Johnny Silverhands Memories Are Lying to Us | Cyberpunk 2077 Theory

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Johnny silverhands memories are lying to us throughout cyberpunk 2077. the reasoning behind this is that a large portion of silverhand's memories and dialogue shown in 2077 are either fragmented and damaged or directly falsified the causes vary from narcissism cyberpsychosis radiation and Ingram damage as well as outside sources directly editing silver hands memories now if you're familiar with my channel this will be a recognizable topic I previously made two videos covering the idea that silverhand in some fashion is either lying to be or completely unaware of his fabricated reality these videos Barely scrape the surface of this topic and were primarily created to get interaction in conversation within the community started everyone had amazing input within the comments and there's no limit to the analysis from the community now weeks later after consistent research Discovery and interaction with the community I can continue on to create this video I will be placing my cyberpunk playlist below for those interested in the previous videos however they won't be necessary for this video besides learning what has led up to this point yet again I just want to thank everyone watching for the support now getting into this topic we need to keep in mind that these flashbacks are not brain dances silverhands flashbacks are connected to his own memories and neural network we can see in the sequence as we never Fade Away gig begins that we are enhancing our link to silverhand's neural network and memory from the chip we aren't seeing a pre-recorded brain dance that shows the objective truth it is more of a dream sequence and silverhand has been within Seoul prison for 50 years leaving plenty of time for his own memory to betray him as he could easily forget specifics create false perceptions and details or simply want to remember himself as more of a hero to avoid being stuck in a loop of regret alone for so long within 2077 while interacting with alt's AI form alt States what you saw was his subjective view of what happened a warped account of events he locked away in his subconsciousness and replayed time and time again it Bears no resemblance to the truth this statement in a sense is coming from a creator of Soul killer and soul killer itself alt knows that silverhands Ingram is corrupted though the specific reasons aren't clearly stated we can assume that not only have his memories become foggy and mixed but his engram itself is distorted we can assume as well that the AI despite not being alt herself in her complete form has a more accurate detailing of the events that occurred leaving the AI capable of comparing both silverhand and alt's memories side by side within 2077 we can find constant inconsistencies presented to us by the Ingram of Johnny silverhand in relation to Silver hands time within the military that Ingram states that he participated in the second Central American war in Mexico while in reality Johnny was sent to Nicaragua instead the Ingram States as well as dong tangs belong to a soldier who sacrificed his life to save Johnny despite this though the tags have Johnny's original birth name Robert John Lindor rather than their colleagues though this could be interpreted as some deeper meaning it is unlikely if this claim was to honor his friend silverhand would have changed his name to Robert John Lindor rather than Johnny silverhand in order to actually honor his friend more than likely the Ingram makes this claim as they are unaware of their own original name this possibility would be supported by his memories being corrupted or altered by an outside Source the Ingram later claims that he once thought about inviting Rogue to the cinema but when V asks her about it she states it was her idea instead this claim helps to support that silver hand remembers himself in a much better light than is in reality he believes himself to be the Romantic who cares about others though he had completely discarded Rogue and caused their original breakup one of the most apparent altered sequences would be silverhands concerts in 2023 before assaulting aerosaka Tower and his concert in the 2013 flashback before alts kidnapping seeing as Samurai had been disbanded since 2008 it wouldn't make sense for there to be two additional concerts afterward directly before these major events especially since silverhand had to reunite the band for the 2013 Riot during the 2013 concert we see Heavy visual distortions throughout the show hinting at alterations being made to his memories and even possibly pieced together that we do only see Carrie during the show the playing of a samurai song wouldn't make sense as silver hand was solo at this point in 2023 as well it is clearly 2 min memories pieced together as silver hand walks out of a concert directly going into a helicopter despite this being a militech operation that clearly wouldn't begin their off outside a concert I'm going to be giving summary readings of the essential silver hand stories throughout the tabletop RPGs such as 2013 2020 Firestorm and red these will be to give a more detailed Canon story from the table tops to you all in order to better understand what I will be referencing there will be analysis directly after each story so feel free to skip them as I'll have the video time stamped silverhand's apparent falsifications begin as early as his first official story Never Fade Away famed rocker boy Johnny silverhand plays a show at the hammer nightclub in night City most accompanied by his girlfriend alt Cunningham after the show they slip out of the back entrance to avoid the crowds and responded by a group of punks Emma Alleyway ahead a Don McCullers of the Ice brothers gang and invite Johnny for a post-gig drink sensing danger Johnny graciously foregoes the celebrations in positions all out of danger and behind the side without his cyber enhance namesake arm Johnny readies his weapon but he's too slow the trio of punks jump him and he's knocked down seconds before alt is kidnapped slipping in and out of Consciousness Johnny Val's Revenge a media by the name of Thompson observes the scene from a distance is being there is no coincidence and he waits until the violence is over knowing the odds are against him he approaches Johnny and calls him a trauma team using his personal card the doctor working on Johnny is to familiar face one he has seen from operating table time and time before and had previously installed Johnny's iconic namesake silver hand the doctor treats Johnny like a son especially since his actual son and Johnny's best friend was killed several years before among the work carried out Johnny receives several feet of synthetic intestine none of which will be seen thanks to the work of modern Medical Technology we'll see works the doctor chastises Johnny rhetorically asking when is he going to give this type of life up Thompson introduces himself as Johnny gears up for a fight with the unknown enemy he reveals that his attackers were not simple punks but rather professionals hired by the arasaka corporation however they weren't there for Johnny but rather for alt Thompson explains that by killing Johnny would have looked like a typical Street hit and divert that attention from alt kidnapping he then informs an oblivious Johnny of alt's involvement in developing Soul killer an unimaginable piece of software that can quite literally remove the mind of a Netrunner and imprison them in a digital world Johnny aware of the software is shocked by the Revelation that his girlfriend created the piece of software described as the closest thing to Hell on Earth it is revealed that arasaka are developing their own version there's only a matter of time before they recruit at all though in this instance obviously not willingly Thompson Reveals His Own grudges with the megacorp and the parent agree to team up to rescue all the duo head to the Atlantis a rundown night City Bar bustling with the context looking for work Tony is after vasolo wrote his former lover and part of Rogue Santiago Duo a highly recommended solo team reportedly earning up to 5 000 Eddies a night in this actually hesitant of the request Santiago Bargains for 30 000 Eddies and the deal is made turning the duo into a team of four before further details can be discussed the party is interrupted by a corporate goon looking to finish Johnny off though he is no match for rogue who swiftly takes him out Rogue Santiago and Thompson take out four more goons that swing up behind the bar while Shawnee narrowly avoids a shot that kills a nearby Patron the team Retreat Johnny's Porsche as Thompson deduces that they were tracked by his trauma team card before they make it to the car an arasaka ab4 appears overhead as Rogue is a first Target in their sight before she has gone down Thompson takes the AV out with a well-placed shot from the grenade launcher ditching the car to avoid another Ambush the team head off on foot Santiago takes the lead followed by Thompson and Johnny with Rogue bringing up the rear elsewhere elsewhere while Cunningham is surprised not to find herself in the company of the boosters that kidnapped her but rather in the relative comfort of an arasaka facility she is greeted by toshiro erasaka and his bodyguard Acura after being offered a drink alt notices the way in which actor moves like that of a professional killer and decides against making a move against her mysterious kidnappers it is revealed by toshiro that all had been nabbed to work for them a fact that calms or nerves and changes the dynamic of the situation however the conversation turned sour when he brings up Soul killer the team of Johnny Thompson Rogue and Santiago are lying low at the abandoned Mark Luke sir Hilton Hotel Santiago then suggests attacking's erasaka head on at their facility on the edge of town as all is either there or has been shuttled back to Japan to the arasaka HQ Rogue in agreement suggests the attack sooner rather than later as arisaka's main forces are probably still patrolling the streets rather than guarding the HQ whilst Johnny is running Diagnostics on his arm Thompson reckons of Soul killer programs probably only able to run on the Mainframe in the arasaka facility the group then begin planning the assault all it is plugged into the airsoft Mainframe the faint intention of recreating Soul Killer by memory Airsoft and netrunners watch her every move and dissuade her from trying anything not that any of it matters however her body lies on the couch of toshiro's office in a near komaso State as she is running through the net she thinks back on how she originally created the software initially creating it as a harmless program to contain artificial personalities before later discovering that the software could contain living personalities as well as seamless transfer back and forth essentially creating immortality when her employer its discovered the work they set about creating it as a digital prison that kills the body and traps the Mind indefinitely I'll realize that was only a matter of time before they either kill her or test the software out on her the team have made their plan and impromptu Samurai concert on the green outside the aerosolica building the idea is perfect to raise a literal Army of fans and something arasanka will never see coming by noon the whole city knows the band is Samurai the time is sundown and the beer is free three as the day goes on Restless mob converges on arasaka Tower all deep in the aerosak Mainframe it makes a breakthrough with the soul killer copycat she manages to create an artificial construct within the machine when the arasaka has not yet noticed a controller override that may hold the key to her survival Seiko harada a member of aerosaka security and a Japanese native watches the scenes unfold opposite the main entrance of the facility he watches as Johnny silverhand takes the stage knowing it would cause a massive riot if he were to take him out he breaks in a song his Smash Hit chip in it all the while scanning the crowd building the atmosphere and watching as his team gets in position ready for Johnny to Korea diversion however narasaka creates it themselves the guards go over the edge too much stress causes them to open fire on the crowds it is not enough as more than 6 000 rabid fans pounce and storm the lobby of arasaka Santiago covers the crowd picking off guards with his high-powered sniper rifle Rogan Thompson entered the lobby disguised as the members of iron sights a known erasaka collaborator Johnny joins the pair covered in a bloody aerosaka guards jacket the name of a tangreed senko the trail move up throughout the building obeying the arasaka security before hopping onto the top of the elevator cars to avoid the gunfire as they approach the upper floors she activates the shaped charges that have stopped outside the Executive offices toshiro approaches all wary that the time is short Johnny could burst in at any moment he orders Acura to hold alt and asks his texts if the software is ready they confirm any Jackson of a Mainframe and test the program at alt ripping her mind out of her body in the Mainframe all trolls through information on arasaka diverting funds from sabrio arasaka's personal accounts swiping the software's code fries the brains of the three Netrunner ticks and uses the room laser controls to burn acura's cyber Optics toshiro watch is on an astonishment complementing alt skills and escaping her certain Doom as she goes to transfer her mind back into her body the explosive charge goes off toshiro disconnects all from her cyber deck by accident as she throws himself on the ground in an attempt to Shield himself as the trio bursted Johnny rushes to alt but realizes it's too late her lifeless body rests on the couch as her mind is lost in the machine Thompson starts to broadcast the scene his big scoop to take down near asakus he confronts toshiro however a defeated John he tells him to cut the feet before he shoots toshiro dead Johnny leaves with alt's lifeless body as her digital form silently screams from inside the Mainframe Never Fade Away leaves us with a heart-wrenching scene within our heads all is trapped within the Mainframe as silver Ian walks away throughout this story we are given major characterizations of silverhand that helped to build upon exactly why his memories are unreliable his clear narcissism throughout the story shows an unreliability and what we see in 2077 silver hints narcissism and ego are the first indicators that his memories would be presented falsely narcissists commonly remember specific events incorrectly and even reformed their own memories to boost their own ego from the moment all is connect he is completely self-absorbed within his own ego believing aristonka's involvement was purely to get back at silverhand is completely clueless of alt's importance and line of work even immediately writing her off as one of the many netrunners of night City over duration of the story he drags others such as Alton Santiago into the mix endangering their lives without giving them an actual decision to be involved he cares only about himself and his goal of saving alt once the riot is formed he even sends thousands of his fans to a possibility of death and blends with the crowd once within the room if all silver can completely disregards the possibility of saving her this is as well worse memories become distorted from reality within the ttrpg is toshiro who throws himself under the ground and accidentally disconnects Alt from the cyber deck however in 2077 silverhand immediately shoots toshiro and disconnects all from the system in both scenarios silverhand makes no attempt to replug alt or to try to find a way to save her before disconnecting I believe in a psychological sense this silverhand's way of blaming himself for alt's death within the same story we can see the Cyber psychotic Tendencies silver hands Guided by Within Never Fade Away the hand is referenced several times to be leading silverhand to commit unreasonable acts of violence guiding him a lot and being the point of blame by Johnny silverhand's psyche is clearly going off the deep end and he isn't even in control of himself at several points the hin was confirmed as well as silver hand cyber psychosis expression we see his divinely urges he led by the hand as he shoots toshiro but also within 2077 when given the choice of punching Thomas regardless of a decision you select silverhand is dragged by a cybernetic arm into a fit of rage relentlessly punching the media until he's pulled off by Rogue whether this scene is Canon is honestly unknown to me as it occurs directly after where it would have been the tabletop the combination of narcissism and cyberpsychosis already brings silverhands memory of his past into question though the psychological effects brought on to Johnny are even the most convincing explanations to his memories being falsified Within 2077. moving past the Never Fade Away 2013 Adventure the next important event that contains the majority of silverheen's memory errors would be the 2023 arasaka HQ bombing this event happens to be the most important to silverhand's story of becoming an engram but it also happens to be the most controversial and misunderstood there happens to be a group of the community that tends to pass all the inconsistencies within the 2023 raid off as retcons this is not the case and I believe is the fallback reasoning for not wanting to think any further on the topic I do not say this to criticize this group but rather much of a community has settled and refused to search any further all of us should be helping to piece together the timeline those who claim they are retcons with no evidence despite pondsmith saying otherwise are settling I will be reading a summary of The arasaka Raid so like before if you would like to skip the narration the video will be time stamped so you can do so the bulk of spec regulation explanation and Analysis will be done directly after the summary during the fourth corporate war on August 20th 2023 a militech incursion team led by Morgan blackhan and Johnny silverhand attempted an infiltration mission in the arasaka towers of night City in order to copy or destroy the arasaka corporations reliquary database project and a race of a soul killer program from their Network the idea was to render the database project unusable for the Rival Court by using a tactical Nuclear device within the planned area a heavily shielded complex to absorb the impact of a blast and prevent massive destruction Johnny silverhand LED Team Alpha consisting of a few militech special ops a portion of a group of outdo condos known as belobos the solos Rogan chaitan the media Lyle Thompson and the Netrunner by the name of spider Murphy Morgan blackhan would instead lead team Omega with the rest of the mil Tech strike forces Johnny's team dropped out of an AV on the top floor of the arasaka towers with the mission of infiltrating the Laboratories 10 levels down into the building to retrieve alt Cunningham who was trapped in the arasaka network and destroying Soul killer it's unknown witch path the Omega team took but the last one to see black hand was one of the Lobos who witnessed him heading down a stairwell with a heavy suitcase after breaching into the building Alpha Team rushed to the labs where spider accessed the arasaka computers in order to contact alt and rescue her after transferring her into spider's data suitcase the Netrunner proceeded to download some kind of information in the data ships and uploaded a virus to destroy any information regarding Soul killer from the arasaka network when questioned by Thompson about the data chips spider lied to him saying they only contain information on the arasaka development team and other basic corporate knowledge Alpha team was suddenly attacked by Adam Smasher in a group of arasaka Troopers taking down many of the middle Tech operatives and Lobos in the first attack badly injuring Thompson and pinning down the rest of a team in the lab while both groups fired at each other spider snuck to her data suitcase in order to connect to the net and Scattered the various portions of all each tagged with a marker with the hopes of finding them someday during these events Johnny who had been knocked off by the initial attack managed to stand up but the militech SMG on one hand and his malorian on the other he shouted and provoked Smasher feudally emptying his guns on the Borg Smasher turned around and fired his auto shotgun at him cutting silver hand in half shaitan taking advantage of a distraction grappled in a mobilized Smasher telling the rest of the crew to leave spider Murphy trying to reach silverhand but Rogue stopped her telling the Netrunner he was gone spider reached inside her jacket and pulled out a data slug all had downloaded to her a long time ago Whispering she was sorry to Johnny spider inserted the chip into the back of a Dying rock or school she eventually try to reach for a data suitcase but soon realized it had been destroyed in the crossfire wishing all good luck spider helped Rogue and the surviving Lobos to drag the wounded Thompson into the elevator spider knew Johnny would be Avenged and while touching the remaining dad of chips in her pocket she knew rage barmas would be as well with their mission complete Alpha Team began their extraction once on top of the building they got into the rescue AV it is during the lifting off when they saw Morgan Blackhand going up against Adam Smasher on top of the aerosaga towers a few minutes later once the AV was quite far away from the building a nuke went off in the aftermath the Borg firefighter named Samantha Steven who was a fan of silverhand access to wrecked bunker among the Runes of the arasaka towers while exploring the area Samantha found the body of silverhead and unexploded arisaka nuclear device realizing how dangerous it was she emptied its contents into the depths of Del Coronado Bay and hid Johnny's body and of a new crate to preserve it at some point she also retrieved some of Johnny's possessions including one of his melorian 3516s and his porch she hid all of these items including the bomb case in her own garage somewhere in night City she protected and took care of them for decades preserving the vehicle in his pristine state by keeping it in cold storage and maintaining the weapons functionality by using cosmoline we first need to account for the reasonings behind silverhand's memories being lies that are already confirmed by Pawn Smith pondsmith on his official Reddit account states that Johnny's recollection of the events that day are scrambled from the Rand damage his body took in the process of recording his engram he as well states by cdpr and him have agreed that Johnny is an unreliable narrator at best and that the bomb that went off was detonated by an unknown person but militech and Medusa both decided to pin the blame on arasaka inning this statement shows that there is in Lord damage to his body and Ingram recording which could cause his memories to be incorrect as well as his own narcissism causing him to be an unreliable narrator this helps guide us into what went differently in the raid compared to 2077 within the ttrpg Canon it was both Morgan blackhan and silverhand who led the miltek op to raid arasaka HQ the goal was to destroy or copy the arasaka reliquary down database project silverhand was not the one to be given the bomb in this situation it is more than likely blackan who was tasked with planning the mini new as he was last seen headed down to lower floors of the Tower with an unmarked heavy suitcase silverhand as well was killed in his initial encounter with Adam Smasher only to be soul-killered and have his Ingram created on the spot by spider Murphy in his final moments with the chip she had been given by Alt this initial encounter and death can be seen within 2077's flashbacks but there is an extremely suspicious cut the moment silverhand is meant to be killed the rooftop scene that takes place after this cut originally occurred with Blackhand being tempted in a battle of Smasher the presence of memories of silver hand plane and nuke surviving his initial counter with Smasher only to be defeated on the rooftop then captured and interrogated by arasaka or extremely out of place this leads me to being complete belief that everything that occurred after silverhand's initial encounter with Smasher takes place within arasaka's makoshi Soul prison and planning memories of silverhand survival and capture in order to create a realistic interrogation of his Ingram in Seoul prison this would lead to the presumption that arasaka wouldn't have to just stop there in order to alter his memories including the memory of a false nuke in order to pin the blame for the mini nuke on rocker boy Johnny silverhand it all falls into place perfectly for arasaka drawing any attention away from them instead onto a Terrace that everyone can direct their hate at most wouldn't even know he was previously a famous rocker and Veteran he would have a data crash what is left to ponder is when did arasaka get a hold of silverhands Ingram and or Bonnie from Samantha Stevens and why what would lead them to eventually locate his engram and use it as their prototype for the biochip as well as why would Adam Smasher had Johnny silverhand's possessions stored on the ebunike cargo ship all these questions can actually be answered using the previous text 2017 7 and the story Black Dog contained within cyberpunk red yet again I'll be reading a summary of the story for those interested but there will be a time stamp for those who would like to skip to analysis and explanation one day while Leia was looking for a complete version of an old recorded song Trace helped her by uploading its lyrics on Madonna pool 20 minutes later they received a message after Gathering the whole party they followed the lead which eventually got them a job to transport a mysterious crate to the east to New Mexico this task was given by Samantha Stevens who as well gave silverhin's previous mallorian to the edge Runner Zara while on the road the gang encountered a group of Nomads whom they traveled with for a while it was there where Trace met a 40 year old man a former Lobo of the aldocados who recognized a young media while talking about Theresa's father the old man proceeded to Enlighten him by explaining what he recalled of the events that caused the night City Holocaust of 2023 in operation the old audacarlo himself had been a part of not long after crossing the New Mexico border both groups were on their separate ways following their findings on the crate they were transporting which was a large tube covered in numbers and many words in Japanese and marked in his Center was a radioactive warning they figured out it was probably a nuke that arasaka had been keeping this was confirmed later when Michiko arasaka managed to reach them after having gone behind their Trail for some time in order to assure the bomb didn't end up in bad hands she told them what had really happened the day the arasaka towers collapsed Tomlin How arasaka had hidden a powerful nuke beneath the towers just in case miltec reached their defenses during the war only to later find the remains of the miltek mini new within the Hot Zone but not their bomb in the end they managed to locate it and decide to leave it where it was until trace and the rest of his group got the job to transport it the media was a little shocked on hearing the Revelation with michiko's protection the group continued their mission finally reaching the facility in Los Alamosa were a woman by the name of angel took the bomb from them in order to properly dismantle it during her calmly Samantha her night City friend revealed that she was dying of cancer due to the radiation she had received after moving the arasaka bomb shortly after the HQ disaster of 2023. Angel responded that she shouldn't have done it as she could have waited until she was able to send help Samantha smirked as she reminded her friend that we didn't know who or what owned the bomb at that time so she had him quick this gave her enough time to recover all the important themes from the wrecked bunker under the ruined arasaka towers and enough time to get rid of the hot stuff at the bottom of Del Coronado Bay Angel thanked her for having done all that and asked if there was anything she could do to help her Samantha shook her head and said that she had promised to deliver him to Angel and after finally finding the right people she had kept that promise with that Samantha could finally take some time off and when she felt it was the time she would shut down her life support machine not long after the conversation with Samantha Angel approached the bomb she carefully rolled out its casing and introduced a coat into the small exposed keypad after hissing of compressed air the bomb's casing split in two revealing the blue white ice of a hitting Cairo chamber instead of a nuclear device tenderly looking down Angel glimpsed the dark Frozen face behind the current of ice while whispering hello my love if you hadn't already realized it was silverhin's body transported in the new crate by The Edge Runners Angel who looks nearly identical to alt receives the body for an unknown purpose claiming that Samantha Stevens isn't the only silver hand fan though this story is where silverhand's story officially leaves off before he's implanted in a V's head in 2077 we can make several educated inferences to piece together the rest of the story we know that angel being alt is a highly probable outcome seeing as alt had originally worked on Soul killer in order to put Personalities in a cloned or compatible bodies to essentially create immortality she is also fragmented and spread across the net so if her full personality hadn't been soul-killered and placed into a body we know at least a portion of her could have been similar to the AI alt we see in 2077 I also want to bring up the idea the angel very well could have messed with silverhands Ingram herself in order to protect information on her and silver hand which would explain the random concert directly before the 2023 arasaka raid silverhand's unawareness of his original name and other minor detail confusions throughout 2077 though these alterations wouldn't be the bulk of the inconsistencies we see within 2077 with all the information Trace had managed to obtain he wrote several exposes and books about the fourth corporate war in the time of red with this story published in my early 2040s the big lie a deception created by President Cress to blame arasaka for the 2023 Holocaust crumbled this publication backfired against militech the Noosa driving night City to realign itself with arasaka rather than the United States kurosaka for reasons related to maintaining good graces with night City look to track down their previously unlocated nuke alongside their search for all Cunningham in the net their search for all had begun with her original Disappearance in the arasaka Mainframe but continued with their child Netrunner training program in which children like Lucy were sent into the net to search for old knowledge and even alts and Graham as a result of searching for their lost nuke arasaka by complete coincidence comes across silverhin's body and in Graham as well since it had been stored in a new crate and transported under the veil of the nuke now while it is unknown rather the encounter Ulta as well or if they even retrieve silverhand's actual body we know that they now have the Ingram this is when they place the Ingram in a mikoshi and begin to mess with silverhand's memories and data arasaka implants false information in order to feed in a silverheen's ego make him believe he was responsible for more than he was in order to set a Civic scene as well as removing the memory of his death and replacing it with a new memory of being captured alive this is when they would interrogate the Ingram and Seoul prison under the guise of being directly after the mini nuke had gone off after interrogating the Ingram they can now use it as bait to lure out Alt from the black wall and capture AI or clone form this is similar to the plan but the voodoo boys had arranged during 2077 in which they used V in The Relic to lure out alt within the net alongside this Adam Smashers ordered by sabrio arasaka to retrieve silverhin's body in possessions arasaka previously was aware of Samantha Stevens garage unit that stored silverhands porch and other belongings so there's no leap in logic that after her death Smasher easily came into possession of these items we can assume as well that Smasher hunted down at least a portion of the edge Runners from Black Dog seeing as he also gave silverhands melorean arms pistol to Grayson which if it was the same edition of the gun was previously given to Zara during Black Dog meaning he would have hunted down and killed her for the weapon though it's always a possibility that this was a separate melorian as silver hand owned multiple throughout the years now that arasaka had silver hands ship they as well had access to crack into and worked with the Original Soul killer data that alt had uploaded into silver hands and Graham their plan now was to use the Ingram to continue research on The Relic program nor to create a biochip one that would be able to transfer sabrio arasaka into a new body upon his death which occurs in all of the 2077 endings as he takes over his son your nobu's body from this point on we are left to wait for additional tabletop content to be released as a general guideline I believe the organization information and outline within this video will be maintained in the official Canon of the tabletops though of course I may have gotten specific details either incorrect or out of order the soonest possible release we will be able to confirm a large portion of this info will be in the edge Runners mission kit for cyberpunk red which will update Red's Weaponry cyberware systems and story up to the year of 2077. till then we are left with piecing together what we know which hopefully this video did well overall we as a community know the timelines of red in 2077 connect so it's up to us to piece it together I hope you all enjoyed the video and let me know what you think Down Below in the comments you think we could possibly learn more information about silverhand's memories in Phantom Liberty thanks for watching and have a great day Tunes
Channel: LayedBackGamers
Views: 124,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2077, Edgerunners, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners, David Martinez, Gaming, PC, Keanu Reeves, Johnny Silverhand, Adam Smasher, Sandevistan, Cyberware, Cyberpsycho, Anime, Edgerunners Anime, Silverhand, Smasher, Morgan Blackhand, Blackhand, Arasaka, Arasaka HQ Bombing, Bombing, Arasaka Bombing, Lies, Fake Memories, Militech, Cyberpunk Lore, TTRPG, Cyberpunk RED, Silverhand Flashback, Johnny Silverhand Memories, Cyberpunk 2077 Lore, Cyberpunk 2077 Theory
Id: 3zov97ve5Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 21sec (2121 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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