Cyberpunk 2077: How to 1 Hit Kill Any Enemy/Boss on Very Hard Difficulty

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real quick the four things that you need to get 20K 20K damage in one hit um it's a net Runner build so I'm just gonna real quickly go through what I do um it makes even the hardest difficulty um pretty boring because it that's it kills everyone in one hit um what you want to do is you want to get this cyber deck okay you don't have to upgrade it all the way but this cyber deck um because of the 40 damage with combat quick hacks when immediately followed by a non-combat quick hack um that's essentially what you need um in the combat quick hack we're going to use is send us burnout um so the idea is to use synapse burnout plus a non-combat quick X so I have cyber world model function because it's got uh it requires less Ram so I use that um and just kind of do these two things repeatedly first this one then this one and then everyone will just go down in one hit provided that you have also this third thing in your cyberware this piece in your functional cortex that automatically gets you critical hit damage because it has a 100 critical chance you don't need to upgrade it you just need to buy the iconic version It's found anywhere it's found I think by any Ripper dock in Dogtown you can get it from any Ripper dock in knockdown and essentially gives you critical hit damage 100 of the time it has negative eight Ram um in the beginning before you upgrade it but that's okay because we are not going to worry about our Ram too much we're going to worry about overclock overclock um is really important for this build and it is exactly the thing that we need for this and it's exactly why we're using synapse burnout so Cinemas burnout not only does it do a ton of damage but it increases overclock by five seconds so you're essentially if you're if you keep using this remember this one and then this one um overclock gets extended essentially infinitely um and then if you want to do um if you don't want to be detected just do Sonic shock um and then do the other two so Sonic Shock first then synapse burnout then Samurai malfunction um once you have that just real quickly go over character uh I have maxed out cool because it Maxes up my um hit damage and then I have Subway and Technical ability maxed out because this is a Netrunner build um and I'm doing and I'm trying to get body to 15. because I get additional health and then I get this thing which is an adrenaline rush is essentially a health bar on top of your health bar so it's use a health item so once you have that again you don't need to worry about how much RAM you have it's nice to have a lot of ram but this is kind of what you're going for is you're you're using your health more than you are your RAM to do um all the damage because it's easier to recoup Health than it is to recoup Ram so that's essentially it and I'm going to show some gameplay uh to show how this works on the hardest difficulty problems [Music] thank you thank you thank you foreign
Channel: RuTube
Views: 5,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boss, Cyberpunk2077, PS5Share, ShareFactoryStudio, VeryHard
Id: 3anqAdICSmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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