Johnny Depp's funniest moments in court ( part 2 ) 💅🍷

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held my way back sorry i can't hear you woman [Music] it's just why do you deviate from our agreement it's not about her doing films how do you think she got aquaman sir you heard ms heard say get off me right no i did not this wasn't the first time that you talked about amber hitting the wall hard let's pull up exhibit 213 please hitting the wall hard based on the aspirations i'm sorry i was talking is that all right you you would answer my question we'll take a look at the next element as long as you're happy sir i felt this pressure i felt this pressure he thought he was presenting he was punching me sean bailey who was the the number three objection hearsay i i don't know yet i'll overrule it at this point thank you may i continue your honor yes sir thank you just basically said in the injection hearsay last week mr rottenborn asked you about a quote where you said you wouldn't come back to the pirates franchise for 300 million dollars in a million alpacas do you remember that i do when relative to that's correct that we don't have cameras in the videos um sorry we don't have cameras not the hallways we don't have cameras on the hallway she brought up the situation of the her fecal matter on the bed and i uh and she just tried to blame it on the dogs that's what the opiate does the dopamine and serotonin as you know i imagine are um things that keep us um it gives us our moods it gives us i appreciate that but my question wasn't that my question was i'm just trying to scream so the event was made you didn't know what could cause damage to mr depp's hand while you were there on march 8th correct dr kepler told me he sustained an injury on one of his weight rejection here's hearsay from the time that you did move in with him objection leading i'm going to object on hearsay uh my code objection your honor here say objection hearsay it was fun to hear say objection hearsay you said objection here say objection leading or on the street that calls for hearsay your honor i mean the plan was to objection your honor here say objection form compound did you have any discussions with ms heard on the way to coachella that evening we had a conversation pertaining to the surprise she left in the boss's bed and when you refer to the surprise in the boss's bed what are you referring to the defecation a few things about coachella and then the fecal [Music] delivery um saying that it was the dogs and i i'm sorry i could not agree with her i it was not the dogs but in fact you don't recall seeing amber heard on may 24th correct i don't remember i don't even remember what i got for breakfast okay insider from 2015 that says johnny depp has his fifth box office bomb in a row if that's what it said it said are you just going to keep reading this well i mean and you would agree that before the op-ed there was a negative publicity for mr depp about assassinating president trump you agree no i missed that one i don't particularly remember that i have a lot of stuff in front of me does she have another husband who abused her but they didn't talk about it mr drew who was a chef which i don't believe is here say but i've just never seen driving yeah that did it why are you here i am here because my ex-husband woman is suing me for an op-ed i wrote and how do you feel about that i i struggle to have the words i struggle to find the words to describe how painful this is this is horrible for me to sit here for weeks do you remember the first time that he physically hit you yes please tell the jury about it it was so it's seemingly so stupid so and like insignificant continue to drink and then eventually um started howling like an animal just i mean there's part of it the noise of the airplane [Music] passed out in a chair during daylight hours again isn't passed out uh that's a very specific term sleep could be one you're complaining about her ambition in this text to her to dr pipper correct um i'm realizing that her ambition is far stronger than her supposed feelings for me yes and you tell dr kipper i cut the top of my middle finger off in this text correct it's just the way it was worded it doesn't mean that i actually literally cut my finger off after at the age of 12 finding the only thing that gave me a piece which is playing the guitar very unlikely why didn't i start blopping off digits when i was 13 just the way it was worded now mr did you provide a copy of this pamphlet to amber heard i did not i did not identify her as a victim of domestic violence is that the sole reason why you did not give that to amber heard yes we want to give them to victims of domestic violence i'm going to ask you to take your honor at this point your honor uh miss herd's counsel is asking to move into evidence and publish to the jury [Music] about nine years isn't it true that while he was on the mezzanine level and misheard uh and and her sister were there that he was reaching for amber's hair while he was trying to hit her with that cast correct that is not correct and it's it's possible that she was standing in between mr depp and miss heard then correct no well in fact you saw mr depp uh push or shove whitney hurd correct absolutely not and it was only after mr depp pushed whitney that amber stepped forward and punched him in the face isn't that right that is not correct really i didn't understand why they want me to do that like oh i don't know do you have a drinking problem johnny objection calls for hearsay well the jury's saying what the doctors told him i think that's what's about to be testified too oh let me ask you a different question mr deb um let's let him object to another one mr could very easily drink two bottles of wine per night not a speed if you will cold to i don't know if i can say the name am i allowed to say the name at the beginning of her opening uh miss heard's counsel mentioned that the first time you supposedly struck miss hurd was in response to a comment about one of your tattoos yes i remember and what is your response to that it didn't it didn't happen i i've never struck misheard as i said yesterday i've never struck mister i've never struck a woman in my life would you agree that if you did not find something that would be in favor of mr depp and the negative to ms heard that you wouldn't be an expert in this case essentially you're into court if you're going to say that hurt is right mr depp is wrong so as a forensic psychologist my obligation is to the court is to the fact finder i present science regardless of what that science may be now when i take a case my retainer agreement is explicit about that and i just discussed that can you i'm asking you a question i'd like you to try to answer okay you understand that if that if you found favorably to misheard and negatively to mr depp you wouldn't be here right you wouldn't be testifying no i okay sorry hold on that's that's not speculation no i'll sustain the objection if you don't ask okay if it goes to bias your honor let's talk about makeup for a moment so you don't know what type of makeup regimen amber uses every day correct correct okay and in fact you don't and would you agree that there are a number of different types of makeup you can use that would still give you a natural look there's sun in the bahamas right most of the time do you remember where's uh for sunscreen no i wouldn't have asked if somebody had a skin condition like get on set get with james in franco did you hear that i don't recall did you hear him say at least you [ __ ] liked it no did you hear him say i bet you slipped a tongue in there and you liked it no did you hear him say make references to amber's and asking her for was what your honor lack of foundation harassment did you hear any of that right no not that i don't rule the objections thank you and they feel paranoid yes and they feel frightened yes afraid that everyone's going to believe the perpetrator correct yes and in fact they're afraid they're going to lose their there was another article in 2015 that says quote has johnny depp become hollywood's biggest joke i don't know netflix has a whole festival going now netflix is a joke and you'd agree that there is an article you
Channel: jukedoo
Views: 12,150,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JohnnyDepp, AmberHeard, JusticeForJohnnyDepp, Pirates of the caribbean, funny moments, court
Id: -6-_e1mvrCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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