thank you fallen thank you father [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah have my heart you can have my heart [Music] no reservations you're not looking for perfection [Music] but there's [Music] every day [Music] if nothing less than my devotion [Music] i'll give you [Music] you can have my heart [Music] my [Music] [Music] set me free from selfish motives and i'll give you everything i'll give you every day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh to have my heart [Music] oh [Music] is what is yours forever [Music] what is yours forever heart is yours forever heart is yours forever [Music] what is yours forever [Music] if you want my heart you got it you got it you got it you want my heart you got it you got it you got it you [Music] you got it you got it [Music] you can have my heart [Music] you can have my heart [Music] oh you can have my heart [Music] [Applause] if [Music] missing [Music] i belong to you [Music] you because i belong to you my heart is yours forever [Music] [Music] forever [Music] is what is yours forever [Music] it all belongs here it all belongs to [Music] it all belongs to you [Music] every room [Music] from [Applause] i will respond when you call me i will respond [Music] when you call me i will respond if you call me i will respond [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] it all belongs to him amen amen church god bless you have a good sunday man and the last week you
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 184
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QYh9X9553MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 23sec (7523 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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